Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Influence SHAS to leave the gov't!!! Important Contact information

(please read till the end of this email for all the contact information)

Communication Minister Ariel Atias, the number two man in Shas, said Tuesday morning that he believes the Jerusalem Post report that secret talks have been taking place between the Israeli and Palestinian negotiating teams on the issue of Jerusalem. Shas Chairman Eli Yishai had said that if the Post story was true the party would leave the government.  Now is the perfect time to ACT to influence SHAS!


If you have not yet written to Shas, please do so.

If you have already written to Shas, please do so again!

 Here are the simple steps:

<!--[if !supportLists]-->1.)  Open a second email window

<!--[if !supportLists]-->2.)  Copy and paste the following email addresses to the address line:
eyishay@knesset.gov.il, aatias@knesset.gov.il, eamsalem@knesset.gov.il, amncohen@knesset.gov.il, izchakec@knesset.gov.il, dazulay@knesset.gov.il, slomob@knesset.gov.il, ymargi@knesset.gov.il, amichaeli@knesset.gov.il, mnahari@knesset.gov.il, yvaknin@knesset.gov.il, nzeev@knesset.gov.il,

<!--[if !supportLists]-->3.)  Copy and paste the following to the Subject line:
Israel is Discussing the Division of Jerusalem – Leave the Government Now!

<!--[if !supportLists]-->4.)  Type your name, city and state (in the U.S.) or name, city & country in the text of the message.  Then send it.

<!--[if !supportLists]-->5.)  Forward this email to everyone on your list, and urge them to do the same.

Please Note: If you have already written to Shas, but have not received a thank you from me, please send me an email with your name, city & state/country, so I may add you to the growing list of pro-Israel activists. 


Buddy Macy

Little Falls, NJ


More Shas Contact Info:
Tel: 02-675-3550
Fax 02-649-6543
Current Composition
Chairman Yakov Margi
Number of Seats 12
Shas Members of Knesset:
1. Chaim Amsellem Tel:  02-649-6457 02-675-3474  fax 02-649-6527 eamsalem@knesset.gov.il
2. Ariel Atias  Tel: 02-675-3220 aatias@knesset.gov.il  Minister of Communications
3. David Azoulay Tel: 02-640-8184 02-640-8185  fax:02-675-3908 dazulay@knesset.gov.il
4. Shlomo Benizri Tel: 02-640-8196  02-640-8197  fax:02-675-3747 slomob@knesset.gov.il
5. Amnon Cohen Tel: 02-640-8372 02-640-8373 fax 02-640-8927 amncohen@knesset.gov.il
6. Yitzhak Cohen Tel: 02-640-8397  02-640-8398 fax: 02-670-6157 izchakec@knesset.gov.il
7. Yakov Margi Tel: 02-640-8187 02-640-8188 fax: 02-675-3759 ymargi@knesset.gov.il
8. Avraham Michaeli Tel: 02-640-8128  02-640-8129 fax: 02-675-3961 amichaelli@knesset.gov.il
9. Meshulam Nehari Tel: 02-640-8446 02-640-8447 fax: 02-649-6447 mnahari@knesset.gov.il
10. Yitzhak Vaknin Tel: 02-640-8106 fax 02-649-6027 yvaknin@knesset.gov.il
11. Eliyahoo Yishai Tel: 02-640-8406 02-640-8407 fax: 02-666-2909 eyishav@knesset.gov.il 
      Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee
12. Nissim Zeev Tel: 02-640-8151 02-640-8152 fax: 02-649-6549 nzeev@knesset.gov.il
 The voice from America also makes a difference! 
Please  call influential Sephardic Leaders.  The following information may be helpful.
SFC  Sephardic Community Federation - President Sam Sutton
Some of the many Sephardic community leaders  includes Rabbi Dr. Elie Abadie, Morris Bailey, Joe Cayre, Stanley Chera, Sam Sutton, Haim Dabah, David Hidary and Ronald Tawil.
David Greenfield is the Executive Vice President of the Sephardic Community Federation (SCF), the umbrella governmental relations and public policy organization of the Sephardic community. In that role, he works every single day with public officials at every level of government to improve the lives of not just the Sephardic community, but the entire Jewish community. He is also an experienced attorney who is an acclaimed community advocate.
Greenfield's inaugural fund-raising event for his City Council run was hosted by Paulette and Morris Bailey
In his remarks to the large crowd, Greenfield quoted from Rabbi Tarfon in Pirkei Avot who said, "while it is not our responsibility to solve the problem, we must still work towards solving it."
Before joining SCF, Greenfield served as Deputy Director of Finance to Senator Joe Lieberman's presidential campaign. Prior to that, he served as Chief of Staff to Assemblyman Dov Hikind.
The Jewish IMAGE Magazine is the official publication of Sephardic National Alliance - a non profit educational organization.
Ben-Gurion Matsas Publisher/Editor  Rochelle Matsas  Editor in Chief
P.O. Box 290-642
Brooklyn, NY 11229
Tel (718)627-4624
fax (718)627-4284
http://www.temple.edu/challengeandchange/links_sephardic.htm  Links to the Sephardi community in America
Also Call the Major Orthodox Jewish Leaders and ask them to speak up and pressure Shas as well!  These organizations made a commitment to speak out for Jerusalem.  Yet they too remain SILENT!  Of course, it's not just about Jerusalem.  It's about all of Eretz Yisroel.   Even if Olmert's gov't agrees due to public pressure, to allow Jerusalem to remain in tact (no prayers allowed however on Temple Mount) and to continue with the destruction of settlements in Judea and Samaria to pacify those that object to dividing Jerusalem only, we can't be fooled. it's not the real thing.  It's only their phase one of taking Jerusalem as well.
Please call and/or email:
Rabbi Rabbi Chaim Dovid Zwiebel, Rabbi Avi Shafran, and Rabbi Gertzulin - Public Affaris can be reached at Agudath Yisroel  212-797-9000 
Rabbi Pesach Lerner at The Young Israel can be reached at 212-929-1525
Rabbi Tzvi Hersh Weinreb of the OU can be reached at  212-563-4000
Rabbi Yehuda Krinsky Chabad Headquarters  at 718 774.4000 / fax 718 774.2718
and ask them to please end the Silence regarding Jerusalem, Judea and Samaria and the establishment of a Terror State Chas Vechalilah.
Their respective emails are:
The Silent Majority must break its SILENCE!  Otherwise evil will take over G-d forbid.


