Monday, September 03, 2012

How to respond to the Brutal Rape of Migron? Intolerable Acts.


Dear Rabbanim, Media, Members of Knesset and fellow activists and lovers of Israel, amv"sh

IN MY LAST EMAIL  Brutal Rape of Migron  it was suggested that settlers who actively participate in their own expulsion and do not protest and cooperate with silence share in the guilt.  This was surely not the case here in Migron since the settlers have been most vocal in their protest. The fact that they left the scene with their little kids does not translate to cooperating with those who expel them.  Does anyone expect them to hang around on the battlefield with their little children?  Any responsible parent would agree that a battlefield is not a place for women and children and not even for teenage youth.  Who initiated the battle?  Surely it was not the Settlers.  However, their property is surely threatened.    Who came dressed in black with armor and shields ready to expel Jews from their homes?

So how should the protest manifest itself if the families are out of sight?

Let us take our cue from the American Revolution.   The American Patriots established a Continental Congress and in response to intolerable acts by the British which included Taxation without Representation established militias.  

I see the accusing finger pointing at me.  Oh so you are calling for a Civil War!  A Milchemet Achim?  Calm down.  Right now we are talking about the American Revolution and the American gov't and the American way of life and the following is not written by me or talking about Israel but about the foundations of America and about freedom and democracy.    

Any discussion of Rights should begin with an understanding of the following:
Rights do not come from government. Governments can only grant privileges. Privileges that be granted can also be taken away. Rights do not come from the Constitution either. The Constitution only protects Rights by establishing a government designed to provide protection for We The People.

All Rights come from God and are inalienable, which means that they cannot be taken away. Those who violate God-given Rights must believe themselves superior to God or they must believe that God does not exist. I am describing humanism which is discussed in more depth on this page.

The Constitution identifies many Rights, e.g., speech, press, religion, etc., all of which fit into one of three categories - Life, Liberty, or Property. The possession of these basic Rights are all necessary for the Pursuit of Happiness. Violation of any one of the three by government is tyranny. Several of the Founders suggested the following slogan for our Great Seal, "Resistance to Tyranny is Obedience to GOD".

Attached to and an essential part of God-given Rights is the sacred duty to protect and defend those Rights with whatever means necessary. It is the Right To Bear Arms that protects all other rights. Therefore, if it is lost, all other rights will surely be lost as well.

We should never allow ourselves to get drawn into a frivolous discussion over what type of gun is suitable for hunting, sport shooting, etc., because those issues have nothing what-so-ever to do with the Right to Keep and Bear Arms. Peace Through Strength is always the best policy for the military and for individuals.

The right to keep and bear arms not only predates the writing of the Second Amendment, it also predates the discovery of firearms, because the right to defend one's right to Life, Liberty, and Property came with the Creation of Man.


Now Dear Friends, Let us get back to Migron.  Can you deny the description "Gov't of Tyranny"  appropriate for Netanyahu's administration after the recent expulsion from MIGRON?  

Surely everyone will agree that the residents of Migron and Gush Katif suffered much worse intolerable acts than taxation w/o representation.  Having ones property stolen and being expelled from ones home is far worse that unfair taxation. 

If you are not yet convinced as per Israel's right to the Property of Judea and Samaria please read the following excellent article:

Stephen Kruger
Published: Thursday, August 30, 2012 10:43 AM
The land of Israel is a trust of which the Jewish people are the beneficiaries, the government of Israel the trustees. There are, however, duties and rules.

This battle for Migron and all the settlements in Judea and Samaria should then be fought fair and square.  Armed Soldiers with shields must be met with the same and not with unarmed teenage kids no matter how admirable or honorable their intentions. 

Who should rally the troops?  My initial answer to this question is the Rabbanim and Roshei Yeshiva of the Hesder Yeshivot and Nachal Chareidi. They should instruct their soldiers not to obey any immoral orders that involves "raping the land of Israel"  in order to take her from her rightful owner the people of Israel and give her to an alien owner,  the Palestinians.   The municipalities of Judea and Samaria should work hand in hand with a working Kosher and Holy army who is ready to stand by to protect the Holy Land and the property of Jews.  

Will this cause a Civil War.  I personally do not believe so.  But just like the War in Iran, tyranny must not be tolerated and must be shown a willingness to go to war.  Those who usurped their power, basically the Supreme Court of Israel, and those who follow immoral orders under the Civil Administration of the territories must be stopped.   


Robin Ticker
Activist emails sent to my list  are L'Ilui Nishmat Yisrael ben David Aryeh ob"m (Izzy - Kaplan)  a great activist and lover of Eretz Yisroel, Am Yisroel and the Torah. Yehi Zichrono Baruch.

Most of these emails are posted on 

Personal emails to individuals will not be posted to my blog. 

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