Monday, May 26, 2008

Fwd: Bob Dylan's Pro-Israel song

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From: Pesach <>
Date: Sun, May 25, 2008 at 8:22 AM
Subject: Bob Dylan's Pro-Israel song
To: Pesach <>



 be well pesach




Dear Friends,


Please start your week with this pro-Israel video of Bob Dylan's amazingly song, Neighborhood Bully.

Please forward, especially to all your "peace-loving"( but only when it comes to Israel defending herself - they don't care that in South African refugees are being murderered in their beds) New -York -Times- worshipping friends.






Neighborhood Bully,"  1983:




Well, the neighborhood bully, he's just one man,


His enemies say he's on their land.


They got him outnumbered about a million to one,


He got no place to escape to, no place to run.


He's the neighborhood bully.




The neighborhood bully just lives to survive,


He's criticized and condemned for being alive.


He's not supposed to fight back, he's supposed to have thick



He's supposed to lay down and die when his door is kicked in.


He's the neighborhood bully.




The neighborhood bully been driven out of every land,


He's wandered the earth an exiled man.


Seen his family scattered, his people hounded and torn,


He's always on trial for just being born.


He's the neighborhood bully.




Well, he knocked out a lynch mob, he was criticized,


Old women condemned him, said he should apologize.


Then he destroyed a bomb factory, nobody was glad.


The bombs were meant for him.


He was supposed to feel bad.


He's the neighborhood bully.




Well, the chances are against it and the odds are slim


That he'll live by the rules that the world makes for him,


'Cause there's a noose at his neck and a gun at his back


And a license to kill him is given out to every maniac.


He's the neighborhood bully.




He got no allies to really speak of.


What he gets he must pay for, he don't get it out of love.


He buys obsolete weapons and he won't be denied


But no one sends flesh and blood to fight by his side.


He's the neighborhood bully.




Well, he's surrounded by pacifists who all want peace,


They pray for it nightly that the bloodshed must cease.


Now, they wouldn't hurt a fly.


To hurt one they would weep.


They lay and they wait for this bully to fall asleep.


He's the neighborhood bully.




Every empire that's enslaved him is gone,


Egypt and Rome, even the great Babylon.


He's made a garden of paradise in the desert sand,


In bed with nobody, under no one's command.


He's the neighborhood bully.




Now his holiest books have been trampled upon,


No contract he signed was worth what it was written on.


He took the crumbs of the world and he turned it into wealth,


Took sickness and disease and he turned it into health.


He's the neighborhood bully.




What's anybody indebted to him for?


Nothin', they say.


He just likes to cause war.


Pride and prejudice and superstition indeed,


They wait for this bully like a dog waits to feed.


He's the neighborhood bully.




What has he done to wear so many scars?


Does he change the course of rivers?


Does he pollute the moon and stars?


Neighborhood bully, standing on the hill,


Running out the clock, time standing still,


Neighborhood bully.








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Thursday, May 22, 2008

Fwd: חנינה צו השעה Presidential pardon - Chalamish Brothers imprisoned

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: <>
Date: 2008/5/21
Subject: חנינה צו השעה Presidential pardon - ask for it

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רוצה להימחק מרשימת התפוצה? ראה בסוף

can't read the Hebrew? Open the attachment


דחוף: נא לשלוח המלצות חנינה

לנשיא המדינה בעניין האחים חלמיש

למרבה הצער - כפי שאולי שמעתם ברדיו -  השבוע נכנסו לכלא, על לא עוול בכפם, האחים חלמיש, חברי כיתת הכוננות של מעלה רחבעם (אחד מיישובי גוש עציון). הנ"ל ירו באוויר בעת התקהלות של ערבים עויינים, הערבים הגישו תלונה, ערעורים הוגשו בכל הערכאות - כרגיל ללא הועיל.  כעת צריך לכתוב מייל לנשיא פרס ולשר המשפטים ולבקשם לחון בדחיפות את האחים דני (אב ל-2 תינוקות) ואיציק חלמיש.  

