Friday, October 30, 2015

JRRC Call to Action! Protest Israel Hatefest Wednesday, November 5th, 2015, Ethical Culture Society of Westchester


A Jewish Rapid Response Coalition Call to Action:

The same sponsors of an anti-Semitic, anti-American, Anti-Israel event at the Greenburgh Town Hall on 10/19/15 last week will be back in action next week at Ethical Culture Society (ECS) of Westchester at 7:00 pm on November 5, 2015.  The venue is located at 7 Saxon Wood Road White Plains, NY 10605. The ECS is hosting a vile anti-Israel hatefest co-sponsored by the "Westchester Coalition Against Islamophobia." In actuality this is to be an attack on Jews and Israel and is cloaked under the program title of "Free Speech: Where Do We Draw the Lines?" The speakers are articulate and convincing misinformation disseminators. It is critical that we turn out at this public event, populate the venue, and rebut the lies.


We plan on filling the room with pro-Israel voices and ensuring that the lies receive a more fitting response than the applause from anti-Semites; we need to be there to speak the truth especially during the question and answer period.  We will be lining up in front of the venue by 6 pmwith as many pro-Israel attendees as possible. 

For those needing transportation from New York City we have limited space on a bus that will be leaving from the corner of 59th Street and Lexington Avenue at 5:00 pm. Please email Paul Ferbank at  

Read Daniel Greenfield's article Hate Come to Westchester as a primer to the dangers facing our local community. If you would like, consider bringing signs. 

Speakers for the opposition at the upcoming event include Alan Levine, a Jewish Voice for Peace member, who promotes boycotts of Israel due to its "human rights violations" and its "unlawful occupation [and] collective punishment" of Palestinians. Bina Ahmad is another panelist. Ahmad protested a New York City Council trip to Israel earlier this year accusing Israel of "operating a brutal apartheid regime," "targeting civilians with military operations," "assassinating activists," "shooting children," "stealing land and natural resources," and "indiscriminately targeting and murdering 1000s of occupied civilians."

For more information on the hateful co-sponsoring organizations and speakers you may go directly to the Westchester Ethical Culture Society's Event link:

Thursday, October 29, 2015

Fwd: [nashimbyarok-WIG] : The young generation call for Sovereignty-הדור הצעיר קורא הגיע זמן ריבונות

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From: <>
Date: Oct 29, 2015 10:30 AM
Subject: [nashimbyarok-WIG] : The young generation call for Sovereignty-הדור הצעיר קורא הגיע זמן ריבונות
To: <>

הדור הצעיר קורא: הגיע זמן ריבונות


תנועת צעירי הריבונות פותחת במסע הסברה סביב הקריאה להחלת ריבונות ביו"ש.

הצעד הראשון: סמינריון עיוני ומבצע חיזוק ללוחמי מג"ב ושוטרים בשוק מחנה יהודה.


לאחר שהוכרז על הקמתה בפאנל הריבונות שהתקיים בשמורת 'עוז וגאו"ן' לפני כשבועיים, החלה תנועת אר"ץ (ארגון ריבונות צעיר) בפעילות ראשונה בה שלבו סמינריון עיוני ופעילות שטח.

בני נוער רבים שהגיעו מכל רחבי הארץ השתתפו אתמול (רביעי 28.10) באירוע שהחל בביקור עידוד בשוק מחנה יהודה שבירושלים ומיד לאחריו סמינריון עיוני בו היו שותפים לדיונים סביב סוגיית הריבונות.

בני הנוער והצעירים שהגיעו ממורשת שבגליל, קדימה שבשרון, ירושלים, בית אל, גוש עציון, שדרות ראשון לציון ועוד, הגיעו לשוק הירושלמי כשהם נושאים דגלי ישראל פליירים וסטיקרים הקוראים להחלת הריבונות ביו"ש.

במהלך הביקור הביעו תמיכה וחיזוק ללוחמי מג"ב והשוטרים שבמקום כמו גם לעוברים ושבים שהשיבו להם בביטויי שמחה על הרוח הציונית והחזקה שהביאו עימם אל בין דוכני השוק.

בהמשך היו הצעירים שותפים כאמור לסמינריון עיוני אודות דרישת הריבונות. ראשון הדוברים בסמינריון היה עורך הדין אליקים העצני שהציג בפני בני הנוער סקירה היסטורית משפטית מאז ימי הצהרת בלפור, ימי המנדט הבריטי והלאה עד ימינו אלה. לאחריו שוחח עם הצעירים הדמוגרף יורם אטינגר שהציג נתונים דמוגראפיים מעודדים באשר להיתכנות החלת הריבונות הישראלית על יהודה ושומרון.

אטינגר קבע בדבריו כי אין כל סיבה לחשוש מהשד הדמוגראפי, וכי מדובר בלא יותר מאשר שד פוליטי ותו לא.

דניאל גבאי, מרכז הפעילות באר"ץ, מסכם את האירוע ואומר "הגענו במטרה לחזק ולדרוש את מימוש הריבונות בירושלים כדי למנוע את גלי הטרור הבאים. אנחנו דורשים מהממשלה שירושלים תהיה מאוחדת גם מבחינת החוק ולא רק באופן תיאורטי".

על תכניותיה של התנועה החדשה הוא מספר: "נתחיל מהלך הסברתי ארצי גדול הקורא לריבונות. נגיע לכל בית לאומי ישראל עם הרעיון הזה, ונעשה את זה בכל מדיה אפשרית - בחומרי הסברה בשטח, בכלי תקשורת, ברשתות החברתיות וכו' כדי לאגד את כולם סביב הפתרון הזה. במקביל אנחנו מתכוונים לפעול גם מול חברי כנסת ואנשי ציבור. נפעיל לחץ ציבורי להשפעה על מקבלי ההחלטות עד שנביא לשינוי מדיניות, להגשים את מה שאנחנו מאמינים בו ועל סמך זאת הם נבחרו. תפקידם, כמי שקיבלו את המנדט מהעם והגיעו להנהגה, לשנות את השיח ולחתור ליעד הזה, לדחוף בכל דרך להחלת הריבונות ולמימוש הריבונות בפועל. בכל מקום שאין ריבונות אנחנו מקבלים טרור".

