Let us review the reason why the colonies revolted against England. Wasn't there a problem about Freedom of Religion, Freedom to own property, the right to bear arms in order to protect and defend oneself? Let us compare the rights of the colonists that were violated to the rights of the citizens of YESHA that are violated. Surely, the Jews of Gush KAtif and Northern Shomron had their rights violated much worse than those that instigated the Boston Tea Party and complained of taxation w/o representation. Gush Katif and Northern Shomron Jews paid taxes but their synagogues, homes and communities were totally destroyed. If Obama had his way the same is G-d forbid slated for other communities in YESHA and Jerusalem.
The main difference between Judea and Samaria revolting from the State of Israel and the colonists revolting against Israel is that Bnei Yisroel is one Nation under G-d and each of the twelve tribes is an integral part of the Nation of Israel. Therefore Judea and Samaria will never permanently detach itself from the rest of Israel. That is prophesied in the Prophets. This is the Will of G-d. The twelve tribes must be eventually united. However, it may be inevitable, if the State of israel abandons Judea and Samaria, that residents of Judea and Samaria will be forced to temporarily separate from the State of Israel and declare a Torah autonomy and Sovereignty for self preservation and for the safety and security of the State of Israel and the rest of the world. If this be the case, it would be in the best interest of the IDF and the State of Israel not to fight against it's brothers in YESHA in their declaration of Independence but rather allow them to do what they must in self defense against Kassam and Yassam. With Hamas, Hizbollah, Al Qaida and FATAH all being armed by an ideologically aligned Nazi Iran, not to mention the United States and NGO's of other sorts, our declaration of G-d's Covenant with our Forefathers and our Biblical birthright is what is necessary to enlist the aid of the Almighty to fight our battles against otherwise insurmountable forces against us. How else can the lone sheep fight against the 70 wolves?
From: <eidelberg@foundation1.org>
Date: Fri, Feb 12, 2010 at 4:52 AM
Subject: Abraham Lincoln
To: list@foundation1.org
February 12 is the birthday of America's greatest president, Abraham Lincoln. Ponder his celebrated Gettysburg Address, which begins with these words: "Four score and seven years ago our fathers brought forth on this continent a new nation, conceived in Liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal."
Lincoln thereby dates America's birth not with the Constitution of 1788, but with the Declaration of Independence of 1776—and rightly so. The Declaration embodies the political philosophy—one may even say the political theology— of the American Constitution, the covenant of the American people.
The Declaration was embodied in many of the State Constitutions to sanctify their spiritual origin. The meaning of the Declaration is inseparable from the monotheistic culture in which it was incubated—the Judeo-Christian culture. This culture, as we see in the words of the Declaration, posits a "Higher Law" doctrine: "the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God." The Laws of Nature and of Nature's God transcends the laws of men and nations. It is from this Higher Law, but therefore from God—the Creator of heaven and earth—that we derive our "inalienable rights to Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness."
There is no moral relativism, no cultural relativism, no historical relativism in the Declaration of Independence; its principles transcend space and time. That's why the Declaration imposes limits on what governments may do. Which means the Declaration affirms the principle of limited government on the one hand, and the inviolable rights of the individual on the other. Therein is the credo of the American people, a credo rooted in the Biblical principle of man's creation in the image of God.
Now this credo is being denied and undermined by President Barack Obama. Like his college mentors, Obama is a cultural relativist. He rejects the credo of the Declaration. He replaces the immutable doctrine of natural rights with the evolutionary doctrine of "Progressivism." Progressivism animated his "Yes we can" presidential campaign oratory—which signifies monumental egoism on the one hand, and historical amnesia on the other—all so evident in Obama's teleprompter speeches.
So Americans should take this day of February 12 to relearn the teachings of their greatest President. As in former days, let American children learn to recite Lincoln's immortal Gettysburg Address. From there let American youth learn about their biblical roots, profoundly articulated in the Declaration of Independence.
Prof. Paul Eidelberg, President,
Foundation for Constitutional Democracy