Monday, November 14, 2016

Fwd: Trump reviewing Obamacare by Mike Huckabee


Mike Huckabee as always has refreshing commentary. This time he educates us as per the extent of the Republican Victory and heeds us not to give too much credence to critics who try to find any excuse to prove that Trump will renege on his Campaign promises.

Obamacare as every bad deal may have positive elements, albeit few and far between, and someone with an open and critical mind will be able to discern the bad from the good. The same with very good deals. There may be elements that need to be finetuned. The important thing is not to be overly rigid in any deal, be flexible without losing sight of the overall pic which is to benefit society and to do good. For that you need to be surrounded by G-d fearing people and Mike Huckabee fits the bill!

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From: "Mike Huckabee" <>
Date: Nov 14, 2016 8:15 AM
Subject: Trump reviewing Obamacare
To: <>

The message you have just received was delivered by Mike Huckabee and includes a message from Huck PAC, his political action committee. 


As Republicans are celebrating Tuesday's elections and Democrats are fuming and protesting, only a few pundits have pointed out the obvious: the results leave the Democratic Party in its weakest position since the 1920s. Liberal academics assured us that demographics will inevitably send the GOP into the tar pit of history as youth move America ever-leftward. Instead, Republicans will now control the entire executive and legislative branches, they're about to secure a conservative balance in the Supreme Court, they hold the governorships or state legislatures in over 3/5ths of the states, and they control the entire governments of 23 states, compared to 7 controlled by Democrats.

That doesn't just mean bad news for the Democratic Party today, it also means they don't have much of a farm team for breeding future national leaders. Someone pointed out that with Obama on the way out, the top remaining leaders of the party of youth, change and diversity are Bill and Hillary Clinton, Joe Biden, Nancy Pelosi, John Kerry, Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders: all wealthy white people in their late 60s to mid-70s.

Luckily for the party, someone is stepping up to bring in fresh blood. Howard Dean announced that he plans to run once again for chairman of the DNC, to focus the party on "tech rehab" (I hope that means learning how to use email) and outreach to the young. Considering that Dean is 67, by Democratic Party standards, he's a regular spring chicken.


Mike Huckabee


Message from Huck PAC:  

HUCK PAC NEEDS FINANCIAL HELP: Support conservative Republicans in 2017 and beyond.


And in case you missed these:  

A referendum on Obama

By Mike Huckabee

Democrats keep defending President Obama's abysmal record by saying, "Well, I think he's been a darned good President!" This always gets a big round of applause on late night talk shows. I have to assume the audience is filled with Republicans, because those are the only Americans Obama has been good for, if you look at these latest electoral maps.

Some of the votes are still being counted, but it now seems safe to say that after eight years of Obama and his followers imposing their "Progressive" left-wing agenda against the will of the people, Democratic office holders are about as rare as penguins in Tahiti.

In an election that was supposed to be a debacle for the GOP, the party not only held the House and Senate and took the White House, Republicans flipped three state legislative chambers, including Kentucky, filling the last hole in the solid red South. They held their supermajority in North Carolina, increased their majority in Wisconsin, and even achieved an 18-18 tie in the state Senate of deep blue Connecticut. Despite some isolated victories for Democrats, there are now only four states (California, Hawaii, Rhode Island and Oregon) where Democrats control both the legislature and the governorship. Twenty-five states are solidly Republican.

To crib from Mark Twain, reports of the death of the GOP are greatly exaggerated. See all the maps and details here:

Learn more.

Trump Reviewing Obamacare

By Mike Huckabee

Donald Trump hasn't even taken office yet, and already, critics on both sides are accusing him of flip-flopping on his promise to repeal and replace Obamacare. That's because he told the Wall Street Journal that he might be open to keeping the two most popular provisions: letting people with preexisting conditions get health insurance and letting young people stay on their parents' policies until they're 26. But note: he didn't say he would definitely do that. He merely said that President Obama had asked him to keep those provisions, and "I told him I will look at his suggestions, and out of respect, I will do that."

Before everyone pops a gasket, let's remember how this all started. One of the major reasons given for America needing health care reform was that people with debilitating chronic health problems couldn't afford insurance and were being driven into bankruptcy. Since the vast majority of Americans were happy with their plans, Congress should have focused on a targeted solution, possibly a subsidized insurance pool for those most in need. Unfortunately, this was one of those "crises liberals couldn't let go to waste," so they used it as a pretext for a massive, government-expanding power grab over the insurance and medical care sectors that cost everyone their plans and doctors, despite the promise that if you liked them, you could keep them. It's also now costing people more than their mortgages just to pay the monthly premiums.

