Tuesday, August 31, 2010




If anyone of you has any personal connection with Prime Minister Netanyahu please pass it along and ask/beg/demand him to read and send this letter to Obama.  It's well written and articulate and does not betray the Jewish People. 
This September 2nd meeting is a farce since neither Netanyahu or Abbas have any Authority to give away parts of the Land of Israel.  What's the point of  meetings, discussions and negotiations?

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From: AFSI <afsi@rcn.com>
Date: Mon, Aug 30, 2010 at 1:54 PM
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1751 Second Ave, New York, NY 10128

Tel: 212-828-2424; Fax: 212-828-1717; afsi@rcn.com; www.afsi.org

Contact: Helen Freedman, Executive Director

August 30, 2010



From Ruth King, Editorial Board writer for AFSI's monthly OUTPOST, on the eve of PM Netanyahu's visit to the U.S.


There is a lot of writing and hand wringing even from those quarters that prodded or bullied Israel into the two state dissolution. What now? What can Netanyahu do?


Here is one suggestion: A letter from Prime Minister Netanyahu to President Obama:


Dear President Obama:


Greetings! I deeply and respectfully regret to inform you that I must cancel my forthcoming visit to the United States for the purpose of commencing negotiations. I recognize and share your sense of urgency in resolving the current impasse, but grave international events which threaten Israel as well as the United States make the regional war of Arabs against Israel less pressing and an item for another time and another venue.


Please let me explain.


Your State Department has tried to reassure us that Iran will not complete nuclear arms for one year. However, one of the "Quartet" members, namely Russia, helped finish building the Bushehr Iranian Nuclear project which is well on its way to becoming weaponized.  Reliable sources are convinced that the reactor will be fully operational since military action against it could lead to widespread contamination in the entire Middle East.


There is an old saw, Mr. President: "If you want to know what a man is thinking, listen to him."


Iran's ruthless tyrant has issued genocidal threats to destroy Israel, and has repeated them virtually every day. I would be remiss not to heed him and I would be equally remiss in trusting any dialogue on the future survival of my country with any nation that continues to enable and encourage Iran.


Furthermore, I cannot accept the participation of entities such as the United Nations and the European Union who continually indulge in the most anti-Semitic and anti- Israel harangues, as participants in any discussion of my nation's security and destiny. They share the conviction that Israel, of all the world's nations has a negotiable "right to exist" and may not make its own decisions on what constitutes secure and defensible borders. While they maintain a studious silence on massacres, famines, civil wars elsewhere they join their own enemies in denouncing Israel. This "quartet" would not play Brahms, but would gladly perform a funeral dirge for Israel.


Furthermore, Mr. President, what constructive input can come from nations such as Egypt and Jordan whose bias against Israel and Jews is evidenced daily by their media, their schoolbooks, their sermons and their national rules forbidding Jewish ownership of land and citizenship?


In fact, President Obama, the Arab League recently announced a summit, where Jordan and Egypt will convene with Syria, "Palestine" Saudi Arabia, Libya and Algeria next February in Qatar in a conference to discuss the status of Jerusalem.


Would you countenance discussion of the status of Washington D.C. by any foreign powers, let alone enemies?


Finally, Mr. President, there is no need to travel so far for meaningful discussions. Our land is small and enjoys a fine highway system. Mr. Abbas can take a car to Jerusalem or I can take one to Ramallah. We would both be home in time for dinner.


And, speaking of Mr. Abbas, it certainly did not enhance our confidence when he and other members of his governing committee recently attended the funeral of Amin Al-Hindi, the mastermind of the massacre of Israeli athletes at the Munich Olympics, and praised him in the most lavish terms as a martyr and leader.


Mr. President, you and I are both democratically elected leaders with a fractious body politic. We both face serious security threats which must continually be balanced with utmost respect for the civil liberties of our citizens.


The media reports of daily threats to the United States from North Korea, from China and from the drug cartel war on your southern border which has already claimed thousands of lives and threatens to infiltrate your cities. On your northern border there is increasing activity of terrorists plotting attacks on the United States.  Your economy is still in precarious condition.


