Monday, March 03, 2014

Chareid Mass-Prayer Rally - It's all Good!


If you have been reading and following my posts on  it is clear that I did not see this rally as a positive because I sensed that some of the energies was coming from an unholy source.  This played out with Motzei Shem Ra (slander) on members of the Gov't and Religious Zionists accused of wanting to uproot Torah, a false perception especially in the ranks of the Dati Leumi community who serve in the Army and consider their service in the army as a Biblical commandment and a  Milchemet Mitzvah.   Apparently the hard feelings against the Chareidi draft was a  result of criminal and economic sanctions that threatened  the Chareidi population and deeply and painfully affected those who learn Torah. 

The Mass Chareidi - Prayer happened and between 300,00 and 800,00 attended depending on the news report.  Let's see how this rally can be viewed and actually turn into a positive and let us use the rally as a starting point for long needed discussion and education and debate leshem Shamayim, for heaven's sake, a Machlokes, like a dispute, between Hillel and Shamai.  Let this be a call for a Kosher Debate, without slander and defamation or name calling,  as per how the Torah views a Military Draft in a Sovereign Jewish Homeland so that it does not chas veshalom, G-d forbid uproot Torah but serves the opposite purpose of actually fulfilling the commandments of the Torah to defend the Land and the people.  

The positives of the Mass - Prayer Rally

Watch: Hareidi Mass-Prayer Rally Ends With Shema Recital

This is what one of the largest-ever Jewish prayer sessions looks and feels like.

Jerusalem Rally Reflections: When Thoughts Win Wars
It was an experience of a lifetime. To be part of the biggest minyan since the Beit Hamikdash. To daven mincha with so many people…"

Tremendous Ahavas Yisroel:

Unfortunately, media incitement seemed to fuel motzei shem ra.

 Association of Community Rabbis Skips March Over Incitement
Group headed by Rabbi Shmuel Eliyahu cancels plans to attend until Yated Ne'eman retracts incitement against Religious Zionist leader.

If there was so much negative incitement, how can we view this rally as good?  Let us learn from the Lubavitch Rebbe as per how to respond with what appears to be a bad situation.  The situation came through a relative of the Lubavitcher Rebbe. Instead of viewing the removal of precious books from the Chabad Library a simple act of theft, The Rebbe approached these troubling events as a Heaven-sent call to increase our efforts in studying and publicizing these and other holy books, as in the following statement made after their return: "…We must say that the reason for these problems was only to bring a greater level of ascent. The only reason for the troubling and uncertain situation was to accomplish greater things many times over, in the area of spreading Yiddishkeit." Read more at:

The Chareidi SideThe resolutions of the Rally according to the accepted and respected Sages of the Chareidim 

 Rav Aharon Leib Shteinman, Rav Shalom Cohen, Vizhnitzer Rebbe  

Decisions by consensus of the three major councils of Torah sages, which met last week in Bnei Brak – that of Shas, Degel Hatorah and Agudat Yisrael.  Mass Tefillah Gathering Called For Sunday In Yerushalayim  by Dovid Hoffman and Avi Yishai

"First to speak at the conference was Rav Shteinman, who decried the terrible chillul Hashem embodied in criminal sanctions. Rav Aharon Leib Shteinman said at the meeting that "chillul Hashem is a worse sin than avodah zarah, for which we are obligated to give up our lives rather than transgress.


"Everyone knows that there is no greater chillul Hashem than to be rodef those who learn Torah, because Torah and Klal Yisroel are one and the same, and Yisroel and Oraisa and Kudsha Brich Hu are also chad. If there is no Torah, the world will be destroyed. Our tachlis is to learn Torah, and there is nothing worse than to disrupt those who learn Torah.


"This is our life, the life of Klal Yisroel from the time of Matan Torah until this very day… May Hakadosh Boruch Hu ensure that all those who wish to impede this will fail, and that we will merit to be saved from them, and to learn Torah and more Torah."


"The whole purpose of existence is to study Torah and there is nothing worse than harassing those involved in this mitzvah. This is our life, the life of Klal Yisroel in all generations from the time the Torah was given until today. We must know that there is nothing except Torah. This is our life!


Rav Shalom Cohen of the Shas Moetzes said that the danger hanging over the heads of Sefardi bnei Torah is even greater.


"All the Sefardim are like hanefesh asher asu beChoron [the people Avrohom and Sarah saved from spiritual destruction]," he said. "I know from my yeshiva that many talmidim's parents want them to go to the army. They don't understand anything. If their sons were not close to their rabbonim, they would go to the army. The rabbonim watch over them. If they don't do something and announce that there should be no army [enlistment] at all, it won't work, chas vesholom.


"The media incites against the bnei yeshivos. This influences Sefardim. Our community may be the hardest hit from this decree. We must learn from hanefesh asher asu beChoron and draw as many people to Torah as we possibly can. I request that a decision be issued from here that there be no army [enlistment] and nothing [else]. Their money doesn't interest us. We are only interested in Torah."


The Vizhnitzer Rebbe emphasized the importance of putting up a united resistance to the draft law.


"The posuk says, 'Yisroel encamped there opposite the mountain,' and Chazal explain, 'Like one person, with one heart.' The goal is unity," he said. "I think that the many rebbes and rabbonim present here must unitedly, publicly, and clearly announce that we will not enlist at all. We have nothing to do with the army, nothing at all. This is the message that must come out from here. If we all unite, with Hashem's help we will persevere and merit the coming of Moshiach Tzidkeinu, soon in our days."


At the end of the meeting, the joint decisions of the three Mo'atzos Gedolei Hatorahwas announced:


"This is not a time to keep silent. Under the prime minister's directive, a plot has arisen among the authorities to rebel against Hashem's Malchus. Their intention is to uproot the Torah and to impart criminal sanctions upon those [for whom] Torah is their livelihood to the extent of throwing them into prison.


