Wednesday, January 04, 2017

Fwd: Elor Azaria IDF soldier who killed subdued terrorist in Hebron convicted of manslaughter. My comments


Not surprised.

It was obvious the IDF  convicted him before any evidence was presented but the military courts had to go through the motions.  Any decision to exonerate Elor Azaria would have been a slap in the face of commanding officers who already convicted him before any investigation. 

A soldier can not deliberate. He must make split second decisions at the moment. Many soldiers and civilians  would have acted precisely as did Elor Azaria. Many have come to his defense precisely because they can empathize and put themselves in his place. This conviction is political and the source is in order to weaken and demoralize the idf whose soldiers will hesitate now instead of acting without hesitation.  This conviction has now put a nagging question mark as per whether the IDF has their back.  It is a dangerous conviction since soldiers (and their mothers for that matter) will lose their trust in the IDF and those who make decision regarding their lives.

The public must call for the resignation of those officers in the IDF who pushed for manslaughter verdict They should be relieved of their duties since it is obvious that their military decisions is tainted by political considerations rather than security of their soldiers and the people.  

Will it take a tragedy of soldiers and civilians due to failure to effectively respond to reverse this conviction?

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Date: Jan 4, 2017 7:47 AM
Subject: IDF soldier who killed subdued terrorist in Hebron convicted of manslaughter
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Israel Hayom's Newsletter in English January 4, 2017
Newsletter Wednesday January 4, 2017
IDF soldier who killed subdued terrorist in Hebron convicted of manslaughter
Evidence presented at trial of Sgt. Elor Azaria supports manslaughter conviction "beyond any doubt," shooting cannot be seen as justified, court rules • Sentencing scheduled for February, defense to appeal verdict • Some MKs call for a pardon for Azaria.
Uri Heitner | Going against our moral grain
Sgt. Elor Azaria violated military rules and ethics when he shot an unconscious terrorist who posed no threat. But what should really worry us is the public campaign on his behalf.
Yoav Limor | Eizenkot's ethics hang in the balance
The Azaria trial impacts the chief of staff's tenure and the army he is trying to mold, and provides the supposedly obvious answer to the question of where the army's core authority lies.
Dror Eydar | It's all on Azaria's shoulders
Elor Azaria may not be a hero, but he should not be made bear responsibility for the IDF's Code of Ethics, Israel's foreign relations, and the increasingly politicized public discourse.
GOP senators present bill to move US Embassy to Jerusalem
Senators Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio and Dean Heller sponsor "Jerusalem Embassy and Recognition Act" to relocate US Embassy from Tel Aviv • Rubio: Jerusalem is the eternal capital of Israel and is where the American Embassy belongs.
Efforts underway to prevent anti-Israel Quartet resolution
PM Netanyahu warns Israeli ambassadors at Foreign Ministry meeting that upcoming Paris peace conference could lead to Quartet decision, more U.N. resolutions against Israel • Preventing this "needs to be your primary effort in the coming days," he says.
Ariel Bolstein | Fighting BDS in the courts
The weapon of lawfare can pose a threat in the hands of a trained enemy, but it can also provide new opportunities. Now is the time to learn how to take up arms skillfully and wisely.
PM rails at media allegations after 4 cases against him are dismissed
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu: For years, my family and I have been the target of "daily persecution" • He says nothing will come of this, there is nothing to find • PM faces further questioning under caution over alleged receipt of illicit benefits.
Dr. Gabi Avital | The 20-year campaign against Netanyahu
The claims against Netanyahu have nothing to do with the pursuit of justice, but are about the persecution of an individual. The notion of equality before the law has been thrown by the wayside in favor of a well-oiled campaign against democracy.
'Dividing Jerusalem is like asking Solomon to cut the baby in half'
Visiting Israel, former Republican presidential candidate Mike Huckabee harshly criticizes the U.N. Security Council resolution condemning the settlement enterprise, U.S. abstention • The U.N. "embarrassed itself with its recent action," he says.
Border Police officers wounded in suspected terror attack near Jenin
Palestinian moped drivers fail to stop at roadblock, ram into armored vehicle • Police and military investigators are examining whether the attack was criminal or nationalistic • A male and a female officer sustain minor injuries, evacuated to hospital.
Bill to fight online incitement passes first Knesset reading
"Facebook bill" would allow court to order companies such as Facebook, Google to remove seditious content • Justice Minister Ayelet Shaked: Bill sends clear message that we will not tolerate calls to violence, because one word can turn life into death.
Officer in vegetative state since Operation Protective Edge dies
Paratroopers Brigade Maj. Hagai Ben-Ari, shot in the head by a Palestinian sniper during the 2014 campaign in the Gaza Strip, passes away at his home after two and half years in a coma • He is survived by his wife and three children.
Haredi parties to PM: Nix Tel Aviv bylaw 'desecrating' Shabbat
Ultra-Orthodox parties warn that Tel Aviv's proposed bylaw regulating commercial activity on Shabbat is an attack on its sanctity, ask for a cabinet vote that would reject it • Existing bylaw lets vendors get away with a fine, hurting small businesses.
New version of Hitler's 'Mein Kampf' is a German best-seller
Annotated edition of Nazi dictator's notorious manifesto has sold 85,000 copies over past year • New edition, the first to be published in Germany since World War II, includes hundreds of comments in effort to highlight Hitler's propaganda and mistakes.
Cave explorers discover ancient carving of seven-branch menorah
Carving believed to date back to the second century C.E. and to depict the Second Temple menorah • Archaeologist Saar Ganor: It is rare to find a wall carving of a menorah, discovery substantiates research about the Jewish nature of the population then.
2017 national health basket is Israel's largest in a decade
Basket set at $130 million, including $119 million for subsidized medicines • Health minister: Significant increase will help more people • New medicines to treat cancer, Parkinson's, HIV, other diseases • Remaining portion goes to children's dental care.
All rights reserved to Israel Hayom
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Tuesday, January 03, 2017