ראשי תנועת 'נשים בירוק', יהודית קצובר ונדיה מטר, התנועה שלפעילותה סביב חזון הריבונות חוברת תנועת הנוער החדשה אר"ץ, מספרות על התעניינות ערה של הצעירים בסוגיות שהועלו במרוצת היום "היה מאד מרגש לראות את בני הנוער מעמיקים בשאלות וחותרים אל האמת ההיסטורית. הייתה הרגשה נפלאה שיש דור שאפשר להעביר אליו את השרביט". קצובר ומטר מעודדות את התנועה החדשה וקובעות כי "חשוב להביא להכשרתו של קאדר מנהיגותי צעיר ורענן שיוביל את חזון הריבונות ברחבי הארץ ובעיקר בקרב בני נוער וצעירים בהיותו מכיר את שפתו ויכולותיו של הדור הצעיר".

השתיים רואות בפעילות שהחלה היום סנונית ראשונה ומבטיחות המשך גם לסמינריונים שיעמיקו חקר בחזון הריבונות וגם בפעילות השטח בהסברה ובחיזוק ההתיישבות.


קרדיט צילומים: נשים בירוק

עקבו אחר אר"ץ בפייסבוק




יהודית קצובר 050-7161818  נדיה מטר 050-5500834


התנועה למען עתיד ישראל

'נשים בירוק'



The Younger Generation Declares: The Time has come for Sovereignty


The sovereignty youth movement has begun a hasbara campaign focusing on the call to apply sovereignty in Judea and Samaria. The first step: a learning seminar and an operation of encouragement to the fighters of the Border Police and local police of the Mahane Yehuda market.


Following the announcement of its establishment at the sovereignty panel, which was held in the Oz veGaon reserve about two weeks ago, the Eretz** movement ( acronym for Sovereignty Youth Organization)  began its first activity, in which they combined a learning seminar with activity in the field.


Youths, from all parts of the Land, took part in the event (Wednesday, October 28), which began with a visit of encouragement and uplifting in the Mahane Yehuda market, in Jerusalem, and immediately afterward, a learning seminar where they participated in discussions centering on the matter of sovereignty.


The teenagers and youths, from Moreshet in the Galilee, Kadima in the Sharon, Jerusalem, Beit El, Gush Etzion, Sderot, Rishon LeZion and other places, came to the Jerusalem market carrying Israeli flags and flyers calling for the application of sovereignty over Judea and Samaria.


During the visit they expressed support and encouragement for the fighters of the Border Police and the local police as well as the passersby, who responded to them with expressions of joy and appreciation for the strong Zionist spirit that they brought with them into the stalls of the market.


Later, as mentioned, the youths were participants in the learning seminar about the need for sovereignty. The first of the speakers was Attorney Elyakim Haetzni, who presented a historical, legal survey to the youths, of the era since the days of the Balfour Declaration, the days of the British Mandate until these days.

Afterward, demographer Yoram Ettinger spoke with the youths, presenting them with encouraging demographic data regarding the feasibility of applying Israeli sovereignty over Judea and Samaria.


In his talk, Ettinger stated that there is no reason to fear the demographic specter, and that those who use the "demographic threat" as a reason not to apply sovereignty do it just as a political ploy, and nothing more.


Daniel Gabai, the coordinator of activities for Eretz, sums up the event by saying "we came with the objective of encouraging and demanding the realization of sovereignty in Jerusalem in order to prevent the next waves of terror. We demand from the government that Jerusalem be unified under the law and not only theoretically".


About the plans for the new movement he says: "We will begin a large, national course of hasbara calling for sovereignty. We will come to homes in Israel with this message, and we will do this in every possible media – with hasbara material in the field, in electronic media, with social networks and so forth, in order to unite everyone around this solution. In parallel, we also intend to lobby members of Knesset and public figures. We will apply public pressure to influence the decision makers until we bring about a change in policy, to implement what we believe in and what they were elected to do. Their role, as those who have received the mandate from the People, thus bringing them to leadership, is to change the discourse and to strive toward this goal, to push ahead in every way toward application of sovereignty and practical realization of sovereignty. Everywhere where there is no sovereignty we get terror".


Yehudit Katsover and Nadia Matar, the heads of the Women in Green movement, the movement espousing the vision of sovereignty, to which the new youth movement, Eretz, is connected, tell of the youths' lively interest in the issues that were raised during the seminar – "it was very moving to see the youth delving into the questions and seeking the historical truth. There was a wonderful sense that there is a generation to which we can pass on the scepter". Katsover and Matar encourage the new movement and state that "It is important to train a young and fresh cadre of leadership, who will lead the vision of sovereignty in the streets of the Land and especially among the teens and youth, since they are familiar with the language of the modern media and the capabilities of the younger generation".


The two women see the activity that began today as the first promising harbinger of a continuity of both the seminars that will delve into research regarding the vision of sovereignty and activism in the field in hasbara and in strengthening the settlement enterprise.


For Details:


Yehudit Katsover  050-7161818               Nadia Matar  050-5500834

The Movement for Israel's Tomorrow

Women in Green






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Friday, October 23, 2015

From Hebron: Cave of Patriarchs is JEWISH in spite of what UNESCO Says!

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: The Hebron Fund <>
Date: Fri, Oct 23, 2015 at 10:46 AM
Subject: Hebron Incidents, Cave of Patriarchs is JEWISH, Changing clocks, Parshat Lech Lecha

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Tour bus

The Hebron Fund
Parshat Lech Lecha
Guess I should check my email more often. 
UNESCO decided that The Cave of the Patriarchs in Hebron and Rachel's Tomb are Muslim!  Interesting because the Bible clearly records Abraham buying it for 400 silver shekel.  Interesting because it was built by King Herod (Jewish ancestry). And interesting because the State of Israel owns it. Even more, it was reaffirmed in the miraculous 6 day war of 1967.  Not to mention thousands of other proofs.  They can vote all they want, but we're not going anywhere. 
We are getting attacked on multiple fronts (aside from by UNESCO).

On our roads... it's painful to mark the murder of Avraham Asher Hasno hy"d (55) of Kiryat Arba who leaves a wife and 7 children.  At the scene, the paramedic reports that the Arabs were laughing and clapping while he tried to resuscitate Mr. Hasno (that's sick). 

Late at night, the Arabs are blaring announcements on their loudspeakers: not calls to prayer, but inciting calls for 'death to the Yehud (Jews)'.  How does one explain that to their kids?