"We tremble at the terrible chillul Hashem and humiliation of the Torah this entails. We are fearful of what may result, and pained at the continued attacks directed against the Torah world and the unending attempts to put obstacles in their path. In light of this, we have decided as follows:


1. The Moetzes Gedolei Vechachmei HaTorahdemands that the government immediately annul the decisions of the committee that seeks the coercive draft of talmidei yeshivos and kollelim. We call upon all bnei yeshivos and kollelim not to enlist in the army under any circumstance, not be persuaded by any blandishment or punishment, and not to participate in the army's plan to set up a central sorting center for chareidi [IDF inductees], but instead to continue studying Torah day and night.


2. If, chas veshalom, those who persecute religion enact their plots and make a coercive enlistment law, the Mo'atzos Gedolei Vechachmei HaTorah will convene to make plans against them and their plots, and consider forbidding  visiting army induction centers [even to merely receive deferments].


3. The Mo'atzos Gedolei Vechachmei HaTorah demand that the government cease persecuting the Torah world and instead help the growth of Torah and chinuch institutions in the Holy Land in the path forged by our forefathers.


4. The Mo'atzos Gedolei Vechachmei HaTorahturn to the Jewish people with this message: 'Nothing is left to us but this Torah.' Torah study and fulfilling its mitzvos in holiness and purity are a defending wall for the Jewish people against every distress and tribulation wherever they live. This is a protection from public and private, physical and spiritual difficulties that oppress them in all the places they dwell. We must hugely increase Torah study and the holy performance of its mitzvos, and the precise performance of every detail of halachah.


5. The Mo'atzos Gedolei Vechachmei HaTorahcall upon our Jewish brothers in every place they dwell, in Eretz Yisroel and abroad, to grasp the skill of our forefathers [prayer]. All Jews must gather, men and children, to cry out and plea to our Father in Heaven to have mercy upon us as a father spares his children. We hereby announce that those who fear Hashem's word will gather at a rally of prayer and outcry and mass protest… This will be a kiddush Hashem to counteract the chillul Hashem made by those who plot to uproot religion.

Rabbi Tuvia Schulzinger, the Rabbi of the city of Kiryat Ata and a close associate of prominent hareidi leader Rabbi Shmuel Auerbach

The hareidi public will fight the enlistment of Torah students in the IDF no matter what sanctions the government imposes, warned Rabbi Tuvia Schulzinger, the rabbi of the city of Kiryat Ata and a close associate of prominent hareidi leader Rabbi Shmuel Auerbach.

Speaking to Arutz Sheva, Rabbi Schulzinger compared the expected anti-enlistment protests to recent violent riots in Ukraine.

"Remember what happened in Ukraine, the President had to step down. Here, too, if the powers that be fight us and religion, they will not succeed, none of them will succeed," he declared.

"One million people will flood Jerusalem, and [Prime Minister] Netanyahu will need to step down," he predicted.

Hareidi Jews would rather die than enlist, he predicted. "Rabbi Shach already said that we won't stay in the country. People need to sacrifice for this, and it's likely some will be killed in this war.

"But under no circumstances will we allow young men to be prevented from learning Torah," he declared.

He expressed skepticism over the government's ability to counter hareidi resistance to the enlistment law. "What are they going to do, put tens of thousands of men in jail?" he asked.

Rabbi Schulzinger argued that the real motive behind the enlistment law is a hatred of hareidi Jews, and a desire to change their way of life. "There is a deep hate of hareidi Jews, a hate led by Yair Lapid," he accused.

"They want to change our faith. It won't work," he continued. "Tanks, APCs – nothing will crush us. The Torah is eternal."


My comments:


 I lived in Kiryat Arba for many years and have a deep connection with Hebron. I pray for Hashems help that this bond remains an eternal one for me and my children and my children's children. 

Living near Chevron and Maarat Hamachpela, brings forth a passion and Love for the Torah, Eretz Yisroel and love for all of our people, Chareidim, Dati Leumi and Chiloni. 

I admire the leadership that it took to unite 600,000 to say Tehillim. But it deeply pains me to suspect that some of the energy from this rally came from an unholy source. Surely not Chevron!

As we say in davening " LeOlam Yehei Adam Yirei Shamayim BaSeser Uvagalui, Umodeh al HaEmes VeDover Emes Bilvavo..

My question to you and to all the Rabbanim and Yeshivoth who participated is as follows: How is it that the organizers of the chareidi million Man Rally didn't acknowledge the real Haman of today,  the Palestinians whose founder the Grand Mufti partnered with Hitler Yemach Shemo VeZichro or the Iranians like the Ayatollah Khomeini   or Rouhani Yemach Shemum, busy preparing nuclear gallows for the State of Israel.  Why such a harsh attack, surely not as deserved in comparison, on the Jewish govt, and religious Zionists and their Rabbi's. There was too much Rechilus and  Motzei Shem Ra, Diba Raah  in the rhetoric reported in their meeting and subsequent news articles that promoted and called for "Leich kenos es kol haYehudim"

Lapid's position:  How would the Chareidi community view army service if indeed they were running the gov't of Israel in a Torah State based on Torah law?  Would they say there is no need for a Jewish army????This is a point Lapid brought up when talking to Chareidim when he acknowledged their strength that has grown over the years. I read this speech and it is not anti Chareidi rhetoric in my opinion. There are some very valid points Lapid makes and I believe he is sincere when he calls the Chareidim his brothers.  I do think that in other speeches he and others in the Chareidi parties lost it by getting angry especially when money and funding was being discussed.  But deep down there is a love of his fellow Jew and I believe it is authentic. But judge for yourself! Video and Translation of Yair Lapid's Speech to Chareidim in the Wake of the New Law - Delivered at the Knesset By Yair Lapid Posted on 07/08/13


The Dati Leumi Position:

Is the govt of Israel defying Torah when they call Chareidim to be included in the draft?  Are they being Rodef those who learn Torah as Rav Shteinman seems to say?  Lehefech, the opposite the Religious Zionist Rabbis teach their students.  They  are consistent with Torah and in keeping with and fullfilling the Torah of defending the Land in fighting a Milchemet Mitzvah. 

