Friday, September 17, 2010

Jewish Press front story. From being PASSIVE to ProACTIVE. Thinking out of the Box!


Dear Friends, amv"sh

For the record.  My last email was slightly off in that it placed the Jewish Press, Mort Klein and National Council of Young Israel in a totally negative light. 

So now before Yom Kippur Yom Hadin I would like to set the record straight. .  Mort Klein and the ZOA, the National Coucil of Young Israel and the Jewish Press are all AGAINST extending the Freeze.  They have been the most vocal of the mainstream Jewish Organizations and media in support of Judea and Samaria.  

Why then are they resigned to extending the freeze?  Apparently, they are at a loss, given  the present Israeli gov't  represented by Netanyahu  and the present USA gov't represented by President  Obama and the State Dept. to figure out how they can  effectively  influence Captiol Hill? 

The answer is to think out of the BOX!

The answer is clearly a 2 STate Solution.  But not simply the Roadmap but a TORAH Roadmap.

2 States:
  1. The State of Israel and
  2. a sister State, a Judean Autonomy in Judea and Samaria based on Hebraic Law, Torah law and Mitzvoth (and not  British and Turkish law. 

A Jewish Homeland in the Biblical Heartland  in the Land of Israel.   

This way no Jewish community will be expelled from their homeland.   No family will be torn apart from their community.  No Synagogue and Culture Center will be demolished and no graves will be moved.  No destruction of businesses and homes. No need to raise money for former productive, self supporting, members of society after their life's work was cruelly taken from them.

Surely the majority of the members of Congress and the Senate are believers in One G-d, the G-d of Israel and read the Tora. The Torah is the building block of all other religions.  

 While members of Capitol Hill  have a problem with opposing Netanyahu and his gov't and do not wish to oppose the elected representative of the State of Israel, they don't ideologically have a problem supporting the rights of Jews to live in their ancestral homeland as per Divine Will.   If they can support a Palestinian Autonomy than why not a Judean Autonomy. 

All non Jews of course are welcome to live in the Land of Israel provided that they accept Jewish Sovereignty and the 7 Noahide laws.  (Similar to I Pledge Allegiance).  However, any aggression against Jewish communities will be dealt with accordingly  as any Sovereign Nation would in order to protect their people and their boundaries.  These non Jewish residents have full rights under Jewish Law under the category of Ger Toshav.  They must be  provided for and our goal is to  live in peace and prosperity alongside Jewish neighbors. Jewish residents are obligated to 613 commandments rather than 7 Noahide laws. .  If any non Jew is not satisfied with this arrangement  they can choose any of the 22 Muslim ARab States surrounding Israel.

 The Jewish People and citizens of a Judean Autonomy should have,  as is the case with citizens of  USA, the right to bear arms and the right of self defense.  The main job of  gov't is to provide and protect their residents and their civil rights.   When the State of Israel stops doing so for the Jews in Judea and Samaria  the only logical solution is the one presented in this OUT OF THE BOX suggestion. 

Gmar Chatima Tova and may this be a Gut Gebentched Yar.  May this be a year of Peace and Prosperity for all the Nations of the World who are blessed through Israel when the Nation of Israel lives in the Holy Land observing the Torah and Mitzvoth,

Sincerely, Robin Ticker

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

JEWISH PRESS FRONT PAGE STORY: WE gove up! OBAMA WINS. Mort Klein of ZOA and Young Israel of America response!


In this weeks front page story entitled ""US JEWISH RIGHT RESIGNED TO POSSIBLE FREEZE EXTENSION" Mort Klein of the Zionist Organization of AMerica is giving Netanyahu leeway to extend the freeze and Aarom Stroodle spokesman of the National Council of Young Israel merely expresses regrets but has no plan of action if the freeze continues.  "The Prime Minister in office carries credibility with the Jewish Right." the article says.   The article ends with "The vast majority o f American Jewry believes that Netanyahu, as the democratically elected leader, is in the best position to determine what is best for Israel".

So according to the Jewish Press the Jews on the Right in American have turned their backs on Judea and Samaria. 

Of course we on the Jewish Right will do an excellent job after the fact to memorialize the beautiful communities that once was and to memorialize the victims of terror.  We will express heartfelt emotions and have Tehillim Rallies "Sharing in the Pain" of our brethren that once was in Judea and Samaria.....

So all of us on the Right please know that the Jewish Press has spoken for us.  Judea and Samaria must deal with the slow death of their communities on their own.  They must deal with possible expulsions and the revoking of licenses of their guns leaving them defenseless ON THEIR OWN.  Of course we are very regretful that this has to be the case but we are not going to do anything substantial to stop it from happening..


