Friday, March 03, 2006

Yahrzeit Ilan Ramon

The following was a letter I sent on February 9, 2003 to the family of Ilan Ramon


To the Dear Family of Ilan Ramon, zt"l

This letter is one of tens of thousands to you. I hope it will bring words of comfort to you, the family of a beautiful Jew. Ilan, as a pilot, bombed the Iraqi nuclear plant thereby saving the world from a potential holocaust. We are once again on the brink of nuclear, biological and/or chemical war. Ilan's message to the Jews before his death, when analyzed, is the one that is the key to preventing another holocaust. Please read this letter before the others because action is needed. A careful analysis of events will I believe, decode Hashems message to us. Necessary action will be spelled out later in the letter.

Before Ilan's death, Ilan did many Mitzvot to sanctify G-d's name and the Torah. He showed how important the Torah was to the world and to the Jewish people by taking with him:

A miniature Sefer Torah from Auschwitz,

A credit size microfiche of the Bible from President Katzav,

He instructed the Rabbi to read from the Pasuk in Chumash (Devarim 4:33) "Has a people ever heard the voice of G-d speaking from the midst of the fire as you have heard, and survived?"

He showed how he valued the Mitzvot by:

Taking a Mezuzah,

Saying Tefilat Haderech

Keeping Kosher in flight

Asking Sheelot about keeping Shabbos and trying to observe Shabbos up in space.

Bringing a Kiddush cup for Shabbos

Saying Shma over Yerushalyim

I am sure there are many more as well.

In the analysis, I will be quoting brief quotations, with permission from "The Medrash Says" the book of Devarim pps 62-69 by Rabbi Moshe Weissman. (Rabbi Weissman has allowed brief quotations in critical articles in his copyright statement.)

Ilan's message to us comes from the portion in the Torah in the book of Devarim (Deuteronomy). This is the portion from which the verse (Devarim 4:33) requested by Ilan, is from. This Parsha (Devarim 4:25-40), is the annual morning Torah reading on the fast of the Ninth of Av. In this Parsha, Moshe Rabbeinu admonishes the Jews to do Teshuvah and urges the Jews to return to Hashem amidst the tribulations of exile .

To quote from The Midrash Says:
"The greatness of Teshuva is illustrated in the time of Rabbi Elazar, R. Yehoshua and R. Gamliel when they visited Rome and the Roman Senate had just drafted a secret edict which required all Jews to be exterminated after thirty days. " One of the Roman Senators, in an act of sanctification of G-d's name prevented the tragedy from occurring by paying with his own life.

"Why did the Jews deserve such an unusual deliverance from the terrible decree of annihilation? When they heard of the edict, they did Teshuva and prayed. Thus we see the power of Teshuva."

In this portion in Devarim, Moshe foretold "When you will be in distress and all these things will come upon you at the end of days, if you return to Hashem, your G-d - He will not forsake you, nor destroy you, nor forget the covenant of your forefathers, which he swore to them."

We are told in the Torah that if we return to Hashem, we will be saved. The question is "how do we return to Hashem?" "Where did we go wrong?" What specifically can we do to change?

Ilan means tree. Ramon can be read as Rimon. Rimon is a pomegranate, one of the holy fruits of Israel. The seeds represent the 613 Mitzvot. Ilan recognized that for a tree to survive it needs to be connected to its roots. Ilans connection with the Torah was his attempt to connect with his roots. Though not to any fault of his own, the connection wasn't strong enough to save his life. His connection was very strong in a symbolic sense. The reason I believe that it didn't save him was because Ilan, was representing the Jewish people. His connection via Torah and Mitzvot to his roots corresponded to this particular generation's connection with its roots in Torah and Mitzvot. He consulted with Rabbinic Leaders, the President and Prime Minister of Israel. To quote Uncle Moishy, a popular childrens Jewish singer, "A family is like a tree, our roots go deep down in history, to our ancient ancestors Avraham Aveinu, throughout all the ages to me and you".

G-d has not forgotten his covenant with our forefathers, which he swore to them... But have we forgotten our part of the covenant? The covenant is to give the land of Israel to the Israelites and we in turn are obligated to keep the Torah and observe the Mitzvot. Our observance is presently on the symbolic level but we are not observant. Please read further and I will explain which Commandment specifically in the Torah we are not observing that has resulted in a weakness in connecting to our roots.

I quote from The Midrash Says. "Moshe continued to explain, 'And you should ask, 'Why does G-d treat us more strictly than the other idolatrous nations" - The answer is because of two historical events that no other nation experienced."

The first historical event is the verse Ilan asked the Rav to quote on Shabbat.

1. Matan Torah - "Ask all the peoples on earth since Creation whether anything similar was ever heard of. Did an entire nation ever become prophets and hear G-d's Voice reach them from amidst the fire, as you did at Har Sinai? Did it ever happen that an entire nation expired when they heard G-d's Voice and were then miraculously revived.

2. Yetziat Mitzrayim

I will address the historical event of Matan Torah and why Ilan specifically chose this verse. Ilan was an astronaut. His journey into space gave him first hand knowledge of the vastness of the heavens and of G-d's universe. He saw how fabulous and immense his journey to the heights was from Man's perspective while at the same time he recognized as a believing Jew, how miniscule it must appear from G-d's perspective, G-d is the master of the earth, the heavens and the stars. If Man's journey was so great up to the heavens, imagine G-d's journey so to speak, descending down to earth, on the lowly mountain of Har Sinal in order to present His revelation the Torah, to the Jewish people. Also in last weeks Parsha Teruma, we see that G-d, so to speak, constricts Himself to a finite space between the Cherubim in the Holy Ark.

"Why did G-d distinguish you from all the nations? It was in order to show you that Hashem is the ruler, there is none beside him." That realization was voiced by Ilan when he said the Sh'ma over Jerusalem.

Turn Pain into Action, Tragedy into Growth

Ilan talks about the revelation at Har Sinai. There is another Parsha in the Torah in the book of Leviticus Chapter 25 called Behar. Behar means "On the Mountain". The Parsha begins with the verse "Hashem spoke to Moses on Mount Sinai saying". The Torah then continues to talk about the commandment of Shemittah, the Sabbatical year. Rashi in his commentary on the words "On Mount Sinai" asks "What is the connection between Shmittah and Mount Sinai? The reference teaches that not only the broad outlines, but the details of all the commandments were given at Sinai - as were those of Shemittah. "

Now I will answer to the question above. Which commandment are we not observing properly today? I believe that performance of the Mitzva of Shemittah as specified in the Torah, is the answer. It is the key to our survival. It is the Mitzva where we proclaim that G-d is the ruler over the Land of Israel and the entire earth.

Please read the following letter to the Rabbis of our generation. Also please read the mentioned articles in the Torah Section of Arutz7 for a more thorough discussion about the Sabbatical year.

It is now the end of the 6th millennium. Most believe that it is the time of redemption, the end of days. Ilan ventured into unexplored territory in outer space. There is also unexplored territory here on earth. This unexplored territory is in the realm of politics and economics. It is the politics of setting up a State in Israel based on the laws of the Torah and all its ramifications. As you will see from the articles about Shemittah, trying to observe the laws of Shemittah, including leaving the land fallow and not planting trees in the Sabbatical year and not having to repay back loans results in an upheaval of the political and economic systems of our generation. Please raise consciousness and set up a Think Tank and fund in Ilan's memory. Call it "Ilan Rimon". Let's collectively study the laws of the Sabbatical year as specified in the Torah. Let's examine its political, social and economic ramifications. That is our way of Teshuva. It requires our full heart and soul and belief in Hashem and His Holy Torah and His commandments. We hope and pray to Hashem that our Teshuva will be accepted. Our connection to the Torah and our roots will thereby be strengthened. Hashem, in His infinite mercy will save us from our enemies and not destroy us as He has promised.

What follows is an open letter to the Rabbanim and leaders of our generation:

Adar 1 5763

Lichvod Harabbonim, biz 120

It is not my place to address the Gedolei Torah in words of Torah. I am a woman and my primary responsibilities over the past 14 years are family and household related. Before that I did some computer programming and word processing. I ask you to please spend a few minutes of your precious time to read through these articles. The reason I offer is that there are times when the emes is hidden in unexpected places. It is a way of fooling the Satan. Is it possible that a layperson such as myself, especially a woman, has words of Torah to address to the Gedolei Hador of this generation? It does say that Torah was first given in generalities to women and then with details and halachos to the men. Therefore it is conceivable that perhaps there is significance and something new to what I have to offer. Please do not reject it before you have read further. I pray to Hashem that the emes in these words will be recognized as being emes from Hashem and His Holy Torah and not mere foolishness of a female. I am simply the vehicle through which these words are delivered. I do not Chas Veshalom wish to in any way denigrate the role of Rabbanim and Torah Shebaal Peh. Torah and Halacha is what makes a marriage. It is the Torah Shebichtav part that I am addressing and the Halacha is left to you.

The purpose of this letter is to talk about Shmita. We have been told that 70 years of the Churban correspond with 70 years of not keeping Shmitta properly. Why bring it up now? I believe with my heart and soul that if we would keep Shmitta as the Torah specified, it is the key to Moshiach. I believe that the recent events on Shabbos Kodesh, of the space shuttle disintegrating over Palestine, Texas with 7 crewmembers on board as well as a Sefer Torah is not coincidental. Is it Hashem's way of warning us and foreshadowing future events if we don't keep the Torah.

It made us proud as Jews to see the Torah up in space. If we think about it however, The Torah is not meant for space. Lo Bashamayim hi. Shabbos can not be kept in space. Neither can Mitzvot Teluyot Baaretz.

You may argue that Jews in Eretz Yisroel are keeping Shmitta. They are keeping it with Takanot Rabbanim of Pruzbul and Heter Mechira. I, as a single girl, in search of the truth of Torah tried to understand what the Torah expected of us. How can I loan my money to someone in need and not expect to get it back. There are things that I too need. Do I dare ask for a loan knowing that I don't have to pay it back. Of course I would, if I could. Who wouldn't? What I realized was that this kind of economy was similar to Socialism. Here I was, a simple girl merely trying to keep the Mitzva, which resulted in trying to live with a breakdown of accepted economics, the economic system I was familiar with and treasured. I realized then that I was onto something revolutionary. Does Hashem want us to live in a capitalist society for 6 years and a socialist society for the Shmitta year. It was so new and scary. This happened in Shmita year 5747 when I was living in Kiryat Arba. That Shmitta year was an experiment for me. I was in no way trying to dictate the right way to live but simply trying to adhere to the laws of the Torah. Why not make life easy and adhere to Pruzbul? Pruzbul was a product of the Galus. It was because our emunah was weak that Pruzbul was instituted. With childlike Emunah, we need to believe and follow Hashem's word. We will see the blessings for sure. Even though, I personally do not have what to show as proof of material blessings of that year, I am patient. I have gained in wisdom and Emunah and love of Hashem and His Torah and of our role and mission of Am Yisroel in Eretz Yisroel.

