Wednesday, March 25, 2015

!!! Press Conference.Friday, March 27, 12 Noon. in front of offices of Senators Schumer and Gillibrand 3rd Ave between E. 48th St and E. 49th Street Manhattan. KEEP IRAN NUKE-FREE RALLY


Please join the growing list of individuals and  organizations who are rallying around this Press Conference in Solidarity to keep IRAN Nuke Free!  

Anachnu Imachem.  Let us let the People of Israel know, we are with you!  We are One People!  Our children will ask us what did we do to prevent a Nuclear Holocaust? 

From Lynne and Nessim Tammam

Dear All,

The IRAN NUCLEAR AGREEMENT REVIEW ACT OF 2015 (the Corker-Menendez Bill) is expected to come to a vote, possibly this week.   Our Senators Schumer and Gillibrand, despite their public statements to Jewish groups claiming their commitment to Israel, have been silent about whether or not they intend to vote for the override of  Obama's expected veto of the Iran Nuclear Agreement Review Act.   This legislation will delay the lifting of sanctions against Iran and block the implementation of any agreement between Iran and the Administration until after a period of Congressional review takes place.   

The initial vote is expected to have taken have taken place by then and the pressure will be on to secure the rest of the votes needed for an override.  
Both senators are expected to be at 780 Third Avenue that day.   The purpose of our being there is to let them know that their constituents want them to commit to overriding Obama's veto of this critical legislation.
For many of us, Friday is an extremely difficult day, but THIS is the day when BOTH Senators are in the building.  March 27 is the day when we can make our voices heard. 

Everyone is encouraged to attend so that we create as large a presence as possible at the press conference.   Tremendous forces are working against Israel at this moment.   We cannot afford to remain silent in the face of Israel's most dire threat.  As Benjamin Netanyu has said, "For the U.S., this is a matter of national security.   For Israel, this a matter of survival."    Schumer and Gillibrand need to know we, their constituents, expect them to represent us and prevent Iran from having the means to develop nuclear weapons.  Hoping to see you there,

But if you can or can not attend, please make some phone calls!

 For those in New York, call Senator Schumer at 202-224-6542 (or 212-486-4430).

                                                                                      E-mail him by going to
                                                                                      Fax a letter to: 202-228-3027
For those in New York, call Senator Gillibrand at 202-224-4451 (or 212-688-6262).  
                                                                                      E-mail her by going to
                                                                                      Fax a letter to: 202-228-0282  
For those in New Jersey, call Senator Cory Booker at:
                                                                                  202-224-3224 (or 973- 639- 8700)                                                                         
                                                                                  E-mail him by going to
                                                                                  Fax a letter to: 202-224-8378
For those in Pennsylvaniacall Senator Bob Casey:  Call 202-224-6324 (or 215-405-9660)
                                                                                              Fax a letter to: 202-228-0604

Lynne and Nessim  Chairpersons, Yom Hashoah Mobilization Committee

ZOA National Pres. Mort Klein will Speak at Press Conference

NEW YORK - March 24, 2015 -- The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) urges everyone to attend an important press conference and KEEP IRAN NUKE-FREE Rally this Friday, March 27, at 12:00 noon, at 780 Third Avenue (between 48th & 49th Streets) in Manhattan.

This is a critical time to make our voices heard.  There are two important pending Senate bills now, aimed at stopping Iran from obtaining nuclear weapons.   Pres. Obama has threatened to veto this critically needed legislation.

Friday's press conference and rally will take place in front of the Manhattan offices of New York Senators Schumer and Gillibrand, to urge these key Senators to commit to overriding Pres. Obama's expected veto of these important pending bills.


The Bipartisan Nuclear Weapon Free Iran Act of 2015, sponsored by Senators Kirk and Menendez, imposes new sanctions on Iran if international negotiators fail to reach a deal by June 30 on Tehran's nuclear program.  Fourteen Senators, including Senator Schumer co-sponsored the bill.  We need commitments to push the bill through and to override a veto.


The Bipartisan Iran Nuclear Agreement Review Act of 2015, sponsored by Senators Corker, Menendez, Graham and Kaine, mandates that the president must submit the text of any agreement with Iran to Congress; prohibits the administration from suspending congressional sanctions for 60 days, during which Congress would hold hearings and review the agreement; provides for Congressional oversight; and requires assessments and certifications of Iranian compliance.  The Act would help Congress to play its critical and historic role of reviewing international agreements.  More information about the Iran Nuclear Agreement Review Act of 2015 can be found here.


The press conference and rally are co-sponsored by the ZOA and other concerned organizations.  (The list of co-sponsors keeps growing; a complete list is not yet available.)


Speakers at the press conference will include CUNY Trustee, former top government official and activist Jeffrey Wiesenfeld and ZOA National President Morton A. Klein, and more to be announced.


Please come to this vital press conference and rally, and spread the word and urge everyone you know to attend!

From Americans for a Safe Israel

Flier Keep Iran Nuke Free flier

posted on 3/24/2015 3:42:39 AM
We will be rallying in front of Senators Chuck Schumer's and Kirsten Gillibrand's offices at the on Friday on Third Avenue in Manhattan.

In short order, Congress will pass a bill authorizing the requirement that Congress approve any agreement Obama signs with the Iranian leadership to purportedly regulate Iran's nuclear weapons development and capability. This bill is known as the Corker-Menendez Bill, the Iran Nuclear Agreement Review Act. 

As Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu so eloquently and convincingly stated in his recent speech to Congress, the upcoming agreement between Obama and the Ayatollahs is "a very bad deal." More and more Democrats - not just Republicans - are realizing the danger this deal poses to Israel, the Middle East, the US and THE ENTIRE WORLD!

The nuclear deal is expected to be reached by the end of March, and the Corker-Menendez Bill will be put to a vote and pass WITH BI-PARTISAN SUPPORT, sometime in April. Obama has indicated that he will veto the bill.

Congress must override Obama's veto, and it is our obligation to do everything in our power to ensure this happens.


Senators Schumer's and Gillenbrand's votes are key to overriding the veto. Both, despite their public statements to Jewish groups claiming their commitment to Israel, have been silent about whether or not they intend to vote for the override of  Obama's expected veto of the Iran Nuclear Agreement Review Act.

Both Senators are anticipated to be in their offices in NYC this Friday. We will gather in front of their offices at 780 Third Avenue, NYC to remind them of their obligation to vote to override Obama's veto to keep America and her only ally and friend in the Middle East, Israel, safe.

This is an American issue and history will judge our Congress accordingly.


We extend this call to all individuals and organizations who care about the future of the United States and Israel to join us at this rally. 