Just yesterday at the edge of the community, 2 terrorists tried to infiltrate past the soldier's outpost but were rebuffed.  Right now, as I type, Arabs are rioting (on the PA controlled side of Hebron) after being pumped up in their Mosques this morning.  But the security forces  are working hard and effectively.

Last week, I mentioned that we need funding for security.  I cannot speak about where we could be vulnerable in today's new reality, but we are alreaday making crictical improvements.  If you would like to make a difference click this link (please write security in the comments section). 
Shabbat Shalom M'Hebron,


Rabbi Daniel Rosenstein
Executive Director, The Hebron Fund

Note: We are changing the clocks in Israel - Daylight Savings Time ends.  This Sunday, 2am becomes 1am.  Practically speaking, Shabbat will start an hour earlier and for now, there will only be a 6 hour time difference between Israel & EST.

Seen on the Scene

The Chief Rabbi of Russia, Rabbi Barel Lazar Shlitah, visiting Hebron
photo from Noam Arnon

Mincha Maariv prayers at the site of the incident that occurred last Shabbos in Kiryat Arba

Parshat Lech Lecha
By: Rabbi Moshe Goodman, Kollel Ohr Shlomo, Hebron

To print, click HERE

לשכנו תדרשו

Connecting to the Holy Presence in Our Holy Land

לך לך מארצך

"And grant us to long, yearn, and desire always to come to the Land of Israel till we realize our thoughts and travel and arise to the Land of Israel speedily..." (Likutei Tfilot I 55)

One of the matters that can enhance our desire for the Land of Israel is the realization that the Land of Israel provides us good sustenance not only on a spiritual level but also on a para-material-spiritual level as well. This concept can be hinted in our Sages interpretation of our title quote which commands Avraham to go the Land 'for you' to mean that HaShem tells Avraham to go for himself and his own benefit as well. Going in Avraham's footsteps we can learn from this message that it is also important to contemplate how our Land is also beneficial to us in material, social, organizational, and other ways.

Indeed, when we eat of the produce of the Land halacha mandates that one is to conclude the last sentence of a 'bracha achrona' (blessing after eating foods other than bread) with a letter or two that signifies that the food that was eaten originated from the Land of Israel. This means that upon wine that originated from the Land of Israel one is to conclude 'al pri gafna' (upon the fruit of its vine) instead of saying 'al pri hagefen' (upon the fruit of the vine), as one would say upon wine that originated from the Diaspora. This same rule applies to the 5 species of fruit among the 7 species that the Land is praised for, and, according to Sephardic tradition, also upon the 5 species of grain, when originating from the Land of Israel. If one is in doubt whether a product originated in the land of Israel one is to use the conclusion used for Diaspora fruit. This rule is true even for one who is present in the Diaspora but has consumed a product that originated in the Land of Israel. This law is meant to express our praise of God for giving us the Land of Israel which provides us with this produce.

It seems that it is by Hebron that we learn of some of the material advantages of the Holy Land as well. The Torah says that 'Hebron was built seven years before Zoan of Egypt'. Our Sages interpret this verse to mean that it comes to teach that even Hebron, considered to be the 'rubble of the Land of Israel' in the sense that it was used for a graveyard in Maaras HaMachpela is yet greater than even Zoan of Egypt, compared in the Torah to the 'garden of HaShem' - a  kind of 'paradise'. It is clear that this statement of the Sages does not come to deviate Hebron's spiritual level among the cities of the Land of Israel, for this would contradict the many sources that point at Hebron's superior spiritual level among the cities of Israel. Rather, it is clear that our Sages' statement refers to the material level of Hebron, that even on this level Hebron

supersedes the material 'paradise' of the Diaspora.

In tractate Ktubot (111-2) our Sages point to the material prosperity of the Land of Israel to be exceedingly great, but yet this prosperity is dependent on the goodness of its inhabitants. Nevertheless, Hebron's 'lowly' material level in comparison to the other cities of Israel does not pose a disadvantage but rather an advantage. One of the great Tannaic masters, R. Yehoshua, taught that if Torah scholars were less materially/physically attractive they would concentrate on their spiritual studies more and be even greater scholars. In a similar sense, our Sages teach that Jerusalem did not grow paradise fruit like Jericho, in order that People concentrate on the spiritual motive of ascending to Jerusalem for the sake of a mitzva and not be distracted by material motives such as paradise fruit. This is Hebron - one of the highest spiritual beacons of the world.   

Real Stories from the Holy Land #142

 "It was just before Purim, and I had no idea how I was supposed to deliver our mishloah manos with my car which was on the verge of breaking down. I prayed to HaShem for help. While driving on Taanis Ester I stopped to pick up a man who motioned that he needed a ride. However, on the way suddenly my car broke down. I explained to the man that I need a downhill in order to continue, and for this I need help shoving the car till it reaches a downhill. He helped shove the car to the downhill, and the car started working again. When he got back into the car I explained to him the condition of the car and my financial incapability to pay its repairs. To this he answered, 'before I made Aliya from Yemen I was a car repair-man - I can fix your problem easily.' I parked next to my house, and this man subsequently started repairing my car and giving me advice on the way. After he was finished fixing the car, the man refused to receive anything for his work (worth about 1000 NIS), saying that it is a gift in honor of Purim." Y.S

Sources: Orah Haim 208, 10

Comments, questions, and/or stories,email  

Conference of Presidents denounces UNESCO
resolution designating Rachel's Tomb  
and the Cave of the Patriarchs 
as solely Muslim holy places 
UN body made platform for bias and incitement  

From: Stephen M. Greenberg, Chairman
          Malcolm Hoenlein, Executive Vice Chairman/CEO

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

The passage of the Palestinian initiated resolution by the Executive Board of UNESCO is offensive and a distortion of history. The leaders lauded the six countries that voted against it (United States, Germany, Estonia, Netherlands, United Kingdom and Czech Republic) and expressed appreciation for their efforts and those of UNESCO Director-General Irina Bokova to oppose the resolutions content of recognizing that it is a total distortion of the truth and is an affront to Judaism, Christianity, and those who value Judeo-Christian traditions and religious heritage.

