Monday, August 07, 2006

Daven for a Soldier or for someone in harm's way. Request of Rav Kook

Today I heard that the husband of Garviela (Mageni) daughter of my friend Shoshana Mageni and Chaim Mageni ob"m (the famous tour guide of Kiryat Arba) was one of the reservists killed in Lebanon.
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Sunday, August 06, 2006

Let's not Cry for Israel. Let's Sing for Israel

In the Stone Chumash, the commentary states that Moshe desired keeping the Mitzvoth of the Land of Israel and therefore begged Hashem to enter the Land.  He knew that the only way he could keep these Mitzvoth, like Shemittah, Teruma and Maaser etc was in the Land itself.  Moshe didn't care if he wasn't the leader.  Moshe simply wanted an opportunity to keep the Mitzvoth of Eretz Yisroel. Sefer Devarim focus is on Mitzvoth on how to live in Eretz Yisroel.  Moshe knew that he was not to enter the Land so he spent the last days of his life (from Rosh Chodesh Shvat till 7 Adar) to instruct the people on how to live in the Land of Israel rather than in a spiritual desert. 
I would focus on Devarim, Perek 4 Pasuk 5 "See I have taught you decrees and ordinances as Hashem, my G-d has commanded me to do so in the midst of the Land to which you come, to possess it."
Why are we not challenging the Gedoilim of our generation who are misguiding the hundreds of thousands of followers into believing that speaking out against the Conversion Plan or against the Roadmap is a political  position.  There is nothing political about these policies.  It is anti Torah.  The Torah specifically instructs Am Yisroel to conquer the Land and keep the Mitzvoth in the midst of the Land, to possess it.   This idea is very clearly repeated in Pasuk 14 Perek 4.  "Hashem commanded me at that time to teach you decrees and ordinances, that you shall perform them in the Land to which you cross to possess it. " This is clearly Torah Shebaal Peh.  Moshe is teaching the people.  If we challenge the Rabbanim we are asked where is your Emunas Chachamim?  Yet it is quite clear that Moshe Rabbeinu, the ultimate teacher and source of Torah Shebaal Peh clearly speaks about the Mitzvoth in the midst of the Land
How can our Gedoilim detach themselves from the claim to the Land.  The boundaries of Eretz Yisroel before Chait Hamiraglim were much more broad.  The boundaries in Matos Masei include Lebanon and Gaza.  Yet these two areas were never conquered by Yehoshua.  We have the opportunity in our generation to fix these sins.  We can proclaim that we desire Eretz Yisroel and we yearn to keep the Mitzvoth such as Shemittah and all the other Mitzvoth read at Hakhel.  We have the opportunity to proclaim Lebanon and Gaza as part of the Biblical inheritance as delineated in Parshas Masei. 
I would choose not to Cry for Israel but proudly claim Eretz Yisroel as our Biblical Inheritance and subject to all kinds of obligations that no other Nation has.  When we recognize our special role, and when we safeguard and perform them(decrees and ordinances), because it is "your wisdom and discernment in the eyes of the people", the nations of the world will say "Surely a wise and discerning people is this great nation."
The pasuk says "Ushmartem Vasisem".  You should keep and guard them.  These words are used specifically also for Shabbos.  How can we keep and do the Mitzvoth without the Land  We can merely learn about the Mitzvoth.  That is direct proof that the Land must be under our sovereign hands.  Lakewood or Boro Park is not good enough to keep and perform these Mitzvoth Bekerev Haaretz. One can only learn about them in Lakewood and Boro Park.  One can actually perform them in a  place like Itamar in the Shomron. 
It also uses the same terminology when the Torah talks about Gan Eden that Adam must guard it and protect it.  The same words "Leshamra Ulavda".  Let me suggest that the Mitzva that will clearly show the world Chochmaschem Ubinaschem is the Mitzva of Shemitta which includes the essence of Shabbos.  It is Shabbat Haaretz.  The time has come to really focus on Shemitta and how it can be performed without Takana of Hillel, Pruzbul which was a response to a weakness in Emuna after the Churban.  Let us brainstorm about keeping Shemitta w/o Heter Mechira which was established due to a fear of starvation.  These two takanot undermine our show of Emunah by performing Shemitas Kesafim and Shemitas Karkaot.  Keeping Shemittah w/o these Takanot is quite revolutionary and very scary.  We still have over a year to brainstorm.  Lets call in the economists, the political scientists, the Torah Scholars and discuss how such a government can function when the entire farming community is on Sabbatical and the non farming community are told to loan to the poor with an open hand and not demand retribution.  It sounds very much like a socialist, kibbutz lifestyle without working the land.
We will come up with a government that is nothing like the existing models.  Actually it will be a combination of the two.  For 6 years it will model the Capitalist economic system that we love and respect in America and on the seventh year it will model the Kibbutz lifestyle that actually allowed the State of Israel to grow and flourish immediately following the Holocaust.  This kibbutz, socialist model for a people that individually had next to nothing and collectively pooled their resources, was integral and necessary and successful in the initial development of the State of Israel.
This is the Shira Chadasha for our generation to replace all sadness and crying.

Friday, August 04, 2006

U'Teshuvah, U'Tefila U'Tzedakah maavirin et roa ha-gezera,"

U'Teshuvah, U'Tefila U'Tzedakah Maavirin et Roa Ha-gezera,
And Repentance,  and Prayer and Charity remove the Harsh Decree

Teshuva:  Let us desire  Eretz Yisroel and her boundaries delineated in Parshas Masei.
Let us yearn to keep the Mitzvoth of the Torah. Focus on the Mitzvah of Shemittah and the Mitzvoth read at Hakhel as Moshe Rabbeinu yearned in Parshath Veeschanan to enter Eretz Yisroel in order to keep the Mitzvoth of Eretz Yisroel.
Tefillah: Davan for the welfare of our brethren and the soldiers that are in harms way.
Tzedakah: Respond to the appeals in announcements in your local papers and in shuls for help for our brothers and sisters from the Northern part of Eretz Yisroel


Thoughts about Tisha Baav - Roy Neuberger - Why Lebanon?



Dear Friends:

            Tonight is Tisha B'Av.

            I realized this week that I had been making a big mistake.  I had not been praying with enough passion because I just assumed that the Israel Defense Forces would take care of our enemies. 

            According to the Mishna B'rura, before one takes any medical treatment or medicine, one should say a prayer acknowledging that nothing can cure us without it being the will of the Creator.  The pill or medical treatment is an attempt on our part, as beings who dwell in a material world, to do everything within our power to get better.  But the cure comes only from G-d.

            Every day we say the blessing, "Blessed are You, L-rd our G-d, Who gives sight to the blind."  What do you mean "blind"? I am not blind; I can see.  I once heard Rabbi Matisyahu Salomon explain this blessing.  NO, WE CANNOT SEE!  It is not "normal" for us to see.  It is totally a gift of G-d!  We are nothing!  We have no existence, no vision, no strength, no intelligence, no happiness, no success; we have nothing unless G-d gives it to us!  We should not delude ourselves: only the Master of the Universe saves us in every situation. 

The same is true in Israel.  Our brethren in the Land of Israel are putting their lives on the line.  Only G-d can save us. 

But why are we fighting in Lebanon on Tisha B'Av?  What do Lebanon and Tisha B'Av have to do with each other? 

My friends, you will be amazed. 


Last week, I was looking in the Artscroll Tanach at a map of the Biblical boundaries of the Land of Israel.  I noticed two large shaded areas, so I checked to see what they indicated.  I almost fell off my chair.  The shaded areas are the parts of Biblical Israel that were never conquered by Joshua

What are the names of those shaded areas?  Are you ready?


GAZA AND LEBANON, the exact areas that are giving us such terrible tzouris!  The two areas that Joshua never conquered for Am Yisroel today hold our most vicious enemies, from which deadly missiles, violence and hatred pour out upon us!

For days I tried to understand the meaning of this discovery.  Motzae Shabbos, before going to sleep, I asked G-d to help me.  The following morning I looked at this week's Parsha, Va'eschanan, and I saw in Rashi's commentary the most amazing answer.

The Parsha begins with Moses imploring G-d to allow him to enter the Land of Israel.  "Please let me cross and see the good land that is on the other side of the Jordan, this good mountain and.....

And what?  What is the word that Moses uses to complete this sentence? 



What does Lebanon have to do with this? 

Please listen, my friends, to the holy words of Rashi.

What is the "good mountain" to which Moses refers? 


And what is "Lebanon"?

"This is the Bais HaMikdosh, the Holy Temple, which whitens ("lavan" is "white" in Hebrew) Israel's sins."

"Lebanon" is the Holy Temple, which "whitens Israel's sins."

Let us pause for a moment to digest the enormity of this understanding.

We are here, at the end of history, fighting for our lives.  We stand, in the days before Tisha B'Av, the day of the destruction of the HOLY TEMPLE, in a life and death struggle in LEBANON, which stands for the HOLY TEMPLE.

There are no accidents in history, my friends.