Friday, March 27, 12:00 PM
780 Third Avenue, Manhattan (between 48-49 streets)

For further information, please contact the AFSI office at 212-828-2424, or at

Partial list of sponsoring organizations :
Americans for a Safe Israel/AFSI 
Israeli Center for Holocaust Survivors and the Second Generation/
Middle East Research Center Ltd./
Strength to Strength, 
JCC Watch 
Zionist Organization of America, 
Endowment for Middle East Truth
Stop the Klinghoffer Opera Coalition's organizers

Endowment for Middle East Truth

Dear Friends, amv"sh

Is Obama a threat to the world no different than Hitler Yemach Shemo?   It's too scary to contemplate but one can not deny that he is empowering evil forces like the Muslim Brotherhood and Iran who embrace Nazi ideology ... Robin

Daylight: The Story of Obama and Israel


Obama demands that Israel "Ends the Occupation that began in 1967...."

Israel's Occupation of the Jewish Homeland began thousands of years ago....Just read the Bible....

In 1967 Israel won back all these territories after being attacked on all fronts.  Should America return territories conquered from the Native Americans?

Compare Obama's antagonism towards Israel with David Cameron. Thank you Leonard Weiss for sending.  Yes, I agree,  David Cameron is a real mentsch! May G-d Bless those who Bless Israel! 

fyi David Cameron's speech to CST (Community Security Trust) Dinner. David Cameron is a British politician who has served as the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom since 2010 and as the Member of Parliament (MP) for Witney since 2001.[2] He has been Leader of the Conservative Party since 2005.
In these unprecedented times, tonight's dinner is probably the most important CST has ever had.
All of us have been sickened beyond words by the appalling attack in Paris.
And then by the dreadful events in Copenhagen, with the murder of a young Jewish volunteer guarding the synagogue.
When I was at school, I remember watching "The World at War", listening to the voice of Laurence Olivier and learning about the Holocaust.
I thought it was part of history and could never happen again.
But somehow, after all the horrors of the past, people are once again being targeted simply for being Jewish.
During my visits to Yad Vashem and Auschwitz last year I had some time to reflect on where bigotry and prejudice can lead.
It doesn't matter how many books you've read, documentaries you've studied, films you've seen…
…it's only when you stand under that sign, "arbeit macht frei"...
…when you walk alongside those train tracks that brought millions to their death…
…when you see the children's clothes, the parents' luggage, the hair…the gas chambers and the ovens...
…that the horrific enormity of it all comes home to you.
I found that I kept asking myself some difficult questions: 'what would I have done if I had seen this terrible crime unfolding in front of me?'
Would I have hidden my Jewish neighbours?
Would I have had the courage to speak out against the murder?
Would I have joined the resistance?
Would I have tried to do any of these things if I placed my family at risk?
These are really difficult questions.
I suppose that you never know precisely how you would behave until you are faced with the choice.
But as Prime Minister of this country there is one thing that that I do know.
At a time when once again the Jewish communities of Europe feel vulnerable...
...and when anti-Semitism is at record levels here in Britain...
...I will not stand by.
I will not turn a blind eye to the threats that the community faces.
If the Jewish community does not feel secure then our whole national fabric is diminished.
It is not just about the enormous contribution you all make to our society - it is more profound than that.
It is a measure of the vigour of our institutions and the health of our democracy that the Jewish community feels safe to live and flourish here.
It is about the strength of the values that we stand for.
The kind of country we are.
So let me tell you this.
We are going to fight anti-Semitism with everything we have got.
There will be no excuses. No exceptions. No justifications.
Over generations we have built something incredible in our country: a multi-ethnic, multi-faith democracy - and we are not going to let anyone destroy it.
Let me be clear.
No disagreements on politics or policy can ever be allowed to justify racism, prejudice or extremism in any form in our society.
We will not have it.
So first, it's about keeping people safe.
Second, it's about tackling the causes of this extremism.
And third, it's about speaking up loudly and proudly for British values.
Let me take each in turn.
No modern democracy is ever totally safe, of course not.
But we are doing everything we can.
We have already protected police budgets for counter-terrorism...
...and provided an additional £130 million for our security services over the next two years following the increase to the UK threat level in August.
We know that if we want to stop terrorists we need to know what they are planning and restrict their movements.
So we have introduced two new pieces of legislation in the last year.
One to access terrorist communications...
...and another - the Counter-Terrorism and Security Act - to seize passports, stop suspects travelling, and relocate terror suspects in the UK away from their extremist networks.
And we're continuously looking at how we can strengthen our capabilities, learn lessons, and stay one step ahead of the terrorists.
At a time when see young people being drawn overseas who perhaps aren't already known to our intelligence agencies...
...we need to do more to ensure we have the capacity at our borders to identify those who could be at risk.
So today I am announcing an extra £13 million for our border force and police...
...including funding so that we have the latest technology to analyse passenger data and get to those young people before it's too late.
This will help protect us all.
But the Jewish community is being specifically targeted.
So CST doesn't just need money to carry on doing what it does so well.
It needs more money to do a lot more of it.
We all need to dig deep tonight and give as much as we can.
And I include the government in that.
We already provide £2 million a year for security for Jewish state schools - something that has been championed brilliantly by Matthew Offord.
But as Mike Freer put it to me what if an attack happened at a private school?
How would we feel if we knew we could have done more?
That's not a thought I am prepared to entertain.
So today in the Budget, we have committed over £7 million of new money to fund guards for all Jewish private schools and colleges.
So at every school - state or private, north or south - the government will play its part in protecting your children.
But that's not enough on its own.
CST, the Jewish Chronicle and the All-Party Parliamentary Group against anti-Semitism have all highlighted the risk to synagogues and other potentially vulnerable Jewish community buildings.
So we're going to help with this too.
Tonight I can announce a further £3 million.
That's over £10 million of new money for security - this year - and every year - for as long as necessary.
And we're doing something else too.
I want CST to have a state of the art Mission Control centre...
...with closed-circuit television command and control and the ability to respond rapidly to those who need their help right across our Jewish communities.
And today I can announce an additional £1.5 million in capital to help you build it.
But we will not win this battle with security measures alone.
We need to tackle the causes of the terrorist threat not just its consequences.
And that means taking on and defeating Islamist extremism…
…a poisonous ideology that perverts the Islamic faith in an attempt to justify the most sickening barbarism and brutality.
We know what this so-called world view includes.
The idea that Muslims are persecuted all over the world as a deliberate act of Western policy.
The peddling of lies: that 9/11 was a Jewish plot or that the 7/7 London attacks were staged.
Or that there are times and places when suicide bombs and terrorism are somehow ok.
They claim that saying these things is exercising free speech.
I say: no it isn't. It's incitement. And we are not going to stand for it.
So we are tackling this so called non-violent extremism wherever it is found.
On the internet - by taking down more than 75,000 pieces of extremist material since 2010.
In our schools, universities and prisons - with a public duty in the new Counter-Terrorism and Security Act to prevent people being drawn into terrorism.
And in our wider communities - by stopping the funding of organisations that promote extremism...
...and giving the Charity Commission new money and new powers to investigate charities with extremist links.
And yes, we're keeping those hate preachers out.
The Home Secretary has banned more hate preachers than any of her predecessors.
Britain said no to Zakir Naik, Yusuf al-Qaradawi and Judon Mumbala Umbala.
And we kicked out Babar Ahmad, Abu Hamza and Abu Qatada too.
We are a tolerant country - but if you preach terror you are not welcome here.
And if I am returned as Prime Minister at the election, I will also introduce new banning orders for extremist groups that are not covered by the existing laws relating to terrorism…
…with new civil powers to target extremists who stay just within the law but still spread poisonous hatred.
We would not sit back and allow right-wing extremists or Nazis to recruit support in these ways.
So we will not allow Islamist extremists this opportunity either.
Third, we need to shout more loudly and more proudly about our British values.
Over generations we have built something incredibly special in this country.
We are a great multi-racial, multi-ethnic society.
And we should celebrate that.
Our young people should understand the freedoms we have fought to defend.
The right to free speech. The right to demonstrate peacefully.
Democracy. Property rights. The rule of law and equality before the law.
A free media.
And there is no community in our country more proud of these freedoms and more proudly part of Britain than our Jewish community.
You have produced Prime Ministers, industrialists, writers, actors, scientists, inventors and Nobel Prize winners.
All proud to be Jewish and proud to be British too.
And there is no better example of this than some of the Holocaust survivors I have met over the last year.
People who have been through the most harrowing moments of humanity and who have come to this country and made great lives for themselves here.
People who have lived ten, twenty lives for every one that didn't make it...
...who have gone on to become everything from great musicians and teachers to Olympic weightlifters.
Every one of them proud to call Britain their home.
And I am delighted that in taking forwards the work of the Holocaust Commission...
...the new UK Holocaust Memorial Foundation is conducting the biggest audit of survivor testimony in British history.
It is right that the stories of these incredible survivors, incredible Jews, incredible Britons should be recorded and preserved.
And thanks to the brilliant work of Mick Davis and the Holocaust Commission...
...this survivor testimony will form the foundation of the new Learning Centre and national Holocaust Memorial.
The government is giving £50 million to kick start a society-wide fundraising effort for this... that the lessons of the Holocaust can be learnt by young people in every part of this country for generations to come.
Lloyd, in your introductory remarks you didn't just ask whether the Jewish people in our country will be safe.
You also asked if they would be alone.
For as long as I am Prime Minister, you will never be alone.
When people talk of trying to boycott Israel - you will never be alone.
When students on campus are afraid…
…when Shechita is under threat…
…when Jewish institutions need extra security - you will never be alone.
And when Israel is under attack from rockets or terror tunnels - you will never be alone.
As I said in the Knesset, I will always stand up for the right of Israel to defend its citizens, a right enshrined in international law, in natural justice and fundamental morality.
Israel is an extraordinary nation - and even more extraordinary when you think where it is.
On its doorstep...
...the barbarism of ISIL...
...the tyranny of Assad...
...Hamas and Hezbollah a missile's distance away...
...Iran looming nearby with nuclear ambitions...
...and terrorists all around, hell-bent on doing it harm.
And yet Israel stands as a democracy...
...a place where people can have their say, just as they did yesterday.
And I congratulate Prime Minister Netanyahu and look forward to working with the new Israeli government.
With me you will always have a British Prime Minister whose belief in Israel is unbreakable and whose commitment to Israel's security will always be rock solid.
And to you, the Jewish community in Britain, I say this:
For as long as I am Prime Minister, I will stand with you, work with you, celebrate what you do and ensure we do everything possible to keep you safe.
And I truly believe that we will succeed.
The battle against Islamist extremism is the battle of our generation. It won't be defeated overnight.
It will take patience and resolve. And there may well be setbacks along the way.
But as in the past, I believe in the end that our values will win through.
Back in January I joined the march on the streets of Paris surrounded by placards saying: 'je suis Juif'.
In the aftermath of one of the darkest moments in Europe in recent times, people of all ages and all backgrounds came together to show solidarity with those who had suffered.
In the face of those who tried to suppress our values, the voice of free speech responded ever louder.
As so often in the worst of times, the best of humanity came shining through.
Together, we will beat anti-Semitism.
And we will make sure Britain remains a country that Jewish people are proud to call home - today, tomorrow and for every generation to come.