Through their efforts, the outrageous reference to the Western Wall being a part of the Al-Aqsa Mosque was removed. The resolution remains a blatant distortion and runs contrary to centuries of historical accounts including those by Muslim sources.  For time immemorial, Rachel's Tomb and the Cave of the Patriarchs have been identified as Jewish holy sites.   It was not until the 1990s that the idea emerged that Rachel's Tomb was the burial place of Bilal Ibn Rabah. Since the 16th century, Arab historical descriptions, legal documents, and in virtually every account for 1000 years, this tomb was a Jewish holy place. Bilal Ibn Rabah is known to have died in battle in 642 CE during the war of Islam in Syria and was buried in Damascus. 
What is to be gained by the Palestinian Authority or the Palestinian people by these insulting and blatant distortions, except to deny the rights of Jews to their national homeland? How could 26 countries in the 21st century support in what they surely know is a propagandistic ploy and 25 other countries abstain, including western democracies like France?  
This will only add to the tensions in the region and appear to reward those engaged in violence. Such actions will not just hurt Israel, but every country facing the challenge of terrorism and extremism. UNESCO has once again shown that it is not a body protecting cultural and social interests, but a platform for bias and incitement and is dominated by automatic voting blocs.

The Hebron Fund Artist Calendar, 
proudly features many new upgrades.  It now has 16 months total, all-new artwork from local Hebron artist Baruch Nachshon,
a 3 year Jewish holiday listing and much more! 


or support Hebron 
with this link!

Coming to Israel?

Book the best tour in Israel!
See available dates:  

Click HERE to reserve now!
The Hebron Fund 
1760 Ocean Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 11230

New York: This Sunday 2 Great Solidarity Events for Israel. DETAILS for RCRF Dinner 6pm Manhattan Beach, Great Neck Solidarity Rally 1pm


  • RCRF You are Invited to the 21st RCRF Dinner at Manhattan Beach Jewish Center this Sunday, 6pm, October 25, 2015 Special Singles section. Special Rates for AFSI people. Call Robin to be included in AFSI's table and or to make contribution in honor of AFSI's honorees.   718-510-2364 or call Evelyn directly.  see ad. Great Deserving Honorees. Renowned expert from Israel Dr. Prof. Mordechai Keidar on Islamic Studies featured guest speaker.

  • Great Neck is having a Solidarity Rally for Israel between 1 and 3pm on Sunday Oct. 25th as well. The times do not conflict with RCRF Dinner. Rabbi Yamin Levy of the Iranian Jewish Center has spearheaded the efforts to organize the entire Great Neck Jewish community to stand up and rally together in support of the State of Israel and its people! Dr. Brody will be MCing this event.  If you go to this Rally tell people about  RCRF and Evelyn Haies event in the evening. In light of the UNESCO announcement that Kever Rochel and MeArat Hamachpela are Holy Muslim sites?!?!?!, we need to spread the Torah True message, spread the light amidst the darkness.  It is Buffet and people can pay at door.  If you want to be included in  AFSI Table call Robin at 710-510-2364. THANK YOU!
From Hebron:  Cave of Patriarchs is JEWISH in spite of what UNESCO Says!

Robin Ticker

Activist emails sent to my list  are L'Ilui Nishmat Yisrael ben David Aryeh ob"m (Izzy - Kaplan) and Howard Chaim Grief great activists and lovers of Eretz Yisroel, Am Yisroel and the Torah. Yehi Zichronum Baruch.  May their memories serve as a blessing. 

Most of these emails are posted on

Personal emails to individuals will not be posted to my blog. 


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: "Janet Lehr" <>
Date: Oct 23, 2015 4:10 AM
To: <>


ISRAELLIVES   October 22, 2015   9th of Cheshvan, 5776  PLANNING A RALLY THIS SATURDAY AT VERED GALLERY 7:30 - 9pm




Friday Oct. 30, 7:30pm




Fri. Oct. 30th BDS SUPPORTER ROGER WATERS is scheduled to perform at Bay Street, at 8pm







OVER BoycottDivestmentSanctions SUPPORT (Jewish Week)

Radio personality Howard Stern ripped Roger Waters, the founding member of the rock band Pink Floyd, for his support of BDS the boycott, divestment, sanction Israel movement.

"What is with Roger Waters and the Jews?" Stern asked Tuesday at the beginning of a seven-minute rant on Sirius XM Radio during which he implied that Waters is an anti-Semite.  The rant was motivated by an open letter that Waters published in Salon criticizing rocker Jon Bon Jovi for performing in Tel Aviv on Oct. 3.   [A recording of the rant has been removed from YouTube, citing a copyright claim by Sirius XM.]  Jon Bon Jovi performed in Tel Aviv on Oct. 3. He kicked off his band's first-ever performance in Israel Saturday evening by telling 50,000 cheering Israelis "I've waited a long time for this!"  Unremarkably, Bon Jovi's decision to play in Israel had led to pressure from boycott activists and criticism from anti-Israel fellow rocker Roger Waters. So well known for his anti-Semitism, The Times of Israel not known for covering the music scene, reported: Bon Jovi's decision to play in Israel had led to pressure from boycott activists and criticism from anti-Israel fellow rocker Roger Waters.  


ROGER WATER's is a modern day Nazi, well known for his anti-Israel, anti-Semetic sentiments!


A report published in the NY Observer on Dec 12, 2013, The Anti-Semitic Stench of Pink Floyd (Roger Waters): "We've read some heavy-duty attacks on Israel and Jews in my time, but they pale beside the anti-Semitic diatribe recently offered by Roger Waters, co-founder and former front man of the legendary British rock band Pink Floyd." where Roger Waters was quoted: Israel is a "racist apartheid regime" that practices "ethnic cleansing." 


In an interview with CounterPunch, an Online magazine Dec 18, 2013 " Why Israel Fears Roger Waters,  Waters experienced a shocking Jew-hating colonic, calling Israel a "brutal and oppressive regime." 



ATTEMPTING TO UNDERSTANDING THE CURRENT POLITICS IN ISRAEL In the 120 member, 20th Knesset: Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu retained the premiership after his Likud party garnered 30 seats  Isaac Herzog's left leaning Zionist Union party stood at 24 seats, the (Arab) Joint List comprised of Jewish-Arab party Hadash, and the Arab parties: United Arab List, Ta'al and Balad won 13, MAKING IT THE 3d LARGEST PARTY (its head, Ayman Odeh is a person to watch), Yesh Atid 11, Kulanu 10, Jewish Home 8, Shas 7, and Yisrael Beytenu 6, tied with United Torah Judaism.  Meretz was the smallest party, with 5 seats.  [The Joint List is widely hailed as a historical moment for Arab unity and is cited as the reason behind the 10 percent increase in Palestinian-Israeli voter turnout.]


