Tuesday, January 03, 2017

Fwd: JNF at Oz veGaon & Friday with Rina Ariel. Al HaNisim JNF planted seedlings at Oz VeGaon on Chanukah. Is this a rebirth of JNF? BA"H haRotzeh biTeshuva! Slach Lanu Avinu..

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From: <womeningreen@womeningreen.org>
Date: Jan 3, 2017 8:56 AM
Subject: JNF at Oz veGaon & Friday with Rina Ariel
To: <womeningreen@womeningreen.org>

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1) Friday at Oz veGaon with Rina Ariel

This coming Friday, 7th of Tevet, January 6th at 9:00am, a few days
before the fast of the 10th of Tevet, Rina Ariel, mother of Hallel
Yaffa hy"d, will be speaking at Oz veGaon on the topic: "Making
progress towards the mikdash - from destruction to redemption".

Rina Ariel is a long time activist for the right of Jews to ascend to
Har Habayit. After the murder of her 13 year old daughter, Hallel
Yaffe hy"d, by Arab terrorists who murdered Hallel in her bed at home
in Kiryat Arba Hevron while sleeping, Rina has increased her
activities to promote the topic of Har HaBayit and the building of the

A morning not to be missed.

Lecture is in Hebrew with simultaneous translation to English.

For transportation: Renee Margolis 052-3294194

Yehudit Katsover 0507161818 Nadia Matar 0505500834

2)     The Jewish National Fund at Oz veGaon

There was a special Hanukah celebration last Friday at Oz veGaon. For
the first time, the Jewish National Fund came for an activity at Oz

You could sense the celebratory atmosphere as soon as you entered the
preserve. The JNF flags that were waving in the winter wind with the
warm sun overhead and songs of the Land of Israel in the background
welcomed the hundreds of people who arrived for a day of enjoyable and
meaningful experiences.

Parents and children streamed into the preserve the entire day and
enjoyed the pita baking workshops, the petting corner, the omega (zip
line), pottery making and, of course, inflatable play equipment.

The heads of the JNF Maof program spoke in a small ceremony and
promised to adopt Oz veGaon.

Earlier in the morning there was a festive musical prayer session that
ended with warm, sweet Hanukah sufganiot (donuts). A special Hanukah
lecture was given by Rav Shmuel Dinowitz on the meaning of the holiday
in the synagogue at the preserve, which was filled to capacity with
our loyal Women in Green members who come every week to Oz veGaon.

Towards the afternoon, as is appropriate for the JNF, hundreds of
seedlings were planted throughout the preserve. The mud resulting from
the recent, welcome rains added a special quality to the atmosphere.
There were many visitors, city dwellers who hadn't seen mud since
their childhood. Suddenly they felt that they had returned to the old
Land of Israel and they sensed the important significance of holding
on to the Land of Israel.

Thanks to the JNF for adopting Oz veGaon in its physical and
educational aspects.

Thanks to the local Gush Etsion council, to the field school, to the
Gush Etsion Matnas and to Elyashiv Kimhi, who produced the event with
the help of all of the relevant bodies.

Continue to follow the activity at Oz veGaon and join us!

For photos: http://womeningreen.org/hanukka-event-at-oz-vegaon/

Yehudit Katsover and Nadia Matar

Women For Israel's Tomorrow  (Women in Green)
POB 7352, Jerusalem 91072, Israel
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Monday, January 02, 2017

Bolton to Trump: Cut aid to UN settlement resolution supporters -- The JPost

Fwd: Even Rolling Stone?!? Mike Huckabee New Years 2017 Year to End False News (and the false BDS (leave out D) narrative, basically lies, about the supposed Occupation my comments)

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From: "Mike Huckabee" <newsletter@mikehuckabee.com>
Date: Jan 2, 2017 9:01 AM
Subject: Even Rolling Stone?!?
To: <faigerayzel@gmail.com>


The message you have just received was delivered by Mike Huckabee and includes a message from Huck PAC, his political action committee. 


Is this a sign of the Apocalypse? Matt Taibbi at Rolling Stone examined the FBI report used as justification for Obama's aggressive moves against Russia and came to the same conclusion I did: it's a big nothingburger that doesn't pass the smell test. Imagine a story that liberals desperately want to believe being so slanted and poorly sourced that even Rolling Stone refuses to run it!

Note that that didn't stop the New York Times, which is now officially more partisan and less reliable than Rolling Stone.

Happy Monday and Happy 2017 America!


Mike Huckabee


Message from Huck PAC:  

HUCK PAC NEEDS FINANCIAL HELP: Support conservative Republicans in 2017 and beyond. Help us raise $15,000 by January 31 by chipping in $25 today. 