Avi Abelow interview with Mike Huckabee in Knesset.

BOMBSHELL Kerry Audio on rise of ISIS: 'We Watched It Happen-We Thought We Could Probably Manage' It Jeff Dunetz


Knowing the atrocities the Yezidis endured not to mention the subsequent  upheaval and threat of ISIS to the world, as a result of the fecklessness of the Obama Administration is sickening. 

It only serves to better appreciate the miracle of Trump's victory.  

We dare not forget that the heart of Kings is in the hand of G-d. May we be deserving of G-d's continued  salvation and may the Trump Administration be governed by G-d fearing people! 

Let us praise Hashem for having saved us from more of this evil and let us rejoice for the coming of age where knowledge of G-d will fill the world!

כי מציון תצא תורה ודבר ה׳ מירושלים!
Because from Zion will come forth Torah and the Word of G-d from Yerushalyim!

We dare not forget what we could have elected and not take it for granted that we were miraculously spared!

Fwd: 135 Police killed a 10% increase... Mike Huckabee Newsletter Jan 3 2017

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From: "Mike Huckabee" <>
Date: Jan 3, 2017 8:16 AM
Subject: 135 killed
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The message you have just received was delivered by Mike Huckabee and includes a message from Huck PAC, his political action committee. 


Pundits and statisticians are still combing over 2016 for countless listicles, but here's a sobering fact that shouldn't get lost in the crowd: last year in the United States, 135 police officers were killed in the line of duty. That's a 10% increase from 2015, and the highest number of police fatalities in five years. While many were accidental, the leading cause of officer casualties was being shot to death.

Those who are advancing themselves by fomenting hatred and violence against the police may try to deny any blame, but it's not just the blood of the officers that's on their hands. In emboldening those who would attack police officers and making their job even more dangerous, they've forced some police departments to reduce their presence in heavily minority neighborhoods. That's led to more crimes committed against the residents. Was that really the goal or just a horrific unintended side effect of an ill-conceived movement?


Mike Huckabee


Message from Huck PAC:  

HUCK PAC NEEDS YOUR HELP: Support Mike Huckabee and Huck PAC's efforts to raise support for defunding the United Nations.  Co-sign our petition today!


And in case you missed these:  

The Hits Keep Coming

By Mike Huckabee

And President Obama's executive orders just keep coming. In his latest flurry of last-minute actions, Obama designated several vast areas of land in the West as national monuments to put them off-limits to energy development (this also could cause legal problems for campers, ranchers and other local residents.)

The most controversial is in southwest Utah, where he declared a staggering 1.35 million acres of land to be "Bears Ears National Monument." The state is already planning a lawsuit, and Utah Sen. Mike Lee calls it an outrageous federal land grab and vows to lead the fight to reverse it. Utah Rep. Jason Chaffetz notes that there was already a long-negotiated bipartisan compromise deal in the works to protect Bears Ears. He accused Obama of making a "midnight proclamation" that upended the process. One thing we all should have learned by now is that Obama looks at state governments the same way he looks at Congress: not as separate, sovereign governing bodies with constitutional powers of their own, but as a minor nuisance that can be safely dispensed with by using his pen and phone.

Help Rev. Brunson

By Mike Huckabee

As an apparently ISIS-inspired terrorist was mowing down scores of people in an Istanbul nightclub on New Year's Eve while shouting "Allahu Akbar," a Turkish court was showing an almost surreal concept of "terrorism" by denying the appeal of a North Carolina pastor and longtime missionary, imprisoned on bogus terrorism charges. His real crime appears to be his Christian faith. Over 143,000 people have signed the American Center for Law and Justice's petition to free the Rev. Andrew Brunson. That will now require an iffy appeal to a higher court. The ACLJ hopes that shining an international spotlight on this outrage will help.

Read the full story here and click on the word "statement" to be taken to the petition page and make your voice heard.


Message from Huck PAC:  

HUCK PAC NEEDS YOUR HELP: Support Mike Huckabee and Huck PAC's efforts to raise support for defunding the United Nations.  Co-sign our petition today!


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