לא אוהב לנסח לבד? העתק את המכתב לדוגמא שמופיע להלן.

אם אתה מנסח פנייה אישית, עוד יותר כל הכבוד, והנה ריכוז כל העובדות:  אתר נענע: אתר תנועת "שנית גמלא לא תיפול" (הסבר מפורט + מסמכים מקוריים):

מכתב לדוגמא:

"לנשיא המדינה ושר המשפטים,,,

דחוף מאד - המלצה לחנינה

רצוני להמליץ על טיפול דחוף במתן חנינה לאחים חלמיש, חברי כיתת כוננות מגוש עציון. עולות יותר מדי שאלות ציבוריות מקוממות ממשפטם: 

1. האחים ירו באוויר במסגרת תפקידם ונשפטו ל-7 חודשי מאסר. כיצד יכולים חברי כיתת כוננות להגן על יישוביהם - אם מעמידים אותם לדין על פעולה כל כך מתונה שלא הזיקה לאיש? 

2. האחים הגישו תלונה נגד ערבים שהתקהלו ואיימו עליהם, וכך גם הערבים - נגד האחים. מדוע רק תלונת הערבים נחקרה ואילו תלונת האחים - נגנזה ללא שום הסבר?

3. באחד המסמכים, משטרת ישראל סרבה לערוך בדיקות בליסטיות לנשק של האחים, כי הבדיקות הללו לא יועילו להשיג הרשעה . באיזה זכות המשטרה נמנעת מבדיקה בליסטית, רק משום שהבדיקה עתידה לנקות את הנאשם מכל אשם? האם המשטרה שואפת לברר את האמת - או להשיג הרשעות בלי קשר לעובדות?

4. המגמתיות של הפרקליטות נגד מתנחלים מזעזעת ונוגדת את עקרון השוויון. במשפט האחים חלמיש - כמו במשפטים אחרים של מתנחלים -- הפרקליטות שחררה אזהרה קודרת לפיה "הנאשמים מנהלים חיים בעלי אופי אידאולוגי מובהק שבא לידי ביטוי...במקום מושבם ובתפיסתם...הפוליטית". זהו מקרה קלאסי של אפלייה מפורשת ומוכחת נגד מתנחלים ונגד אנשי ימין. בנוסף - מאימתי "חיים בעלי אופי אידאולוגי" הם דבר רע, אדרבא חבל מאד שאורח חיים אידאולוגי הפך כה נדיר במדינת ישראל של היום! 

5. מדוע בית המשפט דחה את עתירתם המובנת מאליה של האחים חלמיש, להישאר מחוץ לכלא עד אשר נשיא המדינה ידון בחנינתם? הרי בית הנשיא כבר הודיע שהוא שוקל את החנינה - אך דרושים לו מספר חודשים. באיזה זכות בית המשפט מונע בפועל מן האחים חלמיש  את הזכות לחנינה (שהרי עד שהנשיא ידון בחנינה, כך קיווה כנראה בית המשפט, ממילא תעבור לה כל תקופת המאסר של האחים חלמיש...).

בברכת "צדק צדק תרדוף", (שם, ת.ז., מקום מגורים או מקצוע או כל פרט אחר)"


צעדת מחאה בל"ג בעומר (יום שישי 23.5.08) באיזור חוטף עזה

מפלגת התקווה יוזמת צעדת הזדהות עם תושבי אזור חוטף עזה, ביום ו' הקרוב, ל"ג בעומר.שעת ההתחלה 09:00 .   משך צעידה משוער למשפחות – עד שעתיים. מסלול הצעדה: תחילה וסיום מהכניסה לקיבוץ בארי.  בצעדה ישתתפו: ח"כ פרופ' אריה אלדד, יהואר גל ועוד. לפרטים: יהואר -0544206477.