And in case you missed these:  

Happy New Year!

By Mike Huckabee

Happy New Year and welcome to 2017! And not a minute too soon!

I hope you're not nursing a hangover from last night. But if you are, at least take solace in knowing that the long national binge drunk that was 2016 is blessedly over. Last year saw Americans battered by a politicized media and over a billion dollars in attack ads designed to drive us all further apart and into warring fiefdoms. While far too many Americans remain "bitter clingers," refusing to stop fighting a battle that was over in November, let's hope they'll come to realize how much of that anger and animosity they feel was ginned up by political theater, invented by consultants who profit and gain power from fomenting divisiveness.

For the rest of us who just want to make America great again, that starts with putting the election in the rear view mirror. We need to keep our eyes on the tough road ahead, and not let the profiteers of division distract us from all the things we have in common. Let's hope and pray there are no more disasters, be they natural disasters like hurricanes, tornadoes and earthquakes, or manmade disasters, like the terrorist attacks in Berlin, Nice, San Bernardino and Miami. But let's bear in mind that if disasters come, nobody should care if they're in red states or blue states. Wherever and whenever our fellow Americans are hurting, we all pitch in to help.

Let's make 2017 a year to rediscover the things we have in common, and join hands instead of pointing fingers. Maybe reconnect with those Facebook Friends who unfriended you just because you didn't see eye-to-eye on some political issue. If there's one thing previous New Years have taught us, from the Y2K scare to the Mayan Calendar, it's that despite all the apocalyptic gloom and doom talk, the world didn't come to an end. Life goes on. And life is what you make of it. 2017 could be the greatest year ever if we all agree that come what may, we're going to make it great.

If you can't be that optimistic, then just be happy that 2017 isn't an election year! And here's more good news: the 2020 presidential campaigns won't start gearing up in earnest until at least October.

Fake News x2

By Mike Huckabee

Hillary Clinton was right, we do need to be wary of "fake news" from dodgy sources, like…CNN. But at least now we know there will be real consequences for spreading fake news. But only if you work for Donald Trump and not…CNN.

Read more.

More fake news from CNN. Maybe they need to get a more reliable source than the Obama White House. Just to be clear, the direct quote from the White House ("Russia's cyber activities were intended to influence the election, erode faith in US democratic institutions, sow doubt about the integrity of our electoral process, and undermine confidence in the institutions of the U.S. government") is NOT the "fake news" referred to in this story, although it is completely unsubstantiated by the FBI report released this week.

Read more.


Message from Huck PAC:  

HUCK PAC NEEDS FINANCIAL HELP: Support conservative Republicans in 2017 and beyond. Help us raise $15,000 by January 31 by chipping in $25 today.


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Thursday, December 29, 2016

Fwd: Legal Consequences of THE ABANDONMENT OF JUDEA AND SAMARIA by the Govt of Israel? Other Jews are then within their Constitutional rights based on Law of Return, to establish an Independant State of Judea and Samaria. By Howard Grief ob"m

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From: "Paul Eidelberg" <foundation612.12@gmail.com>
Date: Dec 29, 2016 11:18 PM
To: "kedar tour" <kedar.tour@gmail.com>





by Howard Grief


May 24, 2010

The core thesis of my book, The Legal Foundation and Borders of Israel under International Law, is that de jure sovereignty over all of Eretz-Israel was vested in the Jewish People, i.e., world Jewry, as a result of the adoption of the San Remo Resolution of April 25,1920 by the Principal Allied Powers of World War I (Britain, France, Italy and Japan), a coalition of nations that defeated and dismembered the Ottoman Turkish Empire and then allotted those lands to various national beneficiaries.

In 1920, there was of course no State of Israel, but the Zionist Organization (now called the World Zionist Organization) represented the national aspirations of the Jewish People to bring about a future independent Jewish State. In 1929, a second representative body was formed: the Jewish Agency for Palestine (now: the Jewish Agency for Israel) — in accordance with Article 4 of the Mandate for Palestine. It was these two Jewish-Zionist bodies that were instrumental in the eventual rebirth of the Jewish State of Israel, that officially came into existence on May 15,1948. In point of law, de jure sovereignty over the land of the Jews was devolved or transferred from the Jewish People via the Zionist Organization and the Jewish Agency to the State of Israel as of that date. However, the devolution of sovereignty was exercisable — in a de facto sense — only over those areas of the Land of Israel that were at that time in the actual physical possession of the State of Israel, while other integral areas of the Jewish National Home remained under illegal Arab control in 1948.

