Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Member of Knesset Limor Sivan Har Melech: "How Did Our Hearts become so Brutish towards the Hilltop Youth?" Kol Hayehudi article translate

אל המקום אשר...

חה"כ סון הר מלך: "כיצד הפך ליבנו גס כל כך בנערי הגבעות?"

*MK Sivan Har Melech: "How did our hearts become so brutal towards the hilltop youth?"*

Member of Knesset Limor Sivan 
Har Melech told about the visit she made to one of the wounded and addressed the members of the Knesset from the Knesset podium with a call not to let the shooting of the boys be covered up by the investigative bodies.

 "Last Thursday, I stood by the bed of Yedidya Yaakov in the hospital. He recognized me immediately, and in his eyes, the eyes of a boy who until a moment ago was healthy and whole, who saw himself as part of the Settlement Movement, as part of this nation. Eyes of a boy who suddenly finds himself seriously injured. I saw the pain, the brokenness. He can't speak because he is on a respirator. He started crying not because his body hurts, but because his heart hurts. Finally someone came and cares about him. Finally someone treats him not as an enemy," the Knesset member said excitedly.

"Most of you are now hearing the name of Yedidya Yaakov for the first time and not by chance. Yedidya Yaakov was mortally wounded three weeks ago by a policeman's gunfire. And that is exactly the point. How did we get to a situation where Jews who are hit by a(n) (Israeli) policeman's gunfire in the State of Israel and this does not get coverage in the news? How is it that a shooting like this is covered-up in silence? How is it that the same policeman is already released to house arrest that same evening? If this had happened to another group in the State of Israel, the whole country would be in an uproar. We would have heard it on the news from morning to night. Investigative articles, open studios, inspection committees."

"But there is a dead silence here.

 Because for them it's not interesting, it's not important, because these are boys from the Settlement Movement. And it's not because there isn't a serious incident here, rather because of years of demonization, of systematic painting of this wonderful youth as marginalized youth, as outlaws, as those who have no place here. Suddenly it becomes obvious that they can be shot, and no one will ask questions. Did any of you imagine that a policeman would shoot young people? Jews, citizens of the country, and this incident was so ignored that we would even have to fight for it to be addressed? I saw a post by the policeman's friend, which has since been deleted."

"Instead of taking responsibility, he chose to put up a post that defends him. He did not express remorse for the shooting itself, not for the fact that he almost killed four Jewish boys, not for two boys fighting for their lives, but only for the fact that it could create a division in the nation. Do you hear that? Not for the injury, not for the pain, not for the contempt for human life, but for the division."
"This is not only a dangerous blurring of values, it is proof that they have learned nothing. There is no soul-searching here, there is no taking responsibility here, only continuing to ignore and deny what happened, and this is exactly what allows such things to continue to happen. But what is the wonder when the Central Command simulates a scene of kidnapped Arab children by Settlers in their training? 

I see their parents and I am in awe of their strength, power, and heroism."

"These are not parents who collapse from the pain, these are parents who stand tall and fight. They don't ask why it happened to us, but how to prevent it the next time. Because they understand that this thing goes way beyond their family. This is not a one-off event, it is a warning sign for all of us. Because we have become so confused, that it is so difficult for us to distinguish between the enemy and the nation, our people. That there are those who see our brothers as a threat."

*Honenu Petitioned the High Court*

Attorney Menashe Yado from the Honenu organization petitioned the High Court with a request that it instruct that the investigation be transferred from the central unit for Yehuda & Shomron to the sole responsibility of the Department of Police Investigations. In addition, Attorney Yado requests in the petition to order the Department of Police Investigations to summon eyewitnesses to the incident to testify.

In the petition, Attorney Yado presents medical documents that confirm the settlers' claim of a deliberate shooting. Yado claims that it is impossible for a stray shot or a shot into the air to hit the heads of three settlers and the torso of another young man. Attorney Yado also claims that the policeman's claim that he shot into the air is not consistent with the findings on the ground.
In addition, the petitioners complain that the investigative authorities did not place any sanctions whatsoever against the police officer and did not even perform elementary investigative actions, despite the seriousness of the incident -- the police officer who fired was not arrested and soon returned to work in the police ranks.