Please read the article posted in the Torah Section of Arutz7 entitled "Israel Does Not Own the Land" and two articles posted on January 1, 2003 entitled "Not only "In Your Blood Live" Part 1" and "Not only "In Your Blood Live" Part 2"..

Robin Ticker

Thursday, February 16, 2006

Jim Vinyard speaks up about Amona. Rabbis, Jewish Media and Radio still silent


Please read this letter to Olmert that I have been waiting to read from Jewish Leaders written by Jim Vinyard a Christian Minister. Please forward it to your Rabbi's and to Nachum Segal and to the Jewish Newspapers saying that most Jews have no idea of what happened in Amona because the Jewish media have been relatively silent. No Passionate letter such as this to wake up people as to the reality of what really happened.

The following is an open letter to be passed around to all Rabbanim and Jewish Leaders.
Are you aware that the kids at Amona were beaten with clubs smashed on the heads, both girls and boys were attacked on their reproductive organs to the point where there were some that are worried about infertility and there was sexual molestation as well. You can see live coverage on  These youth who separated themselves by gender because of Tzniut considerations love Eretz Yisroel and were willing to sacrifice their own lives. They were protesting peacefully the expulsion of Jews from their homes in Eretz Yisroel.

Why haven't the Rabbanim spoken up for the Covenant that Eretz Yisroel is the inheritance of Am Yisroel. Why has there been no statement regarding the Roadmap which is mutually exclusive with the Covenant? Shtika Kehodaya. Why is there silence when innocent youth are being attacked for their love of Eretz Yisroel?

The root of Lashon Hara came about from the Religious Leaders, the Gedoilim, of a generation that preferred to stay in the spiritual desert than to enter Eretz Yisroel.

I am sharing the pain of the youth who were attacked. My thoughts are how are they feeling that no one is speaking up for them among the Gedoilim. It's silent here in America about the Covenant and about the horrible atrocities that were perpetrated against them. Their bitter cries are piercing the Shamayim. Yet the Jewish media is silent, the Rabbanim are silent and most caring Yidden who would be horrified if they really knew what happened don't have any clue.

If this is interpreted that I am making light of Rabbanim and Torah Leaders then I bring my case to the Ribono Shel Olam. And the truth is I don't even want to be a winner. Because if I win on this then we all lose. Let me be wrong. Perhaps the Rabbanim really are speaking up for Eretz Yisroel and that they have a love and desire to keep the Mitzvoth that can only be done in Eretz Yisroel. If the desire was there, then there would be no question that the Land is only meant for those that can bring forth the Kedusha of the Land by keeping the Commandments. I pray to G-d that I will be proven wrong Beezrat Hashem..

Why hasn't there been a Mishlachat of Rabbanim from Agudas Yisroel of America to Eretz Yisroel to Rav Shteinman, Rav Eliashiv, Rav Kanievsky etc. asking these Gedoilim why hasn't a statement been made regarding the Covenant? The world interprets the silence that Orthodox Jewry has no problem with the Roadmap plan and with a Palestinian State in the heartland of our forefathers.

Sunday, February 12, 2006

Mitzvah of Yishuv Eretz Yisroel - clarifications - Discussion between Batya and Robin


Batya Writes:

Once I became Torah observant, I couldn't understand how some religious Jews could ignore the mitzvah of yishuv ha'aretz.

Robin responds:

One will ignore something that he feels is beyond his ability or something that will indicate that he/she is not a good Jew.

I think it's important for each and every Jew to declare in principle that Eretz Yisroel is the Biblical birthright of Am Yisroel and that is relevant to our times as well. By extension, expulsions of Jews from the Land are bad and the Roadmap Plan is bad. Even if actual Yishuv Eretz Yisroel is difficult for whatever reason, this declaration connects us to Eretz Yisroel. Stating this fundamental principle of Judaism is easier to do than going on Aliya and is perhaps the first positive step in that direction. It engages the Diaspora Jew in our struggle rather than disengages and unites this Jew to the masses in Eretz Yisroel who believe and live this fundamental truth. This act of Unity is crucial and necessary for the redemption process. No Jew will be left behind....Just as the Kohanim and Leviim daven for the Masses of Bnei Yisroel to keep the Mitzvah of Truma and Maaser for their own sustenance the Jews of Eretz Yisroel must daven for the Masses in Chutz Laaretz to connect to the Land to the best of their ability for their own survival (the physical survival of the settlers on the Land as well as the spiritual survival of the Jew in the Diaspora).

Batya responds:

Remember with tshuva, first you admit your sin. Most chutz l'aretz Jews won't admit that they're sinning. You recognize that you should be in Aretz; that's important.

Robin responds:

Mipnei Chataeinu. The Jew is Eretz Yisroel at times is hard on the Jew in Chutz Laaretz because they don't realize, unless it happens to them personally, that at times they are not in control of whether they are able to be in Eretz Yisroel. G-d controls the world. It is possible that G-d wants a person to live outside of Eretz Yisroel. From all of the Avos only Yitzchok had the commandment to stay in the Land. Yaakov was forced to leave the Land to escape from Eisav and to find a wife. In fact the entire Bnei Yisroel were born outside of Eretz Yisroel. Avraham left the Land of Israel because of the famine though some commentaries said he should not have left.

I wouldn't focus on the sins of the Jew in the Diaspora because I don't know the whole story. Some Jews may be sinning others may not be. Only G-d is Bochen Balev to judge ones sins. G-d will judge each individual wherever they live. Perhaps there is a Jew in Eretz Yisroel who is sinning by living there and should really be in Chutz Laaretz because it is G-ds will that he be there. Whether or not one lives in the Land of Israel is not the issue. We are connected to it whether we live there or not. It is a Statement of fact and not one that tells a Diaspora Jew what to do. A believing Jew has to internalize the fact that the Land is his as a gift from G-d and has obligations that go along with it and that is part and parcel of being a Jew. Each person then has Bechira Chafshis about how and where to lead their life.

I of course will do whatever I can to encourage and promote Aliya and G-d willing may it happen again for me and the rest of my family.

Batya writes:


Friday, February 10, 2006

Two Fabulous Articles: Roy Neuberger Amona and Emunah, YYJacobson's article entitled What Nietzsche Didn't Understand About Judaism Love Thy Ego.


I have been in contact with Roy Neuberger, author of Worldstorm begging him to speak up. He has in his latest newsletter.



Dear Friends:

The Prophet Yirmiahu/Jeremiah says in last week's Haftara, "do not be afraid, My servant Jacob, and be not frightened, O Israel, for I shall save you from afar, and your offspring from the land of their captivity, and Jacob shall return and be tranquil… and none shall make him tremble."1

Obviously, G-d knew there would be something in our future that could make us tremble. Today, the news is more than enough to make one tremble. The situation in Eretz Yisroel breaks one's heart. I met some "non-religious" Jews last week who told me that they are glad they would not have to live their children's lives. There is much fear in today's world.

Let's try to get perspective on today by looking in the Torah.

Our fathers Abraham, Isaac and Jacob changed the world when they introduced the knowledge of G-d and His laws, but in each generation there was trouble.

Ishmael, Isaac's half brother, wanted to usurp our father Isaac's position as Abraham's spiritual heir. But how could he? Ishmael is a "pe're adam,"2 a wild ass of a man, half human, descended from an Egyptian mother. He is not capable of inheriting Abraham's mantle. Thus, G-d assures our mother Sarah, "I will fulfill My covenant through [Isaac]."3 Today Ishmael's descendants, the Arabs, are still indulging their hatred, trying to usurp our position as the People of G-d and the rightful owners of the Land of Israel. Ishmael tried to kill Isaac4, but as long as Abraham was alive, Ishmael remained subdued and under control.

In the following generation, Esau battled Jacob for the inheritance. Esau lived for the satisfaction of his material desires and this led him to become a hypocrite, a thief and a killer. He was also completely unfit for the spiritual role he tried to wrest from his twin brother. But while Isaac lived, Esau was unable to succeed in his challenge.

Only in the following generation did the Children of Israel become vulnerable to the jealousy, the hatred and the violence of Ishmael and Esau. What changed?

The answer is to be found in this verse: "[Joseph's] brothers … hated him, and they were not able to speak to him peaceably."5

Hatred among the Children of Israel was the prelude to all our troubles. It led directly to the Egyptian Exile. In our days, hatred among the brothers is the cause of our current exile and the worldwide hatred which continues to burn against us.6

Do you understand this? This is amazing! The threat to our family exists only when there is internal dissension! When there is unity, our enemies cannot touch us because we are under the protection of our Father in Heaven! When that protection is removed, we become subject to the laws of the other nations; we become vulnerable to their hatred and cruelty. Eventually – worst of all – we actually become LIKE THEM and disappear into their midst, G-d forbid, as so many of our brethren have over the millennia.

Recently, when Leah and I were on a speaking tour in Florida, I met a holy Jew from Russia. Besides pouring me a little too much vodka on Shabbos, this Jew said something that struck me with its simple directness: "You have to be up to living in Israel. If people don't have the guts, they shouldn't live there."

Our Torah records the tragic incident of the spies who did not have enough betochan, trust in G-d, to survive in the Holy Land. They discouraged and disheartened their brethren. For that reason their entire generation was wiped out in the wilderness and was never privileged to enter the Holy Land. The anniversary of the day of their terrible report is Tisha b'Av, the most tragic day in our national history.


There is no other way, my brothers and sisters, inside or outside the Land of Israel, but this is true especially within Israel! We simply cannot survive unless we unite as brothers and sisters under the banner of Torah. Otherwise, we will be swallowed alive by the other nations, either through assimilation or physical annihilation, G-d forbid!

But G-d sent Moses to rescue us from Egypt.

Yes… He sent Moses, but only when we cried out to Him! Not only that, but four-fifths of our people never made it out at all; they perished in the Plague of Darkness7. G-d will also rescue us now, in this most terrible time, but only when we cry out to Him, and perhaps not all of us.

Let us come to the present.