How could the disposition of approximately two thousand square miles of West Bank alter any of these crises?


Mr. President, your nation and mine are beacons of freedom and democracy. Our destinies are intertwined and Israel is the greatest supporter and ally of the United States in the world. We are bipartisan in our respect for America. Since President Harry Truman rose in the middle of the night and against the wishes of his State Department gave de jure recognition to our independence, we have enjoyed the support of thousands of legislators from both parties.


July fourth is a national holiday for America and a day of national pride for Israel because on that day in 1976 when the United States was celebrating the Bicentennial, Israel conducted the most dazzling rescue of hostages in Entebbe. My brother Lt. Col. Jonathan Netanyahu was killed on that day in that operation. He is a hero in that long line of Israelis and Americans who have died in defense of freedom.


Mr. President, on September 8th Jews throughout the world commence observance of a new year marking 5,771 years of Jewish existence. The holiday Rosh Ha Shana culminates on Yom Kippur a day of atonement, fasting and renewal.


Among my prayers, I will include a  prayer for peace and prosperity for both our nations.


What I will not do, Mr. President, is come to Yom Kippur atoning for having endangered Israel by attending the September 2 meetings.


God bless our nations.


Respectfully yours,


Benjamin Netanyahu, Prime Minister of Israel



Robin Ticker
This email  is L'Ilui Nishmat  Yisrael ben David Aryeh ob"m (Izzy - Kaplan)  a great activist and lover of Eretz Yisroel, Am Yisroel and the Torah. Yehi Zichrono Baruch. 

From Honest Reporting - Exclusive video dramatic reunion


Dear Print Media, amv'sh

You are receiving this email because you have been sensitive to Jewish concerns and reflect views of the right media as opposed to the left media.

The lies against our people by our enemies in the media is ongoing in what we can call mediawarfare.  Is our side fighting the media war effectively?  Did you all have front page coverage of the rally against the mosque at all?  If you did, did you bend over backwards to present a "balanced picture" that there were protests for the mosque and protests against the mosque?  While we bend over backwards to present a "balanced" picture giving the enemy the right of self expression, they are sending out lies and distortions which are believed by the masses and this apparently is not a new phenomenon.  Wake UP and recognize that you are in the War and fighting a very vicious enemy that does not play by the rules of fair and honest reporting.   Yasher Koach to Honest Reporting and let me suggest that they be a serious news source for you.

Tuvia Grossman meets the soldier that saved his life!



Robin Ticker
This email  is L'Ilui Nishmat  Yisrael ben David Aryeh ob"m (Izzy - Kaplan)  a great activist and lover of Eretz Yisroel, Am Yisroel and the Torah. Yehi Zichrono Baruch. 

Haredi battalion comes of age on its 10th anniversary By YAAKOV KATZ


Haredi battalion comes of age on its 10th anniversary


Netzah Yehuda now has 700 soldiers, including a counter-terror squad.,,,

Please read full post



Robin Ticker
This email  is L'Ilui Nishmat  Yisrael ben David Aryeh ob"m (Izzy - Kaplan)  a great activist and lover of Eretz Yisroel, Am Yisroel and the Torah. Yehi Zichrono Baruch. 

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Broken promises of the Likud party sent by Mattot Arim


Dear Members of the Government and Likud, amv"sh

Clearly, Netanyahu is not being faithful to his parity's promises to the Jewish People. 

Do not be an accomplice by being part of his gov't.  Either he steps down or you do. Threaten to leave and be prepared to act on your threat.  Even if you lose your position as MK or minister you will be able to face your children and grandchildren,  No discussion, no negotiation. 

The Land of Israel is not his to give away. He can not act unilaterally. 

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From: <mattot.arim@gmail.com>
Date: 2010/8/21
Subject: שנה טובה - העבירו הלאה New Year - Pass it On
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הברכה היא ציטוט ישיר מתוך נאום ראש השנה של השר הבכיר של הליכוד, גדעון סער, ב-2008 --   


"לא ארץ ישראל נגמרה. זו הקדנציה של אולמרט שנגמרה, ברוך השם....

