Sunday, December 14, 2008

Mishmeret Yesha - Yisroel Danziger speaks at AFSI event - report from Janet Lehr


Dear Friends, amv"sh

On my recent trip with AFSI, Yisroel Danziger was one of our tour guides.  We saw places in Yesha on the hilltops of Judea and Samaria,  that are rarely seen on a typical trip to Israel.  These communities and pioneers rely on Yisroel Danziger and Mishmeret Yesha.

The first response teams that Mishmeret Yesha trained, were the first that responded during recent terror attacks thereby preventing more terror victims. 

We must do whatever we can to support and empower Mishmeret Yesha.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Janet Lehr <>
Date: Sat, Dec 13, 2008 at 6:05 PM
Subject: Israel Lives, December 13 2008.


ISRAEL LIVES  December 13, 2008  16th of Kislev, 5769  Mishmeret Yesha-Working Together.


AFSI [Americans for a Safe Israel] met this past week at the Safra Synagogue 11 E 63 St.  The Safra Synagogue is to be thanked for making its premises always available to speakers for Zion.  AFSI had as its speaker, Mr Izzy Danziger*, Dir. Of Operations of Mishemeret Yesha for the past 20 years. Though not his intention, during Q and A Mr Danziger revealed how Judea and Samaria residents are divided as a group, and some even apathetic.  If we held the hope that the 200,000 + residents of Yesha and the 100,000+ residents of threatened portions of Jerusalem would save Israel in perpetuity, think again.   Each Zionist, wherever he or she lives must become active, must double and more, their present commitment and identification with G-ds blessing to the Jewish People, the land of Israel.  [Please read the attachments on Mishmeret Yesha (1) the important works they do and (2) easily supplied items needed.]


We in the diaspera and within Israel must identify those who are solidly behind a Zionist Israel and all that that implies -

o r  t h e r e   w i l l  b e  n o  I s r a e l   i n  t h e  n e x t   g e n e r a t i o n. 


>Who do you count among your readers that you know travel 'private' to Israel and would transport thermal underwear, or special flashlights or other gear, all non-military, not on any prohibited list.  Do know tourists or business people flying direct to Israel, or those going on a mission?  Everyone flying to Israel should be encouraged to bring needed goods.  I've attached 2 pdfs provided by Izzy Danziger, Mishmeret Yesha.  You'll see that many, many items are needed.  I following emails I'll provide more information.  For now, think about who you know (1) leaving on a mission, (2) who will be touring and (3) who flies private.  I am presently working on convenient places in Tel Aviv and Jerusalem that will hold the items til picked up.  If you have contacts in Israel that would act as a temporary 'garage (small storage)' or 'warehouse (larger storage)', please let me know.


>We need to coordinate.  Each of us has list-members who though true supporters of a Zionist Israel are not broadly connected.  Shouldn't we build a core list?


>We need to take extreme care in our own host nations to see that Israel's needs are respected and that any aggression against Jews is treated as it is, as a HATE CRIME.  'Left Wing' and Islamic opposition are far better funded today than are supporters of a Jewish Israel.   Politicians and media need to be monitored, congratulated and chastised as is appropriate; and actively cultivated.   


>Left wing brethren need to be brought to the realization of what a polymorphous Israel really would mean, to themselves personally, to the entire Jewish community, and ultimately to the world - Remember Czechoslovakia before WWII !!  Acquiescent Internationalists and 'peace now-niks' are Islam's greatest monetary and activist supporters in their battle against the existence of the Jewish State of Israel, after Saudi Arabia.   If people care of nothing more than for a 'free' world, little Israel as a Jewish State, is all that separates Islam from the world. 


> What are your broad group counts?  How many do you count as activists?  Please let me know these figures. 

Invigorate your larger groups.  Deploy your activists.  Everyone a task within his capability.  


In conclusion:

>We who are very few in number, must identify and support activists and activist organizations, perhaps to the exclusion of all other support we have learned to give the larger community in which we live.  Israel's existence is severely threatened, now.  Amegeddon is approaching very quickly.  Don't let it be, "Not with a bang, but a whimper"  [T.S.Elliot The Hollow Men.  Elliot speculated that life on earth might not after all be terminated catastrophically, but through cultural decline.]



*Mr. Danziger's front line activities with Mishmeret Yesha include: oversight of security activities, land redemption, legal representation for Yesha residents and emergency medical care. Mishmeret Yesha is renowned for the training and equipping of the Rapid Response Teams which provide IDF coordinated security to the communities of Judea and Samaria against terrorist infiltrations.

Mishmeret Yesha  is a frontline organization.  To donate to Mishmeret Yesha, make checks payable to: Central Fund of Israel-VESTSDonations will be acknowledged as coming from a 501c3 charity.


Shabbat Shalom



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Janet Lehr                                                             If I am not for myself, WHO WILL BE?

IsraelLives                                                               If I am only for myself, WHAT AM I?                                                              If not now, WHEN ?

Rabbi Hillel




Friday, December 12, 2008

bs"d Rav Waldman opinion on a YESHA army with Rabbinic sanction


This discussion calls for an open debate!!!

Yesterday night I had a lengthy phone discussion with Rav Waldman.  Rav Waldman has been a true supporter and builder of Yesha, a respected Rosh Yeshiva of  Nir Kiryat Arba and someone that has always spoken with clarity regarding our entitlement of all parts of Eretz Yisroel.. 

But I asked his opinion to a matter that the Jews in Yesha are afraid to speak about openly and is disussed behind closed door especially among the teenagers..

I said as follows:

Given our Divine entitlement to Eretz Yisroel based on the Torah and given the facts on the ground of the illegal and immoral way the Gov't of Israel (GOI) has been treating the Jews of Yesha and the many legitimate grievances the settlers of Yesha have against the GOI,  far more intolerable than the intolderable acts of the 13 Colonies...

- and  whereas, the GOI has many times failed to protect its citizens in YESHA from Arab Aggression and have instead persecuted the settlers of YESHA when they act in self defense by throwing them in jail or  putting them in administrative detention

- and whereas, the GOI  has confiscated the weapons of the settlers in very dangerous areas or has plans to confiscate their weapons.

- and whereas the GOI has a corrupt Supreme Court whose judges are appointed based on politics and  have a history of  corruption, bribes and  discrimination against the settlers

-  and whereas the GOI has forcibly destroyed the homes and property of its most loyal citizens and tax payers and has brought untold grief upon innocent families and communities in Gush Katif and in the Shomron

- and whereas the GOI is planning to do the same to the Jews living in Judea and Samaria and parts of Jerusalem, whose legality is determined  by them simply by politics but not by our Biblical, Historic connection and entitlement of the Land of Israel

- and whereas the PA (Palestinian Authority) has an agenda and openly will educate their children with the agenda of the destruction of Israel

- and whereas, the security of the rest of Israel including it's major airport and Power plant are clearly visible from what will become Palestine, thereby endangering the lives of all Israeli's

- Whereas the media is controlled largely by the left portraying the settlers as lawless, extremists, believers in a Messianic cult, militant promoting terror against masses of innocent Arab civilians and the rightist media is surpressed, 

- and whereas the settlers of Judea and Samaria belong to a country that wishes to cut them off

HOW ARE THEY SUPPOSED TO RESPOND when the Border Police and IDF attack them with clubs and riot gear and beat up the men women and children when they assert their entitlement to living on our Land?