As for letting people stay on their parents' plans until they're 26, that mostly affects young people who wouldn't buy insurance anyway because they're very healthy, underemployed and paying off student loans. It provides them some security at virtually no cost to insurers, so why not consider keeping it as an option in whatever replaces Obamacare?

Matt Vespa at offers some calming background on why Trump said this and why it doesn't mean he's backing down on his promise. Besides, with a Republican Congress that's already been trying to repeal and replace Obamacare for years, only to have Obama block their efforts over and over, it's not as if he'll have to lift a finger to do it, other than to pick up a pen and sign his name.


Message from Huck PAC:  

HUCK PAC NEEDS FINANCIAL HELP: Support conservative Republicans in 2017 and beyond.


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Fwd: From Israel: Arlene Kushner Another Great Post Election Post!

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From: "Arlene Kushner" <>
Date: Nov 14, 2016 11:18 AM
Subject: From Israel: Unsettled
To: "A Kushner" <>

November 14, 2016
"Unsettled" is probably a major understatement with regard to what's going on, here and in the US.  Doesn't mean all bad.  Not at all – it's a mix with a great deal that is exceedingly promising. 
But before I address that mix, just one great news item:
"The United Nation's World Health Organization recognized the Israeli army's field hospital, which is regularly sent abroad to provide aid at natural disaster sites, as 'the number one in the world' in a ceremony last week, classifying it as its first and only 'Type 3' field hospital, according to its commander, Lt. Col. (res.) Dr. Ofer Merin...
"The military's field hospital is 'not just some medics and doctors spread out in the field'; rather it is a 'national treasure' that has the capabilities of an advanced, permanent hospital but can be set up almost anywhere in under 12 hours, Merin told The Times of Israel last month.
"This Type 3 classification ensures that Israeli teams will continue to be the first allowed on the scene of future disasters and further cements Israel's position as a world leader in emergency medicine."
Credit: Israel21c
I had promised, after focusing exclusively on the US election for some very tense days, that I would return to news about Israel.  But in reality Israel is very focused on president-elect Trump, with regard to all of the implications for us with the coming change in administration. And, so, what I want to do here is consider some of those implications. 
No one can state precisely what Trump's position vis-à-vis Israel will be after inauguration.  I certainly would not be terribly surprised if some of the things spoken about during the campaign never came to be – that is always the case, I fear. Things look different in the White House from how they looked on the campaign trail. But, that said, we still have a good sense of how the Trump presidency is likely to impinge upon Israel.  And it is so promising that we have to shake our heads to be certain this is real.  It's a sea change coming. 
JPost political commentator Gil Hoffman on Friday quoted Prime Minister Netanyahu, who had been heard to say several times over the years:
"I want to know what it's like for just one day to have a president who has my back."
Well, he's about to find out.  And this president is going to have his back for a whole lot more than one day.
Credit: Middleeasteye
An overview:
[] The day after Trump was elected he called Netanyahu and invited him to come to the White House at the "first opportunity."
[] Two days later, Trump delivered a message to Israel, calling our country a "ray of hope."
"I love and respect Israel and its citizens...I look forward to strengthening the unbreakable bond between our two great peoples."
[] One day after this, Sara Netanyahu and first lady-elect Melania Trump had their own phone conversation.  Melania told Sara that relations between the US and Israel, and between their two families, "will be wonderful."
[] We still have to see it really happens, but many Trump aides – I'm aware of one exception - are insisting that while other presidents made the promise and didn't mean it, Trump fully intends to honor his promise to move the American Embassy to Jerusalem. 
The PA is taking this seriously:
"If President-elect Donald Trump follows through on his promise to move the U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem, the Palestinian Arabs will 'make life miserable' for the United States at the United Nations, the Palestinian Authority's ambassador to the United Nations is threatening."
My sense of the matter is that Trump is not the type to take kindly to threats.
[] Pinchas Inbari, writing for JCPA, said that:
"Palestinian Foreign Minister Riyad al-Malki, the architect of the diplomatic blitz against Israel, was the first to comment on the meaning of Trump's election. In the first Palestinian public remark on the election, Malki said that he 'was concerned' because Trump represented an absolute supporter of Israel. With Trump's election, he warned, global stability is threatened." (Emphasis added)
[] Elder of Ziyon shared a picture taken in the Arab Souk (the open air market in Jerusalem) that shows T-shirts – manufactured before the election - for sale.  Trump is represented as a Chasid. This is how the Arabs are seeing him:
Credit: ElderofZiyon 