The Battle in Lebanon and the battle of our souls on Tisha B'Av are one and the same!  This is the battle to "whiten Israel's sins."  The nations of the world understand that we are all on the verge of the Final Redemption, when all falsehood and evil will be erased from the earth and the Children of Israel will return to our Homeland and the Holy Temple will return to Jerusalem, never to be destroyed again.

The battle in Lebanon is not about land or politics or public opinion polls, but is in fact the final stand of the enemies of the Children of Israel, the enemies of Biblical Destiny.  THE BATTLE OF LEBANON IS THE BATTLE TO PREVENT THE CHILDREN OF ISRAEL FROM RETURNING TO G-D AND BRINGING ABOUT THE ADVENT OF THE HOLY TEMPLE. 

Of course, we will prevail!   Our prophets have told us that history will end with the coming of Moshiach and the Re-Building of the Holy Temple.  But now it is our turn!  We are all soldiers in this war to cleanse the soul of our people and bring the Temple back forever.  We are all on the front lines with our gallant soldiers and the courageous residents of our Holy Land who are now living in bomb shelters. 

ON THIS TISHA B'AV EVERYTHING IS AT STAKE.  WE CAN NOT TAKE ANYTHING FOR GRANTED.  The footsteps of Moshiach are audible and the Holy Temple is ready to return to the Holy Mountain.  The battle for LEBANON, the "whitening of the sins of Israel" is on, and every one of us is a soldier in this holy war.

May our prayers this Tisha B'Av pierce the heavens and gladden our Father in Heaven with our complete repentance and return to Him in teshuva!

With blessings,

                                                                          Roy S. Neuberger

Monday, July 17, 2006

My Prayer - Shemittah is the Key

As the War in Israel is going on, I find comfort in the words of the Torah.  Who is the cause of this big mess?  Who can take us out and save us from this big mess.  Only the Rebono Shel Olam.  Yet it comes with a price.  This price is we must keep the Commandments of the Torah.  Which Mitzvah specifically is related to Security?  It is the Mitzva of Shemittah.  So in my naive, childlike expression of faith I turn to the Torah.  If we truly have that desire to keep the Mitzvah of Shemittah in order to bring forth Kedusha and the blessings of peace and prosperity we would find the strength to proclaim "THIS IS THE LAND PROMISED TO THE AVOT AND TO THEIR OFFSPRING THE NATION OF ISRAEL "  We in turn are obligated in keeping the Mitzvoth of Shemittah.  Shemittah is a Mitzvah that requires Land,  Only Am Yisroel can actualize the raison d'etre of this Holy Land by keeping the Mitzvah of Shemittah.  That's the reason we can not give it to anyone else.  Not even to a friend that isn't out to destroy us.
The forces are out to destroy us.  Let us return to Hakadosh Baruch Hu and say.  Hashem we made a few mistakes.  But now we are ready to do Teshuva.  We want to keep the Torah as you prescribed. We really desire Eretz Yisroel and we truly want to keep the Mitzvoth.  Will you please give us another chance?  We are begging you Hashem.  Please have pity on us.  We are not perfect human beings.  We all make mistakes.  But now we wish to do better.  Please save us from our enemies and we will try our best to be better Jews and keep the Torah better.  We will focus on the Mitzvah of Shemittah and all the Mitzvoth in Devorim read at Hakhel.  We will examine how these Mitzvoth can be done in our days without a Beis Hamikdash.  We are a poor Nation yet with You we are rich.  We are a weak Nation yet with YOU we are strong.  Let us find the strength to fight and win this battle and please G-d let us never forget that it is only You that saved us and that it is only Your Torah that can Save us.  Please hear my prayers and let these words find their way into the heart of your people.  I believe with my heart and soul that they are true.  Aseh Le'maan Shemecha, Aseh Lemaan Yimenecha, Aseh Lemaan Kedushasecha, Asheh Lemaan Torasecha, Lemaan Yechaltzun Yedidecha, Hoshea Yemincha Vaneini. Yehiyu Leratzon Imrei Fi Vehegion Libi Lefanecha Hashem Tzuri VeGoali.

Friday, July 14, 2006

Letter to Malcolm Hoenlein and Rav Shteinman

It interested me to see how similar on the Nachum Segal show, Malcolm's answers were to Rav Shteinman.  From a reliable source I learned that Rav Shteinman when asked regarding the expulsions and the future expulsions answered in 3 words in Yiddish.  Nisht Inzere Sugia.  Which  roughly translated into English means "not our dept: or not related to what we are involved with." 
Malcolm said on the Nachum Segal show regarding land withdrawal, that we can't really make a difference  yet he ended the session with inspiring words regarding those missing in action and the archeological excavations that when we all stand up together and unite and take a stand then it does make a difference.  Malcolm who represents the Conference of Presidents that supported the disengagement openly in their website  is now actively planning a demonstration in conjunction with the OU and an AD Hoc Coalition for Justice regarding the kidnapped soldiers and in defense of the State of Israel retaliation in Gaza and Lebanon.
Malcolm Hoenlein and Rav Shteinman  choose their battles carefully. Apparently, they choose the same battles President Bush is willing to fight.
Eretz Yisroel is our Biblical Inheritance and we, Am Yisroel are obligated in commandments.  That is not revocable.  Oslo, Roadmap, Convergence and Unilateral Withdrawal are diametrically opposed to the Covenant - the Oath Hashem gave to Am Yisroel through our Forefathers Abraham, Isaac and Jacob).  The boundaries of Eretz Yisroel are delineated in the Torah.  They are not defined by 1948 or 1967 or the present. They were defined from the beginning of Time..  Period. The time has come to speak up.  It is perhaps for this reason alone you have come to greatness.
Malcolm and Rav Shteinman.  You can state the Torah position or you can ignore it.  Up till now you are simply addressing the byproducts of ignoring the Torah.  We are now in a security and humanitarian crisis.  President Bush realizes it and supports Israel's right to defend herself.  Yet, there is no reason to believe that even with the mighty strength of the IDF we can overcome our enemies without listening and keeping Hashem's Torah.  Tonight I studied with my 8 year old son Parshas Toldos.  Please read Breishis Perek 26 Pesukim 1-6.  The translation is from the Stone Chumash.  1) THERE WAS A FAMINE IN THE LAND, ASIDE FROM THE FIRST FAMINE THAT WAS IN THE DAYS OF ABRAHAM; AND ISAAC WENT TO ABIMELECH KING OF THE PHILISTINES, TO GERAR.  2) HASHEM APPEARED TO HIM AND SAID, "DO NOT DESCEND TO EGYPT; DWELL IN THE LAND THAT I SHALL INDICATE TO YOU.  3) SOJOURN IN THIS LAND AND I WILL BE WITH YOU AND BLESS YOU; FOR TO YOU AND YOUR OFFSPRING WILL I GIVE ALL THESE LANDS, AND ESTABLISH THE OATH THAT I SWORE TO ABRAHAM YOUR FATHER; 4) I WILL INCREASE YOUR OFFSPRING LIKE THE STARS IN HEAVENS; AND WILL GIVE TO YOUR OFFSPRING ALL THESE LANDS; AND ALL THE NATIONS OF THE EARTH SHALL BLESS THEMSELVES BY YOUR OFFSPRING. 5) BECAUSE ABRAHAM OBEYED MY VOICE, AND OBSERVED MY SAFEGUARDS, MY COMMANDMENTS, MY DECREES AND MY TORAHS.  6) SO ISAAC SETTLED IN GERAR.
We know that Eretz Pelishtim, Gerar is Gush Katif.  Isaac was not allowed to leave Eretz Yisroel.  Gush Katif is included in the delineated boundaries of Eretz Yisroel specified in the Torah. How do I explain to my 8 year old son why the Rabbanim are being silent about the Promised Land. Why is there silence when President Bush talks about a democratic Palestinian State living side by side in peace and harmony with the State of Israel. (also known as the Roadmap Plan).  Why is there no public yearning for The Land Promised  to Avraham. Yitzchok and Yaakov and their offspring as is clearly stated in these Pesukim and many others as well.  How do I teach my son Emunas Chachamim or respect for the Jewish Leaders when there is silence about the Torah.  Perhaps it is this Silence, this Chillul Hashem  that has brought these tragedies upon us?
You can choose between Life and Death.  Ubacharta BaChaim.  Choose Life. Then we will be worthy of the coming of Moshiach.