The infighting, the terrible hatreds among our people are EXACTLY the reason the other nations hate us! The hatred of the other nations is possible only because of our own self-hatred, Jew against Jew. Forget treaties with the Arabs or treaties with anyone for that matter. There is only one treaty that counts, only one treaty that will protect us, and that is the treaty we all signed with G-d at Mount Sinai. That treaty is the only reason there is a single Jew left in the world. Only G-d's protection counts, nothing else. It is a merit for non-Jews to befriend us, but we do not depend for our survival upon any man or any nation, including the United States, only upon the Ribono shel Olam, the Master of the Universe.

The terrible problem is that our government in Israel rejects Torah. America has a doctrine called "separation of church and state." There is no such thing in the Torah as separation from G-d. Nothing is separated from G-d, not government, not agriculture, not business, not marriage, not education, not child rearing, not greeting another Jew or taking a haircut. Nothing! What is wrong with us! Have we learned nothing in 5700 years? Did we return to the Land of Israel to be like the other nations or did we return to bring about World Redemption and the coming of Moshiach ben Dovid?


You cannot vote Torah in or out.

It is not simply the policy of the government that is at fault, it is the very nature of the government, which thinks it is superior to Torah and to G-d Who created the world. Inevitably, a government that hates and spurns Torah will hate the Children of the Torah, its own people, and ally itself with our enemies, because that government has become its own enemy!

Is it any wonder, then, that our own policemen and soldiers smash the limbs of our own children almost to the point of death? Have we gone crazy? Quite clearly the answer is "yes." These same policemen and soldiers, in a moment of sanity – and may G-d grant that we all come quickly to sanity – would collapse in grief at the understanding of what they have done.

But a mood of insanity has enveloped our nation. We have descended to the forty-ninth level of impurity. We have caught the disease of Egypt; we have become like the other nations. We are exactly like the miraglim, the Biblical spies, who did not have the faith in G-d and Torah to live in the Holy Land.

To attack our own brothers and sisters and destroy our Holy Land by living in defiance of Torah is to desecrate G-d's Name and subject ourselves to destruction, G-d forbid.

How will we overcome these Himalayan problems? Well, we must, because there is no other way out. It is clearly a matter of life and death. We must understand that world society is crumbling, east and west. It's not just war and global warming, it's plagues, it's dissension, it's immorality on every level. G-d tells Jeremiah in this same Haftara, "I shall make an end of all the nations where I have scattered you, but I shall not destroy you utterly."8

Is this a fairy tale?

No, it is reality. Our world is crumbling. Whoever shuts off the radio, TV or cell phone and thinks, is aware of it. But now we must act on it. We must unite under the banner of Torah. The skeptics will say it cannot be done, but our lives are at stake! Anyone who needs proof that the Torah is real, need only contemplate the fact that we Jews have survived two thousand years of exile surrounded by our mortal enemies. G-d is guarding His precious children; if we would only open our eyes, we would see it.

My friends, Jeremiah tells us, "do not be afraid." We do not have to fear Arabs or any outside threat. But we DO have to fear our own rebellion against the Ribono shel Olam, our Father in Heaven, and our own self-hatred.

It's not just the soldiers in Amona and the politicians in Israel: all of us are deficient; all of us are guilty. Do we realize the extent of the problem? Are we aware of our worldwide danger? Are we aware that G-d is about to "make an end of all the nations"?

When G-d says, "I will not destroy you utterly," what does "utterly" mean? It means that not one of us is assured of a safe passage; no one is guaranteed a place in the world of Moshiach. We each have to increase our mitzvos, our self control, our constant efforts to love our brothers and sisters and treat them with respect.

We stand at the brink of the Final Redemption; Moshiach's footsteps can be heard in the dark Night of Exile. Rav Kaduri, may his memory be for a blessing, said that he had met Moshiach, who is already here in our world, waiting to be revealed!

All of us, every Child of Israel, must feel the earth shaking beneath our feet. Great tremors are shaking the nations. Are we prepared or are we in denial? Our only salvation is to cling to Torah as we did at Mount Sinai, like "one man with one heart," one Nation united in love of G-d and love of our brothers and sisters. That is how we will survive and usher in the Age of Redemption!

Roy S. Neuberger

1Jeremiah 46:27
2 Genesis 16:12
3 Genesis 17:19
4 Rashi on Genesis 21:9, Bereishis Rabbah 53:11
5 Genesis 37:4
6 Talmud Tractate Yoma 9b
7 Rashi on Exodus 10:22-23
8 Jeremiah 46:28

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Our mailing address is: Roy S. Neuberger, P.O. Box 940517, Rockaway Park, NY 11694-0517

Rabbi/Dr. Neuberger, amv"sh

You have comforted me...

Do not be surprised if it seems to you that your words are not heard. I didn't know if my emails to you made an impression. Perhaps they did. But words that come out of the heart go into the heart. You have a much greater reaching listening audience. I believe that your words will touch the hearts of many.

I loved almost the entire post. I have a few comments.

>The answer is to be found in this verse: "[Joseph's] brothers … hated him, and they were not able to speak to him peaceably."

My comments:

It would not have made a difference if Joseph loved his brothers more. One can not argue that if Joseph loved his brothers more they would have not thrown him into the pit. Joseph did love his brothers. They hated him. According to one Peirush (I don't recall which one) the brothers were afraid that Yaakov might disinherit them after hearing bad reports about them. They knew that Yishmael and Eisav did not merit getting Abraham's and Isaac's inheritance.

At least according to that explanation they desired the inheritance. (Unlike the current State of Israel).

Speaking out strong for the Covenant does not mean that we hate Secular Jews or the State of Israel. It simply means that we are holding on tight to G-d's Torah and our ultimate purpose of being Mamlechet Kohanim.

By speaking out for the Covenant, the Land of Israel, and the Torah we are accused of destroying democracy, being religious fanatical extremists, imposing Torah lifestyle on others and taking away individual freedoms such as the right to eat pig in the Land of Israel, marrying whomever we choose etc., wanting to take over the world.

I would like discussion about forming a model gov't based on Torah on land that the gov't themselves have chosen to abandon to the Palestinians. (e.g. Settlements in Yesha which the government wishes to destroy) By being independent from the Secular State, the religious will not feel that the secular is imposing their value system on them as is currently the case, and the secular will continue to have a gov't that they feel comfortable. Of course the purpose is not to divide the country. It is to bring unity. Two Jewish governing authorities living side by side in peace and love.

A governing authority based on Torah is revolutionary and many mistakes are bound to happen. If it is set up as a model then it is not threatening and the bugs (mistakes) can be worked on and corrected without major confrontations. It's lehavdil like a draft copy of a working document. As the Torah governing authority gains more knowledge and experience it will prove to be a blessing to all.

Avraham said to Lot, why should two brothers fight? Let us separate. The only way for the Shechina to rest on Avraham was to separate from Lot. Lot's shepherds were not careful about stealing from others. They were corrupt. This government has history of bribes and corruption. There is no way we can make peace with this government without seriously compromising on Torah and Mitzvot our true value system.

I would like to see us united with the Chareidi parties. Satmer (My aunt is Satmer) has always claimed that the State is evil because it rejected Torah. Religious Zionists now say the same thing. The time has come to unify the Torah communities. Can the Rabbanim finally make a statement about Eretz Yisroel and against the Roadmap? I would lobby the Rabbanim in the Chareidi parties such as Agudas Yisroel to join with National Union etc. This isn't about politics. It's about Torah. I would welcome the strong Zionists of the left that established the State of Israel and loved the Land. They in fact have much in common with the pioneers of the Yishuvim. In fact a group of Left wing Kibbutzim met in Chevron right after the Amona incident. (On a personal level, My husbands close relatives live in Kibbutz Eilon and Shaar Hagolan leftist Shomrei Hatzair Kibbutzim). 17 years ago, newly married we visited these Kibbutzim and I as impressed by their deep love of the Land of Israel (especially the grandparents, the vatikim). I thought they had much in common with the people I knew in Kiryat Arba and Hebron. In fact the grandchildren of these Vatikim, my husbands cousins, strongly speak out against the present policies of the government.

When the Jewish idea (Kach) suggested an autonomous government they were hit big time. Their internet cafe was closed and their computers confiscated. They even took away chairs that were used in the dog training centers.

I have no real connection with Kach but I agree with others that the time is right for a gov't based on Torah and a Sanhedrin. There is nothing wrong with having an open discussion about how the secular gov't has imposed their secular value systems on a substantial segment of the population and that we are looking into ideas to correct this blatant persecution of freedom of religion in the H-ly Land.

We would have the support of many Christian groups as well.

One last comment. Today I read YYJacobson's article entitled
What Nietzsche Didn't Understand About Judaism
Love Thy Ego.

What I understood was that to confront the Ego of Pharaoh G-d needed to promise Moses that He Himself would accompany him to the king.

YYjacobson writes "Yet an important question remains, what did the Jewish people do with the "will for power" which according to Nietzsche runs supreme in man's psyche? Did they ignore it, repress it or transcend it? What was the emotional and mental mechanism they employed in order to transform themselves from "masters" into "slaves"?

YYjacobson says that Hashem Hikdim "Refuah Lemakah to Nietzsche's powerful accusation against the Jews.

The Jewish Ubermensche, his very unbridled lust for power and self affirmation, came to embrace the G-d of morality, justice and compassion. The Jews needed not to crush or deny their sense of selfhood and vitality in order to find G-d; on the contrary the vibrant brute and selfish ego led them to G-d just as much as the call of transcendence and mystery that spoke to their souls. Rabbi Schnuer Zalman of Liadi gave the Refuah to answer Nietzsche.

Rabbi Jacobson writes:

Astonishingly, though, and contrary to the accepted notion of the function of religion, the author (Rabbi Schnuer Zalman) attributes the profoundest divinity to the egocentricity of human nature, to his will for power!

...The sense of self with which we are born, also derives from G-d; is a reflection of the divine "ego". It is not the ego that is evil, but the divorcing of the ego from its source. When we recognize our own ego as a reflection of G-d's "ego" it becomes the driving force in our efforts to make the world a better, more G-dly place. On the other hand, the same ego, severed from its divine moorings, begets the most monstrous of evils.

We needed work on our car. My mechanic, who is a Chozer Betshuva gave me a dvar Torah today. I asked him how much we owed and if we could pay by credit card. He told me the amount to fix the car and said he needed to add tax. I asked him and if I paid by check rather then credit card would there be then no charge for State tax?..I said to myself out loud, I suppose the State as well needs to make a living. He replied (Your husband can relate to that. My husband works for the State)

He then remembered something that he had learned. He quoted the first Pereq in Tehillim "Ashrei HaIsh Asher Lo Halach Baatzas Reshaim". Ilan told me there is only one thing that is free in this world. That is Torah. It is a gift from G-d. He said we can become one with Torah.

