Sunday, November 15, 2009

More on the Rubashkin Case


Dear Zev Brenner, amv"sh

Please forward this both to Shmuly Yanklovitz and to attorney Sam Hirsh and to the Rubashkin family  for a new perspective.   Thanks

Regarding the Rubashkin case, let's try to look at the Bigger Picture!

Shmuly from Uri L'Tzedek:   As one who is in the forefront in the fight for ethics and morality, in your honest opinion, which scenario is more ethical and moral according to a "Higher Authority"?. 

The hard earned  American tax payer money legally lands up in the Palestinian Authority to teach children about 'martyrdom', praise violent resistance and teach that the entire State of Israel does not exist. or alternatively, according to American law lands up illegally in the hands of the Spinka Rebbe who uses this money  to pay salaries for his Rabbeim of his Yeshiva some of whom have large families e.g. 10 kids.  The Spinka Yeshiva, like most good Yeshivas  teaches  the observance of Torah and Mitzvoth the epitome of ethical and moral behavior.  

One has to admit that when we are talking about a higher moral order, the illegal money landing in the Spinka Yeshiva is preferable to legal money ending up in the Palestinian Authority Schools teaching incitement and martyrdom. In fact I would even venture to guess that you yourself would prefer that your tax money would end up in a Yeshiva rather than in a PA school that teaches incitement and martyrdom.

Or does American legality overrule answering to a "Higher Authority?"


I am all for paying taxes and being ethical and moral.  But do you really believe that the Spinka Rebbe should be on such a defensive for defrauding the American tax payer when the Orthodox Jewish American Tax payer is being defrauded by the American Gov't who uses their hard earned money to give lots of money to the Palestinian Authority.   see link The USAID program has pumped $2.4 billion into the Palestinian Authority since 1994 for what it says are programs that "reduce poverty, improve health and education, create jobs and advance democracy." USAID says it plans to invest another $153 million in 2010 for the development of PA infrastructure in Judea and Samaria.

Shmuly, it is not secret that the Palestinians rejoiced when the Twin Towers fell.

It is nice and fine to be patriotic but how much do your really care about your fellow Jew in Judea and Samaria all 350,000 of them who have built up their lives and community, with an honest and ethical work ethic and in spite of this,  face expulsion and destruction due to pressure coming from the American Government using your hard earned taxes. I'm not sure how much you've earned so far because you are still a student.  This is hypothetical.  And if you think that a Palestinian State will not bring Kassam rockets upon all of Israel within Kassam reach, go live in Sderot and experience first hand the result of Disengagement.    After all, what  happened to the taxpaying, hard working, honest and ethical Jews from Gush Katif whose homes and communities were destroyed because the ethical and moral Jewish communities in America and elsewhere were too self absorbed in whatever they were absorbed in to protest? 

You yourself managed to organize thousands to sign a petiion against Agriprocessor and  company?  Couldn't you have used your energies to fight for Yesha?  Is it no wonder that G-d sends as His Shaliach some judge in Indiana  that comes up with a some unrelated Psak that says that Rubashkin can't have his passport because he might run to Israel the Homeland for the Jewish People. 

Perhaps G-d, who has his messengers is telling us Jews through this judge that Israel is our Homeland and we must not forget it?

Do you really think that the reason Jews are being targeted because we are involved in serious bank fraud and unethical business behavior?  You yourself said that if someone did not meet your ethical standards you would not commit them to jail but would work with them. 

I am not promoting  hiring illegal immigrants but honestly, what is their alternative?  Are these illegal immigrants better off now than they were not working for Rubashkin?   Honestly, are they now grateful to you for your charity when they were laid off.  Are their lives much better now as a result of your pursuit of honesty and legality and ethics?  Who helps support them when your charity ran out? Is their new job conditions much more favorable than their previous job conditions in Postville?  What do they get paid in Guatemala now that they can not work illegally in the US.
Of course as loyal  Americans we are concerned about upholding the law of the Land and are against hiring illegal workers and not paying less than minimum wage of $7.25 an hour. 

Immigration law is not that black and white.  America has always absorbed the best and sometimes, laws that are too harsh to protect illegal immigration works against our better interests.

Is the USA gov't  interested in merely correcting offenses. regarding illegal immigration and other violations.  How come they close Agriprocessor with no regard to the employees and those who suddenly  lost their source of  livelihood, as a result of this closure thereby causing great distress and suffering in the process.  Surely, these violations could have been corrected a more humane manner. .

As a Rabbinic student you must be aware that In Jewish Law when someone commits a sin he is subject to lashes.  Yet if the one that carries out the punishment, exceeds by even one lash he is Chayav.  He is over Baal Tosif.

 Don't you think that  strictly from an American Legal perspective, Rubashkin and the company Agriprocessor  is being punished too harshly?  Why not investigate independently and if you find via investigative research, not based on biased media reports that  Rubashkin was subject to selective prosecution,  you who helped bring him and his employees down with your pursuit of fairness and justice, have the obligation to join with Sam Hirsh and help him fight his case.  Otherwise, you will be held accountable for all the extra lashes he is receiving unjustly. .  If you were so concerned about justice and ethics do not allow a family to be ruined more than they deserve especially when you helped bring them down.  All your compassion for them can not undo the damage that you and your organization perhaps caused them.

Sincerely, Robin Ticker

PS. G-d is the ultimate just and fair Judge,

My message to the Rubashkin family is to learn from the Judge who told Rubashkin that  his homeland is Eretz Yisroel and to do whatever they can to fight for Shleimus Haaretz and against the terrible decree slated for the hundreds of thousands of Jews in Judea and Samaria  Our obligation to state that the entire world belongs to G-d and G-d chooses to whom to give the Land is taught to us when we learn about Shemittah. 

Shemittah has 2 components.

 One component is dependent on the Land of Israel.  Shemittah Karkaot.

 The other component is universal, Shemitas Kesafim.

Rubashkin started his business in 1987, which was a shemittah year.  I believe his whole enterprise fell apart in 2008 which is the year following Shemittah.  Interestingly, the fall of the twin towers was also in Aseres Yemai Teshuva following a Shemittah year and the stock market in 1988 took a plunge following a Shemittah year.  Shemittah is supposed to be metaken the problem of Kochi VeOtzem Yadi which is symbolized by the World Trade Center and the stock market.   In the Shemittah year we are obligated according to the Torah  to loan  to the poor and then forego loans .. I have no doubt that Rubashkin used Pruzbul but the spirit of Shabbat  and Maein Olam Haba is not experienced via legal loopholes even Pruzbul.  Sometimes the letter of the Law is not enough.