את ארץ ישראל ימשיכו ליישב....

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להלן הכתובות של השרים - שבמעשיהם השלטוניים ובהתבטאויותיהם,

יממשו – כך אנו מקווים - את הבטחת הבחירות הנ"ל.


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As America announces renewal of direct talks between Israel and  USA,

let us send the following New Year's greeting

straight to all of Israel's ministers -- email addresses above


The greeting is simply a quote from the senior minister of Israel's ruling party:

Likud's Minister Gidon Saar

This lovely quote summarizes the current government's campaign promises

To all of us -- to the voting public

It was given in honor of Rosh Hashana in 2008 in a huge Likud gathering

Mr. Saar's words were:

" The Land of Israel is not finished. It is the term of Olmert's governance that has finished, thank G-d. The Land of Israel will continue to be settled...What is finished are the delusions that retreating from part of the Land of Israel will bring peace.... We were promised land for peace, we got missiles for land.... If, G-d forbid, there should be any harm done to the Jewish settlement of Judea and Samaria there will be  harm done to the security of the population of Tel-Aviv and Netanya...The safeguarding of the Land of Israel...is the guarantee to the security of all of us

 and of our children after us."


Link to the original Hebrew text, see above

Also above, see the email addresses of the ministers and legislators

whose actions and words will – we hope - make this campaign promise into reality

Please can you inspire and politely remind our ministers,

by just forwarding this email to all those addresses

That way, we will all have a good and safe year,

rather than a bad and dangerous year


Thank you from Mattot Arim

Pass this on to your friends -- bcc us if you want!


Don't wait for the next Mattot Arim updt, go into our blog anytime http://mattotarim1.blogspot.com


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Comments? Or: Want your friends in USA etc. to join our foreign list? Contact mattot.arim@gmail.com



Robin Ticker
This email  is L'Ilui Nishmat  Yisrael ben David Aryeh ob"m (Izzy - Kaplan)  a great activist and lover of Eretz Yisroel, Am Yisroel and the Torah. Yehi Zichrono Baruch. 

Monday, August 16, 2010

Thank you Shmuel HaLevi for your input regarding Tzahal. It basically agrees to what I said but in more "colorful" language.


Dear List, amv"SH

Sometimes, frustration brings out  "colorful" language.  BAsically, the command core seems to have political rather than military agendas. I like the Judean Autonomy prototype idea because it does not put Judea and Samaria at the mercy of Jews (or as Shmuel puts it unJews) that do not represent the interests of the residents of Judea and Samaria.  The Jewish residents of Judea and Samaria  have legitimate indigenous rights to settle the Land and live in their communities, not to mention the fact that they happen to be tax paying citizens to the State of Israel.  Furthermore, I agree, as Shmuel points out, the 2 State Solution endorsed by Netanyahu and his gov't is self destructive to Am Yisroel and sets a dangerous precedent of appeasing Terrorist regimes throughout the world.   Another  expulsion, larger scale, like Gush Katif is not an option.  It clearly made things much worse from a security standpoint for Southern Israel.  (that was an observation of Noveminsker Rav, possibly based on comments from Rav Eliashiv, Rosh Moetzet Gedolei Hatorah,  in his public address at  the Agudah Conventionin 2007 and is a fact of truth)

I don't think the Nation as a whole is yet ready for Hebraic Law so a Judean self governing autonomy prototype is a logical and sensible way to proceed.   Again for all of you participating listeners, we are just engaging publicly  over the internet across oceans in a "debate" which is a forum for public expression in a free and democratic society.