When he said that I thought of Rabbi Jacobson's article. It is possible for our ego's to be one with Torah when we are totally involved in Torah (Ki im Betoras Hashem Cheftzo) and then to be linked with the Ego of Hashem and Hashem's desire to be all powerful to be metaken the Olam.

YYjacobson writes

Said G-d to Moses: "Come to Pharaoh." Come with Me, and together we will enter the great serpent's palace. Together we will penetrate the self-worship that is the heart of evil. Together we will discover that there is neither enduring substance nor eternal reality to Pharaoh's and Nietzsche's ego - that all it is, is the misappropriation of the divine in man.

Isn't this the theme as well as in the first Perek of Tehillim. "Lo Chen Hareshaim, Ki Im Kamotz Asher Tidfenu Ruach...."

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Scenario at Amona was sickening. Were we forewarned?


Are you aware that there was sexual abuse in Amona? Read Arutz7 for starters. Look for postings from February 5th and 6th, 2006. I was sickened.

Tuesday, February 7, 2006 More on the Police Violence in Amona, My Students Told Me...

Thursday, March 2, 2006 Vicious

The following is a letter I wrote to David Wilder spokesperson of Hebron during the Gush Katif expulsion and his response to me.

Stop writing such hogwash - rather than give strength and encouragement, you only weaken - the faith of these people is beyond belief - let them make their own decisions - they don't need such 'advice' from New York!

On 8/14/2005 1:57:26 PM, wrote:

To my dear friends of Gush Katif, amv'sh

In this weeks Parsha, at the end of the Parsha, the tribes of Reuvein and Gad and Shevet Menashe said they will send their men to fight and the women and children will stay home.

I know that you do not wish to fight. Irregardless, the other side has plans and they are not as peaceful as yours Please don't be naive and risk putting the women and children in a place they don't belong. The women and children will weaken your resolve if nothing else because they might be hungry, thirsty, scared, crying etc. I assume you are worried that such an action will make it appear like a civil war. Even in the case of a real war, if one side attacks should the other side simply act as if it's not a war and go on as business as usual? One is required to defend oneself and not to care about public opinion Are you afraid that the gov't will show pictures of violence of the settlers against the police. They may even stage such a scenario and you won't be able to prevent it. This has been their motus operendez. At this point forget about public image. Announce that women and children are leaving because it's too dangerous. That is the truth. However, mention that all men that are able to be with you at this time should come and help


Nissan editor of Israel National News responded to another letter I wrote to him immediately after the expulsion from Gush Katif. The pain was too raw for him to relate to what I wrote. He responded as follows:

Thanks for writing. I would not have taken a personal approach. But, now that you have done so, allow me to also reply personally.

Of course we all can bring Mashiach, but unless I am mistaken, neither you nor anyone else I know has a direct line to HaShem to declare positively that Shmitta, or Ahavat Yisrael, or Shabbat, or Torah study or anything else is "the" cause of this or that tragedy.

And unless I was extremely learned in Torah, I would be hesitant to challenge the position of Heiter Mechira, decided upon by true scholars of our holy laws.

Finally, Arutz-7 is a news network, not a seminary or an organization for penitents or Torah scholarship. Give us real news about Shmitta and we'll print it.

Maybe you are "shying" from "your individual responsibility" to not be immodest in assuming you have "the" answer, in critizing others for what you perceive to be their sins, and in taking it upon yourself to lambaste an entire populace for not believing as you do? Is that not a bit possible, too?

Thanks again,
Nissan Ratzlav-Katz
Opinion Editor
Arutz 7

----- Original Message -----
To: ;
Sent: Thursday, August 18, 2005 6:56 PM
Subject: Letter to Nissan - You too can bring Moshiach


A letter to Nissan Ratzlav-Katz editor of Arutz7 as kids and Rabbanim are being thrown out of shuls in Kfar Dorom.

Dear Nissan, amv"sh

You have a personal responsibility since Arutz7 is the place people are looking for answers as well. Not only reports of destruction and sadness.

Does G-d really want this expulsion to happen? All He wants is for us to do the commandments in the Torah and we are promised blessings. The Torah specifically cites the Mitzva of Shmita as the one that will cause us to live securely in our Land and if we don't, the Torah says we will be kicked out and the Land will get the rest it deserves.

The year of Shmita is one of Meein Olam Haba. A year of collective living and good will. And that is the key for our security. I don't know how the Jews in Gush Katif observed Shmita but I read that in the time of the second Beis Hamikdash it wasn't sanctified by the Rabbanim so that the people were not obligated to keep Shmita. In our present day, if people did observe Shmita, it was never used as a way to beseech G-d to keep us on our Land, as Hashem has promised that if we observe His commandments we would live securely in the Land.

Please publicize the Mitzva of Shmita. I don't need or want any credit but my year's experience in Shmita 5747 will prove helpful. The people of Gush Katif are the cream of the crop. Their love for Eretz Yisroel is unequaled. Yet they were forced out. It will be helpful for them to have some sort of explanation. Perhaps there was something they could have done and didn't.

I can think of two things. The first is not focusing on the Mitzva of Shmita. The second is recognizing that it is not enough for them to have the love for Eretz Yisroel. That love must be shared by all of Am Yisroel whether they live in Israel or in the Diaspora. People of Gush Katif were especially effective with Panim el Panim with the non religious and expressed an outpouring of love to them. There was a hesitancy to focus on Panim el Panim with the chareidi Torah observant community regarding love for Eretz Yisroel and the yearning to keep the Mitzvoth of the Land.

The State was established with a Zionist dream with Torah missing from the picture. The religious especially chareidi groups resented this. They chose to focus primarily on Torah. Eretz Yisroel has insignificant relevance in their daily religious observance. There is constant daily references to Eretz Yisroel in davening and continuous references in the Torah. These references apparently were not relevant enough to make a clear statement about the Covenant between G-d and Am Yisroel. Eretz Yisroel is promised to Avraham Yitzchok and Yaakov and to their seed as an eternal inheritance. A simple statement like this would be sufficient to counteract the Roadmap plan of President Bush. A Statement by the Rabbanim that the roadmap plan of President Bush goes against the Bible can still have tremendous impact.

All of us that love the Torah, Eretz Yisroel and Am Yisroel must do Panim el Panim emphasizing the mutual dependency of Torah, Eretz Yisroel and Am Yisroel and together these three elements comprise One entity. Each element is truly incomplete without the others.

The goal is to bring each and every member of Am Yisroel to love the Torah and Eretz Yisroel and foster desire to keep the Mitzvoth in the Torah including the Mitzvoth of Eretz Yisroel. If the desire and yearning to keep Shmita existed, the expulsion would never have taken place.

Nissan, please don't shy from your individual responsibility. Each and every person can bring the Moshiach and you just have to believe it!

Od Yishama .Rabbinic Law is Torah Shebeal Peh. It is married to Torah Shebichtav


One might get the erroneous impression of the previous post that I do not respect the Rabbinic Law. There is nothing that is further than the truth. I recognize that Torah consists of Torah Shebeal Peh and Torah Shebichtav. I believe in Halacha Moshe MiSinai. My particular focus as a woman is Torah Shebichtav.

I recognize that for the Rabbanim to proclaim the Covenant would put them in the Leadership position of the world which is no easy position. Perhaps they feel it is the job for Moshiach alone. It is easier to go along with the known and working concept of Democracy than to talk about a gov't based on Torah and Mitzvot.

Democracy is not the right gov't for Eretz Yisroel. Torah is. A gov't based on Torah is no short than revolutionary. It hasn't been tried in over 2,000 years. It is no wonder that the Rabbanim have been a bit shy.

I am critical only like a wife is critical of her husband. I know the greatness of the Rabbanim and what they are cabable of accomplishing. I feel that they have tremendous stored potential yet to be realized. I do not wish to dictate how the halacha is to be formed but only to impress upon the Rabbanim the Torah Shebichtav that is the source of all Halacha. Women I have been taught, received Torah in generalities first at Sinai, while the men received the details, the halachot after. It is the marriage of Torah Shebichtav and Torah Shebaal Peh that we sing about at all Jewish weddings "Od Yeshama Bearai Yehuda Uvechutzot Yerushalayim.."

Sunday, February 05, 2006

Contempt for fundraising efforts for Gush Katif


I never would have believed that I would be posting a blog that shows contempt for fundraising efforts for expellees of Gush Katif... but that is how I feel.

I heard today, that the Agudas Yisroel of Madison, Rabbi Reisman's shul in Brooklyn is doing fundraising to benefit the youth from Gush Katif that are currently in Yad Binyamin. What I heard (and I have yet to verify) is that they are looking to raise $100,000 to help the troubled youth formerly of Gush Katif, now in Yad Binyamin, to help pay for psychological counseling among other things.

I feel contempt because Rabbi Reisman, following the lead of Agudas Yisroel of America, chose not to speak out publicly against the disengagement. I have no doubt that they "shared" the pain of their brethren at the time but did nothing publicly to prevent it from happening. Their excuse was that they do not make political statements.

Is this politics? Is their study of Torah purely academic?

American frum Jews are comfortable collecting money for the poor. This is a cause that is close to their heart. So collecting money for troubled youth fits their comfort level.

A Torah Statement (Kol Korei) about our claim to Eretz Yisroel is still forthcoming.

Rabbi Reisman can include in his Torah Lectures that Eretz Yisroel was promised to the seed of Avraham Yitzchok and Yaakov and therefore the Roadmap is in direct contradiction to the Covenant since they are mutually exlusive. Did Rabbi Reisman lobby Agudas Yisroel to make such a statement? Did they send out a Mischlachat to Eretz Yisroel asking Rav Shteinman, Rav Eliashiv and Rav Kanievsky and other important Rabbanim how come no such proclamation was forthcoming.

I can't help but wonder what kind of Kavana these Rabbanim have each morning when they put on Tefillin and say the two portions of the Torah that is in Parshas Bo "Vehaya Chi Yeviacha Hashem el Eretz Haknaani...Asher Nishba Laavosecho Lases Lach Eretz Zavas Chalav Udevash" (the portion pertaining to eating Matzoh on Pesach, no chametz, etc) and "Vehaya Ki Yeviacho Hashem el Eretz Haknaani Kaasher Nishba Lecho Velavosecha Unesanah Lach" (portions pertaining to Peter Rechem).

