Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Comparing Judea and Samaria and the Rights of the Colonists- Presidents Week - Abraham Lincoln -The Declaration imposes limits on what governments may do.


Let us review the reason why the colonies revolted against England.  Wasn't there a problem about Freedom of Religion, Freedom to own property, the right to bear arms in order to  protect and defend oneself?    Let us compare the rights of the colonists that were violated to the rights of the citizens of YESHA that are violated.    Surely, the Jews of Gush KAtif and Northern Shomron had their rights violated much worse than those that instigated the Boston Tea Party and complained of taxation w/o representation.  Gush Katif and Northern Shomron Jews paid taxes but  their synagogues, homes and communities were totally destroyed.  If Obama had his way the same is G-d forbid slated for other communities in YESHA and Jerusalem.

The main difference between Judea and Samaria revolting from the State of Israel and the colonists revolting against Israel is that Bnei Yisroel is one Nation under G-d and each of the twelve tribes is an integral part of the Nation of Israel.  Therefore Judea and Samaria will never permanently detach itself from the rest of Israel.  That is prophesied in the Prophets.  This is the Will of G-d.   The twelve tribes must be eventually united.   However, it may be inevitable, if  the State of israel abandons Judea and Samaria, that residents of  Judea and Samaria will be forced to temporarily separate from the State of Israel and declare a Torah autonomy and Sovereignty for self preservation and for the safety and security of the State of Israel and the rest of the world.  If this be the case, it would be in the best interest of the IDF and the State of Israel not to fight against it's brothers in YESHA in their declaration of Independence but rather allow them to do what they must in self defense against Kassam and Yassam.   With Hamas, Hizbollah, Al Qaida  and FATAH all being armed by an ideologically aligned Nazi Iran, not to mention the United States and NGO's of other sorts, our declaration of G-d's Covenant with our Forefathers and our Biblical birthright is what is necessary to enlist the aid of the Almighty to fight our battles against otherwise insurmountable forces against us.  How else can the lone sheep fight against the 70 wolves?

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Date: Fri, Feb 12, 2010 at 4:52 AM
Subject: Abraham Lincoln

February 12 is the birthday of America's greatest president, Abraham Lincoln.  Ponder his celebrated Gettysburg Address, which begins with these words: "Four score and seven years ago our fathers brought forth on this continent a new nation, conceived in Liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal."


Lincoln thereby dates America's birth not with the Constitution of 1788, but with the Declaration of Independence of 1776—and rightly so. The Declaration embodies the political philosophy—one may even say the political theology— of the American Constitution, the covenant of the American people. 


The Declaration was embodied in many of the State Constitutions to sanctify their spiritual origin.  The meaning of the Declaration is inseparable from the monotheistic culture in which it was incubated—the Judeo-Christian culture. This culture, as we see in the words of the Declaration, posits a "Higher Law" doctrine: "the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God."  The Laws of Nature and of Nature's God transcends the laws of men and nations.  It is from this Higher Law, but therefore from God—the Creator of heaven and earth—that we derive our "inalienable rights to Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness." 


There is no moral relativism, no cultural relativism, no historical relativism in the Declaration of Independence; its principles transcend space and time.  That's why the Declaration imposes limits on what governments may do.  Which means the Declaration affirms the principle of limited government on the one hand, and the inviolable rights of the individual on the other.  Therein is the credo of the American people, a credo rooted in the Biblical principle of man's creation in the image of God.


Now this credo is being denied and undermined by President Barack Obama.  Like his college mentors, Obama is a cultural relativist. He rejects the credo of the Declaration.  He replaces the immutable doctrine of natural rights with the evolutionary doctrine of "Progressivism." Progressivism animated his "Yes we can" presidential campaign oratory—which signifies monumental egoism on the one hand, and historical amnesia on the other—all so evident in Obama's teleprompter speeches.


So Americans should take this day of February 12 to relearn the teachings of their greatest President.  As in former days, let American children learn to recite Lincoln's immortal Gettysburg Address. From there let American youth learn about their biblical roots, profoundly articulated in the Declaration of Independence.


Prof. Paul Eidelberg, President,

Foundation for Constitutional Democracy



New Temple Mount Blog updated almost every day - Yosef Rabin, and Moshe Feiglin Warning: Imminent Murder on Temple Mount


Subject: New Temple Mount Blog!!!

Please forward this blog with family and friends! The blog will be updated almost every day with news and pictures from the Temple Mount.;

Please read this letter from Chairman of Manhigut Yehudit:

Warning: Imminent Murder on Temple Mount

By Moshe Feiglin


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Date: Mon, Feb 15, 2010 at 2:16 PM
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1751 Second Ave, New York, NY 10128

Tel: 212-828-2424; Fax: 212-828-1717;;

Contact: Helen Freedman, Executive Director

February 15, 2010





            Thursday evening, February 11, 2010, at an event sponsored by Americans For a Safe Israel/AFSI, over one hundred people braved the icy streets of NYC to attend a briefing on the situation in Israel delivered by MK Dr. Arieh Eldad.