Letter to Zev Brenner - Rabbi Spero - negative press for NY Times

Dear Zev Brenner, amv"sh
I would like to get in touch with Rabbi Spero the person you interviewed tonight Thursday June 13th at 9:00 pm TCN radio show) who led the demonstration in front of the Times office this past week . Is he aware that there has been a grassroots efforts going on this past week as well to Mr. Calame, of the New York Times asking him to inform its readers of the extremely grave conditions of the expellees from Gush Katif.  This grassroots efforts was initiated by Buddy Macy who is actively working on the year anniversary Commemoration of Gush Katif.   Buddy has kept track of the letter writers.  This past week alone there were definitely over 40 letters and most probably many more, written to Mr. Calame.  Yet instead of the Times reporting on the grave conditions of the expellees from Gush Katif they chose instead to post a very sympathetic article about the Gazans that were recently displaced due to Israel's response of the kidnapping of Gilad Shalit.  This article of July 12th page A12 of the International Section was entitled "Once Again, Gazans Are Displaced by Israeli Occupiers" by Steve Erlanger.
After reading this article in the Times it was apparent that this letter writing campaign wasn't going the way we had hoped.  Jay Ticker, wrote the following that might be of interest to Rabbi Spero.
Dear Robin
   The Times has many features I really love.  It's an institution that
can't easily be avoided.  I read it on the internet or borrow a copy,
but haven't subscribed or purchased the paper in ages.  
   There's nothing new about bias and lies in the pages of the Times. 
I just recalled the name of Walter Duranty, the Times Moscow
correspondent in the 1930s, who got a Pulitzer by glossing over the
deaths of millions in the Stalin's famines and purges with timeless
quotes like, "You can't make an omelet without braking eggs..."  (New
York Times, May 14 1933, page 18);  or the classic obfuscation, "There
is no actual starvation or deaths from starvation but there is
widespread mortality from diseases due to malnutrition...."   (New York
Times, March 31, 1933, page 13).  This while thousands were dying of
starvation each day in the Ukraine. 
    Walter Duranty's dead but his spirit lives on in the correspondents
successively anointed by the Times and in its editorial policies.  It's
the same romantic spirit that brought the Times' man in Cuba in the late
1950s, Herbert L.  Matthews, to brand Fidel as an idealistic liberator
and overlook the tyrant in the making.
     What does the spirit of Walter Duranty and Herbert L. Matthews
have to do with the contemporary Times' endless sympathy for
Palestinians and its simultaneous dismissal of the suffering of Gush
Katif exiles and Israeli victims of Arab terror?   Walter Duranty,
Herbert L. Matthews, and their current avatars at the Times share being
animated by a tendency to romanticize violent ideological extremism, be
it in the form of messianic Marxist promises of an earthly paradise to
be brought about through sweeping but necessarily bloody historical
change; the charisma of iconic, macho Cuban rebels; or the toxic
apotheosis of anger and resentment characteristic of Muslim
fundamentalism in general and Arab and especially Palestinian mythos in
    The Sun is a fine young paper and I hope it thrives and we should
buy it to help it do so.
    Jay (Yakov) Ticker    
Thanking you in advance.
Sincerely, Robin

More about NY Times and the 17th Day of Tammuz - Biblical Archeology

Please refer to the Times article  Batya Medad has posted in her blog in order to really see what we are up against.  To get it online you needed to be a registered member of the Times (for free). entiled "Once Again, Gazans are Displaced by Israeli Occupiers". by Steven Erlanger.
The article focuses on the poor displaced Palestinians due to the recent Israeli incursion with tanks and armored bulldozers and artillery disturbing their sleep and forcing them into shelters and causing a humanitarian crisis of food shortages including baby formula etc.
The Times sees no reason at all to focus on the displaced Jews from Gaza. 
The New York Sun's article by Benny Avni, Staff Reporter of the Sun "Israeli Action in Gaza Scrutinized by U.N. Humanitarian Official" on the other hand wrote
"Israeli officials told the Sun yesterday that the army closed the Karmi Crossing only after receiving "specific" terrorist threats.  Last April, Colonel Peres noted, a car bomb exploded in the Karni Crossing, Tunnels said to be used by terrorists were recently found near the crossing.
Israel, he added has offered to open up an alternative entry for the use of humanitarian trucks through the southern Gaza Kerem Shalom crossing.  The Palestinian Arabs balked for political reasons, he said."
Today, the 17th Day of Tammuz I received the Mishpacha Magazine.  The Cover Page Article "Challenge -  The Quest to Eradicate Our Connection and Claim to The Temple Mount" by Rachel Ginsberg.   The article was about the truckloads of ancient dirt illegally scooped out from under the Temple Mount and retrieved from the City Dump.  There is an additional side boxed article about Dr. Eilat Mazar who believes she has discovered King David's Palace.  "More than ten years ago, Mazar proposed a solid thesis as to the location of the palace but despite her sound hypothesis and impeccable credentials, she couldn't find any financial backers for her proposed dig, as if no one in the academic world really wanted to find David's palace.  It's no wonder, when even mainstream archaeologists are inclined to play down funds which might be considered too highly charged with Biblical or historical accuracy.  Another example is Adam Zertal who in 1983 discovered an enormous sacrificial alter on Mount Ebal on the very mountain where Joshua's alter was built after the Jews crossed the Jordan River. The alter he found contained tools dating to the twelfth century BCE the time the Jewish people entered the Land, and its construction matched the descriptions of Joshua's alter in both Biblical and rabbinic texts. ... The more vocal accused Zertal, a secular Jew raised on a kibbutz, of being politically motivated to support Jewish settlement in the area around Shechem where Mount Ebal is located.  (p.s these are communities scheduled for next wave of expulsions like Itamar)  David Hazony of the Shalem Center, an academic think tank in Jerusalem sponsored Mazar. He is quoted as saying "We didn't want to see this shunted to the side like Zertal's discovery.  The message he got from his colleagues was, 'It's bad for business to find things from the Bible these days.  It makes us look like unsophisticated messianic fanatics.' 
This insert article concludes by saying "Unfortunately, academia has done much to undermine the Jews' capacity to say where we came from and what our past is all about."
Our focus until now has been defensive.  Today President Bush was asked how he felt about Israel's attack in Lebanon he said "It's pathetic but Israel has the right to defend itself". The understanding of that statement is that if Israel isn't attacked then the Convergence Plan and Roadmap are legitimate solutions to the Middle East instability. 
I would like to see a change in our focus.   I like the analogy of the Jews being the violinist and the Land of Israel is the precious violin and the Torah is the proper notes.  In order to create beautiful music you need a talented violinist, the precious violin and the right notes.    We are a proud Nation.  Blessings for the entire World can only come through us.  This is not the time to be humble.  Let us not be afraid to be like "unsophisticated messianic fanatics" and promote Biblical and historical accuracy.

More about the NY Times

Dear Friends, amv"sh
Please read discussion below.  We'd be interested in hearing your thoughts.
In a message dated 7/12/06 12:46:29 P.M. Central Daylight Time, writes:
Dear Robin,
I halted my subscription of the Times almost ten years ago, when it was not yet fashionable to do so! I couldn't take the bias back then and the aggravation it gave me was not worth reading any part of the paper. I actually went through a withdrawal of sorts after I cancelled my subscription, and I only found a wonderful substitute with the New York Sun.
You are right about not knowing whether they will distort any info on the sorry situation of the Gaza refugees. Since their foremost aim is to slant all news into their own radical bias, they may use any material you (or others) send them to do the same. Any article they print really ends up being a feature article rather than a news one. But, at the chance of embarressing the Sharon/Olmert government, it might be worth a shot. You never know!
What do others think?
Kol tuv,
I don't know.  I'll ask around.  Meanwhile in my letter to the Times I focused on the positive contributions of the settlers to society before the disengagement and not only on their unfortunate homelessness at the present.  I made it a point to emphasize that they grew flowers and bug free lettuce.  That is in stark contrast with what the Palestinians have been doing with Gaza once it was given to them.  They literally destroyed equipment, buildings, infrastructure and many of the profitable farming enterprises that were handed over to them for free.  The chose instead to send Kassam rockets and attack Israel.  I am sure documentation for this can be found.  Perhaps it pays to focus on papers like the New York Sun that are less biased and not expect much from the Times.
What do others think?

More about letter writing campaign to NY Times

Dear Sara, amv"sh
The campaign I understand is to put pressure on the Times to report the negative consequences of the Disengagement.  After reading an article in yesterday's Times related to Gilad Shalit, I am a bit concerned.  The Times article appeared in the  International Section A8 entitled "Israel Rejects Hamas Terms for Exchange Of Prisoners" By Greg Myre. (my husband picks up stray copies on the train)  In this article they portray Olmert as being very forceful in his unwillingness to negotiate with Hamas while the Hamas spokesperson  on the other hand Mr. Khaled Meshal, the exiled director of the Hamas political bureau, in a news conference in Damascus, Syria shows a strong willingness to negotiate.  "The solution is simple: exchange prisoners," Mr. Meshal said.  "There will be no freedom for the Israeli prisoner without an exchange involving Palestinian detainees."
the Times article continues...
Mr. Meshal was also critical of the U.S. and other Western countries for placing so much emphasis on one Israeli soldier when Israel was holing nearly 9,000 Palestinian prisoners.
Meshal continues and says that Corporal Shalit had been seized in a "clean military operation" and that Hamas considered him a prisoner of war.
The Times reporter(s) are very slick. I am afraid this campaign might cause  the Times to have a balanced article of all the "Palestinian refugees" in the same breath as the unfortunate conditions of the Jewish refugees from Gush Katif.  I am not an avid reader of the Times but it is for legitimate reasons that the Times is being boycotted by Dov Hikind.  Recognizing the TImes for who they are, the question is what is the best way to put pressure on them that will report the disengagement in a negative light rather than twist it to appear justified.  I don't really have an answer.  Perhaps you guys do. 