Robin Ticker
Activist emails sent to my list  are L'Ilui Nishmat Yisrael ben David Aryeh ob"m (Izzy - Kaplan) and Howard Chaim Grief great activists and lovers of Eretz Yisroel, Am Yisroel and the Torah. Yehi Zichronum Baruch.  May their memories serve as a blessing.

Most of these emails are posted on 

Personal emails to individuals will not be posted to my blog. 

Sunday, March 22, 2015

Urgent Please Flood the Phone Lines. Call Schumer and Gillilbrand re: voting against ISIS. Urge the Rabbanim to speak of our entitlement of Judea and Samaria and an undivided Jerusalem based on Torah!


TO: Chazaq, Chofetz Chaim Heritage Foundation, JCC Marine Park,  Nachum Segal Network, Citicom, 5WPR, Sheinkopf Ltd., Har Hazeisim Preservation,  and list....

Dear Yaniv Meirav, Michael Rothschild, Shea Rubenstein, Nachum Segal. Morty Mehlman, Ronn Torossian and Hank Sheinkopf, Menachem Lubinsky, Dov and Shani Hikind  and Fellow Activists, lovers of Israel.....amv"sh

I am specifically addressing this letter to you, and bccing to many more people because you each have either shown tremendous love for Am Yisroel, Eretz Yisroel and/or demonstrated amazing ability to mobilize the Jewish people  in the Diaspora, to to act to benefit Israel,  humanity, the Jewish People in Israel and/or America,  and the world  at large. 

Basically, you have demonstrated amazing leadership skills and are extremely well connected to the powers at large, be it spiritual, political, and/or the masses. Some of you are PR firms and others are publishers with print and radio media at your disposal. Some of you are networked to many Rabbanim and Torah Institutions.  

We all know that Israel is facing an existential threat.  

Now we are in the month of Nissan.  Either we witness awe inspiring miracles or chas veshalom the opposite.  I don't see the volatile global situation staying status quo for much longer.  Iran is very close to obtaining nuclear empowerment.  President Obama has not made it a secret of his intentions to help Iran acquire it.  Isis as well as Iran are dangerously close to Israel.

Jews and non Jews are extremely concerned!

Besides prayer, we still have the ability to act to make a difference or pay the consequences....

Atem Nitzavim...Each one of us according to our ability has the obligation to act....