           Drawing on his experience as Chief Medical officer for the IDF, and Director of Plastic Surgery at Hadassah Hospital, MK Dr. Eldad provided some very vivid metaphors. He suggested that if Israel were to be compared to a sick "patient", with the diagnosis of "land for peace" as the cure, this would obviously be a disastrous prescription of the wrong medicine.  If administered in continuing doses to the "patient", this would bring about its demise. In this case, the right medicine is recognition that no amount of land, and no degree of concessions can win the peace with the Arabs for which Israelis are so eager. The diagnosis of the illness has to be changed.

The illness has to be recognized as one that is grounded in the Arab Islamic religious belief that Israel has no right to exist.  A whole new approach has to be created that requires a stiff spine on the part of Israel's leaders. This approach is being promoted by the new Land of Israel Forum, newly created in the Knesset, which Dr. Eldad co-chair         MK Dr. Eldad, a member of the National Union party, appeared to mesmerize the audience at West Side Institutional Synagogue as he reiterated the ideals of the Forum. With MK Ze'ev Elkin from Likud as his co-chair, and representation from seven other parties, the imperative of a "whole Israel" is the focus.

            MK Dr. Eldad spoke about the weakness of the Netanyahu leadership which can consider giving away parts of Judea, Samaria, and the Golan, and dividing Yerushalayim. He bemoaned the tragedy of discussing the possibility of a "Palestinian state" and then attempting to retract  that statement. He said that once an Israeli Prime Minister concedes the possibility of such a reality, it is difficult for the Knesset and/or the Israeli public to negate it. Therefore, his Land of Israel Forum is essential in asserting that Jews have the right to live everywhere in the Jewish land of Israel and this right is the divine right promised in the Bible. He warned against using the security argument as one of entitlement since generals and politicians have a way of changing their assessments under pressure.

            The subject of Iran was addressed, and MK Dr. Eldad cautioned us that Israel would probably have to "go it alone" in defending itself against the Iranian nuclear threat since the Obama administration could not be depended upon to confront the issue. Clearly, sanctions and threat of sanctions would not deter the Ahmadinejad regime to remove its threat to Israel and the world.

It is unfortunate that the snowstorms in Washington, DC prevented the delegation from the Israeli Knesset Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee, of which MK Dr. Eldad is a member, from scheduled meetings with Senate, House and Petagon members on matters relating to U.S. and Israeli defense issues. Hopefully these meetings will be re-scheduled so that MK Dr. Eldad's voice of sanity can be heard in the halls of the U.S. Congress and State Department.


Thursday, February 11, 2010

Fwd: HATRED OF ISRAEL AND OF JEWS: WHY? Professor Eidelberg When Torah Shines Forth from Zion, Hatred will stop

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Date: Wed, Feb 10, 2010 at 4:39 PM

Hatred of Israel and of Jews: Why?

Prof. Paul Eidelberg


In view of the hatred of Israel and of Jews raging abroad, even in liberal America, I felt obliged to republish an article I wrote on the subject in 2004.



Ask almost any Jew, "Why Does the World Hate Israel?" and he will say:  "Because Israel is a Jewish state."  Wrong!  The world hates Israel precisely because Israel is NOT a Jewish state!  This is what we learn from the Sages.


Israel-bashing is God's way of reminding Jews they are Jews.  It's His way of admonishing Jews when they have strayed from the Torah, cluing them that they need to get their house in order—in this case, making their state Jewish.


Let's face some seldom-faced facts.  Without impugning the religious sentiments of one or two Israeli prime ministers—I have especially Menachem Begin in mind—every government of Israel, despite the participation of religious parties, has been dominated by agnostics or practical atheists.  No government of Israel has pursued, as its paramount objective, the goal of making Israel a Torah-oriented state (which would require interfacing Torah with science).   


We live in an age of science, but nothing is less rational and less Jewish than the way Israel forms its government.  With the Book of Books in mind, take a glance at Israel's governing institutions.  Does the Torah prescribe a plural executive consisting of rival political parties?  "There can be but one leader for a [people] and not two" (Deut. 31:7; and see Sanhedrin 8a).  Does the Torah prescribe a legislature or a judiciary whose membership is based on whim and includes non-Jews?  "Select for yourselves men who are wise, understanding, and known to your tribes and I will confirm them as your leaders" (Deut. 1:13).


Institutions aside, who ever heard of a Torah-oriented government yielding Jewish land to a foreign entity, indeed, to a gang of terrorists?   That's Oslo, concocted by a government diametrically opposed to a Jewish state.  And who ever heard of deporting Jews from their homes as proposed by the government of Ariel Sharon?  And you call this a Jewish state?!