I looked up the word Milchama in the Concordance and found numerous examples and precedent (several pages of fine print) from Tanach where going to War was a Mitzvah and required,  (Avraham Avinu, Yaakov Avinu prepares for war, Moshe Rabbeinu with Amalek and then with Sichon and Og, Moshe Rabbeinu rebuking Reuvein and Gad for wanting to settle on the other side of the Jordan and asking them if they will allow their brother to fight alone?  Yehoshua and the many battles, Shoftim, Deborah and Balak and Shirat Devorah which rebukes the tribes who did not fight, Dovid Hamelech and the many battles not to mention Mordechai and the Jews in the time of Purim after they were given permission to fight back and destroyed those who wanted to implement Haman's evil decree and what about the Chashmonaim? etc). There are many commandments associated with counting the people according to those of army age, and going to war and making sure that the army is Holy and conditions as per who is exempt from army service etc....  How can we honestly call a draft into a Jewish army anti Torah?

Learning Torah is indeed very important. But that doesn't mean that the army isn't necessary. Both are necessary. Recently, the Rabbanim of Kiev felt that Israel would come to their rescue of they were attacked. For that operation you need an army. Pikuach Nefesh!  Would we be able to respond in kind without an army?

During the Holocaust did Jews have that option?  What was the end result?

Moshe assembled and disassembled the Mishkan even though Hashem actually built it so it stood. The Jews all participated and Hashem needed their Hishtadlus, participation, as a Kli a vessel for His Blessings. Their pure intentions and motives in their Melacha, their work, was a necessary precondition. They didn't only learn about how to build the Mishkan. They actually used the tools of their trade and material to build it!

Why is the act of going to war any different from any other Mitzva especially when one goes to War to Battle for the Torah and for the Land of Israel? 

Isn't it true that those most G-d fearing were especially, chosen for fighting since they are considered the best soldiers, the necessary vessel through which Hashem fights for us and through which Hashem's Salvation can happen?

Weren't the people reprimanded for allowing their brethren to go to war alone and not sharing the burden? 

To deny parts of Torah and to pick and choose is to deny Torah. Rather than condemn the draft unconditionally, why not negotiate how being in a Holy and Jewish army is an honor and privilege and will enhance Torah and actualize Torah!  Even a student who learns Torah day and night should belong and be an integral part of a G-d fearing Jewish army. I believe Prime Minister Netanyahu, MK Naftali Bennett and MK Yair Lapid might all agree with that as well.

All comments are welcome!  


Robin Ticker
Activist emails sent to my list  are L'Ilui Nishmat Yisrael ben David Aryeh ob"m (Izzy - Kaplan) and Howard Chaim Grief great activists and lovers of Eretz Yisroel, Am Yisroel and the Torah. Yehi Zichronum Baruch.  May their memories serve as a blessing.

Most of these emails are posted on 

Personal emails to individuals will not be posted to my blog. 

Friday, February 28, 2014

Belz Rebbe: Prepare for Mass Emigration. US Rejections of Israeli Visa Requests Rose 80 Percent in 2013. Lessons from the Struma, 70 years ago, Feb 24, 1942: 768 Jewish refugees on boat perished, one survivor. Is the Government of Israel the real Reshaim?


Belzer Rebbe: Prepare for Mass Emigration!

Belz Hasidim threaten mass exodus over Israel draft reform One of the largest ultra-Orthodox communities in Israel says it is considering seeking refugee status in the U.S. if Knesset passes draft bill.

It might not be so easy.....

Another Tack: Lessons from the floating coffin by Sarah Honig 02/23/2012 

The world's apathy-cum-enmity toward Jews hasn't disappeared, it has simply mutated.

 Exactly 70 years ago – on February 24, 1942 – 19-year-old David Stoliar terrifyingly clung to bobbing debris in the Black Sea. At first he heard screams in the frigid waters but the voices died down. It eventually emerged that Stoliar was the sole survivor of the Struma, an un-seaworthy vessel chuck-full of frantic Jewish refugees.

World War II was already in fever pitch. Against the enormity of the then-unfolding Holocaust, the loss at sea of 768 Jewish lives (103 of them babies and children) was at most blithely overlooked as a marginal annotation.

My comments: Chareidim don't want to be drafted into the army.  They call the Gov't of Israel Reshaim.  They have lost compass as per who the real Reshaim are.   They think America will welcome them with open arms.  They have forgotten why Jews need to be able to defend themselves.  I highly recommend that you go on this link and print out a copy of this article about the Struma and show it to Belz Chassidim and to Satmar as well.  "Dimmed memory and self-destructive perverse morality hinder our ability to protect ourselves from the offspring and torchbearers of the very Arabs who doomed the Struma. They haven't amended their hostile agenda. We just don't care to be reminded.... The Struma's story is seminal in understanding why the Holocaust was possible and why a second Holocaust cannot be ruled out. More than anything, the Struma powerfully illustrates what happens when Jews rely on others' goodwill."

Is the Government of Israel the real Reshaim (evil)?  Decide for yourself after watching these links and youtubes. It is Lashon Hara and Motzi Shem Ra to suggest it. Hotzaat shem ra ("spreading a bad name"), also called hotzaat diba, consists of untrue remarks, and is best translated as "slander" or "defamation".

I admit.   I too have at times been critical of the Prime Minister Netanyahu and the Conference of Presidents.  However, let us please put things in their proper perspective.  Here is a Prime Minister clearly working to protect the Land of Israel and the Nation of Israel from destructive forces no less threatening and probably more so than the Nazi Regime.  

  • Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's Remarks at the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations  17/02/2014

  • Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin in 1970 and his response to the German Consul demand for the establishment of a Palestinian State (What Netanyahu should say)
                                            מה שנתניהו היה אמור להשיב לקנצלרית גרמניה  בנושא מדינה פלשתינית - בדקה אחת!!!
(תשובת מנחם בגין לדרישת קנצלר גרמניה בשנות ה--70 להקים מדינה פלשתינית)           

  • MK Moshe Feiglin  - Amazing Tour of Temple Mount and speech in Knesset     
 Shlomo comments " Moshe Feiglin is not a Rebbe, but one senses from him the glory and pride of being a Jew in a way that I've only seen before in Rebbe."       

Robin Ticker
Activist emails sent to my list  are L'Ilui Nishmat Yisrael ben David Aryeh ob"m (Izzy - Kaplan) and Howard Chaim Grief great activists and lovers of Eretz Yisroel, Am Yisroel and the Torah. Yehi Zichronum Baruch.  May their memories serve as a blessing.

Most of these emails are posted on

Personal emails to individuals will not be posted to my blog. b

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Fwd: I PRETENDED I DID NOT SEE by Evelyn Hayes, Author of the Plague Series because their hearts were softened to accept the unacceptable.


Dear Friends, Family, Activists for Israel, Activists for Kids, Activists for any righteous cause amv"sh

I hope this poem will inspire you to take action before tragedy strikes and hits closer to home. 

We don't need to go very far back in time, (our parents generation) to see the horrific tragedy and consequences of  pretending one didn't know or see the dark skies threatening the world and our people. Read the news. Ukraine, Iran, Benghazi, Turkey,  Fort Hood, Obamacare, 2 State Solution (they want a Final Solution...)

This also holds true as per how we respond to warning signs affecting family members or members of our immediate community, not only global terror.  When we ignore the wakeup call and we go on with our lives and pretend everything will miraculously fix itself and fail to act, this leads to great tragedy both to individuals and also for society.  

As an example let me quote Shlome Katz a father whose 3 year old son, was accidentally dragged by a school bus when the little boy's jacket got snagged in the automatic door.  (Mishpacha Story entitled "Steering a Safer Course" by Riva Pomerantz Issue 496, 5 Adar, 5774) . The byline reads  "Over and Over again.  Shlomi found himself visiting Shivah Houses of Accident Victims offering words of comfort even as their own wounds lay painfully open".  She writes "He and his wife gathered shards of their heartbreak and created a way to make Israel's notoriously dangerous roads safer for others".   Shlomi was quoted as saying "With education, you can change things around before tragedy strikes.  You don't have to wait for something terrible and then get a nice budget to effect change".  

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Evelyn Hayes <>
Date: Tue, Feb 25, 2014 at 12:23 AM
Subject: I PRETENDED I DID NOT SEE by Evelyn Hayes, 


By Evelyn Hayes,

Author of the Plague Series because their hearts were softened to accept the unacceptable.

© February 24, 2014

I pretended I did not see.

I pretended I did not hear.

I pretended I did not know.

 I pretended I wasn't there.

I pretended I was not we.

And I saw the bullying, the slandering, the intimidating, the vicious thuggery-

So smug and cruel

Against the rules.

I pretended it wasn't so bad.

I pretended there was some glad.

I pretended they were right.

I pretended majority means truth -so what if they are uncouth!

And I saw the ruthlessness, the abusiveness, the comradery against their ridiculed.

Shame, I wasn't a fool:

There was a duel against righteousness.

I pretended as their brazenness got more evil, inconceivable, more provocative, more distasteful, less lawful.

I pretended I was not responsible.

I pretended I was not irresponsible.

I pretended I was innocent Just a bystander

And I saw the sadness from their madness

And I saw the tears from the jeering, jabbing, jabbering, damaging demented actions.

And I saw no smiles nor gladness, just stress and strain, loneliness, loss,

 from such cruelty without restraint.

And when  I thought, "So Shameful" It was too late.

The pain had been too great.

It was too late.

Because of the meanness of those ravaging against correctness,

a royalty for such a comradery created  such dejectedness

And I reflected: I could have interfered

And there would have been another fate

A better act than hate.

But I had failed to react

And I cried, tried to hide that I could have done something.

I could have been a righteous friend

And not let there be such an end to innocence, uniqueness, blessedness, dreams so grand. 

I could have stopped the recklessness, the offensive. Oppressive. Massiveness, divisiveness of a misguided majority 

riding on the power of disempowerment for an unheavenly stake.

If only I had done what I could, what I should have done

Against what I saw, heard, witnessed, knew…

I pretended and now I know I am guilty too.

I would have made a difference if not pretending indifference.

I pretended, but I was aware

And I cared but did nothing

And the victim is now nothing, is no more. Is no more.

I failed the test of reaction, action.

I did not give support. I did not retort. I did not report the crime.

I did not fight for right.

I did not make an alliance against noncompliance, violence, wrong.

I failed the test.

Will I be next? 


Robin Ticker
Activist emails sent to my list  are L'Ilui Nishmat Yisrael ben David Aryeh ob"m (Izzy - Kaplan) and Howard Chaim Grief great activists and lovers of Eretz Yisroel, Am Yisroel and the Torah. Yehi Zichronum Baruch.  May their memories serve as a blessing.

Most of these emails are posted on 

Personal emails to individuals will not be posted to my blog. 

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

re: Action Alert. My letter to Kerry


 (United Coalition for Israel had a great one as well but I decided to write my own so they get a variety of letters) Friends, you can send your personal letter via UCI *United Coalition for Israel

CLICK HERE to send the sample letter below or edit the letter as you wish. 