[] According to Eric Trager of the Washington Institute, Trump adviser Walid Phares is saying that President Elect Donald Trump intends to designate Hamas's parent group, the Muslim Brotherhood, a terror organization.
Talk about a sea change!  Obama's first address as president was delivered in Cairo, and the Brotherhood was invited.  But then, Obama's first phone call on becoming president was to Abbas.
Key Trump advisor on Israel Jason Greenblatt says that the president-elect does not see settlements as an obstacle to peace.
"He thinks that Israel is in a very tough situation and needs to defend itself," he continued. "He is not going to impose any solution on Israel, he thinks that the peace has to come from the parties themselves."
Credit: inspireconversation
According to a scoop by POLITICO, the Trump team has warned Obama not to make any major moves on foreign policy. 
"On big, transformative issues where President Obama and President-elect Trump are not in alignment, I don't think it's in keeping with the spirit of the transition ... to try to push through agenda items that are contrary to the president-elect's positions," a Trump national security adviser told POLITICO on Thursday. "It's not going to be just counterproductive, but it will also send mixed messages."
THE big transformative issue would be Obama allowing an anti-Israel vote in the Security Council to go through without vetoing it – recognizing a Palestinian state, or setting parameters for a deal.  It remains something of considerable concern here.
And then there are Trump's advisors, pro-Israel people who are likely to have roles in his government.  Notably:
Newt Gingrich, historian, former Speaker of the House, who, as Caroline Glick reminds us, in the course of a debate in 2011, referred to the Palestinians as an "invented people."  He never retracted this.  I've long admired him as one of the sharpest minds in politics, someone who really gets it.  He never shied from speaking about the dangers of radical Islam.
Credit: Wikimedia
John Bolton, lawyer, former ambassador to the UN. While at the State Department he led the fight to rescind the "Zionism is Racism" resolution at the UN.  Tough, no nonsense.
Credit: Wikipedia
Rudy Guiliani, lawyer, former mayor of NYC, international security consultant. He's been my hero since he told off Saudi Arabia after 9/11.  Another tough, clear-eyed thinker.
Credit: beeffco
I had hoped to segue at this point into political news about Israel: there is some major stuff happening. But I will table that discussion for the next posting (which will come soon), because there is something pressing that cries out to be addressed.
I am referring to the rioting that is taking place in various cities across America in protest against the election of Donald Trump.  It is beyond vile, it is obscene: un-American and undemocratic.  Everyone knows about the fact of these riots, but it's important to place them in a broader context lest this be seen erroneously as a spontaneous "uprising."
Know this for certain: It is not spontaneous.  It is of a piece with the radical agitation that took place with Black Lives Matter – a racist, anti-Semitic group – and it is funded by Soros, via his (as he funded Black Lives Matter:
"Billionaire globalist financier George Soros's has been revealed to be a driving force behind the organizing of nationwide protests against the election of Donald Trump — exposing the protests to largely be an organized, top-down operation — and not an organic movement of concerned Americans taking to the streets as reported by the mainstream media."  (Emphasis added)
On November 9, put out a press release that included the following:
"Tonight thousands of Americans will come together at hundreds of peaceful gatherings...following the results of Tuesday's elections.  The gatherings – organized by and allies – will affirm a continued rejection of Donald Trump...and demonstrate our resolve to fight together for the America we believe in."
This then, is a call to fight to overturn the results of an election.  Of course, in the end the gatherings have been anything but peaceful.  They have become an obscenity and bring shame upon America. 
American flags have been burned.
Credit: Tumblr
There are calls for the new first lady to be raped.

Tonight, thousands of Americans will come together at hundreds of peaceful gatherings in cities and towns across the nation, including outside the White House, following the results of Tuesday's presidential election.

The gatherings – organized by and allies – will affirm a continued rejection of Donald Trump's bigotry, xenophobia, Islamophobia, and misogyny and demonstrate our resolve to fight together for the America we still believe is possible.

Within two hours of the call-to-action, MoveOn members had created more than 200 gatherings nationwide, with the number continuing to grow on Wednesday afternoon.


Tonight, thousands of Americans will come together at hundreds of peaceful gatherings in cities and towns across the nation, including outside the White House, following the results of Tuesday's presidential election.

The gatherings – organized by and allies – will affirm a continued rejection of Donald Trump's bigotry, xenophobia, Islamophobia, and misogyny and demonstrate our resolve to fight together for the America we still believe is possible.

Within two hours of the call-to-action, MoveOn members had created more than 200 gatherings nationwide, with the number continuing to grow on Wednesday afternoon.