ל"ג בעומר - סיור וחגיגה:  אפרת -תקוע - שדמה - מעלה רחבעם (גוש עציון)


 ביום שישי ניסע למעלה רחבעם לחגוג ל"ג בעומר: :מתנפחים, מופע לילדים, מאהל אירוח ועוד.. בדרך נסייר בשדמה. האחים חלמיש גרים כזכור במעלה רחבעם שבגוש עציון. עכשיו העת לחזק את תושבי מעלה רחבעם.  זו ההזדמנות שלכם להכיר קצת את מזרח גוש עציון- חבל ארץ נפלא. יוצאים בשיירת מכוניות בשעה 9:15 מהשער של אפרת דרום. לפרטים: 0505500834  0505777254  0505246770


מרעננה לשומרון: טיול יום שישי

30 למאי. 50 ש"ח לאדם. לפרטים: מייק גוטליב ממטה ארץ ישראל ברעננה (מארגן נהדר באחד המטות העירוניים הוותיקים בארץ). מסלול: חוות גלעד, הבית המפורסם של גואל הקרקעות האגדי משה זר, ועוד. 0547-655.278  




Here are the details:


Can you please use the details in that story (or the Hebrew language links used in our Hebrew version above – more detailed) to email urgently to Israel's President Peres and to the Justice Ministry using these 3 addresses:,,

Here is an example email (you can probably write a better, more personal one yourself):

Attn Justice Ministry and President Peres,


I am writing to recommend that you grant clemency on an immediate basis to the two security team members from Gush Etzion, Danny and Itzik Halamish. Their trial was not a  fair trial and it precisely these instances that the presidential prerogative of clemency is intended for:


a. The brothers shot in the air and received a 7 month prison term; how can security teams be expected to defend the local Jews from rampant Palestinian terrorism if even such a mild response earns security men a jail sentence?


b. The brothers and the group of Arabs involved filed police complaints against each other (as often happens); only the Arab complaint was investigated – why?


c. The police lab did not perform ballistics tests on the brothers' guns because they said, correctly, that the ballistics tests would not be useful in obtaining a conviction (i.e. would either be inconclusive, or would indicate innocence). Since when is a test NOT performed if it can prove that somebody is innocent?? Is the idea to convict everybody no matter what?


d. In this case and in others involving settlers, the State Prosecutor's office asked for a stiff sentence because the brothers "live an ideological life style as is evident from…where they live and from their …political outlook". Since when it is legitimate for a government office to urge a court to act prejudicially again a person because he happens to live in place x or be politically associated with party y? And what is wrong with an ideological life style?


e. The brothers properly asked the court to hold off on the actual jail sentence until such time as President Peres has completed his clemency review; President Peres's office having previously indicated that this would require several months. What possible reason can there be to deny this reasonable request? Why intentionally create a Kafkaesque situation in which the presidential pardon  arrives after the brothers' jail sentence is long over?


In summary, immediate presidential pardon seems to be the only appropriate outcome here. Sincerely, (NAME)


Feel free to call the  JUSTICE MINISTRY, Department of Pardons, to make sure your email was received:

telephone 972-2-646-6802/3/4 or fax 972-2-646-6813.

Mention that it would be good if they would get busy and deal with this matter right this week, since you know many people who are concerned about this case and feel it impacts on their own personal safety. If they snootily say they have other things more urgent, do not abandon your position. Repeat firmly that in YOUR opinion, they should deal with it NOW. If they repeat THEIR position, firmly repeat - you do not agree with them at all: you are convinced this is a landmark case that needs to be dealt with now.  Show the Ministry that you are very clear in your mind about this.



