Nadia Matar in Negohot:
You tell us we can't build...We will build!
You tell us we can't plant...We will plant!
This is our Land and in the end we know we represent the majority of the Jewish people who love their homeland and who are going to stay here forever and ever in JUDEA, In SAMARIA, in the GOLAN in Jerusalem in ALL of the Land of Israel!".
"..the Rebbe said that he is concerned that Yerushalayim will have to be occupied once again.
"In that same conversation, he said that this occupation will not hold out, and that the city will have to be fought for again. ..
"When the Rebbe told me this, I [Geula Cohen] was extremely alarmed. When the Rebbe noticed this, he tried to calm me, and said that certainly things may change, if the leadership changes their mode of thought. But this is what the Rebbe felt and what he told me at that time.
posted on Our Land of Israel Publication June 2009
Ladies, the time has come for the Nashim Tzidkaniyot to spring into action.
Tonight, Tamar Adelstein did exactly that. The event was sponsored by Crown Ht's Women for the safety and integrity of Israel and the Shleimus Ha'aaretz talk show. Under Tamar's direction, she produced an evening of inspiration for women and girls on behalf of Judea and Samaria. The following was the program:
Act One: This is an original play written by Tamar and produced by the Atara Arts Performing Center. In this play the theme revolved about the agonizing choice a mother had to make regarding allowing her young teenage daughter to participate in protests against expulsions from settlements in Judea and Samaria, knowing the dire consequences of such participation by her daughter would most likely end up with a physical confrontation with security forces and jail. As the mother agonizes over her decision, she reminds herself of how she was the one that raised her daughter to have Mesirat Nefesh for the Land and she understood the burning desire of her daughter to apply what she had learned from her own upbringing. She finally does give permission to protest. However, all this does not seem to soften the pain of the unjust hardships her daughter would have to endure as a result of her unadulterated love of the Land for the Jewish people and her desire to hold onto the Land while helping to protect Jewish population centers in nearby communities..
Unfortunately, this is a true to life dilemma for a mother of a teenager in Judea and Samaria raised as the salt of the earth.
This was followed by a 3 women choir of the Atara Arts Performing Center, group of extremely talented women musicians who entertained us with their musical gifts with expression of their love of the Land with song.
Act Two: This is a documentary film called Yibaneh produced by Women in Green... G-d fearing and courageous men and women, are the stars of this show. Nadia Matar and Yehudit Katzover, the leaders of Women in Green are righteous women who with limited resources are mobilizing the nation to build and plant in the spirit of Yehoshua and Calev in Judea and Samaria and they call upon us to be their partners in this lifesaving endeaver. Tamar Adelstein supplied us with background info, which made us appreciate the work of Women in Green that much more.
Act Three: A fantastic performance by Chanale on the theme of Eretz Yisroel, reflecting our longing, our sacrifices and our love.
This evening is just the beginning. Perhaps it is us women that will take the message of the first Rashi in Breishit and bring it to the masses with home get togethers, medium sized gettogethers and large scale gettogethers. Maybe, Beezrat Hashem, it is still not to late for us to change a very painful Gezeera (the evil decree) chas vesholom that Jerusalem will once again have to be fought for.
Please send your donations to "Women for Israel's Tomorrow (Women in Green)-Yibaneh Fund", POB 7352 Jerusalem 91072,
For details: Nadia Matar 050-550-0834, Yehudit Katsover 050-716-1818,
Tamar Adelstein can be reached at, I can be reached at
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