Muslim Knesset members dancing with their weapons, pictured at the Knesset, October 14, 2015

ANALYSIS: THE DIFFERENCES BETWEEN THE CURRENT WAVE OF VIOLENCE AND PAST PALESTINIAN UPRISINGS Israel is currently facing five different types of security incidents: Terrorist attacks involving firearms, stabbing attacks, violent riots, the stoning and firebombing of vehicles, and attempts to breach the Israel - Gaza Strip border.  The past few weeks have seen mass protests in Judea and Samaria and in other parts of Israel, where hundreds of rioters clashed with security forces while throwing stones and firebombs at them, chanting anti-Israel slogans and burning Israeli flags.... The familiar Palestinian theme of "Al-Aqsa is in danger" played a key role in provoking the recent rampage, as did the incessant incitement by the Islamic Movement's northern branch and by Hamas, which is echoed by the Palestinian Authority.. 


Firstly, the current situation is clearly very different from the Second Intifada, when, at one point, 122 Israelis were murdered in the span of a single month. Two weeks into the current wave of terrorism Israel mourns seven victims, and while each person is a world unto itself, the difference in the number of victims cannot be ignored....


Secondly, while the Palestinian uprising of the early 2000s was marked by suicide bombers and shooting attacks, the majority of the recent attacks have been lone terrorist incidents and mostly stabbing attacks. This proves that the Shin Bet security agency has got a solid hold on the situation on the ground, which enables it to thwart terrorist plots before they are realized.

(jpost 15/10/21


STUDY FINDS DEPENDENCE ON PALESTINIAN WORKERS ENDANGERS CONSTRUCTION  Keeping construction levels high is a crucial element in reeling in the soaring price of housing, a persistent problem in Israel.  Eleven percent of construction companies are at risk of closing, and crackdowns on the movement of Palestinian labor resulting from the security situation could push some of them over the edge, the study found. Of the 235,100 construction workers in Israel in the first quarter of the year, 22% came from the West Bank and 3% were foreign workers. Last month, the cabinet approved plans to increase the number of Chinese construction guest workers by 20,000.


THOSE IN ACADEMIA LIKE TO PORTRAY COLLEGE CAMPUSES AS ENCLAVES OF TOLERANCE AND INTELLECTUAL EXPLORATION. That attitude would be easier to take if fewer college officials openly embraced bigotry. Consider Anthea Butler, an associate professor in the Department of Religious Studies at the University of Pennsylvania. Recently, Butler took to Twitter regarding GOP presidential hopeful Dr. Carson and wrote: "If only there was a 'coon of the year' award ..."   I site this to acquaint you with Shoshana Bederman's STUDENTS & PARENTS AGAINST CAMPUS ANTI-SEMITISM.  I would hope all IsraelLives readers know of STAND WITH US, Roz Rothstein's spectacularly successful effort begun in California, to combat anti-Semitism on Campus. There is certainly room for a second organization offering help from raw anti-Semitism in our schools.   Shoshana delivered an impassioned address at the Anti-BDS Greenburgh NY rally October 19th, 26.6 miles from Times Square, NYC.   


ISRAEL SEARCHES FOR HAMAS TUNNELS Israel's military has been searching for Hamas tunnels along the Gaza Strip.   Israeli sources said that Israel Army was deployed along the Gaza border in an effort to find Hamas tunnels. They said the army brought the Engineering Corps with advanced equipment to detect tunnels believed to have penetrated the Jewish state.

   "It's a real threat although the army has not found anything significant," a source said. (IMRA)





This is what the Jewish Community of Great Neck is choosing to do: every single synagogue and every Jewish community group will unite in unequivocal and public solidarity with Israel this Sunday, October 25th from 1:00-3:00 pm., rain or shine.   The rally will take place in Firefighters' Park (dedicated to commemorating the firefighters who lost their lives on 9/11 including one of Great Neck's own) at Grace Avenue and Barstow Road.    
It is up to us now to make sure that NEVER AGAIN is not just a slogan!   The Jewish People will prevail as long as we are united in our efforts.  The unity of the Jewish People is paramount. 

Chazak V'Ematz,
Lynne (Bursky-Tammam)
 Sing out in song in support of ISRAEL, and its capital Jerusalem, the one and only homeland of the Jewish people of the world.  This protest has been organized to protest the appearance of BDS SUPPORTER Roger Waters, appearing at Bay Street Theater, Oct 30, 2015 at pm.









Lauri Regan, Founder and President of RRC, the Rapid Response Coalition


October 19, 2015

I'm Lauri Regan, the New York Chapter President of the Endowment for Middle East Truth, EMET, an unabashedly pro-Israel, pro-American non-partisan Washington, DC based think tank dedicated to disseminating the truth - EMET is the Hebrew word for truth and I'd like to share some important truths with you all.

As I was preparing my remarks yesterday afternoon, I received an email forwarding a community message from a local rabbi.  The rabbi was addressing our rally and questions from his congregants on whether or not they should attend and support our mission of standing in solidarity with Israel and letting the haters know that they are not welcome in our neighborhoods.  A no brainer right?  Apparently not since the rabbi disseminated lies about the rally and shared that he had no intention of supporting us despite living around the corner. And I know that we would have had perhaps hundreds more in attendance today if the Westchester Jewish Conference, the umbrella group under which every Westchester synagogue and Hebrew day school belong, had not issued a statement to its members telling them not to promote the rally and advising them not to attend.  We are now at the point where the organized Jewish community in Westchester has decided to boycott a Stand in Solidarity with Israel rally while remaining silent in the face of an anti-Israel, pro-BDS event. And the reason we are told is that by rallying against hate, we draw too much attention to the haters themselves so we should cower in fear, put our heads in the sand, turn a blind eye and hope and pray that the anti-Semites go away.