Do you know that the government of this so-called Jewish state has deliberately pursued a policy that allows Arab terrorists to murder an "acceptable" number of Jews?   It's called the policy of "self-restraint" [embraced by Netanyahu in 1996 and by the same Netanyahu today]. 


To simplify matters, let us say that this policy was initiated by the government when the Oslo War erupted on September 29, 2000.  But Oslo and the Oslo war and the resulting worldwide explosion of Jew-hatred would not have occurred if Israel were a Jewish state!


Let's stay with Oslo for a moment.  The explosion of anti-Semitism would not have occurred had the government immediately eliminated Arafat's Palestinian Authority (PA) and its terrorist network in one swift and devastating blow as it could and should have done once Oslo was violated.  Do you know when Oslo was violated?  How about September 14, 1993, the day after Yitzhak Rabin and Yasser shook hands on the White House lawn?  Yes, and virtually every day since then! 


By not abrogating Oslo and destroying the PA, Israel's government enabled that terrorist organization to accumulate more and deadlier weapons, which obviously prolonged the war.  Had the PA been utterly uprooted, there would have been no weekly video displays [abroad] of the government's intermittent retaliations against terrorist attacks, with the inevitable "collateral damage" that has inflamed worldwide anti-Semitism.  There would have been no CNN and BBC coverage of "Operation Defensive Shield" in Jenin, for the PA would not have had the opportunity to develop bomb factories in that city.  There would have been no incitement of Arabs via the Palestinian media because such media would have been shut down.  All these (and other) violations of the Oslo Accords would not have occurred, and a generation of Arabs children would not have been brainwashed to emulate suicide bombers if Israel were in reality a Jewish state.  Therein is the unknown but underlying cause of worldwide Israel-bashing.


And this Israel-bashing is not going to stop so long as Israel is not a Jewish state.  It's not going to stop so long as Israel has prime ministers who do not think and act like Torah-oriented Jews.  I'm not talking about being "religious."   The illustrious Rabbi Raphael Samson Hirsch has said that the word "religion" is the greatest obstacle to an understanding of Judaism.  The great Maimonides and other Medieval Jewish philosophers did not regard Judaism as a "religion" but as an all-comprehensive truth-system, else they could not prefer Judaism over its "competitors" on rational grounds.   Maimonides makes it clear in The Guide of the Perplexed that science is the only path to the knowledge of God.


A Jewish state will of course have certain aspects that may be called "religious."  But a truly Jewish state will manifest, above all, the convergence of Torah and science.  When this convergence becomes a reality—when the Torah shines forth from Zion—then and then only will the world cease to hate Israel and turn with reverence toward Jerusalem.



Post Script February 10, 2010


According to the Gaon (the genius) of Vilna, "To the extent that one lacks knowledge of the properties of the natural forces [hence of natural science], he will lack one hundred-fold in the wisdom of the Torah." (To understand even this sentence requires deep knowledge.) It has been said by one of his disciples that the Gaon mastered the "Seven Wisdoms" of science that included mathematics, astronomy, physics, chemistry, engineering, pharmacology and medicine, musicology, parapsychology, and the brain sciences. With the rebirth of Israel, we are approaching this confluence of knowledge. It is in this light that we are to understand the current storm of Jew-hatred and the frantic maledictions from Iran about wiping Israel off the map. Israel was created to relate God's praise (Isaiah 43:21)—His infinite wisdom, power, and graciousness in every domain of existence.  But lo and behold: Israel, far from being a light unto the nations has become a black hole.  No wonder we're hated by the nations. One Israeli government after another has been betraying God!


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Memorial Website, and Memorial Event- for 8 Kedoshim Yeshiva Boys from Yashlatz tonight at 8:30pm in Yeshurun - Al Elah Ani Bochiya -


It happened Rosh Chodesh Adar 2 years ago in the library.... Yeshiva Boys from YASHLATZ...

Second yartzheit of the Eight Kedoshim;Memorial, main event being at Yeshurun Shul at 8:30pm tonight, Feb. 11,Thursday night. (see attached yahrzeit press release)

For those of us that can not attend the memorial in Yeshurun in Yerushalyim, please go on the website and watch a short memorial video for each boy...  and cry..... My personal suggestion is to watch one a night because it's just very painful.  Each boy so precious... 

Thank you Yaakov Cohney of Yeshiva Yashlatz for this amazing but heart wrenching website and memorials.   Robin and on our Facebook group.

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From: Yaakov Cohney <>
Date: Wed, Feb 10, 2010 at 4:03 PM
Subject: yashlatz yartzheit event & memorial videos
To: Robin Ticker <>