Thursday, June 27, 2024

Correcting the Sin of the Spies of the State of Israel Today By Correcting the Miscarriage of Justice towards Amiram Ben Uliel and the Asirei Tzion. Fighting On Three Fronts. תיקון העוולות במדינת ישראל כיום ניתן לביצוע על ידי תיקון עיוות הדין כלפי עמירם בן עוליאל ואסירי ציון. פרשת שלח תיקון חטא המרגלים


אל המקום אשר....

עברית, להלן....

Correcting many wrongdoings in the State of Israel today can be accomplished by addressing and  correcting the miscarriage of justice being perpetrated against Amiram Ben Uliel, Jewish Prisoners of Conscience, the אסירי ציון, and against Settler Hilltop Youth. 

This battle needs to be fought on three fronts listed below.

The Lubavitcher Rebbe, speaking in Yiddish in a video with English subtitles said the following:

"When you proactively initiate the battle, you set the agenda." 

(See full statement:

The Rebbe on Military Strategy
 הרבי על אסטרטגיה במלחמה

Three fronts where Jews globally, can engage, proactively, on the offensive are as follows.

1. Campaign to change and correct the current military leadership stuck on a misguided "Conception" that Jewish Terrorism exists and must be addressed harshly. The military leadership authorizes continuous persecution, harassment, imprisonment and accusations against Settler Youth,  among them Amiram Ben Uliel and current Jewish Prisoners of Conscience and ruin their good name and reputation, by treating them as ticking time bombs. They do this in order to create a false narrative, a modern day blood libel against Jews. This is being done in order to appease and please those in the Gentile World who wish to support Israel's enemies and justify their attacks against Israel by creating a false  moral equivalency of actual terrorists and the Jews who are the intended victims. It's time to dismantle the Jewish Division of Terror of the Shin Bet.

The Jews are not ticking time bombs. Period. 

The opposite.  Israel's security forces are not doing enough in identifying, addressing and deterring the real ticking time bombs, the Muslim terrorists. The hide behind civilians, are members of Palestinian Security Forces etc.
They proudly identify with Hamas Nukhba terrorists, yet are permitted to enter Israel's vulnerable communities like Efrat and Emanuel etc. 

Palestinian education and culture glorifies Jihadists intent on eliminating the Land and People of Israel.   

For example, a Jihadist version of the children's game Chutes and Ladder was just found in Gaza!

Israel allows Arab workers, potential terrorists, who live in close proximity to Jewish Communities to enter, possibly spy on and threaten the civilian population. This is happening across Jerusalem, Temple Mount, the Galil, the Negev, Judea and Samaria, the Jordan Valley, the Mercaz, Tel Aviv and Haifa, the Lebanese and Gazan borders etc... you name it...

This  threat exists  globally as well, in the Diaspora, in Paris, in Brooklyn, in LA..., for Jews living within close proximity to Muslim extremism. Jews are vulnerable, Heaven Forbid!

When these Terrorists are emboldened in the Land of Israel and there is no deterrence or action addressing their evil intentions,  then their supporters all over the world are emboldened as well and Jews are in danger. Chas VeSholom! 

The only real ticking time bombs that exists are the Jihadist Palestinians. Rather than deterring the terrorists and protecting those victimized and threatened, namely the Jewish Shepherds and Jewish farmers, the military leadership chooses to wage war against its own such as Breslov Amiram Ben Uliel and the hilltop youth, shepherds and farmers,  and treat them as if they are dangerous ticking time bombs. 

The Shin Bet Jewish Division of Terror must be deprived of any authority administer administrative arrests, orders, detention to Jews. 

The Lubavitcher Rebbe: The Correct Concern in War:

Pulse of Israel - Avi Abelow We've had weak IDF leaders!

Avi Abelow - The Elitist Deep Statist are exposing themselves like never before

2. Campaign to replace the progressive Judicial System and the Israel Supreme Court that aligns themselves with Israel's enemies. Replace the hodge podge of British, Turkish and Israeli Law with Mishpat Ivri, Jewish Law so that the laws of the Land of Israel be consistent with Torah as we pray each day:

השיבה שופטינו כבראשונה, ויועצינו כבתחלה, והסר ממנו יגון ואנחה, ומלוך עלינו אתה ה’ לבדך בחסד וברחמים, וצדקנו במשפט

Restore our judges as in earliest times, and our counselors as at first; remove from us sorrow and groan; and reign over us – You, Hashem, alone – with kindness and compassion, and justify us through judgment.

Israel should close down the Jewish Division of Terror of the Shin Bet who partners to blood libel Hilltop Youth and scapegoat them.  The Israel Supreme Court authorized that Amiram Ben Uliel and Minor A be tortured until they confessed to the Duma arson. This was based on a political agenda by a compromised, self appointing court in order to create a false narrative of "Jewish Terrorism" rather than to administer a just and fair ruling based on witnesses and solid evidence.

Avi Abelow - The Elitist Deep Statist are exposing themselves like never before

3. Tikkun Chait HaMiraglim: 

How can we achieve the two objectives mentioned above?

There needs to be a grass roots campaign to urge our Spiritual Leaders, Rabbonim across the spectrum to correct the Sin of the Spies. Israel needs a Breath of Fresh Air, with the Spirit coming from Hebron with the Spirit of Calev Ben Yefuneh and Yehoshua Bin Nun.

