Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Support Mishmeret Yesha, They prevented serious terrorist attack!

What is Rabbi Adin Steinsaltz's life worth?

Dear Torah Supporters!

Our community recently had the honor of hosting Rabbi Adin Steinsaltz
here in San Francisco. This world recognized scholar is the author of
a new edition of Talmud that makes the central text of the Jewish
people universally accessible in the original Hebrew and has been
already translated into English, Russian and French.

We must sadly inform you that two armed Hamas terrorists recently
attacked his Mekor Haim Yeshiva in Kfar Etzion. This is not a yeshiva
consisting of college-age students studying after their IDF training.
These are high-school students without any combat experience.

Instead of entering student dormitories at 9:30 PM, the terrorists
entered a room where four counselors were meeting. As providence would
have it, two of these counselors were recently trained in
anti-terrorist combat techniques and practical weapons handling by
Mishmeret Yesha. Rather than obey the terrorists' command to "stand
against the wall", one counselor engaged in hand-to-hand combat
allowing the other to shoot both terrorists dead.

This event has been widely publicized in the Israeli media, see one
example at: http://www.haaretz.com/hasen/spages/948272.html

Over 70% of terror attacks directed at Israel and the Jews occur in of
the mountainous territories of Yehuda and Shomron. From Hadera to
Ghadera, a mere 9-mile-wide stretch of land, the entire coastal
population of Israel depends on the brave men and women of Yesha to
fend off terror for its survival. Often we hear only about attacks
resulting in injuries or deaths, but the majority of attacks are where
Israelis succeed in defending their businesses, land and families from
terror generally go unreported. This high rate of success is almost
entirely due to Mishmeret Yesha training programs and equipment

The media has not given credit to Mishmeret Yesha for training and
organizing the security detail for Mekor Haim Yeshiva.

While the IDF approves and supports Mishmeret Yesha's work, they have
no budget to support the over 4,000 volunteers that are trained and
equipped by Mishmeret Yesha.

We urge you once more to support Mishmeret Yesha's work, and to help
save Jewish lives by donating to Mishmeret Yesha today.

Basic Facts:
- OVER 100 communities benefiting
- 4000 Rapid Response Team members trained
- 2000 armored protective and combat vests designed, fabricated &
- OVER 500 protective vests & helmets for men, women & children
purchased and distributed throughout Yesha
- 32 security g'machim (loan committees)
- 45 medical g'machim (loan committees)
- 300 combat vests and assorted tactical equipment distributed to IDF
- HUNDREDS of women trained in use of firearms and other self-defense


Support Mishmeret Yesha with your tax-deductible contribution!

_____ $5,000 (US) - Fully Equip One Rapid Response Team Member
_____ $1,500 (US) - Sponsor One Day 12-hour Training Session
_____ $1,200 (US) - Single Motorola Communication Unit
_____ $1,050 (US) - Armored Lightweight Combat Vest "CHASHMONIA"
_____ $250 (US) - Armored Polyethylene Plate
_____ $250 (US) - Ballistic Helmet

_____ $1,000 (US) - Men's Armored Vest
_____ $800 (US) - Women's Armored Vest
_____ $500 (US) - Children's Armored Vest

Please make & mail your tax-deductible contribution to:
1412 Avenue M, Suite 2363
Brooklyn, NY 11230


25 King George Blvd.
Jerusalem 94261 Israel
Tel: 02-625-1548
Fax: 02-624-6885


Thanks to alex@fliegler.net and EretzYisroelUndivided@yahoogroups.com for sending this email.

Sunday, February 03, 2008

re: Kol Korei of Moetzes Ged. Hatorah in USA and EY(Degel Hatorah) and Shemittah


Dear Esteemed Rabbanim of Moetzes Gelolei HaTorah of America and Moetzes Gedolei Hatorah Degel Hatorah, amv"sh

When we want someone to get married is it sufficient to simply davan and say tehillim?  Isn't actually meeting a potential partner a necessary step as well?  Hishtadlus (let's do our part and Hashem will respond in kind).

When a  gun is pointing at our heads and we are capable of removing the gun aren't we obligated to get rid of the gun (and if we are able to davan and say tehillim at the same time then we davan and say tehillim as well.).