On Mon, Aug 16, 2010 at 1:08 AM, Shmuel HaLevi rfi <radiofreeisrael@gmail.com> wrote:
Tzahal, where I was a fighter, decorated in battle, is far past being "mekulkal". It has been turned by a ghastly "command core" into a body specialized on attacking JEWS and Heritage while it has proven repeatedly being unwilling and or unable to fight the real objectives according to the LAW.
We could list those failures including the fact that the command  does not even know simple intelligence gathering.
The bombastic, pedantic, pushy without "toelet", Aesop's frog like "posah" of the newfangled israeli does not impress anyone anymore.  They can all follow Burg.
I speak as a former decorated soldier, with decades of service also in the US Department of Defense Military Avionics Programs as a Senior-Fellow Engineer and also to date listed as an Invited Consultant to the IMoD.
It is simply appalling the brutal, repulsive turn that unJews gave to what used to be our pride and honor. Tzahal.
The unJewish command core, the PR firms supported garbage MUST go before any "kilkul" can really be fixed. Starting with the Barak pompous ass, that being his best attribute and after him, all Staff officers identified with the unJewish school.
And YES!.  We can easily replace that trash. In fact any 16 Paraguayan Colonels could do a better job than the Barak-Peres self destructive and inimical to Jews "command" in there.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Monday, August 16, 2010 2:39 AM
Subject: Re: Tzava Haganh LeYisroel or Tzava Haganah LePalitinaim? MOshe Goldsmith responds!


On Sun, Aug 15, 2010 at 3:34 PM, משה גולדשמיט <leamoshe@netvision.net.il> wrote:
ps- You can also say that Midinat Yisrael has kilkulim- so don't live there????? Darsheyni! So- People davka have to JOIN TZAHAL in order to fix it!

Dear Moshe, amv"sh

Thanks so much for reading and responding.

I hear what you are saying.  I am not chas vechalila against IDF. Lehefech.  It seems to me that the goals of the IDF has been sabotaged due to Politics, international pressures etc. and the Gush Emunim bloc of soldiers are being tested. I agree with you that we need both the right and the left  to defend Am Yisroel. Kol Hakavod to you and Leah and your children and I am jealous that you have been zocheh to have raised a generation of soldiers that fights for Am YIsroel and Eretz Yisorel and I haven't

My concern is that  If we dismiss it merely as kilkulim and not address these kilkulim very seriously, these kilkulim are making serious inroads.  Soldiers do not  know clearly, Halacha Berurah,  what to do when IDF orders override Torah.  In order to address these Kilkulim seriously, we have to be willing to confront it head on, with clear Halacha that supports a Torah position with some muscle and not merely say soldiers should sit in jail.     Sitting in jail  is a subservient posture and Torah can not be allowed to be subservient.  That is why I am suggesting an alternative militia that will be accountable to Torah first and to the Secular State second.    The Unity of Am Yisroel will thereby be preserved since such a fighting unit will beezrat Hashem not allow a Palestinian State and the destruction of Yishuvim and this is the only way we can preserve peace and unity..

Fixing Zahal is not possible unless the political Leadership changes. Joining Zahal in its present state will not help change matters if the Political Leadership runs the show and is  acting in response to international pressures and  appoints Generals who follow orders based on politics rather than a reasonable defense based on Torah. .

I have sent  around  ideas as per  the creation of a prototype Judean Autonomy that will live in peace side by side with its sister State Israel but is governed by Hebraic .law rather than British and Turkish law.   Surely such an autonomy  will not be a hostile neighbor to the State of Israel as would be  an autonomous Palestinian State and would surely be welcomed by the entire people of Israel as an alternative to a 2 State Solution, Jew vs Arab.   Of course all Non Jews should be welcome to continue residing within the boundaries of this Judean Autonomy, on condition that they accept Jewish Sovereignty and abides by the 7 Noahide Laws.   (Not very  different than a pledge of Allegiance).

This alternative militia of the IDF would then serve the Judean Autonomy and hopefully with collaboration with its sister, the IDF.  Of course all this is brainstorming and I welcome all ideas.
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Sent: Sunday, August 15, 2010 9:52 PM
Subject: Tzava Haganh LeYisroel or Tzava Haganah LePalitinaim?


Dear Chavrei Knesset and Rosh Yeshivot Hesder:

I am very confused.  I am sure many IDF soldiers are confused as well. Many  Israeli soldiers are young idealists, lovers of Israel whose only desire is to defend Israel from it's enemies. This is their upbringing and the desire of their families. For this they are willing to be Moser Nefesh and risk their lives.  This is consistent with the mission of the IDF.