Letters written to the NY Times

Dear Mr. Calame,
You are in a position of influence.  You must be aware of the power of  News on future News.  What I am suggesting is that the Times and other media does not only report the News, they are actually part of the creation of the News.  I preface my remarks with this statement in order to impress upon you your role in effecting change either for the good or for the bad.
The Gaza Disengagement was tragic.  Not only because of having caused homelessness but even more so because it took productive individuals and brought them down.  Most of the people disengaged from Gaza were productive farmers.  They were role models.  Many of their farming techniques were models for the international farming communities.  You must be aware that many scientific agricultural methods developed by Israel is presently being used all over the world to improve farming techniques and eliminate food shortages in Third World countries.  What comes to mind is drip irrigation which was developed in Israel, hydroponics which was used extensively in the disengaged communities of Gaza and just today I read in  Israel National News "Israeli Research Paves the Way to Grow Crops in Saline Land". 
The tragedy of the disengagement is twofold.  People are now homeless and are undergoing severe psychological and emotional trauma from being uprooted from their homes for no apparent good reason.  But the more subtle tragedy is to mankind who will be denied the lost fruits of their labor.  Maybe flowers and bug free lettuce can be grown elsewhere.  But it is not the same.  These people of Gush Katif (Gaza) have to start from scratch with many roadblocks.  They are emotionally scarred.  They are preoccupied with nursing their wounds instead of moving forward with what might have been great benefits to mankind.   
And more expulsions are in the works.  Please read Olmert: My Unilateral Withdrawal Plan is Still On.
This is where you come in.  If the Times and other papers as the Times would report on the tragedy of the Disengagement, not only to 8,000 people but also to humankind, perhaps Olmert who in very influenced by public opinion would choose not to continue with his Withdrawal Plan. 
Please do what you can in this matter.
Robin Ticker

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Lmaan Zion lo Echesheh


The following is a response to Hakhel's message (see below).

Again, beautiful in words but empty in action. Like the Emperor's garments. Your Torah is dressed in the most beautiful of finery and the most eloquent Divrei Torah. Yet where is a united proclamation that Eretz Yisroel is the Inheritance of Am Yisroel? The Promised Land was promised to our Patriarchs starting with Avraham as an inheritance for their seed as an eternal possession. Doesn't eternal include the present? Aren't Jews all over the world and Israel their seed? If there was a true Tzipisi Leyeshua, these words would replace the words of your Divrei Torah. The Convergence Plan and Roadmap are against the Torah. A child of 5 knows the first Rashi of Breishis. Yet the Gedoilim have been silent.

The Children will speak the truth and the Leaders will be embarrassed. It's even worse. The chait of the Miraglim was akin to idolotry. They didn't merit Olam Haba. They perished immediately for misguiding the hundreds of thousands of their followers. The rest of the Nation were allowed a gradual punishment. In fact, those that sat in meetings, many members of the Sanhedrin joined with Korach and they perished. These are two blatant examples where the Leaders were wrong and were punished severely.

Let me add that Gedoilim alone is a bathroom word. Without Torah, Gedoilim Batorah are simply Gedoilim.

These are words of harshness. Yet, it is not nearly as harsh as the Chillul Hashem that is as a result of the Silence. Is the Admor M'Gur, Rav Shteinman, Rav Kanievsky, Rav Eliashiv, Rav Kamenetsky of the Chofetz Chaim Heritage Foundation speaking out? Are their Shamashim even allowing them too or updating them on current events? Is this lack of Emunas Chachamim? Or is it simply exposure of an Avoda Zara that has pervaded Orthodox Jewry. To put our blind trust in people who are simply human beings rather than in believing in Toras Moshe MeSinai and really believing in the fundamental Truth that has been repeated hundreds of times in the Torah that Eretz Yisroel is our Inheritance and we are obligated to keep the Mitzvoth. The second Dibra of the 10 Commandments is that we shouldn't have other Gods. If only these Gedoilim would make this Kol Korei that Eretz Yisroel is the Divine Ordained Land for Am Yisroel the Seed of the Patriarchs, exclusively, and that the Convergence Plan and Unilateral Withdrawal and the Roadmap are all a contradiction to the Torah. If only they would say please voice a protest by calling the White House or sending an email or supporting the March of the Youth (Separate marching for boys and for girls) over the Land of Eretz Yisroel fulfilling Kum Hishalech command to Avraham Avinu and to future generations.. These youth are acting on their love and yearning for the Land. Why not admit it? If only they would speak out and end the Silence as is the group L'Maan Zion Lo Echesha, then hundreds of thousands of people would follow their lead. The expulsions would be stopped in its tracks. The Chillul Hashem would end.

The Miraglim were Tzadikim before the Chait Hamiraglim. Let this generation be the rectifiers of this Chait. Let individual Gedoilim Batorah stand up and collectively take a claim to Our Land. Let the Chofetz Chaim Foundation be Metaken the root of Lashon Hara this Tisha Baav which stems from Chait Miraglim. Or will it simply not be on the Agenda? Please Hashem, let my words prove to be false. I wish to be proven wrong because I know how desperately we need our Gedoilim Batorah.


Robin Ticker

Hakhel Email Community Awareness Bulletin-One of Only Six


One of the six questions a person is asked after his 120 year stay in this world is "Tzipisa Li'Yeshua"--did you sincerely await the Redemption (Shabbos 31A)? Indeed, the Rambam writes in the 12th Foundation of Faith that we must await Moshiach every single day. Further, as we all know, in the 15th brocha of Shemone Esrei we all plead "...for your salvation we hope every day."

We asked HaRav Yisroel Belsky, Shlita, for the Makor, for the source, in Torah that we must wait for this fundamental principle. HaRav Belsky, Shlita suggested two possible sources. First, the Pasuk in Beraishis(49:18): "LiShuasecha Kivisi Hashem"--for your Redemption I wait Hashem. It is well known that the Brisker Rav Z'tl could recite this Pasuk several times during any given day. Various explanations may be given for his practice. We suggest that perhaps he was careful to constantly remind himself throughout the day to await redemption--by reciting its Makor in the Torah. Moreover, it is interesting to note that the nusach of the 15th bracha of Shemone Esrei seems to indicate that our longing for redemption should go on throughout the day ("KOL HAYOM"), and not necessarily be limited to our thrice daily recitation in Shemone Esrei. Although the Avudraham and Radak in Tehillem seem to learn that "KOL HAYOM" simply means ever day and not throughout the day, it is conceivable that the Brisker Rav felt that the literal translation of the words "KOL HAYOM" mean that one has to await Moshiach throughout the day, and not necessarily at a formal or fixed time.

The second possible source for this fundamental principle of our faith suggested by HaRav Belsky, Shlita,is the Pasuk in Chabakuk (2:3) "Im Yismahmeah Chakeh Lo"--if he be delayed await him-- which is the phrase utilized by the Rambam in the Ani Maamin mentioned earlier. For further explanation on the meaning of this Pasuk, see the Malbim there.

Now that we have identified Torah sources for our longing, WHY is it that we are to long in this way? HaRav Belsky, Shlita, explains: "The main reason is that no one should come to terms with a world that is devoid of Kedusha, Chochma and Gilui Shechina and a host of other attributes." HaRav Belsky, Shlita, referred us further to the words of the Rambam which immediately precede the 13 Foundations of Faith ,which are presented by the Rambam in his Introduction to the 11th Perek of Sanhedrin. There, the Rambam writes that we strive for the times of Moshiach not for the resulting glory, grandeur or riches, but rather for man's resulting advancements in wisdom, proper conduct and closeness to Hashem... so that at long last our hearts of stone are replaced with hearts of inspired and sincere, truly righteous behavior, from young to old.

Is this not worth thinking about more than in a flashing moment or two in the course of a day beset by the problems, or at least issues, of this world?

We are about to enter the heart of Tammuz. We must recognize that the times and dates in the past which have been so extremely unpleasant for us and our people could provide just the opposite experience for us. Have you thought about what would have happened on the 17th of Tammuz had B'nei Yisroel not made the Eigel--we would have forever possessed the unbroken, original first set of Luchos!

Similarly, if the spies would have come back with the right report on Tisha B'Av, it could have been a day of rejoicing--and not crying----all these years! These days are days of happening. Let us break away from the estrangement and void that we have brought upon ourselves--and strive to draw closer to man's true fulfillment.

Perhaps we can start by especially thinking, hoping and praying for the Yeshua just a little bit more during these days--from time to time through the day. In this zechus, may we directly see and experience the Kedusha, the Chochma, the Gilui Shechina we so sorely, sorely lack--speedily and literally in our days!

