- The Twelve Tribes of Israel are one unit, interdependent and Areivim, responsible for one another.
Definition of Authonomy: Self Governing, Independant
Q. Won't the creation of a Judeam Autonomy create disunity and division among Israel turning brother against brother?
A. No. the opposite
Example in the Desert where the tribe of Levi acted independantly and in seeming opposition to his brother for the benefit and unity of the whole as a result of his service to G-d.
The Bracha of Levi in Zos Habracha: 'Your Urim and Your Tumim, befit your devoted one, whom you tested at Massa and challenged at the waters of Meriva. The one who said of his father and mother, I have not favoured him, his brother he did not give recognition, and his children he did not know. For they the Leviim have observed your word and your covenant that they preserve. http://www.dvar.org.il/drbank/VeZosHabracha.htm
The main reason to have a Judean Autonomy is in order to create a prototype of an autonomous Jewish government that is based on Torah, the Oral and Written Law rather than a government that is based on Turkish and British Law. Democracy is wonderful in many respects but while Torah incorporates many concepts of Democracy, Torah, and democracy at times are at odds with each other and in a Jewish State, Torah should prevail not democracy.
Hamonei Am in Israel and in the Diaspora is afraid of this concept. They are afraid of religious coersion. It's truly revoltionary system of government that has not been tried for thousands of years, yet Hebraic Law is the basis of all other forms of gov't. The Shalem Center in Israel and their literary journal Azure focus's on Hebraic Law. The time has come for serious brainstorming regariding this matter and what better place to implement a prototype Torah autonomy than in Judea and Samaria?
The religious Jews have recently been feeling that they are being coerced by Secular Law. Rather than a power struggle in this matter, let's the two entities separate temporarily and support one another to implement a Torah Autonomy, a revolutionary concept for our generation on a prototype small scale level. This way the Secular State of Israel will not feel that they are being coerced in any way and neither will the religious Jews. There will be many kinks and bugs that will emerge and it will take a strong believing community to persevere until the Halachot are established. It would not be helpful having a hostile communiity when the going gets rough.
In my next discussion on Judean Autonomy I will discuss the following questions that people have.
Q. When the surrounding enemies of Israel choose to attack this Judean Autonomy Chas Vechalila, wouldn't the STate of Israel have to come to the defense of Judea and Samaria and htis is precisely what the State of Israel is hoping to avoid?
Q, How should we respond when America says No stealth bomber planes for Israel and invoke economic sanctions and all the Arab Nations and European Union join (the order can be reversed and the Arabs start a boycott of Israeli products and then everyione else joins and America says no Stealth bombers etc) when the Judean Autonomy proudly proclaims we are the indigenous Poeopl of the Land of Israel? Won't the isolation be unbearable?
to be continued....
On One the case of Yesha Autonomy Part 1 and Part 2 can be found on the blog Shemittah Rediscovered (do a search)
Robin Ticker
This email is L'Ilui Nishmat Yisrael ben David Aryeh ob"m (Izzy - Kaplan) a great activist and lover of Eretz Yisroel, Am Yisroel and the Torah. Yehi Zichrono Baruch.