Wednesday, December 24, 2008

The Bigger Picture - Jonathan Pollard - Weapons of Mass Destruction given to Saddam Hussein by USA w/o informing Israel.


My Dear Fellow Activists for Israel, amv"sh

The White House number to call is 1-202-456-1111.  Put it on your cell phone with a daily reminder.  Then spread the word that America should be forced to explain why the USA failed to share with Israel crucial intelligence regarding weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. 

That reflects a USA betrayal to Israel rather than disloyalty of Jonathan Pollard to America.

Please read on for the bigger picture...

Jonathan Pollard shared military intelligence regarding Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD) with Israel only after America who was supposed to share such info with Israel failed to do so. Jonathan Pollard shared intelligence to Israel about a chemical weapons plant in Samarra, Iraq.

According to this Worldnetdaily Exclusive News Analysis:
Did U.S. give WMD to Saddam Hussein?
Case of Jonathan Pollard raises troubling questions ,

In the above post, Phd Richard Cummings  describes how Casper Weinberger then Secretary of Defense had assured the Israeli's that nothing was going on when the Israeli's approached him regarding what they considered suspicious in Samarra, Iraq. 

Pollard asked his superior officers at the Naval Academy why the U.S. was not supplying Israel with this intelligence.  Apparently to no avail.  It was only at this point that Jonathan Pollard decided to spy for Israel and offered Israel proof, military intelligence, that indeed it was a chemical weapons plant, and that Bechtel a giant American Construction company was facilitating the construction of the plant through a number of different companies. The firms were
camouflaging it as a "dual-use facility that could be explained away as a
fertilizer plant.".The weapons were deemed necessary for Saddam to use against Iran, the home of the Islamic revolution. Apparently the U.S. felt that empowering Saddam Hussein a ruthless dictator with WMD, at Israel's expense, was justified in order to destroy other forces of evil.

At that time, Jonathan Pollard made a moral judgment call and ANSWERED TO A HIGHER AUTHORITY. Everyone agrees that he did not become a spy to Israel because of personal monetary gain!

Let us imagine the following scenario.  If IRAQ who openly expressed interest in annihilating Israel had used their chemical weapons plant against Israel, and a catastrophe of major proportions would have happened, then Jonathan Pollard would have had to live with a life sentence in his conscience far worse than the life sentence he is presently enduring.

Before judging Jonathan Pollard, let us consider the following. If prior to the World Trade Center attack, an ally nation of the USA would have had intelligence of this evil plan and failed to share it, wouldn't we have held them indirectly responsible for the thousands of lives lost, property damage and indescribable grief at the horrific tragedy of 911? Look at the extensive damage caused from just some airplanes. Now imagine the potential damage to Israel from Weapons of Mass Destruction coming from Iraq.. 

Our campaign to free Pollard should not focus on apologizing why Jonathan Pollard acted as he did but rather why did AMERICA put Jonathan Pollard into this moral dilemma?????

Furthermore, is America once again using Israel as they are doing for Jonathan Pollard as their negotiating pawn, merely a bargaining chip in their Mideast diplomacy?  Don't they know that FATAH is interested in annihilating Israel?  Still they promote a 2 State Solution,  empowering Fatah which is putting Israel in grave danger?

Let President Bush use this opportunity to grant clemency to Jonathan Pollard and his legacy will remember him kindly for this action.

Otherwise, history will prove that once again President Bush has sold Israel away to her enemies for his foreign interests in oil producing countries.

What is the result of actions that put Israel into dangers? These  "moderate" Islamic governed countries see our "gestures of peace" which come at the expense of Israel's security, as a sign of weakness in America's fight against terror.  This in turn strengthens Islamic Fascism and empowers terrorism and the axis of evil.

The White House number to call is 1-202-456-1111.  Put it on your cell phone with a daily reminder. 

And as much as we don't want to know the gritty details about what happened  to Jonathan Pollard in prison, we must raise our consciousness in order to prevent such tragedies to continue.  Our Jewish leaders who have taken it upon themselves to act on behalf of Jonathan Pollard have chosen to do so under this veil of silent diplomacy.  I am referring to  Malcolm Hoenlein of Conference of Presidents, Rabbi Pesach Lerner of National Council of Young Israel and David Zweibel of Agudath Yisroel of America.  But this has been going on for the past 23 years. There are 7 days left to Bush's administration.  Maybe Silent Diplomacy is just not working?  And we thought that torture was only reserved for the Islamic terrorists of Mumbai lehavdil..