Why doesn't Moetzes Gedolei Hatorah come out with a Kol Korei stating that the Roadmap is against the Torah and then daven and say Tehillim that such a statement will be well received?  In America, let it be known, that each and every Jew has an achraiyus, an obligation, to write to the White House and let them know the Torah's Position (Daas Torah)  is against the establishment of  a Palestinian State in the heartland of Eretz Yisroel. 

Let us not be afraid to tell President Bush that the Land of Israel is promised exclusively to the seed of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and we must keep the commandments.  Will the Palestinians keep Shemittah (Sabbatical year)?  Shemittah demonstrates that the Land of Israel belongs to G-d.

Is President Bush aware that the Torah position is against a Palestinian State whether or not it is a Democratic State?????

Sure, the Moetzes has many considerations.  $$$ and more $$$.  Money for Torah institutions and for children allowances and in America for wonderful Special Ed programs and insurance for fertility treatments and job training etc. etc... and results in lots of employment opportunities for our community.  These considerations are not greedy.  They are addressing our bread and butter.  

BUT, this is the Shemittah year.  In the Shemittah year we do things that on the surface seems to take away our Parnassah, our monetary sustenance, yet Hashem promises much blessings.  It is in the same spirit as Shabbos.  In the Shemittah year we rely purely on Hashem for our sustenance.  

So how does one survive you ask?  Won't we all starve?  Hashem promises that peace and security and blessings will result.  How does this work?  It works because in the spirit of Shabbos,   we share our resources.  On Shabbat we all grab at the Kiddush? Why?  Are we so malnourished?  It's because we want the Kedusha that is inherent in that shul chulent.

Let's take the plunge and say, we'll risk our job to make that statement for all of Eretz Yisroel.  And if Chas Vechalila, G-d forbid,  I will lose my job, my honorary position,  then let's rely on this year being a Shemittah year.  Patoach Tiftach  is the very special Mitzvah of the Shemittah year.  Loaning money with dignity even with witnesses and openly and not even secretly as we would do for a poor person, is the special Mitzvah of Shemittah.  Yet the recipient, if unable, is under no pressure to repay the loan since the loan must be released assuming there was no Pruzbul.  Of course we have good faith when people borrow they sincerely wish to repay the loan. 

Farmers that do not have an income because they keep the commandment not to work the Land will need good faith loans.  So will the Rabbinic Leader that speaks out for Eretz Yisroel and gets replaced for being so forthright.  If Chas Vechalila that happens, this courageous soul will also need a loan.  But this courageous soul can be counted on to repay the loan when funds becomes available to him. 

The point that I am making is that we must be courageous and speak up and let's put our faith in Hashem to provide for all our needs.

What's the alternative?  Another Gush Katif?  Another War in Lebanon? These were perfect example of pooling of resources.  A perfect model of the Shemittah year. The entire country was involved with sharing their resources, providing for each others needs and making sure that no one lacks.  A third of the residents living in the North in Israel were forced to flee their homes when the rockets started flying.  The people of Gush Katif will tell you of all the wonderful people that took them in and provided for them (and I don't think they will be talking about the gov't).  So will the escapees of the North.  

Maybe Hashem wishes us to share our resources this year and if it doesn't happen by keeping Shemittah it can happen in a variety of ways. Much worse ways.   Katrina is another example of a situation where people were displaced overnight and at the mercy of the goodwill of their brothers.

Let's not forget the chemical, biological and nuclear capabilities in the hands of our enemies. The World Trade Center tragedy was caused by a simple airplane. Heavens and earth is Hashem's witnesses and agents.

BeDamyich Chayii.  With Blood Shall You Live. We can live with the blood of the Korban Pesach, the Paschal Sacrificial lamb or the blood of the Bris Mila, circumcision, or alternatively, G-d FORBID, by the sacrifices of human blood.  We can get our sustenance from the graciousness of the Israeli gov't or the United States gov't or directly from Hashem through the good will of our brothers. 

Do we choose blood money to buy our Silence at the expense of the lives of our Brethren Acheinu Beis Yisroel?  How many terrorists with blood on their hands have been released into Israeli society with no  protest?  How many rockets have been fired on Sederot with our Silence? How many young Jewish girls have been harassed for desiring a judicial system based on Torah?  What is the value of the "pure" chinuch of our children when it is based on such blood money.  What lessons will our children learn from this chinuch?