The situation was drastically changed by the Six-Day War of June 5-10, 1967 when eastern Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria, Gaza, the Golan Heights and Sinai were all liberated from foreign Arab occupation by the Israel Defense Forces. The astounding Israeli victory in the war was, however, accompanied by a legal farce perpetrated by the legal advisers of the Eshkol National Unity Government, chief among whom was the then-Military Advocate-General Meir Shamgar, the future Attorney General and President of the Israel Supreme Court. Instead of applying Israeli law to the liberated territories, as required by the then-existing Israeli constitutional law, the Eshkol Government — acting on Shamgar's misguided advice — shortsightedly and unconstitutionally applied international law (i.e., the laws of war, embodied in the Hague Regulations of 1907 and the Fourth Geneva Convention of 1949), thus creating the harmful world-wide impression that Israel was henceforth an Occupying Power of "foreign lands" belonging to Arab states. That is the only reason why Judea, Samaria and Gaza came thereafter to be called "occupied territories", both inside Israel and abroad, a misnomer that persists universally today, even among Israel's friends and institutions, such as the Israeli Supreme Court.

Under Israeli constitutional law that existed at the outset of the Six-Day War, the government of Israel was legally obliged to apply the law of the State of Israel — and not international law — to the liberated territories. This obligation was inherent in the 1948 law known as the Area of Jurisdiction and Powers Ordinance and the two Proclamations issued under its provisions, namely, the Jerusalem Proclamation of August 2, 1948 and the all-embracing and open-ended Land of Israel Proclamation of September 2, 1948. These enactments had one purpose only: to extend the area of the Jewish State beyond its narrow borders as recommended in the UN General Assembly Partition Resolution of November 29, 1947 in order to embrace and incorporate into the State all other areas of the Land of Israel in Arab hands that had been re-possessed by the Israel Defense Forces. To achieve precisely that, it was in fact this law and the two proclamations that were invoked in 1948 by Prime Minister and Defense Minister David Ben-Gurion. This legal mechanism paved the way for cities such as Nahariya, Nazareth, Ramle, Lod, Beersheba, Ashdod (Isdud), Ashkelon (Majdal) and other places that were not yet part of the State of Israel on May 15, 1948 — to be brought within its boundaries. It may surprise many to know that the 1948 Ordinance and the Land of Israel Proclamation are still very much in force, and can even be invoked again, without new Knesset legislation, if the Government of Israel so desires, in order to incorporate Judea, Samaria and Gaza into the State of Israel.

The pressing question that arises at this point is what would happen if, instead of incorporation or annexation, the Israeli Government decides to abandon or cede Judea, Samaria to the Arabs as indicated by the Road Map Peace Plan and the Two-State Solution. In this respect it should be noted that what was done to the Jewish inhabitants of the Gaza district and northern Samaria was a violation of the 1950 Law of Return, an infringement that the Supreme Court ignored in its decision approving the legality of the Disengagement Implementation Law of 2005. The discussion here will therefore be limited to the fate of Judea and Samaria.

The sovereignty now vested in the State of Israel over Judea and Samaria, but which is inexplicably neither asserted nor even recognized by the Israeli Government, can, in my opinion, be exercised by the 300,000 or more Jewish residents of Judea and Samaria in the event and only in the event that the Government of Israel withdraws completely from this territory and leaves it once again to the mercies of Arab terrorists. As a matter of law, it should always be remembered that the State of Israel acts only in the role and capacity of agent and assignee of the Jewish People, and simply has no legal authority to renounce the right or rights that legally belong eternally to the Jewish People as a whole, not only of this generation but also of all future generations, as Ben-Gurion noted at Basel in 1937. Thus if the State acts contrary to its power as agent and assignee of the Jewish People who are directly and adversely affected by its renunciation of the right of sovereignty over Judea and Samaria and its transfer of de facto control over the land to an Arab entity, i.e., to the "Palestinian Authority" or the "Palestine Liberation Organization", then the right of sovereignty reverts back to the Jewish People, the original and implied sovereign of Palestine under the San Remo Resolution, and as a result other representatives of the Jewish People can legally act in its place and stead. This applies particularly to the Jews of Judea and Samaria who are part and parcel of the Jewish People in whom sovereignty over all areas of Eretz-Israel ultimately vests, who presently implement Israel's de facto sovereignty over Judea and Samaria and who would suffer great injury by any decision of the Government of Israel to cede Judea and Samaria to foreigners.

The Jews of Judea and Samaria would, in fact and in law, be well within their constitutional rights to remain living in those territories under the most significant law of the State of Israel, the Law of Return, that enshrines in its provisions the two-thousand-year-old Jewish Right of Return and, assuming Government abandonment, to take the necessary steps to govern themselves in an independent State of Judea and Samaria.


The late Howard Grief was an eminent international lawyer and author of "The Legal Foundation and Borders of Israel under International Law."