Pollard: I was tortured in prison

Monday, December 22, 2008

Comments and Response to Rafi to the previous post regarding police force teenager in the violation of Shabbat.


Dear Rafi, amv'sh

A beautiful letter from you!  Thank you for writing and for your previous letter with recommendations of contacts. Thank you so much for mentioning it again.

My purpose was not to greater the divide between religious and non religious. It wasn't merely to vent.  I don't usually resort to such language.

The purpose of writing so harshly is because I am hoping that the negative press would reach the parties in the gov't of Israel  who are openly defying Torah and G-d's law to fight the settlers. 

It was also to educate those on the left, religious and not religious, who actually agree with the gov't's approach, to see that the tactics have just gone too far. The vulgar language somehow shocks them into seeing that we too can fight back when pushed.

It's also important to the naive supporters on the right to understand what tactics the gov't are willing to take if left unchecked. Many on the right are still naive thinking that the gov't would not stoop so low as to use that which is most precious to them.  They must be prepared for what awaits them G-d forbid and prepare accordingly.

The publication has been in my heart and in my mind. I'm afraid not much more.  I spoke with someone in my neighborhood who wants to help but only with material that was non confrontational, Diplomacy as he put it.  I understand and agree with his points up to a point.  The points you mention below have strong validity. 

I decided to focus on source material that is primarily references from Tanach, Rishonim, Achronim, Lubavitch Rebbe,  modern day Rabbanim such as Rabbi Algaze etc and modern day history such as Balfour Declaration, Conference of Remo which gives us the sources for our entitlement of our Land from the Torah and International Law. 

So I spent an entire night trying to download indesign from Adobe and was not successful.  Perhaps my computer does not have enough memory.  Then I spent the next few nights catching up on sleep.

I feel that we need a combination of "Diplomacy" non negative media imbued with the spirit of Calev ben Yefuneh and Yehoshua bin Nun, as well as different material that will expose the Jewish leadership for following the footsteps of the Spies of the desert and steer them in the direction towards Eretz Yisroel.  The purpose of the negative material would be so that it acts like a vaccination.  A little bit of Lashon Hara to prevent the greater sin of Lashon Hara of the Spies.  (Lashon Hara is permitted when it is in order to prevent future harm to others)

I also was thinking that If I can show in some other publication, that there is no one group that has a monopoly on the Torah (the secular Zionists have a love of Eretz Yisroel and the Chareidim have a love of different Mitzvoth in the Torah) this will ultimately unite us.

What is unique about my approach is that there is practically no group that I have not been critical of.  If I were to write about myself, trust me, I would find plenty of negative things to write about as well.  

What will unite Am Yisroel is that we are all human and have our weaknesses.  We also have our strengths.  I have been quite harsh against the right including Moetzet Gedolei Hatorah, OU, Young Israel, Aish Hatorah, Manhigut Yehudit, the Hebron Fund and the Hebron community and even the leaders and communities of Gush Katif.   (and I see them all by far as much more worthy than myself).  Each and every group has been upset with me each for their own reason. I am hoping that when they see I attack everyone equally,  that they will see that indeed they are in excellent company and hopefully will somehow forgive me.

 G-d expects from us almost the impossible. We must put our complete faith and trust in Him alone and on each other and disregard where our present source of income, our bread and butter is coming from. It is nothing short of revolutionary.

 I am afraid that an economic collapse will trigger just that but it could be prevented if we are proactive in joining together to assert our entitlement for Eretz Yisroel and our yearning for Torah and Mitzvoth especially in Eretz Yisroel.

We get the Jewish Voice from NY.  Publisher David Ben Hooren.  Editor in Chief Avi Ben Mordechai. It had a very positive cover page article/interview with Feiglin .

I thought that this was the Voices that you suggested.  But when I went back to your email I realized that it was a totally different Voices. 

On a superficial glance the Voices, editor Sharon Katz is very upbeat but too naive. (btw I just subscribed).  Too upbeat.  For example, they celebrate Israel's 60 year anniversary.  To me that's like celebrating the anniversary of a spouse that wishes to commit homicide and suicide.

   Paul Eidelberg in his last email seemed to hit the nail on the head (I just emailed it to you and posted it).  The origin of the State of Israel has a flaw (secular Zionism) that is now turning into a crack. 