Translated (from Stone Chumash) these portions are Exodus 13/4 "And it shall come to pass when Hashem shall bring you to the land of the Canaanite....which He swore to your forefathers to give you - land flowing with milk and honey..." and Exodus 13/11 It shall come to pass, when Hashem will bring you to the land of the Canaanites, as He swore to you and your forefathers and He will have given it to you..."

How many times does the Torah have to repeat that He swore the Land to our forefathers to give to us? Is this only relevant to the generation entering Eretz Yisroel and not relevant to our generation? Why then do the men say it every day when they put on Tefillin.

It must be extremely fundamental because the Torah repeats these or similar words again and again.

If I was one of the youth expelled from Gush Katif I would send a letter back to the Agudas Yisroel of Madison to please keep their money for psychological counsel. It's a waste of their money. I would ask Rav Reisman to instead make a public statement along with the Agudas Yisroel of America about our Covenant and that the Covenant is in direct conflict (Soter in Hebrew) with the Roadmap plan.

Eidus Hashem Meishivas Nafesh. That would be the best Refuah for the youth expelled from their Land.

Saturday, February 04, 2006

Satmar vindicated. Medinat Yisroel today is an evil State.


Shavua Tov!

Well there is now a common thread of what Satmar Chassidim have claimed over the years and what many Religious Zionists (myself included) are saying. We are now both saying that the gov't of Israel is a Midinat Resha, an evil government.

In previous blogs I have called for a separation of Jews from the State of Israel since it didn't seem to me that the State of Israel was ready for a government based on Torah. I now feel even stronger than that. The present gov't is evil.

I never called the State of Israel evil before.

If Religious Zionism and Satmar Chasidim take this opportunity to show an expression of unity I see hope for total unity among Am Yisroel.

Thursday, February 02, 2006

Videos of Brutal Police attacks in Amona


You have to see it to believe it's true.

Brutality...Col. (Res.) Moshe Givati, former army brigade commander and adviser to Minister of Police  reported that "Police told the girls, "you whore, we're going to rape you because you don't want to evacuate...".
..Girl who was attacked at Amona:  I hate to say this but looking back all I can think about is the movies we saw about the Shoah.. how the Nazi's treated the Jews there and how they pulled people out of their houses when they wanted to move them into the ghetto and they would smash the glass of people on peoples heads"

 Please go to Shlomo Wollins website

On Feb. 1, 2006, the Israel Police were ordered to demolish nine Jewish homes in Amona, near Ofrah, 12 miles north of Jerusalem. In the video documentary below, police were filmed using excessive force against hundreds of youthful protestors, over 200 of whom were injured and taken to hospitals for treatment.
The brief documentary film above was produced by Tzvi Fishman, who authors a popular blog on

(The following repeats many of the points addressed to the Leadership of Hebron in the preceding post of my blog. This however is addressed to everyone.)

The concept of the State of Israel is now under scrutiny. Our priority is to gather a consensus among all Jews all over the world that Israel is the inheritance of the Nation of Israel. Simply a declaration. Each and every Jew could participate.

The sad truth is that the State of Israel was formed in 1948 with a flaw. That flaw was recognized by the Chareidi population. Satmer to the extreme, refused to recognize the State because the State left out Torah in its formation. The other Chareidi groups opposed the State to a lesser degree. The State, in their defense, actively supported Torah Institutions and under the State, unprecedented growth of Torah and Mitzvos mushroomed to unbelievable proportions. Judaism flourished and Jews were able to practice Judaism without major hindrances. That is until recently...

Now that original flaw in the formation of the State is turning into a real crack.

Jewish Leadership must acknowledge that the Formation and Foundation of the State of Israel is seriously flawed as the Chareidi population has repeatedly stated over the years. Until recently, Torah believing Jews were able to live in the State of Israel and practice their religion. Now they are unable to do so and the entire foundation of the State is breaking apart. The Lubavitch Rebbe in a letter to Geula Cohen was against using the terminology of the State of Israel but rather uses terms such as the Land of Israel and the Nation of Israel. The Modern day State of Israel is not eternal. The Covenant of the Land of Israel to the Nation of Israel is.

Religious Zionism has shown unwavering, continuous, loyal support for the State of Israel. It is quite understandable since the settlements were established under the State of Israel. (roads, water, electricity, local gov't, etc). One is hesitant to spit at the water they drank from.

The Torah Institutions including chareidi Institutions as well as my own alma mater Michlala, have recently had their funding severely cut by the gov't so that their day to day operations are severely threatened.

The time has come to finally speak out against the original flaw of the State of Israel and to speak up for the Land of Israel, the Nation of Israel and Torath Yisroel.

The time has come to demand that each and every Rabbinic Leader in Israel as well as in Chutz Laaretz claim the Land of Israel for the people of Israel.

The Land of Israel is a Divine Decree for the people of Israel. Even if the Jews in the Diaspora would forego their rights to the Land they can not. In monetary transactions if one person loans another money and then foregoes the loan, that's legitimate.

But the Land of Israel belongs to the Creator of the Earth. The Jews in the Diaspora may not relinquish their rights to the Land simply because they are not living there. The Jews in Israel may not allow or encourage Jews in the Diaspora to do so either.

Rabbinic Leaders wherever they may be, must be put in the spotlight and claim the Land of Israel as their own. Rabbinic Leaders and the Nation of Israel must publicly make a statement for the Torah (purposely given at Sinai and not in the Land of Israel) for the Covenant and against the Roadmap. We must question the value of a religion that is simply academic but not put into practice. (How can we study that the Land of Israel was promised as an eternal inheritance to the people of Israel and not speak out against the Roadmap?) We must ask Rabbinic Leaders "Is the Torah relevant to our time?" If it's relevant then why isn't there a public outcry against the Roadmap?

If they reply it's politics and we don't want to take away time from our learning then ask them "Is it proper to study the laws of how to give charity to a poor person and then when a poor person comes knocking on our door we tell him please don't disturb my learning?"

The status of the Land of Israel is Torah and is fundamental to Torah. One can not remove the status of the Land of Israel from Torah just like one can not remove the heart of the Land of Israel from the Land of Israel.

Imagine if Rav Shteinman and Rav Eliashiv and Rav Kanievsky would make a statement. They have fabulous PR with Kupat Hair and the organization for Aniyei Eretz Yisroel. One statement from them would bring statements from hundreds of thousands of Jews many chareidim who love Eretz Yisroel. Kupat Hair has inserts in the Jewish Press and perhaps Hamodia and Yated not to mention all streets in Boro Park and Flatbush plastered.

Chaim Dovid Zwiebel of Agudas Yisroel told me personally that their hands are paralyzed unless some statement comes from Eretz Yisroel. I have no doubt that Agudas Yisroel in America has tremendous influence over a very large religious population of Jews,Yeshivas and shuls in America.

Standing up for the Covenant and the Torah and against the Roadmap is our only hope for Eretz Yisroel.

What is Aliya to Eretz Yisroel without Torath Yisroel?

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Hebron Settlement and Amona Expulsion

Open Letter to David Wilder and the Leadership in Hebron:


Dear David Wilder and the Hebron Leadership, amv"sh

While I admire your ability to remain calm, cool and collected under severe provocation including the eviction of your daughter and her family from their home and was successful in coming to an agreement with the State I wish to impress upon you that Hebron has to take a more active stand regarding our right to the entire Land of Israel.

The compromise of the residents in the former Arab Marketplace in Hebron was based on the fact that the marketplace has a deed of Jewish owners going back to 1929 prior to the massacres.

Hebron has been relatively silent about the Bible and the Covenant Though I have no doubt that you in Hebron deeply believe in the Covenant, you have continuously refrained to publicly stand up for the Covenant. Security considerations was your position in your fight to keep Gush Katif and the settlements. Now you claim Hebron marketplace to Jewish ownership from 1929.

President Bush in his State of the Union address stated that America must take the initiative to speak up for our right of freedom and lead. Hebron is not leading. They are reacting to each incident but they are not going back to the roots which is the Torah and our Covenant.

The sad truth is that the State of Israel was formed in 1948 with a flaw. That flaw was recognized by the Chareidi population. Satmer to the extreme, refused to recognize the State because the State left out Torah in its formation. The other Chareidi groups opposed the State to a lesser degree. The State, in their defense, actively supported Torah Institutions and under the State, unprecedented growth of the Teshuva movement back to Torah and Mitzvos mushroomed to unbelievable proportions. Judaism flourished and Jews were able to practice Judaism without major hindrances. That is until recently...

Now that original flaw in the formation of the State is turning into a real crack.

In Amona, one can not allow the youth to act unilaterally. They will be brutally attacked by the State. It is not their place. The Leadership must acknowledge that the Formation and Foundation of the State of Israel is seriously flawed as the Chareidi population has repeatedly stated over the years. Until recently, Torah believing Jews were able to live in the State of Israel and practice their religion. Now they are unable to do so and the entire foundation of the State is breaking apart. The Lubavitch Rebbe in a letter to Geula Cohen was against using the terminology of the State of Israel but rather uses terms such as the Land of Israel and the Nation of Israel. The Modern day State of Israel is not eternal. The Covenant of the Land of Israel to the Nation of Israel is.

Hebron's leadership has shown unwavering, continuous, loyal support for the State of Israel. It is quite understandable since Hebron as well as the rest of the settlements were established under the State of Israel. (roads, water, electricity, local gov't, etc). One is hesitant to spit at the water they drank from.

The Torah Institutions including chareidi Institutions as well as my own alma mater Michlala, have recently had their funding severely cut by the gov't so that their day to day operations are severely threatened.

The time has come to finally speak out against the original flaw of the State of Israel and to speak up for the Land of Israel, the Nation of Israel and Torath Yisroel.

Uri Ariel is speaking up for the Torah and the Covenant of Abraham. Hebron must show strong leadership in this point in time as well. They must speak up for the Covenant. They must demand that each and every Rabbinic Leader in Israel as well as in Chutz Laaretz claim the Land of Israel for the people of Israel.

The Land of Israel is a Divine Decree for the people of Israel. Even if the Jews in the Diaspora would forego their rights to the Land they can not. In monetary transactions if one person loans another money and then foregoes the loan, that's legitimate.

But the Land of Israel belongs to the Creator of the Earth. The Jews in the Diaspora may not relinquish their rights to the Land simply because they are not living there. The Jews in Israel may not allow or encourage Jews in the Diaspora to do so either.