MK Prof. Aryeh Eldad organizing. Leaving from Kibbutz Beeri. 9 AM. 0544206477

2. CAR TRIP: EFRAT - TEKOA -- SHDEMA -  Maaleh Rehavam

Leving Efrat's southern gate at 9:15am. Tekoa 9:30am. In order to get an idea of how many cars we will be, we urge you to email or sms Women in Green to tell them if you are joining us on the Efrat-Tekoa-Shdema-Maaleh Rehavam tour. Whoever cannot come please go straight to Maaleh Rehavam: inflatables, show for kids, tent, arts & crafts from 11:00am till 3:00pm. 0505500834-0505777254-0505246770


Courtesy of the one-and-only Michael Gottlieb, a great organizer from Raanana.  The next English Guided SHOMRON DISCOVERY  TOUR will take place on  FRIDAY, May 30. An armored bus will leave Yad L'banim in Raanana 9 AM and return 3 PM.  R/T fare - NIS 50 per person, advance reservation required (no obligation). Tour Plan: Chavat-Gilad outpost near Kedumim; Ramat-Gilad and Alonei Shilo, both within the boundaries of Karnei Shomron.  Meet the legendary Moshe Zar; see sweeping views of Israel's center from his rooftop. Bring lunch and water.  Slideshow of previous trip: Michael Gottlieb 0547-655.278,


The old Book: "ERETZ ISRAEL IN 1695" by Rinaldi must be translated from Latin to Hebrew and to English
If you or someone you know can help, please contact Haim Rabinovitch 03-561.5353,  OR Aviram Politi 0546-352.454,

Please, stop purchasing petrol at 'Dor Alon' stations
As well as,7340,L-3414309,00.html


Remind your friends and family in New York

SUNDAY, June 1st, 2008


רוצה להימחק מהרשימה? שלח דוא"ל ריק אל   

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קבלת את המייל הזה מחבר, רוצה להצטרף לרשימת התפוצה? שלח דוא"ל ריק אל if you got this from a friend & would like to join our distribution list, send a blank email to


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Letter to Jewish Press "Israel Talking with Hamas"