When Mordechai Hayehudi was faced with existential threat he acted.  

You are proven leaders and men of action.

Now is not the time to be humble and to say let us ask the Rabbanim.  When one is uncertain about the threat one must act and not ask.

When it comes to saving a life, one must act with the greatest alacrity and should not hesitate. The Gemara (Yerushalmi Yuma 8:5) puts it very pithily: "The one who acts with alacrity is to be praised; the one who is asked (concerning whether to desecrate Shabbos) is disgraceful; and the one who asks is a murderer."

If it cannot be ascertained whether or not a situation is life-threatening, the situation must be considered life-threatening until proven otherwise, thereby allowing action to be taken.

It is of prime importance that if one believes a life may be in danger, and seconds may count, that persons involved not delay helping the victim out of fear of violating halakha, or in order to determine if such a violation is permissible according to halakha.

If one takes action in violation of halakha to save a life when s/he believes the situation is life-threatening, but later learns that there was no threat to a human life, s/he has not sinned, and must not feel guilty over having made such a mistake.

Let us all join together following the Lubavitcher Rebbe's heartfelt plea to "Scream about the horrible situation - without embarrassment and not from behind a curtain. We must bang our fist on the table, if necessary, because this issue affects the very lives of millions of Jews!" (not to mention non Jews RT)

Each of you, the Askanim have the  media tools to act in your capacity different than the Rabbanim.  Therefore don't waste any time!  However the Rabbanim are by no way exempt.  The Opposite!

The current situation in Israel is such that the duty to protest falls squarely on the shoulders of the Rabbis. This obligation falls upon all Rabbis who arbitrate practical matters of Jewish law, and especially those Rabbis who have at one time expressed an opinion on this issue, no matter where they are — whether in Israel or in the Diaspora.

The ruling must be explicit and definitive, being the result of exhaustive consultation with present military authorities who have actual firsthand knowledge about these issues, and who express their opinions through purely security-oriented considerations, and not political ones.

In order to save the Rabbis the trouble of researching the issues which are required for a ruling, the Rebbe informs us that he has already investigated the matter, and the conclusions are:
Those involved in military affairs say that surrendering any portion of the West Bank and Gaza, places untold numbers of Jews in danger, G-d forbid.

The past is well known (e.g., Golda Meir not listening to the Israeli Military Intelligence prior to Yom Kippur War).
A ruling must be issued quickly, and a Rabbi must not wait until he is asked about the matter. Rather, he must see to it that the law is publicized everywhere — to the extent that "there will not be a single individual who has not heard of this ruling." This is because regarding these matters, "he who asks (rather than acts) is a spiller of blood, and the one who waits to be asked is contemptible" for not having publicized his opinion.[35]
Similarly, one should publicize the decision of the "Great Assembly" of 1937 [36] which states that "it is forbidden to cede to a non-Jew, even a tiny strip of the Land of Israel." This should be publicised until the entire Jewish people are aware of this ruling.

Every Jew, regardless of where he lives, is connected with every other Jews in the rest of the world. Therefore, according to Jewish law, he must protest any action taken by another Jew which is not in accordance with Jewish Law. Protest is required even if the forbidden action took place a great distance from him — because he is still obligated by the command, "Thou shalt not stand idly by thy brother's blood."
At times the situation is such that there is nothing left to do but to protest. This is a precise indication that our task in this situation is to protest.

The claim that protest will not affect the situation does not absolve any of the Rabbis, no matter where they are, from their obligation to publicize a clear ruling because:
Who knows where we would be if no one were to speak up.

Regarding the mitzvah to admonish one's fellow man, the Talmud says, "even one hundred times," meaning, if one unsuccessfully gave rebuke ninety-nine times, one is bound by Jewish law to engage in rebuke a hundredth time, for it could well be that the hundredth time will be decisive.
The Rabbi must do his job and protest without fear, and without considering the reaction which may follow his ruling (such as being ignored); especially because this is an ongoing matter, which concerns saving Jewish lives.

The obligation not to stand idly by while your brother's blood is being spilled, applies in every situation, even when one is uncertain that his protest will have any effect. Even if the chance that protest will assist is only one thousandth of a chance, or a fraction of that, one is obligated to protest, because this is the law in the Code of Jewish Law.

Even if the majority remain silent, and those protesting are in the minority, nevertheless, the minority is taken into consideration.

The Rabbis who remain silent cause the greatest damage. This is analagous to the Talmudic law concerning seventy Rabbinic judges who rule for or against a certain side, with one judge "abstaining." In such a case, Jewish Law requires the entire trial to be rendered null and void.

The Rebbe's opinion is that were there to be a sustained protest, carried out with the greatest intensity — as the present situation clearly demands — it would eventually succeed, in the near future.

Thank you Izzy Kaplan zt"l for forwarding the material of the Lubavitcher Rebbe in 2007. 

from: Lynne Bursky Tammam <>
to: Jeff Wiesenfeld <>
cc: Marvin Belsky <>
date: Sat, Mar 21, 2015 at 11:23 PM
subject: Urgent Message from Jeff Wiesenfeld
The Corker-Menendez Bill is coming to a vote next week.  Our Senators Schumer and Gillibrand, despite their public statements to Jewish groups claiming their commitment to Israel, have been silent about whether or not they intend to vote for the override of  Obama's expected veto of the Iran Nuclear Agreement Review Act.
Friday, March 27 at 12:00 noon is the ideal time for a press conference in front of Schumer's and Gillibrand's offices at 780 Third Avenue because Friday is the day they are in their NY offices.   The initial vote will have taken place by then and the pressure will be on to secure the rest of the votes needed for an override.  
We are able to effectively address BOTH Schumer and Gillibrand because their offices are at the same location!!!!  The purpose is to pressure them to commit to overriding Obama's veto of this critical legislation.
For many, Friday may be difficult but THIS is the day when BOTH Senators are in the building.   March 27 is the day.

Please contact Marvin Belsky at
Senator Schumer spoke at the Chazaq Event a week ago by Daniel Perez "Also among the guests and well-wishers at Sunday's big event were prominent political leaders such as New York's own Senator Chuck Schumer, who spoke of his efforts against Iran's nuclear program, which he characterized as an existential threat the Jewish state-just as Chazaq combats assimilation here at home, an existential threat to the Jewish soul. Commenting on the Hebrew origin of his own name, Schumer declared: "I take my name as a shomer Yisrael ('guardian of the Jewish people') very seriously." 

He received a resounding round of applause.   He promised then, that he will be true to his be a Shomer, the watch guard of the wall, named after his ancestor who guarded the ghetto wall, to be a Guardian of Israel. 

YET Senator Schumer has still yet to commit to override the expected Obama veto!  

This is where our Hishtadlus comes in.  We must mobilize the Jewish people including men, women and children, not only in prayer but in awareness and we must call our Senators. 