Maybe in the Shemittah year, Rubashkin could have instituted a program to feed the poor with chickens.  :"Buy a chicken for a needy family in honor of Shabbos (Shabbat Haaretz).  Especially a needy farmer. "  Maybe a year of extra caring for the fellow Jew to an extraordinary degree  during  the Shemittah year was in order.  Shemittah is meant for Jews.  How many Goyim even have the inclination to keep Shemittas Kesafim.  Of course this should apply  to all Jews not just Rubashkin.  However since Rubashkin is experiencing such difficult times, they may be  the ones to be the pioneers in this uncharted territory of Shemittas Kesafim not totally relying on Pruzbul, a Rabbinic loophole instituted by Hillel,

This is food for thought.   You might want to read a bit more about my own personal experience regarding Shemittah at

Kol Tuv, and Shavua Tov!

Here is a reprint of the report of Uri LeTzedek just to refresh your memory.   

Repairing a sacred relationship
By Ari Hart and Shmuly Yanklowitz

With black helicopters buzzing overhead, scores of U.S. Federal agents on May 12 conducted the largest immigration raid in American history, at a meatpacking plant in the small town of Postville, Iowa. Affidavits and search warrants alleged that the slaughterhouse had hired hundreds of undocumented Guatemalan immigrants, abused and threatened them, and paid them sub-minimum wages. The episode shocked many Americans and revealed major flaws in our immigration system and domestic labor practices. Even worse, from the Jewish point of view, was that this story unfolded at Agriprocessors, the largest supplier of kosher meat in America.

The Jewish community in general and the observant community in particular are obliged by countless directives, rooted in the Torah, to protect and support the workers who produce the goods and services that sustain us. Even if our skin colors and faiths are different and we are hundreds of miles apart, our lives are deeply intertwined by virtue of the sacred social relationships between consumer, worker and employer. The charges raised by the government made it eminently clear that those relationships had been violated: Its affidavit outlined many health and safety violations, including dangerous working conditions, at the Agriprocessors plant. There were also many horrific stories in the media about physical and sexual abuse of workers and severe mistreatment of animals.

Uri L'Tzedek, the first Orthodox social justice organization in the United States, responded. Our initial action was to raise funds to help the families that, as a result of the raid, were left destitute without income. We also petitioned the company's owner, Aaron Rubashkin, protesting the abuse of workers, who included many immigrants, vulnerable populations that the Torah repeatedly demands the Jewish people protect.

Signers of the petition demanded that Agriprocessors agree to pay its workers at least minimum wage, $7.25 in Iowa, and recommit to abiding by all U.S. laws relating to worker safety and rights. Approximately 60 percent of kosher beef and 40 percent of kosher chicken in America and much in Israel come from Agri, but these signers committed to buy from and patronize only those institutions that purchase the alternatives. While the Orthodox Union, the country's largest kashrut certifier, decided not to challenge Agri on these allegations, nearly 2,000 Jewish leaders and kosher consumers, from the U.S. and Israel, did sign on to our demands. Many synagogues, schools and camps have also vowed to cease buying Agri products until the injustices are rectified. We believe this in itself was a victory confirming that the Orthodox and broader kosher communities care about the oppressed, the stranger and the worker.

Members of Uri L'Tzedek also met with members of the Rubashkin family and company management in early June. The atmosphere was tense, but the company did commit to complying with our demands. At the same time, it hired Jim Martin, a reputable former U.S. Attorney, to serve as the company's chief compliance officer, a new position created in response to these major problems. Martin has already instituted a number of reforms, intended to bring Agriprocessors into compliance with U.S. laws governing worker protection. Our negotiations and dialogue with the company and with Mr. Martin have continued, and the boycott was suspended in response to these initial signs of reform.

This was an important victory for the kosher consumers who signed on and for the workers who remain at the plant. The arrested undocumented employees and their families, however, have lost out: Hundreds have been imprisoned and await deportation. And new allegations of withheld pay and exploitation of workers continue to arise.

More generally, a failed immigration system remains in place in America, by which many industries rely on the labor of easily exploited poor undocumented immigrants to provide cheap services. When the government does take action, it is often against the workers, rather than seeing them as the abused party.

The Uri L'Tzedek team intends to visit Postville on August 12 to assist and meet with workers past and present, and their families. A number of leaders of Jewish youth groups also plan to join the delegation: They are the next generation of kosher activists. Addressing these larger issues is integral to Uri L'Tzedek's work as Orthodox Jewish activists. In addition to mobilizing members of the Orthodox and broader Jewish community to raise funds for the families that have been hurt by the raids, we have attempted to raise awareness about workers' rights and immigration through educational campaigns in the Orthodox community, and have lobbied U.S. House and Senate staff to express our concerns about the human suffering that results from these kinds of enforcement tactics.

As Orthodox Jews, we feel that we must go beyond addressing our own parochial needs and wield the unprecedented influence we now have for the values the Torah holds dear: justice, love and compassion. As American Jews, we have been deeply inspired by the path blazed by B'maaglei Tzedek in Israel, placing social justice at the forefront of religious priorities. It does this in part via its tav hevrati (social seal), which certifies restaurants as not only kosher but also as meeting ethical standards. We value the effort to carry out the ethical mitzvot as stringently as we observe the ritual ones.

We believe this campaign signals a new level of communal expectation of all our Jewish businesses to conduct themselves with the highest standards of ethics and justice, as demanded by our holy tradition. We work and we yearn for the time when "justice shall roll down like waters and righteousness like an everflowing stream" - may it come speedily in our days. Amen.

Ari Hart and Shmuly Yanklowitz are Orthodox rabbinical students at Yeshivat Chovevei Torah, and co-directors of Uri L'Tzedek

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Protest! MK Michael Ben-Ari (Ichud Leumi - National Union) denied Visa


Please email:

Demand " Give MK Michael Ben-Ari a Visa Now!!!"

MK Michael Ben-Ari (Ichud Leumi-National Union) reported Monday that he had been turned down for a visa to visit the United States. Ben-Ari had been planning a trip in the upcoming days, in order to visit several American Jewish communities.