Given the fact that the Settlers have tried to the best of their abillities to setlle the differences peacefully and the gov't has refused to listen...

Would the Rabbanim support the legitimate right of Yesha to unite for their own self preservation and assert their rightful entitlement to Eretz Yisroel, institute self rule in accordance of Torah with the backing of Rabbinic Leadership and choose officials and representatives to help govern and authorize the formation of a Yesha army whose purpose is  to defend themselves against Kassam or Yassam or progroms?

Rabbi Waldman told me that while he is in agreement as per our entitlement and the grievances,  he is in disagreement with me on this decision to allow a Yesha army to oppose the Israeli army and that it would be irresponsible to take such a route. He is hoping for a different government other than the present administration not making this step necessary. Pehaps he still believes that when push comes to shove the GOI will protect its citizens and the Jewish people.

 I am hoping that Rabbi Waldman will think practically about what happened in Mumbai and armed with the knowledge that Fatah  is not at all moderate or peaceloving and the release of terrorists and the expulsion of Beit Hashalom and the influx of monies flowing to the Palestinians and the hateful rhetoric of the imams towards the Jews of Hebron is reaching a boiling point waiting to explode.

But Let's celebrate!   The Religous Zionists are Uniting with the Agudist Rabbanim.

What do you mean?  Is this for real? Yes,  I can verify that indeed I do not lie and it is for real!

"On what have they United?", you ask with burning curiosity?

Well here's an answer.   They have united in rejecting  ideas on establishing A Torah Authority in Yesha and a declaration of Independence from the STATE of Israel.. 

It is a historical fact that the GOI was established by secular Jews who were strong Zionists but did not recognize that the Torah is necessary for our setltlement of Zion.

It is also true that many of the Chareidi Jews felt that settling the Land of Israel according to the Torah is only for the Messianic Time and does not recognize that the proper time has come.  They do not see the Land of Israel relevant to their practical observance of Torah and they will not speak out against a Palestinian State or for our entitlement of Yesha.

So the secular society rejects our precous gift the Torah and the Chareidi society rejects our precious gift Eretz Yisroel.

So lets suggest the following path to Teshuva and at the same time unite both sectors of our population.  This solution calls for a rejection of a Secular State and the birth of a  Jewish Governed Land governed  by Torah and mitzvoth as per the guidance of Authentic Torah leaders who demonstrate fear of Heaven and Belief in One G-d and  not swayed by politics.  The end result will be that the Nations of the World will recognize "Am Chacham Venavon, that we are a wise and just and H-ly Nation, a Mamlechet Kohaninim VeGoy Kadosh, a kingdom of priests and this will bring peace and prosperity to Mankind. 

Maybe Moshiach is knocking very loudly at our door and we are turning him away.

Now let's study some American History. (Notes taken from Mrs. Blum 5th Grade Class Toras Emes)

May 1775: The Second Continental Congress met in Philadelphia. The patriots sent a letter called the Olive Branch Petition to King George III.  It told of their desire for peace and asked him to repeal the Intolerable Acts.  The decided to form a colonial army.  They asked all colonies to send soldiers.

George Washington was chosen to lead the Continental Army.  The Congress also asked each Colony to give money to support the army. They needed to pay full-time soldiers, buy guns, bullets, food and uniforms.  They also voted to print their own money (Continental Currency).

January 1776: Thomas Paine published Common Sense.  He attacked King George III and questioned the idea of one person having all the authority to rule.  He felt that people should rule themselves.  Paine called for a revolution (a complete change of government).

Richard Henry Lee of Virginia spoke to Congress.  He said that the colonies no longer owed allegiance to the King.  Congress waited almost a month before voting on the idea of cutting off ties with Britain.  Not all of the colonies were ready to independence.  In the meantime they formed a committee to draw up a declaration of Independence.

Committee Members:  Benjamin Franklin, John Adams, Robert Livingston, Roger Sherman, Thomas Jefferson.

Thomas Jefferson: 33 years old; from Virginia, main author of declaration, lawyer, studied gov't , spent 17 days and nights writing.

Parts of the Declaration of Independence:


It States why the Declaration was needed.  People must cut themselves off from the country they belong to when they find they have no choice.  They must also explain their reasons for seeking independence.

Second Part:

it lists the colonists' main ideas about government.

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness."

Third Part;

it lists the colonists' girevances against the King, the ways they tried to settle their differences peacefully, and the way the king refused to listen.

Last Part:

Delares Independence

Thursday, December 11, 2008

War on Kosher


I'm afraid that this battle against Rubashkin has much less to do about upholding the law than it does about unchecked antisemitism.  Employing illegal immigrants is commonly done because it serves a mutual need and if you are not caught everyone turns a blind eye.  Of course people prefer to do things legally but sometimes there are considerations which include hiring someone that is capable and affordable with a prayer that this individual will be given citizenship because of his/her fine character that would be an asset to America.

I am not here to defend Rubashkin or to speak out against them since I don't know the facts.  But one doesn't need to know the facts to know that the issue of illegal immigrants is not just Rubashkin's problem and they should not be getting the brunt of criminal prosecution and a double standard on Rubashkin family alone when the same illegatlities are commonly shared by a majority of upright, law abiding American Citizens.

Sincerely, Robin Ticker

Dear Friends,

I have just read and signed the petition: "The War on Kosher".

Please take a moment to read about this important issue, and join me in signing the petition. It takes just 30 seconds, but can truly make a difference. We are trying to reach 15000 signatures - please sign here:

Once you have signed, you can help even more by asking your friends and family to sign as well.

Thank you! Robin

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Australian Friends of Gush Katif and Shomron Letter of Condemnation re: Beit Hashalom


This letter of condemnation to the Ambassador to Israel to be delivered to the Prime Minister follows a similar strongly worded letter from the Toronto Zionist Council to Israel's Ambassador in Ottawa and the  Israel Consulate General in Toronto

The Young Israel also sent a strong letter of concern.