Lauri Regan addressing the attentive crowd


Well if we learned anything from WW2 it is that we cannot turn a blind eye to hate.  Israelis understand that lesson.  In 2012, Bibi Netanyahu stated at Yad Vashem, "The memory of the Holocaust is a practical commandment to learn the lessons of the past in order to guarantee the foundations of the future.   We will never bury our heads in the sand....."  Ladies and gentlemen, "Never again" is not just a slogan, it is a commandment. The Holocaust began with boycotts of Jewish-owned businesses and while I am not suggesting that the Nazi regime is reinventing itself here in the United States, I am telling you that the anti-Semites who support the boycott, divestment and sanctions movement would like to make every single Jewish person in this country feel uncomfortable and unwelcome.  And if you don't believe me, take a look at Europe where Jews are fleeing en masse as violent attacks against Jews have become commonplace. So no, we will not remain silent in the face of anti-Semitic hate speech in our backyard for fear it will disseminate further. We will rally together and let the haters know that it is they who are not welcome in our communities, we will make them feel uncomfortable and unwelcome, and we will call them out wherever they attempt to promote anti-Semitism and the destruction of Israel.

And make no mistake, the people who are about to enter our town hall are advocating the destruction of Israel. They chant, "from the river to the sea, Palestine will be free" calling for a Palestinian state to replace Israel.  They side with the terrorists who are murdering and attacking innocent Jewish civilians daily on the streets of Israel and justify it with lies that must be exposed.  We here in America must tell the truth that there is no justification for terrorism - period. There is a reason that Israel's Ministerial Committee for Legislation approved a bill earlier today seeking to ban people who call for or encourage a boycott of Israel from entering the country. According to Minster Magal, "anyone who calls to boycott Israel is using terrorism against it, and it is unthinkable that he would be allowed to move freely throughout the country without being bothered." There is a reason that the NYS Assembly passed a resolution condemning the BDS movement and that states across the country as well as the federal government are passing legislation outlawing BDS.

If there was ever a time that we needed to rally in solidarity with Israel it is now.  As the Palestinian terrorist attacks proliferate throughout Israel where children live in fear of going to school and parents sleep with knives and guns under their pillows, the world either sits back in silence or aggressively blames Israel. But some are not silent including those of you here today.  There was another pro-Israel rally in Times Square last night and there were 1000s out in support of Israel. And while our own community - the Westchester Jewish Conference and UJA - prevented us from also having 1000s today, those of you who are here are making a statement that is of critical importance.

It's not just the hate-mongering losers from Jewish Voice for Peace, Wespac and the other sponsors of this evening's hatefest in town hall. There are others also helping to spread the lies. Of course, the international community, embodied as the EU, and in particular the UN which issues more condemnations of Israel than of any other country in the world including those run by terrorist dictators who murder and torture their own people, has jumped on board the blame Israel mantra. UN Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon accused Israel of using excessive force and the UN's members cheer.

But we also have a serious problem here in this country with the Obama administration and we need to speak out. When the State Department accuses Israel of terrorism  - terrorism! - we cannot ignore those statements! When the State Department removes a tweet referring to the Palestinian attacks using the terms "tragic" and "outrageous" and replaces it with one without those adjectives American Jews must take note. When John Kerry blames the "cycle of violence" on Palestinian frustration due to a "massive increase in settlements" without being honest about the fact there has been less construction activity in the settlements under Netanyahu than since 1995, we need to tell the truth that John Kerry is being disingenuous. When Samantha Power makes a presentation at the UN asking both sides to use restraint, joins the State Department with false accusations that Israel is disrupting the status quo at the Temple Mount and ends her remarks addressing "the harrowing accounts of innocent civilians injured and killed in the past two weeks on both sides" as if any of the Palestinians killed have been anything other than terrorists, we must not nod our heads in silence. When the White House issues a statement asking both sides to show restraint, making a moral equivalence argument that both sides are equally to blame, we must speak out. 

We also have a serious problem with our media which sadly is nothing new. Here is just a small sampling of some of the headlines we've been reading in our newspapers and online:

-          Palestinian shot dead after Jerusalem attack kills two (no mention that the Palestinian had just stabbed two men to death)

-          Israeli Police Fatally Shoot Two Palestinian Teen Attackers, Injure Two Others (no mention of the fact that the Palestinians were knife-wielding attackers who had just stabbed several including a 13 year old boy on a bike)

-          Four Palestinians are Killed in Israeli Violence

-          Israelis Kill Four Palestinians as Violence Surges (the four Palestinians were carrying out knife attacks)

So why do I argue that we must not let groups like Jewish Voice for Peace host evil self-hating Jews in our town halls and why do I disagree with the Westchester Jewish Conference and UJA-Federation that we should turn a blind eye to this anti-Semitic hatred? I hope it is obvious. It is because we are losing the cognitive war. It is because these groups are dangerous and whether they have three people in attendance in Westchester, or 300 people in New York City, the pro-BDS movement is infiltrating our national institutions and the organized Jewish community is either clueless or willfully blind - either way, they are simply wrong.

Earlier I mentioned a community notice that a local rabbi sent out. He stated, "over the past few days there has been a concerted effort made by some in the Jewish community to stir up anger and fear." That would be me.. He went on to accuse us of overreacting. Let's think about that for minute. I have made a concerted effort to organize a Stand in Solidarity with Israel rally and am accused of fear mongering and overreacting by the exact same people who want to boycott the Zionists and turn a blind eye to anti-Semitism in their backyards much like the pre-WW2 Jews wished to ignore the hate that surrounded them so they chose not to react at all. The real people stirring up fear are the rabbis and others in the organized Jewish community who are telling Jews to stay away out of fear we give the bad guys a platform.  They are the ones ignoring the fact that the bad guys already have the platforms! - across our college campuses, in board rooms, in governments, at the UN and now in our own town hall. They are cowering in fear of bringing attention to this dangerous movement. But we understand our obligations as Jews to fight this hate lest it take more of a foothold in our institutions and governments than it currently enjoys. We understand that Never Again means never give up the fight for our survival.


Two young boys thoroughly engaged in the moment                          The assembled, listening with rapt attention

I am angry - and we all should be.

As far as anger is concerned, I will proudly declare that yes, I am angry - and we all should be. I am angry that Israelis cannot walk with their children on the streets of the Old City without fear of being murdered by a Palestinian terrorist. I am angry that the Obama administration is perpetuating the lie that there is some moral equivalence between the two sides and accuses Israel of excessive force and even terrorism. I am angry that the world's news organizations are brainwashing the public that Israel is the evil perpetrator of violence simply because it seeks to protect its own people from terrorism.  And I am now angry that our local rabbis are shirking their responsibilities to do the right thing and refused to lead their congregants to come stand with Israel at this critical time.

