Thursday, September 26, 2019

Letter to Maury Litwack of TeachNYS. Using Turbovote to register is probably bad news.


Updated October 27,2019

Michelle Obama wants teachers to get their students to vote—and a new initiative features lesson plans and in-person trainings to help with that effort. Oct 23,2019

Something not right... A campaign by Democrats to encourage students, to register to vote? ...or to indoctrinate new voters to vote as Democrats?

An educated observation:

This seems like a calculated campaign conducted by not for profit organizations heavily funded by the Democratic party, as a quid pro quo deal.


Letter to Maury Litwack of TeachNYS.

Re: Using Turbovote to register New Yorkers to vote

Maybe I am paranoid but I got bad vibes from Turbovote.

It's logo " I love Democracy", and "Democracy Works" somehow made me feel it is biased towards voting for Democrats and not impartial as your newsletter suggests..

It collects personal data on new voters. 

I only partially filled out the form knowing I wouldn't complete and submit it since I am already registered and just wanted to see what personal data they were requesting. Turbovote is saving my data even though I never officially submitted it! What for??????

...and if it's in the wrong hands, personal data can then be used towards influencing the vote to be pro Democrat or whatever their bias is.

Reminders to vote can be selective by party for example. 

More subtle ways to influence the vote and manipulate the vote is happening via Google search engines and Facebook.  Turbovote can be in collusion as well 

Who is behind this?

It is only legit if it is impartial and transparent. If it is a tool of the Democratic Party, Turbovote should not deceptive. If there was integrity, it would explicitly inform  new voters they are conducting voter registration for the Democratic party..

They should not misrepresent themselves as merely a voter registration drive while their intention is to get impressionable young voters personal data and their political party preference. 

The fact that TeachNYS, under the OU, a trusted Kashrus Organization, is pushing this voter registration, knowing that Orthodox Jews will vote Republican is very suspicious unless somehow it will benefit the Democrats with whom TeachNYS is very much invested.

My friend then sent me some links which actually confirmed my suspicions. See below.  She writes

"Robin, anything connected to any NYC AGENCY IS SUSPECT. You are absolutely right to be suspicious!  We are known by the company we keep. If it walks like a duck..."

 Voter Registration or biased voters "Education"?

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Maury Litwack <>
Date: Wed, Sep 25, 2019, 6:17 PM
Subject: About Last Night!
To: <>

Last night's Teach NYS Annual Dinner Making History was a success. Thank you to the hundreds of lay leaders, countless school heads, dozens of elected officials, and all of our partners for coming together to celebrate our historic achievements and our remarkable honorees.

Maury Litwack and Senator Shelley Mayer  Daniel Lowy and Raizy Chechik  Elizabeth and Joe Braha and Rabbi Jeffrey Rothman
As mentioned last night, we have made history together, but we simply cannot stop there. In order to move forward we need YOU to…
  • Vote in every election. Yesterday was National Voter Registration Day, but that doesn't mean we stop today. Register to vote, change your address, request an absentee ballot, or simply register for election reminders so you never miss another one by clicking here
  • Share on social media. Follow us on Instagram and Twitter @TeachNYS and like us on FacebookSubscribe to our email list so you stay up to date with important updates.
  • Build relationships with your local elected officials. Join our network of activists today. Email Sydney Altfield at to get started and matched up with an elected official. Save the date for our Annual Mission to Albany – March 17th, 2020.
We look forward to 5780 and continuing to Make History together.

Shana Tova,
Maury Litwack and the entire Teach NYS team

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