Let's keep the letters coming.  Robin

From: <>


09/12/08                                                                                          With G-d's blessing                     B"H


Australian Friends of Gush Katif & Shomron Inc

P.O. Box 653






                 Telephone: (+613) 9528 3395


Following the forcible eviction of Jews from the Peace House in Hebron last Thursday (4 December 2008), the Australian Friends of Gush Katif & Shomron Inc (AFOGKAS) will travel to Canberra this Wednesday (10 December 2008) to call on Israel to right this terrible injustice.  The way in which the legal rights of these Israeli citizens were trampled upon has drawn stern condemnation in Israel and from around the world.  The central issue is that the legal rights of these evictees were patently and blatantly violated in a most aggressive manner and this conduct can neither be condoned, tolerated endorsed or repeated.
AFOGKAS will be delivering to the Israeli Ambassador a letter for the Prime Minister of Israel formally calling upon him to ensure that the legal rights of the evictees are restored forthwith and they be permitted to re-occupy the Peace House immediately.      
A short vigil will then be held outside the Israeli Embassy where the theme will be:

 Israel - Protect the Rights of Jews NOW!


fwd: Chaim Richman - NEW UTUBE FILM - Emergency Campaign Against Two State Solution - Please Distribute


Please view, go on the website to sign on and forward.  Thanks. Robin

From: Chaim Richman <>
Date: Tue, Dec 9, 2008 at 3:16 PM
Subject: new film - emergency campaign against two state solution - please distribute

A new group has formed, of which I am a member, solely for the purpose of mounting a public campaign against the two state solution which we fear is going to be forced upon Israel in the immediate future by Obama and Blair. Time is running out.   
You can also check out
Chaim Richman

Rabbi Chaim Richman
Director, International Department
The Temple Institute
PO Box 31876 Jerusalem, Israel

Tuesday, December 09, 2008

To the Manhigut Team - bs"d May you go from Strength to Strength LeToval - Yasher Koach! Robin


To Moshe Feiglin and the Manhigut Team!

You are a team that has fear of G-d and truly committed and connected to the Torah! 

May you continue to educate the people with our Jewish Heritage and lead the Nation of Israel with strength against our common enemy.who have shown their true colors in Mumbai.

Let the leftist Media not learn firsthand as did Dan Perl what the Jewish Nation is up against in this present time, and work with us rather than against us to destroy our common hateful enemies rather than portray those like Moshe Feiglin that stand for good, justice and peace with name calling such as  "hawkish, extremist, radical or fanatical".

Let their eyes be open to understand that it is them, the leftist media  that is empowering the forces of evil to continue and let them understand that it is the very individuals whom they mock that are truly desirous of goodness, real peace and prosperity.

I hope it doesn't take an attack on Ben Gurion runways or on a nuclear power plant from the newly established "State of Palestine", G-d forbid, (now within shooting range),  to penetrate the minds of leftist reporters such as Josh Mitnick and give them an understanding that what they have reported through their depiction of Fatah as peaceloving and moderate is actually the very opposite.  Let them realize that they have indirectly strengthened Islamic fundamentalism, and Nazi ideology with their leftist media slant, one sided and inaccurate reporting.

We do not want them to learn the hard way or for them or their kids to witness more gruesome torture and mutilation of innocent civilians firsthand.

Fear of the One and only G-d and respect for our H-ly Torah is the first step towards this understanding. If they show tolerance for  "religious" beliefs of our enemies, who advocate our destruction, can't they first show some tolerance and go back to their own Jewish Heritage for some answers. .

We want the leftwing Jewish journalists to gain an  understanding before it is too late.

Moshe Feiglin has overcome in spite of spiteful press and may he continue to win the hearts and mind of the people.

To the Manhigut Team - bs"d May you go from Strength to Strength LeToval - Yasher Koach! Robin


To Moshe Feiglin and the Manhigut Team!

You are a team that has fear of G-d and truly committed and connected to the Torah! 

May you continue to educate the people with our Jewish Heritage and lead the Nation of Israel with strength against our common enemy.who have shown their true colors in Mumbai.

Let the leftist Media not learn firsthand as did Dan Perl what the Jewish Nation is up against in this present time, and work with us rather than against us to destroy our common hateful enemies rather than portray those like Moshe Feiglin that stand for good, justice and peace with name calling such as  "hawkish, extremist, radical or fanatical".

Let their eyes be open to understand that it is them, the leftist media  that is empowering the forces of evil to continue and let them understand that it is the very individuals whom they mock that are truly desirous of goodness, real peace and prosperity.

I hope it doesn't take an attack on Ben Gurion runways or on a nuclear power plant from the newly established "State of Palestine", G-d forbid, (now within shooting range),  to penetrate the minds of leftist reporters such as Josh Mitnick and give them an understanding that what they have reported through their depiction of Fatah as peaceloving and moderate is actually the very opposite.  Let them realize that they have indirectly strengthened Islamic fundamentalism, and Nazi ideology with their leftist media slant, one sided and inaccurate reporting.

We do not want them to learn the hard way or for them or their kids to witness more gruesome torture and mutilation of innocent civilians firsthand.

Fear of the One and only G-d and respect for our H-ly Torah is the first step towards this understanding. If they show tolerance for  "religious" beliefs of our enemies, who advocate our destruction, can't they first show some tolerance and go back to their own Jewish Heritage for some answers. .

We want the leftwing Jewish journalists to gain an  understanding before it is too late.

Moshe Feiglin has overcome in spite of spiteful press and may he continue to win the hearts and mind of the people.

David Wilder from Hebron writes following the Expulsion of Hebron

Extremism Breeds Extremism
David Wilder - The Jerusalem Post Dec. 7, 2008

Following the expulsion of families from Beit Hashalom in Hebron, during a
radio interview with the BBC, I was asked about our future plans. When I
responded that the community would continue to purchase property in Hebron,
the interviewer asked, "But won't that just cause more violence?" I
answered, "If I bought a home in London and was told that a Jew purchasing
on 'that side of the city' would cause a violent reaction, how would that be
viewed? Probably as anti-Semitism and racism. Why then can't a Jew buy
property in Hebron, just as people purchase homes all over the world?"

Another common question I've had to field from journalists is, "Don't you
think this has all gotten out of control?" My response is quite simple: "Of
course it is totally out of control. That's not the question. The question
is who is out of control?" Clearly, in my opinion, those who have lost
control are those democratic institutions which are designed to protect
citizens from despotic leadership.

FOLLOWING PURCHASE of Beit Hashalom for close to $1 million, the Hebron
community found itself under attack from numerous sources. Rapidly the
question of our legitimate presence in the building made its way to court.
The original court decision found enough evidence supporting our claims to
prevent immediate eviction. However, harsh restrictions were imposed,
including denial to install windows and to hook up to the Hebron municipal
electric grid. Only in the middle of a major snowstorm did the defense
minister allow installation of windows in the building last winter.

Due to the political sensitivity of the case, we soon found ourselves
opposite a Supreme Court panel hearing the various issues involved. That
panel was composed of Supreme Court President Dorit Beinisch and Justices
Edmond Levy and Uzi Fogelman. Levy is religious. Following a break in the
court hearings, Beinisch changed the panel, removing Levy and Fogelman and
replacing them with Justices Ayala Procaccia, who is known to be one of the
most left-wing justices on the court, and Salim Joubran, the only Arab on
the court. Beinisch, it must be noted, is not known for her right-wing
ideological opinions. Two leftist justices and an Arab were left to decide
the fate of the Jews living in Beit Hashalom. If that's not a stacked deck,
nothing is. So wrote retired District Court judge Uzi Struzman, calling the
court's final decision blatantly political.

