Friday, September 19, 2008

Fwd: 5768.12.19 Israel Land of My Possession; URGENT CRY Re: Fw: Renanah's presentation about Rabbi Weissmandl, Matot Arim


19 Elul 5768
Friday, September  19, 2008

1.  Rabbi Weissmandl and his Unheeded cry.  A lesson to be learned for our generation.
2.  Matot Arim - True Activists of Substance.

1.  Please email for a report by Renanah Goldhar taken from the book The Unheeded Cry.

This report describes how Rabbi Weismandl pleaded with his fellow Jews to help save the Jews in Europe and it fell upon deaf ears thereby allowing thousands upon thousands of Jews to be sent to the death camps each and every day. Had we acted in strength in 1938 as events started to develop we very probably would have prevented the Holocaust.

Very ominous signs in current events are forshadowing another Nazi like regime with the establishment of a Palestinian State. One must recognize that a Palestinian State is equivalent to a  Hitler State chas vechalila and therefore we must stop it with the harshness it deserves.  The sooner the better.  

Renana presented a report to the Holocaust Ed. Week two years ago. Please read her report.  These are my conclusions about how to best prevent another Holocaust chas vechalila. .

YESHA must be united.  YESHA Rabbis and residents need to collectively cry out as Weismandl did. Their cries must be boosted by each and every caring Jew.  Their cry must pierce the offices of Agudath Yisroel of America, the Young Israel, the OU and Chabad International.  Each of these offices have thousands of Rabbanim and Shuls on their internal databases.  Each of these Rabbanim and Shuls must be instructed to take up the cry for YESHA, home to hundreds of thousands of Jews.   With all the present day Outreach and Kiruv Organizations in place,  each and every nonaffiliated Jew can also be reached to speak out for YESHA.  Every man, women and child is capable of writing a letter or making a telephone call.

Mainstream activism of major Jewish Organizations has not only been noneffective but actually counterproductive.

The CCJER, the Coordinating Council for Jerusalem established to speak up for a Unified Jerusalem has caused more damage than one can imagine.  It neutralized any activism against Oslo and against Annapolis and against the Roadmap and against Land for Peace Concessions.  It succeeded to convince people that something was being done on behalf of Jerusalem when in reality concessions and plans for a Palestinian State went forward with alarming speed. 

And then when it became apparent that neighborhoods of Jerusalem are on the concession list under "confidence building measures" CCJER was "surprisingly" silent. Their moment to fame was merely a concert where everyone sang a bunch of songs about their love for Jerusalem while clearly not advocating any kind of real activism of substance to benefit the communities and hundreds of thousands of individuals at risk of expulsion in Judea and Samaria. 

The Jews of YESHA must join forces.  Hebron can not just have fundraisers for Hebron alone and Beit Orot have fundraisers just  for Beit Orot, and Manhigut Yehudit  have fund raisers for just  Manhigut Yehudit and Yeshiva of Sderot Yeshiva have fundraisers for Sderot Yeshiva and Beit El just for Beit El and the list goes on and on.  Many of these worthy organizations even used Nachum Segal as emcee. (nachum Segal is a loyal promoter of Malcolm Hoenlein an active negotiator for a Palestinian State, partnering with Abbas, a Hitler admirer, as a legitimate "peace partner").. Our fight must be to join forces and collectively speak up for YESHA and our entitlement for YESHA and the justification of our people to defend the right to live and settle on every inch of YESHA. 

Any non Jew has the right to live in Yesha as a Ger Toshav but they must accept Jewish Sovereignty.  Otherwise let them find other accommodations.  We must be prepared to fight any aggression be it Kassam or Yassam.  We have every moral justification and obligation  to stay and defend the right to our Land. 

For this we need a Rabbinic Board for Yesha that will decide matters based on our Torah and Jewish Heritage similar to a Sanhedrin.  We need a fighting force and Leaders that will recognize this hour of need and step up to the plate and lead against the empowerment of the Amalek of our time.

The people of Yesha  are at least as justified as the 13 Colonies who were willing to fight for their freedom simply because of "Taxation w/o Representation".  Surely the residents of Yesha have paid their taxes to the current government who have failed to protect their most loyal citizens and even much worse,  have plans for the destruction of their homes and communities. If we speak out forcefully on our right to defend our Land this will deter the gov't of Israel from taking any more steps towards the delegitimization of the Settlers of Yesha and our rights to YESHA. However if we take a meek stand of protest, a puppet protest,  and show unwillingness to really fight armed forces with armed forces,  then the Yassam bullies will be sent out in full force.

2. Letter from Susie Dym - Matot Arim - True Activists of Substance.

This Sat. nite: "Melaveh Malka"-style party at Yitzhar

Yitzhar is the community in which a 9 year old child was thrown off a porch and stabbed by a Palestinian terrorist. The media was uniformly strongly against - no, no, not against the terrorist! Against the settlers! If you are looking for a fascinating experience, get to Yitzhar this Saturday night 20 September at 9 PM. Excellent band -- Yirmiyahu veChaverim -- many of whose members are themselves from Yitzhar --and excellent atmosphere. Enjoy





Mattot Arim hopes to soon distribute information to the inhabitants of Israel's big cities explaining to them exactly what will happen to them if a Palestinian state ever comes into existence (answer: constant rockets everywhere -- like in Sderot). To do this we urgently need volunteer, Hebrew speaking GRAPHIC ARTISTS (please contact  and mark your email URGENT). We also need FINANCIAL GIFTS. As little as 200 NIS allows us to warn one thousand Israeli families. Ideally, we would like to  warn whole citiesful of Israelis, and that translates into huge printing and distribution costs. If you can help, write out your shekel or $ check to the Matteh leMaan Eretz Yisrael and send to: POB 1588, Rehovot Israel (please notify us of your generosity by email to if possible).  We hope we can do this – with everybody's help!


Here's what an important expert has to say about the danger of a Palestinian state:





FROM JERUSALEM on Wednesday, 24 September:         

9:00 AM departure from the Inbal hotel.  Halfon's new factory to build fast prefabs. Visiting the outpost of Havot Yair next to Yakir. Visiting the outpost of Mizpeh Nehemia. Approximate return to Jerusalem around 4:00pm

Meet the pioneers. Breath the air of Eretz Israel! Only one bus so order now. Fee: 50 shekels. Women in Green, 0505777254  or 0505-500834.


FROM TEL-AVIV on Friday, 26 September:

Guided in Hebrew. 8:00 AM - 1 PM. 50 NIS. Leaving in armored bus from Arlozoroff train station. MUST pre-register: or 054-4601542. Enjoy!