Sources close to the MK said that the refusal appears to have stemmed from concerns over demonstrations in which Ben-Ari took part prior to the 2005 Disengagement from Gaza. While applying for a visa Ben-Ari was asked if he had a criminal background, and revealed that he had been arrested during an anti-Disengagement protest, they explained.

My comments:

Denied a Visa because he was arrested for an anti disengagement protest?  Let the State Dept investigate. Didn't the protesters against the Disengagement have their  basic rights of Freedom of Speech, Freedom of religion, etc. denied?.  

What about the American Colonists who formed a militia as a result of intolerable acts and  taxation w/o representation by the British which led up to the AMerican Revolution? Let us brush up on our American History and the Founding of the United States of America.

Compare these grievances of the Colonists with getting thrown out of one's home, having your house destroyed as well as your community uprooted.  What about the loss of livelihood, emotional and psychological pain inflicted on the families following the Disengagement?  What about loss of property and the work of a lifetime and sometimes encompassing 2 generations go down the tube for no apparent good reason..  Settlers of Gush Katif communities were after all tax paying citizens of the State of Israel.  Surely what happened to them was far worse  in comparison with the crime of taxation w/o representation.  In hindsight, after all the Kassam rockets falling on southern Israel, and the degradation and failure to compensate the settlers after promises of fair compensation, wasn't Michael ben Ari justified in protesting the Disengagement?  

Surely, our Founding Fathers would not have been issued visas as well for their protest (sometimes even violent) against the British! The Boston Tea Party was clearly illegal.

 I  believe that if the Founding Fathers of America were alive today they would be able to relate to the settlers of Judea and Samaria and their struggle for freedom of religion and the right of self defense.  This is precisely why the Founding Fathers came up with the Bill of Rights. It serves to protect our rights and freedom from a  government that is not interested in protecting the rights and freedoms of its loyal citizens.  Shame Shame Shame on those that will not issue Michael ben Ari a Visa!  They have lost their vision of what America truly stands for. 

Sincerely, Robin Ticker

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Tuesday, November 03, 2009

Letter to Honest Reporting and Camera regarding Smear Press against Right Wing Nationalists


Dear Honest Reporting and Camera,

Please read the following links.

It pays to  investigate whether lying under oath (as in giving testimony) in the Arab culture  is considered acceptable or even laudable when it is used as an effective tool to fight the "Israeli occupiers". 

If this is the case, all testimony from Arab sources should be under extra scrutiny unless it is determined that such testimony is indeed accurate and not a result of coercion, bribes or hate.  Their testimony should not be considered accurate by credible News Sources unless it thoroughly investigated.
One  reasonably expects a reliable and fair investigation by the Israel Police before any story is sent to the press!

That raises another question.  Is the Police - Mishtara,  interested in enforcing Israeli Law or are they a political police force intent on enforcing and publicizing the political agenda? 

 It is quite clear that there was defamation of name and character of Orthodox Right Wing Nationalists.

It seems to me that the Mishtara - Police accepted false testimony of the Arabs that were proven lies.  Apparently before the police investigation was complete, the news went out to all the News Sources that told the news based on the lies that made the Right Wing camp look bad. (e.g. the Jews shot at the Arabs, Arabs were injured  etc.)

Even though the right wing security guard in this news item was released from prison after a Shabbat in jail  based on conclusive evidence of his innocence, the bad PR damage had been done!  (note all the links to the false press generated as a result of this police report)

Monday, November 02, 2009

More on Smear Campaign of Media against Settlersk - Beit Zefafah


Dear Journalists amd fellow activists, amv"sh

I just sent you the authentic version of what happened in Beit Zefafah. See link in orange.  See however, from the attached list below see how this incident was reported in the news based on a police report that was based on proven lies.

Attached list of false media stories










Sunday, November 01, 2009

Outnumbered 30 to 7 - Mishtara biased against Jews. Mishtara fails to protect Jews under attack. Arrests the security guard that shot in air in self defense, still has not returned video that proves Jews innocence, Arabs bring false witnesses to test


Dear Journalists and Fellow Activists, amv"sh

Please read the full story by Hillel Fendel on Arutz 7.

Arab Squatters were handed eviction notice by the 78 years old owner Yitzchok Herskovits. They responded with stones. Link to Arutz 7 article by Hillel Fendel  at Beit Tzafafah

Read about it in

Outnumbered 30 to 7

I am not an investigative reporter but I received a first hand report from the photographer on the scene of the above mentioned articles. 

The blue clothes police, Mishtara,  took the side of the Arab aggressors.  They arrested Mordechai, a security guard of the group, who acted in self defense, in response to a barrage of large Arab hurled grapefruit sized stones.  The Mishtara also attempted to arrest and fingerprint the photographer  who clearly did nothing but film.  Luckily one of the border police intervened so the photographer was let go.  The Mishtara, the blue clothed police took away the incriminating film of the Arab stone throwers with the agreement that a copy of the video film would be returned to the photographer. As of a few hours ago,  this has still not happened. 

If the Mishtara fails to return the film, they are clearly hiding evidence that will show proof of innocence on the part of the Jews. This video proves that  the Jews were clearly acting in self defense and that the Arabs were the aggressors. 

Jewish citizens in the State of Israel as do citizens in the USA as do citizens all over the world have the right of self defense!

Not only were there 20- 30 rock throwers against these 7 Jews resulting in 2 injuries, thank G-d not life threatening, this Arab family  brought  false evidence to incriminate the Jews who were on the receiving end of their rocks. They  fabricated testimony that a bullet hit a man in the hand and also that the Jews stabbed an Arab women.  Of course as the video shows,  the group of Jews were all running under cover because they were under attack so this would be highly impossible.  With the grace of G-d, Mordechai, the security guard was released because the video was able to prove that Mordechai, the security guard clearly acted in self defense by shooting in the air. He did his job.  The bullet of the alleged Arab victim did not match the bullets in Mordechai's gun and that the wound was incompatible with a wound that would have resulted from Mordechai's gun.  This is clear proof that the Arabs brought false testimony

I don't know if Mordechai got his gun returned to him.  I wonder if any of the  Arab witnesses were arrested for false testimony and if there was an investigation as per who set them up to testify falsely?  For example, were they bribed?