In that decision, the court ruled that it would not examine the evidence
presented, including proof of authentication of the legal sales documents, a
video of the seller receiving and counting the money received for the
building, and an audio recording of his description of the sale and receipt
of the money.

Attorney-General Menahem Mazuz, when presented with new evidence in the
case, specifically the audio cassette, refused to meet with community
attorneys or examine the proof of purchase.

Defense Minister Ehud Barak announced only two weeks ago his intention to
legalize all the illegal Beduin construction in the South. Yet he gave the
go-ahead to violently expel all residents of the building in the midst of
advanced high-level negotiations which would have allowed him to forgo the
brutal confrontation.

These are examples of nothing less than terror - administrative terror,
utilized by the highest echelons of the country's democratic institutions to
further their own political beliefs against loyal citizens of the state, in
this case, residents of the Hebron Jewish community.

FOLLOWING VIOLENT reactions to the extremely harsh expulsion, which included
use of tear gas and stun grenades, I was asked about "red lines" - and
decisions to "cross those red lines." Unfortunately we are presently facing
situations where the government is crossing all the red lines that
previously existed. The transformation of the judicial system, including the
attorney-general and the Supreme Court, into an extended arm of the
political arena ends all notions of impartiality or objectivity.

Hebron residents are often labeled extremists. However nothing could be more
extreme than the above-described actions of Mazuz and Beinisch. But due to
their positions and political ideologies, their extremism is considered

It should be clear. Hebron's Jewish community opposes and rejects any and
all violence aimed at innocent people, be they Arabs, Jews or anyone else.
However it is unthinkable and intolerable that Israel's top leadership
should change the rules in the middle of the game, expecting the other side
to play by the old ones, while they play by the new. Such actions, as we
have recently witnessed, quite literally push a large segment of the
population into a corner with no way out, creating a dangerously volatile
situation. Peace may breed peace but by the same token, extremism breeds

The real danger to Israeli society is not a few dozen kids throwing rocks
while violently and illegitimately being thrown out of a home in Hebron. The
true threat to our country is the warping of the fundamental institutions
whose presence is supposed to protect the people rather than terrorize them.
The decisions made concerning Beit Hashalom were not based upon justice,
rather upon pure judicial terror.

The writer is spokesman of the Jewish community of Hebron.

Monday, December 08, 2008

Strategic Places within Israel as "SEEN FROM PALESTINE" Amazing Pictures! Maybe you'll even see your own home in Israel.


As Seen from Palestine:  Thank you Rafael Rabinovich for posting!



When we speak out for our entitlement of YESHA and against a Palestinian State we speak out for all of Israel and for the protection of Jews (and non Jews) all over the world!

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Menachem Kovacs <>
Date: Mon, Dec 8, 2008 at 12:21 PM
Subject: "Palestine" would be a great security threat to Israel: see enclosed photos of Ben Gurion Airport, Tel Aviv, etc. from "Palestine"
To: undisclosed-recipients

This is very very scary!

--- On Sun, 12/7/08, Martin Sherman <> wrote:
From: Martin Sherman <>
Subject: [unitedorange] Pictures worth a 1000 words: BG and TA from PA ??
Date: Sunday, December 7, 2008, 10:30 AM

 Dear Recipients

Hope that you find the following of some interest.

Proponents of Israeli withdrawal from Judea and Samaria often cite the Demographic Imperative as the reason for their position.

There is however an equally grave and menacing - and more immediate -  imperative that militates strongly against such withdrawal.
This is the Geographic Imperative  -  which needs to be addressed before any responsible Israeli government can contemplate relinquishing control of Judea and Samaria (the "West Bank"), from which ALL of the following will be in range of weapons being used today  against Israel  from territories relinquished to Palestinian rule (misrule?):
  • Major Airfields (Civilian and Military) including the Country's only International Airport  
  • Major Sea Ports and Naval Bases
  • Vital Infrastructure Installations
  • Main Land Transport Routes (Road and Rail)
  • Principal Power Plants
  • The Nation's Parliament
  • Centers of Government and Military Command
  • 80% of the Civilian Population and of the Commercial Activity in the Country.
The attached photographs, taken on a recent trip I made  with my son-in-law - an officer in an elite IDF combat unit  and an accomplished photographer - to areas designated for the Palestinian State envisioned in the "Peace Process",  graphically illustrate the gravity of the Geographic Imperative and the potential perils involved in not addressing it.

They show quite vividly just how exposed and vulnerable vital strategic locations and major urban population centers would be, should Israel transfer control of the highlands east of the coastal plan to a Palestinian regime.
The attached selection of pictures,  shot from sites close to the Palestinian villages Rantis & A-Luban (and the Jewish settlements of Beit Aryeh and Ofarim) , illustrate dramatically the commanding view the Palestinians would have of:

  • The Main Terminal & Runway at Ben Gurion Airport
  • Planes Taking Off On Runway of Ben Gurion Airport
  • The Main Terminal at Ben Gurion Airport
  • Azrieli Towers and Central Tel Aviv
  • Diamond Exchange Area, Ramat Gan
  • Reading Power Station and North Dan Region

 I have sent the material in PDF form rather than PowerPoint to keep the file size relative small.  The pictures can be can be  enlarged by pressing "Cntrl + 2" or with the "Zoom" function accessible  view the "View" option on the toolbar.

(All photos by Hagai Nativ,   My thanks to Col (res) Yehoar Gal, who helped organize the trip and choose the locations )

Best wishes









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    Sunday, December 07, 2008

    AFSI NYC EVENT 12/9 -- REPORT FROM ISRAEL'S FRONT LINES - This is a must for all EY activists!


    Yisroel Danziger is fantastic!  He was our tour guide on the Afsi trip. If you can, really try to make this event!

    ---------- Forwarded message ----------
    From: afsi <>
    Date: Fri, Dec 5, 2008 at 1:07 PM
    To: Robin Ticker <>






    Please join Americans for a Safe Israel/AFSI for an informative evening with Yisrael Danziger. Mr. Danziger is Director of Operations of Mishemeret Yesha, a 37 year resident of Judea and Samaria, and an intense activist for the past 20 years. 


    Where: The Edmond J. Safra Synagogue (11 E. 63rd St. between 5th and Madison, NYC)

    When: Tuesday, December 9th at 7:30 pm 


    Mr. Danziger's front line activities with Mishmeret Yesha include: oversight of security activities, land redemption, legal representation for Yesha residents and emergency medical care. Mishmeret Yesha is renowned for the training and equipping of the Rapid Response Teams which provide IDF coordinated security to the communities of Judea and Samaria against terrorist infiltrations.


    Topics to be addressed include:


    Lessons from the Peace House in Hebron

    The Upcoming Primaries and Elections in Israel – What to expect from a Netanyahu Government

    The Government "Surge" Against Independent Outposts

    The Yesha Council – Have they lost their right to lead?