In the petition, Attorney Yado emphasized the fact that not one of the eyewitnesses who were present at the scene of the incident has so far been summoned to testify before the police or the Department of Police Investigations. Following Attorney Yado's petition, the High Court ordered the state to respond to the petition within a month or so.
Attorney Yado said: "The policeman pointed the gun at the young men, without being attacked first, said he will shoot, and fired eight bullets toward their heads. According to the medical findings, at least five bullets hit the heads and backs of the young men and caused severe and fatal injuries. Although this was an incident unprecedented in its severity, the shooter was released without arrest and soon returned to active service with the police. The petition that was filed undermines the message emanating from the work of the investigative authorities -- that Jewish youths are an enemy that is allowed to be shot -- and strives to do justice for those same youths and their family members for an intentional, insane and unjustified shooting."

Friday, February 14, 2025

Srugim: Video Testimony From One of the Boys From The Shooting Incident In Samaria: "The Policeman Shot Amok In All Directions"


A boy from the shooting incident in Samaria: "The Policeman Shot Wildly In All Directions"

English Translation:
An initial testimony from one of the settlers who was injured by the policeman's gunfire in Samaria: "We see the policeman going wild and shooting a lot of bullets in every direction. I took a bullet in the jaw and miraculously I'm here. The policeman shot at the height of the guys' heads"

Two days after the serious incident in Samaria, one of the settlers who was injured by the policeman's gunfire provided initial testimony about the incident hours before entering surgery. According to the settler who was hit by a bullet in the jaw, the policeman fired indiscriminately at the settlers: "There were about 40 guys at the event and suddenly out of nowhere shots started. We caught the policeman going wild and shooting amok in every direction. I took a bullet in the jaw and miraculously I'm here. The policeman shot at the height of the guys' heads."

Meanwhile, attorneys Nati Rom and Haim Bleicher from the Honenu organization, who accompanied two of the settlers who were shot, wrote to the police demanding to receive the body camera footage of the shooting officer as well as the police communications network recordings from the time of the incident. In addition, the attorneys demand that the officer be detained until the investigation is complete, after he was released to house arrest after a brief interrogation.

Attorney Nati Rom said: "We are after a harsh incident of which a similar case is hard to recall, in which I find myself walking between operating rooms where young (Jewish) boys are lying with gunshot wounds to their upper body  - their skull, spine, jaw shot by an (Israeli) Police Officer . The injured who can speak said that the incident was so crazy.  They thought it was a shooting to disperse protests until they were hit by the gunfire. A police officer's encounter with a group of teenagers should not end like this. It is very puzzling why the police officer was released to house arrest. We hope that this will not be an attempt to cover up as has been the case in the past, but rather a real and serious investigation of the incident. There is an extremely serious consequence here that must be investigated immediately."

To recall, this serious incident occurred two days ago, during which a police officer fired at a group of Settlers near the settlement of Ramat Gilad in Samaria. As a result of the shooting, four Settlers were injured - one critically injured  was hit by a bullet in the head and is hospitalized at Belinson Hospital, another was seriously injured who was hit by a bullet in the back and a bullet in the shoulder and is hospitalized at Meir Hospital. Another injured was hit by a bullet in the jaw and underwent surgery, and one was lightly injured  who was treated on the site and did need to be hospitalized.

Cover-Up? Policeman's shooting at settlers: The IDF has not summoned a single witness to testify

אל המקום אשר ..
ציון במשפט תפדה ושביה בצדקה
ישעיהו פרק א פסוק כז

By Oz Israel Schwartz

Three weeks have passed since the policeman shot at settlers near Ramat Gilad. So far, the IDF has not summoned a single witness to testify. "The IDF's conduct in the incident raises serious questions about its functioning vis-à-vis the Settler community"

Three weeks have passed since the policeman shot at settlers near Ramat Gilad, in which four people were injured, two of them in serious condition, and yet – the IDF has not summoned a single witness to testify.

See related article in Hebrew: Former Deputy Chief of the Machash (Machlaka Chakira Shotrim), the  Police Investigation Unit:  "The policeman's shooting at the settlers was intentional"  MK Moshe Saada, who served as deputy head of the Police Investigations Department, attacks the conduct of the Police Investigations Department in the Samaria shooting incident: "The policeman was released, this disrupts the investigation."

 Immediately after the incident, the Honenu organization, which represents the settlers who were injured in the incident, appealed to the Machash, the Police Investigation Unit, demanding that the policeman be arrested for questioning, the cameras that recorded the incident, and that the settlers who were present at the scene be summoned to testify.

So far, despite numerous requests from the Honenu organization's lawyers, no response has been received from the Police Investigation Unit, which has not summoned even one witness from the incident to testify. Lawyers Nati Rom and Moshe Polsky of Honenu attacked the Police Investigation Unit's conduct and claimed that this is a cover-up of the investigation, as was done in the case of the late Ahuvia Sandak.