Before I close I'd like to share a brief story that I think explains what we are living with and why we need to speak out each and every time we see JVP/BDS anti-Semitism being propagated. When one of my sons was in 8th grade he wrote his research paper on the Israeli/Palestinian conflict. His Jewish teacher circled the word "terrorist" and wrote in the margin, "be very careful with your word choice; one country's terrorists is another's heroes." That is what the haters inside town hall tonight would have you believe - it's what Mahmoud Abbas would have you believe as he incites Palestinians to hack innocent Jews to death. And it's even what Barack Obama and John Kerry would have you believe. It's what the Palestinians teach their children and what the BDSers are trying to teach ours. We need to shut this down at every turn because otherwise, membership in JVP and Wespac will grow and our rabbis will pretend that free speech trumps hate speech.

Yesterday, I received a message forwarded to me from the Israeli mother of one of the victims of a Palestinian terrorist attack pleading:

Please help my son he's in life and death situation. His bar mitzvah is in a month and he's literally on the brink of death. Please say at least one perek of tehilim for his recovery.
His name is Noar Shalev Ben Rut. the Gemara says anyone who prays for his friend, Hashem answers his prayers first.

What better time than now when Israel is in flames and the world remains silent to stand up and have our voices heard that we stand with Israel and are willing to fight the haters. Hate speech, anti-Semitism, and support of terrorism are not welcome in the Town of Greenburgh, Westchester County, New York, the United States, or anywhere on this planet. But it will proliferate if we do not call it out when we hear it and our Jewish cousins in Israel, on the front lines of the millennia old war for our survival are relying on us to do so. As Rabbi Hillel said, "If I am not for myself, who is for me? And if I am not for myself, who am I? And if not now, when?" Thank you all for coming out today and sending the message to everyone listening that there is no moral equivalence between good and evil and that evil will not stand in our communities. We stand with Israel and the Jewish people. Am Yisrael Chai.


Bernard-Henri Lévy




Bernard-Henri Lévy is one of France's most famed philosophers, a journalist, and a bestselling writer. He is considered a founder of the New Philosophy movement and is a leading thinker on religious issues, genocide, and international affairs. His 2013 book, Les Aventures de la vérité-Peinture et philosophie: un récit, explores the historical interplay of philosophy and art. His new play, "Hotel Europe," which premiered in Sarajevo on June 27, 2014, and in Paris on September 9, is a cry of alarm about the crisis facing the European project and the dream behind it.

This article was translated from the French by Steven B. Kennedy.


It is painful to hear the phrase "lone wolves" applied to the handful - and perhaps tomorrow the dozens and then the hundreds - of killers of Jews "liked" by thousands of "friends," followed by tens of thousands of "Tweeters," and connected to a constellation of sites (such as the Al-Aqsa Media Center and its page dedicated to "the third Jerusalem intifada") that are orchestrating, at least in part, this bloody ballet.

"This is not a Victim"  (When no caption is necessary)

It is equally painful to listen to the refrain about "Palestinian youth no longer subject to any control," after seeing the series of sermons published by the Middle East Media Research Institute, in which preachers from Gaza, facing the camera, dagger in hand, call upon followers to take to the streets to maim as many Jews as they can, to inflict as much pain as possible and to spill the maximum amount of blood; doubly painful to hear that refrain from Mahmoud Abbas himself, at the outset of this tragic chain of events a few weeks back, describing as "heroic" the murder of the Henkins in the presence of their children, and then expressing indignation at seeing the "dirty feet" of Jews "defiling" the Al-Aqsa Mosque and declaring "each drop of blood" shed by "each martyr" who dies for Jerusalem "pure."


Not only painful and intolerable, but also inapplicable, is the canned phrase about "political and social desperation" that is used to explain - or excuse - criminal acts. Everything we know about the new terrorists, their motives and the pride their relatives take in converting, post-mortem, crime into martyrdom and infamy into sacrifice, is, alas, much closer to the portrait of the robotic jihadist who yesterday would take off for Kashmir and today turns up in Syria or Iraq.


It is highly doubtful that "intifada" is the right term to apply to acts that bear more resemblance to the latest installment of a worldwide jihad of which Israel is just one of the stages.


It is doubtful that erudite disquisitions on occupation, colonization and Netanyahu-esque intransigence explain much about a wave of violence that counts among its favored targets Jews with sidelocks - that is, those Jews who are the most conspicuously Jewish, those whom their killers must consider the very image of the Jew, and who, by the way, are often at odds with the Jewish state when not in open secession from it.

It is doubtful that the very question of the state, the question of the two states and thus the question of a negotiated partition of the land - which is, for moderates on both sides, the only question worth posing - has anything to do with a conflagration in which politics has given way to fanaticism and to theories of vast conspiracy, one in which some decide to stab random others as they pass by because of a vague rumor reporting a secret plot to deny Muslims access to Islam's third holiest site.

It is doubtful, in other words, that the Palestinian cause is being helped in any way by the extremist turn. On the other hand, it is absolutely certain that the cause has everything to lose by it, that the reasonable heads within the movement will be the ones who wind up flattened by the wave, and that the last proponents of compromise, along with what remains of the peace camp in Israel, will pay dearly for the reckless condemnations of the imams of Rafah and Khan Younis.


Intolerable and inapplicable, too, is the cliché of the "cycle" or "spiral" of violence, which, by putting the kamikaze killers and their victims on the same footing, sows confusion and amounts to an incitement to further action.


Intolerable, for the same reason, are the rhetorical appeals "for restraint" and disingenuous pleas "not to inflame the street," which, as with the "spiral of violence," reverse the order of causality by implying that a soldier, police officer or civilian acting in self-defense has committed a wrong equal to that of someone who chooses to die after spreading as much terror as he possibly can.


Strange indeed, how tepid are the condemnations of the stabbings of innocent passers-by and rammings of bus stops - condemnations that I have to think would be less half-hearted if the acts had occurred on the streets of Washington, Paris or London.

More than strange - disturbing - is the difference in tone between the equivocal reaction to the recent killings and the unanimous and unambiguous international outpouring of emotion and solidarity elicited by the fatal hatchet attack on a soldier on a London street on May 22, 2013, a scenario that was not very different from those unfolding today in Jerusalem and Tel Aviv.


Intolerable, again, that most of the major media have paid the grieving Israeli families only a fraction of the attention they have paid the families of the perpetrators.