Are these kids, these young soldiers, now being  brainwashed to suppress their ideology, their religion, their Torah, and act contrary to all that they hold dear and   "obey orders at all costs",  Are they  threatened "do as you're ordered" or else you are not a good IDF soldier, not a good citizen of Israel,  and  will pay the consequences Is it for this they  sacrifice their lives?

We all agree that the IDF must train their soldiers to obey orders.  That is necessary for a working army. But that assumes the given that the orders are moral and true to the ideals of the IDF. Tzava Haganah LeYisroel and not Tzava Hagana LaPalistinaim!

 How has the IDF become so confused as to betray its mission as a Jewish army ? 

May I even dare ask this question in public at the risk of being brought into questioning?

When there is a disconnect between Torah and the army then we have the situation where the naive soldiers are duped into fighting a war that  aids the enemy and fights itself

Now a Million Dollar QuestionShould we now advise our boys to refuse to join the IDF based on conscientious objection?

Answer:  Let the heads of Hesder not be timid.  The majority of the best fighting units are from the religious believing boys.  Let them threaten to split from the IDF and establish an alternative militia that is true to Torah and true the ideals of the IDF.  Let all the boys refuse to join the existing IDF based on conscientious objection rather then be used. 

Next question:  How can the Hesder Yeshivot survive without the money from the gov't should the gov't threaten to cut off their budgets?

Answer:  Asking this question shows that you agree that the IDF is being immoral by requiring their soldiers to act in ways that is self destructive. Hopefully these  questions asked en mass,  coupled with our resolve not to accept funding on condition that we are forced to obey immoral orders, in essence blood money, will get the IDF army to reevaluate.  Our intention is that they rescind their orders which serves to  protect the enemy, expel Jews from their homes and  demolish Jewish property.  Flexing our Torah muscle will beezrat Hashem coerce the IDF to change their foolish ways which is anyway for their own detriment and against their own inner desire..

 However, if the IDF chooses not to submit to the will of the people, and chooses a power struggle, then this concern, ie. cutting off of funding,  is a realistic and practical concern. 

Here all our lessons on Emunah must come into play.  When we believe that Hashem keeps HIS promise to Am Yisroel and will fight for us and defend us when we obey His laws then we must obey His orders at all cost, without regrets.  Prayer is our most powerful weapon and beEzrat Hashem we will find the means to accomplish this goal.  We have right on our side. 

Next million dollar question:  Aren't you promoting a split among the Nation, a civil war Chas veshalom?

Answer:  Let us stay focused on our goal which is to defend Eretz Yisroel and Am Yisroel.  We are hurting our brothers even more if we allow them to help  establish a Palestinian State.  Such an enemy  State we know will be used as a launching ground against all of our brothers including the  IDF that has stupidly chosen to defend the "freedom's" of our enemies rather than the legitimate rights of Jews.  There is no negotiating in this matter since failure on our part to defend our rights to our Land will only create Sderot magnified and the targets will be Ben Gurion and Tel Aviv.  Our actions is for the benefit of the entire Israel and not just for those that believe as we do.

Hashem Oz LeAmo Yiten Hashem Yevarech as Amo Bashalom.

Please read this Arutz7 article:

Anti-Semitic anarchists and leftists, with tacit governmental and IDF support, are threatening the Jewish presence in Hevron, residents charge.

The army allowed anarchists to stage an illegal protest on the Sabbath, blocking a group of Jews who had coordinated permission and military escorts to visit Jewish sites in areas in Hevron that are under Israeli control.


then please read or reread this one about how the police stops a legal protest against exchanging Gilad Shalit with terrorists  Their slogan was Gilad Shalit but not at  any cost.


These are just two examples.  I know that there are many more.

by the way, not only religious nationalist feel this way. Many Chareidim feel this way as well.  Perhaps they would join the army more readily in Nachal Chareidi,  to defend the country acknowledging this as a Milchemet Mitzvah which one is not excused,

אגודת חלמי''ש

-- Thank you for listening.