Marco Rubio Delivers Blistering Speech on Obama's Assault on Israel

Senator Schumer needs to know that his promises at the Event only ends with a commitment to override the Obama's expected veto. Obama's attempt to unseat Netanyahu meddling into the internal politics of Israel is indicative that he stops at nothing! Unfortunately. Schumer has to personally see it through to the very end.  It requires Mesirat Nefesh on his part.  Talk alone is cheap.

Date: Mar 17, 2015 12:01 PM

> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: Wiesenfeld, Jeffrey S <>
> Date: Tue, Mar 17, 2015 at 11:11 AM

> What did I tell you about our two NY senators????
> They should always be challenged as any other interest group would do.
>... And as a community – we are allowing our two senators, representing the nation's largest Jewish population to play us to the White House's benefit.
>  > Time to get busy with these two "shomers."
> Jeffrey S. Wiesenfeld
> From: Sarah Stern [
> Sent: Tuesday, March 17, 2015 10:47 AM

> Importance: High
> We just had a meeting with a professional staff member for the Senate Foreign Relations Committee who works directly under Chairman Bob Corker. We have been putting maximal  energy into  Corker-Menendez,  The Iran Nuclear Agreement Review Act, which would enable the  Senate to review  and vote on the Iranian nuclear deal that the Obama is hell-bent to sign next week. This staffer has told us that Senator Schumer,  Senator Gillibrand, and Senator Booker are not yet on the act. They need enough votes to over-ride a presidential veto.
> We need people to flood their phone lines and ask them to please sign onto S615 the Iran Nuclear Agreement Review Act AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. They have scheduled a vote on this for next week. PLEASE SEND THIS OUT TOTO ALL OF YOUR FRIENDS AND ANYONE ON YOUR LISTS.
> Senator Schumer's number is 202-224-6542
> Senator Gillibrand's number  is 202-224-4451
> Senator Booker's number is 202-224-3224
>   If you need any talking points, please let us know.
> Thanks very much,
> Sarah
>  > Sarah N. Stern
> Founder and President

> Endowment for Middle East Truth
202-601-7422 (office)
301-922-9667 (cell)

From: Lynne Bursky Tammam

Date: March 12, 2015

Dear Friends of Israel and the Jewish People,  

It has been reported that Senator Cardin (D-MD), Senator Coons (D-DE), Senator Blumenthal (D-CT), and Senator Bennet(D-CO) have all committed to overriding President Obama's anticipated veto of the newly introduced Iran Nuclear Agreement Review Act of 2015 (S. 615)!!!!   This bi-partisan legislation authored by Senators Bob Corker (R-TN), Robert Menendez (D-NJ), Lindsey Graham (R-SC), and Tim Kaine (D-VA) will delay the lifting of sanctions against Iran and establishes a procedure for congressional review and approval of any nuclear agreement with Iran before it is finalized.  
Christians United for Israel was able to get 57,000 supporters of Israel to write letters to the Senate.   A similar effort on your part will dramatically enhance the effort to pass the Iran Nuclear Agreement Review Act of 2015.  It is urgent that we call, e-mail, and write to those senators below who supported the Nuclear Weapon Free Iran Act in the past but who have maintained silence or are non-committal regarding their willingness to override Pres. Obama's expected veto of  the Iran Nuclear Agreement Review Act of 2015.   Our phone calls, e-mails, and letters DO make a difference!   This was emphasized first-hand by Congressional representatives during recently attended AIPAC sessions.  
The websites of Senators are warning that intense security in Washington is causing significant delays in the receipt of regular mail.  They are advising to fax letters rather than sending them by regular mail to Washington. 
NOTE:  Although it was reported in the Wall Street Journal that Senator Schumer was committed to overriding Obama's expected veto of the Iran Nuclear Agreement Review Act, the Jewish Voice (3/11/15) has just reported that Schumer "declined to confirm that he would vote to override a veto."   Ask Senator Schumer:  Is he or is he not going to be counted among those brave Democratic Senators who are putting our national security and that of Israel before partisan politics and protocol?  
For those in New York, call Senator Schumer at 202-224-6542 (or 212-486-4430).
                                                                                      E-mail him by going to
                                                                                      Fax a letter to: 202-228-3027
For those in New York, call Senator Gillibrand at 202-224-4451 (or 212-688-6262).  
                                                                                      E-mail her by going to
                                                                                      Fax a letter to: 202-228-0282  
For those in New Jersey, call Senator Cory Booker at:
                                                                                  202-224-3224 (or 973- 639- 8700)                                                                         
                                                                                  E-mail him by going to
                                                                                  Fax a letter to: 202-224-8378
For those in Pennsylvaniacall Senator Bob Casey:  Call 202-224-6324 (or 215-405-9660)
                                                                                              Fax a letter to: 202-228-0604
Senators Mark Warner (D) of VirginiaJoe Donnelly (D) of Indiana,  and Joe Manchin (D) of West Virginia are also senators who originally supported the Nuclear Weapon Free Iran Act but who are now silent.   If you are in these states or have contacts in these states, please encourage them to launch phone, e-mail, and letter-writing campaigns to these senators.
The message we sent:    
"Your support for the Iran Nuclear Agreement Review Act of 2015 (Senate Bill 615) is urgently needed.   It is critical that the proposed agreement with Iran be subjected to Congressional review and approval before it is finalized.    We are urging you to put the security of the United States of America, its closest ally Israel, and the entire Middle East region above politics and protocol and to commit to overriding President Obama's expected veto.   77 % of Americans now agree that Iran's development of nuclear weapons is a "critical threat" (Gallup World Affairs Poll, Feb. 8-11, 2015).
The Administration is about to enter into an agreement with Iran which is described by our State Dept. as the "world's foremost leader of state-sponsored terrorism" and is ruled by a regime that has reneged on every agreement it has signed since 2003.  It continues to refuse the International Atomic Energy Agency access to its Parchin military complex and has refused to allow the IAEA to inspect the technologies it is developing which are related to building a nuclear weapon.   Iran has done nothing to establish itself as a credible negotiating "partner."
There is every indication that the strategies being used with Iran are the ones that failed with North Korea which now has nuclear weapons.  Iran's nuclear ambitions are threatening  to create a nuclear arms race in the Middle East. 