Intolerable, finally, the minor mythology growing up around this story of daggers: The weapon of the poor? Really? The weapon one uses because it is within reach and one has no other? When I see those blades, I think of the one used to execute Daniel Pearl; I think of the beheadings of Hervé Gourdel, James Foley and David Haines; I think that the Islamic State's videos have clearly gained a following, and that we stand on the threshold of a form of barbarity that must be unconditionally denounced if we do not want to see its methods exported everywhere. And I mean everywhere.



Isi Leibler <>

October 21, 2015

This column was originally published in the and 



10/21/15, 7:50 AM CET Updated 10/21/15, 3:23 PM CET

Ron Dermer is Israel's ambassador to the United States.

As Israeli civilians are butchered by Palestinian terrorists, the truth about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is also being butchered by a campaign of vicious lies. Here are ten of the most pernicious myths about the current attacks:

FIRST: Israel is trying to change the status quo on the Temple Mount.

False. Israel stringently maintains the status quo on the Temple Mount. Last year some 3.5 million Muslims visited the Temple Mount alongside some 200,000 Christians and 12,000 Jews. Only Muslims are allowed to pray on the Mount, and non-Muslims may visit only at specified times, which have not changed. Though the Temple Mount is Judaism's holiest site-where Solomon built his Temple some 3,000 years ago-Israel will not allow a change in the status quo. The ones trying to change the status quo are Palestinians, who are violently trying to prevent Jews and Christians from even visiting a site holy to all three faiths.

SECOND: Israel seeks to destroy al-Aqsa mosque.

False. Since reuniting Jerusalem in 1967 Israel has vigorously protected the holy sites of all faiths, including al-Aqsa. In the Middle East, where militant Islamists desecrate and destroy churches, synagogues, world heritage sites, as well as each other's mosques, Israel is the only guarantor of Jerusalem's holy places. Palestinians have been propagating the "al-Aqsa is in danger" myth since at least 1929, when the Palestinian icon, the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem Haj Amin al-Husseini, used it to inspire the massacre of Jews in Hebron and elsewhere. Nearly a century later, the mosque remains unharmed, but the lie persists.

THIRD: A recent surge in settlement construction has caused the current wave of violence.

False. Annual construction in the settlements has substantially decreased over the last 15 years. Under Prime Minister Ehud Barak (2000), 5,000 new units were built in the settlements; under Prime Minister Ariel Sharon (2001-2005) an average of 1,881; under Prime Minister Ehud Olmert (2005-2008) 1,774. All three were hailed as peacemakers. What about under Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu (2009-2015)? Just 1,554. Some surge.

FOURTH: President Abbas says that Israel "executed" the innocent Palestinian Ahmed Manasra.

False. Manasra is neither innocent nor dead. He stabbed a 13 year-old Jewish boy who was riding his bicycle. Manasra has been discharged from the same hospital where his victim continues to fight for his life.

FIFTH: Israel uses excessive force in dealing with terrorist attacks.

False. Using force to stop an attack by a gun, knife, cleaver or axe-wielding terrorist is legitimate self-defense. Israeli police officers are subject to strict rules that govern the use of deadly force, which is permitted only in life threatening situations. How would the American public expect its police to respond to terrorists stabbing passersby as well as police officers?

SIXTH: The current violence is the result of stagnation in the peace process.

False. Israel experienced some of the worst terrorism in its history when the peace process was at its peak. The reason for Palestinian terrorism is neither progress nor stagnation in the peace process, but the desire of the terrorists to destroy Israel.

SEVENTH: President Abbas is a voice of moderation.

False. President Abbas said on September 16 that he welcomes "every drop of blood spilled in Jerusalem.." President Abbas has not condemned a single one of the 30 terror attacks on Israelis over the last month. He and his Fatah movement continue to use the Web and the airwaves to incite the Palestinians to even more violence.

EIGHTH: International action is required to enforce the status quo on the Temple Mount.

False. Israel enforces the status quo. The international community can help most effectively by telling the truth and affirming Israel's proven commitment to maintaining the status quo. It can also help by holding President Abbas accountable for his mendacious rhetoric regarding the Temple Mount.

NINTH: The reason the conflict and the violence persist is because the Palestinians don't have a state.

False. The Palestinians have repeatedly refused to accept a nation-state for themselves if it means accepting a nation-state for the Jewish people alongside it. In 1937, the Palestinians rejected the Peel Commission report that called for two states for two peoples; in 1947, they rejected the UN partition plan that did the same. In 2000 at Camp David and again in 2008 the Palestinians rejected new proposals that would have created a Palestinian state. The Palestinians rejected peace both before and after the creation of Israel, before Israel gained control of the territories in 1967 and after Israel vacated Gaza in 2005. The Palestinians have always been more concerned with destroying the Jewish state than with creating a state of their own. The core of the conflict remains the persistent refusal of the Palestinians to recognize the nation-state of the Jewish people in any borders.

TENTH: Palestinian terrorism is the consequence of Palestinian frustration.

False. Palestinian terrorism is the product of incitement, which inculcates a culture of hatred and violence in successive generations. The biggest frustration of the terrorists is that they have failed to destroy Israel. They will continue to be frustrated.




US Senator and Republican presidential contender Ted Cruz told The Jerusalem Postthis week that the Palestinians are the true barrier to peace.

Below are highlights of the telephone interview. The full interview will be published in Friday's Magazine.




US Senator and Republican presidential contender Ted Cruz told The Jerusalem Post this week that the Palestinians are the true barrier to peace.

Below are highlights of the telephone interview. The full interview will be published in Friday's Magazine.

Senator Cruz, how would you characterize the Obama administration's stewardship of US relations with the Palestinians?

This past week I publicly called for John Kerry's resignation as secretary of state. This is the second time I've done so. A number of months ago I called for Kerry's resignation when he wrongfullysuggested that Israel could become an apartheid state, which is a slander.

It is one often repeated by the terrorists and it should not be coming out of the mouth of a United States secretary of state.

This past week John Kerry and the State Department accused the nation of Israel of terrorism. That is a blatant lie. There is a qualitative difference between antics of Palestinian terrorists murdering innocent women and children in response to the relentless incitement from the Hamas, from the PA. There's a qualitative difference between that and the IDF defending the safety and security of the nation of Israel. And John Kerry's suggestion that they are morally equivalent is wrong, harmful and deeply offensive.

If you are elected president in 2016, what would your relationship be with the Palestinian Authority?
