Financing the Flames breaks down everything from the dollar amounts paid to convicted terrorists ($400 a month for under 3 years, $1,690 for over 10 years and $2,000 for over 15 years) to how the viral videos of Israeli soldiers clashing with civilians are staged (taunt the soldiers, insult their mothers, get right in their faces, edit out the parts that show the incitement) to how a money trail that begins with George Soros ends with violence and hate.
An Arab farmer tells Edwin Black how social justice groups deliberately plant olives in a nature preserve and then stage confrontations for the cameras when the authorities tear up the trees.Black doesn't write in abstracts, instead he gets down and dirty with the personalities; from a meeting at a hotel with the arrogant director of the New Israel Fund to a trailer park in Florida that serves as the real base of operations for an anti-Israel activist group that uses false European fronts to cover its tracks. Financing the Flames takes the reader into encounters with Israeli soldiers and Arab sheiks who surprisingly agree on wanting foreign financed NIF social justice front groups like B'Tselem to go away and leave them alone.
"Why do they do it?" he asks rhetorically. "They are encouraged to make trouble."
Financing the Flames establishes how often "peace groups" act in such bad faith ways, engaging in pointless confrontations and promoting boycotts that only hurt the people they claim to want to help while appearing utterly disinterested in working toward peace.
The culture of activism that has grown around the conflict has made things worse, Black suggests. This isn't a new phenomenon. Western NGOs routinely make things worse when they egotistically and blindly interfere in foreign countries, but their actions in Israel are often uniquely malicious.
Some of the most shocking material in Financing the Flames includes the New Israel's Fund involvement in child endangerment as children are dispatched to harass Israeli soldiers. Paying children to throw rocks at soldiers was a common journalistic tactic back in the Intifada 80s and produced plenty of dramatic photos and videos, but there is something disturbing about a non-profit that is being heavily supported by American tax-exempt contributions helping finance this sort of behavior.
The journalists and the non-profits have a profit motive and an ideological motive to perpetuate the conflict. The money comes from American billionaires and foundations, from the Ford Foundation, which made the New Israel Fund possible, from George Soros, a former Nazi collaborator, while the people on the ground are treated like puppets manipulated into dancing for their amusement.
Black's journalism is meticulously researched and he brings to it the same moralistic eye for detail that informed his earlier work. Edwin Black had examined the funding mechanisms behind the Holocaust and with Financing the Flames he once again charts how modern day genocide is financed and promoted, from the Islamic Development Bank to the State Department to the donor down the block.
The wires cross as money from Islamic terror states and from liberal foundations in the United States go to finance the same organizations and seemingly for the same purposes revealing that when it comes to Israel, Saudi Arabia and the Ford Foundation, George Soros and the Saudi king are all on the same page.
Sheikh Zaid al-Jabari of Hebron, a city that has become a favorite target of social justice activists looking to shoot viral videos targeting Israeli soldiers and residents, says, "Millions of dollars are given to these organizations, and they say it is for peace… instead of putting water on the fire, they are fanning the flames."
The non-profits of the left didn't begin this conflict, but Edwin Black's book establishes that they most certainly are fanning the flames.
The millions and billions of dollars flowing into Gaza and the West Bank from foreign aid and non-profits aren't making things better. Even under the guise of peace, there is still more money in war.
Edwin Black s latest book, Financing the Flames: How Tax-Exempt and Public Money Fuel a Culture of Confrontation and Terrorism in Israel, pulls the cover off the robust use of US tax-exempt, tax-subsidized, and public monies to foment agitation, systematically destabilize the Israel Defense Forces, and finance terrorists in Israel. In a far-flung investigation in the United States, Israel and the West Bank, human-rights investigative reporter Edwin Black documents that it is actually the highly politicized human rights organizations and NGOs themselves all American taxpayer supported which are financing the flames that make peace in Israel difficult if not impossible. Black spotlights key charitable organizations such as the Ford Foundation, George Soros' Open Society Foundations, the New Israel Fund, and many others, as well as American taxpayers as a group. Instead of promoting peace and reconciliation between Arabs and Israelis, a variety of taxpayer-subsidized organizations have funded a culture where peace does not pay, but warfare and confrontation do. Ironically, several Jewish organizations, scooping up millions in tax-subsidized donations, stand at the forefront of the problem. At the same time, the author details at great length the laudable and helpful activities of such groups as the New Israel Fund; he chronicles a heartbreaking conflict between stated intent and true impact on the ground. In addition to documenting questionable 501(c)(3) activity, Black documents the direct relationship between taxpayer assistance to the Palestinian Authority and individuals engaged in terrorism against civilians.
About the Author:
Edwin Black is the award-winning, New York Times and international investigative author of 120 bestselling editions in 14 languages in 61 countries, as well as scores of newspaper and magazine articles in the leading publications of the United States, Europe and Israel. With more than a million books in print, his work focuses on genocide and hate, corporate criminality and corruption, governmental misconduct, academic fraud, philanthropy abuse, oil addiction, alternative energy and historical investigation. Editors have submitted Black's work nine times for Pulitzer Prize nomination, and in recent years he has been the recipient of a series of top editorial awards. He has also contributed to a number of anthologies worldwide. Mr. Black's eleven award-winning bestselling books are IBM and the Holocaust (2001 & 2012), Financing the Flames (2013), British Petroleum and the Redline Agreement (2011), The Farhud (2010), Nazi Nexus (2009), The Plan (2008), Internal Combustion (2006), Banking on Baghdad (2004), War Against the Weak (2003 and 2012), The Transfer Agreement (1984 and 2009), and a 1999 novel, Format C:. His enterprise and investigative writings have appeared in scores of newspapers from the Washington Post, Los Angeles Times and Chicago Tribune to the Sunday Times of London, Frankfurter Zeitung and the Jerusalem Post, as well as scores of magazines as diverse as Playboy, Sports Illustrated, Reform Judaism, Der Spiegel, L'Express, BusinessWeek and American Bar Association Journal. Black's articles are syndicated worldwide by Los Angeles Times Syndicate International, Los Angeles Times-Washington Post Syndicate, JTA and Feature Group News Service.