Years ago, when Ehud Barak was Prime Minister, he sent troops to destroy a house in Yitzhar. In reaction, Women in Green printed a bumpersticker that said "Kulanu Yitzhar" (We are all Yitzhar). After the terror attack this past Shabbat in Yitzhar please order the sticker which has been reprinted and hand it out to your friends' cars in your neighborhood. 1 NIS per sticker. For example, for 50 stickers, send a check for 50 NIS to Women in Green, POB 1269, Efrat 90435. Please write clearly full name, address and how many stickers you want.



Dear friends --We need your voice for JUSTICE. It is difficult and tiring for the Gush Katif deportees - fighting the wheels of bureaucracy and lack of caring on their own for 3 long years. Please read the latest:

The following defects were discovered under several caravans allocated to Gush Katif deportees by the Government:

* sewage flowing openly  beneath the residence

* electric wires exposed and without  protection sleeves , without colored warning tape, and without sand to protect from land movement

* families involved  forced to sleep over neighbors several days and nights waiting for TEMPORARY repairs -- major repairs will have to be done.

* No one is willing to take financial responsibility for the repairs costing thousand of shekels caused by slap-dash "building" of the caravans by Government contractors to enable the all-important deportation to go through on time.  

* Gov't: We have no responsibility for the caravans because they were rented to the expellees (has anybody ever heard of a landlord who got away with claiming he is not responsible for repairs?? this is complete balderdash!!) 

Yet again ,the Gush Katif expellees bear the brunt of dysfunctional and callous government agencies. Call the relevant senior Gov't officials and ask what on earth is going on: Michal Ben David 0526130020  Motti Elimelech 050-6205064.



People wounded and evacuated from Amona by Mogen David Adom have recently begun to receive letters with requests to pay, and even threats against their possessions and bank accounts if they do not pay. If you are one of these or know of anyone else who has received one of these letters, please contact Organization for Human Rights in Yesh'a. 054-2070-368


Kever Rachel

Request from Buddy Macy, well known Eretz Yisrael activist: "Please send this to 100 people and ask them to send it to 100 people. Thank you".
New! You can now drive, in your car, directly to the entrance of Kever Rachel with ample parking 50 meters away from the entrance. Until now vehicles, consisting of only vans and buses - NOT cars, had to be army-escorted to the entrance - very cumbersome.  How can we keep this improvement permanent?  It is in your and my hands: Please, tell everyone you know to go by car ASAP and pray there.  More info? 1888 276 2435. 



Thursday, September 18, 2008

5768.12.18 Israel the Land of MY Possession/ Perek HaKones, Susie Dym - Matot Arim. Clearly this is Pikuach Nefesh by defense experts, Rabbi Algaze, Hareidi Rabbanim do not have tied hands.


18 Elul 5768
Wednesday September 18, 2008


1. Will we allow the Gedoilim to receive Divine Retribution for their Silence and for their indirect liability for what happened in Gush Katif?  Perek Hakones in Baba Kama. 

2. Clarifying to Rabbi Shmuel Kamenetsky that indeed this is a very clear matter of  Pikuach Nefesh.   Thank you Susie Dym

3. Rabbi Algaze. Chareidi Rabbaniim do not have their hands tied.  They choose to be Silent.

4. Renanah Goldhar, student of Rabbi Weismandl :

1. Perek Hakones in Baba Kama.  Comments by Robin
My 10 year old son in 5th grade started Gemara and is learning Hakones in Baba Kama.  In order to help him study I learned this section.
Hakones in Perek 6 in Baba Kama. There is a  Braisa where Rabbi Yehoshua says there are 4 cases of monetary loss for which the perpetrator is not liable to pay under the law of man but is liable under the laws of heaven like in the case of  one that breaches the wall of a coral thereby allowing the sheep to escape when the coral was properly closed by its owner. Such a person is not liable by the laws of man for damages incurred as a result of his actions because his action did not directly cause the damage but rather indirectly.  But he is liable under the laws of heaven.
I understood that one that breached the wall is liable under the laws of heaven because of Grama, they caused damage indirectly. I thought to myself that this is why many in Yesha have said to themselves that the Gedoilim will receive Divine Retribution.  Indirectly their silence has caused Damage to those in Yesha and caused very serious damage to those from Gush Katif.  True that one cannot demand from them to repay the citizens of Gush Katif for the destruction of their homes but under the laws of heaven they are liable as well..

Apparently these Rabbanim who are silent don't see that their silence caused any damage.  They perhaps put the entire blame on the secular Zionist State.Perhaps they say that who knows if we would have spoken up it would have made a difference? 

But the Yesha people clearly recognize that the collective silence of the majority of Jews is a major factor leading to the "success" of the expulsion. 

That brings us to the Yesha people who refuse to bring testimony against the Rabbinic Leadership who have remained silent.  Privately they believe and understand that these Rabbanim will suffer Divine Retribution.  However they do not unite and testify against them.  Doesn't that also make them liable under the laws of heaven.  The Rabbanim are perhaps blind as to the damage that they are incurring and have incurred. 

Perhaps if the testimony of the Yesha leaders were public, against the Silent Rabbinic Leadership, then the Rabbinic Leadership would admit to their mistake, take the proper leadership role and bring the Nation of Israel to the proper spiritual level of desiring the Land of Israel, declaring their own entitlement,  thereby making our Nation deserving of Salvation from Hashem. 

2. Rabbi Shmuel Kamenetsky, This is clearly a matter of Pikuach Nefesh!  Thank you Susie Dym - Matot Arim.

From: dym
Sent: Tuesday, September 16, 2008 5:46 PM
Subject: Fw: Urgent for heads of US Jewry

In view of this crucial interview by former Knesset Foreign Affairs and Defense C'ttee chairman Dr. Yuval Steinitz, a supporter of both Oslo and the disengagement, in which Steinitz warns specifically that a Palestinian state will destroy Israel, we ask that you take immediate steps to modify American policy so as to stop support for the Palestinian state notion which is a terrible danger to us here as explained aptly by Dr. Steinitz. In parallel we are working here, but the change MUST come from BOTH sides of the ocean as you know. Thank you very much indeed.

additional proofs: Sderot following the Disengagement.

Quotable quotes: (thanks Susie Dym  for the links)

US President Bush, 9 January 2008:

"You can't expect the Israelis, and I certainly don't, to accept a state on their border which would become a launching pad for terrorist activities."


US President Bush, 10 January 2008:

"[Israelis] don't want a state on their border from which attacks would be launched.  I can understand that.  Any reasonable person can understand that."