Hakhel MIS

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For past issues of The Hakhel Community Awareness Bulletin, public notices
and an archive of emailed notices, visit Hakhel's website at

Monday, June 26, 2006



Due to weather and other considerations, the RCRF cruise was relocated to a restaurant. Strong activists came. There was networking. Future brainstorming and networking are planned. This is grassroots and when we unite we are stronger than what we can do individually. To become more involved please leave your email address in the comments. As one of the participants said she became a whole army. She related how following the expulsions she went to a hotel where some of the refugees were deposited. They had no real food except for cake and cookies. She rounded up 10 Breslov boys and they brought in borekas and food and fruit and vegetables and Chamin for Shabbos. As she put it, she became an army.

Each person spoke about their particular focus or organization. I spoke about ending the Silence about the Biblical Claim to the Land. The Bible is the no. 1 reason for the struggle. Security lapses and humanitarian atrocities are consequences for not speaking out for the Torah. If we really have a yearning to keep the Mitzvoth, there is no way we could even contemplate giving away our land.

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Please go on Cruise sponsored by Rachels Children Reclamation Foundation


This letter is being sent to those of you who live in NY and those outside of NY. For those of you who live outside NY please forward this letter and Evelyn's press release to your friends that you think can perhaps attend. The date is Joseph's birthday. This is not simply any old cruise. It is one of major significance given the serious humanitarian and security crisis that we are experiencing today in the Land of Israel. It is possible to make a statement and stop the evil. It just takes individuals like yourselves that don't believe this is a lost cause. There will be political officials and press at the event.

This cruise is a statement about our Mother Rachel and her son Joseph. Many, many years ago Egypt became the wealthiest country due to Joseph. Egypt and the surrounding countries sold all they owned in return for food that only Joseph had in Egypt. Joseph sustained them.

Joseph left the Land of Israel at age 17 when he was sold by his brothers. He lived in Egypt till he died at the age of 110. He served Egypt from the age of 30 as viceroy, only second to Pharaoh. Yet on his deathbed what does he command his children? In Breishis Perek 50 Pasuck 24 Joseph says to his brothers. "I know that G-d will remember you and take you out of this land and bring you up to the Land that He promised to Avraham Yitzchok and Yaakov. (25) And Joseph made the Bnei Yisroel swear saying G-d will remember you and you should bring up my bones from this."

Joseph represents the Diaspora Jew. Yet all of Israel uses Joseph for their traditional blessings to their children. They bless their children to grow up like Joseph's children who were born and bred in the Diaspora in Egypt. (see Genesis Chapter 48 Pasuk 20) (And he (Yaakov) blessed them on that day saying whoever comes to bless his sons will bless them with their blessing. A man will tell his son "May G-d make you like Ephraim and Menasheh"..Rashi.) In spite of the surrounding culture of Egypt steeped in idolatry, Joseph made sure that his children knew who they were and who their roots are and Yaakov himself asserted that Joseph's children are no different then Yaakov's children that were raised in the Land of Israel in Yaakov's house insulated from an alien culture..

If your priority is stopping future expulsions, then Rachel's tomb is right up there. Joseph is extremely significant. Even without a large Jewish resident population in Bethlehem, it's significance to our Nation is beyond words. Attending this cruise is making a statement about the Diaspora Jew and that we too are linked permanently to the Land. The fight for Kever Rochel is the same as the Commemoration of Gush Katif. It's important to let the gov't know that people care and that we collectively will do whatever we can to stop this ongoing tragedy.

If you can't come personally, send, email to whomever you can. We need to present a united front. Gush Katif, Hebron, Rachel's Tomb, Joseph's tomb in Shechem and the communities in Samaria. It's all the same battle.

Please do what you can to make this cruise a momentous one. Please check your email for a copy of the Press Release sent out by Evelyn Haze about the cruise.


Robin Ticker

Rachels Children Cruise Press Release - from Evelyn Haze

You're Invited to a major display of affirmation of Ima Rachel, a role
model for the whole world and Kever Rachel, the 3600 year ohel of Rachel
Imeinu visited by Jews across the world. Join RCRF on Monday evening June
26 for a evening cruise to the Statue of Liberty and celebrate the joy of
Rachel on Yosef's birth. Bring flashlights as we affirm our roots and to
spotlight the cause for Rachel's tears for her children exiled from Gush
Katif and those suffering barrages of rockets on their schools, businesses
and homes in Sderot, Alumim and Ashkelon today. Open mike for your Rachel
and immigrant stories. DVDs, Carlebach Songfest with Laible Ben Moshe,
Glatt Kosher Buffet, wine, your birthday, anniversary, graduation cakes.
Don't forget the cameras as we anchor under the brightly lit Statue of
Liberty which welcomed refugees to the New World. Remember, it is Rachel
Imeinu who welcomes us ancient Jewish people back
to our Old Biblical land which many of our brethren never left.

Rachel Imeinu, Mother of Israel
by Evelyn Haies, President Rachel's Children Reclamation Fdtn, RCRP
60 West End Avenue, Brooklyn NY 11235
After conquerring the Temple Mount in 1967, HaRav Shlomo Goren marched with
his troops to Kever Rachel.
An Arab came towards him from the fields below and returned the giant key
to the door added in 1841 by Sir Moses Montefiore
with permission from the Ottoman empire. The Gorens have this key until
this day.
As the soldiers came upon isolated Kever Rachel, they fell down on
the ground and cried. Some said they saw Rachel Imeinu hovering over them.
When we first put the mezzuzahs on the walls of our new house adjoining
Kever Rachel, which my son David who is in Givati and HaRav Benny Elon
placed on the wall with HaRav Shmuel Rabinowitz standing by, a picture
shows a clear elegant bust of a woman glowing on the wall. This was the
first mezuzzah put on a Jewish home since the re-occupation of Kever Rachel.
After the passageway to our building where Nachum Segal was
pictured was destroyed following a visit by Mofaz and Ehud Olmert, we were
denied passage as it was claimed unsafe. Soldiers were no longer housed in
our very large basement because the ground floor windows were exposed. When
we came to examine our house Beit Bnei Rachel and took pictures with IDF
officials, in the picture there is a vague white feminine image floating in
the air above, much like the artwork of Baruch Nachum of Kiryat Arba, who
gave me a picture of Kever Rachel in a Torah scroll with the Moshiach
blowing a shofar overhead at our Torah ceremony in 1998.
From Kever Rachel, HaRav Goren and his troops went on to liberate
the Holy City of Hevron, a city also embraced
and supported by Sir Moses Montefiore during the Ottoman occupation. His
diaries record that there were three yeshivas and 489 Jews living in Hevron
in 1865 including the Slonims and Shneersons.
The Sefer Torahs of our foundation, Rachel's Children Reclamation
Foundation is in the Aron Kodesh built by HaRav Goren with stones from the
Mount of Olives which is in the room of the Kever. Rabbanite Goren was a
1998 awardee of RCRF
to honor her husband's attachment to Ima Rachel. It is her Kever in Beis
Lechem, the House of Bread, that is the spot of her burial from 12 stones
to four pillars to a single room to the two rooms and the expanded facility
of this day. This development of Kever Rachel is displayed on the wall of
Beit Bnei Rachel, the place that houses a yeshiva, weekly women's learning
groups and will develop a Museum of Jewish Aliyah with contributions of
Jews across the globe. We are collecting histories, stories, your aliyah story.
After the reclamation of Beis Lechem in 1967 occupied by Jordan
for a brief 19 years, Prime Minister Levi Eshkol ordered the annexation of
this area including Kever Rachel. This was never renegged but ignored as is
the Amendment to Oslo II , September 28, 1995 protecting 29 Jewish holy
sites with the complete Jewish control of Kever Rachel, Kever Yosef,
Shalom Synagogue and Hebron forever.
Join RCRF on Rosh Chodesh Tammuz and celebrate the birthday of
Yosef Hatzaddik and the eighth anniversary of our dedication of a Sefer
Torah for Rachel Imeinu in Beis Lechem as well as the anniversay of the one
year anniversary of the Sefer Torah dedicated for our house Beit Bnei
Rachel on Derech Chaya Rachel, Beis Lechem, now housed in the Aron Kodesh
built by HaRav Goren and soon to be permantly in our Beit Bnei Rachel.
Call Evelyn Haies for details and reservations 718-648-2610. Volunteers and
sponsors needed. The larger the group the lower the rate.

Wednesday, June 07, 2006

If we only had that yearning for Torah and Mitzvoth...


I feel that a lack of yearning for Eretz Yisroel from Hamonei Am, from each and every Jew be it in Israel or in the Diaspora, is the true cause for the expulsion of Gush Katif. This cause must be rectified or else future expulsions that are in the making may G-d forbid actualize. Sharon and the Palestinians were simply Hashem's messengers but not the root cause of the expulsion. Our lack of yearning for the Mitzvoth of Eretz Yisroel is the root cause.