What do we choose???? Ubechartem Bachayim.  Let us choose Life! Life of Torah, and life for our Brethren in Eretz Yisroel and a life for ourselves.


From: Rabbi Shmuel Bloom [mailto:news@agudath-israel-of-america.ccsend.com] On Behalf Of Rabbi Shmuel Bloom
Sent: Friday, February 01, 2008 11:46 AM
Subject: Moetzes Kol Koreh


Kol Koreh Banner

Below is the text of a kol koreh issued by the Moetzes Gedoleh Hatorah of Agudas Yisroel and the Moetzes Gedolei Hatorah of Degal Hatorah in EY, calling upon jews where ever they may be to say special tefillos, including tehillim and seder yom kippur kotton, this coming Tuesday Feb 5, erev rosh chodosh adar 1, in light of the extremely serious current matzav in EY. As you will see, The American Moetzes Gedolei Hatorah has also joined in this urgent call.



An Announcement from Gedolei Yisroel in Eretz Yisroel, shlit"a




The difficult situation of the Jewish community in Eretz Yisroel fills us with trepidation.  No one knows what the new day will bring.  In our sins, we see the fulfillment of the posuk "Behold Your enemies are in uproar and those who hate You have raised their head.  Against Your nation they deviously plot, and take counsel against those whom You protect."  Our eyes are lifted in prayer to the Creator, that all of the goings-on in the world turn for the good.


From both within and without the crisis mounts.   The danger threatens both body and soul.   During these days, items are on agendas that could place entire populations of Jews into grave danger, G-d forbid - including those in the Holy City of Yerushalayim.  Further, there are constant attempts to undermine the foundations of pure chinuch in Eretz Yisroel and to cause harm to the holiness of Klal Yisroel.  Therefore it is incumbent on us to fortify ourselves with Torah, tefilla and good deeds, to awaken the mercy of Heaven.


Dear brethren, awaken and inspire yourselves to pour out prayer before the Creator of the world, that He have pity and protect His nation from all who stand up against us, that He abolish the intentions of those who hate us and nullify the plottings of our enemies, and that the eyes of the misguided be opened to the realization that their path is foolishness and they should leave Hashem's nation to guard its path and faith, without hindrance or interference.


We therefore call on members of Hashem's holy nation in all the places they reside, men, women and children, to gather in tefilla on Tuesday, Erev Rosh Chodesh Adar Rishon, 5768, to recite chapters of Tehillim and the order of Yom Kippur Koton.


May Hashem hear our pleas, and turn His face to us so that we may be saved with a permanent salvation soon.  And let us merit to see, quickly, the redemption of Yisroel, and gaze upon the building of the Beis HaMikdosh, quickly in our days, omein.


Moetzes Gedolei HaTorah

Agudas Yisroel                                                                                           Degel HaTorah



23 Shevat, 5768


A Statement from the Moetzes Gedolei HaTorah of America


We hereby join in the statement of the Gedolei HaTorah in Eretz Yisroel and call on our fellow Jews here in this country to gather and be unified in public tefilla on Tuesday, Erev Rosh Chodesh Adar Rishon, Yom Kippur Koton, to pour out prayer to Heaven over the situation in Eretz Yisroel.  May HaKodosh Boruch Hu accept our tefillos in mercy and hurry our redemption and ultimate salvation.