Quartet envoy Tony Blair, 9 November 2007, Jerusalem Post: "Israel can make its case better sometimes....If Israel says, "Look, we can't have Hamas running the West Bank, firing rockets at Ben-Gurion Airport,", I think people would say, 'Yes, obviously you can't'."

 Former Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu, 31 March 2008: "There are already Iranian bases in Gaza which threaten the Negev, and there are Iranian bases in the North, in Lebanon, which threaten us. We cannot have Iranian terror bases in Judea and Samaria as well, which will threaten Tel Aviv and the Tel-Aviv area." (Maariv - Israel's second largest daily, 31 March 2008, reporting on former premier Netanyahu's meeting with American Sec'y of State C. Rice).

There is a growing consensus in Israel that a withdrawal from the West Bank is no longer possible….The reason is obvious: Israel …does not want Qassam rockets against Tel Aviv, Jerusalem, and Ben-Gurion International Airport. Most Israelis assume, in view of the experience from Lebanon and the Gaza Strip, that any territory that will be evacuated will become a launching pad for rocket attacks against Israel. (Haaretz, 1 July 2007)

Susie Dym, spokesperson for Mattot Arim
3. Rabbi Algaze. Chareidi Rabbanim do not have their hands tied.  They choose to be Silent.

In a message dated 9/16/2008 3:07:23 PM Eastern Daylight Time, writes:
Dear Robin,
The Haredi Rabbis have their hands tied? Nonsense. They tie their own hands. A leader cannot claim to be a leader and complain that he does not have power. If they choose not to use it that is a choice, not a necessity.

I read with great sadness the analysis by Rabbi Hollander of the motives behind the gedolim's silence. He may be right that some decisions may be costly, that the rabbis do not have the information the government had and so on. My response is, What decision does not carry some potential danger? Moreover, is not remaining silent in itself a decision? When one chooses not to decide, that in itself is a decision. Don't the esteemed rabbis fear that that decision too may be very grave?  
With regard to Rabbi Steinsaltz' humble acknowledgment that he does not have all the information the government has and therefore he believes that the government decision is better? What does "information" have to do with ideology? If Meretz is in government or the Arab parties and they have "better" information, will that in itself allow them to make a better decision? That argument seems very spurious to me. On the matter of information, or military and security options, there is always some choices. It depends on which general you consult. You well remember that a Commander who disagreed with the disengagement was forced out of office. Obviously, he had a different opinion than the government's and the reason he was sidelined was not because they had better information but because they subscribed to a different viewpoint. Is Rabbi Steinsaltz so naive as to believe that better information leads necessarily to better decisions? I doubt it . I respect Rabbi Steinsaltz's mind too much that he would hold that simplistic view. I do believe that if he used that argument, he must think we are stupid. And not all of us are. Rabbi Steinzaltz' argument is spurious, fallacious and  suspect.
By the way, when it came to Oslo Rav Yosef consulted many generals. Rabin gave him one set of facts, while Sharon and Gandi gave him another. That he chose to follow Rabin was not because it was "better" information, but because he chose to do so for his own reasons. That had nothing to do with information and neither does Rabbi Steinsaltz' decision not to decide.
Maybe Hashem is giving others, including the non religious, the opportunity to save Eretz Israel and withholding this privilege from our gedolim. If that is the case, I propose that we stop talking to them and about them and follow people like Rav Kook who, in spite of the vehement opposition of so many gedolim, stood his ground and made important nationalistic decisions on his own. We have upon whom to rely, our Rishonim, the simple reading of halacha and, above all, an honest reading of the Torah, gives us the path we should follow. Those who choose to be blind and deaf to these precepts are making their own decision and they will be held accountable for them one day. To paraphrase a Hassidic Rabbi, I would rather go to Gehinnom for not listening to the Rabbis than for sacrificing my obligations to what the Torah tells us we should do with the Land: Virishta, you shall inherit it.
I would so much like to get an answer from any of the Rabbis or gedolim, but they choose not to engage in discussions. While the Jewish people remains without Torah leadership in one of the most important issues of our time, they choose to hide behind spurious arguments. When Moshe and Aaron were going to Pharaoh,the Elders of that generation sneaked away one by one and they left Moshe and Aaron to confront the Pharaoh alone. Who are the Moshe and Aaron today?

Silence and inaction are not doing nothing; they are actions and decisions that directly aid those who would harm us. An act of omission (which is what this is) is no less criminal or punishable than the act of commission. For 2,000 years, our Rabbis (at least some) have forgotten how to lead the people in matters of life and death. They can explain a blatt of Gemara about important issues--even life and death in theory--but when it comes to making actual decisions, they have become weak and indecisive. Now it's the argument that "their hands are tied" or "we do not know enough" or any other argument to justify their silence and inaction. The truth is that they do not need those reasons not to act. Lack of courage, low self-esteem and plain laziness are the real reasons for their inaction. Just as Yehoshua was punished for not conquering Eretz Israel soon enough and delayed due to his own laziness, the Rabbis of today have their own laziness (atzlut) that robs them of their power and effectiveness. Never mind the arguments they give; the bottom line is that they are paralyzed, partly by their own humility and partly by their lack of energy. O, that someone should remind them that if they do not act to defend Eretz Israel and the valiant builders who are risking so much in order that Israel remains in our hands, who will?

By the way, you can never be wrong if you don't do anything or make any decisions. How comfortable it is to sit back and do nothing. In this fashion, you can never be criticized--as Rabbi Akiva was-- for taking sides or making decisions! In The Little Prince, the prince asks a king "why don't you give an order (that the people should stop)? The King replies, "I cannot give an order that the people may not like to listen." How sad it is when leaders follow instead of leading! How sad that some leaders prefer the comfort of not making errors to the courage of making choices and risking being wrong!