The Torah has been the basis for the modern day Republic and  democracy too has roots in Torah.  Yet if one dares to suggest that Torah should be the basis of the government of  Eretz Yisroel  one is labeled radical, messianic and extremist.

We are in a war that we did not choose. It is a religious War.  The time has come to recognize our religion and that is why I put an emphasis on calling upon the Moetzet Gedolei Hatorah to stop hiding behind their silence. 

Our job is to introduce Torah, Torah Shebichtav and a Sanhedrin, the Torah Shebaal Peh into a philosophical and intellectual  discussion for a working and operational government in Eretz Yisroel.  Discussions on Halacha and Torah Shebaal Peh are necessary and of course welcome as long as one recognizes that there is room for differences of opinion when it comes to Halacha. Ideally there would be a Sanhedrin that would be assigned to determine the law of the Land but allows for Hillels and Shamais who love and respect each other.    (no religious coercion on items such as wearing pants or separate seating concerts)  

Our belief in Hashem, and  the Torah is our common denominator. Torah is relevant.  Torah is politically correct.  Only Torah can unite all people and all nations and this is not a naive statement. It is EMES and it requires intellectual honesty in the reading the words and interpreting the words of our Torah. .

When we unite in our desire to keep the Torah and the Mitzvoth the Nations of the world will say "Am Chacham Venavon"!

Sincerely, Robin             

On Mon, Dec 22, 2008 at 1:16 AM, Dobrin <> wrote:

Dear Robin,


I know the overall situation is grim and that things that are done by the authorities are often more than infuriating. So it's natural to give vent to our feelings, and the electronic mail is a great way of letting lose against those we deem to be harming the Jewish people.


And even if you absolutely correct in every statement you make, (or was it someone else who wrote this mail) and even if all the facts that are mentioned are absolutely as they were without any hyperbole, the question is: who is getting your mails and what do they accomplish?


I would guess that most of the recipients of your mails are people who fully support the settlers in Judea and Samaria, as I do. And many probably send these mails to their contacts, who are probably mostly of a similar disposition. I would guess that very few of the people who are indifferent to the situation of the Jews of "Yesha" or even antagonistic to them, receive your mails.


So what does this mail do for Israel and the Jewish people? I think it must stoke more anger on the part of people who get them. Resentment, frustration, a feeling of betrayal, abandonment, a wish to retaliate and more really negative feelings … towards other Jews.


Israel is badly split along a number of fault lines. Religiously – among the various religious groups themselves and vis a vis the hilonim; politically – even within parties; ashkenazim and sephardim – although gratifyingly this split is less pronounced than before; rich/poor; left wing against right wing against center; retaliate strongly and to hell with what the consequences will be vis a vis caution; etc etc.


And more than ever before we need unity and understanding among ourselves. We need to foster mutual respect and morale. We need to encourage meaningful debate dafka with people with whom we are in disagreement. Meanwhile the disunity in the nation is getting worse and worse and we will not survive like this.


I'm not saying that you shouldn't relate to what's happening to the Jews of Yesha and Israel's lack lustre performance against our would-be destroyers. But please consider the effect of your words. Do they heal, strengthen, inform accurately; do they generate understanding from the other side and to the other side? Do they strengthen Israel and the Jewish people? If your words do all these things that's great. But they might actually contribute further to the disunity and weakening of our nation. And I would imagine that that's not what you want.


By the way, have you progressed with your idea of a publication? Did you get my mail with a few leads which I sent you a few weeks ago? I spent quite a lot of time trying to contact old leads and talking to people. It would be nice to know that you got my e-mail.




WOW! Eidelberg. NEED FOR REGIME CHANGE! A "Jewish State" is an oxymoron


Let the philosophers of government who are believers in the Torah come out of the woodwork.  Please note the highlighted (yellow) passage.  Yasher Koach to Professor Eidelberg.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: <>
Date: Mon, Dec 22, 2008 at 12:49 AM

"You Can't Make A Crooked Line Straight"*


Prof. Paul Eidelberg


The Sages say, "You can't make a crooked line straight."  This prompted the present writer to warn a reputedly right-minded organization against joining the Likud Party some ten years ago.  This was before 23 Likud MKs betrayed the nation by voting for "unilateral disengagement" from Gaza in 2004—a policy rejected by a vast majority of the public in the 2003 election. 