 Why with a history of false allegations by Arabs against settlers do the police believe the Arab Side and not the Jewish side? Isn't there a chazaka,  a status quo,   on the part of the Arabs that they will be hostile to a Jewish presence entering their domain.  Can Jews freely enter Arab villages w/o being afraid for their lives?   Arabs that are not suspected terrorists, are not afraid for their lives in Jewish population centers.  The walk around freely, feeling safe of being attacked. They and Israelis are merely inconvenienced by annoying security checks to weed out potential Arab suicide bombers and terrorists. On the other hand,  a mere Jewish presence in Arab population centers are considered "provocation" and their lives are seriously at risk as was seen by the lynching of 3 Israeli Soldiers, Daniel Pinner and many other examples. .

Unfortunately large news agencies including Jewish ones  trust the police reports  as opposed to the version presented by the "radical settlers".

Mordechai  the security guard was arrested and had to spend Shabbat in jail for firing in the air.  What was he supposed to do.  Allow his group to be sitting ducks?.  What would have happened to Mordechai, the security guard, had the Arab stone throwers not been caught on film and had his bullets been of the more standard variety that matched the type of bullet wound of the false Arab witness? There would be no evidence except the lies of the Arabs.  Would he have been forced to sit in  jail like Jonathan Pollard whose crime was to somehow to the best of his ability attempt to  protect his fellow Jew when the real responsible parties, like the IDF or Mishtara failed to do their job? Would Mordechai have been placed in administrative detention for months, with hefty legal feels, unable to work and bring in a livelihood for his family as is the case with some other unfortunate settlers with nasty police reports against them that rely on Arabs stories rather than the real truth based on an unbiased, non politically motivated investigation? 

 Is it any wonder that the UN Goldstone report succeeded in incriminating Israel in Operation Cast Lead for executing their moral obligation of protecting their citizens, similar to the way the Israeli judicial system currently incriminates settlers  in Judea and Samaria and elsewhere for executing their right in self defense? Middah Kinegged Middah.

Why didn't the Israeli Court send the army to issue the eviction notice?
  Clearly the Arabs have history of hostility against the Jews especially when they are being evicted for squatting.   Why is it the responsibility of a 78 year old landowner to serve the eviction papers in hostile territory? 

Maybe the way things turned out is for the best for Herskovitz.  Apparently one can surmise that the police is biased against the Jews.   If the police would have received orders to serve the eviction notice, who knows if the fact that the eviction papers  reached the Selah family squatters would have been duly documented and recorded as was the case here.. From Hillel Fendel's report they simply threw the eviction papers away. It was recorded on video, however, that it was received.

We must demand from the Mishtara to return at least an untampered copy of the video film back to the photographer as evidence of what really happened.  Surely this evidence is needed to counter the negative publicity generated from biased media reports that base their news on false police reports that  serve once again to to demonize the settlers. 

We can not allow biased media journalists and the Mishtara to get away with spreading false and evil reports based on  police reports based on lies. 

The government of Israel has the obligation to protect its loyal citizens and when they fail to do so should not incriminate those that are forced to defend themselves to the best of their ability.

Let me conclude by adding that we can not allow the action of any individual, even if found guilty, which is clearly not the case here, to  be used to smear the reputation and good name of upright citizens and wholesome communities  that live in Judea and Samaria and elsewhere who believe in the Torah and our entitlement to the entire Israel within the Biblical Borders.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

BREAKING NEWS! RCRF DINNER Will include BENNY ELON! Thursday, 6:30pm Brooklyn Manhattan Beach

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From: Evelyn Hayes <>
Date: Wed, Oct 28, 2009 at 1:33 AM
Subject: Thursday, October 29 6:30pm= 15th Rachels Children Commemoration of Yahrzeit of Rachel Imeinu - Great Program. Don't Miss It

Rachel's Children Reclamation Foundation

                         60 West End Avenue, Brooklyn NY 11235       718-648-2610      054-224-2649,

                               Program: Fifteenth Annual NY Citywide Commemoration of the


             JEWISH MOTHER'S DAY,   11 MarCheshvan 5770

Manhattan Beach Jewish Center, 60 West End Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 3rd Floor

Thursday Evening, October 29, 2009, 6:30 P.M.


Welcome Dignitaries and HaRav Benny Elon, former Minister of Tourism in Israel


Keynote Speaker introduced by Rabbi Yaakov Farhi of MB Sehardic Congregation


Author of "1 Minute with Yourself"


Community Activist Award introduced by Arlene Fox, who is being honored by Emunah



Presentation of Actualist Awards by

MALKY GRUNWALD, First Bas Mitzvah at Beit Bnei Rachel,

a student at the Stella K. Abrams HS for Girls, Hewlett Bay Park, NY

to ASHIRA SILVER, 5769 Bas Mizvah trip to Kever Rachel,

a student at  Shulamith Middle School of Brooklyn, NY


Community Chessed Award introduced by Gail Friedlin Peltzer



Special Guest Speaker


"A Monumental Task"


Exciting News: RCRF is initiating this New Learning and Lecture Series

"Derech Eretz in the Merit of Rachel Imeinu"

at Beit Bnei Rachel  our majority owned property in the walled Kever Rachel Complex

Your donations will help support all our efforts for Klal Yisral and Beit Bnei Rachel

Medreshet Chaya Rachel and Ruth,     Museum of Jewish Aliyah,     Simcha Center


"Remember, a visit to Israel without going to Kever Rachel is like going home and not visiting your Mother," Evelyn Haies


Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Never Again is Now, Powerful Youtube video from Buddy Macy and Stan Zir


Dear Activist List, amv"sh

We all know Buddy Macy.  We know about his caring and his sincerity.  We know that above all he is a kind and refined person who does not promote violence and bloodshed. He is vegetarian and  promotes healthy living lifestyles. 

 What drives him to produce this Youtube which calls for the destruction of the nuclear capabilities in Iran? What inner strength drives him to produce this gory picture of a pending Holocaust unless we act!

It is precisely his hatred of death and violence that is driving him to raise awareness.  Buddy wishes  us to wake up and respond to the real nuclear threat facing us.  As Rav Amnon Yitzchok said. "i am not hear to scare you.  I wish merely to inform you...."

Stan Zir, a Holocaust survivor's personal life experience speaks for itself.  He does not want history to repeat itself.