Therefore, the Leadership from Hebron must call upon all Rabbinic Leaders wherever they may be, and put them in the spotlight and demand that they claim the Land of Israel as their own. Rabbinic Leaders and the Nation of Israel must publicly make a statement for the Torah (purposely given at Sinai and not in the Land of Israel) for the Covenant and against the Roadmap. We must question the value of a religion that is simply academic but not put into practice. (How can we study that the Land of Israel was promised as an eternal inheritance to the people of Israel and not speak out against the Roadmap?) We must ask Rabbinic Leaders "Is the Torah relevant to our time?" If it's relevant then why isn't there a public outcry against the Roadmap?

If they reply it's politics and we don't want to take away time from our learning then ask them "Is it proper to study the laws of how to give charity to a poor person and then when a poor person comes knocking on our door we tell him please don't disturb my learning?"

The status of the Land of Israel is Torah and is fundamental to Torah. One can not remove the status of the Land of Israel from Torah just like one can not remove the heart of the Land of Israel from the Land of Israel.

Speaking up for the Covenant and the Torah and against the Roadmap is our only hope for Amona and all other settlements in Judea and Samaria.


Robin Ticker

This will be posted G-d willing to my blog

Friday, January 27, 2006

After careful consideration Yoelba has asked to be removed from being coeditor of Shemittah Rediscovered


In response to my request in a previous post to keep focus of this blog on Shemittah and the other various Mitzvoth pertaining to the Land of Israel, Yoelba has requested to be removed as coediter of this blog.

Blogger Yoel Ben-Avraham has several blogs and his posts can be viewed there. I of course continue to welcome comments to any posts published on this blog and links to other blogs can be posted via comments.


Robin Ticker

Thursday, January 26, 2006

Letter to President Bush - Hamas and Democracy


President Bush is in a bind. On one hand he wants to promote democracy. Hamas won democratically. On the other hand, Hamas' platform calls for the destruction of Israel. America does not want to call for the destruction of their ally Israel.

President Bush responded as follows. Hamas won because the people in Palestine were dissatisfied with the Palestinian Authority. Apparently the government did not provide adequately for the needs of the people. The people simply want adequate services, housing, employment etc. President Bush suggested corruption among the PA. So the voice of the people spoke and that is a good thing according to President Bush.

Dear Mr. President,

DO NOT BE NAIVE. Hamas won because the people approved of its platform!

Yes it's possible for democracy to fail. If all of Americans would vote democratically to end democracy then what is your solution?

The failure is the fact that while democracy has proven to be a wonderful form of government, it is not the appropriate government for Israel. Israel, is bound by the Torah. That means they are bound by 613 commandments. Some of these commandments are impossible to accomplish when they are not in ownership of the Land. The Roadmap calls for 2 Democratic States living side by side. This is in direct contradiction to the Covenant.

In the Covenant, G-d promises the Land of Israel which includes Judea, Samaria and Gaza, to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and to their seed as an eternal inheritance. The children of these founding fathers of Israel acquired the status of a Nation following the Exodus from Egypt and receiving the Torah on Mount Sinai.

Please Mr. President, as a believing Christian, do not disregard the Covenant. The Covenant is fundamental to the Old Testament. Disregard of the Covenant is making a statement that the Bible is irrelevant to our day and age.

Blessings for all the Nations of the world are forthcoming when the Nation of Israel are able to keep their commandments on the Land of Israel.


Robin Ticker

Sunday, January 22, 2006

What to do to Help Jews in Hebron stay on their Land

In a message dated 1/20/06 6:47:59 AM Eastern Standard Time, writes:

Worldwide Fax Campaign Underway

With Hevron in headline news, I have been getting a lot of calls from concerned individuals all over the world who want to know is happening in Hevron and what they can do to help.

The situation in Hevron is very tense. The current struggle involves two strips of homes which are literally across the street from Avraham Avinu neighborhood, where I live with my family.

The area in question is owned by Jews who were forced to abandon their property in 1929 when Jews were massacred and the survivors were forcibly expelled by the British. Arabs stole the land and built a market place on it. In 1967, when Hevron was liberated, the land was not given back to the rightful owners; instead the Arabs were allowed to continue using it.

Today only a very small percentage of the Jewish owned land in Hevron has been resettled by Jews. The Rebbe cried about this, “they kill and then they inherit!”

In the last ten years the army evacuated this Arab market for security reasons, but still did not grant permission for the rightful owners to reclaim their property. In 2001, Arab snipers murdered 10 month old Shalhevet in her carriage in the playground of Avraham Avinu. In response to that terrorist attack, the Jewish community in Hevron settled the property.
The legal owners "Kollelot HaSefaradim Eretz Yisroel" endorsed this action.

Young Jewish families with support from abroad began to renovate the shabby, dilapidated storefronts of the market and with their own hands, created lovely living quarters for themselves.

The absurdity of the matter is that both the government and the courts recognize that the homes are on Jewish property. Furthermore, throughout Hevron you can see Arabs building grand structures, all without permits and still no penalty from the government. Only Jews renovating the inside of existing structures on Jewish property are harassed and are prevented from getting proper permits.

The residents of Hevron are known to be uncompromising and strong. The entire Jewish world benefits because of it. Thanks to these committed Yidden Baalei Mesirus Nefesh, we have access to Maaras HaMachpela, and to the resting place of Rebbitzen Menucha Rochel.

The Lubavitcher Rebbe spoke many times about how important it is to have settlements in Yehuda and Shomron. Of all the settlements, Hevron is seen as the pinnacle of strength. When Hevron holds onto its property, the other settlers are encouraged that it can be done. If Hevron would fall, G-d forbid – even one neighborhood in Hevron – the other settlements could be discouraged. We cannot let that happen.

Escalating the events that occurred in the past week, hundreds of youth came to protest in Hevron. These youth were in Gush Katif and are still hurting from witnessing its destruction.

Besides the fact that the ‘riots’ were blown out of proportion in the media I personally may not agree with everything that went on this week in Hevron, but I still think it is important for history to know, that in one city in Eretz Yisroel, when they came to expel Jews from their land, the Jews went crazy.

There is a convenient and quick way that you all can help. The leaders of Hevron think this campaign will be effective and make a change for the better.

In the past year, Chabad of Hevron has had two incidents at the Tziun of Rebbitzin Menucha Rochel which were resolved thanks to dozens of faxes sent to the right places. Being that this situation goes beyond our local authorities, we need hundreds, even thousands of faxes, from as many places as possible, Stationery coming in from all over the globe is very influential in Ertez Yisroel.

The evacuation decree threatening Hevron is not a government decision. It is an order from the Justice Department and therefore it can be changed Bederech Hateva! Your role is to have local leaders, rabbis, organizations, businessmen, and of course yourselves write a short letter in your words and fax it in! This is something that can be done from abroad and without the interference of expenses.


Faxes on stationary of an organization are most effective. We need faxes from as many locations as possible, as well as many faxes from each location. Unique wording is more effective than a pre-written form letter. You can use Hebrew or English or the language of your country. A brief, clear message is what is needed.

Let them know that you expect the conflict in Hevron to be settled peacefully to the benefit of Klal Yisroel. We want cooperation not confrontation.

Jews all over the world depend on the community of Hevron as the guardians of the holy Jewish site of Maaras HaMachpela which is undisputedly a Jewish site. They are the guarantee that what happened at Kever Yosef will not happen to the Kever of Avraham, Yitzchok and Yaakov, Sara, Rivka, Leah and Menucha Rochel.

Let them know you find it despicable that Jews living on Jewish owned land in the Jewish homeland are subjected to being expelled by Jewish soldiers.

Here are the fax numbers you will need:
President Moshe Katzav: 02-5631932
Prime Minister Ehud Olmert: 02-6705361 02-5664838 02-5638693
Defense Minister Shaul Mofaz: 972-36976218

Please send me a copy of your faxes, my fax number is 972-29605770

Forwarded Message:
Subj: Save Hevron Fax Campaign from Danny Cohen
Date: 1/20/06 5:47:59 A.M. Central Standard Time
Sent from the Internet (Details)

This blog's focus is on Shemittah


When I invited members to Shemittah Rediscovered I didn't realize that it meant that members had the ability to post to the blog. I simply thought it meant one can comment. (I was new to blogging) It's not that I have anything against the extra posts and I am happy to read them in their respective blogs. But I don't want to change the focus of my blog of Shemittah to other topics. Therefore, I am asking all members to relate their posts somehow to Shemittah or refrain from placing posts in order to keep the focus on Shemittah as was my original intention.

Thank you Yoel Ben Avraham and Batya Medad for getting me into blogging and I am not against the dialogue of Yoel ben Avraham and Turmos Ayya resident. I myself while living in Kiryat Arab went with an elderly Yemenite women (over 80) by the name of Miriam Yefet to the shuk of Hebron (now under siege by the army) and they (the Arabs) loved her in Hebron. (I helped her with the packages) They ran to do her bidding. She told them quite up front that this Land is Our Land and they respected her. She was able to distinguish between those that hated Jews and those that didn't. She aided the poor in Hebron and being that she spoke their language she also understood them.

I personally believe that Eretz Yisroel is an inheritance for Am Yisroel as promised repeatedly in the Torah. If Moshiach would tell us from which shevet we are from we would all be displaced. The non Jew has the status of a Ger Toshav whereby he would need to accept the sovereignty of Nation of Israel and the Torah just like the people of Israel would need to accept the Torah.

According to the Torah, Hashem says "Li Kol Haaretz". The Land does not belong to individuals. However, Hashem decides who to give the Land and has given it to Am Yisroel as a Nachala. Each Shevet and each person has their Nachala that belongs to them. That is my answer to the Arab who says "How can you kick me off my Land? " If the Mossiah would come and tell me that the Nachala I have isn't rightfully mine (as in the Jubillee year) then I would pick myself up and leave without argument. The Torah is the way of peace so when this happens Bimheira Biyameinu it will be done with love and joy. Each and every person who respects the Torah has a place to live on this earth and the blessings of wealth and prosperity are for Jews and Non Jews alike if we keep the Mitzvoth, Chukim, Mishpatim of the Torah.

Is Dialog Possible?

A Jewish "Settler" resident of the modern Jewish community of Shilo which grew up beside the site of ancient Biblical Shilo exchanges email messages with an Arab, resident of the village of Turmosayya, located in the valley beneath Shilo. Is there a place for true dialog between the two?

Friday, January 20, 2006

Live Video's from Hebron


Video of Tzippy Schlissel mother of 10's arrest

Scroll past the pictures for the video and click on play.


Taken from EFSI Blog

IsraelReporter Shlomo Wollins continues his updates and live videos from Hebron. Don't read the news reports and summaries, check the video's and see for yourself!