Robin Ticker
This email  is L'Ilui Nishmat  Yisrael ben David Aryeh ob"m (Izzy - Kaplan)  a great activist and lover of Eretz Yisroel, Am Yisroel and the Torah. Yehi Zichrono Baruch. 

Monday, September 13, 2010

Settlers Say: Give Us Back Our Guns, Now!


Dear list,

Two of the American Bill of Rights are Freedom to Bear Arms and Freedom of Self Defense.  Please remind yourself why these freedoms are necessary by watching this film.   Perhaps Talia and Yitzchok Imes and fellow passengers hy"d  would be alive today had Yitzchok's gun license not been taken from him.  He was left defenseless when terrorists struck.

"No Guns For Jews"


Robin Ticker
This email  is L'Ilui Nishmat  Yisrael ben David Aryeh ob"m (Izzy - Kaplan)  a great activist and lover of Eretz Yisroel, Am Yisroel and the Torah. Yehi Zichrono Baruch. 

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Paul Eidelberg - All Qaeda camp teaches boys as young as 5 to bomb and kill


An appropriate Jewish response to this revolting phenomenon:

 It was the Jewish Children in the Purim story that helped save the Jews.  Judaism places tremendous importance on "tinokot shel beit rabban" (literally, "children in the house of their rabbi").   The learning of Jewish children untainted by sin is our best defense against  Islam's practice of sacrificing their children to Shahidism and Jihad and their glorification of suicide bombers.

Bizchut Nashim Tzidkaniyot.  Professor Paul Eidelberg sings praises of Caroline Glick a true women of Valor.  Many activists for Judea and Samaria, not only Professor Eidelberg  would like to  see her take front stage more frequently.  She is a leading spokesperson and she must be promoted to the fullest.  
Paul Eidelberg has some wonderful advice for BB Netanyahu!
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: <>
Date: Wed, Sep 8, 2010 at 5:34 AM
Subject: A Bloodless Revolution

From Paul Eidelberg


Ladies and Gentlemen:


Please examine the article below this one regarding Al-Qaeda, and then proceed to my remarks.


1) The training of children to kill Jews has been going on for years under the PLO-Palestinian Authority.  Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu (BB) knows this, but hasn't the wherewithal to translate this horrendous matter into a foreign policy that can save Israel from the disaster which he and his five predecessors are responsible .


2) Suppose BB was to have a televised "State of the Nation" message attended by the international media as well as foreign ambassadors; and suppose he was display the PA's indoctrination and training of small children to become terrorists, hence to murder Jews 


3) BB could then ABROGATE OSLO—explaining:

(a) How Oslo has been violated by the PLO-Palestinian Authority;



4) BB then issues an ultimatum to Abbas and the PA indicating the Israel will not stand passively by while they train kids to hate and kill Jews, indeed, that Israel, like other UN members, is obliged by international law to stop—and certainly not to reward— this terrorist training.  Indeed, Israel will resort to force to uphold the law.


5) Okay, you will say this proposal is beyond the realm of the possible. Explain why. Is it because BB would then implicate himself and his predecessors of being complicit in the murder and maiming of thousands of Jews?  Are you suggesting BB lacks the courage to do this? Are you saying that the Knesset cannot compel the Government to uphold the law and fulfill its duties to the nation?  Are you saying Israel is not a democracy? Are you saying Israel must commit suicide with the help of BB?


6) Okay, if the political echelon is impotent—and forget about Israel's anti-Zionist, multicultural Supreme Court—and since men may be in short supply—let's have Caroline Glick undertake the task of initiating a bloodless revolution!  Recall that on June 21, 2005, while Sharon was PM, our intrepid Caroline wrote an article entitled "A COWARD FOR A PRIME MINISTER"!


a.       Let's urge her to hold an international press conference and use video to display how Abbas and the PA are indoctrinating and training children to kill Jews.

b.      Let her call on BB to abrogate Oslo or resign and hold new elections. 


7)      Enough political analysis which leads to political paralysis. Let's get serious.  Since the Government consists of wimps, let's start a bloodless revolution from below.  Caroline did a marvelous satirical job on the Flotilla debacle.  She can do a far more significant job on the BB debacle.


8) Let's start the New Year with some new thinking.




Subject: Islamicist radicalization of young boys in Pakistan.



 An important article from the UK - Sunday Mirror shows the Islamic radicalization of young boys in Pakistan


Al-Qaeda camp teaches boys as young as five to bomb and kill

Sunday Mirror EXCLUSIVE by Nick Owens 29/08/2010

SM Terror Tots 450 (Pic:SM)

Boys as young as five can barely hold up the machine guns and pistols in their hands as they take aim at ­imaginary targets in the Pakistan desert.