The Likud government's expulsion of Gaza's 8,000 Jewish residents was called a crime by Professor Benzion Netanyahu.  He said this despite the fact that his son Binyamin was a minister in that government.  The same crime would be re-enacted if Dan Meridor, who recently rejoined the Likud, prevails in a projected Likud-led government to yield the Golan Heights to Syria. 


But what is there about the Likud that prompts the title of this article?  To answer this question, I turn to Israel's first and illustrious Chief Rabbi, Abraham Isaac Hakohen Kook.


The Likud is rooted in secular Zionism, in Theodor Herzl's tract The Jewish State.  Herzl severed Judaism from public law and relegated the Torah to the home and the synagogue. 


Rav Kook rejected secular Zionism as a travesty of Jewish nationalism.  He was also critical of the Mizrachi, the forerunner of the National Religious Party, which, while emphasizing its religious activity within the Zionist movement, failed to challenge the secularist character of that movement.  It's not enough for religionists to join a secular party; they must relentlessly criticize its transgressions of the Torah.  The Rav does not suggest a time limit for collaborating with a party that violates, for example, the Sabbath, but we may reasonably assume that remaining in such a party, when an alternative is available, would have met with his firm disapproval. 


Because the Mizrachi failed to be a source of constant intellectual ferment in the Zionist movement, Zionism was dominated by practical atheists.  Rav Kook discerned its superficiality.  This atheism, he saw, was largely the result of corruption of the Catholic Church on the one hand, and of the lack of Jewish philosophy on the other—a philosophy based not on Aristotelian or Kantian concepts, but on concepts drawn from the Torah.


According to Rav Kook, the atheism that dominated Zionism was primarily a failure of the intellect, and not of the heart.  The Rav, who was a philosopher as well as a Kabbalist, has been called the Jewish Nietzsche.  Like Nietzsche, he rejected antinomies.  He boldly declared that that atheism served a positive function, to rid Judaism of the dregs it had accumulated in the Diaspora, the better to articulate the philosophy underlying the Torah.  


Writing to Rabbi Meir Berlin, the great Mizrachi leader, Rav Kook denounced as disgraceful a Zionist declaration that religion is totally irrelevant to Zionism.  For the Mizrachi to be silent or compromise in such matters would reflect mental impotence and render Mizrachi incapable of triumph in so dynamic an enterprise as Israel's national regeneration. 

He urged Rav Berlin, "Let us brace our mind with forthright, original and firm principles whose vibrancy will illuminate the current national aspiration's Divine source that impregnates God's People with new life."


The task of articulating a Jewish philosophy to inspire and guide Israel's renaissance seems to be beyond the intellectual capacity of the religious parties or their leaders.  The Rav saw that the masses were throbbing with untapped vitality.  Needed was a religious appeal to their hearts and a set of principles and institutions to consolidate their vitality.  We look in vain for a party in the Knesset equal to this task.  Although Rav Kook saw a holy aspect of Zionism, he saw that the Zionist state as conceived by secular Zionists "tarnished our rebirth."


Hence, it is utterly naïve to believe that the Likud or any secular party can make a crooked line straight.  The same may be said of their religious counterparts.  The leaders of the religious parties have yet to offer the Jewish people a practical alternative to what is now crystal clear: the decadence of both secular and religious Zionism. 


Stated another way, the Zionism that founded the State of Israel is dead.  And there is not a single party in the Knesset, or vying for a place in Knesset, that shows signs of possessing the intellectual capacity to articulate a new Jewish national philosophy that can unite and inspire the people of Israel.


Is this a counsel of despair?  No.  To inspire our people, we need to clear away the rotting foundations of the State of Israel. Without denying its positive accomplishments, this state is based on an oxymoron, namely, the very title of Herzl's book, The Jewish State.  Needed, to begin with, is conceptual therapy.


When we utter the word "state," we have in mind the "sovereign state" whose laws are binding on all residents of a nation.  In Judaism, however, the laws of God are higher than the laws of the state.  The American Declaration of Independence affirms this original Jewish idea.  The Declaration affirms that above the laws of the state—of kings and parliaments—are the "laws of nature and of nature's God." The idea of the "Jewish State" is a contradiction in terms.


This contradiction is compounded when one calls Israel a "democracy."  For, whereas the term "democracy" literally means the "rule of the people" or popular sovereignty, the Torah proclaims the sovereignty of God.


Former Supreme Court president Aharon Barak has thoroughly confused the issue. He repeatedly calls Israel a democratic and Jewish State; yet he proclaimed the despotic dictum that "everything is justiciable" in this supposedly democratic Jewish state.  The Talmudic dictum, "you can't make a crooked line straight," applies ten-fold to Israel.