Robin Ticker
This email  is L'Ilui Nishmat  Yisrael ben David Aryeh ob"m (Izzy - Kaplan)  a great activist and lover of Eretz Yisroel, Am Yisroel and the Torah. Yehi Zichrono Baruch. 

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Robin Ticker
This email  is L'Ilui Nishmat  Yisrael ben David Aryeh ob"m (Izzy - Kaplan)  a great activist and lover of Eretz Yisroel, Am Yisroel and the Torah. Yehi Zichrono Baruch. 

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Re: Tzava Haganh LeYisroel or Tzava Haganah LePalitinaim? MOshe Goldsmith responds!


On Sun, Aug 15, 2010 at 3:34 PM, משה גולדשמיט <leamoshe@netvision.net.il> wrote:
ps- You can also say that Midinat Yisrael has kilkulim- so don't live there????? Darsheyni! So- People davka have to JOIN TZAHAL in order to fix it!

Dear Moshe, amv"sh

Thanks so much for reading and responding.

I hear what you are saying.  I am not chas vechalila against IDF. Lehefech.  It seems to me that the goals of the IDF has been sabotaged due to Politics, international pressures etc. and the Gush Emunim bloc of soldiers are being tested. I agree with you that we need both the right and the left  to defend Am Yisroel. Kol Hakavod to you and Leah and your children and I am jealous that you have been zocheh to have raised a generation of soldiers that fights for Am YIsroel and Eretz Yisorel and I haven't

My concern is that  If we dismiss it merely as kilkulim and not address these kilkulim very seriously, these kilkulim are making serious inroads.  Soldiers do not  know clearly, Halacha Berurah,  what to do when IDF orders override Torah.  In order to address these Kilkulim seriously, we have to be willing to confront it head on, with clear Halacha that supports a Torah position with some muscle and not merely say soldiers should sit in jail.     Sitting in jail  is a subservient posture and Torah can not be allowed to be subservient.  That is why I am suggesting an alternative militia that will be accountable to Torah first and to the Secular State second.    The Unity of Am Yisroel will thereby be preserved since such a fighting unit will beezrat Hashem not allow a Palestinian State and the destruction of Yishuvim and this is the only way we can preserve peace and unity..

Fixing Zahal is not possible unless the political Leadership changes. Joining Zahal in its present state will not help change matters if the Political Leadership runs the show and is  acting in response to international pressures and  appoints Generals who follow orders based on politics rather than a reasonable defense based on Torah. .

I have sent  around  ideas as per  the creation of a prototype Judean Autonomy that will live in peace side by side with its sister State Israel but is governed by Hebraic .law rather than British and Turkish law.   Surely such an autonomy  will not be a hostile neighbor to the State of Israel as would be  an autonomous Palestinian State and would surely be welcomed by the entire people of Israel as an alternative to a 2 State Solution, Jew vs Arab.   Of course all Non Jews should be welcome to continue residing within the boundaries of this Judean Autonomy, on condition that they accept Jewish Sovereignty and abides by the 7 Noahide Laws.   (Not very  different than a pledge of Allegiance).

This alternative militia of the IDF would then serve the Judean Autonomy and hopefully with collaboration with its sister, the IDF.  Of course all this is brainstorming and I welcome all ideas.
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Sent: Sunday, August 15, 2010 9:52 PM
Subject: Tzava Haganh LeYisroel or Tzava Haganah LePalitinaim?


Dear Chavrei Knesset and Rosh Yeshivot Hesder:

I am very confused.  I am sure many IDF soldiers are confused as well. Many  Israeli soldiers are young idealists, lovers of Israel whose only desire is to defend Israel from it's enemies. This is their upbringing and the desire of their families. For this they are willing to be Moser Nefesh and risk their lives.  This is consistent with the mission of the IDF.

Are these kids, these young soldiers, now being  brainwashed to suppress their ideology, their religion, their Torah, and act contrary to all that they hold dear and   "obey orders at all costs",  Are they  threatened "do as you're ordered" or else you are not a good IDF soldier, not a good citizen of Israel,  and  will pay the consequences Is it for this they  sacrifice their lives?

