Kol HaKavod, Much Gratitude and Appreciation to Laurie Cardoza Moore and PROCLAIMING JUSTICE TO THE NATIONS!!!!
Why did she tell him "leich kenos" — "go assemble"?
ANSWER: Nothing in this world happens accidentally. It is all through Divine Providence. The Heavenly acceptance of Haman's plot was due to the lashon hara — slander — that he spoke against the Jewish people in saying that they were "mefuzar umeforad" — "dispersed and disunited" — and lacking unity among themselves. To counteract this, Esther told Mordechai that two things were necessary: "Firstly, leich kenos — go assemble together — i.e. reunite — all the Jews present in Shushan. It is incumbent that unity and brotherly love prevail among them. Secondly, if everyone fasts and does teshuvah, I will undoubtedly succeed in my mission."
(fasting is to atone for the partying they did with King Achashveirosh)
(ספר השיחות תשמ"ט ע' 301)
WASHINGTON DC (3/14/2019) Evangelical leader Laurie Cardoza-Moore took her battle to remove Ilhan Omar from Congress to Capitol Hill this week where she personally delivered letters and a petition with tens of thousands of signatures to the offices of Nancy Pelosi and Attorney General William Barr. The letters demand a full and thorough investigation into Omar's connections with the Muslim Brotherhood, an organization that seeks the destruction of America. Laurie Cardoza-Moore, president of Proclaiming Justice to The Nations (PJTN) and host of the highly acclaimed Christian television program Focus On Israel which reaches an audience of over two billion viewers in 200 nations, has led the charge against Omar and has pledged to not stop until action is taken to remove her from Congress.
"Ilhan Omar is a self-professed anti-Semite and a danger to our great country. She is making a mockery of all Americans by sitting in the House of Representatives while publicly raising money for organizations that seek the destruction of our republic. We the people demand that a thorough investigation is carried out to ascertain her connections to the Muslim Brotherhood and its American affiliates. Until such time, it would only be appropriate that she stand down from office," remarked Laurie Cardoza-Moore.
Cardoza-Moore was in Washington this week to meet with a number of key lawmakers to push for action against Ilhan Omar. She has vowed to continue with her national campaign and petition, which has already garnered tens-of-thousands of signatures, until Omar is removed from Congress.
"Omar has gotten a free pass from the leadership of her party, but we the people will not be silent until she is removed from Congress. We are calling on each and every American to join this initiative by visiting our website at PJTN.org to sign the petition as well," added Cardoza-Moore.
The recent revelation of Omar's participation as a keynote speaker at events for the Muslim Brotherhood affiliated groups IRUSA and CAIR demonstrates her support for subversive factions aligned to destroy America and Western civilization itself.
"While she has already established her credentials as a vehement anti-Semite, Ilhan Omar is far worse than that. Omar may be in violation of a federal statute for fundraising for two Muslim Brotherhood charities that seek to destroy America. Omar's anti-Semitic comments do not reflect the values of Americans," said Laurie Cardoza-Moore. "How can a representative of the United States raise money for terrorist groups that seek our demise and equally serve on the House Foreign Affairs Committee, or for that matter, as a member of Congress?"
Ilhan Omar and Yousef Abdallah were keynote speakers at an Islamic Relief USA (IRUSA) fundraising event on February 23, 2019 in Tampa last month to raise money for Yemen. Abdallah, who promotes violent anti-Semitism, is also known for lauding a "resistance hero who helped kill more than 20 Jews" and "fired rockets at Tel Aviv" (Hillyer, Washington Examiner, 2/12 with credit to Middle East Forum, Clarion Project, and Investigative Project on Terrorism). After the Washington Examiner and the Jerusalem Post released a statement exposing Omar's anticipated appearance with Abdallah, Abdallah's name was removed from the program (Hillyer, Washington Examiner, 2/13).
IRUSA is a known subsidiary of Islamic Relief (IR), the largest Muslim fundraising group which has documented ties to the terrorist organizations Hamas, Hezbollah, and the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine. The United Arab Emirates (UAE) and Israel severed ties with Islamic Relief and financial organizations Credit Suisse, UBS, and HSBC have all closed down the accounts with IR because of their terror financing.