Dear Secretary of State Kerry,

Ones Heritage by definition cannot be given away.  Our Land, the Land of Israel is called "Morasha", a Heritage.  Netanyahu or members of his government have no right to make any deals to give the Land away since it does not belong to Netanyahu nor to the gov't of Israel. That is why you can not force him to give parts of the Land away.  The only one you can try to convince is G-d himself.  The Land actually belongs to the Creator of the World and He and He alone decides to whom He wishes to bequeath the Land.  The Bible, aka as the Torah is quite clear as per who G-d considers the rightful caretakers to be. The boundaries of the Land of Israel are clearly delineated and Judea and Samaria is unquestionably withing the delineated boundaries.  G-d's Promise and the Covenant He established individually with Abraham, Isaac and Jacob our forefathers was to take the Land from the Canaanites and to give it as an everlasting Heritage to the seed of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. It is for this reason the Land of Israel is commonly called "The Promised Land". 

It is for this reason that all your efforts and the efforts of the Obama Administration to make peace in the Middle East  via establishing a Palestinian State is futile and has only resulted and will continue to result in an increase of  terror and rocket and missile attacks aimed at civilians killing innocent people, men, women and children, Jews and non Jews alike.  

Arabs under Jewish Sovereignty, who wish to be under Jewish Sovereignty have it very good.  Israel is not racist nor apartheid.  They protect their residents so long as their residents are peaceful and willing to be living under  Jewish Sovereignty peacefully.  

The living standards, education, life expectancy, medical care are greatly enhanced from what they are accustomed to under Muslim regimes. However, if they are not happy residing under a Jewish Sovereign Nation in spite of all the material and humanitarian benefits, they are free as far as Israel is concerned, to leave and settle  elsewhere.  There are many Muslim and Arab Nations to choose from.  The problem probably is that the 22 Arab countries, probably closer to their own ancestry, are unwilling to absorb them.  That is something that should be addressed.  Why should Israel absorb a population that is hostile to its very existence? Shouldn't families take care of their own rather than demand that others do it for them. Many of the Palestinian Arabs trace their lineage to specific clans.  Jews trace their ancestry to the 12 Tribes and welcome their brothers to Israel with open arms.  Palestinians refugees and their succeeding generations have suffered terribly not because of Israel.  Rather it's because their own people forced them a deprived life and blamed it all on Israel.  Jews absorbed their own refugees and the next generation, my generation are now fully absorbed and all independent, productive and on the giving end while UNRWA Palestinian refugee numbers have exploded to crazy exponential numbers always blaming Israel for their lot in life.

I hope you take this message seriously and refrain from pressuring Israel to give away it's birthright and force an expulsion of families  and communities who are living productive lives in homes that they rightfully own with a deed or contract.  How would you or others who are promoting this 2 State Solution like being called "occupiers" and then thrown out of your home and community with your family for no moral, legal or legitimate justification but rather because of some false, fabricated lie!   Not very much I would venture to say......


Robin Ticker
Activist emails sent to my list  are L'Ilui Nishmat Yisrael ben David Aryeh ob"m (Izzy - Kaplan) and Howard Chaim Grief great activists and lovers of Eretz Yisroel, Am Yisroel and the Torah. Yehi Zichronum Baruch.  May their memories serve as a blessing.

Most of these emails are posted on 

Personal emails to individuals will not be posted to my blog. 

Monday, February 10, 2014

Vigil for Israeli Sovereignty in Judea and Samaria organized by Women in Green together with Mattot Arim and Professors for a Strong Israel. Full week February 2nd - Sunday February 9th


The Vigil for Israeli Sovereignty in Judea and Samaria, initiated and organized by Women in Green, together with
Mattot Arim and the Professors for a Strong Israel, took place February 2nd and ended Sunday afternoon, February 9th.  Other than the last day,  participants were out there from 9:00 am to 9:00 pm every day.  

You will see and hear the voices of individuals who possess a strong fighting spirit, a passionate love and emotional attachment to the Land and unapologetic of an inner and  deep conviction and knowledge of our Biblical entitlement. In the videos linked below, you will find an authentic and accurate expression of the spirit of those who share solidarity for Israeli Sovereignty in Judea and Samaria.
Among the many public figures who came were:

Knesset Members: 
MK Yariv Levin - Head of Coalition, Likud,
MK Ayelet Shaked - Head of HaBayit HaYehudi
MK Deputy Minister of Transportation Tsipy Hotovely - Likud
MK Deputy Minister of Religious Affairs Rabbi Ben Dahan - HaBayit Hayehudi
MK Orit Struk - HaBayit HaYehudi
MK Miri Regev - Likud
MK Zevulun Calfa - HaBayit  HaYehudi
MK Moshe Feiglin - Likud
MK Motti Yogev - HaBayit HaYehudi
MK Shuli Mualam - HaBayit HaYehudi

Rabbanim and Rabaniyot: 
Rabbi Nahman Kahana, 
Rabbi Shalom Gold, 
Rabbi Uziya Sharbaf, 
Rabbi Yisrael Dorminetzer from the Jordan Valley,   
Rabbi Gideon Perl Regional Rabbi of Gush Etzion, 
Rabbi Chaim Greenspan
Rabbi Menachem Felix - One of the Founders of Gush Emunim
Rabbi Avi Baumol - Shavei Israel's emissary to Krakow Poland

Rabanit Chaya Raanan, 
Rabanit Shani Taragin, 
Rebanit Lior, 
Rabanit Zviya Eliyahu, wife of Rav Mordechai Eliyahu zt"l
Rabbanit Geula Twersky 

Political Figures: 
Prof. Arieh Eldad - Head, Professors for a Strong Israel and Former MK
Arieh King - Member of Jerusalem City Council
Gershon Messika - Mayor of Samaria, 
Davidi Perl - Mayor of Gush Etzion 
Moshe Savil - Deputy Mayor of Gush Etzion
Zvi Katsover, former Mayor of Kiryat Arba Hevron,
Avi Roeh Head of the Yesha Council,  former Consul, 
Yochai Dimri - Head of the Council of South Hebron,
Elyakim HaEtzni Attorney former MK