We all agree that the IDF must train their soldiers to obey orders.  That is necessary for a working army. But that assumes the given that the orders are moral and true to the ideals of the IDF. Tzava Haganah LeYisroel and not Tzava Hagana LaPalistinaim!

 How has the IDF become so confused as to betray its mission as a Jewish army ? 

May I even dare ask this question in public at the risk of being brought into questioning?

When there is a disconnect between Torah and the army then we have the situation where the naive soldiers are duped into fighting a war that  aids the enemy and fights itself

Now a Million Dollar QuestionShould we now advise our boys to refuse to join the IDF based on conscientious objection?

Answer:  Let the heads of Hesder not be timid.  The majority of the best fighting units are from the religious believing boys.  Let them threaten to split from the IDF and establish an alternative militia that is true to Torah and true the ideals of the IDF.  Let all the boys refuse to join the existing IDF based on conscientious objection rather then be used. 

Next question:  How can the Hesder Yeshivot survive without the money from the gov't should the gov't threaten to cut off their budgets?

Answer:  Asking this question shows that you agree that the IDF is being immoral by requiring their soldiers to act in ways that is self destructive. Hopefully these  questions asked en mass,  coupled with our resolve not to accept funding on condition that we are forced to obey immoral orders, in essence blood money, will get the IDF army to reevaluate.  Our intention is that they rescind their orders which serves to  protect the enemy, expel Jews from their homes and  demolish Jewish property.  Flexing our Torah muscle will beezrat Hashem coerce the IDF to change their foolish ways which is anyway for their own detriment and against their own inner desire..

 However, if the IDF chooses not to submit to the will of the people, and chooses a power struggle, then this concern, ie. cutting off of funding,  is a realistic and practical concern. 

Here all our lessons on Emunah must come into play.  When we believe that Hashem keeps HIS promise to Am Yisroel and will fight for us and defend us when we obey His laws then we must obey His orders at all cost, without regrets.  Prayer is our most powerful weapon and beEzrat Hashem we will find the means to accomplish this goal.  We have right on our side. 

Next million dollar question:  Aren't you promoting a split among the Nation, a civil war Chas veshalom?

Answer:  Let us stay focused on our goal which is to defend Eretz Yisroel and Am Yisroel.  We are hurting our brothers even more if we allow them to help  establish a Palestinian State.  Such an enemy  State we know will be used as a launching ground against all of our brothers including the  IDF that has stupidly chosen to defend the "freedom's" of our enemies rather than the legitimate rights of Jews.  There is no negotiating in this matter since failure on our part to defend our rights to our Land will only create Sderot magnified and the targets will be Ben Gurion and Tel Aviv.  Our actions is for the benefit of the entire Israel and not just for those that believe as we do.

Hashem Oz LeAmo Yiten Hashem Yevarech as Amo Bashalom.

Please read this Arutz7 article:

Anti-Semitic anarchists and leftists, with tacit governmental and IDF support, are threatening the Jewish presence in Hevron, residents charge.

The army allowed anarchists to stage an illegal protest on the Sabbath, blocking a group of Jews who had coordinated permission and military escorts to visit Jewish sites in areas in Hevron that are under Israeli control.


then please read or reread this one about how the police stops a legal protest against exchanging Gilad Shalit with terrorists  Their slogan was Gilad Shalit but not at  any cost.


These are just two examples.  I know that there are many more.

by the way, not only religious nationalist feel this way. Many Chareidim feel this way as well.  Perhaps they would join the army more readily in Nachal Chareidi,  to defend the country acknowledging this as a Milchemet Mitzvah which one is not excused,

אגודת חלמי''ש

-- Thank you for listening.

Robin Ticker
This email  is L'Ilui Nishmat  Yisrael ben David Aryeh ob"m (Izzy - Kaplan)  a great activist and lover of Eretz Yisroel, Am Yisroel and the Torah. Yehi Zichrono Baruch. 

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Robin Ticker
This email  is L'Ilui Nishmat  Yisrael ben David Aryeh ob"m (Izzy - Kaplan)  a great activist and lover of Eretz Yisroel, Am Yisroel and the Torah. Yehi Zichrono Baruch.