    The "Hilltop Youth" -- Their love and self sacrifice for the Land of Israel and the Jewish People

    Mumbai – Insights from a counter terrorism professional


    Ample time will be provided for questions and answers

    Admission is free

    RSVP to AFSI – contact info above








    Update from Rav Shmuel Kamenetsky Moetzet Gedolei Yisroel in Eretz Yisroel must speak out Iהודעה בענין בית השלום


    Dear Rabbanim and fellow activists, amv"sh

    As the expulsion of Beit Hashalom in Hebron was taking place on Thursday morning, I was on the phone with Rav Shmuel Kamenetsky a member of the MGH (Moetzet Gedolei Hatorah), Rosh Yeshiva of Yeshiva of Philadelphia and spiritual mentor of the Chofetz Chaim Heritage Foundation who reaches hundreds of thousands of Jews with their excellent educational programming.  I tried to arrange a meeting between him and with Rav Waldman, Rosh Yeshiva of Nir Kiryat Arba, who came in that morning  to NY from Israel. Some of Rav Waldman's students were injured in this violent expulsion in Beit Hashalom. Rav Waldman was intimately involved with what was happening on site just the day before.   I begged Rav Kamenetsky to make a statement of our entitlement of Eretz Yisroel.  He said it is up to the Rabbanim in EY.  I said well there are many Rabbanim in EY.  He was unwilling to make a personal statement and he clearly said that he did not want to call Rav Waldman at this time. 

    I then called Michael Rothschild Exec Director of the Chofetz Chaim Heritage Foundation.  He actually picked up the phone which has never really happened in the past except once.  I told him about the expulsion of the Beit Hashalom House he was sympathetic but said there was an important bank transaction he had to attend to.  I got a bit emotional and said that I just spoke to Rav Kamenetsky who was not interested in calling Rav Waldman from Hebron.  I asked him what the point was of all the lectures on Al Taamod Al Dam Reiecha and Ahavas Chinom and yearning for the Beis Hamikdash.  Was it at all relevant?  He apologized and wished me Bracha Vehatzlacha.  I told him "Do you really mean that?". 

    I also called Rabbi Bloom from Agudath Yisroel.  He put me on hold a lot especially when I tried to get my 2 sense in, (I tend to be a bit expressive) but he told me that he spoke to Rav Eliashiv personally and that Eliashiv shlita is extremely sharp even at the age of 99 amv"sh bli ayin hara.  I asked him how come the Agudah Convention made a resolution about an undivided Yerushalyim last year and it's pretty clear Condeleeza Rice is talking about giving away parts of Yerushalayim and Agudath Yisroel is now silent.  Rabbi Bloom said that Rav Eliashiv is not necessarily against agreements or giving away land since he agreed to the agreement with Egypt regarding Sinai and the agreement with Jordan but as a negotiating strategy it's dangerous to offer parts of Yerushalyim since then they will want it all.  I said if that's the case why didn't Rav Eliashiv take the negotiating position of Jewish Land up to the Euphrates so that there is some leeway in negotiating to the boundaries listed in Parshat Masei.  He didn't have an answer to that.

    In any case, Rav Morgenstern gave a different report of what Rav Eliashiv said and Evelyn Haze said that at Rav Avrahom Shapiras funeral, Rav Eliashiv said not one inch.  I would like to get a copy of that speech to get the exact wording of Rav Eliashiv for clarification. i would also like to hear from Rav Nachum Rabinovitch, Rosh Yeshiva Maaleh Adumim and member of Rabbanei Yesha regarding this matter. Without an official position, it's hard to know what to believe...

    Rav Waldman said that after Oslo, Rav Avrohom Shapiro sent a group of Rabbanim called Rabbanei Eretz Yisroel to America and they talked to Agudath Yisroel of America.  Then too they said that they can not make a statement w/o the Rabbanim in EY speaking out....

    The time has come to get the media to bring their cameras to the "Rabbanim of Eretz Yisroel" the MGH (Moetzet Gedolei Hatorah) and get clarification about what their position is regarding Yehudah and the Shomron and if they are in favor of a Palestinian State.

    The MGH of EY should also be asked what in their opinion should be the response of the Jews in Yesha  when the GOI (Gov't of Israel) does not allow them to build, expand, allow for growth, arrests them for defending themselves or their homes and property and iunstead criminally prosecutes them, places them in adminstrative arrest with no charges, and expels them from their homes inhumanely (see video clips of Federman/Tor expulsion, Beit Hashalom expulsion, Amona Expulsion, violent expulsion of men women and children).

    What is the MGH response to the multitudes upon multitudes of unoccupied houses now being built in Israel proper unhampered in what is considered the "Palestinian Territories" with funding flowing from USAID, European Union, Saudi Arabia etc.  These properties are built all over and especially along this new wall dividing Israel.  Many of these properties are on high ground and.or close shooting range to roads or population centers within and outside the Green Line.  How do we protect the electric and water lines to Yesha if they are now much more vulnerable? Major cities like Tel Aviv, Ashkelon etc will be in range if there is a Palestinian State Chas Vechalila.

    What is the MGH's opinion regarding the United Nations overseeing Israel's security.  Are they aware of the UN's position regarding Israel.

     Are they aware of Barack Obama and the UN's Drive for Global Governance.  (see Tom Deweese, Wednesday, July 16, 2008 )

    If they agree to a Palestinian State with their Silence, what do they suggest we do if Chas VeChalila Israel  falls under attack by this moderate Fatah State? Shall we pick up and leave Israel?  Will other countries even want the Jews?  We want to know their Daas Torah on all of this.....

    If they do not really want a Palestinian State and feel that we indeed are entitled to YESHA by the Torah then can they please say so explicitly so as to end all confusion and suggest how the Jews in Yesha defend our G-d Given Entitlement.  Could they please mobilize their constituencies to work with unity with the rest of the people towards saving Yesha from an Amalek State in order to protect Jews all over the world and the rest of mankind as well.

    From: Avi Shafran <>
    Date: Mon, Oct 6, 2008 at 9:20 AM
    Subject: Re: response to your questions
    To: Robin Ticker <>

    The following list is copied from

    Current members belonging to Agudath Israel

        Rabbi Yaakov Aryeh Alter, the Rebbe of Ger (Hasidic dynasty) (Chairman)
        Rabbi Moshe Yehoshua Hager, the Rebbe of Vizhnitz (Hasidic dynasty)
        Rabbi Levi Yitzchak Horowitz, the Rebbe of Boston (Hasidic dynasty)
        Rabbi Avrohom Yaakov Friedman, the Rebbe of Sadigura (Hasidic dynasty)
        Rabbi Chaim Shaul Taub, the Rebbe of Modzitz (Hasidic dynasty)
        Rabbi Yochanan Sofer, the Rebbe of Erlau