This week's Friday May 23rd 2008,  front page cover of Jewish press is "Israel Talking With Hamas ...."  
This article quoted Chaim Ramon, the Deputy Prime Minister,  who is critical and frustrated with such unauthorized talks with Hamas. 
Yet nothing  is really being presented to Jewish Press readers regarding objections to  Israel's more moderate "peace partner" Fatah,  especially in an issue that widely reports on President Bush's visit to Israel. 
How is it that the major Jewish organizations, Moetzes Gedolei Hatorah, Agudath Yisroel of America, OU, YI, Chabad Headquarters are all silent regarding the administration "Land for Peace" to be implemented by a "Two State Solution" with a peace partner that are proud of their ancestry, partners with Hitler Yemach Shemo?   
Many Christian groups are quite vocal.  They do not only condemn the Palestinian Jihadists but go the full stretch and forcefully speak out regarding G-d's Covenant promises to Israel. 
Herbert Zweibon, chairman of Americans for a Safe Israel writes, in the front page article   May 2008 Issue Outpost an AFSI publication:
A "Resolution regarding Israel from Pro-Israel Christian Leaders" signed by over a thousand Christian leaders and urging a new U.S. policy toward Israel is being submitted to Senator John McCain.  In this resolution , these Christian Leaders write "RESOLVED.  That the administration's "Roadmap to Peace"  with its "Land for Peace" and "Two-State Solution" be deemed unworkable and allowed to lapse; and be it further
RESOLVED, that a serious and engaged consideration be given to a new US/Israel policy that would be comprehensive and practical in dealing with the realities on the ground as well as honoring G-d's covenant promises to Israel. 
I spoke to Avi Shafran of Agudath Yisroel of America and told him about this signed resolution of Pro Israel Christian leaders.  I asked him " isn't it  embarrassing that the Christians speak up regarding honoring G-d's covenant promises to Israel and we don't?" Without even wanting to look at this resolution, Avi Shafran told me that they don't really support what the Christians write and they don't write to candidates.  I told him that it's not what the Christians write but it's what the Torah writes. He told me that I can have my opinion but they see things differently.  End of Discussion.
The Jewish Press does  not promote honoring G-d's Covenant promises with Israel.  On the other hand they do provide extensive glowing coverage of President Bush's trip to Israel.
Why is it that the Jewish Press puts an adaptation of President Bush's address  to the Knesset on May 15th, which was truly captivating rhetoric, on the front page, and has a  prominent page 3 article headlined "Bush enjoys Love Fest in Israel" without highlighting that Bush's "Roadmap to Peace" has made FATAH a peace partner.  Wouldn't it be newsworthy to show how such negotiations do not honor G-d's Covenant promises to Israel? 
Doesn't  lavish gushy coverage of Bush's trip to Israel provide legitimacy to the Peace Process, and gives the impression that it is widely endorsed by the Jewish Community?
I suppose it is not news worthy to publish FATAH's platform in a prominent place in the paper.  Why not quote Itamar Marcus Palestinian Media Watch so that the readers can clearly see with whom President Bush has found a working peace partner.  Some of your chareidi readership do not go on the internet because it is banned,  so how will they be made aware of such important information. 
Ruth Matar writes in a widely circulated letter via email to President Bush:
We cannot hide from ourselves the fact that Mahmoud Abbas, who you are promoting as Prime Minister of this new theoretical Arab State, is a former well known terrorist who co-founded the PLO together with Yasser Arafat. We must also face the fact that his terrorist Fatah Organization has murdered many more Jews than even Hamas! To this day, Abbas denies that there ever was a Holocaust, a view shared by Iran's President, Ahmedinejad.
We must keep in mind Mahmoud Abbas' educational background. He graduated from the University of Damascus, Syria, and subsequently earned his Ph.D degree at the Institute of Oriental Studies in Moscow. Both these institutions are known for their hatred of Israel. Abbas' thesis was, in fact, about Holocaust denial. His dissertation was entitled: "The Secret Connection between the Nazis and the Leaders of the Zionist Movement".
Abu Daoud was one of the terrorists intimately involved in the planning of the Munich Massacre of Israeli athletes in the 1972 Olympics. Daoud alleged in his autobiography that Mahmoud Abbas was the main paymaster behind the attack.
Mr. President, do you really plan for this terrorist to be Israel's peace partner?
I suppose it is not news worthy of the Jewish Press to quote on its front page portions of the Torah that reference G-d's covenant promises to Avraham, Yitzchok, Yaakov, Moshe and Yehoshua or the references in Tanach of the boundaries of Eretz Yisroel that is delineated in tthe Bris Bein Habesarim or in Parshat Masei.  No. These are not items that are very newsworthy.  But it's not only the Jewish Press that are selective in what they chose to print.  I haven't seen much of similar Torah coverage in any other major orthodox Jewish newspaper as well.  I will be happy to be corrected on this matter. 
 Why burst a bubble, our hopes and dreams for everlasting peace with quotes from Chumash?

Subject: WWII PHOTOS ........
 A U.S. soldier surveys a German concentration camp

It is a matter of history that when Supreme Commander of the Allied Forces, General Dwight Eisenhower, found the victims of the death camps, he ordered all possible photographs to be taken, and for the German people from surrounding villages to be ushered through the camps and even made to bury the dead. 
 He did this because he said in words to this effect: 'Get it all on record now - get the films - get the witnesses - because somewhere down the track of history some bastard will get up and say that this never happened'
'All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing' 
Edmund Burke 

This week, the UK removed The Holocaust from its school curriculum because it 'offended' the Muslim population which claims it never occurred. 

This is a frightening portent of the fear that is gripping the world and how easily each country is giving in to it. 
These photos were taken in Germany by James Emison Chanslor, an Army Master Sergeant who served in World War II from 1942 until 1945.

Source: Photos courtesy of John Michael Chanslor.
It is now more than 60 years after the Second World War in Europe ended. 

This e-mail is being sent as a memorial chain, in memory of the 
six million Jews, 20 million Russians, 10 million Christians and 1,900 Catholic priests 
who were murdered, massacred, raped, burned, starved and humiliated with the German and Russian peoples looking the other way!
Now, more than ever, with Iran, among others, claiming the Holocaust to be 'a myth,' it is imperative to make sure the world never forgets. 