Yom Hashoa - Holocaust Remembrance Day Rally writeup by Chaim Schmidt.
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Americans for a Safe Israel <> Date: Mon, Apr 28, 2014 at 2:11 PM
Subject: Knesset Coalition Chairman Endorses Anti-BDS Protest - April 29, NYC
| | | Americans for a Safe Israel | | | | | Many thanks to Lynne Bursky and Nissim Tammam for their extraordinary efforts in once again planning and sponsoring the amazing Holocaust Remembrance Rally at the U.N. Iranian Mission on Sunday, April 27. Hundreds were in attendance and heard an array of excellent speakers, (Helen Freedman was privileged to speaking for AFSI) all pointing out the tragedy of the Holocaust and the need to prevent another such horror from occurring. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu voiced these same feelings and concerns in his address to the Israeli nation. We know that Iran is moving forward with its plans to build a nuclear bomb to threaten Israel and the world. We also know that Secretary John Kerry, working under President Obama, is clearly Israel's enemy when he predicts that Israel will be guilty of apartheid if a two-state "solution" is not realized with the Fatah/Hamas coalition of terrorists. He threatens a reign of terror against Jews, and looks forward to a change in regime for Israelis and Arabs. It is he who should step down from a position that he is clearly unfit to hold. Americans for a Safe Israel goes on record opposing his statements and calling for him to leave office as Secretary of State. We are aware that there are some who may not fully understand the dangers of BDS and the New Israel Fund which is its main supporter. Edwin Black's article below explains that clearly. In it he tell us that "Deputy Speaker of the Knesset Yoni Chetboun (Jewish Home) asserts that 'the main goal of the NIF is to undermine the Israeli Army, by knowingly financing left-wing Israeli groups that try to get young Israeli soldiers prosecuted for war crimes.' If that is not despicable enough, Black goes on to say that the NIF has "fueled well-financed NGO campaigns that portray Israel as a cruel, undemocratic, and oppressive apartheid nation that must be boycotted and sanctioned into either submission of oblivion." I trust you are as horrified by this information as we. If so, you MUST attend the 100 Shofar anti-BDS rally on Tuesday, April 29, 5 P.M. - full details below. Please also see the letter of support from Israel's Knesset Coalition Chairman, MK Yariv Levin. "The NIF's financial records for 2012 indicates that it granted $109,615 to Breaking the Silence, $255,477 to B'Tselem, and $209,161 to Adalah. These three groups are among many NIF grantees that operate at the front line of anti-Israel information." Open Letter to Israel Parade Participants Knesset Coalition Chairman, MK Yariv Levin From: יריב לוין Date: April 27, 2014 at 10:07:16 AM EDT To: Richard Allen Subject: For the participants of the 100 Shofars Rally, April 29th in New York City Mr. Richard Allen Founder, JCC Watch Dear Mr. Allen, As coalition chairman at the Knesset in Jerusalem, I am deeply moved by the tireless supporters and marchers in the Celebrate Israel Parade and by the courageous stance of so many friends of Israel involved in the parade, calling to delegitimize those who delegitimize Israel. It is not logical or reasonable for Israel supporters to condone or overlook or indirectly cooperate with BDS groups which represent the antithesis of support for Israel. Refusing to recognize the State of Israel's sovereign right to develop and maintain an independent legal position on any issue of national importance is not legitimate. The State of Israel came into being by virtue of our people's unassailable rights having historical, legal and religious foundations. I am certain that by mutual effort our just path will surmount any attempt to strike down Jewish survival and the Jewish way of life in the land of our forefathers. MK Yariv Levin, Coalition Chairman | | | |
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tuesday, April 29 - 100 Shofars to be blown in Manhattan WE ARE CONTINUING THE PROTEST AGAINST BDS MARCHERS IN THE PARADE April 29, 2014 UJA-Federation Building 130 East 59 Street (Between Park & Lex) New York City, 5pm to 7pm : Shofars to be blown at 5:30 pm The largest number of Shofars ever blown in Unison to take place in Manhattan by a Coalition of Jewish groups; to protest the inclusion of Boycott, Divestment & Sanctions against Israel in the Israel Day Parade. Join Us and Bring Your Shofars! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wednesday, April 30th 7:30pm - ANOTHER EXCITING AND INFORMATIVE AFSI MEETING AT THE HOME OF OUR CHAIRMAN, MARK LANGFAN - 58TH ST. & PARK AVE , NYC Meet the founders of the powerful daily online newspaper headquartered in Beth-El, Israel. Former Arutz Sheva Director General, Yaacov Katz "Ketzahla" and Baruch Gordon will meet with us to discuss the situation is Israel. RSVP required. Light refreshments and libation. Ketzelah with Bibi June 1 - Join in the Annual Israel Day Concert/Rally in Central Park at the SummerStage; enter Central Park on 72nd and 5th Ave. This year's theme: Jerusalem ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
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Helen Freedman: Executive Director Judy Kadish: Director,Special Projects
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