    Current members belonging to Degel HaTorah

        Rabbi Yosef Shalom Eliashiv (Co-Chairman)
        Rabbi Aharon Leib Shteinman, the Rosh Yeshiva of the Ponevezh Yeshiva (Co-Chairman)
        Rabbi Yissachar Dov Rokeach (II), the Rebbe of Belz (Hasidic dynasty)
        Rabbi Michel Yehuda Lefkowitz, the Rosh Yeshiva of the Ponevezh Yeshiva
        Rabbi Chaim Pinchas Scheinberg, the Rosh Yeshiva of the yeshiva Torah Ore
        Rabbi Shmuel Auerbach, the Rosh Yeshiva of the Maalos HaTorah yeshiva
        Rabbi Nosson Tzvi Finkel (Mir), the Rosh Yeshiva of the Mir yeshiva (Jerusalem)
        Rabbi Gershon Edelstein, the Rosh Yeshiva of the Ponevezh Yeshiva
        Rabbi Meir Tzvi Bergman, the Rosh Yeshiva of the Yeshiva Rashbi

    On Sat, Dec 6, 2008 at 11:44 PM, Israel Kaplan <> wrote:
    Dear Rabbis & Friends
    Over the past few years we have attempted time and time again to convince our Rabbinical leaders both in Eretz Yisrael and in North America to provide direction to the many who are feeling leaderless and lost.   The crisis that exsists in Eretz Yisrael continues to expand into the diaspora whether skyrocketting antisemtism in Europe, Mumbai, India or electing a new US president that may show balance to the Islam nations of the world.
    As an individual who understands all too well how the Jewish people function or disfunction, I can only express from the depth of my Jewish soul how necessary it is for the Rabbincal World to show through actions and words direction during these dark, dark days.    With that said we respectfully ask the Rabbincal world to please consider encouraging your colleagues on both sides of the ocean to join together and petition the current Israeli government to end there criminal and discrimantory acts against the Holy Jews of Yesha.   Moreover a well funded campaign should commence forthwith for Jews world-wide to petition their leaders in the US, Europe and Israel to end all of these insane suicidal and chaotic negotiations with these terrorists dressed in suits.   We are hopefull that if the Israeli Rabbinate, who to date are weak and afraid by the threats of Israeli governments economic strangulation are encouraged to speak up by the North American colleagues, it is possible that a new dynamic could be in the making.   The very, very worst that could happen is that an attempt at speaking out may reach the ears of Rachamay Shomayim.   Lastly, $$$$.   Who pays for a well oiled campaign.  The answer, we all pay.  If the Rabbinate comes out with a unified voice that brothers and sisters, we are in trouble, you can believe that the Jews will come to the rescue.   However if the Rabbincal world has other agendas that they feel might be jeoprodized, showing that our current emergency can wait then we will continue to be at the loosing end of Jewish leadership.
    Shavuah Tov

    416 824 2858
    416 256 2858
    Check out my new blog

    Thursday, December 04, 2008

    All the News that is fit to Print about YESHA but not found in Jewish Press, Yated and Hamodia and not talked about in the Agudah Convention or the OU Convention


    My Dear readers, amv"sh

    Please visit and support and publicize the YESHA BULLETIN  for the Latest News regarding Beith Hashalom, Judea and SAMARIA.. Published and edited by Rivka Ryback, they have links to Arutz7, Women in Green, Mishmeret Yesha, and many articles in the media that are related to Yesha. 

    We would like to get a Yesha Bulletin newspaper off the ground as well.  I have an insatiable appetite for News from Yesha that is not slanted to the left.  It is being fed by emails by  Nadia Matar - Women in Green, Susie Dym - Matot Arim,  Pidion Shvuyim, Helen Freedman,  Israel Kaplin,  Mishmeret Yesha - Israel Danzinger, Eretz Yisroel Shalanu=  Rabbi Wolpe, the Toronto Zionist Council - Yossi Winter, Renanah Goldhar, Joe Gemeiner, Paul Eidelberg, Buddy Macy, Afsi, Yosef Rabin, Dan Luria, Israel Land Fund, Rabbi Algaze. Rafael Rabinovitch , Menachem Kovac, Think Israel, Tamar Adelstein. Moshe Feiglin, Manhigut Yehudit, Tsafrir Ronen, Eldad, Rafi Eitan etc. (please forgive me if I left you out because there are many of us out there) and my own peers like Shmuel Koenig nudging the Moetzet Gedolei Hatorah and Orthodox Jewish Organizations and our very own distributer Prime Media Distribution.  How wonderful it would be if it would be all coordinated and printed in one super deluxe newspaper with a wide distribution.  Please let me know if you share this dream.

    Didn't Benjamin Franklin buy the Pennsylvania Gazette?

    If you will it, it is no dream....
    Looking forward to hearing from you. Robin

    Why do we need a YESHA NEWSPAPER????????  Please read on...

    Isn't it odd that the destruction of the Federman House and their 9 kids and the beating and arrest of Noam and Elisheva Federman did not make it into the Jewish Press.  Neither was there any reporting about the broken fingers of their 16 year old. I only read about it on the Hebron site. I don't recall reading about the arrest of Rabbi Shimendorfy of Nachliel and the destruction of his Yeshiva in Yad Yair catering to Hareidi kids. I heard about it on my tour with Afsi from Israel Danzinger from Mishmeret Yesha.  For that matter I also hadn't heard about the arrest and felony charges brought against  the fine young Breslov men of Asael following a fire and provocation of the Arabs around their property. I heard about it from Israel Danzinger.

    The flow of Border Police to Beit Hashalom this past week and the impending expulsion of the families from Beit Hashalom was also not news worthy for the Jewish Press edition of Parshat Toldot.

    I also don't recall reading about the assault on Tiferet Levinger in Hebron or about the skull smashed by a teenager in Hebron in the Jewish Press.  There was plenty of time to get all this news into the Jewish Press if there had been any desire to do so. And the Jewish Press is considered right wing.   

    Did you see anything about these news events in Yated or Hamodia? The Chareidi world don't even go on the internet so how would they hear about this news about Yesha? How are the settlers of Yesha portrayed in Yated and Hamodia? 

    The expulsion of Beit Hashalom today was depicted as non violent in the JPost when indeed it was violent sending Nadia Matar to the hospital. Olmert once again used deception in order to bring in an element of surprise to get the Jews out.. 

    I would expect slanted one sided reporting coming from the New York Times but I would hope for  better from our own people and our right wing press.   Even the impassioned plea by Rabbi Holtzman to Ehud Olmert while the family is still sitting shiva regarding Beit Hashalom did not make headline news in the Jewish Press in spite of  pages upon pages of reporting of the Mumbai massacre. 

    What has happened even to the Jewish Press over the years that has muzzled them from reporting the news accurately from Yesha?

    If our claim over Judea and Samaria is not treated with importance within our own circles than  why should it be of importance to any of the Goyim.

     In fact won't the Goyim be contemptuous of our lack of assertiveness of our Divine entitlement?

    What happened to the communal obligation of the  leadership of the major Jewish Organizations such as Agudath Yisroel of America, the OU, the Young Israel and Chabad International.  Isn't it their responsibility  to publicize  news regarding the systematic destruction of the Jewish presence in Yesha and respond with mobilizing the Jewish people to protest against another Yesha expulsion chas vechalila. I won't even speak of the betrayel of the secular Jewish organizations.  But in their defense,  they don't read the Torah Portion every week.

