Monday, July 31, 2023

Letter to Members of the MGH (Moetzet Gedolei HaTorah), Distinguished Rabbonim and Activists to Address Pidyon Shvuyim and the Miscarriage of Justice to Amiram ben Uliel נ“י. Mishpat Tzedek for Amiram ben Nurit ben Uliel

אל המקום אשר...

BCC: Members of MGH (Moetzet Gedolei HaTorah)
Distinguished Rabbonim


Please fwd this to like-minded friends and to those who you think will take action.

The Hebrew petition for the general pubic

Lichvod HaRabbonim:

Please take concrete action for Pidyon Shvuyim for an innocent man, Amiram ben Nurit נ"י languishing in prison.

We are reaching out to you, on behalf of Amiram ben Uliel נ"י as were hundreds of Rabbonim and public figures in EY.

Over 230 Rabbonin and public figures, mostly in Eretz Yisroel, have already signed a petition in Hebrew asking that Amiram ben Nurit ben Uliel be transferred to the Prison's Torah Wing, the Agaf Torani. This petition and the signatures will iyh be released shortly in Elul. It is not too late to add your name.

Hebrew Petition:

An English version of the petition:


Amiram Ben Uliel has been in solitary confinement since his imprisonment seven and a half years ago. He is being held in the harshest conditions of any prisoner in Israel. This, in spite of the fact that the only evidence against him was elicited under extreme torture, with absolutely no forensic evidence ever found to link him to the crime. In contrast, Arab terrorists with blood on their hands, such as Ahmad Awad who murdered five members of the Fogel family, are being held in open cells, free to interact with fellow prisoners and enjoying many perks.

This past Passover, Amiram's request to be celebrate the holiday in the religious wing of the prison was granted. This was the first time in seven years he was permitted to leave his solitary cell and interact with fellow Jews.

But this good fortune was short-lived. On Shavuot, the Shin Bet rejected his request to spend the holiday in the Torah wing. Once again, he was forced to celebrate the holiday alone, in solitary darkness.

We, the undersigned, request that Mr. Benjamin Netanyahu, the Prime Minister of Israel, demand that the head of the Shin Bet transfer Amiram from solitary confinement and cease the inhumane treatment to which he is being subjected. This is not the Soviet Union or Iran!!

Furthermore, we demand that Amiram ben Uliel be permitted to meet with his wife and daughter without intervening bars or a glass partition; that he be permitted to pray in a minyan; and that he be granted the most basic human rights which are the hallmark of a democracy.

It is outrageous to see terrorists with blood on their hands celebrating in Israel's prison facilities and receiving preferential treatment, while Amiram is being held in a state of continuous emotional torture, with no evidence linking him to the crime he is accused of except a forced confession.

Why are the non-Jewish prisoners permitted to fulfill their religious obligations while this Jewish prisoner, whose guilt is highly questionable, denied his most basic religious and human rights?

We demand an end to this discrimination and inhumane cruelty.

Transfer Amiram immediately to the Torah wing!!!!



Lichvod Rabbonim: Please send individualized letters and/or authorization to have your name appear on the petition and any correspondence via email or whatsapp to:
The English Speaking Chapter
Justice for Amiram

Please Hashem, May this be a mere step towards Amiram complete release BEH.

Individualized letters are greatly encouraged..

Again, Correspondence can be sent to:
The English Speaking Chapter
Justice for Amiram 011972547826989

Fyi Here is a copy of
Rabbi Pesach Lerner's letter
co-Chairman of the CCJH

Jewish Law and Secular Law often see eye to eye and in secular law and in Jewish Law and in most democratic civilized societies, self incrimination is not permissable as evidence.

There are political undertones in this terrible miscarriage of Justice.

This Mitzvah of Pidyon Shvuyim, especially when there is a blood libel of Jews against our own cries out to the heavens. Inaction was a cause of the destruction of the Temple.
This is reminiscent of Sinat Chinom between Yosef and his brothers. It is a reincarnation of Sinat Chinom in our day against our very own righteous Jewish brothers and sisters living in the heart of the Shomron in the Nachala of Yosef and Binyamin. We must fear the consequences of our inaction if Amiram continues to languish, abandoned in jail in Solitary confinement and discriminatory administrative detention of hilltop youth is modus operandi of Defense Minister Gallant.

 "אַשְׁרֵי אָדָם מְפַחֵד תָּמִיד וּמַקְשֶׁה לִבּוֹ יִפּוֹל בְּרָעָה" ( משלי כ"ח, פסוק י"ד)
אמר רבי יוחנן: ענוותנותו של רבי זכריה בן אבקולס החריבה את ביתנו ושרפה את היכלנו והגליתנו מארצנו."

We are pleading with the Rabbonim to join in these efforts, to do independent research, to act with personal Hishtadlus and raise awareness and demand Truth and Justice. This surely will have a tremendous impact up in the Heavens and arouse Rachmei Shamayim.