 Rabbi David Algaze


4. Renanah Goldhar -- Student of Rabbi Weismandl writes:

I think we should consider trying for another rabbis march before Yom Kippur.  But not just one.  The head of the Hatzalah Rabbi Eliezar Silver was at the front of the march.  The book about Rabbi Weissmandl - The Unheeded Cry - ends with Rabbi Silver's dirge:  "If only we had paid more attention to Rabbi Weissmandl...that brave......if only, if only, if only."
We should have one and then another and another march I would think....
I have wondered for some time if roots go back to the Holocaust.  What I refer to is our not being honest about our behavior during, before and after the Shoah.  There were great heroes and so many were victims and I cannot begin to imagine their suffering.  I can only cry for them.
I refer however to behavior I only recently became aware of.  I began studying the life and work of Rabbi Dov Weissmandl from Slovakia.  Are you familiar with his memoir "Min Hametzar" and the biography "The Unheeded Cry"? 
One quote from Rabbi W. " One day you too will beat your breasts because you will know that you could have saved us and you did not."  "The Unheeded Cry" by Professor Fuchs of Jerusalem records the "secret" memo from the heads of the the rescue efforts in Palestine - how they dismissed Rabbi Weissmandl's success in stopping deportations in Slovakia and his "Europe Plan" to save one million Jews.  In this latter endeavor, Eichman had given permission for the Joint to come to Slovakia or for a rep. of Rabbi Weissmandl to travel to Switzerland to conduct negotiations.
I would ask you please to watch the short video from "Among Blind Fools: where he cries for the dead and for the silence. He sent hundreds, perhaps thousands of communications to Jewish and secular leaders begging for money for bribing Eichman, and for bombing of the Auschwitz train tracks. 
My suggestion is that we have not done teshuva.  First we must face our history.  Perfidy by Ben Hecht covers some of this material - the trial of Kastner.
Renanah Goldhar

My comments to Renanah,

 It's hard to understand how the Rabbanim had only one march knowing the genocide that was taking place. We can not give up in the face of apathy! Robin.

Learning from our history... Now, before it is too late, the Rabbanim must mobilize the Nation, raise the spiritual level of the people to unite and  speak out for our entitlement of Eretz Yisroel and act upon it. These major Jewish organizations have Washington offices and  databases and networks to thousands of Rabbanim and shuls and to hundreds of thousands of caring Jews!  We all can each write letters and make phone calls at the very least.  If we do our hishtadlus, our share, we will then be worthy G-d willing....

 Otherwise G-d forbid, the partner and heir to Hitler's legacy, Hamas, Hizbollah, AlQaida, the PA etc. will be empowered to attempt once again to accomplish what Hitler failed to accomplish Chas Vechalila which is the destruction of the Jewish People and the desecration of G-ds name.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

5768.12.16 Israel the Land of My Possession. Rabbi Hollander. The Hareidi Rabbanim have their hands tied. The public chooses their Rav Rabbi Hollanders advice to Moshe Feiglin. The Rabbanim did make a difference in 1943


This is also posted on

16 Elul 5768
Tuesday, September 16, 2008

1. Rabbi Hollander of the Sanhedrin speaks out for Yesha and against Silence.  Hareidi Rabbanim have their hands tied!

2. Rabbi Hollander advice to Moshe Feiglin

3, The Day the Rabbis Marched on Washington  in 1943 did make a difference.  This was also reported last week in Hamodia.


1. Rabbi Hollander of the Sanhedrin speaks out for Yesha and against Silence!


Rabbi Hollander writes:

In the laws of Sanhedrin it states that an very old man may not sit on the Sanhedrin [Sanhedrin 36b; Rambam Sanhedrin 2,3]. today the heads of the Hareidi world are very old men, in their 90's: Rav Eliashiv and Rav Steinman are in their 90's. They also know that the Great Rabbis in the not so distant past made grave mistakes in the first decades of the 20th century in opposing Aliya. Thus it is clear to them that being a great Torah Scholar is no guarantee that they have better political advice than a Torah ignoramus [Am Haaretz] like Zeev Jabotinsky.
Everyone is aware that 2000 years ago Rabbi Akiva also made political decisions and brought a catastrophe on Jews all over, especially in Eretz Israel.  
Since the Gdolim know this, they don't want to recommend political action, which may be misunderstood to be a Torah based decision = Halacha. They know that they do not have the knowledge to make political opinions into Halacha.
No Hareidi Rabbi dare make a statement not endorsed by Rav Eliashiv and/or Rav Steinman. The Hareidi Rabbanim therefor have their hand tied. 
It my my feeling that they would be very happy if the right decisions would be taken by others. The "right decisions" as taken by others would not be perceived as being "Torah Based" decisions = Halacha.
Rabbi Steinsaltz also does not believe he can tell the government what to do. He says he does not have the information the government has, so the decisions he can take are not as valid as those taken by the government.
It is the non-Hareidi people who must lead again. In Pirkei Avoth [Ch 1, M 6&15], both Rabbi Yehoshua Ben Perahya and Rabban Gamliel say "Asei Lecha Rav": it is the public who make the Rav. It is the obligation of the public and of every individual.
Besides Rabbi Steinsaltz, in the Sanhedrin here there is practically unanimity on political issues, and we have made several political statements in defence of EY.
Shalom for now,

2. Rabbi Hollander advice to Moshe Feiglin

Rabbi Hollander writes:

Moshe Feiglin is in the US. He has power, and he has to be encouraged to use it.
Now the analysis:
Netanyahu wants to "strengthen" the Likud by appealing to the "center". He is trying to buy back "leaders" who left the Likud for Kadima, and even Dan Meridor. He will have to promise them an important position, and he has not yet figured out how he can get carry this with his party. The renegades are highly unpopular. however, this is his purpose.
As part of this, he belittles Feiglin. Like last elections, he would like Feiglin off his slate. Certainly not in a position to make trouble. Netanyahu wants to be seen as a "Moderate" leader. That policy will only lead to catastrophe.
Translated to elementary terms, Netanyahu has to be forced to be what we would like him to be: a leader of the pro-jewish forces, not a waffler. He has to say NO!! to Condi. If he does, I believe he will get the blessing of the current President of the US.
Netanyahu has to be forced.
Moshe Feiglin can do it, if he wants to - in two different ways, in both Feiglin is a winner:
Feiglin has to announce that he will NOT take a back seat. He must state that he, Feiglin, demands an influential seat on the Government - in the Cabinet - and at least one other seat for another member of Manhigut Yehudit. He should say that if this is not promised publicly, contractually, he will take his people out of the Likud and set up the NEW HERUTH party: all the people true to the values of Menahem Begin: Eretz Yisrael for Am Yisrael, Jewish education and Jewish values. He, Feiglin will unite all the "right wing" splinter parties. He will make a coalition woth the Haredim, and may come out stronger than what is left otf the Likud.
This threat has to be real, and Feiglin has to make it into a real threat: he must begin negotiations with all these splinter parties - OPENLY. He must become the leader of all those of the Likud who do not want Meridor and his ilk back in the Likud. He must accuse Netanyahu of being weak - first towards the renegades, and this softness indicates that he is likely to be weak in his negotiations as PM with the US, with the "Quartet", with the Arabs. Feiglin should say that Netanyahu needs Feiglin at his right hand - Otherwise Netanyahu is weak. Like Netanyahu signed the Wye accords, so he is likely to sign any "agreement" of Olmert with the Palestinians. Feiglin must make it clear that if he is not in a policy determining position from within the Likud - he will be in such a position as a result of leaving the Likud and organizing the disorganized pro-Jewish spliter parties.
Support should be offered with this advice - and dependent on Feiglin's doing this. A weak Feiglin is no asset.
If you understand this and agree - tell it to Feiglin.