As a daughter and daughter-in-law of Holocaust Survivors , I believe with my heart and soul that Never Again is Now unless we are Chozer Beteshuva, return to G-d  and take the Torah to heart and proclaim Hashem's promise to Abraham "Lezaracha Etein Es Haaretz Hazos", To your seed i will give this Land.  Please sign the petition

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: <>
Date: Thu, Oct 22, 2009 at 2:46 PM
Subject: Video: Holocaust Survivor Says "NO" to Iran Nukes/Two-State

Israelites - Stop the politicians from playing Russian roulette with Israel's life!


The vultures of death are circling Israel. There is a nuclear inferno burning in Israel's backyard that is threatening to engulf the entire nation of Israel in flames, and a proposed two-state FINAL "Solution" that will lead to the destruction of the Jewish State from within.


Visit, and watch and listen as a Holocaust survivor explains what must be done to rescue Israel, America and the World. Then, please read and sign the Jewish People's Declaration of Independence. The signatures will be presented to Congress and the White House during the week of November 9, 2009, the anniversary of Kristallnacht, in remembrance of those who perished in the Holocaust. We, the living, have a moral obligation to speak out for Jews in peril.


Please share this email with your entire list and discuss its contents at your synagogue or church, school, work…everywhere. Help us make this the Number 1 video on YouTube; for, we must let the world know that "Never Again" is not just a hollow phrase, and that the Jewish People will never again go silently into the night.


Stan Zir

Buddy Macy


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Ted Belman
054 441 3252

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H1N1 Vaccinations in Israel against Swine Flu can be dangerous! Public be aware

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Facebook <>
Date: Tue, Oct 27, 2009 at 12:42 PM
Subject: "ISRAEL TRUTH TIMES" sent you a message on Facebook...
To: Robin Ticker <>

Daisy Stern sent a message to the members of ISRAEL TRUTH TIMES.

Subject: About the upcoming mass H1N1 vaccinations in Israel:

To all, please share this information with as many people as you can, and try to influence the Department of Health so they stop the madness. A great crime is about to be perpetrated on Am Yisrael, on our doctors, our soldiers probably, etc., and on many others. Let them be SHAMED INTO STOPPING THIS.Thank you.


Tuesday, October 27, 2009
The reasons why you should NOT take the H1N1 influenza virus vaccine - in Israel, in Europe, or also in the US.

October 27, 2009

"Since the beginning of the week, about 250,000 doses of vaccine produced by the Swiss Novartis pharmaceutical company have arrived in Israel. An additional 100,000 vaccine doses with the additive, which are manufactured by Novartis and by the British firm GlaxoSmithKline, are expected to arrive by the end of the month.

A nationwide vaccination program against swine flu will begin in Israel within two weeks. Health care workers and chronically ill patients older than 3 will be the first to get vaccinated."

"An estimated 80,000 women in the second and third trimesters of pregnancy, along with chronically ill children between 6 months old and 3 years old, will be offered a swine flu vaccine in November that does not contain the additive. That vaccine is manufactured by the French drug company Sanofi Pasteur."

       ( Haaretz)

"250,000 doses arrived on Monday and the Health Ministry will hold a press conference next week to detail its distribution."

"September 25, 2009

Novartis announced today that Focetria®, the Novartis Influenza A(H1N1) 2009 monovalent vaccine, has received a positive opinion from the Committee for Medicinal Products for Human Use (CHMP) of the European Medicines Agency (EMEA).The positive opinion clears the way for European Union approval in all 27 Member States as well as in Iceland and Norway. Today's announcement marks a significant milestone in bringing a pandemic vaccine to market in Europe."

Slight problem: a large part of the budget of the EMEA comes from BIG PHARMA! Clear conflict of interest here.;

A study funded by Novartis, published in Clinical and Vaccine Immunology, claims, "antisqualene antibodies are not increased by immunization with vaccines with the MF59 adjuvant. These data extend the safety profile of the MF59 emulsion adjuvant."

However, there is a significant body of scientific evidence that squalene was responsible for the autoimmune diseases, afflicting about 25 per cent of the veterans of Iraq with the Gulf War Syndrome, as well as causing thousands of deaths, and a US federal judge prohibited the use of these adjuvants in 2004.


To all,

As you can see from the above, the campaign to vaccinate the Israeli population against the H1N1 virus is in high gear. That is why it is very urgent to EDUCATE THE POPULATION, and WARN THE GOVERNMENT OF ISRAEL IN THE STRONGEST TERMS THAT THIS VACCINE SHOULD NOT BE GIVEN TO THE JEWISH POPULATION UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES.

Why should people NOT take the H1N1 influenza vaccine?

Let us clarify some issues.

In general, there are two categories of H1N1 vaccines: the vaccine WITH ADJUVANT - ADJUVANTED -, and the vaccine WITHOUT adjuvant - UNADJUVANTED.

The adjuvant, whether MF 59 in Novartis vaccines, or AS03-AS04 in Glaxo-Smith Kline vaccines, is a very dangerous substance, squalene, which has been shown to cause severe disease in lab animals, and has been implicated in causing the GULF WAR SYNDROME in US soldiers in 1991, killing at least 30,000 US soldiers and incapacitating many, many more for life.

Since 2004, SQUALENE IN VACCINES HAS BEEN BANNED IN THE US, and the H1N1 vaccine currently being distributed in the US does NOT contain squalene. To be noted, however, is that the US has purchased a huge quantity of adjuvant from Novartis, and under the EMERGENCY ACT, which has been declared last week, is theoretically authorized to USE that adjuvant. So it is only a matter of time before the US finds an excuse to use it as well.

In addition to squalene, there are numerous other toxic agents in influenza vaccines in general, which have caused many severe reactions, including deaths. The most notorious toxic compound in the H1N1 vaccine is THIMEROSAL ( mercury), which is to be found in MULTIDOSE VIALS. Sanofi's vaccine does NOT contain thimerosal. There is plenty of REAL evidence to show the causal relationship between thimerosal and autism and other neurological disorders, despite the denials by many physicians, who don't realize that the studies they quote are seriously flawed and biased.

So influenza vaccines altogether are a big question mark, specially considering the many additives and contamination in them. Whether to take vaccines at all in the first place is a question that each person should answer individually; I still think that at the very least, one should evaluate the evidence before deciding. But this is a separate topic.

To return to the H1N1 influenza vaccines:

The big deception being perpetrated on the public is that the STUDIES the vaccine approvals by the FDA, the EMEA, and others, have been based on, were conducted, not with the H1N1 influenza vaccines themselves, but with the TRIVALENT, SEASONAL VACCINE! All companies state that in their insert. So EVEN with the vaccines that DON'T contain squalene, serious question marks remain.