Tonight, thousands of Americans will come together at hundreds of peaceful gatherings in cities and towns across the nation, including outside the White House, following the results of Tuesday's presidential election.

The gatherings – organized by and allies – will affirm a continued rejection of Donald Trump's bigotry, xenophobia, Islamophobia, and misogyny and demonstrate our resolve to fight together for the America we still believe is possible.

Within two hours of the call-to-action, MoveOn members had created more than 200 gatherings nationwide, with the number continuing to grow on Wednesday afternoon.

Credit: twitter 
Trump supporters have been beaten up.
Sick. And sickening.  The goal here, rest assured, is not making America strong.
There is indication that paid "demonstrators" were bused into key regions.  In a commentary on this situation, Bob Livingston talks about the "useful idiots" who are brought out by the agitators: 
"vacuous individuals dumbed down to an almost nonfunctional state from years of programming by the American (non)education system and government propaganda. Many of them, if television interviews are any indication, did not even vote. They assumed what they heard from mainstream propaganda media and social media and from Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama that a Hillary win was assured...
"Among the complaints being voiced by the so-called #notmypresident mobsters is that Trump is not the legitimate president-elect because he did not receive the majority of the popular vote...

"But whether Trump ends up with the lead in the popular vote is irrelevant as he won the electoral vote. America is a republic, not a democracy, a fact lost on the empty heads wandering about chanting anti-Trump slogans into their phones to broadcast over social media and when the television cameras light up.

"The ignorance...and cognitive dissonance being demonstrated by these 'useful idiots' is profound, but should not be surprising given the recent news coming out of college campuses regarding millennial snowflakes and their quest for 'safe spaces' free of 'hate speech' and contrary opinion and their efforts to create a society where gender dysphoria [profound unease and dissatisfaction] is the norm. This is the direct result of decades of mollycoddling in schools and society.

"The public (non)education system, rather than teaching the three 'Rs' and allowing students to stand or fall on their own work, has long taught a 'value-based' curriculum in which students were constantly pampered and enabled...

"The result is those students are now physical adults but emotional toddlers..."  (All emphasis here is in the original.)


Bill O'Reilly expresses a similar sentiment in this short video, in which he speaks about progressive, permissive government that does not take a stand when it should.  Violent protestors who should be arrested will not be. (You perhaps need to see the behavior of the rioters in this video to understand what he is talking about.)


This needs to be a turning point for America, with a great deal of soul searching to be done.

And in this crisis, which represents a challenge to democratic process, I point a finger directly at Hillary Clinton, who has remained silent.  Her silence is understood by the "demonstrators" as meaning she condones their actions. As she full well recognizes.

During one of the campaign debates, Trump was asked whether he would accept the results of the election.  Speaking about the possibility of fraud, he answered that everyone would have to wait and see.  Perhaps not the best answer, but this is what he said. 

Hillary milked it for all it was worth.  Here is what she said (my emphasis added):

"By doing this, he is threatening democracy.  The peaceful transition of power is one of the things that sets us apart."

But thousands riot in the streets because they want her to be president instead of Trump, and she says not a word to them about peaceful transition, which sets the nation apart.

I would say that she should do soul searching on this matter, but it would be a waste of energy.


I want to compare this to how Trump has behaved.  He has been accused of being in bed with racists on the far right, including the Ku Klux Klan. But he disavowed them clearly and publicly:

"Donald Trump issued a crystal clear disavowal Thursday [March 3] of former Ku Klux Klan Grand Wizard David Duke after stumbling last weekend over a question about the hate group leader on CNN.

"'David Duke is a bad person, who I disavowed on numerous occasions over the years,' Trump said on MSNBC's 'Morning Joe.'
"'I disavowed him. I disavowed the KKK,' Trump added. 'Do you want me to do it again for the 12th time? I disavowed him in the past, I disavow him now.'"

"In his first post-election interview, President-elect Donald Trump told his supporters who have engaged in racist and bigoted attacks in the days following Tuesday's election to 'stop it,' saying that he wasn't aware of the incidents and claiming it was 'a very small amount.'

"'I am so saddened to hear that,' Trump said on CBS's '60 Minutes,' which aired Sunday. 'And I say, "Stop it." If it helps, I will say this, and I will say right to the camera: "Stop it."'"

"Do not do this in my name," Hillary should have told the rioters. "Stop it now. If you were to succeed in driving Trump out, I would not take the presidency.  This is not how America works."


Hillary Clinton has inadvertently given us a clear picture of who she is.  And another reason to be very grateful she did not win the election.