3, The Day the Rabbis Marched on Washington  in 1943 did make a difference.  This was also reported last week in Hamodia.

The Day the Rabbis Marched on Washington


"Clear the way for those rabbis!" It was probably the first time the station master at Washington, D.C.'s Union train station had shouted those words. But then, the crowd before him was unlike any that had ever been seen in the nation's capital. Four hundred rabbis converged on Washington just before Yom Kippur in 1943, in a stirring display of unity to rescue European Jewry from Nazi extermination.

The march was the brainchild of 33-year-old Hillel Kook, a Jerusalem-born nephew of Abraham Isaac Kook, former chief rabbi of Palestine. Kook arrived in the United States in 1940 brimming with ideas on how to aid the Jews trapped in Hitler's Europe. His first step was to change his name to Peter Bergson. Purchasing full-page advertisements in major U.S. newspapers calling for the creation of a Jewish army, criticizing British limits on Jewish immigration to Palestine and pleading for Allied action to rescue Jews from Hitler. It was quintessential American political activism: utilizing the mass media to arouse the public's interest and thereby influence the Roosevelt administration to act.

One of Bergson's most spectacular initiatives was the march of the rabbis. Although the scion of a prominent rabbinical family ? Palestine's Chief Rabbi, Abraham Isaac Kook, was his uncle ? Bergson himself was not observant, nor were most of the activists in his group. They understood, however, the visual impact of hundreds of Orthodox rabbis, with their beards, black frock coats and black hats converging on the U.S. Capitol.

Gaining access to America?s Orthodox rabbinical leadership was no simple task. The elders of the Orthodox community in America were mostly European-born scholars who still retained their European ways. Many spoke little or no English, were generally unfamiliar with the cultural and political ways of the new world and had limited contact with non-Orthodox segments of the Jewish community. Bergson and his aides Samuel Merlin and Eri Jabotinsky used their fluent Yiddish and a good dose of name-dropping --that is, the names of Bergson's prestigious relatives-- to gain entree to the leadership circles of the Orthodox rabbinate. Their proposal for a march on Washington found a surprisingly wide range of support from such disparate and sometimes conflicting groups as the largely-chasidic Union of Grand Rabbis to the misnagdim of the Union of Orthodox Rabbis.

So it was that on October 6, 1943, two days before Yom Kippur, more than 400 Orthodox rabbis, organized by the secular Bergson group and accompanied by marshals from another secular Jewish organization, the Jewish War Veterans of America, marched solemnly from Union Station to the Capitol building to plead for U.S. government action on behalf of the Jews being murdered by Hitler. As passersby gawked and newspapermen snapped photos, the rabbis recited prayers of mourning for the dead, sang the traditional prayer for the nation's leaders to the tune of the Star Spangled Banner and read aloud a petition urging the creation of a special governmental agency to rescue Jews from the Holocaust.

The delegation then marched to the gates of the White House. On the advice of his aides, President Roosevelt avoided the rabbis by leaving the White House through a rear exit to attend an Army ceremony, and from there Roosevelt left for a long weekend in the country. Disappointed by FDR's failure to meet with them, the rabbis refused to read their petition aloud. The perceived snub of the rabbis added a dramatic flair to press coverage of the event, transforming it from an exotic protest rally into a full-fledged clash between the Orthodox community and the administration over America's policy toward Hitler's victims.

The march helped set in motion a series of events that would change American policy. Capitalizing on the publicity from the rally, Bergson's friends in Congress introduced a formal resolution asking the president to create an agency to rescue the Jews. The Senate hearings on the resolution then ignited a new controversy when State Department official Breckinridge Long presented wildly inflated statistics regarding European Jewish immigration to the United States that were demonstrated by contrary testimony to be false. Galvanized by the escalating scandal, Treasury Secretary Henry Morgenthau and his aides drew up a stinging report to the President about the State Department's stonewalling on rescue possibilities. Within days, FDR announced the establishment of the War Refugee Board, which during the final year of the Holocaust was responsible for rescuing tens of thousands of Jews from Hitler. Among other things, the Board sponsored the heroic rescue efforts of the Swedish diplomat Raoul Wallenberg.

Historians have noted the unfortunate religious and political conflicts within American Jewry that delayed a unified response to news of the Nazi atrocities. To the contrary, the collaboration between non-religious rescue activists and Orthodox rabbis in 1943, at least, offers a graphic example of how cooperation between different segments of the Jewish community helped advance a common, life-saving goal.

AJHS in New York
Center for Jewish History • 15 West 16th St. • New York, NY 10011 • Tel: 212-294-6160 • Fax: 212-294-6161

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160 Herrick Road • Newton Centre, MA 02459 • Tel: 617-559-8880 • Fax: 617-559-8881

This section was last updated on September 8, 2008

Monday, September 15, 2008

5768.11.15 Israel the Land of My Posession. - Terror attacks on Yesha. IDF does nothing. Settlers demonized. -Women in Green, Itamar, Matot Arim - Silence of Gedoilim - Nationwide Student protest - Manhigut Meleveh Malka in Queens - Mental Preparatio