(When you get to Israel Reporter scroll down to the pictures and click on the pictures. VIDEOS-click pictures to stream video clips)

These are the titles of the 9 VIDEO clips
- Video Coverage of Second Invasion of Chevron
- Exclusive Interview (English) with Chevron Leader mid-Invasion
- Video-walk in Midst of Riot Police Sweeping Buildings to Arrest Child-Protestors
- 10+ Riot Police Arrest Chevron Local Teenage Girls Refusing to Show ID
- Chevron Young Girls Stand Next to Riot Police Commandos and Sings Songs Expressing Strength, Faith, & Lack of Fear of Horses and Soldiers
- Chevron Young Boys Follow Expulsion Troops Chanting: “Police State!”
- Riot Horses from Germany Exit From Military Invasion on Chevron Streets
- Nightly “Kumsitz” (Singalong) Next To Campfire in Chevron Shuk
- Riot Police Sweep Shuk and the “Orange Donkey”

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Hebron Jews - Called extreme fascists!?!


Subj: NPR radio Uri Avneri on Hebron 5:50am est January 17th about Hebron Jews

An Open Letter to the Spokespeople of Hebron, amv'sh

I woke up this morning to this broadcast of NPR. Perhaps I wasn't listening carefully but in my sleep it was my impression it was that Uri Avneri was a spokesperson for the Prime Minister of Israel. Even if he wasn't or was not represented as such, it's quite possible that the Prime Minister of Israel will wish to portray the Jews of Hebron as extreme fascists.

The reporter asked Uri Avneri "Why should Israel be willing to give more land to the Palestinians when there is no willingness on the Palestinians part to compliance". Avneri answered that the Jews in Hebron represent the most extremist Jewish element. He said that they are a small group of a few hundred surrounded by 200,000 Arabs and their goal is to purify Hebron from the 200,000 Arabs and make it a Jewish City. Most would consider their ideas as fascists." (Please listen to program for his exact language)

Argue back that if Hebron Jews are fascists then the Covenant and the Bible is a fascist doctrine. That means all Bible Believing Christians and Jews should be considered fascists as well.

Calling a Spade a Spade.

The Arabs talk about our Covenant and use it against us.

Even if you deny their allegations there is truth in their argument. Can you truthfully argue based on the Torah that the 200,000 Arabs belong in Hebron even if they don't murder us? Do they have any desire to keep the Mitzvoth and bring blessings to the world? Israel is like a violin. If the world wishes to hear music then it should not be in the hands of haters of music or even encased in a nice museum.

We don't have to be apologetic. Only those that accept the Bible and G-ds Covenant with Israel have a legitimate place in the Land of Israel.

Robin Ticker

Sunday, January 15, 2006

Shemittah in Gush Katif - Anita Tucker


I just came back from the Beit Orot Dinner and had the priviledge of listening to Anita Tucker. I was very moved when Anita told her personal story of being expelled. She described 15 soldiers, dressed in gray, intimidating, coming to her home in Netzer Chazani. The Tuckers were prepared with a very long table, with their beautiful table cloth and good dishes etc. Her daughter invited these soldiers into the house. The family sat the soldiers down and Anita proceeded to describe how she and her family came to Gush Katif. She mentioned that they were sent there by the government and they were encouraged to actively engage in an agricultural enterprise. They were greeted in a friendly manner by their Arab neighbor leaders who let them know of their hope that the settlers would consider them for employment in the future. When the Arab neighbors were told of their intention to actually grow something in the sand the Arabs were surprised because they said the land was cursed and nothing grew. The place was called by the Arabs El Gerara (Based on the Biblical times when Avraham and Yitzchok settled in Gerar).

After her talk I went over to Anita Tucker (who was a farmer in Gush Katif) and asked her "What did the farmers do during the Shemittah years". She told me that they wanted to take a Sabbatical but the Badatz convinced them to rely on Kulos (What I understood was that they imported sand and put layers of plastic on the earth and the produce was grown with this alternative earth. There were other kulos as well). The reason the Badatz (Hashgacha, I understood) convinced them to rely on these kulos because they did not want to deal with the Arabs and would rather deal with the Jews and felt the Arabs would take over because the Badatz would have to depend on them for produce.

Well the Arabs did take least in Gush Katif.

My question is "Why couldn't things remain fallow in Gush Katif during Shemittah and Badatz organize lots of field trips to all the different farms rather than go to the Arabs? It would have been a blast!"

I don't know who is behind the Badatz but I wonder how they felt about the disengagement...

Anita also spoke about these 15 soldiers who listened stone face to her story. They were trained well to hide their emotions. When she saw there was no reaction, she began to cry bitterly for G-d to send her some sign that The State of Israel actually meant something to these men. Her daughter heard her cry and proceeded to show one of the soldiers her parents bedroom. Her daughter locked the soldier in with her Mother so that there would be privacy and told him to personally tell her mother how he felt. Anita said, the soldier cried. Anita was comforted that somehow her words did actually penetrate a fellow Jew. Her daughter did this for the remaining 14 soldiers. Each one of them cried individually, privately. The commander, last one retained however his mask and continued to reiterate that at 12:00 they would be asked to leave. At that point Anita ran from the bedroom locking him in by himself. The family walked out on their own surrounding by these men. Her husband remembered that he forgot Tallis and Tefillin. He went back and there he found that last commander crying. He was another fellow Jew touched by the tragedy. Anita felt G-d was sending her a message and it gave her faith and hope that once again the State of Israel will find its soul that is buried very deep in the hearts of it's Soldiers and will once again reclaim the Land.

If you have read my blog you will see that I am promoting an independant authority. The Lubavitch Rebbe in a letter to Geula Cohen in 1969 says not to call it a State of Israel since it would be too defining. So call it an authority based on Torah and Mitzvoth. I too believe like Anita Tucker in the soul of each and every Jew and their yearning for what's right and good and not what's evil will in the end prevail. I too do not wish them to be cut off. Yet, If we attempt a revolutionary concept on a broad scale, it will be too difficult to work out the details and iron out the kinks. I therefore promote a small scale Torah based enterprise that would allow such a ruling authority a chance to experiement, succeed and to expand at a pace that is not detrimental.

Any feedback to these ideas are most welcome.

Shavua Tov!

Thursday, January 12, 2006

Jews belong in Israel not Brooklyn - (so stifle yourself)


One of my internet correspondents found out that I am presently residing in Brooklyn. His reaction was as follows:

Jews belong in Israel not Brooklyn. If you are interested in pointless intellectual activities, go to a university. We are in a life or death struggle in Israel against our internal and external enemies. Thousands of Jews have been murdered by the Arab friends of the Israeli CHILLONIM. Tens of thousands more have been maimed or crippled for life. If you believe you have a way to change all that, come home and start to work on it. As Rabbi Aryeh says; "Life is not a virtual reality game."

At 07:11 AM 1/12/2006, you wrote:
No. I am presently in Brooklyn, NY. But I would be pleased if ideas mentioned in the Blog were discussed and I would be interested in feedback. As Rabbi Nachman says "Kol Asher Ani Nosea, Ani Nosea LeEretz Yisroel".

I responded back to him as follows:


I am also an Israeli citizen and own an apt. in Kiryat Arba. I don't believe you read my blog. You are fast to jump to conclusions.

In my opinion each and every Jew wherever they reside, is an equal citizen of Eretz Yisroel with equal obligations and responsibilities. I believe that they have the mutual responsibilities for defending the Land of Israel.

Yaakov Avinu did not want to go down to Egypt either. G-d arranged events so that Yosef was forced down first and Yaakov Avinu followed. Yes, Mipnei Chatainu Gilinu Meartzeinu. Yaakov was very worried that in Mitzraim he and his family would assimilate and Hashem appears to him and promises that He will be with him in Mitzraim and will take him out of Mitzraim. That occurs in this weeks Parsha Vayechi. Yaakov dies in Mitzraim and Yosef brings his body to Maarat Hamachepela as Yosef promised Yaakov his father in the beginning of the Parsha.

I left Eretz Yisroel December 1998 with the intention of going for a visit to Chutz Laaretz but with a premonition it would be longer. I had made Aliya around seven years prior. I remember being very afraid of going back to Chutz Laaretz and I remember crying bitter tears and reading the Parsha and being somewhat comforted. I do not think many people experienced a grief so deep as I did at the time when I left Eretz Yisroel. Circumstances brought me to the decision to leave Eretz Yisroel. Hashem is in control. It is with HAshem's mercy that we have the zechus to be in Eretz Yisroel. Yet, Hashem can change that around no matter how much we wish otherwise.

It is you who are mistaken in the way that you relate to your fellow Jews in Chutz Laaretz. You have an attitude that you are more deserving since you live in Eretz Yisroel and therefore only you can influence events and have a say in what's happening.

G-d who knows what is in each and every heart is the judge. We share a common Ancestral Heritage. We both fall into the category of Bnei Brith. That means that a Jew in Chutz Laaretz is also a member of the Covenant. You can not take G-d's gift away from another Jew just like you would not want others to take it away from you. The Covenant is G-d's promise to the Nation of Israel that the Land it theirs and that they have to keep the commandments. It makes no difference whether one lives in Eretz Yisroel or whether one lives in Chutz Laaretz. Each and every Jew has a chelek in Eretz Yisroel. If I belong to a particular tribe and I would know which tribe then I would have a better clue as to where my portion is.

It is this attitude of the Israeli which excludes the Jews of the Diaspora and the attitude of the Jew in the Diaspora that excludes himself from Am Yisroel when it comes to claiming the Land of Israel , that was a major factor instrumental in the success of the Disengagement. Because, Hashem yearns for each and every Jew wherever he/she may be to believe in the Covenant, have that yearning for the Land of Israel and a desire to keep the commandments in Eretz Yisroel.

Another reason you are mistaken with this attitude is because each and every member of Am Yisroel is necessary for a complete whole. If each and every Jew in Eretz Yisroel and in the Diaspora would stand up for the Covenant and proclaim that this Land is ours, that by definition is in opposition to the Roadmap. Why didn't enough people in Eretz Yisroel cry out to the Jews of the Diaspora "Hey, this is yours as much as it is mine. Whether you fought in the army or not is not relevant. It is ours because G-d has promised it to us via His Covenant. Don't you believe in the Covenant? Why don't you scream and object? Why didn't you at least put in a Kol Korei in your newspapers like the Jewish Press, Yated and Hamodia? We had 225,000 people at the Kotel. Why didn't you all write letters to the President of the U.S.A.? Why were the Rabbanim of America silent to the Roadmap Plan which is interpreted to mean acquiescence and implicit agreement?