But the most deadly of all the ingredients is the adjuvant. ALL VACCINES CURRENTLY BEING USED IN ISRAEL CONTAIN THE ADJUVANT.

I just spoke with Kupat Cholim Meuchedet: apparently it will be MANDATORY FOR THE MEDICAL STAFF TO TAKE THOSE IMMUNIZATIONS. In some other countries, the policemen, firemen, and SOLDIERS are being forced to be immunized as well.


Reports are coming in from Sweden that the medical staff, who was also advised to take the adjuvanted vaccine ( from Glaxo), became seriously ill. Hundreds of nurses became very sick, in a way that no vaccine ever caused them to be. Four deaths have already been reported from this vaccine.

Also to be noted is that Novartis's H5N1 influenza vaccine Aflunov was recently responsible for 21 deaths: in a study of 350 people conducted on homeless people in Poland, 21 died!

There is another aspect to the story: BAXTER.

 I really hope that Israel does not deal with Baxter; but still, of all countries, ISRAEL SHOULD KNOW THAT H1N1 VACCINES ARE A DEADLY BIOWEAPON. One of Israel's scientists, Moshe Bar Yosef, was involved in a serious incident in Los Angeles a couple of months ago. Apparently, according to reliable witnesses, he was about to be a WHISTLE BLOWER, AND REVEAL THAT THE H1N1 INFLUENZA VACCINE PRODUCED BY BAXTER BIOPHARMA IN THE UKRAINE, WHERE HE HAD BEEN EMPLOYED, IS IN FACT A BIOWEAPON. THE DANGEROUS INGREDIENTS ARE SQUALENE, THE VERY SQUALENE CONTAINED IN NOVARTIS'S VACCINE, AS WELL AS RNA OF THE REAL , LIVE VIRUS, WHICH WAS DELIBERATELY DESIGNED TO MULTIPLY IN PEOPLE'S BODIES ONCE INJECTED. Moshe was arrested in a dramatic move by the US government and apparently deported to Israel. So Israel KNOWS THE STORY - if the reports are correct - ; HOW CAN THEY THEREFORE DECIDE TO TAKE A CHANCE AND GIVE H1N1 VACCINE WITH SQUALENE TO THE ISRAELI POPULATION???





   * To be noted, also, is that the THE GERMAN ARMY- 250,000 soldiers -,  will receive the UNADJUVANTED VACCINE.











Daisy J, Stern, MD

PS: Please refer to my original article:


for more extensive information and details.

Please also search " labels " for an exhaustive list of all the posts and articles referring to the topic - a whole library! -.

Thanks, DS.

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Thursday, October 22, 2009

Fwd: Our Journal Ad for RCRF Dinner - Rachel Imeinu Yahrzeit


Dear fellow activists, amv"sh

Please rush your ads and words of Chizuk and encouragement to Evelyn Haze.   Time is running out. Please contribute $ to the best of your ability to this very worthy cause and be a partner in the Mitzvah of settling the Land and part of Rachel Imeinu's dream of Veshavu Banim Ligvulum!

If you are in Brooklyn please come.  If you want a group rate, please call me 718-510-2364 or Evelyn 718-648-2610,

Kol Tuv,


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Robin Ticker <>
Date: Thu, Oct 22, 2009 at 12:29 PM
Subject: Our Journal Ad for RCRF Dinner - Rachel Imeinu Yahrzeit
To: Evelyn Haze <>


My husband and I wish to contribute $  bli neder toward the RCRF Dinner in honor of Rachel Imeinu's Yahrzeit.   Robin  

The Ad:

In Honor of Rachel Imeinu's Yahrzeit and Evelyn Hayes, Founder and President Of RCRF, Rachels Children Reclamation Foundation for being a partner in establishing a Living Presence in Kever Rochel.

May we merit to return to our borders in the Land of Israel, keep the commandments and join as One, a Nation under G-d worthy of Living In Eretz Yisroel in peace and prosperity.

May we  Corronate Hashem, our G-d our King and Proclaim Him as the One and Only Sovereign Ruler over the entire world and may our Almighty King desire us, the Nation of Israel,  as His Holy Chosen Nation, a Kingdom of Priests for the betterment of Mankind.

Yakov and Robin Ticker

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Evelyn Hayes <>
Date: Wed, Oct 21, 2009 at 11:17 AM
Subject: Press Release: Rachel's Children Reclamation Foundation's 15th Commemoration of the Yahrzeit of Rachel Imeinu will be held Thursday evening, October 29 at the Manhattan Beach Jewish Center

Great Matriarch remembered over 3600 years for her good deeds. Great Cause. Great Speakers. Great Program. Great food. Great guests. Great dreams. Tell your friends who are in NYCity area. We have guests coming from Suffolk, Nassau,  Conn to MD and Pa. Post to all lists, in your shuls. Twin with Kever and Rachel Imeinu Yahrzeit from NY . Just your passing on the word is perpetuating Ima Rachel's message for aliyah for Bnei Rachel and Klal Yisrael.
Press Release: Rachel's Children Reclamation Foundation's 15th Commemoration of the Yahrzeit of Rachel Imeinu will be held Thursday evening, October 29 at the Manhattan Beach Jewish Center.

 It won't be an ordinary dinner. It is much more than the glatt kosher food catered by New Star Caterers at the Manhattan Beach Jewish Center on 60 West End Avenue, Brooklyn NY, that will make this another most meaningful event. 2009 was a very significant year for RCRF. It was so fulfilling to celebrate Tu BShvat at Beit Bnei Rachel. Although our pomegranate and fig trees are inside the house within the walls, they are growing. The number of people coming to our events and to Kever Rachel are increasing. This 5770 Yahrzeit will see the tens of thousands again. The 11the anniversary of the Sefer Torah on Rosh Chodesh Tammuz began with Beit Orot Yeshiva boys laining, sharing breakfast with guests and a shiur on why Rachel Imeinu merits to bring the Geula.  Rebbitzen Tsippora Heller, Rabbi Yosef Klausner, Rabbi Ephraim Sprecher, Rabbi Yaakov Gurwitz were some of our inspirational speakers.  Rabbi Leff's Rosh Chodesh Elul shiur was filled with exceptional ruach by being in Beit Bnei Rachel. The spirit of this time surpassing message is at

         RCRF 60 West End Avenue, Brooklyn NY 11235, 718-648-2610 is over active in Israel and the US. Working overtime to reclaim our roots, Jewish identity and connect with the "good ideology",  RCRF has initiated a very timely program with a memorable theme, "Derech Eretz in the Merit of Rachel Imeinu". Although many are hinting at this necessary subject, this will be the theme of weekly classes at Beit Bnei Rachel, the RCRF majority owned Jewish property within the walled Rachel Tomb Complex because Rachel Imeinu's virtues are an example for us all especially in these trying times. She sacrificed herself for the future of Israel and is remembered over 3600 years as Mother Israel and is a role model for the whole civilized world.