Public Figures
Yehudit Katzover - Co-Chair Women in Green
Nadia Matar - Co-Chair Women in Green
Susie Dym - Spokesperson Mattot Arim
Amb (ret.) Yoram Ettinger,                          
Jeff Daube -  Director Israel Office ZOA, 
Ted Belman - Blogger - Israpundit, 
Dr. Nava Tavger - Professors For a Strong Israel
Dr. Netta Cohen Dorshav - Professors For a Strong Israel, 
Dr Arieh Yitzhaki, 
Datya Yitzhaki, 
Noam Arnon - Hebron spokesman, 
Arieh Bramson from Kiryat Arba Hevron, 
Dr Ruthi Wallfish, 
Sarah Eliash,
Robin Ticker -Blogger - Shemittah Rediscovered
Steve Goldberg - National Vice Chairman Zoa
Geula Hershkowitz - Widow and bereaved mother
Sapir Sabach -  fought a public battle against the indoctrination of her pro-Palestinian high-school teacher
Dr. Moshe Goldberg - Professors for a Strong Israel
Jeremy Gimpel - Deputy Director of World Mizrachi Movement
Dr. Myriam Brand - Historian, Expert on the 2nd Temple
David Hagoel - Brigadier General (Res.)
Meir Indor -  Almagor
Shifra Hoffman -Founder of the Victims of Arab Terror International (VAT), 

Rachel Sylvetsky - Arutz 7, Emunah Women Activist
Sofia Ron-Moriah

Details about the continuation of Sovereignty campaign to follow via email
Yehudit Katsover 0507-161-818, Nadia Matar 0505-500-834,




(If anyone was omitted by mistake please let me know and accept my sincerest apologies. Robin Ticker)



Robin Ticker
Activist emails sent to my list  are L'Ilui Nishmat Yisrael ben David Aryeh ob"m (Izzy - Kaplan) and Howard Chaim Grief great activists and lovers of Eretz Yisroel, Am Yisroel and the Torah. Yehi Zichronum Baruch.  May their memories serve as a blessing.

Most of these emails are posted on 

Personal emails to individuals will not be posted to my blog. 

Sunday, February 09, 2014

What Does a Bride On Her Wedding Day and Sapir Sabah do at the Mother's Vigil?


English Translation of Hebrew Arutz7 Article

What does a bride on her wedding day and Sapir Sabah do at the mother's vigil?

On Wednesday, activity in the tent of the vigil with the motto "The Mothers say YES to Israeli Sovereignty over Judea, Samaria and the Jordan Valley" continued to gain momentum. Many public figures came to the tent today as well. Mothers from throughout the land came to express solidarity.

The surprise of the day was when Sapir Sabah arrived with her mother Nurit directly from the Knesset. Sapir displays leadership ability. She does not accept the results of the hearing for her teacher of Jewish Philosophy, who criticized the IDF and its soldiers saying that our army is not ethical and that this land is not ours. "I would give up if he was sorry and had expressed regret, but he continues his incitement".

Next came Rebbetzin Shani Taragin, who, in honor of the month of Adar, brought biblical references to sovereignty from the Scroll of Esther, from the passage "Each person rules in his house". The passage implies that the People of Israel must be sovereign in its Land. The lesson ended with the connection between Joshua's conquest and Purim. Just as the Holy One, blessed be He, aided Joshua in girding himself to be courageous, so the Holy One, blessed be He, will help if we make an effort and take initiative.

There was a surprise awaiting MK Moti Yogev of the Bayit HaYehudi (Jewish Home) party after he finished his words of blessing and solidarity to the organizers, and spoke about the importance of applying sovereignty over the entire Land of Israel. A bride in a white dress came to the tent, who wanted to enter the wedding canopy only after having done a deed for the national home,  before building her private home.

The bride is Efrat Leshem, the granddaughter of the Ganiram family, who are among the founders of communities in Hebron and the Golan Heights.

If, even on the day of her wedding, a bride sees fit to take part in the national struggle, then the People of Israel will surely be victorious.

During the evening Yochai Dimri, the new, energetic head of the Council of South Hebron came to the tent, as well as MK Moshe Feiglin, Rebbetzin Lior, Rabbi Yisrael Dorminetzer from the Jordan Valley with his family, Rabbi Haim Greenspan and Sarah Eliash.

The vigil, organized by Women in Green in cooperation with Matot Arim and Professors for a Strong Israel, continues on Thursday, Friday and Sunday.

Link to the video of of this moving event:   


Robin Ticker
Activist emails sent to my list  are L'Ilui Nishmat Yisrael ben David Aryeh ob"m (Izzy - Kaplan) and Howard Chaim Grief great activists and lovers of Eretz Yisroel, Am Yisroel and the Torah. Yehi Zichronum Baruch.  May their memories serve as a blessing.

Most of these emails are posted on 

Personal emails to individuals will not be posted to my blog. 

Friday, February 07, 2014

In Defense of the Rabbis from the Committee to Save the Land and People of Israel


In Defense of the Rabbi's Who Courageously Defend Our Birthright!

Please read the Statement of Rabbi's from the Committee to Save the Land and the People of Israel.
by Ari Yashar 
Rabbis Threaten Kerry with 'Divine Wrath'

A group called Rabbis from the Committee to Save the Land and People of Israel sent a letter to US Secretary of State John Kerry this Sunday, warning him to end his "antagonism" towards Israel.

The rabbis sharply criticized Kerry for his plans to establish an Arab capital in Jerusalem for Palestinian Authority (PA) Chairman Mahmoud Abbas, and to have Israel withdraw to the 1949 Armistice lines. On Saturday, Kerry threatened Israel with an international boycott if peace talks fail, in addition to previous threats of a "Third Intifada" last year.

"Your incessant efforts to expropriate integral parts of our Holy Land and hand them over to Abbas'sterrorist gang, amount to a declaration of war against the Creator and Ruler of the universe. For G-d awarded the entire Land of Israel to our ancestors, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, in order that they bequeath it, as an everlasting inheritance, to their descendants, the Jewish people, until the end of all time," opens the rabbis' letter.