According to a 36-page report from the Middle East Forum, the founder of Islamic Relief, Hany El-Banna, has been involved with several organizations with ties to the Muslim Brotherhood and Hamas, including once serving as the trustee of the Muslim Aid charity that has funneled money to Hamas. (MiddleEastForum/media/MEFLibrary/pdf/Islamic-Relief) As a student, El-Banna was a member of the Muslim Brotherhood organization Federation of Student Islamic Societies. El-Banna has also praised the founder of the Muslim Brotherhood, Hassan Al Bana for being "held in so much awe and respect." (jewishjournal.com/news/nation/235411/)
Is IRUSA hiding behind the same "humanitarian-aide" cloak the Holy Land Foundation did? Is Ilhan Omar helping to advocate the support of the Muslim Brotherhood's overthrow of our Government? These are questions American citizens demand an answer to!
Additionally, Omar wil keynote at an upcoming Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR) fundraiser in Los Angeles. CAIR is the American arm of the Muslim Brotherhood, in addition to close ties to Hamas and Hezbollah. CAIR was designated as a terrorist group by the UAE and in 2009, CAIR was listed as an "unindicted co-conspirator" in the Holy Land Foundation Trial, the largest terrorist fundraising operation in the history of the United States. During the Holy Land Foundation investigation, the FBI uncovered an internal Muslim Brotherhood memo, "An Explanatory Memorandum On the General Strategic Goal for the Group in North America 5/22/1991," which mapped out the organization's plan to infiltrate and destroy America. The memorandum stated: "The Ikhwan [brothers] must understand that their work in America is a kind of grand Jihad in eliminating and destroying the Western civilization from within and "sabotaging" its miserable house by their hands and the hands of the believers so that it is eliminated and God's religion is made victorious over all other religions."
At the conclusion of the trial, David Kris, then Assistant Attorney General for National Security stated, "These sentences should serve as a strong warning to anyone who knowingly provides financial support to terrorists under the guise of humanitarian relief."
Following the Holy Land Foundation trial, the FBI severed its once-close ties with CAIR amid mounting evidence that it has links to a support network for Hamas. On September 19, 2013, the Department of Justice slammed the FBI for its ties with CAIR (www.centerforsecuritypolicy.org/2013/doj-ties-with-cair-muslim brotherhood/).
Under 18 U.S. Code § 2385. Advocating overthrow of Government; "Whoever organizes or helps or attempts to organize any society, group, or assembly of persons who teach, advocate, or encourage the overthrow or destruction of any such government by force or violence; or becomes or is a member of, or affiliates with, any such society, group, or assembly of persons, knowing the purposes thereof-Shall be fined under this title or imprisoned…"
And as if matters couldn't get worse for Omar, as a state representative in Minnesota, she pleaded for light sentences, mercy, and compassion for nine Somali ISIS fighters, apprehended before they could leave the U.S. (FOX 9, Minn.-St. Paul, 1/26). In fact, the FBI has stated that the 5th Congressional district Omar represents in Minnesota has been called "the terrorist recruitment capital of the U.S."
"Omar recently accused Jewish lawmakers of dual loyalty to Israel… my question to Omar, is where do your loyalties lie? Do they lie with the jihadi groups you're raising money for or to the Constitution you swore to protect? Americans demand a response!" concluded Cardoza-Moore.
Proclaiming Justice to The Nations (PJTN), a 501c3 non-profit organization, was established to educate Christians about their Biblical responsibility to stand with their Jewish brethren and Israel against the rise of global anti-Semitism. Utilizing powerful film and video presentations, a variety of grassroots rallies, events and speaking engagements to facilitate dialogue between the Christian and Jewish communities in support of the State of Israel and against global genocidal anti-Semitism. In recent months the organization has led the struggle against BDS in America with a wave of state resolutions and as exposed textbooks used in U.S. schools that are indoctrinating our children with inaccurate historical information, bias and values that do not reflect our nation. Laurie Cardoza-Moore, president of Proclaiming Justice to the Nations is the show host of the award-winning Evangelical docu-style program Focus On Israel that reaches a weekly global audience of over 2 billion in 200 nations through our 20 global media partners.
Link to petition: https://www.pjtn.org/demandomarresign
Resource PJTN online: www.pjtn.org
PJTN - US Office:
Jackie Monaghan
Sr. Media Advisor
(615) 646-5990—Direct
PJTN - Jerusalem Press Office
Avi Hyman
Proclaiming Justice to The Nations · 1858 Wilson Pike, Franklin, TN 37067, United States
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