On behalf of our children, our grandchildren, and future generations, we beseech you to find the courage and fortitude to support the Iran Nuclear Agreement Review Act of 2015 and to commit to overriding Pres. Obama's expected veto!  At this perilous juncture in history, we need heroic action!" 
Lynne Bursky-Tammam and Nessim Tammam
Chairpersons, Yom Hashoah Mobilization Committee

Friday, March 13, 2015

Fwd: The Threat of Iran is real and upon us! Still Adar. G-d has shown favor via Netanyahus visit. A call to fight on all Fronts! Recognize the Fifth Column within us Left Wing and Ultra Orthodox.. Meir Kahana Never Again, Fwd: Action Alert: Contact Schumer, Gillibrand, S. 615


Let us Fight on  Multiple Fronts:

The Torah Front

The Self Defense Front 

The Political Front

The Economic Front

Folks, the Holocaust actually happened!  Gush Katif expulsion actually happened!  The destruction of the 1st and 2nd Temple actually happened.  Why are we sitting back assuming that in the face of evil all will be ok?

It's irrational, it's insanity to do nothing!  

Iran is quite upfront with their intentions. Hitler Yemach Shemo was as well. Netanyahu spelled it out to Congress. 

Read about what we can expect from Obama in the next 22 months from Caroline Glick.   "...Last Thursday, US National Security Adviser Susan Rice announced that the NSC's Middle East Coordinator Phil Gordon was stepping down and being replaced by serial Israel-basher Robert Malley. ...
Malley's appointment indicates that there is nothing Israel can do to stem the tsunami of American pressure it is about to suffer."

Mark Langfan,  Chairman of AFSI Op-Ed: Netanyahu's Congress Speech May Have Saved the World. The Senate letter was a natural response to the speech. 

Lynne and Nissim Tammam Chairpersons, Yom Hashoah Mobilization Committee went down to Washington when Netanyahu came.    They hired a bus from Great Neck.   Yael from Brooklyn  and her baby left at 3am in the morning to be in Washington.  My husband and others did as well and I know cause I drove them down to Great Neck at 3am to catch the bus. Here we see individuals doing their hishtadlus, putting in their best effort in making a difference.  Even though they were few in number, they are the rational ones. 

 It's irrational, it's insanity to do nothing! 

Did Mordechai and Esther of the Purim story just ignore the existential threat?  NO!    If we do nothing, and things progress without our intervention, we see how events unfold.  Another Holocaust, another Churban Chas VeChalila!.

 Other Arab Nations understand the existential threat and they are acting....We isnt the Jewish World??????

..It's irrational , it's insanity to do nothing to sit back and hope for the best!  

THe Torah Front

Apparently we have a fifth column among us and it's not only the secular leftist like JStreet and NIF  it's also the Neturei Karta influence  and probably misinterpreted Satmar ideology. The Misguided notion  that the gov't of Israel and Zionism is evil out to destroy Torah and that until Moshiach reveals itself, we are better off under the Sovereignty of the non Jew is the destructive fifth column within us as well. This ideology seems to be embedded in the top echelons of the Moetzet Gedolei Hatorah.  That is the reason for the success of Million man march last year,  the hundreds of thousands of Chareidim that came out to protest the Chareidi draft a year ago against the gov't of Israel.  

Wouldn"t any rational person understand that Israel without a strong moral army is a weak Israel?  

Our enemies are probably thrilled that the Ultra Orthodox Jewish Leaders are bashing Israel's army.  

Why has there been no mass protest against the real threat of Iran. The threat of Iran is the same threat of Haman, to annihilate the Jewish people.  Why was there a massive rally organized against an imaginary spiritual threat of the gov't of Israel against the Jewish people for their desire of having a strong army made up of all the segments of the Jewish population? 

Rabbosai.   If the Neturei Karta or this idealogy was actualized,  we would be under the hands of Amalek today.. No different than Nazi Germany and no different than the Yazidis and Christian Copts in the hands of ISIS. We don't even need to use our imaginations as per how they would treat us.   Surely just what our worst enemies would like.  Yes, that would be the scenario if there was a Palestinian State governed by the Muslim Brotherhood or alternatively by Iran as the Obama Administration, the EU and the UN and Neturei Karta would have it.

Just watch the  Temple Mount Cartoons Indoctrinating Children to Hate if you doubt the blatant antiSemitism these groups have.

So how can we respond? 

The Biblical response is the first and primary response to the existential threat!  

The Rabbanim who are not in the  ultra orthodox 5th Column MUST come forward!  The Rebbe of Lubavitch encouraged the resolutions of the Marianbad conference of 1937 to be publicized where the Moetzet  Gedolei Hatorah of that Generation met regarding their position of a nascent formation of an independent Jewish State.

Ki MiZion Tezei Torah UDvar Hashem MeYerushalyim:  Because from ZION the Torah will emerge and the Word of Hashem from Jerusalem. 

The Torah is the source of justice and righteousness for all the Nations of the World! 

Har Habayit, ....The site of the Akeida, The site of Jacobs dream, The site of the Holy Temples.  The daily Sacrifices.. The Ketoret.....

All our dreams and aspirations in our daily Tefilloth and in every Parsha in the Torah from beginning till the end, and the object of the prophecies of our Prophets stem from HAMAKOM That special place where the Shechina resides.... Our enemies know it and that is why any mention of Har Habayit infuriates them....

 Now is the time to speak with clarity as per our eternal Heritage to the Land of Israel based on the Biblical Promise as has Naftali Bennett eloquently done so below!  BH Naftali Bennett understands that IT ALL BEGINS WITH THE BIBLICAL PROMISE!!! 

And yes, Naftali Bennett also understands the dangers to our security and economy of a Palestinian State but emphasizing these dangers alone is not the way to win this war. The way to win the war with our enemies is to begin with asserting our Biblical inherent rights, out G-d Given gift of the Land of Israel to the Nation of Israel.  This in turn will justify our armed struggle against the enemy and secure us physically and economically.

That is why the 5th Column of Jewish Leaders who refuse to publicly assert the Biblical Promise and then refuse to unite with the gov't of Israel to protect the Land of Israel is extremely dangerous to the Nation of Israel!  

Who says we can't have a segment of the army whose designated job is to pray and learn for the wellbeing of the people and the security of the Land.  Eleph, LeMateh.... Vehaya Machenecha Kadosh.  Why is having a Holy Army, Pshuto Kmashmaoh, using the literal translation of these words,  not even considered by this ultra Orthodox fifth column?

Naftali Bennett speaks with clarity regarding the importance of emphasizing the Biblical promise in the latest Sovereignty Newspaper published by Women in Green! 

 See pages 5-7  "The Annexation of Judea and Samaria is not far off.  We must only really believe.   

For economic minister and member of the security cabinet Naftali Bennett, the dangers represented by a Palestinian State, are a fatal combination of security and economy, but it all begins with the Biblical promise.  "

Sovereigny Newspaper Issue 5 Adar 5775

The Self Defense Front!