Hashem is waiting for all of us, each and every Jew whether in Israel or in the Diaspora to express the yearning to be in Eretz Yisroel and to keep the Mitzvoth. Giving away the Land makes it impossible to keep actual Mitzvoth. For example, farmers in Yishuv Itamar in the Shomron near Shchem, can now do Leket, Shikcha, Peah and Shemittah to name a few Mitzvoth. These are hands on Mitzvoth. Just like you need a hand to do Tefillin one needs the property of Land to keep these Mitzvoth. If there was a true yearning among the Gedoilim Batorah, and among those that learn and believe in the Torah, there would be a Kol Korei in Hamodia and Yated saying that giving away the Land of Israel is not an option for Am Yisroel. How can any other entity, even the most friendly democratic State, actualize the ultimate purpose of Am Yisroel and Eretz Yisroel which is only through the performance of Mitzvoth.

What a Chillul Hashem to give the Land of Israel to an entity that actually wishes to erase any vestige of Torah and Mitzvoth and holiness and whose platform openly wishes to destroy anything holy and destroy the Nation that is divinely entrusted to bring that holiness into this world.

Gedoilim Batorah can influence hundreds of thousands of ehrlich Yidden to voice a protest against the Roadmap and against the Convergence plan and express their yearning for Eretz Yisroel and a yearning to keep the Mitzvoth of Eretz Yisroel. Hashem is waiting for us to speak up for the Torah and for Hashem's Bris with our Forefathers, Avraham, Yitchok and Yaakov. If we only proclaim G-d's sovereignty of the Land (Ki LI Kol Haaretz) and recognize our own obligations of keeping the Mitzvoth, we would eliminate the cause of our pain and suffering. No matter where a Jew lives, Eretz Yisroel has been promised to us as a gift and we in turn are obligated to guard it and keep it by not only learning Torah but also by doing the actual Mitzvoth that can only be done on a piece of property within the boundaries of Eretz Yisroel. Those boundaries are spelled out very explicitly in the Torah. When we perform the Mitzvoth,(See Torah Reading of Shabbat Shevuoth Aser Taaser) Hashem then promises us much blessings, security and peace and the entire world will be blessed as well.

Rav Kanievsky, Rav Shteinman, Rav Eliashiv and the Gerer Rebbe. Please end the Silence. Your voices will be echoed by hundreds of thousands. Bush will pay attention. Please just try it. Put a Kol Korei in Hamodia and the Yated and the Jewish Press about Bris Avos, Hashem's Covenant with our forefathers. Humanitarian issues and Security concerns are not the reasons to support our Brethren ruthlessly expelled from our Land. They are simply the consequences of not speaking out for the Torah thereby creating a chillul Hashem. If you are truly our Leaders and Gedoilim Batorah then you will rise to occasion and speak out. Your voices will bring a new spirit to Am Yisroel and blessings for the world. In that zechus may Hashem bring blessings upon you and yours, may you be blessed with Arichus Yamim with health, happiness and much Nachas from your families and from Klal Yisroel.

Please forward to Rabbi Rebibo editor of Hamodia and to Rabbi Lipshutz editor of Yated and Rabbi Klass of the Jewish Press. I would hope that Rabbi Rebibo and Rav Lipshutz and Rabbi Klass would then forward this to the Gedoilim Batorah begging them to please come out with a Kol Korei in their paper that the Land of Israel is promised to Am Yisroel and that only Am Yisroel is obligated in keeping Mitzvoth that will bring blessings to the entire world. The Roadmap and Convergence Plan are in direct contradiction to the Torah since boundaries of the "other" State are within the recognized boundaries of the piece of property that has been given as a gift exclusively to the People of Israel. It is a Mitzva to voice protest to the Roadmap Plan and to the Convergence Plan and this will be a true Kiddush Hashem. Our Nation is waiting for our Gedoilim Batorah to take a unified Lead. This will make our generation worthy of the coming of Moshiach.

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Creative suggestions to the people of Gush Katif for survival based on Shemittah


The people of Gush Katif do have alternatives to putting all their hopes and energies on the gov't to come through with their "compensation packages". Jews all over the world must help them start anew, help them once again settle the Land.

Here are some very innovative suggestions that have its origin from my Shemittah year experience. For this suggestion to work to its fullest I will lay down some givens.


1. Jews in the Diaspora have the same obligation to settle the Land and keep the Mitzvoth of the Land as one who is a citizen of Israel. We are collectively bound by one Torah

2. The Land is a gift from G-d to the people of Israel.

Each Jew has the obligation to express their desire and yearning for the Land in a practical way even if he is unable to physically live on the Land. Anything that a Jew does that helps build up the Land and helps to settle the Land, whether they are in the Land physically or not, is showing their recognition of G-ds gift to them and the responsibilities inherent in that gift.

Suggestions for survival to the people from Gush Katif that are derived from the Commandment of Shemitas Kesafim.

Shemitas Kesafim takes place at the end of the Shemittah year. The Lender forgives the loan to the Borrower. The Lender may not hound the borrower and the borrower is not obligated to repay the Lender:

Shemitas Kesafim works hand in hand with Shemitas Karkaot. In the Shemitta year, practically, the farmer is not working and is generating no income. He will ask his friend for a loan. His friend is commanded to open his hands generously to provide for the needs of his friend. The farmer has no pressure to pay back the loan though he may very well wish to, since he is under no obligation to pay back the loan.

Preceding the disengagement there was a campaign called Maamin Vezorea. This campaign called upon all Jews to lend the people of Gush Katif money so that they could continue to plant. Banks were refusing to allow farmers to borrow. Lenders were taking an obvious risk as were those that were planting.

Now again the time has come to reinact the Maamin Vezorea campaign. Everyone can participate. The main purpose is to get the people from Gush Katif back on their feet without putting the burden of paying back loans on their shoulders.

Suggestions to the expelees of Gush Katif:

1. Go to groceries, restaurants etc., and ask the proprietor to please allow you to buy on credit. Tell the proprietor that you are from Gush Katif, and broke and unemployed or whatever is the truth. Tell the proprietor that you can not guarantee that you will repay him but you very much hope that one day you will be back on your feet and will remember with kindness the act of kindness on his/her part and try to repay him/her in kind. There is an understanding that the proprietor is willing to forego the loan if necessary. And there is no obligation on your part to repay back the loan.

2. Don't hesitate to live on overdraft especially if you've never done so in your life. You might find it to be a positive and exciting experience. Be Israeli.

3. Don't rely on compensation from the gov't and make sure above all that you eat well. Anyone that wishes to feed/clothes/buy things you need and it's appetizing/appealing don't be embarrassed. Remember their kindness for the future. At the Shemittah year in 1987 I remember visiting my Satmar aunt who insisted that I eat everything each time I visited. Without having a job I gained 30 pounds that year.

Enjoy the kindnesses of others! They are benefitting from it perhaps even more than you. Keep your chin up. G-d is great! Don't worry. Be realistic. Don't expect compensation from those that expelled you without aggravation. Don't depend on the gov't.

Suggestion for those who wish to do something but don't have money, to do as follows:

1. Lobby the gov't of Israel to take over the mortgages of the houses they destroyed and compensate the owners the full value of the house and possessions minus the mortgage.

To everyone else besides the people of Gush Katif: (We should be the ones worrying about our brethren. To those from Gush Katif simple trust in Hashem but don't worry.)

Open up your hand generously. Forego all loans. Apply pressure at the gov't to take over the mortgages of all apts/houses they destroyed. Let the families be free of all debt. Of course the gov't should pay the families the full amount that the people paid towards the house/business including cost of living increase. The gov't should pay an equitable amount for destroying a business, loss of income etc.

The following was reported on Orange Bulletin:

Knesset Lobby for the GK families.

Last week was held in the Knesset the first session of the new established lobby for the evacuated families of GK which was formed by MK Uri Ariel, Mk Zeev Elkin from Kadima and the Gush Katif Committee

More than 20 MK from a vast array of political parties (Kadima, labor, Likud, National Unity/ Mafdal, Shas, Yahadut Atorah) joined MK Uri Ariel in this initiative when the sole goal of this lobby is the full rehabilitation of the families.

During this first meeting, the MK's listened to the representatives of the different communities, when they exposed the situation in their particular location. Following this first meeting and after realizing the extent of the problems faced by each community, the MK decided to visit the different communities in order to meet with the residents and see from close the issues to be dealt with.

Last Friday they visited the caravilla site of Ein Tzurim, where 130 families from Neve Dekalim and Gadid have finally, after 9 months in hotels and guest houses, integrated their temporary houses. The community of Netzer Hazani is still waiting for their caravillas to be ready.

Later on they continued to Yad Binyamin, Nitzan and to the tent city of Yad Mordechai.

After the State Comptroller's report two months ago, this is the first time that our representatives acknowledge the incompetence of the government and its various agencies in restructuring the lives of 10,000 citizens who were uprooted from their homes and communities last summer. They took upon themselves to work in small task committees in order to try to solve the most pressing problems: the lack of employment, the incapacity of the farmers and small businesses to restore their lifework, the permanent housing solutions, the flaws of the compensation law that do not allow for the families financial autonomy , the bureaucracy and more.