"We are witnessing another cover-up of an unprecedentedly serious case"

Attorney Nati Rom said: "This is not how an investigation into a shooting incident that almost ended in the killing of four teenagers is conducted. We are witnessing another cover-up of an unprecedentedly serious incident."

Attorney Moshe Polsky said: "The conduct of the police department in the incident raises serious questions about its functioning vis-à-vis the settler community. I don't remember a similar case in which a police officer shoots at the heads of civilians, mortally wounds them, and is released home the same day after an initial investigation. This is serious negligence, and in fact, it is an opportunity to disrupt and cover up the investigation of a serious shooting incident that requires a thorough and effective investigation, and including, as required, a request for the arrest of the police officer who shot him, at least during the investigation phase, both in order not to disrupt the investigation and due to the great danger that arises from his conduct." 

Advocate Polsky added: "We demand that the Police Department not be negligent in investigating the incident as it did in the case of the late Ahuvia Sandak and to summon the eyewitnesses who were at the scene in order to do justice to the victims of the incident, to reach the truth, and to bring the shooting officer to justice." Furthermore, it does not make sense for the police officer to continue to serve in any position in the Israel Police. The testimonies received indicate that the above-mentioned officer gave a false version that is inconsistent with many testimonies from the field. And it seems that the only reason for the investigation into his case was the identity of the victims."

Related article: 

A boy from the  shooting incident in Samaria: "The Policeman Shot Wildly In All Directions" (H)

Translated (E)
Srugim: Video Testimony From One of the Boys From The Shooting Incident In Samaria: "The Policeman Shot Amok In All Directions"

Earlier this week, we published in Srugim that the Honenu organization is demanding from State Attorney Amit Isman, from the police, and from the head of Machash that the investigation into the shooting incident of the settlers by a policeman in Samaria be removed from the hands of the District Commander of Judea and Samaria and transferred to the responsibility of the Police Investigation Unit alone. Honenu announced that if the demand is not met, they will petition the High Court of Justice.

We also published that the policeman suspected of shooting the settlers was questioned by the Police Investigation Unit District Commander and released to six days of house arrest. Afterwards, the police announced that they had decided to suspend the policeman who shot the boys near Ramat Gilad from his post and transfer him to an administrative position outside the Police Investigation District. In "Honenu" they demanded that the Minister of National Security Haim Katz cancel the policeman's firearms license. So far, no response.

Wednesday, February 12, 2025

On Taxation without Representation in Judea and Samaria. IDF not Responding Forcefully Enough to Arab Terror Attacks on Their Roads Causing Injuries and G-d Forbid Fatalities. Residents Don't Feel Protected. Settlers Youth Then Feel the Need to Act in Self Defense. Elchonon Groner


Translation below; 

קחו למשל אירוע כמו אתמול בכביש
 גלעד בשומרון. ערבים מבורין או מדמא רגמו באבנים רכבי יהודים. שני יהודים נפצעו, אחת מהן אשה בהריון.

אם כמו עכשיו אין שום תגובה משמעותית, אזרחים מרגישים מופקרים ובקצה נוער עושה כל מיני דברים.

אם היו מטפלים כבר בלילה בכפר כמו שצריך (בתור התחלה נניח הריסת 10 בתים מההשתלטות הערבית לכיוון כביש גלעד, כתר מוחלט לשבוע ועקירת כל מטעי הזיתים שסמוכים לכביש) תאמינו לי שאז האזרחים היו מוחאים כפיים לצבא והנוער היה עסוק רק בחלוקת ממתקים לחיילים הקדושים שלנו.

אז כבוד השר כץ, אני בטוח שכוונותיך טובות, אבל במקום תכניות לטיפול בנוער הגבעות תעשו תכניות לטיפול באויב
Translation Google Translate:

Take for example an event like yesterday on the Gilad Road in Samaria. Arabs from Borin or Duma stoned Jewish vehicles. Two Jews were injured, one of them a pregnant woman.

If, like now, there is no significant response, citizens feel abandoned and, on the edge, youth do all sorts of things.

If they had taken care of the village properly at night (as a start, let's say demolishing 10 houses from the Arab takeover towards the Gilad Road, a complete siege for a week and uprooting all the olive groves adjacent to the road), believe me, then the citizens would have applauded the army and the youth would have been busy only handing out sweets to our holy soldiers.

So, Honorable Minister Katz, I'm sure your intentions are good, but instead of plans to treat the youth of the hills, you would make plans to treat the enemy.