Jews are in danger all over the world.  Therefore let me tell you about some Jewish self defense initiatives that is happening

Brooklyn, NY
  1.  Power Krav Maga  Military hand to hand combat: Fighting Fitness classes
  2. Self Defense Class: Class for Rabbanim, Teachers, Gabbaim, Community Leaders
Date: Sunday, March 29th 
Time: 12 noon to 3 pm
Location: 423 Ocean Pkwy (crnr of Courtelyou and Ocean Pkwy)
contact:  Rabbi Avi Schwartz 
 Pesach is fast approaching and acts of terror may occur, chas veshalom. As leaders it is our responsibility to protect our people from danger. 
 Rabbi Avi Schwartz, Director of Shomrei Haam, and world reknowned self defense expert, 
Grandmaster Gerry Kushmakov will be conducting a 3 hour self defense seminar against terror attacks. 
Price $20

In Los Angeles:  Children of Jewish Holocaust Survivors, Jews Can Shoot

On the Political front: 

The Christians United for Israel see the writing on the wall. 75,000 is impressive but still not sufficient.   Where are Jews?  Where are the grassroots? 

It is here with this email.  It is me and it is you. Let us not wait for others to initiate  Lynne and Nissim took a lead.  I am forwarding their email. Now is your chance to take the lead.  Forward this email. Call your Senators!  And Davan with your heart and soul.  Repeat the words of Naftali Bennett 
"It all begins with the Biblical Promise"  and let us not be afraid to proclaim this Truth to our representatives in Congress.  They have been raised in the Judea Christian tradition and they are strongly committed to these beliefs as well!  

Remember!  the Holocaust did happen.  My parents were in it. Our grandparents and our aunts and uncles and their kids and their siblings and their neighbors and their cousins were all in a Holocaust.  Lots of our extended family perished. 

 If only a small percentage of 6,000,000 carried arms would this Holocaust have happened? 

My husband's mothers family and community were virtually wiped out leaving a very small remnant from Poland.  Yet the few from the Warsaw Ghetto held the spite of the shortage of weapons and training...Sheer will power....

Why are we complacent?   

Because we are waiting for leadership?  We can only look at ourselves in the Mirror and say like Rabbi Meir Kahana "NEVER AGAIN!"

On the Economic FRONT  (Rabbi Meir Kahana recognized this FRONT as well and so must we!)

Meir Kahana in his book "Never Again" page 240 writes: (MY EMPHASIS rt)

(Hadar he defines as pride, nationalism, self respect and clear Jewish identity).




let me insert a link to todays world on campus and how visionary Rabbi Meir Kahana was.  

From Durban to Los Angeles: the BDS movement's long trail of anti-Semitism  MARCH 13, 2015 BY JEWISH AFFAIRS JOURNAL EDITOR By Tammi Rossman-Benjamin/

Rabbi Kahana continues....


Our leaders have been neutralized my friends....

You be a leader.  Our Major Jewish Organizations are not leading. It is painful to say and the last thing we want to do is spread Lashon Hara.  But they are Silent.

 Is History repeating itself?. 

Hopefully not!  It is not too late!  Modah ANi Lefanecha.... Every morning we wake up and say Modeh Ani.  Thank you Hashem that we are still alive that you returned our soul to us.  With great compassion and great is Your faithfulness in us. . We may have had a brush with death but we have a new dawn, a new opportunity.A Rebirth...  It still is in dream mode and the dream has yet to actualize.   Wakeup our sleeping Leaders.  We need you to lead. 

Meanwhile, each one of us is a leader, and in a place where there is no leaders strive to be a leader.  

How can we expect a Leader getting his salary from sources which aim to silence, be outspoken?  His/her job is on the line.  

Let us Acknowledge those leaders who demonstrate Mesirat Nefesh!  Reject all the leaders that don't!

We must fight and and speak the truth even at risk of our lofty position. ...

What good is ones job or money saved in the bank following a Holocaust???? You don't take your job or money with you after death G-d forbid. 
Maybe that puts things in the proper perspective and our priorities are re-prioritized. 

 Hopefully, trust in G-d, and don't be afraid to speak up for Truth, for Torah,  for our Jewish Heritage and fight the Amalek of our day. 

This recent Parshat Zachor, my friend Vered told me her insights to Parshat Zachor. Deuteronomy 25:19.  She remarked that she felt that the word בְּהָנִיחַ means that when we have the capability of fighting Amalek, like today, we have an obligation to do so. Surely today that is the case.  Israel has an army and is a Sovereign Nation. .  Yehoshua fought Amalek and didn't wipe them out completely, even Shaul, King Saul, fought Amalek though he fell short of doing the job.  In the time of Haman the Jews fought back and killed tens of thousands.  
Today, we are facing a nuclear Iran and the evils of ISIS. 

וְהָיָה בְּהָנִיחַ יְהֹוָה אֱלֹהֶיךָ | לְךָ מִכָּל אֹיְבֶיךָ מִסָּבִיב בָּאָרֶץ אֲשֶׁר יְהֹוָה אֱלֹהֶיךָ נֹתֵן לְךָ נַחֲלָה לְרִשְׁתָּהּ תִּמְחֶה אֶת זֵכֶר * (זֶכֶר) עֲמָלֵק מִתַּחַת הַשָּׁמָיִם לֹא תִּשְׁכָּח:.

[Therefore,] it will be, when the Lord your God grants you respite from all your enemies around [you] in the land which the Lord, your God, gives to you as an inheritance to possess, that you shall obliterate the remembrance of Amalek from beneath the heavens. You shall not forget!

Does the pshat, simple meaning,  mean that we must wait until our enemies stop attacking us to begin to attack them back??  I don't think so.  Perhaps the finality of Amalek is after we go to war with them and there is a peaceful ceasefire and respite because our enemies were weakened and defeated. At that point perhaps we have an obligation to obliterate them and any remembrance of them. But there is no precedence in Tanach or Jewish history to indicate that we are exempt from fighting them begin with just because they are still fighting us.  We have the obligation to fight them each and every generation on each FRONT.  

So Mordechai's approach "Lech Knos Kol Hayehudim" especially the children seems to be in order! Now is a Shemittah year!  All of our resources must be combined, Kibbutz style to fight the existential threat of Iran and Isis. Federation has gone bankrupt.  All Jewish Philanthropy must be redirected to proper Jewish causes and education and yes even military preparedness.  Nobody will start up with a shul if each of its members have guns and wearing cell phones, trained and ready to defend their right to pray and their right to exist. It is a Milchemet Mitzvah in the Holy Land.  An obligatory War.   And even in Chutz LeAretz, we must be of the same mindset, acting together as ONE, KeIsh Echad BeLev Echad!  