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Monday, February 11, 2008

Friday, February 08, 2008

Moetzes Gedolei Hatorah re: Jewish State, Oct. 1937

Please note the highlighted words.
In 1937 in Marienbad, the Third Kenessiah of Agudas Yisroel was held. Here is positive proof that the majority of the Moetzes Gedolei Hatorah in 1937 voted in favor of a Jewish State and said that relinquishment of the Holy Land given to the Jewish people by G-d has no validity. It seems from their words that they are in favor of a Jewish State with the qualification that we must pursue expanding its borders and ensuring that the laws of a Jewish State will be founded on religion and tradition Let the Moetzes Gedolei Hatorah of our generation be true to their lineage, follow this declaration and actively join and unite with the multitudes of Jews that desire the same.

Taken from the journal HaPardes (volume 11, Issue 7, October 1937), 70 years ago, reprinted in Mishpacha Issue 179, 6 Cheshvan 5768, October 17,2007 Page 26)————————————————————————————————————-

"On Sunday, 16 Elul, the great Torah leaders discussed the question of a Jewish State, and reached the greatly anticipated decision of the congress. It was a stormy assembly, attended by the Rebbes of Gur, Ghorkov, Boyan, Sadigura, and the great Torah schoilars members of the Moetzes Gedolei HaTorah (Rabbinical Council). A great battle took place, over seven hours, with struggles about every minute detail of the decision.

"Rabbi Wasserman, Rabbi Kotler, Rabbi Rottenberg of Antwerp, and rabbis from Czechoslovakia and Hungary were unanimous in rejecting any proposal for a Jewish State on either side of the Jordan River even if it were established as a religious state, because such a regime would be a form of heresy in our faith in the belief in the coming of the Mashiach and especially since this little Jewish State would be built on heresy and desecration of the Name of G-d.

"Arguing against them were the Rebbes of Boyan and Sadigura. Rabbi Tzirelson, the president of the congress, Rabbi [Aharon] Lewin of Reisha [the head of the Moetzes Gedolei HaTorah] and Rabbi Sorotzkin, [who said that] it is possible to agree, according to the laws of the Torah, to the establishment of a Jewish State in a portion of the Eretz Yisael without denying the belief in the coming of redeemer. There is no need to be concerned that the nonreligious would use the Jewish State to attack our religion. therefore, it is forbidden to reject entirely the matter of the Jewish State; rather we must pursue expanding its borders and ensuring that the laws of a Jewish State will be founded on religion and tradition, and we must protest that they did not consult frum Judaism and did not include its leaders in this discussion.

"Those in favor won the vote! All the decisions were accepted affirmatively."

Although the majority of the congress seemed to be in favor of the partition plan, the text of the resolution of the Moetzes Gedolei HaTorah contains the statements. " The foundation of the Jewish peoples right to the Holy Land is based on the Torah and the prophets…A Jewish State not based on the principles of Torah is a denial of Jewish origin, is opposed to the identity and to the true stature of our people, and undermines the basis of existence of our people…Any relinquishment of the Holy Land given to the Jewish people by G-d has no validity" (HaPardes 11:6)



Mike Huckabee has spoken as a true friend of Israel. endorsed by Women in Green

Mike Huckabee the Republican nominee for the Presidential election is against giving away Judea and Samaria and the Golan Heights to the Palestinians. He does not support a 2 State Solution side by side.  He says that there are many Arab Territories for them to go.  He said that the Palestinians say that they wish to annihilate Israel and that it would be a disaster for Israel to have them side by side.  Thank you takovacs@comcast.net for sending me the utube link.
The following in support of Mike Huckabee was sent by Ruth Matar of Women in Green.