          Besides visiting the injured in the Gaza War, RCRF has also begun a Newsletter: The Rachel Tear, which can be viewed at

         The Keynote Address at our dinner will be by Rabbi Raymond Beyda, a well known speaker and author of "1 Minute With Yourself". He will be introduced by Rabbi Yaakov Farhi of Torah Israel Sephardic Congregation of Manhattan Beach. Rabbi Moshe Snow who was a guest speaker in our Beit Bnei Rachel on Derech Chaya Rachel will explain "A Monumental Task". The Community Chessed Award will be presented to Mozelle Sammell by Gail Friedlin. The Community Activist Award will be presented to Myrna Zisman by Arlene Fox. Malky Grunwald, a new student at SKA who had the first Bas Mitzvah at Beit Rnei Rachel on Rosh Chodesh Elul 5757 will also address the audience about the meaning of Bas Mitzvahs at Kever Rachel . Please rush your ads and donations as this is our major fundraiser that supports Torah readings, weekly shiurim and the development of a Museum of Jewish Aliyah, a Beit Midrash, a Simcha Center and a Biblical Garden with a replica of ancient Kever Rachel as a chuppah. As we learned about being strong on Tisha B'Av, we were taught that Tu B'Av overcomes. What simcha when the weddings of our Bas Mitzvah girls are celebrated under the chuppah dedicated in the RCRF Biblical Garden.  Remember it was RCRF since 1995 and we petitioned for the Egged buses, initiated the shiurim, dedicated two Torahs, conduct classes and work so hard to fulfill the Rachel Prophecy, V Shavu Banim L'Gvulum. Remember, A visit to Israel without going to Kever Rachel is like going home and not visiting your mother." Evelyn Haies

 Rabbi Leff Rosh Chodesh Elul Shiur at Rachel Children's Beit Bnei Rachel shiurim and seuda.

The Rise of Nuclear Iran - Scary - Rav Amnon Yitzchok might have the only answer


Dear Doris and my Fellow Activists, amv"sh

I just want to share with you some of the material I have been listening to in Brooklyn, NY. Of course, please check it out yourself since I admit to being human and please don't hold me accountable if there are mistakes in the repeat of what Rav Amnon said). Please go to the source yourself.  I myself just went on their website and found a wealth of video material.

I've been listening to Rav Amnon Yitzchok on 95.1 fm in Borough Park Brooklyn, NY when I am in my car and his tapes are programmed   many hours during the day.

 Rav AmnonYitzchok, founder of the Shofar Organization 001-972-3-677-7779   (videos with English subtitles  says that it is written in the prophets (i believe he quotes Yechezkell, possibly the Zohar) that at the end of days (B'Acharit Hayamim) the Ishmaelites will take over Israel for 9 months, the whole world will come to fight over Jerusalem and finally the world will recognize the G-d of Israel.  He said 9 months compared to the 9 months of pregnancy before the birth of a new baby.   He says that the present situation with the Arabs is a result of not keeping our part of the Covenant with G-d.  He says that doctors, the army (Tzahal) would be unnecessary if we would keep the Commandments as we should since G-d would heal and protect. us, fight for us as He promises in the Torah.  Rav Amnon doesn't want to scare us but rather inform us.  I Believe he was referring to the present Tzahal which is lax in enforcing  the laws necessary to keep the soldiers in a holy frame of mind which is a prereq for victory)

Regarding the end of Days I believe that he says that that  it is written that 2/3 of the world will be destroyed. He said that in Eastern Europe 60% assimilated and there was a Holocaust.  He says that now  in America there is 90% assimilation rate.... 

He said that Enemies of Israel from the past will reincarnate and this period in time will be G-d's justice to them.  He says that Yishmael will have the zechut of taking over Israel for 9 months because of the fact that they did a Brit Milah at the late age of 13. 

Rav Amnono Yitzchok speaks in Hebrew primarily and personally I am amazed at the way he quotes pesukim, phrases literally from the Tanach on the spot, as he answers questions from the audiences.  He is sharp, funny,  entertaining, compassionate, clearly loves and is loved by his fellow Jew and  is making me into a Baalas Teshuva as well even though I was ffb (frum from birth).  As he explained, each and every Jew can/should be a Baal Teshuva..

He blesses individuals in the audience for health, prosperity,  children, marriage, fear of G-d etc in exchange for commitments to wearing head coverings, wearing Tzitzit, observance of commandments in the Torah daily commitments  to Torah study a certain allotted  time etc. .  In addition many people  in the audience who hear a request for blessings for a child or blessings for a complete recovery from a serious illness, take upon themselves additional commitments n Torah observance or Torah Study in order to help the blessing come into fruition for a particular individual..

He speaks of the necessity of unity of the Jewish people and how each straw alone can be easily broken but a bundle of straw can not be easily roken.

His unfaltering faith in G-d and G-d's ability to heal, protect and save the Jewish People is  for real.  He is bringing this nation to the level of faith in the desert.  There is no one we can depend on except G-d.  G-d is all powerful.  He can heal, He can protect - G-d wants nothing else but to bring good to His people and good to the world.  Simple faith of  a little child.  His powerful songs, Hakadosh Baruch Hu, Anachnu Ohavim Otcha (The Holy One, Blessed be He, We Love You!) Hakadosh Baruch Hu, Anachnu Mamlichim Otcha (The Holy One, Blessed BeHe , we makeYou our King), Hakadosh Baruch Hu, Anachnu Hayeladim Shelcha (The Holy One , Blessed Be He, we are Your children)  has brought hundreds of thousands of Israeli's to become Baalei Teshuva and if he has had such an impact on myself and others, I am sure that when people in America  hear him as well, it  causes an inner revolutions within many individuals.  Because what he says makes a lot of sense.  He is extremely logical for those that speak reason.  He is extremely knowledgeable and he addresses about every topic under the sun  when asked.  So many times I have said to myself, "that makes so much sense, how come I never heard or thought  of it  before".