A final word, a post script of sorts: There are charges that Trump's people, or some of them, are anti-Semitic.  This is something to always be alert to, but though I am watching and checking (I am not closing my eyes), I have not found anything that convinces me of this.  At the moment the charges concern Steve Bannon, whom Trump has selected as an advisor. 

With regard to Hillary, however, it has been easy to find anti-Semitic connections:

For example concerning the Blumenthals, with whom Hillary has had a close friendship:


Leonard Cohen, z"l, song writer and performer, has passed away.  He was much loved in Israel and performed here multiple times, including for the troops during the Yom Kippur war.  His songs were frequently based on Jewish themes, and so I end here with a link to five of these songs:

Credit: myChordBook


© Arlene Kushner. This material is produced by Arlene Kushner, functioning as an independent journalist. Permission is granted for it to be reproduced only with proper attribution.   

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Sunday, November 13, 2016

VICTORY!!!! Amona ‘Regulation Law’ Passed Unanimously by Ministerial Committee for Legislation The 'Regulation Law' now goes to the Knesset for consideration after passing the government coalition.


May we go from Strength to Strength!  May this law now pass in the Knesset....all three readings!

Following Trump's Victory, where a miraculous win against so many evil forces, not the least of which was a corrupt Judiciary who were making decisions based on the politics of ruling elites was finally put into check, the same is happening in Eretz Yisroel. 

The Israeli Supreme Court was making decisions based on an anti Settler bias, with judges who have an anti Settler bias, as per the influence of Leftist NGO's receiving money from sources who are the enemies of Israel. 

Yasher Koach to Israel Justice Minister Ayelet Shaked!  Yasher Koach to all the activists who fought for this so hard!

The law would retroactively legalize the status of Jewish communities in Judea and Samaria, and would prevent the demolition of the town of Amona. It would also stop the destruction of nine homes in the town of Ofra.

The proposed bill was sponsored by Likud Knesset member Yoav Kish, along with two Bayit Yehudi Knesset members, Shuli Muaelem Refaeli and Bezalel Smotrich.

Justice Minister Ayelet Shaked praised the decision. This government will normalize the settlements in Judea and Samaria, even against efforts by the far-left to engage in 'lawfare'. The way to influence [policy] on the settlement map of Judea and Samaria is through elections, not through the improper means utilize by these groups today," she said.

To the People of Amona... Let us praise Hashem for this victory consistent with the Torah Portion of this past Shabbat, Parshas Lech Lecha where Hashem Promises the Land to Avraham Avinu and his descendents in Alon Moreh. 

6 Abram traveled through the land as far as the location of ShechemHe stopped there because he perceived prophetically that his great-grandchildren would wage war in the future against the inhabitants of this city,6 and he prayed for their success. He had come as far as the Plain of Moreh, where Shechem was located, between Mount Gerizim and Mount Eival. God informed him that it would be at this place that his descendants would confirm their acceptance of the Torah upon entering the Land.7 The Canaanites were then in the land, gradually conquering it from the descendants of Shem.

7 God appeared to Abram and said, "Even though, as you see, I am allowing the Canaanites to possess this land for the time being, I willeventually give this land to your offspring, thus returning it to the descendants of Shem, its rightful owners."8 God here promised Abraham and his descendants national ownership of the Land of Israel. So Abram built an altar there and offered up a sacrifice to God, who appeared to him and promised him offspring and the repossession of the Land of IsraelAbram harbored no doubts as to the fulfillment of God's promise.

so Let us sing Hallel for today's victory. May we go from strength to stremgth.  

Ma ashiv- How Can I Repay-(Psalm 116:12-19) 
 תהילים קטז: יב-יט מָה-אָשִׁיב לַיהוָה


Robin Ticker

Israel Advocacy Calendar (
Activist emails sent to my list  are L'Ilui Nishmat Yisrael ben David Aryeh ob"m (Izzy - Kaplan) and Howard Chaim Grief great activists and lovers of Eretz Yisroel, Am Yisroel and the Torah. Yehi Zichronum Baruch.  May their memories serve as a blessing. 

Most of these emails are posted on 

Personal emails to individuals will not be posted to my blog. 

DON’T PUT OFF THE VOTE re AMONA! Jerusalem is easily visible from Amona and needs to stay in Israel's hands.


Lichvod Members of Knesset:

This weeks Parsha לך לך we just read of

Hashems Promise to אברהם אבינו in אלון מורה to give us the land. Will you a Knesset Member vote to affirm G-ds Promise?


Thank you!

'I am a Muslim - and I voted for Trump' - Arutz Sheva