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Lynne Bursky Tammam <>
Date: Thu, Mar 12, 2015 at 9:41 AM
Subject: Action Alert: Contact Schumer, Gillibrand, S. 615
To: "" <>

Dear Friends of Israel and the Jewish People,  

It has been reported that Senator Cardin (D-MD), Senator Coons (D-DE), Senator Blumenthal (D-CT), and Senator Bennet (D-CO) have all committed to overriding President Obama's anticipated veto of the newly introduced Iran Nuclear Agreement Review Act of 2015 (S. 615)!!!!   This bi-partisan legislation authored by Senators Bob Corker (R-TN), Robert Menendez (D-NJ), Lindsey Graham (R-SC), and Tim Kaine (D-VA) will delay the lifting of sanctions against Iran and establishes a procedure for congressional review and approval of any nuclear agreement with Iran before it is finalized.  
Christians United for Israel was able to get 57,000 supporters of Israel to write letters to the Senate.   A similar effort on your part will dramatically enhance the effort to pass the Iran Nuclear Agreement Review Act of 2015.  It is urgent that we call, e-mail, and write to those senators below who supported the Nuclear Weapon Free Iran Act in the past but who have maintained silence or are non-committal regarding their willingness to override Pres. Obama's expected veto of  the Iran Nuclear Agreement Review Act of 2015.   Our phone calls, e-mails, and letters DO make a difference!   This was emphasized first-hand by Congressional representatives during recently attended AIPAC sessions.  
The websites of Senators are warning that intense security in Washington is causing significant delays in the receipt of regular mail.  They are advising to fax letters rather than sending them by regular mail to Washington. 
NOTE:  Although it was reported in the Wall Street Journal that Senator Schumer was committed to overriding Obama's expected veto of the Iran Nuclear Agreement Review Act, the Jewish Voice (3/11/15) has just reported that Schumer "declined to confirm that he would vote to override a veto."   Ask Senator Schumer:  Is he or is he not going to be counted among those brave Democratic Senators who are putting our national security and that of Israel before partisan politics and protocol?  
For those in New York, call Senator Schumer at 202-224-6542 (or 212-486-4430).
                                                                                      E-mail him by going to
                                                                                      Fax a letter to: 202-228-3027
For those in New York, call Senator Gillibrand at 202-224-4451 (or 212-688-6262).  
                                                                                      E-mail her by going to
                                                                                      Fax a letter to: 202-228-0282  
For those in New Jersey, call Senator Cory Booker at:
                                                                                  202-224-3224 (or 973- 639- 8700)                                                                         
                                                                                  E-mail him by going to
                                                                                  Fax a letter to: 202-224-8378
For those in Pennsylvaniacall Senator Bob Casey:  Call 202-224-6324 (or 215-405-9660)
                                                                                              Fax a letter to: 202-228-0604
Senators Mark Warner (D) of VirginiaJoe Donnelly (D) of Indiana,  and Joe Manchin (D) of West Virginia are also senators who originally supported the Nuclear Weapon Free Iran Act but who are now silent.   If you are in these states or have contacts in these states, please encourage them to launch phone, e-mail, and letter-writing campaigns to these senators.
The message we sent:    
"Your support for the Iran Nuclear Agreement Review Act of 2015 (Senate Bill 615) is urgently needed.   It is critical that the proposed agreement with Iran be subjected to Congressional review and approval before it is finalized.    We are urging you to put the security of the United States of America, its closest ally Israel, and the entire Middle East region above politics and protocol and to commit to overriding President Obama's expected veto.   77 % of Americans now agree that Iran's development of nuclear weapons is a "critical threat" (Gallup World Affairs Poll, Feb. 8-11, 2015).
The Administration is about to enter into an agreement with Iran which is described by our State Dept. as the "world's foremost leader of state-sponsored terrorism" and is ruled by a regime that has reneged on every agreement it has signed since 2003.  It continues to refuse the International Atomic Energy Agency access to its Parchin military complex and has refused to allow the IAEA to inspect the technologies it is developing which are related to building a nuclear weapon.   Iran has done nothing to establish itself as a credible negotiating "partner."
There is every indication that the strategies being used with Iran are the ones that failed with North Korea which now has nuclear weapons.  Iran's nuclear ambitions are threatening  to create a nuclear arms race in the Middle East. 


On behalf of our children, our grandchildren, and future generations, we beseech you to find the courage and fortitude to support the Iran Nuclear Agreement Review Act of 2015 and to commit to overriding Pres. Obama's expected veto!  At this perilous juncture in history, we need heroic action!" 
Lynne Bursky-Tammam and Nessim Tammam
Chairpersons, Yom Hashoah Mobilization Committee

Robin Ticker
Activist emails sent to my list  are L'Ilui Nishmat Yisrael ben David Aryeh ob"m (Izzy - Kaplan) and Howard Chaim Grief great activists and lovers of Eretz Yisroel, Am Yisroel and the Torah. Yehi Zichronum Baruch.  May their memories serve as a blessing.

Most of these emails are posted on 

Personal emails to individuals will not be posted to my blog. 

Fwd: TZC-Newsletter-March13-2015=PDF-Format Partshat Vayakhel PeKudei


Robin Ticker
Activist emails sent to my list  are L'Ilui Nishmat Yisrael ben David Aryeh ob"m (Izzy - Kaplan) and Howard Chaim Grief great activists and lovers of Eretz Yisroel, Am Yisroel and the Torah. Yehi Zichronum Baruch.  May their memories serve as a blessing.

Most of these emails are posted on 

Personal emails to individuals will not be posted to my blog. 

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Chazaq Chazaq VeNitChazeiq! This Sunday evening March 15, 2015, Big Chazaq Event III. Check them out even if you are not from NY.


Please check out their website!  
Read about what they do and you will be amazed!
This Sunday evening March 15, 2015! The Big CHAZAQ Event III... 

Doors open 6:30 pm. Event begins 7:30pm promptly! 
Where: Colden Auditorium Queens College 65-30 Kissena Blvd, Flushing NY 

Great Music and Entertainment: Avraham Fried
Inspiration by World Renowned Lecturers featuring: 
Charlie Harary, 
Rabbi Zechariah Wallerstein 
Rabbi Pesach Krohn
Special Performance by Internationally acclaimed mentalist: Marc Salem

Free Parking on premises
Concession Stand on premises: Sushi, snacks, drinks

Buy Your Tickets before its too late!
or order your tickets at 917-617-3636, 718-285-9132, 

What goes to Chazaq comes back to you!  Please read about what they do and you will be amazed!
(So even if it's a sold house or if you can't make the Big Chazaq event itself, any contribution to Chazaq is a win win situation) 

Proceeds go to Chazaq Outreach Programs! (it is no wonder that there are so many Chashuv sponsors including many Jewish publications)

Robin Ticker
Activist emails sent to my list  are L'Ilui Nishmat Yisrael ben David Aryeh ob"m (Izzy - Kaplan) and Howard Chaim Grief great activists and lovers of Eretz Yisroel, Am Yisroel and the Torah. Yehi Zichronum Baruch.  May their memories serve as a blessing.

Most of these emails are posted on 

Personal emails to individuals will not be posted to my blog.