The letter was signed by Rabbi Gedalya Axelrod, emeritus head of the Haifa Rabbinical Court, Rabbi Yisrael Ariel, Chairman of the Temple Institute, Rabbi Ben Tziyon Grossman of Migdal Haemek, Rabbi Shalom Dov Wolpo, Dean of the Institute for the Complete Code of Maimonides, and Rabbi Yigal Pizam, Dean of Yeshivat Kiryat Shmuel.

Warning of the imminent security threat that Kerry's plans would place Israelis in, and bringing the example of Gaza's having turned into a launching pad for rockets, the rabbis slammed the plan for seeking to immediately uproot "20% of the Jews now living productively in Judea, Samaria and the Jordan valley."

The letter adds that Kerry's plan "would force tens of thousands of Jews to be evicted from their homes and livelihoods, devastating their lives financially, economically and psychologically, as happened to those expelled from the flourishing Gaza settlements, most of whom still suffer from the expulsion's ruinous after-effects."

Drawing on Jewish history, the letters declares to Kerry: "If you continue on this destructive path, you will ensure your everlasting disgrace in Jewish history for bringing calamity upon the Jewish people – like Nebuchadnezer and Titus who destroyed, respectively, the first and second great Temples and the entire Holy City of Jerusalem, and who, by Heavenly punishment, brought eventual disaster upon themselves, too."

"By the power of our Holy Torah, we admonish you to cease immediately all efforts to achieve these disastrous agreements – in order to avoid severe Heavenly punishment for everyone involved," warned the rabbis.

The letter closed with a reference to the upcoming Jewish holiday of Purim, in which the Book of Esther records Haman's genocidal plots against the Jewish people were turned against him and he was "hung on the very same gallows he had prepared for Mordechai, the Jew."

Employing the language of scripture, the rabbis warned "conspire a plan and it will be frustrated; talk the talk and it will not be fulfilled, for G-d is with us" (Isaiah 9:5). 


There was a strong backlash to this letter:

Rabbinical Council of America and Orthodox Union Repudiate Statement by Some Israeli Rabbis Denouncing Secretary of State Kerry

Today, the leaderships of the Rabbinical Council of America, the largest Orthodox Jewish rabbinical organization in the United States, and the Orthodox Union, the largest Orthodox Jewish umbrella organization in the United States, issued the following statement:

"It has been reported that a group of rabbis in Israel calling themselves 'The Committee to Save the Land and People of Israel' has issued a letter denouncing Secretary of State John Kerry and his Israeli – Palestinian peace process efforts. The reports indicate that in the letter these rabbis engaged in extreme and offensive rhetoric, and seem to arrogate to themselves unusual insight into the desires of the Almighty.  The letter also claims these rabbis represent hundreds of other rabbis around the world.
The Jewish by Yori Yanover on the other hand defended the Rabbis. It was cached for some reason and no longer accessible in its entirety.  I managed to retrieve one page

Did OU and RCA Choose Ties with Kerry over Eretz Yisrael? by Yori Yanover Jewish Press

The OU and RCA found no reason to question the Obama administration's intentions, but do they understand those intentions are to kick Jews out of their homes?

lTo the point, if you ask me, and not a minute too soon, considering the onslaught of boycott threats and security promises from Kerry and his Israeli and Jewish-American collaborators. Finally someone is putting the Boston Brahmin in his place.  Enter the nice rabbis of the OU and the RCA, with a rebuke to these brave men, who are fighting for their homes and their lives. It's nice to have brethren, isn't it: Rabbinical Council of America and Orthodox Union Repudiate Statement by Some Israeli Rabbis Denouncing Secretary of State Kerry Today, the leaderships of the Rabbinical Council of America, the largest Orthodox Jewish rabbinical organization in the United States, and the Orthodox Union, the largest Orthodox Jewish umbrella organization in the United States, issued the following statement:

 "It has been reported that a group of rabbis in Israel calling themselves 'The Committee to Save the Land and People of Israel' has issued a letter denouncing Secretary of State John Kerry and his Israeli-Palestinian peace process efforts. The reports indicate that in the letter these rabbis engaged in extreme and offensive rhetoric, and seem to arrogate to themselves unusual insight into the desires of the Almighty. The letter also claims these rabbis represent hundreds of other rabbis around the world. "We, the leadership of the RCA and the OU, repudiate this letter and the rhetoric they have deployed. While the people of Israel and Jews around the world may properly possess serious concerns about proposals Secretary Kerry is putting forth, such concerns must only be expressed with civility and on the substance of the issues, not degenerating into personal venom and threats. "We have personally engaged in discussions about these matters with Secretary Kerry and other Obama Administration officials, and while we may disagree with their views we have found no reason to question their intentions in pursuing this effort–which are to, as they see it, support the long term security and welfare of Israel, as well as the United States. "The letter of the Committee to Save the Land and People of Israel may represent the views of its signators; it does not represent ours."

 I understand that, living on American soil, in the heart of galut-diaspora, these wise rabbis have their own interests to consider. It's possible that a clash is coming between the Jews of Eretz Israel and the Obama Administration, at which point things might get so bad, they would have to make Aliya in a hurry, and who wants that? I also understand that when push comes to shove, some of our Orthodox brethren in America would rather watch us be deported than risk their popularity with the U.S. government. We need to know this as we commit to resisting the second deportation of Jews in Israel in less than ten years. What drove me absolutely bonkers, to the point that if I owned a dog I would have kicked the poor thing, was this excerpt: "We have personally engaged in discussions… with Secretary Kerry… and while we may disagree… we have found no reason to question [his] intentions…" Holy macrobiotic snacks, Batman, these people are so full of hot air, I hope they don't hit the ceiling… I don't question Kerry's intentions either. Kerry's intentions are to kick Jews out of their homes. I was reminded of a passage from tractate Gittin which we usually learn on the 9th of Av. It is a lesson the gemorah has been trying to teach us for two millennia, and, alas, the folks at the OU and the RCA are yet to get it.  