Let us the people, the Jewish Nation, demand from our Spiritual Leaders to demand military leadership consistent with the Spirit of Torah as conducted by winning Military Commander Ofer Winter in Operation Tzuk Eitan. The Lubavitcher Rebbe as well called for offensive mobilization of the  Jewish army with Shma Yisroel on our lips, recognizing that this War is a Milchemet Mitzvah, an obligatory war that is a Mitzvah. As Jonathan Pollard suggests, get rid of the existing military moral code of ethics, also known as IDF Code of Purity of arms, which endangers Jewish soldiers and civilians in order to save enemy civilians.

The code of purity of arms (Hebrew: טוהר הנשק, Tohar HaNeshek) is one of the values stated in the Israel Defense Forces' official doctrine of ethics, The Spirit of the IDF. 

Replace this G-dless Code of Ethics with a winning strategy based on Torah values and ethics. 

In addition our Rabbonim can take cue of the Hilltop Youth who yearn for Mishpat Ivri, Torah law in Eretz Yisroel. Torah Law does not permit self confession as valid evidence, self incriminating testimony, especially following torture, to convict a suspect. Amiram Ben Uliel was convicted of three life terms of solitary confinement with the harshest terms of any prisoner solely based on his own confession. There were plenty of common sense arguments that can persuade any thinking person of Amiram's innocence.

Arab witnesses of the arson right after it happened, directly conflict with Amiram's convoluted confession. Yet the court didn't permit it.

Amiram's wife's testimony and Alibi that Amiram was home that night was not considered important. 

Rabbonim and Leaders across the spectrum have yet to admit "על חטא" wrongdoing , for accepting Diba Raah, slander of a false narrative of Jewish Terrorism.  There was no real investigation of the arson or proof Jews were the perpetrators, yet condemnation against "Jewish violence" came from all sectors .   This is reminiscent of Sinat Chinam, baseless hatred,  of Yosef HaTzadik and his brothers.

The first step of Teshuva, is admitting wrongdoing. The next step is to take concrete action to reverse the wrongdoing.  This can be accomplished by applying pressure,  with a united outcry, to free Amiram Ben Uliel and to free all the Jewish Prisoners of Conscience! These Giborim, Jewish Settlers are holding on to the Land with their very lives yet they have been maligned,  incarcerated, based on lies and frame-up. They have been denied due process based on archaic British Law all in order to serve a political agenda and to please the Nations. 

The last  step is to take it upon ourselves to see to it that such miscarriage of justice does not repeat with another victim. 

Halvai we can merit a Torah base Judicial System with the dismantling of the political network within the government which was instrumental in allowing this traitorous, G-dless, miscarriage of justice, known as Parshat Duma, to happen! 

Stopping the next massacre

Had we dismantled this compromised leadership based solely on the miscarriage of Justice in Parshat Duma, and recognized we have leadership unable to differentiate between friend and foe, and nipped it in the bud, probably October 7th 2023 would never have happened! Anyone that contributed to this false narrative needs to reevaluate who the real ticking time bombs are. Because if we don't address the threats now we only have ourselves to blame. Do we really want to praise the heroes who saved some lives after the  fact or do we want to prevent the next massacre.

The Settlers of Gush Katif warned us that leaving Gaza was a ticking time bomb. 

October 7th happened.

Once it did happen, those who knew that the military leaders in charge were the same persecuting the Settlers, we understood immediately that they were not fit to fight this war and lead the troops to victory.

It's been taking time for the rest of the Nation to wake up. It is not too late to reverse this defeatist military command. Israel can start by freeing our Jewish hostages like Amiram Ben Uliel and those under administrative arrest held under Israel's control. These Prisoners of Conscience have a different spirit, a רוח אחרת,  coming from Hebron modeling Calev Ben Yefuneh!

Freeing Amiram Ben Uliel and stopping miscarriage of Justice and the incarceration G-d fearing Jews, with no charges or evidence to speak is of utmost priority.   This in itself will strike fear in the eyes of our enemies, knowing that Israel supports the Settlers and their vision of settling the Land, that Israel means business and are fighting to win, and that the plan is to  conquer and resettle the Land according to G-d's Vision and Commandments and we will rely on Him alone and our unified efforts for our protection.

תיקון כל הרעות במדינה קשורה למלחמת צדק לעמירם והרבי נותן אִסטרָטֶגִיָה....  דקות1:45 'כשאתה יוזם את הקרב באופן יזום, אתה קובע את סדר היום'.  אני רואה 3 קרבות במלחמת צדק עמירם.
1. קרב עם מנהיגות בטחון  ושב"כ שהתעוללו עם נוער הגבעות ועמירם שהתעללו שהם פצצה מתקתקת. לפטר ולהחליף  אותם
2. הקרב עם בג"ץ ובית המשפט העליון  שאשרו עינויים לקבל הוודאות שקר. לפטר ולהחליף אותם.
3.  תיקון חטא המרגלים, עם רבנים שיהיה להם רוח אחרת משורש מחברון להלחם כמו יהושוע בן נון וכלב לדרוש מנהיגות  כמו עופר ווינטר  בקריאת שמע מלחמת מצוה עם האוייב וגם לדרוש כמו נוער גבעות משפט עברי לפי דעת התורה.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Right on evry count!