It's worth inviting him to California and anywhere else.  Jewish schools and synagogues should have his tapes and videos all the time for free periods and easy access.   Many are subtitled into English as well as other languages.  I wonder if it is utubed so that our children can watch this instead of the last 20 years of sitcoms.   The internet is taking over the minds and hearts of our children. Kids spend hours upon hours watching baseball, football, basketball, tennis, that it takes over their lives not to mention utube and disney and whatever else is out there.  Let's not forget the secular library that has a large variety of enticing books and dvd's.

Many children and adults have forgotten or are sometimes clueless about  how to rake the leaves, paint the house, hangi;up fixtures, make furniture, sew clothes, install gas and electric, grow plants,fruits and vegetables, help  cook, clean, set the table etc. even learn computer skills.  They are too busy with other activities like being online, watching sports, playing poker, watching movies, entertaining utube and learn what they need to know to advance their entertainment etc.

As long as Moshiach still hasn't come the above skills are still useful and necessary things to know.  Once Moshiach comes, Rav Amnon says, we then revert to the Status of being in the Garden of Eden where all our physical needs are taken care of.  But in this point in time it's premature and we still need to uplift the material world with our efforts.

 Interpersonal communication skills are being modeled for us from the internet from TV shows of the past  and movies etc and the models are less than ideal. 

Working on our Middot are fantastic topics of  Rav Amnon Yitchok as well.

If we really want Never Again, Listening to Rav Amnon Yitzchok is an important first step. He might have the only answer.

Kol Tuv, Robin

On Wed, Oct 21, 2009 at 9:28 PM, Doris Wise Montrose <> wrote:

Working to ensure that Never Again remains more than a mere slogan
Children of Jewish Holocaust Survivors


One Jerusalem  
 David Horowitz Freedom Center, and
Mere Rhetoric Media


Ambassador Dore Gold

Monday, November 2, 2009 - 7 p.m.
Skirball Cultural Center
2701 North Sepulveda Blvd. ●
Los Angeles

One of Israel's greatest living foreign policy experts, Ambassador Dore Gold will be speaking about his new book The Rise of Nuclear Iran: How Tehran Defies the West and about the threats posed by a resurgent Iran arming itself with weapons of mass destruction.

Gold has served as Israel's ambassador to the United Nations and has been direct envoy to the leaders of almost a dozen Arab states. In The Rise of Nuclear Iran he brings his unique experience and knowledge to bear on the diplomatic and military dimensions of Iran's drive for nuclear weapons. Sounding the alarm about the nuclear threat has earned Gold vociferous attacks from America's liberal foreign policy community, which seeks to avoid a confrontation with Iran at all costs. He will be speaking about all that and more, before taking questions from the audience.

The Rise of Nuclear Iran systematically lays out the elements of Iran's weaponization program: highly enriched nuclear material, long-range ballistic missiles, and nuclear-capable warheads. The revelation of the Qom enrichment facility and Iran's subsequent missile tests have confirmed all of Gold's warnings, making his book required reading for anyone who seeks to understand Tehran's current and future plans.

Now Ambassador Gold will lay out a bleak case against the West's "sticks and carrots" engagement policy and highlight the consequences of its likely failure: a "nuclear umbrella" for global terrorists, a Middle East dominated by Shiite hegemony, a Western hemisphere subject to Iranian threats, and a ever-present genocidal shadow over the Jewish State.

Tickets are $10 per person 
Seating is Limited
Pre-registration is recommended for this event
To register email
A safe and secure Israel is vital to world interest.
A safe and secure Israel is a prerequisite to genuine peace in the world.

Visit us at

Children Of Jewish Holocaust Survivors (CJHSLA)is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization committed to the promotion of Western values against the dual threats of complacency at home and political Islam abroad.

We believe that a safe and secure Israel, prospering as a Jewish State, is a prerequisite to long-term global peace.

CJHS insists that the last Holocaust imposes upon all people of good will a moral and political imperative to prevent the next one.

CJHS operates solely on donations, all of which are greatly appreciated.  
Never Again must remain more than a mere slogan

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Friday, October 16, 2009

Shame on General Shamni for expelling Jews from Yitzhar before beginning as IDF envoy to Washington


For a background on Shamni and his  past as someone who goes far beyond his orders
and makes an effort to persecute the Jews of Yesha in order to please the Left:
Press Release from Tova Abady of  Manhigut Yehudit "Shame on General Shamni"

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Tova <>
Date: Thu, Oct 15, 2009 at 8:40 PM
Subject: most people received some didn't so here it is

Moshe Feiglin
Co-Founder & President
Contact: Tova Abadi, Media Spokesperson
(917) 301-0997 (cell phone)
Shmuel Sackett
Co-Founder & International Director
Oct 15,2009... 
Three beautiful Jewish families from the Jewish community of Yitzhar (the Manhigut Yehudit Jewish Leadership group just visited there last week) have been told that their breadwinner fathers have to leave their homes and jobs for six months for the crime of living and working in Israel.
Akiva Hacohen, Ariel Gruner and Eliav Eliyahu have been given five days to leave their homes.
This order to expel these Jews is the only criminal act and was signed by IDF Central District Commander Maj-Gen. Gadi Shamni who is scheduled to begin as IDF envoy to Washington beginning next week.
Isn't it enough of a black mark on the IDF that 8000 Jews were expelled from their homes in Gush Katif? There is almost no one right or left who doesn't see now the terrible consequences of expelling Jews from their rightful homes.  
Those who support the current leadership in Israel and give money or bonds should make their voices heard and look towards real Jewish leadership in Israel. Moshe Feiglin, head of the Jewish Leadership faction of Likud and increasingly Israeli's choice for future P.M. will never allow Jews to be expelled from their homes.  
For those who believe that P.M. Netanyahu has changed his spots, remember that this expulsion order is happening right under the nose of P.M. Netanyahu. His eloquence in words apparently have no correlation with his deeds.  



Rob Muchnick, US Director
(516) 779-7420 (cell phone)
The Manhigut Yehudit website is