This miscarriage of Justice against Amiram in particular reflects poorly on the Israeli Supreme Court who gave a green light to sanction torture to extort confession. It is no surprise that the recent push for Judicial Reform has at its very core a deep yearning by Am Yisroel for Truth, Justice and Righteousness in the Israeli Court System.

The "Justice for Amiram" network of activists are also applying pressure in America... not only on the Israeli front.

Letters are being sent globally via the website of the Tom Lantos Human Rights Commission headed by Rep. Congressman Chris Smith, a friend of Israel, protesting the gross violations of human rights against Amiram ben Uliel who was placed unlawfully under Administrative Detention and denied basic rights to a lawyer held without charges or evidence of wrongdoing and then tortured until he confessed to a crime he never committed.

Tom Lantos Human Rights Commission US Congress

See below a link to a Zoom session 20 minutes long produced by Gila Slonim and Steve Rodan describing a letter writing campaign to the Tom Lantos Human Rights Commission to free Amiram ben Uliel. Details of the miscarriage of Justice are found in links below.

It details a quick and easy way that each and every one of us can do to help Amiram to get out of jail IYH, בקרוב ממש!

link to sample/draft letter:

Apparently there are precedents to request aid from non-Jews when Jewish Leaders of the State of Israel were acting improperly. Steve Rodan, presenter of the Zoom said that in 1959, 1960 when the GOI wasn't funding Chinuch Atzmai for a decade, Rav Aharon Kotler approached Congress, specifically a Senator from Wisconsin who was involved in Foreign affairs. When the Finance Minister of Israel at the time, Levi Eshkol came to visit Washington DC, this Senator of Nevada questioned him about it. Apparently Levi Eshkol telegrammed the Prime Minister Ben Gurion and this made a impression and Chinuch Atzmai started to get funded.

Fyi The father of Amiram ben Uliel spoke in front of Eshel Prison in Beer Sheva. He spoke powerfully of Tzedek and Mishpat. As Rabbonim you can surely relate not only to his cojent arguments but to his personal pain that translates to the collective pain of Am Yisroel.

אביו של עמירם בן אוליאל: "איך השופטים ישנים בלילה?"
הרב ראובן בן אוליאל אביו של עמירם מתח ביקורת חמורה על מערכת המשפט באירוע מול כלא אשל.

Amiram Ben Uliel's father: "How do the judges sleep at night?"
Rabbi Reuven ben Uliel, Amiram's father, severely criticized the justice system at an event in front of Eshel prison.


A recent blog post on my blog Shemittah Rediscovered

last update July 3, 2023 צדק ומשפט לעמירם בן אוליאל גישה חדשה Tsedek UMishpat for Amiram ben Uliel - Rethinking Approach

Tuesday, July 25, 2023

Dear Judge Freier: Re: Pidyon Shvuyim. Campaign for Mishpat Tzedek for Amiram ben Uliel

אל המקום אשר...

BCC: Fellow Activists and Friends . Posted on

Dear Judge Freier, amvsh

I haven't heard a response to my previous email regarding this matter and I hope you see this email and the previous one copied below.

Confirmation you received this would be greatly appreciated.

If your hands are tied to openly take a public stand that is totally understandable.

Since this is a matter of Pidyon Shvuyim and we all have to do our personal Hishtadlus, albeit limited as it is, I am sending you and others the following link.

Tom Lantos Human Rights Commission US Congress

See below a link to a Zoom session 20 minutes long describing a letter writing campaign to the Tom Lantos Human Rights Commission to free Amiram ben Uliel. Details of the miscarriage of Justice are found in links below.

Apparently there are precedents to request aid from non-Jews when Jews are not acting properly. Steve Rodan, presenter of the Zoom said that in 1959, 1960 when the GOI wasn't funding Chinuch Atzmai for a decade, Rav Aharon Kotler approached Congress, specifically a Senator from Wisconsin who was involved in Foreign affairs. When the Finance Minister of Israel at the time, Levi Eshkol came to visit Washington DC, this Senator of Nevada questioned him about it. Apparently Levi Eshkol telegrammed the Prime Minister Ben Gurion and this made a impression and Chinuch Atzmai started to get funded.

Following is the recording of a zoom session. It details a quick and easy way that each and every one of us can help Amiram to get out of jail IYH, בקרוב ממש!

Tom Lantos Commission:

link to sample/draft letter:

Fyi The father of Amiram ben Uliel spoke this past Friday in front of Eshel Prison in Beer Sheva. He spoke powerfully of Tzedek and Mishpat. I am sure that you as a Judge and each and everyone of us can appreciate his common sense arguments.

I sincerely hope Arutz7 will transcribe, translate into English and put subtitles to this video to raise public awareness that sadly the State of Israel has in its legal system effectively rubber-stamped torture to extract confessions to incriminate innocent people.