15 Elul 5768
Monday September 15, 2008
1. Letter from Nadia Matar and Anita Finkelstein of Women in Green regarding terrorist infiltration to the Yishuv Yitzhar in the Shomron.  The IDF does nothing to protect its citizens form terror attacks.
2. Letter from Moshe Goldsmith from Itamar of the Shomron tells of terrible prejudice against the settlers who retaliate against the terrorist that are threatening their lives when the IDF turns a blind eye and  fail to go after the terrorists themselves.  Rabbi/Mayor Moshe Goldsmith makes the point that many of the residents of the Yishuvim serve in the elite units of the IDF.
3. Matot Arim - Settlers are being demonized with excessive "law enforcement" while there is No law enforcement against terrorists thereby encouraging more terror attacks.  Please support the efforts of Matot Arim who wish to distribute their reports throughout big cities in Israel.
4. More on Discussions with Rav Shmuel Kamenetsky and the Chofetz Chaim Heritage Foundation.  The Silence of the Moetzet Gedolei Hatorah  is even a mystery to the Gedoilim themselves except that they can not bring themselves to make an individual public statement.  Are they really following the dictates of Rav Eliashiv who told Rabbi Morgetstern for everyone to speak out against concessions with one's full capacity?  Reminiscent chas vechalila of the weakness of the Rabbanim to challenge the establishment and their silence of pre Nazi Germany.
5. Meeting with Moshe Feiglin in Dougies standing room only in Kew Garden Hills. Queens. Fellow activists and supporters suggest that Moshe Feiglin and Manhigut Yehudit focus their energies  to  promote and coordinate a unified protest against a  Palestinian State  and the threat to Yesha  The concern is that things are moving too fast with Condeleeza Rice, faster then Manhigut's campaign to take over Likud which is moving at a respectable pace but  that there might be no more Israel left to lead if a Palestinian State is actualized  A suggestion was to mobilize the Yesha Mayors and Rabbanim to unite with a plea to the major religious Jewish organization such as Agudath Yisroel of America, the OU, the Young Israel and Chabad International asking them why they are Silent when there is talk of  the abandonment of Yesha. " If we won't hang together then we will all hang separately."

In response to the silence of the Jewish leadership on the planned expulsion of 300,000 Jews from Judea and Samaria, the division of Jerusalem and the abandonment of the holy Temple Mount, Jewish students across North America are saying,
Stand Up to Prevent… 3 No's!: No Expelling Jews! No Dividing Land! No Abandoning Har HaBayit!

7. Women in Green tour the Gush Katif Museum
8. Recha Sternbuch in 1942. Rabbis of Vaad Hatzalah and Agudahth Israel remained too weak to challenge Stepe  S. Wise...

9. Mental Preparation of the IDF for the Gush Katif Disengagement
and ITS Aftermath in the IDF

1. Letter from Nadia Matar and Anita Finkelstein of Women in Green regarding terrorist infiltration to the Yishuv Yitzhar in the Shomron.  The IDF does nothing to protect its citizens form terror attacks.
Dear Friends,

1) As usual when a dog bites a man it is no news. But when a man bites a makes the headlines.
And when that man is a Jew...oy vey...the media immediately attacks him!

Yesterday, on Shabbat, an Arab terrorist entered the Shalhevet-Ya neighborhood of Yitzhar Samaria. First he went to the Ben Shlomo house and burnt it down. Luckily the family was away for Shabbat but their entire house was destroyed, furniture, books, clothes, albums etc...burnt to ashes.
(see pictures in link below). Hardly any mention was made of that arson in the national news. But that is not the end of the story...

After burning down the house, the Arab terrorist continued on his one-man pogrom and tried to enter the orphan's home. Luckily the wife woke up and managed to scare him away. The Arab fled, but on his way he saw a 9 year old Jewish boy who had seen the fire and was on his way to call for help. The Arab stabbed the boy and threw him four meters down the wadi. After that he fled back to his Arab village. That stabbing attack also hardly made the news.

What DID make the news was the healthy reaction by the Yitzhar Jews. Upon seeing that the security forces once again were not doing anything serious to catch the Arab terrorist and his collaborators, tens of  Yizthar Jews walked to the Arab village and caused some good damage against property in the village.

This was not the first time that Arabs attacked Jews from Yitzhar. Over the past weeks Arabs have destroyed Jewish fields, putting fire to them and causing lots of damage. The Israeli security forces have done nothing to stop the Arabs. After a Jewish boy was stabbed (luckily the Arab did not manage to murder the boy as was his obvious intention), the Yitzhar Jews rightfully declared: enough is enough! Jewish blood is not cheap or should not be cheap. There must be a price for hurting Jews. Anyone who hurts Jews must pay.

Women in Green applaud and strengthen our brothers in Yitzhar who reinstalled Jewish pride in all of our hearts. At a time when our political and security leadership continues its talks with the Arab enemy and thus encourages Arab terror against Jews it is good to know that there are proud Jews who know how to defend our Land and our People.

For the story and pictures of the burnt house:

Arutz 7 has put up an additional news story with an important short movie as to what happened in Yitzhar.
Please click on:

In addition, after seeing the witch hunt by the media and the Israeli government against Yitzhar, Women in Green has put up a petition to strengthen our brothers in Yitzhar.

Please add your name to that petition. Let's show the world that we stand by our brave brothers in Yitzhar. Pass this email on to lists of friends and relatives in Israel and abroad.

Women in Green thanks Dan Leubitz for setting up the petition so quickly.

Nadia Matar - Anita Finkelstein
Women in Green

 2. Letter from Moshe Goldsmith from Itamar of the Shomron tells of terrible prejudice against the settlers who retaliate against the terrorist that are threatening their lives when the IDF turns a blind eye and  fail to go after the terrorists themselves.  Rabbi/Mayor Goldsmith makes the point that many of the residents of the Yishuvim serve in the elite units of the IDF.

Dearest Friends and family how are you all? Leah and I are still getting settled in after our return from the States – there is just so much to take care of and the days are just too short! Here is an Itamar update that I feel I must get out to you all as soon as possible. This past Shabbat a terrorist infiltrated the near by settlement of Yitzhar and stabbed a nine year old boy after setting fire to a house in the community. Thank G-D the boy survived the attack having been stabbed numerous times in his back. The boy happens to be the son of one of my friends and fellow Rabbis that teach in the Itamar Yeshiva high school – Chitzim. Today some Arabs set fire to the Itamar forest intending to burn down some of our houses that border the forest area. What is absolutely ridiculous is that the Israeli news reported that it was Itamar that set fire to the forest in order to burn down olive trees and prevent the Arabs from yielding their crop. The army verified our account of the story. This of course did not stop the media from bad mouthing us as usual. (By the way this year alone tens of times the neighboring Arabs have fire bombed our fields and caused fires in our community's surroundings.) This terrible prejudice against the settlers unfortunately is too commonplace here. Olmert together with other government officials and the media are always so quick to put the blame on the settlers in every opportunity. I didn't hear a condemnation of the attempted murder of the boy and the burning down of someone's house that he just finished building. Instead they focused on the fact the house was built illegally and the retaliation by the settlers of Yitzhar. What is illegal about building on our precious homeland?  Let the truth be heard! The people of Itamar and the other communities in Shomron and Yehudah are wonderful. Their whole lives are devoted in building the land of Israel and holding on to it for all of Am Yisrael. The soldiers that live on Itamar and the surrounding areas serve in the most elite units in the Israeli army. No matter how much our youth are abused by the media and left wing – their spirit is always high and they choose to serve in the army in the most elite units endangering themselves! They have one goal in mind and that is to help Am Yisrael survive. They deserve a Yashar Koach. I will give you one small example my son , who serves in a very elite unit, did not stop his training  although he broke his finger and was told to rest up for a couple of weeks. Where is justice? Of course, the answer is with special friends like you all are, that love Israel with all your hearts and souls, I have no doubt that we will see very great things happening in Israel soon!




