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Dear Mr. Diament,
Please see my comments in blue within the text of your email, below:
On Thu, Mar 6, 2008 at 9:46 AM, Nathan Diament <ndiament@ou.org> wrote:
The OU delegation did not vote "no" on final passage of the resolution
as a whole because had we done so the OU would have been also coting
against the "good" provisions we succeeded in having added to the
resolution - such as calling upon the array of American Jewish
organizations to support Israel's demand to be recognized "as a Jewish
state" - something the OU had to fight for to have included. That the OU "had to fight" to have the resolution include a statement identifying Israel "as a Jewish State" speaks for itself. Does the OU wish to be included in and associated with a group which employs such twisted thinking that is devoid of Jewish identity, self-respect and pride?
The procedure of abstaining on the final vote and then filing our
dissent on the key portions we disagree with is a more precise and
impactful way to convey our message; when JCPA circulates this
resolution to local Federations and JCRCs in the coming weeks - they
will have to circulate along with the resolution's text the text of our
dissent - making quite clear where the OU stands Now that the OU's abstention on the final vote on the resolution and its dissent on those portions with which it disagrees have become part of the official record, and now that the OU's "good" provisions are officially part of the approved resolution, it appears that the OU's good work is done here! This is a perfect time to exit on the high moral and Biblical ground, and based solely in reality.
Shabbat Shalom,
Buddy Macy
Buddy Macy wrote:
> Dear Dr. Luchins,
> Thank you for forwarding me the OU Dissent from JCPA Resolution. I am
> curious about the sentence: "The Orthodox Union further disagrees with
> and dissents from the resolution's statement that the American Jewish
> community should support an Israeli government's negotiation efforts
> with regard to the status of Jerusalem..." Why didn't the OU disagree
> with and dissent from the resolution, itself?
> I still urge the leadership of the OU to immediately resign from the JCPA.
> Thanks again for keeping me posted regarding this critical matter.
> Sincerely,
> Buddy Macy
> 973-785-0057
> On Wed, Mar 5, 2008 at 5:05 PM, <drluchins@aol.com> From: Diament, Nathan <ndiament@ou.org <mailto:ndiament@ou.org>>> <http://download.aim.com/client/aimtoolbar?NCID=aolcmp00300000002586>
> To: sgutow@thejcpa.org <mailto:sgutow@thejcpa.org>;
> mraffel@thejcpa.org <mailto:mraffel@thejcpa.org>
> Cc: DrLuchins@aol.com <mailto:DrLuchins@aol.com>;
> ARaskas@KG-LAW.COM <mailto:ARaskas@KG-LAW.COM>
> Sent: Wed, 5 Mar 2008 4:05 pm
> Subject: OU Dissent
> Here is the dissent we hereby file.
> Thanks.
> http://www.ou.org/public_affairs/article/ou_dissent_from_jcpa_resolution/
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
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