Moetzes Gedolei HaTorah of America

Agudath Israel of America
42 Broadway 14th floor
New York, New York 10004



Thursday, January 31, 2008

letter to Avi Shafran Re: UTJ - RE:MY PHONE CALL by Shmuel Koenig

In a message dated 1/30/2008 5:57:18 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, shmuelkoenig@verizon.net writes:
Rabbi Shafran, amv'sh
Rav Eliashiv is clearly against all concessions.  He has stated to more than one individual that Agudath Yisroel should do whatever they can to be activists against concessions.  Yet Agudath Yisroel of America is SILENT to President Bush's statement regarding a Palestinian State which translates to the expulsion of Jews in Yesha and concessions.  Why isn't Agudath Yisroel of America clearly following the dictates of the Gadol Hador?  I would have expected at Public Statement protesting President Bush's remarks. I would have expected that the Yeshivas would have instituted a letter writing campaign to President Bush to set the record straight regarding the Torah position of Bush's roadmap plan.  However, there is only Silence. It is my feeling that the Silence is because Agudath Yisroel of America has real concerns of incurring the wrath of its benefactor the United of States of America.  In the Agudah Convention, I believe Rabbi Bloom mentioned the great services of Agudath Yisroel of America to the frum community and this includes the acquisition of millions of dollars of government funding to push through legislation for many worthy projects that benefit the Jewish community.  These projects such as funding for special education, helping to pay for fertility treatments, low income housing, food subsidies, etc. etc. help pay for services that would be otherwise impossible and unaffordable and provides funding for jobs for many Jewish  professionals. 
These considerations are understandable.  However, it must not buy our Silence when it comes to Pikuach Nefesh and when it comes to abandoning our fundamental principles of the Torah.  The Land of Israel belongs to the Creator.  The Torah says "Ki Li Kol Haaretz".  It is not Olmert's or Bush's private real estate.  Shtika Kehodaya Damya!

Start the year off right. Easy ways to stay in shape in the new year.

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Shemittah Miracle!

I figured that you may want to share this story on your shemitah blog.
Kol Tuv,
Thanks Asher!

Start the year off right. Easy ways to stay in shape in the new year.

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Letter to the President. Response to State of Union Address re: the Holy Land.

January 29, 2008
Dear Mr. President,
>We're also standing against the forces of extremism in the Holy Land,
President Bush, why do you use the terminology Holy Land?  Allow me to suggest that The "Holy Land" is Holy when the Priestly Nation, the Nation of Israel, performs it's Priestly functions,  service to G-d, the Creator of the World, via the commandments in the Torah.  The Palestinians do not have the slightest inclination to accomplish this objective.
>Palestinians have elected a president who recognizes that confronting terror is essential to achieving a state where his people can live in dignity and at peace with Israel.
President Bush, didn't the Palestinians democratically elect a government that  is clearly for Terror?  Didn't they democratically vote for Hamas which is for the destruction of Israel?
>Israelis have leaders who recognize that a peaceful, democratic Palestinian state will be
a source of lasting security.
President Bush, Israelis have leaders who are blinded to the reality of Sderot which has been bombarded with Kassam rockets ever since the disengagement from Gaza. Is this what you call "lasting security?"  They have been releasing terrorists with blood on their hands and have turned a blind eye to the smuggling of weapons into the Gaza Strip.
>The time has come for a Holy Land where a democratic Israel and a democratic Palestine live side-by-side in peace. (Applause.)

President Bush, This imaginary dream of a democratic Israel living side by side with a democratic Palestine is an illusion, a figment of our imagination.  Look at the Palestinian textbooks.  They clearly call for the destruction of Israel.  The entire Israel.  True Peace is keeping the Holy Land where it is meant to be, in Jewish hands  who love peace and whose inner desire is to better mankind via technology, advances in medicine and the arts, sciences and agriculture. The Torah is the moral compass for the entire world.  A precious violin belongs with the violinist, protected and secure and not at the mercy of those that hate music and wish to destroy the precious violin and burn the music.   
President Bush, The Holy Land of Israel is also called the Promised Land.  It was promised to Abraham and then again to Isaac and then again to Jacob to the Nation of Israel exclusively as an Eternal Inheritance. 
Taken from Bush's State of the Union address. 
We're also standing against the forces of extremism in the Holy Land, where
we have new cause for hope. Palestinians have elected a president who
recognizes that confronting terror is essential to achieving a state where
his people can live in dignity and at peace with Israel. Israelis have
leaders who recognize that a peaceful, democratic Palestinian state will be
a source of lasting security. This month in Ramallah and Jerusalem, I
assured leaders from both sides that America will do, and I will do,
everything we can to help them achieve a peace agreement that defines a
Palestinian state by the end of this year. The time has come for a Holy Land
where a democratic Israel and a democratic Palestine live side-by-side in
peace. (Applause.)

Start the year off right. Easy ways to stay in shape in the new year.