    The media and the response of our Rabbanim and Jewish Institutions shape news and current events and influences the way hundreds of thousands of Jews worldwide will react and respond to prevent another expulsion from happening.  Alternatively, hiding the facts will keep the readers and constituents in the dark thereby preventing mobilization of any serious and comprehensive protest against the the systematic harassment and  destruction of Yesha communities.

    Did Agudath Yisroel of America even address what was happening in Yesha at their Thanksgiving convention?  I was there on Sunday and I didn't hear anything. Did I miss it? do the Agudah people have any clue of what is happening in Yesha?

     Maybe my dear readers, you can enlighten me about the OU convention.  Nothing on their website indicates that Yesha was a top priority at this OU Convention.  

    How about the Nachum Segal show and JMINTHEAM? Nachum features Malcolm Hoenlein who is an active negotiator for the Roadmap and a 2 STate solution with reciprocity of course.. 

    Over a year ago, the Agudath Yisroel of America and the Young Israel together with a large consensus of Jewish Organizations under the umbrella of the CCJER (Coordinating Council on Jerusalem) came out with a resolution against dividing Jerusalem.  This occurred  when American Foreign Policy was still in favor of a United Jerusalem.  Then Condeleeza Rice put parts of Jerusalem on the bargaining table. 
    Well what do you know.  The CCJER lost its Voice.  Instant laryngytis.  Apparently, American Foreign Policy dictates how the Rabbanim and Jewish Organizations respond. or don't respond. 

    Don't we answer to a Higher Authority?

    Does anyone speak about freedom of religion any more or the intolerable acts against the loyal citizens of Israel living in Yesha, or the moral, Biblical and historical justification of the settlers and our entitlement of the Land of Israel?. 

    Will there be any protest of the hate spewing venom against the settlers of Yehuda and the Shomron by Barak, calling the settlers the cancer of our society.  Will there be a protest against  Olmert's announcement to expel the Jews from Yehudah and the Shomron to the Negev.  Will there be a scream when there is a release of another 250 terrorists  by the GOI,

    Will we suffer in silence the decision of abandonment of more security checkpoints in Yehudah and Shomron in return for fortified bombshelters in the Gaza Strip..

    Military operations are planned to expel Jews from their homes rather than to go after the sources of terror in Gaza.

    How many reports of the IDF not responding to acts of aggression by the Arabs towards the settlers in Yehudah and the Shomron will go unreported and the fact that the IDF has ordered the  confiscation of weapons of these same settlers. 

    How many victims of incitement and provocation in Yesha will be turned into the criminals and  prosecuted and imprisoned or with administrative detention? 

    Isn't there a clause somewhere in the constitution about the right to bear arms against an evil regime?.

     When will  our people even have a clue that all this is happening if the news is withheld in the media?

    Taking the side of the settlers is not the politically correct thing to do in this time.  Neither is there too much publicity in the Jewish media of the millions if not billions of dollars flowing into the Palestinian territories creating facts on the ground at an alarming rate, allowing for the growth and expansion of a Palestinian State chas vechala funded from US tax paid dollars.  European Union and Saudi Arabia have added to the Palestinian gold pot as well.

     In contrast, it is illegal to build in Yehudah and Shomron by Jews or provide for natural Jewish growth and expansion.

     While I do see significant fund raising for individual communities, schools, yeshivas and organizations within Yesha there is a tendency towards being blinded with shortsightedness to focus on ones personal survival while disregarding the overall  threat of a Palestinian State Chas Vechalila.  Women in Green, Daniella Weiss and Mattot Arim seem to see the picture with clariy and their voice needs to be heard.

    I also don''t see much publicity about illegal and immoral court decisions on the higher  Supreme Court level that overrules lower court rulings in favor of the Yesha settlers.. 

    The lower court in Israel recently ruled against the immoral and illegal destruction of the Federman House.  In spite of this ruling the gov't's decision was to go ahead and do it again in Beit Hashalom and remove men women and children in an forceful inhumane manner.  The lower court ruled that the sale of Beit Hashalom was legal.  The leftist, self appointed corrupt higher court overruled the lower courts decision.

    Where is the built in checks and balances in the Israeli Justice System? .

    Sure, the Jewish Press can boast of right wingers writing in their newspapers like Rav Waldman and Moshe Feiglin and Rebbetzin Jungreiss but then again who chooses their headlines and edits their writings? 

    Malcolm Hoenlein's influence in Yated and Hamodia is quite obvious and his position regarding the legitimacy of Oslo and his support of Annapolis negotiations for a 2 State Solution is not apparent to your average audience.  

    Malcolm comes across as the "expert" on antisemitism and the "expert" on political affairs in the Middle East.  Most Jews and even the Moetzet Gedolei Hatorah respect his leadership in such "complicated political matters" not realizing that the very policies he and the Conference of Presidents promote, namely negotiating with Fatah and appeasement,  is a very major factor leading to the escalating growth of antisemitism and terrorism throughout the world and the rebelliousness of our youth..  Is there much education that FATAH has an ideology passed on from the Mufti of Jerusalem a partner with Hitler? How come we are fooled into believing that they are moderate and peace loving rather than exposing them for their Nazi like ideology?

    When there is an attempt to endear oneself to the Obama Administration as was done in last weeks Jewish Press with articles such as 'Why I voted for Obama', and knowing Obama's position and the position of his chosen advisers regarding the establishment of a Palestinian State, it just doesn't lend itself to blatant glaring articles which will focus on Hebron and our entitlement to all of Yesha and Eretz Yisroel..

    Well we must be practical you say.  We need America's support to survive and we don't want to get on anyone's bad side.....These arguments were also used during the Holocaust and bought the Silence of American Jewry while the European Jews marched to their deaths.....

    I suppose Mort Klein's, ZOA  concern expressed in his 'Congratulation to President Elect Obama' regarding Obama's past and present advisers on the Middle East are not worth publicizing in the Jewish Press... Why put Obama in a negative light?  .Though I have to admit that the terror attack in Mumbei did to a small degree mute the Obama fest campaign in the Jewish Press the following week.. 

    Many will be too embarrassed to admit that there is a fire in the house and will ignore all the signs until it is too late. Why alarm people that the Jewish Community of Hebron is under attack?  Why burden the people with Torah passages that speak of our entitlement of Eretz Yisroel for all generations and the curses specified in the Torah when we don't keep the Mitzvoth especially those commandments defendant on the Land of Israel.. Why alarm people by showing them how Judea and Samaria are in close proximity to the rest of Israel and within rocket range to major population centers. 

    I would love nothing better than to be proven wrong....I love the Jewish Press and that is why I am disappointed in their choice of news coverage lately. But It's the latest trend to report the news in a leftist slant.

    Yes there is a website alternative and let's work hard to create an even better print media alternative.