The Rabbi of the Kingsway Jewish Center in Brooklyn, Rabbi Goldstein, was asked what was his take on Disengagement of Gush Katif and he replied "I feel guilty that I am not living in Eretz Yisroel and I or my children are not fighting in the army so therefore I don't feel I have a right to tell the gov't of Israel what to do. (Even though personally he was against the disengagement). This attitude, like the attitude of the Rabbanim in Chutz Laaretz is similar to yours but manifested differently. Chaim Dovid Zweibel of Agudas Yisroel told me personally that the hands of Agudas Yisroel of America are paralyzed unless the Rabbanim in Eretz Yisroel speak out against the disengagement. This same attitude caused silence among hundreds of thousands of Torah believers in America who were sickened by the disengagement and yet were silent.

Please rethink your words. Unless you start being inclusive of all of Am Yisroel and stop believing that only ones who are actually living is Eretz Yisroel are capable of changing events I can not bless your efforts. I am convinced that G-d disagrees with you.

The focus must be on The Covenant.

Sunday, January 08, 2006

Philosophy vs Governing


I would like to take this opportunity to clarify what I believe my own role is in this entire discussion. I have been told that I am arrogant, a provocateur, to even suggest the formation of 2 Jewish Entities, one Jewish Entity based on the Torah and one Secular. I do not call it a State because I recently read a letter the Lubavitch Rebbe sent to Geula Cohen objecting to the word State. I am not a prestigious Rav or Rebbetzin and have no qualifications as such.

This is a philosophical discussion. It has been shown in very academic circles that the Bible has definitely had strong influence in defining the modern day Republic.

An independant gov't based on Torah, not subservient to any other governing entity, has not been in existance since Churban Bayis Rishon. It is revolutionary. It is no wonder that the opposition to this proposal has been so powerful and condemned by everyone (secular as well as chareidi, religious zionists and secular zionist). I knew that I must be on to something because the backlash was so powerful.

This proposition is shaking the foundations of the way Orthodox Jewry has evolved over the past 2000 years. The secular Jewish world is more likely to be willing to be a light unto the Nations but they are very wary of Torah Shebaalpeh and are afraid to talk about Torah Shebichtav because they might be considered Messianic and Religious fanatics. The chareidi yearn for Eretz Yisroel for the future but Eretz Yisroel of today is not that relevant. Because if it was relevant there would have been an outpour of opposition to the Roadmap.

It is not my position to govern. I am sufficiently challenged to govern my own daled amos. My basement especially cries out to me because the clutter is unbelievable. I am humbled in my ability to govern every Erev SHabbos one half hour before candle lighting. I won't elaborate.

But these ideas came as a result of a strong desire to see us Komemiyut LaAretzeinu and a sincere thirst to understand what the Torah had in mind when it gave us the Mitzvah Of Shemittah.

From this thirst of knowledge comes the knowledge that our Torah laws are so very beautiful. Each and every Mitzvah will bring us closer to Hashem and Hashem's desire for us to live Meiyn Olam Haba. Each and every one of us have special perspectives, talents, abilities, missions that are necessary for the entire whole. We are each dependant on each other. Because the gifts we receive from above come via the personal sacrifices and gifts to G-d from others.

May we be zocheh to Moshiach Tzidkeinu Bimheira Biyamainu. Amen

Two Jewish Entities side by side living in peace - Hebron expulsion


To all of my Friends in Hebron, amv"sh

For Jews in Hebron, being part of the State of Israel translates into expulsion. Why can't Hebron Jews announce they are officially ceding from the State in order to survive. It parallels the American Revolution with loss of freedom of speech and freedom of religion etc. I understand that there is a strong desire to maintain unity. This idea is by no means cutting yourself from the rest of Am Yisroel Chas Veshalom. It is simply an expression of freedom of religion and for now the State of Israel does not allow the religious Israeli to express their religion. Living on the Land of Israel is fundamental and basic to the Jewish religion. It is the Covenant. We are not called Children of the Covenant (Bnei Brith) for no reason. Many Mitzvoth are dependant on the Land. The State does not believe in the Covenant. The Medina today does not even play religious music on Erev Shabbat (I couldn't find a channel with music to welcome in Shabbos this past summer and it upset me. Why can't Arutz7 broadcast in Israel?). Convince the Nation that a religious Jewish Entity side by side a secular Jewish State is preferable to having a Palestinian State out to destroy Israel, side by side with a Jewish Secular State.

The following point as well leads me to believe that this is the proper "roadmap".

The majority of the people in the State of Israel are not ready for a governing entity based on Torah as polls have indicated. However if there is a small model that is successful then slowly the rest of Israel will bs"d join in. This model will be comprised of believing members of Am Yisroel that are willing to try their hardest to run a society based on Torah laws. This is revolutionary and there will be mistakes. Those mistakes will be dealt with but only when there isn't strong opposition trying their hardest to see that this doesn't succeed. I do not believe that Feiglin's platform is realistic and that he is facing reality with what he is up against. The only way a Torah governing entity can evolve is by starting small while getting the "bugs" out of the system. A different way to put this is by establishing, setting up, defining and legislating and fine tuning the halachot relevant to the running of a gov't based on Torah.

These are two very compelling reasons why ceding from the gov't is our only option.

Shabbat Shalom


Even if you personally reject some of these ideas, others might find that these ideas have merit and worthy of consideration. Given the actions of our gov't, these ideas should be given a good brainstorming.

Uniting all Jews - The Covenant


What will unite all Jews? It's the Torah. The time has come to finally focus on the Covenant. G-d promised the Land of Israel to Avraham Yitzchok and Yaakov and to their children for Achuzat Olam. Hashem repeats it many, many times in the Torah.

In this weeks Parshas Vayechi, it is repeated in Perek 48 Pasuk 4. "Jacob said to Joseph. "Kel Shakai had appeared to me in Luz in the Land of Canaan and He blessed me. He said to me 'Behold - I will make you fruitful and numerous; I will make you a Congregation of Ntions, and I will give this Land to your offspring after you, as an eternal posession'"

The Covenant is repeated over and over again in the Torah. When something is repeated over and over it is because Hashem wants us to know how important it is.

Here are some obvious questions. Why isn't the Covenant mentioned by Rabbanim who are knowledgeble in Torah? Why is the Covenant ignored by Secular Zionists when the Land of Israel is what it's all about?

I suggest the following. Many Rabbanim wish not to focus on the Land of Israel and the secular Zionist will not focus on the Torah. The Rabbanim have chosen Torah without Eretz Yisroel and the State has chosen Eretz Yisroel without Torah. The Rabbanim have a history of rejecting the Land starting with the Miraglim. The State of Israel has a flaw. It's formation left Torah out of the picture.

Judaism has survived 2000 years of Galus without the State of Israel. The Land of Israel is something that is a dream. We daven for it, we yearn for it but when we get it we refuse to see that it is relevant to our religion.

The State of Israel has been good to the Torah Jew. It built Yeshivot and supported religious Jews and their Institutions. The Religous Torah Jew was satisfied with this arrangement and was happy not to take the lead and preferred the insulation.

But now there is a crisis. The Secular State is actively not allowing freedom of religion. The religious Jew has Hakaras Hatov to the Secular State that has up till now supported them. They refuse to see that the State is forcing them to choose between a State and their religion. They are naive. They keep on letting the State be their leaders hoping that the State will somehow change their mind. They choose not to put claim to the Covenant.

The Religious Jew in the Diaspora still yearns for the Land of Israel in dreams of the future. But the Land of Israel of today which even though is an Eternal Covenant is simply not relevant to their religion and to keeping of the Mitzvoth.

Then there is the fear of public opinion that dominates all. If we speak about the Covenant then it might appear like we are being arrogant because it's as if we are saying that we believe that G-d is directly talking to us. How dare we talk like we have a revelation! That is Christian idealogy. So it is politically incorrect to bring up the Scriptures. Also who are we to say something that our Rabbi's have been silent about. Also the Torah sounds very cruel at times especially those passages instructing Yehoshua with how to deal with the inhabitants of Eretz Canaan when they reposess the Land. So of course we try our hardest to ignore passages and not mention those passages that sound undemocratic and cruel.

Mentioning specific Mitzvoth such as Shemittah and it's connection with living with security in the Land is taboo. Again much too "religious fanaticsm". We are very afraid of what others think and how it will sound.

So in my humble opinion G-d allowed the disengagement to happen. He wants us to desire the Land, to claim the Land and to focus on the commandments. Hashem has been patient with us this time. He forced us out by our own people, and we were crying together. It's pretty horrible but could have been a lot worse if it was an alien country forcing us out such as what happened in Churban Bayis I and II.

A Tikkun is definitely a possibility.

First step is to focus on the Covenant. That by definition is in direct opposition to Bush's Roadmap Plan. If Rav Shteinman and Rav Eliashiv would come out with statement referring to the Covenant and our Biblical claim to the Land then hundreds of thousands of our brethren could follow through with PR. Kupat Hair is fabulous at PR. Every Lamppost in Flatbush and Boropark. Glossy inserts in every edition of the Jewish Press whose circulation is hundreds of thousands. Glossy inserts in Yated and Hamodia as well.

President Bush would have no support for his Roadmap Plan from Believers of the Bible. The Fundamental Christians have been talking about the Covenant and against the Disengagement. Orthodox Jews bonding together with Fundamental Christians on the Covenant is too strong of a block for President Bush to ignore.

I would be interested in any feedback to this post.

Thank you for inviting me to JewishClubMaoz.

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

It Won't Win An Oscar But It's a Great Film

Yisroel Medad's comments on the film created by the youth of Kedumim.

It Won't Win An Oscar But It's a Great Film

Rabbanim and all men who are between the age of 20 and 60 have to take over. It is not the job for kids. The army did not send out kids. They sent out soldiers to fight. And the adult population who believes in the Covenant has an obligation to Hashem to claim the Land. The Rabbanim and the adult male population have for some reason stepped aside and created a Chillul Hashem by not putting a claim to the Land. The youth have tried to fill that void but it is not in their jurisdiction. Who will be like Yehudah Hamacabbi and cry "Mi LaHashem Elai?" The masses will come and join. This is our reality. Cry out for all the Rabbanim in the Diaspora to claim Eretz Yisroel as well. Because we are all Bnei Brith. We are collectively Children of the Covenant. We desire the Land. We desire to bring Kedushah to the Land. We desire the Mitzvoth of the Land. We desire Eretz Yisroel! That is our battle cry!