We must defeat Islamofascism
February 5, 2008

I have had the pleasure of visiting Israel, our staunch ally, our great friend and the most exemplary democracy in the Middle East, a total of nine times. On one of those trips, I took my then 11-year-old daughter, Sarah, to Yad Vashem. As we faced the grimly surreal pictures from Dachau and Auschwitz, she confronted the horrors of the thousands of bodies stacked on top of one another like so much lumber - six million dead. At the end of our visit, Sarah went to the guest book and wrote simple words that I will never forget: "Why didn't somebody do something?"

That is all she wrote, but with those words, I knew that, in her own way, she "got it."

Unfortunately, some in America, even some running for president, don't get it. Those who don't understand that the war in Iraq is a critical part of the war on terror, don't get it. Those who pledge to withdraw our troops according to some politically-motivated rationale before this war is won, don't get it. Iraq must be stable and secure within its borders. It is not just Iraq's security that is at stake, but the security of the entire region and of the United States.

But among those who seem to want to leave as soon as possible, regardless of the strategic and humanitarian consequences, is Sen. Barack Obama, one of the two remaining Democratic candidates for the presidency.

I have another grave concern about Sen. Obama, which was well-expressed by Matt Brooks, Executive Director of the Republican Jewish Coalition:

"We are deeply troubled by Senator Obama's desire to 'hold a summit in the Muslim world, with all heads of state' many of whom have yet to renounce terrorism or refrain from anti-Semitic incitement. ...Senator Obama said he wanted to listen to the 'concerns' of these nations. For many, their biggest concern is Israel's existence. It's worrisome that Senator Obama wants to 'listen' to those calling for Israel's destruction."

AMERICA MUST be effective in the Middle East, and we must of course listen - and learn, and safeguard. But most of all, we need to be resolute in our strength, military and moral. Specifically, we must not pay any sort of tribute to terrorist states - including the honor of "listening" in some formal setting, where every splenetic utterance will be aired worldwide. For example, what would the president do in the face of some outrageously anti-American or anti-Semitic statement: Just sit there? Get up and walk out?

We shouldn't engage in impromptu diplomacy based on a misplaced sense of "empathy." That's why I am concerned about Sen. Obama's suggestion.

I don't want to hear the "concerns" of terrorist states - but I do want them to hear me.

I want everyone in the Middle East to know that America is committed to its strategic interests in the region, including a safe and secure Israel. Does Senator Obama really want to meet with Mahmoud Ahmadinejad of Iran, for example? Sen. Obama has said he wants to, both as part of his summit, and privately. Hard to believe, but true, according to his interviews with Paris Match (January 31, 2008) and the International Herald Tribune (November 1, 2007). Iran and its partner Syria bring danger and death to Americans and Israelis on a daily basis though their support of terrorists - in Gaza, Lebanon, and of course, in Iraq.

If the annihilation of six million Jews taught us anything, it is that appeasement doesn't work; it just results in the deaths of innocents and makes the job of eradicating evil all the more difficult.

So I share Israel's concern about an aggressive unchecked Iran. And I share Israel's determination that Iran will not become a nuclear power. As president, I will not take the military option off the table. I will work to strengthen sanctions against Iran both through the United Nations and the European Union.

No one seeking the presidency in either party is more steadfastly committed to Israel's security, survival as a Jewish state, and ability to defend herself than I am. As president, I will ensure that Israel always has the state-of-the-art weaponry and technology she needs. And in addition, I will dramatically increase American defense spending. Before there can be true peace, there must be the basic recognition of Israel's right to exist and an end to anti-Semitic and anti-Israel lies and propaganda.

Together, we must prevent nuclear proliferation and defeat Islamofascism. Together, we must be the people who confront and overcome evil. We must be the people who take action now, so that future generations of Sarahs don't look back and ask "Why didn't somebody do something?"

The writer, a former governor of Arkansas, is seeking the Republican Party nomination for president.

* * *

Dear Friends,

If you see this note of mine while the primary polling places are still open (Tuesday, February 5, 2008), do yourself and Israel a favor by choosing Mike Huckabee as the Republican Party nomination for president.

My personal friend, Dr. Jim Vineyard, knows him personally, and assures me that Mike Huckabee is a very good and loyal friend of Israel.

With Blessings and Love for Israel,

Ruth Matar
Co-Chair, Women for Israel's Tomorrow (Women in Green)

Women For Israel's Tomorrow  (Women in Green)
POB 7352, Jerusalem 91072, Israel
Tel: 972-2-624-9887 Fax: 972-2-624-5380

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