    Wednesday, December 03, 2008

    Rabbanim in Israel who came came out with Gilui Daas Torah regarding ( Torah position).. settlement of Eretz Yisroel


    This was posted in Eretz Yisroel Shelanu, issue 51 Parshat Chaya Sara (Rabbi Wolpe's newsletter) specifically in reference to Beit Hashalom in Hebron

    translated into English

    ...The entire Eretz Yisroel belongs only  to the Nation of Israel and it is forbidden to lend a hand in any manner whatsoever to expel Jews or to destroy any settlement points...

    Signed by ..
    HaRav Dov Lior
    HaRav Nachum Rabinovitch
    HaRav Shalom Dov Wolpe
    HaRav Eliezer Waldman
    HaRav Shmuel Eliyahu
    Harav Shimon Ben-Zion
    HaRav Zvi Eidan
    HaRav Yaakov Arzoni
    Harav Asher Eidan
    HaRav Yaakov Edrei
    HaRav Chaim Shteiner
    HaRav Yehoshua Mordechai Shmidt
    HaRav Yosef Artziel
    HaRav Yisroel Ariel
    HaRav Dovid Chai Hacohen
    HaRav Aryeh Shtern
    HaRav Chaim Shmutreech
    HaRav Moshe Eliezer Rabinovitch
    HaRav Yisroel Rozen
    HaRav Avraham Shteiner
    HaRav Shlomo Ben Chamu
    HaRav Nachman Kahane
    HaRav Daniel Shiloh
    HaRav Yaakov Rodrig
    HaRav Idan Yehudah Margalit

    (these names were transliterated from the Hebrew. Please send me any corrections and I would appreciate any more information regarding these Rabbanim (Which community or Yeshiva they represent )  and if you know of any other Rabbanim in Israel or in the Diaspora that wish to add their names to this list. Thanks)

    fwd: Cry out for Yesha and Jonathan Pollard! Contact Consulate General of Israel and Embassies, White House and beg the Rabbanim to mobilize Am Yisroel to do the same.


    Dear Fellow caring Jew, amv"sh  Please forward...

    We may not be sitting now in Beit HaShalom in Hebron waiting for the immoral Yassam forces authorized by the GOI(Government of Israel) to throw us out .  We are not sitting in jail in miserable conditions for 22 years like Jonathan Pollard for the crime of trying to save Israel by sharing intelligence that should have been shared regarding weapons of mass destruction putting the lives of our brethren in Israel in danger.

     Yet we do have access to telephones and can take some time from our day to make a few daily phone calls. Put this as a daily reminder on your cell phone.

    From: Buddy Macy
    Sent: Wednesday, December 03, 2008 4:17 PM
    Subject: In ALL Beit Hashalom emails, include these phone #s

    Consul General Asaf Shariv: 212-499-5450 (I just spoke with Dov at the Consul General's office, and he said he has received many phone calls.)
    Ambassador Gabriela Shalev: 212-499-5510 (I spoke with Ann.)
    I think it makes sense to urge everyone to call these numbers to get the message across firmly. If other offices receive a couple of scattered calls, it may not mean as much as if the Consul General and Ambassador in New York receive many calls. What do you think?
    Suggested phone message - from Women in Green - to Israeli Embassy and Consulate:

    "I am outraged over the government threat to expel Jews from Bet Hashalom in Hebron.

    "I promise that if the government forces the Jews out of Bet Hashalom, I and my friends will see this as a crime against the Jewish People, and we will do whatever we can to prevent any representative of the Israeli government, including the military, from appearing at our …(synagogue, church, organization, lodge…).
    "If you want to lose the only friends you have left in America, then by all means, expel the Jews from Bet Hashalom…We'll see how far your government can operate without US support.
    "I love Israel, but your actions and anti-Jewish policy are a threat to the Jewish People in its Homeland. On the eve of national elections in Israel, I realize we must do everything to bring down those of you who are giving a hand to the Arab enemy by uprooting Jews from the Land of Israel.
    "I repeat: do not touch the Jews from Bet Hashalom! Instead, send the IDf to fight the Arabs who daily attack the Jews living in the Negev and in Sderot/Ashkelon by launching kassams from Hamastan in Gaza."
    Ruth, Nadia & Eli - Women in Green
    Thank you,

    Please call on behalf of Jonathan Pollard
    White House  202-456-1111  202-456-1414

    The following Jewish Organizations have networks of Rabbanim, shuls, Yeshivas and of course members.  Please call them up and ask them how they are mobilizing Am Yisroel to speak out for our entitlement of Yesha and against an Amalek State which puts the entire world in danger. It was noted to me by a fellow activist Rafael Rabinovich of Crown Heights,  that whenever the gov't of Israel even talks of concessions or actually makes an agreement which involves giving away parts of Eretz Yisroel, it is invariably followed by a terror attack. 

    In the past weeks, Olmert spoke of giving away parts of Eretz Yisroel, and todayt again it was reported on Arutz7 that he speaks of transferring the Jews of Judea and Samaria to the Negev.   Even President Bush himself asked Olmert why he wanted to give away the Golan w/o anything in return.  The attack in Mumbei follows Olmert's gracious "offers" of such "confidence building measures".

    It is no coincidence that the father of Rabbi Gavriel Holtzberg made a passionate plea to Prime Minister Olmert while they were still sitting Shiva not to evict the Jewish families from Hebron.

    The GOI is monitoring the response of Beit Hashalom in order to gage how to proceed with the expulsion of more Jews in Yesha.  Al Taamod Al Dam Reiecha.....

    Rav Yaakov Perlow, Noveminsker Rav shlita
    Rosh Agudath Yisroel of America
    Agudath Yisroel of America
    42 Broadway Suite 1400 New York, NY 10004
    Tel 212-797-9000 Fax: (212) 254-1600
    cc: Avi Shafran Director of Public Affairs for Agudath Israel

    Rabbi Pesach Lerner shlita
    Executive Vice President of the National Council of Young Israel
    The Council of Young Israel Rabbis USA: - CYIR,
    111 John Street, Suite 450, New York, New York 10038
    Tel: 212-929-1525 Fax: 212-727-9526

    Mr. David Olivestone shlita
    Director of Communications and Planning
    The Orthodox Union
    11 Broadway,
    New York, NY 10004
    Tel:: (212) 563-4000 ♦ Fax: (212) 564-9058

    Rabbi Krinsky shlita
    Chabad Headquarters
    770 Eastern Parkway
    Brooklyn, NY 11213
    Tel: 718 774.4000 / fax 718 774.2718

    Rabbinical Council of America
    305 Seventh Avenue, 12th Floor
    New York, New York 10001
    Phone: 212-807-9000
    Fax: 212-727-8452

    Rabbi Basil Herring
    Executive Vice President
    Phone: 212-807-9000 x 5

    Rabbi Shlomo Hochberg

    Telephone numbers of Israel Consulates in USA

    Los Angeles
    New York
    New York, UN
    San Francisco