Moshe Goldsmith

3. Matot Arim - Settlers are being demonized with excessive "law enforcement" while there is No law enforcement against terrorists thereby encouraging more terror attacks.  Please support the efforts of Matot Arim who wish to distribute their reports throughout big cities in Israel.






Many left-wing groups are working to perpetuate a modern blood libel according to which  Israel does not enforce the law on SETTLERS. It is important to keep the record straight: in fact Israel does enforce the law against settlers, and does NOT enforce the law against TERRORISTS.


This came up this past weekend. Settlers were accused by left-wing Knesset members and others of being extreme because they spray-painted and shot in the air. But this was responsive to a serious terror attack in Yitzhar which was not dealt with by Israeli security authorities. In this attack, a young family's house was burned down (fortunately, the family, which has several small children, was at Grandma's house in Rehovot for the weekend). Also, a 10 year old was thrown off a porch 5 meters high after first being stabbed. Miraculously the child landed in a bush - the only bush in the area - and he is now recovering in hospital. Picture: 


Here are the facts about law enforcement in Israel:

a. Settlers are constantly indicted for the most minute trivia, such as holding placards outside of an official's home (among the dozens arrested for this very offense, a couple of weeks ago, were an 85 year old man and a baby in a stroller).


b. In contrast, Israeli Parliament Member Effie Eitam found out last year that the Israel Defence Forces have NO DATA about how many perpetrators of fatal terror attacks have actually been caught over the past decade, as opposed to how many still walk the streets. The Ministry of Defense does not want to find out: their official letter to Eitam asked this Knesset Member, himself a retired army officer, to withdraw the parliamentary inquiry so they would not need to bother to find out the answer.


c. Parliament Member Benny Alon found out last year that about 20 thousand separate terror attacks have been perpetrated against Israelis by Palestinians in a period of 5 years. Again, the Israel Defense Forces had not the faintest idea of how many of these perpetrators had been brought to justice and did not make any commitments to even try and find out.  


d. The same Parliament Member, Benny Alon, filed a parliamentary inquiry asking when would the Israeli government finally get around to dealing with Palestinian "president" Abbas's pronouncement, last year, according to which "all our guns, all our guns, all our guns" would be trained against Israel. The rules of Israel's parliament were summarily broken in order to deal with this challenging question: no governmental response was received by Mr. Alon.


e. Just a few weeks ago, an official speaking for "moderate" Salaam Fayad's office threatened the lives of settlers. His threat was reported in the Jerusalem Post, but no law enforcement officer took any action at all.


f. A few years ago, columnist Sara Hoenig of the Jerusalem Post found out that the Hamas terror group held a  public, festive gathering in ...the yard of an Israeli maximum security prison, of all places. Since that time, Knesset Member Eli Gabai has been trying to get a response on what was the name of the prison warden who allowed this to happen. No answers are forthcoming so far.


g. Please help the Israeli people protect themselves in this absurd situation by supporting private efforts. For example, Mattot Arim hopes to soon distribute information to the inhabitants of Israel's big cities explaining to them exactly what will happen to them if a Palestinian state ever comes into existence (answer: constant rockets everywhere -- like in Sderot). To do this we urgently need volunteer, Hebrew speaking GRAPHIC ARTISTS (please contact  and mark your email URGENT). We also need FINANCIAL GIFTS. As little as 200 NIS allows us to warn one thousand Israeli families. Ideally, we would like to  warn whole citiesful of Israelis, and that translates into huge printing and distribution costs. If you can help, write out your check to the Matteh leMaan Eretz Yisrael and send to: POB 1588, Rehovot Israel (please notify us of your generosity by email to if possible).


Thank you for reading and for helping -- Mattot Arim, Israel

4. More on Discussions with Rav Shmuel Kamenetsky and the Chofets Chaim Heritage Foundation.  The silence of the Moetzet Gedolei Hatorah  are even a mystery to the Gedoilim themselves except that they can not bring themselves even individually to make a public statement.  Are they really following the dictates of Rav Eliashiv who told Rabbi Morgenstern to speak out against concessions with one's full capacity?  Reminiscent chas vechalila of the weakness to challenge the establishment and Silence of pre Nazi Germany.

Shmuel Koenig an activist that has taken it upon himself to call the Rabbanim writes:


Shmuel Koenig called back and asked doesn't Pikuach Nefesh take precedence over Derech Eretz?  Look what's happening in Sderot. Rav Kamenetsky replied it's not that clear that it's Pikuach Nefesh.

In light of what Rav Eliashiv answered Rav Morgenstern that each and every Jew must do what they can in their capacity to stop the concessions and that concessions make the security situation worse, we asked Rav Kamenetsky how come the Chofets Chaim Heritage Foundation is not being directed under his leadership to speak out against a Palestinian State and the expulsion chas vechalila of over 400,000 Jews .  Rav Kamenetsky asked Shmuel Koenig why he works at another job and doesn't do this full time.  Shmuel Koenig answered because he has to make a Parnassa.  Rav Kamenetsky replied that the Chofetz Chaim Heritage Foundation also has other jobs.  Rav Kamenetsky said that the Chofetz Chaim Heritage Foundation's job is to bring Shalom.

I personally followed up this discussion with a call to the Chofetz Chaim Heritage Foundation. Executive Director Michael Rothschiled was unavailable to speak with me. Instead I spoke with a women though I failed to ask her her name.   I asked her how come the Chofetz Chaim Heritage Foundation is silent when Lashon Hara is linked so strongly with the Chait HaMiraglim and the failure of the Spies to encourage Am Yisroel to enter and conquer Eretz Yisroel. How can there be Silence with the expulsion of hundreds of thousands of Jews are in the planning.  She told me that I should put all my points clearly in writing to,   I asked her how come we allowed the expulsion of Gush Katif?  She replied that we didn't cause the expulsion of Gush Katif but it was the secular government of Israel.  I replied that each and every Jew must express their desire for Eretz Ysrioel and our entitlement.  By our Silence we chas vechalila scorn our birthright.  Perhaps the Secular Gov't is only a messenger of Hashem because Hashem sees that the majority of Am Yisroel feels that practically  Eretz Yisroel is irrelevant or unnecessary to their practice of Judaism. She asked me if I read a specific Sefer in Emunah. How through Tefillah we must cry out to Hashem. I replied that by the time I read the Sefer in Emunah, Yesha can be taken away from us. I repled that we first must show our hishtadlus. Almost on cue, my son came home from Yeshiva with a Dvar Torah the weekly Parsha on the Pasuk "You shall not see the donkey of your brother falling and hide yourself, you shall raise it with him."  The Chofetz Chaim says, we learn from here that if a person tries to become better and puts in the effort, then Hashem will help him.  If however, he only davens and asks Hashem for help and does not himself do anything about it, for what reason should he be zocheh to Siata Dishmaya, help from Hashem.