*the rest of the post is inaccessible (Robin)
I am not sure why even Arutz7 emphasized the "Divine Wrath" aspect of the letter in the headline. While one might argue that perhaps it was a bad PR move on the part of the Rabbi's to speak about Divine Wrath and not necessary for this discussion, history can back up the facts that those that destroyed the Temple were themselves punished.  In Psalms 137  the prayer Al Naharos Bavel, the well known psalm "on the Rivers of Babylon"   a prayer recited by all Orthodox Jews before Grace After the Meal in the month of Av, the wording can be quite harsh as well. Would the OU and RCA repudiate the author for extreme and offensive rhetoric?
ז  זְכֹר יְהוָה, לִבְנֵי אֱדוֹם--    אֵת, יוֹם יְרוּשָׁלִָם:
הָאֹמְרִים, עָרוּ עָרוּ--    עַד, הַיְסוֹד בָּהּ.
7 Remember, O LORD, against the children of Edom the day of Jerusalem; {N}
who said: 'Rase it, rase it, even to the foundation thereof.'
ח  בַּת-בָּבֶל,    הַשְּׁדוּדָה:
אַשְׁרֵי שֶׁיְשַׁלֶּם-לָךְ--    אֶת-גְּמוּלֵךְ, שֶׁגָּמַלְתְּ לָנוּ.
8 O daughter of Babylon, that art to be destroyed; {N}
happy shall he be, that repayeth thee as thou hast served us.
ט  אַשְׁרֵי, שֶׁיֹּאחֵז וְנִפֵּץ אֶת-עֹלָלַיִךְ--    אֶל-הַסָּלַע.9 Happy shall he be, that taketh and dasheth thy little ones against the rock. {P}
It is quite understandable that those who really feel the destruction of the Temple and the destruction of their homes and communities would have feelings of resentment. Remember that the expulsion of Gush Katif did happen on Tisha BaAv and the day after. 

Unlike the Jewish Press that is difficult to access, media reports blasting the Rabbinic Statement are quite accessible  on Google where they selectively pick and choose parts of what the Rabbi's write in order to put them in the worst light possible!  They purposefully omitted the first 4 paragraphs of the Rabbi's letter in their reporting, whereby the Rabbi's make some very lucid points like pointing out the security threat Kerry's plan would place on Israel as well as the expulsion of tens of thousands of Jews. Apparently these points are of no importance to those who only wish to blast the Rabbi's and chose character assassination and delegitimazation as modus operandi.

Why didn't the Jerusalem Post report the Rabbi's comments in full as did Arutz7? In due fairness to the Rabbi's position, Rabbi Sholom Dov Wolpo is the founder of the Gush Katif Museum dedicated to helping the refugees of Gush Katif and doing what it can to prevent another expulsion.  The Jerusalem Post chooses to quote Avraham Avi-Hai.   "Avraham Avi-Hai, a former chairman of the United Israel Appeal and a former member of the Executive of the World Zionist Organization and the Jewish Agency, sent a letter to Attorney-General Yehuda Weinstein asking him to open an investigation into the letter and its authors on suspicion of incitement to murder."

They want to investigate the Rabbi's for inciting murder? Whose murder? Is this the only way to respond to those who voice opposition to a suicidal plan of Kerry? character defamation?

Now I would like to address the Rabbi's of Agudah, Young Israel, OU, Chabad and RCA etc and ask them why they are being Silent when the world is accusing us of "Illegal Occupation".  

How is Truth of Torah being defended by the Nation of Israel? Why leave it up to Netanyahu who is not representing Torah but is in a political position.

What about the Gemorrahs about property rights?   What is the Halacha about the uprooting of fruit trees in Aish Kodesh in Samaria?  Why didn't the Rabbanim protest this Torah inhibition by the gov't of Israel?

Can we be selective in what Torah Commandments we wish to adhere ignoring some when it doesn't fit our agenda and nisht inzera Sugia? Why isn't this a matter of relevance even if it is not my house that is being threatened with destruction?  

How can we be silent when there is talk about uprooting 90,000 fellow Jewish brethren from their homes?  

How can a seeming apathetic Rabbinic application of Torah to the plight of possibly uprooting of 90,000 G-d fearing Jews living in Judea and Samaria, the uprooting of thriving settlement and communities, stand on any solid ground as being consistent with the Written Torah?

Wasn't the Holocaust proof enough of the wrath of G-d on Israel? Rabbis in Eastern Europe by enlarge, remained Silent and did not take an active role to encourage  Aliya with numbers as per their following.  With numbers they could have possibly exercised the necessary influence to see that the Zionist gov't of Israel acted in accordance and consistent with Torah which includes the Mitzva of defending the Land of Israel (Milchemet Mitzvah).  They were/are content with blasting secular Zionism but did not exercise Rabbinic influence to promote Aliya according to Torah for the purpose of keeping the Commandments in the Holy Land and the dessemination of 6,000,000 Jews was the end result?

I cry and should cry if I am not crying, when I write/think these words since I too am unworthy.  How can we fathom G-d's ways or put blame?  Only for the purpose of preventing another Holocaust do I even suggest that had Rabbi's spoken up and the people would have demanded they do so, history might have taken on a different course for the good saving countless lives.

Shabbat Shalom Umevorach!


Robin Ticker
Activist emails sent to my list  are L'Ilui Nishmat Yisrael ben David Aryeh ob"m (Izzy - Kaplan) and Howard Chaim Grief great activists and lovers of Eretz Yisroel, Am Yisroel and the Torah. Yehi Zichronum Baruch.  May their memories serve as a blessing.

Most of these emails are posted on

Personal emails to individuals will not be posted to my blog.