אביו של עמירם בן אוליאל: "איך השופטים ישנים בלילה?"
הרב ראובן בן אוליאל אביו של עמירם מתח ביקורת חמורה על מערכת המשפט באירוע מול כלא אשל.

On Jul 3, 2023, 8:02 PM, <> wrote:

Dear Judge Freier, amvsh

My name is Robin (Stern) Ticker. I am reaching out to you at the request of a group of activists in Israel who either heard you speak or read about you in Arutz7.

Orthodox Judge Rachel Frier: 'Take one day at a time, and never compromise your values'

I am one of their group, trying to help free Amiram ben Uliel sitting in jail for the Duma arson in 2015 which killed members of the Dawabsha family, an Arab couple and their son, due to an arson in which they blamed Jewish youth based solely on Hebrew graffiti found at the scene.

Amiram is sentenced to 3 life sentences sitting in solitary 7.5 years, possibly under the worst conditions of any prisoner in Israel Jew or non Jew. The only incriminating evidence they have that he perpetrated the crime is his own confession following torture. No other forensic evidence. His confession and handwriting isn't even consistent with facts on the ground.

As you mentioned in your talk, Jewish Law and Secular Law often see eye to eye and in secular law and in most democratic civilized societies self incrimination is not permissable evidence as us the case in Jewish Law.

There are political undertones in this terrible miscarriage of Justice.

It would be amazing if you could review the details of this case and state your opinion.

This case reflects poorly on the Israeli Supreme Court and it is no surprise that the push for Judicial Reform has its roots in pushing for Truth, Justice and Righteousness.

I am also a blogger and have blogged extensively regarding this matter from the very beginning. The entire matter seemed orchestrated for a political agenda to create a narrative of Jewish Terror. Jewish terror was blamed within hours with no investigation to speak of. Condemnation of Hilltop youth, as a fringe group of youth belonging to a terrorist organization seemed to be a given as per the say so of the Jewish Division of Terror of Shabak.

No investigation into infighting of Arab clans that torched each other homes on a regular basis came into the deliberation or addressed nor considered.


A recent blog post on my blog Shemittah Rediscovered

last update July 3, 2023 צדק ומשפט לעמירם בן אוליאל גישה חדשה Tsedek UMishpat for Amiram ben Uliel - Rethinking Approach

Thursday, July 20, 2023

No Longer Sheep to the Slaughter by Shmuel (Zangi) Medad


לא עוד כצאן לטבח(h)

Translated with the help of Google translate:

Arutz 7: No Longer Sheep to the Slaughter By Shmuel (Zangi) Medad CEO Honnenu

Our Dear Brothers in the Government: You are partners of the Shin Bet and Yoav Galant in the rubber stamping of issuing administrative arrest warrants without trial.

28 in Tammuz 17.07.23, 16:36

The government complains about selective enforcement. And she is right, she even asks us for data on this, and receives it.

But don't believe her,
טֹל קוֹרָה מִבֵּין עֵינֶיךָ
An answer to a person who reproves others, while he himself sins even more than everyone else.)
Source of this expression:
"וא"ר יוחנן, מאי דכתיב: ויהי בימי שפוט השופטים? דור ששופט את שופטיו, אומר לו: טול קיסם מבין שיניך אומר לו: טול קורה מבין עיניך" (בבלי, מסכת בבא בתרא – דף טו, עמוד ב)

It is clear that there is selective enforcement and who are like us that see and experience it? Every day! For many years now! But the truth is that Bibi and the members of this government are the worst offenders. But why?

Because they are A.F.R.A.I.D. That is why they are tough and violent . But only towards those who actually voted for them.

To criminal families who murder? - no.

A criminal from a criminal family who everyone is aware that he murders his competitor- will not be administratively arrested and detained. Addressing the evil perpetrators, those under protection- no. Violent Druze in the Golan Heights- no - not anarchists of the resistance - no. These are all power groups. And they scare Bibi and his ministers very much.

Administrative arrests are violent arrests. Administrative arrests are emergency detention orders used from the days of the British Mandate, and there is no need for a trial.

Such orders have been issued against those who voted for this government.

They assume that on election day everything will be forgotten.

True the hilltop youth are not weak. They are strong and firm facing the enemy. They are hidden soldiers without uniforms and without weapons.

But they are not ready or willing to be sheep to the slaughter.

So when their brothers come to them and violently stick a knife in their backs just because they are not ready to be sheep for the slaughter - they simply cannot believe their eyes. Terrorism kills their friends and all of us, and raises its head now more than ever.

Our dear brothers in the National government - you are complicit in this. Completely. You are partners of the Shin Bet and Yoav Galant, the rubber stamp of the Shin Bet in issuing administrative arrest warrants, without a trial. The most anti-democratic practice that can exist.

Your hands are shedding this blood. Stop it immediately.

The author: Shmuel (Zangi) Medad, CEO of the Honnenu organization, a resident of Hebron