In response to the silence of the Jewish leadership on the planned expulsion of 300,000 Jews from Judea and Samaria, the division of Jerusalem and the abandonment of the holy Temple Mount, Jewish students across North America are saying,
Stand Up to Prevent… 3 No's!: No Expelling Jews! No Dividing Land! No Abandoning Har HaBayit!
Start time: 10 Minutes before first class. End Time: Up to the students (suggestion about 2 hours)
Instructions to students (Contact info: Yosef Rabin
1. Organize your friends. 2. Invite the media; 3. Bring cameras for Internet posting; 4. Make/Bring signs;
5. Explain why/how Jews must protest; 6. End with Tehillim, Shofar blowing, singing & dancing.
Organized by The United Jewish Student Council -
The flyer for the event
An article from Arutz Sheva


2) Below please find Gemma Blech's account and pictures of our Women in Green tour of the Gush Katif museum.
After the tour we went to the streets of the Mahane Yehuda shuk and distributed our Women in Green bumper sticker "The land of Israel belongs to the People of Israel". The sticker was gladly grabbed by the passers by who were thirsty for some Zionist message. Women in Green will continue to hand out our bumper stickers on a weekly basis. Join us!

With Love for Israel,

Nadia Matar


7. Women in Green tour the Gush Katif Museum

WIG (Women in Green)  tour the new Gush Katif Museum
by Gemma Blech

Today Women in Green went to visit the [fairly] new Gush Katif Museum in the heart of Jerusalem. This small museum does wonders to show us the history of the Gaza area ­ from biblical times onwards; the return after the 6-Day war when the whole area was reclaimed from the desert, to become some 20 thriving towns, villages, and communities.

I was not there for the expulsion, but I made many trips there beforehand and this museum only shows in part the color, the vibrancy, the productivity and outright genius and commitment of so many to live on what before was just desert. Surely, "the desert shall blossom as the rose", wrote Isaiah.

Anyway, in their infinite wisdom Prime Minister Sharon and his lackeys decided that 'for peace' we should leave this southern stronghold and paradise, so in August 2005, the whole place was forcibly evacuated and bulldozed to rubble. Almost NONE of the promises of compensation for this piece of Jewish treachery and lunacy have been paid and there are still hundreds living in paper thin trailers, without jobs, land or income. The stories of the sufferings of the ex-Gush Katif Jews are endless and their dilemma is an endless Catch 22 situation with each committee, ministry, politician and worker passing the buck to yet another.

Maybe with this in mind WiG will pay a visit to the Shomron ­ the heart of our biblical homeland and which is next on this government's chopping block.


Join WOMEN IN GREEN's chizuk trip to the outposts in Samaria. Join us for a special day where we plan on strengthening those amazing pioneers in the hilltops but as usual, we will come back strengthened. Exciting program:
   * 9:00 am departure from the Inbal hotel, Jabotinsky Street, Jerusalem
   * visit in Karnei Shomron to Halfon's new factory to build fast prefabs
   * visiting the outpost of Havot Yair next to Yakir
   * visiting the outpost of Mizpeh Nehemia
   * approximate return to Jerusalem around 4:00pm
We will only have one bus so order your seats now. Fee: 50NIS
Call Anita 050-5777254  or Nadia 050-5500834

Enjoy the Museum pictures and do get there as soon as you can ­ open at 5 Sha'ar Tzadik St. [just off Agrippas]

Gemma Blech

8. Recha Sternbuch in 1942. Rabbis of Vaad Hatzalah and Agudahth Israel remained too weak to challenge Stepe  S. Wise...

This I received from Renanah Goldhar of Toronto.

Re: Recha Sternbuch in late 1942, sending telegrams with info. about exterminations -

" The few powerless Orthodox rabbis and leaders of Vaad Hatzalah and Agudath Israel - most of them recent refugees to American shores, unversed in English - were deliberately ignored by the Jewish establishment as an anachronistic element soon to be extincvt....As cable after cable arrived, further verifying the heart-rending facts of the initial Sternbuch vable...they could not contain their impatience.  On the other hand, they refrained from alarming the world because, at both meetings ... the leaders of the secular Jewish establishment threatened "excommunication" upon whomever would reveal the tragedy to the pressl.  All were sworn to silence.  The establishment's cooperation was needed and the rabbis of Vaad Hatzalah and Agudath Israel remained too weak to challenge Stepe  S. Wise...
The Orthodox leaders however were not silent.  Dr. Issac Lewin...urged:
Let the conscinece of the world be shaken, first of all that of the Jewish world.  We ask the leaders of the American Jewish organizations: What will you answer on the "day of retributions??  What will you answer should someone someday request an accounting of what you did at a time when the blood of your brothers flowed in rivers?:

9. Mental Preparation of the IDF for the Gush Katif and ITS Aftermath in the IDF

The brainwash that enabled the deportation and crippled IDF's combativeness against the enemy The entire report (H, 234 pp), can be downloaded from

Both, the original (H) and English translation are posted also on the front page of English translation of the abstract can be downloaded from


Sunday, September 07, 2008

Addendum and Correction. to Massive Student Protest, Please edit before forwarding. Thanks.


Dear Students, amv"sh

Please express our desire and yearning for Eretz Yisroel that it is not enough to simply learn about Eretz Yisroel and the Mitzvoth of Eretz Yisroel but it is our yearning and desire to actually do, observe, keep these Mitzvoth.  Now after 2000 year we as a nation,  finally have the opportunity to keep the Mitzvoth Teluyot Baaretz..  Will we give away our Land thereby making it virtually impossible to observe these very precious Mitzvoth?

Also, please note correction in reference:

The Avoda in the Bais Hamikdash can not begin without seeing the daylight in Hebron.   (Yoma Perek Gimmel Mishneh Aleph)