This e -mail is intended to reach 40 million people worldwide! 

Be a link in the memorial chain and help distribute this around the world. 

Don't just delete this. It will only take a minute to pass this along .
let's cover the world and remember because we cannot let it ever happen again.

Get trade secrets for amazing burgers. Watch "Cooking with Tyler Florence" on AOL Food.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Fwd: From hospital bed, Rabbi Mordechai Eliyahu letter hand-delivered to President at Knesset


What a beautifully respectful well written letter!  I truly hope that the President finds merit and favor with this letter and executes it          

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Pesach <>
Date: Sun, May 18, 2008 at 9:31 AM
Subject: From hospital bed, Rabbi Mordechai Eliyahu letter hand-delivered to President at Knesset
To: Pesach <>

From hospital bed, Rabbi Mordechai Eliyahu letter hand-delivered to President at Knesset

Justice4JP Release – May 14, 2008

Hospitalized again this week following heart surgery and a series of intensive medical procedures, Jonathan Pollard's rabbi, the former Chief Rabbi of Israel, Ha Rav Mordechai Eliyahu nevertheless made a super-human effort to have a letter hand-delivered to President Bush today at the Knesset. Fortunately, the letter had been prepared prior to his hospitalization.

 In his letter, the former Chief Rabbi of Israel offers to be Jonathan Pollard's guarantor, and to accept him into his custody. The Rabbi points out that Pollard has been punished very harshly and that his survival after 22 years in prison is a miracle. He urges Mr. Bush to release Jonathan for the good of America, for the good of Israel, and for the good of the entire world. He assures Mr. Bush that both he and America will be blessed for rectifying this travesty of justice.

The text of Rabbi Eliyahu's letter to President Bush follows below.



RABBI MORDECHAI ELIYAHU                                                                                                                                                                  


April 17, 2008 B"H


The Honorable President George W. Bush                                                                 

President of the United States
The White House
Washington D.C.


Dear Mr. President:

Peace and blessings upon you from Jerusalem!

I am turning to you both as a president as a man - as an honest man renown for helping and assisting others; and as a president who has virtually unlimited authority to act on behalf of the general public, and on behalf of the individual citizen.

My concern is Jonathan Pollard (May G-d protect him).

Jonathan Pollard has languished in American prisons for 22 years. He has been punished beyond measure and his survival is a miracle. His continued incarceration is a travesty of justice that is a blot upon America's reputation as a G-d-fearing nation. According to our sages, whoever shows mercy to G-d's creations, G-d shall be merciful to him. I urge you to release Jonathan Pollard and to send him home to Jerusalem. By correcting this long-standing injustice, you will bring blessing upon the American people and her armed troops which are fighting so valiantly under life-threatening circumstances.

I would like to point out that I am willing to act as Jonathan Pollard's guarantor, to take him into my custody and to accept full responsibility for him. I have visited Jonathan in prison on numerous occasions. He is a dignified man, a man of noble sensitivities who is deserving of special consideration.

Mr. President, do this good deed and I believe that in doing good for Jonathan Pollard, you will be doing good for the American nation, and good for the nation of Israel, as well as good for the entire world.

 It is within the power of one who rules to raise himself up and transcend the common fray. It is written in Psalms 130:4, "Forgiveness belongs to you that you may be feared." Our sages interpret this verse to mean that The Holy One, Blessed be He, forgives, and He is feared all the more so. Mr. President, G-d raised you up and made you president of a great country. It is incumbent upon you to emulate what is pleasing to G-d, and to be as He is - forgiving and merciful; to do what is just and right. Please release Jonathan Pollard at once.

My blessing is that G-d should lead you on the right and good path that you should act righteously and succeed, both personally and publicly. G-d is with you. Do and succeed!

With blessings and affection


Rabbi Mordechai Eliyahu
Former Chief Rabbi of Israel



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