But this is no sick game, it is their first step along the way to becoming al-Qaeda terrorists as they are taught about military combat and how to launch suicide ­missions.

At hidden camps terrorist chiefs also use toys to teach the boys how they can blow up ­buildings and mount roadside bomb attacks.

One chilling image from a video filmed inside one camp shows children, barely old enough to be at school, crowding around a toy police car wired up to a bomb.

And they all cheer as a baby-faced bomber presses a button on a mobile phone which blasts the car to ­pieces.

Militants are training hundreds of youngsters to become killers in the camp based in North ­Waziristan.

They are then battle-hardened on ­missions against coalition troops across the border in Afghanistan.

British commanders say Taliban fighters are increasingly using ­children like these as suicide ­bombers. They are also used as human shields during fire-fights.

The recruits are being trained by the al-Qaeda-linked East Turkistan Islamic Movement (ETIM).

The ­terror group has cells in ­Afghanistan and Pakistan and have been responsible for more than 200 acts of terrorism across the globe in the last 20 years.

Now they are using madrassas – ­religious Islamic schools – as a cover to groom a new army of bombers.

Video footage passed to the Sunday Mirror shows the children learning to fire weapons, undergoing religious instruction and taking part in ­physical training. Dressed in camouflage uniform, the bewildered youngsters are made to stand in line before being handed AK-47 rifles.

SM Terror Tots 450 (Pic:SM)

The children come from families within the Turkic ethnic group of Uyghur people – Chinese Muslims who have fled and settled in Pakistan Afghanistan and Kazakhstan.

Many have been signed up to the ETIM as one aim of the terror group is to make China's ­Xinjiang province – where 80 per cent of the population are Uyghur people – ­independent. Their mission has led already to a series of attacks against China.

Terrorism expert Neil Doyle said the video, which is being released as part of a Jihad ­recruitment drive, was "a shocking example of the sick tactics al-Qaeda use."

It appears on a website called Revolution Muslim, which is run in the name of hate preachers Anjem Choudary, Omar Bakri ­Mohammad and ­Abdullah el-Faisal, all of whom have close links to the UK.

Read more:



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Robin Ticker
This email  is L'Ilui Nishmat  Yisrael ben David Aryeh ob"m (Izzy - Kaplan)  a great activist and lover of Eretz Yisroel, Am Yisroel and the Torah. Yehi Zichrono Baruch. 

Sunday, September 05, 2010

Press Release from Neemanei Eretz Yisroel, Eretz Yisroel Loyalists

PRESS RELEASE                                                              Bs"d

September 5, 2010


Rabbi Hollander Representing Neemanei Eretz Yisroel Visiting USA.

Rabbi Yeshayahu HaKohen  Hollander representing Neemanei Eretz Yisroel (Eretz Yisroel Loyalists) will be visiting New York immediately after Sukkoth October 3, 2010 thru October 13, 2010.  The purpose of his visit is to raise consciousness in the Diaspora regarding our entitlement to settle and build in Judea and Samaria and in all parts of Biblical Israel and to speak out forcefully against a Palestinian State.  



Rabbi Hollander will meet with various Rabbanim, shuls, and Congregations in the New York area where he will network and raise support, both ideological and practical for Eretz Yisroel and Yishuv Haaretz.  He will speak out for their rights of self defense.


Acheinu Beis Yisroel, it says BeDaMayich Chayii, "in Your Blood shall you live" but does it have to be with human sacrifices such as the cruel murder of Yitzhak Ames, 47, and his wife Tali Ames, 45, Kochava Even-Haim, 37, and Avishai Schindler, 24 HY"D. Rather let us put our heart and soul in partnering with our brethren in Judea and Samaria and their resolve to defend, protect, build and settle in our ancestral homeland.  As Moshe Rabbeinu told the Tribes of Reuvein, Gad and half of Shevet Menashe, will your brothers fight for you and you stay here?  Will we in the Diaspora sit silent while our brethren in Judea and Samaria are surrounded by enemies and are shouldering the burden on their own?


For more information or to set up an appointment and/or meetings with Rabbi Hollander please contact Robin Ticker at 718-338-3822 or 718-510-2364. We especially welcome any calls from those that wish to have the zechus of driving Rabbi Hollander around or wish to join and partner with a group of Eretz Yisroel activists and loyalists.


Kethiva VeChathima Tova and may we be zocheh to be blessed with a Gut Gebenthched Yur..