In Yad Binyamin one of the social workers who follows the expellees and provides guidance and counseling since last summer showed and exhibit of children's art works depicting their feelings after the expulsion, their pain and longing for a real home.

In Ein Tzurim, the MK were outraged to see that despite the fact that the site is unfit as proper housing solution, many families were forced in, in order to vacate the rooms in the guest houses.

They are living in despicable conditions: uncovered electric wires, open pits, uncompleted infrastructure, and the lack of community structures such as day care center, youth center, and synagogue. The impression is more of a construction site with hazardous security conditions, bulldozers still working, huge trucks driving back and forth, than a normal village.

In Nitzan the farmers and industrial plant managers explained the injustice of the law that not only does not give compensation but do not cover the nominal value of the assets. The former agreements between the Ministry of Agriculture and farmers who reinvested in their farms are not kept and the farmers did not receive the promised grants.

The Lobby for the Gush Katif evacuees promised to start working together with the Gush Katif Committee and the representatives of the communities in order to draw out the needed amendments in order to be able to present them to the Knesset Committees. In these days lawyers and economists are working together to bring amendments to the law so in less then a month so we will be able to present it to the Knesset .

Sunday, May 21, 2006

This past week's Haftara--amazing timing--a must-read!


Please read this article on last week's Haftorah about Shemittah Parshas Behar-Bechukosai Yirmiyahu 16:19

by Rabbi Dovid Siegel
Kollel Toras Chaim
Kiryat Sefer, Israel

The author is Rosh Kollel (Dean) of Kollel Toras Chaim,
Kiryat Sefer, Israel.

Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Post Election thoughts - Why we lost.


Why did the Right lose so badly? The only answer is that we did not speak up for the Covenant.

Everything comes down to the Bible. The Covenant with our forefathers is our source to our right to the Land. Nothing else. We in turn must keep the Commandments.

Yet such talk is considered "extremism", "religious fanaticism", "not politically correct", "paramount to creating a civil war".

All talk about religious freedom and the right to practice our religion in the Land that we consider is ours, and to practice the commandments in the Land that has been promised to us, is ok in theory but when it comes to application, well that's another matter.

There even isn't any brainstorming or talk allowed about what it would be like to have a gov't that is based on Torah. The gov't uses it's heavy hand against the Kahana internet cafe. Shabak does it's secret operations on individuals who talk about a Sanhedrin and Har Habayis. They do their best to intimidate these individuals from speaking and from allowing these ideas to blossom and develop form.

The Torah is not only a legitimate constitution for a gov't and for a political system, it is the only one that is appropriate for the Nation of Israel and the Land of Israel. True it is revolutionary and not put into practice for over 2,000 years.

Torah Jews believe as I do. They perhaps feel that the time is not ripe. Our survival depends on keeping the Torah, standing up for the Covenant and the Mitzvoth of the Torah.

But the process to reach this conclusion can be with pain and suffering or alternatively it could be with fear of the unknown, living like the Jews in the Desert in uncharted territory, working hard to uphold the Mitzvoth of the Torah, standing firm to our right to Eretz Yisroel and keepng the commandments, and above all with strong Emunah and putting our total trust in Hashem. Neither path is easy. The way we are choosing is coming with much tears and pain and sorrow. We choose rather to be expelled then to stand proud and strong and say we wish to live a life of Torah in the Land of Israel. We will do what we must to defend this right. Will this cause a civil war as many predict? In my opinion the opposite will cause a civil war. By allowing evil to win, and experiencing the consequences of allowing evil to prevail we will eventually have good reason to fight our brothers. By standing up strong for the Torah and for G-ds commandments and with strong Emunah, and much prayer, we will be zocheh to much joy at witnessing G-d's salvation coming to us directly. We will be one with our brothers who will clearly see that the Torah and the Mizvoth bring blessings to the entire world and it will surely be said Am Chacham Venavon! We will sing songs of praise and joy at the new found security and in Hashem's blessings as He has promised us in His Torah.

Monday, March 27, 2006

Letter to SHAS AND UTJ continued....

To Shas and UTJ Leadership in response to your decision to perhaps join KADIMA:

"Yes, expellees need your money desperately and you indeed have set up Pesach funds to "ease" the Pain, but your Torah is lip service and by your actions show that Torah is not relevant to today's reality. You have not come out for the Covenant and you are actually willing to be accomplice to those who have impoverished us and wish to do so to 70,000-100,000 others as well. Why have you aligned yourself with evil? What do you gain? Any money from the gov't for Torah education or to support large Torah families is blood money. It is worth speaking out against your willingness to join with a gov't whose actions model after Sodom and Gemorrah at the risk of losing your contributions. I would hope and expect that you too take that risk to speak out against this evil gov't and for the Covenant and for the Mitzvoth of the Torah, many of which can only be practiced on the Land of Israel. If you truly yearned to keep these Mitzvoth there is no way you could even think of giving Eretz Yisroel to any other governing authority that has no obligation, no desire, and no inclination to make this a Land of Kedushah . If you truly felt a yearning for Eretz Yisroel, you wouldn't even consider giving the Land to even a friendly democratic Palestinian State. Because such a secular State can never realize G-d's intention as is clearly expressed in the Torah countless times. UTJ, you are clearly unwilling to rise up to your purpose on this earth, our purpose as the Nation of Israel, to be a Mamlechet Kohanim Vegoy Kadosh for the betterment of all mankind. In fact you have the audacity to even show a willingness to hand it over to those whose actions, education and rhetoric clearly show that they hate the State of Israel, the people of Israel and wish to destroy whatever the people of Israel have built up over the years with their love and toil, sweat and tears for the Land.

Can't you see that your actions are not only hurting Am Yisroel but is detrimental to the entire world. The heavens and earth are the witnesses to the Covenant. They can either be on our side or against us. If we keep the Mitzvoth they can spit out our enemies like from the Yam Suf or Nachal Kishon with the heavens doing their part as well. If we don't keep the Mitzvoth, and how in the world can you keep the Mitvoth like Terumah, Maaser, Leqet SHickcha, Peah, Shemittah etc., if you are willing to give up the Land?

Read carefully the Mitzvoth the Nasi reads at Hakhel which promises security in the Land. Are the Rabbanim at all focusing on these Mitzvoth? Read SHirat Devorah in Shoftim Perek 5. Once Bnei Yisroel fight off the enemies the roads are once again safe. That alone is reason to sing Shira. When Bnei Yisroel chose other G-d's they couldn't even draw water without arrows being shot at them. They felt unprotected in unwalled cities. That is the exact situation today. Kassam rockets, building circuitous roads, building walls. All because Bnei Yisroel did not keep the word of Hashem. Devorah Haniviah gives credit to the The Torah Lawgivers. They were the ones that saved Am Yisroel. I ask you. WHERE ARE the TORAH LAWGIVERS of Today? Devorah Hanivia blasts Shevet Reuvein for their indecision and cowardliness by their wait and see attitude on whether to join the battle against the Canaanim. If the other shevattim would be winning, only then they'd join. Devorah Hanivieh calls for an investigation of their actions. She spares no words for those that picked up their valuables and left the scene of the battle. Her praises are for Shevet Naphtali and Zevulun, Binyamin and others that helped.

And if you don't see any connection with the security situation of today, surrounded by Hamas, Hizbollah, Al Quaieda, Kassam rockets within close proximity to the nuclear plant in Ashkelon area and even the threat of missionaries as not related to our own spiritual decline and alienation from the Torah and the MItzvoth in the Torah, please look again. There is no way you can disconnect from Eretz Yisroel and keep Torah in Galus without serious repercussions. Don't fool yourselves.

All we can say is SHAME ON YOU! SHAME ON YOU!

Friday, March 24, 2006

My Response to SHAS AND UTJ hinting to join with Kadima

ARutz7 reports:

Hareidi UTJ Party Hints: We Will Join Kadima Government
01:54 Mar 24, '06 / 24 Adar 5766

The time has come to challenge their observance of Yiddishkeit. Are all their prayers for Eretz Yisroel simply lip service. Is the Land and the Commandments not relevant? Is the Torah therefore not really relevant to them? Why isn't anyone challenging them? Why aren't National Union and all the Religious Zionists and Manhigut Yehudit challenging these Chareidi parties and beg them to join forces. Why is everyone playing politics instead of trying to keep Torah and Mitzvoth?

SHas and UTJ is unwilling to take that giant, scary step to say that this Land is promised to us and we must keep the Mitzvoth pertaining to the Land. Having a secular gov't is an excuse for them not to take responsibility. They then have the lame excuse, well we weren't in power. What could we have done?

The simple truth is that the Chareidy Leadership are misguiding their followers. They lack sincere yearning for Eretz Yisroel. Their prayers, and Torah Learning are hollow and not for the same of doing. Their actions are in direct conflict with their education. Their children will eventally see through their hypocrocy. Their Torah is not authentic. They lack regard for the Land of Israel and for the Torah and to keep the Mitzvoth in the Torah. Because if they had that strong desire to keep the Mitzvoth then there is no way that they can even contemplate joining with Kadima. SHAME ON YOU!