Rabbi Yeshayahu [Julius] HaKohen Hollander.  is a member of the Nascent Sanhedrin (goto and a Justice of Jerusalem Court for Issues of Bnei Noah. He is Editor of a new publication of Talmud Bavli with Rashi embedded.  Previously he was a Ram in Yeshivat Hesder. He learned at Yeshiva Poneviz and Kollel Valozin, and merited to study under Rabbi Yitzhak Kolitz z"l, Chief Rabbi of Jerusalem. He holds a M.Sc. Theoretical Physics at Hebrew University and is a licensed Patent Attorney with twenty five years in industry. He was a general manager of Heled Educational Experiences and taught in Ricanati School for Economics at Tel Aviv University. Born in New York in 1937, came to Israel in 1948.




Association of Communities in Judea and Samaria 


According to widely available public information, according to statements issued by our enemies and as has been further proven by the political reality of recent years (for example: the freeze on Jewish building in the Land of Israel, the destruction of many small communities, the establishment of a "Palestinian" city, etc.), the administration in Israel is preparing to hand over large parts of the Homeland to our enemies, to deport the Jewish residents and to abandon the Jewish communities… 

It has been proven many times in the past that withdrawal does not bring any form of peace but rather leads directly to an increase in terror and killing, bereavement, more widows and orphans, destruction and devastation. The fact is that every concession of our land has only led to a more serious breach of the safety and security of the people of Zion. And that is in addition to the damage that has been psychologically, physically, and economically to the thousands of residents already forcibly removed and to their families…  

* Based upon God's explicit promise in the Bible, as given to the Forefathers of our nation and to the people of Israel, the people of Israel are Sovereign upon the entire Land of Israel, and, above all, in the holy city of Jerusalem - This right is eternal and non-negotiable. The Sovereignty of the People of Israel is not subject to any foreign entity.  

* Based upon international law, including, but not limited to, the San Remo Resolution of 1920 and the mandate over the Land of Israel that followed- as well as by virtue of the fact that the People of Israel are the original indigenous "natives" of this land, the Sovereignty of the People of Israel is not subject to any foreign entity.  

In the event that any area is abandoned by the Israeli government, the Jewish residents will remain in place and remain the Sovereign owners of that land, exercising lawful precedence over any other People pretending to a political identity in the Land of Israel.   

The Jewish communities residing in all parts of the Land of Israel, particularly in the eastern part of Jerusalem, are Sovereign upon their Land.  

We are preparing the announcement of the Sovereignty of the Jewish communities of Judea and Samaria over any land evacuated by the State of Israel. We will call for a covenant with the State of Israel.

The government and the Knesset of Israel are not vested with the authority to take action against individuals who are lawful residents of the Land and are not empowered to carry out policy opposed to the rights of the Jewish people in the Land of Israel. Any entity that violates these rights is to be regarded as a foreign agent in conflict with the Community of Israel in the Land of Israel …

Anyone who presumes to speak with the enemy in the name of the Jewish residents, in order to force them out of their homes, to deport them, or to take any action - violent or otherwise - for that purpose, is acting without authority and is subject to such consequence as may result from such unlawful actions, be it in contravention of human law or of Divine Law.  

In view of the fact that the residents are determined to remain in their places of residence, deploying the security forces against them may bring about a tragic rift in fabric of the nation as well as additional negative results which cannot be foreseen.  

The residents and citizens of Judea, Samaria, and Benjamin call upon the government and upon the Knesset to cease all negotiations that are based on the principle of "pieces of the Holy Land in exchange for peace"… to allow the Jews to stay firmly rooted in their land without obstructing the normal course of their lives, and to protect their safety and welfare.  

The uprooting of Jews from Gush Katif was a crime that will not be repeated, since in the event of any unlawful government decision, the Jewish residents are planning to resist any attempt to uproot them from their homes or to abandon them to the enemy, using every legitimate means available.

The Sovereign People of Israel will remain in their Communities, and fully intend to expand and develop these Communities. The Sovereign People of Israel will accomplish this with the aid of Jews from all over the world and also with the assistance of gentiles who love the people of God…and in the name of G-d we will act and we will succeed.  

Signatures of organizations and individuals who are members of the Provisional Committee - (partial list)   

Rabbi Shalom Dov Wolpe, Rabbi Dov Stein, Professor Hillel Weiss, Yitzhak Shadmi, Shmuel Medad Zingi, Yoel Lerner, Baruch Merzel, Yonatan Hahn, Emmanuel Gertler, Gedaliyah Glazer, Ruti Itzkawitz, Kati Cohen, Anat Livni




Robin Ticker
This email  is L'Ilui Nishmat  Yisrael ben David Aryeh ob"m (Izzy - Kaplan)  a great activist and lover of Eretz Yisroel, Am Yisroel and the Torah. Yehi Zichrono Baruch.