Sunday, March 12, 2006

Virtual Mishloach Manot - Makeup Consultant


To My Dear Friends, Family and Neighbors, amv"sh

This Mishloach Manot to you is focused on Gush Katif VeHashomron, Gam Ani Mitchaber, also I am joined with you, people of Gush Katif and the Shomron. The Mishloach Manot is in an orange manilla envelope with these words in black.

Inside is a Blood Orange, a Carrot and a Hamantash and literature on orange paper. Is this literature too wordy, too long for you? I suppose it is. I bet you have no patience to read it. And my own dishes are piled up in my sink after Shabbos and it's after 5:00am, my eyes are drooping and I would still like to get some sleep. I'm so sorry for burdening you. I wish I didn't have to. But I do.

The bloody orange symbolizes the bloody pogrom at Amona on February 1, 2006. This description is not an exaggeration. See for yourself at the following video clips online.

and this one

and this one

There are many more live video clips. I will be more than happy to forward the links to you.

Also read a first hand teachers report from Batya in Shiloh on February 7, 2006 "More on Police Violence in Amona. My students told me".

The Carrot is a siman for Sheyigzaru Gezar Dineinu, May the evil decree against the suffering families from Gush Katif and the Shomron be torn up. Acheinu Beyisrael Anachnu Imachem..

The literature includes: A letter to Hakhel USA, a very special organization here in Flatbush, begging them to get involved with current events in Eretz Yisroel.

Also please find an eye witness report by Katrin Levy of the Jewish familes from Gush Katif entitled "Whatever happened to the Jews of Gush Katif?" March 2, 2006. Also worthwhile is to read a March 8th article on Arutz Sheva, "Comptroller´s Report Scathes Disengagement Executors".

Finally there is a beautiful uplifting Torah Message of the month of Adar by Roy Neuberger, author of World Storm and From Central Park to Sinai: How I Found My Jewish Soul. (No web link that I know of)

So what is my own personal response to these very depressing happenings in Eretz Yisroel and around the world?

I have decided to become a makeup consultant. No, I am not joking.

Yes it's true. Yes I barely own any makeup aside from blush (no pun intended) and asked my talented neighbor to do my daughters makeup for her school play. I'm pretty (no pun intended) ignorant about makeup.

But the times have called for extreme measures. Doesn't it say Bizchut Nashim Tzidkaniyot Nigalu Bnei Yisroel MiMitzraim? In the merit of righteous women, the Bnei Yisroel were redeemed from Egypt? So this has become my new calling.

So Ladies, the time has come for us to take out our mirrors...

Wishing you all a very Freilichin Purim...(My husband and children may be totally embarrassed or actually welcome, my new calling I hope that they too will derive benefit - Acne you're out! Being beautiful, that's in) And if I survive this come-on letter, you can call on me regarding your cosmetic needs. I have a wonderful mentor friend by the name of Hannah... After Pesach please!

Esther's Royal Beauty Treatment (taken from 1. "Looking Good This Purim" by Malkah Fleisher on

Crush a grape or two on your face, and lie down for 15 minutes (on your
back). Follow up with your moisturizer. With daily treatment, in two weeks
you will likely see smoother skin and the disappearance of fine lines – you
might as well be wearing a crown.

Robin Ticker (and if they don't disengage from me) the Ticker Family


Correspondance between myself and regarding Amona.

Forwarded Message:
Subj: Fwd: Arutz-7: Must-Watch Exclusive Israel Video Footage

Date: 3/1/06 12:30:08 A.M. Central Standard Time
From: FaigeRayzel


I love your newsletters.

But when the house is burning the time is not to continue business as usual. One is obligated to put out the fire.

The Rabbanim have been silent about the Covenant. The Land of Israel is the inheritance of Am Yisroel.

The Rabbanim have been silent to what happened at Amona. If they do not have access to this film then please show it to them.

Perhaps a delegation can go to Rav Eliashiv, Rav Shteinman and Rav Kanievsky asking them to finally make a statement that Eretz Yisroel is the inheritance of Am Yisroel. The youth at Amona are fighting this battle for Torah alone. The silence from the Rabbanim forced them to fight this battle alone. They took on a battle that should be taken on by the Rabbanim and men ages 20-60.

The silence to the atrocities perpetrated against the youth is betrayal once again.

Veheishiv Lev Avos al Banim velev Banim Al Avosom.

They replied in the following manner.
In a message dated 3/1/06 3:27:37 P.M. Central Standard Time, writes:

but this matter is not something that our organization is involved with.

I responded back to them:

Dear Hakhelusa,

Thank you so much for responding to my email regarding expulsions of Gush Katif and Amona.

I really wish I did not have to write you letters. Your newsletters are beautiful Torah. I wish I could ignore what's happening also. I wish I didn't have to write to Rabbanim begging and pleading with them. I wish I could simply cook and clean and organize my house and do homework with the kids and prepare for Shabbos and close my eyes to what is happening.

There is no hiding from it. If we are involved with Torah it is something we are involved with. In Parshath Nitzavim Hashem says Devarim 29 Pasuk 13 "Not with you alone do I seal this covenant and this curse, but with whoever is here standing with us today before Hashem, our G-d , and with whoever is not here with us today. " (that means us). By being silent, isn't the message broadcast loud and clear is that the Covenant between Hashem and Am Yisroel is not relevant today?

I have been receiving beautiful heart rendering inserts from Vaad Harabanim Le'inyanei Tzedaka B'Eretz Hakodesh, not to mention Kupat Hair and Vaad Haartzi LeHatzalas Mishpachos Bimetzuka. Posters have been plastered over Boro Park and Flatbush in Brooklyn My heart truly cries out for the widows and orphans and sick people with large Torah families and heart rending tragic stories. Yet I can't help but think that if only these same Chashuv Rabbanim (at least 42 were listed on one insert) would have put out a one page flyer (this was a glossy 22 page insert) in all the papers saying that Eretz Yisroel is the rightful inheritance of Am Yisroel and is a stira to the Roadmap, that would have stopped the expulsion from Gush Katif. Agudas Yisroel of America was silent. I do not know if they even sent a delegation to Eretz Yisroel asking the Rabbanim there to please make a statement that Eretz Yisroel is the inheritance of Am Yisroel. Hashem says Ki Li Kol Haaretz and Hashem chooses the Nation of Israel to keep the Mitzvoth specific to the Land.

At an OU dinner honoring Hillary Clinton, my friend, who also became an expellee of Gush Katif, approached her and talked about her association with Arafat. The gist of what Hillary answered her was. I know he's a terrorist. But if Israel and the Jewish Community are not speaking out, why should I be holier than thou.

These families from Gush Katif are now Aniyei Eretz Yisroel. And they became this way because we didn't speak up. How do I know? Well, Rabbanim please prove me wrong and speak up. We'll see what will happen with the next scheduled expulsions. Read Page 3 of the Jewish Press - Kadima Pullout Plans Confirmed. Avi Dichter confirms Kadima party is planning out a further disengagement in Judea and Samaria if it wins the March 28th election. The names of the settlements are listed in the Jewish Press. Yisroel Meidad, a former mayor of Shiloh, says we're talking about sixty-seventy thousand people. That's a lot of Aniyim.

I pray to Hashem that none of the youth at Amona were made infertile by the beatings they received to their reproductive organs. Yes, the reproductive organs were targeted, not only their heads. It's sickening but it did happen but was not reported. Do you need first hand reports? Just let me know. Why did the youth have to go on the front line for Eretz Yisroel. Are they between ages 20-60 male soldiers?

These Aniyim from Gush Katif are not even mentioned in glossy inserts of the above mentioned organizations, because if we did, it would point a finger back at us. Why did we let it happen? And it's still happening.

The name of your organization is Hakhel. Where is that name from? It comes from Hakhel following the Shemitta year when all men, women and children were gathered to hear words of Torah read by the King or Nasi. What was read? Portions regarding truma, maaser, vidui maaser, shemittah etc. These are all Mitzvoth directly related to Eretz Yisroel.

We physically are living in USA but since we are Bnei Yisroel, we are also bound by the Covenant just like our brethren in Israel. The security of the Land and the blessing of the world at large is dependant on Am Yisroel to keeping the Mitzvoth. The Mitzvoth are spelled out. Rambam among others count the Mitzvoth. Appreciating and thanking Hashem for the goodness He has bestowed upon us is a beautiful concept. They are wonderful suggestions. However, when we are confronted with enemies surrounding us and within us in Eretz Yisroel, Hizbollah, Hamas, Al Qaeida now in Gaza, (Not to mention the threat of missionaries (the work of Yad Laachim) it makes sense to focus on the Mitzvoth that would bring security in the Land, specifically, the Mitzvoth read by the Nasi at Hakhel.