These oxymoronic concepts confuse public discourse.  They corrupt the rulings of the Judiciary, the laws enacted by the Knesset, and the decisions of the Government.  Nevertheless, while this cognitive dissonance confuses, divides, and degrades the people of Israel, we look in vain for any political or religious party that has the intellectual capacity and moral courage to address this impossible discord on any public forum.  

There are, of course, individuals, religious as well as secular, that profit from this discordance. They may privately admit that Israel has a dysfunctional system of governance.  They may even have a website that proposes institutional reform.  But they persist is referring to Israel as a "Jewish state" or as a "democracy," and hell will freeze over before they admit Israel is in need of "regime change"—despite the Winograd Report of the ineptitude of the government in the Second Lebanon War, and the absurd delay in replacing its shameless prime minister.


Calling for "regime change" requires the articulation of a Jewish philosophy.  It requires philosophic statesmen comparable to James Madison and Alexander Hamilton, the authors of The Federalist Papers.  Israel has no such leaders.  We have only politicians who can hardly comprehend the wisdom of those Americans, let alone adapt their wisdom to conditions in Israel.


The primary preoccupation of Israeli politicians is to win a seat in the Knesset.  But since they could not win, say 30,000 votes, in a single regional electoral district composed of diverse ethnic, religious, and ideological groups, they perpetuate the existing system, where their party slates compete for votes on a national list via proportional representation.  A clever way of obscuring their shortcomings.


The mere fact that some 30 parties compete in an election illustrates the paltriness of Israel's political system, and why so many Lilliputian politicians speak of "vision."  The religious parties say nothing about the crass materialism of the secular parties.  And if any speaks of "Jewish identity"—well, even many secularists affirm a need for Jewish identity.  More "spin."


According to some studies, the vast majority of the people in this country know that the entire system of governance is rotten.   Yet no political party calls for regime change.  Of course, there is a war on, and this complicates matters.  But the Government and the Supreme Court behave as if there is no war—despite 7,000 Arab missiles having fallen on Sderot during the past eight years!  Neither the Government nor the Supreme Court give a hoot about the Jewish people and about Israel's incomparable religious heritage.  Zionism and Israel's system of governance have emasculated the people, have virtually disenfranchised them.   The Jewish democratic State of Israel is inexorably oxymoronic. 


You can't make a crooked line straight.



*Edited transcript of the Eidelberg Report, Israel National Radio, December 22, 2008.




Aish, With 260,000 subscribers why do you not speak out for our Covenant...


With 260,000 subscribers why do you not speak out for our Covenant and our entitlement to Yehuda and the Shomron and Har Habayit. Is the miracle of Chanukah all lip service.  We have Har Habayit yet we accept the fact that it's just tourist attraction.  Ki Beiti Beit Tefillah, yet today one is arrested for davening on Har Habayit. 

Jews were thrown out of Gush Katif. How many Mitzvoth D'Orayta were violated. Every day Kassam are slamming into southern Israel yet Aish amazingly turns a blind eye.  Yehuda and Shomron is threatened with expulsion. A Fatah/Hamas state will soon be in our midst if we continue to be silent.  You saw what happened in Mumbai.  Do you think they will be gentle to an Aish family because you did not expose Fatah, our "partners in peace", rejoicers of the Mercaz Harav massacre for whom they are?  It didn't help the Satmar chasid in Mumbai.

An Iowa judge does not let a Jew out on bail because of the Right of Return.  So this poor Jew has to be in jail in America w/o bail because he might "consider" going to Eretz Yisroel.  Sure they can put an anklet bracelet monitor on him like they do to the Jews in administrative detention from Yehudah and the Shomron but the judge in Iowa didn't even accept that as a deterrent.

If a Palestinian State happens chas veshalom, hundreds of thousands of Jews lives will be in danger in Eretz Yisroel from a regime that has its roots with Islamic Fascism, the Mufti of Jerusalem a Partner to Hitler Yemach Shemo!  The Jews in the Diaspora may not have a refuge if one day they wake up and decide they perhaps they do want to go to Israel since life in the USA is not as comfortable as it once was.

Go to the Ger Rebbe and show him all the material that is out there.  Show him John Voight's recent utube.  Tell him that he, the Ger Rebbe together with Moetzet Gedolei Hatorah is holding up and neutralizing activism on the part of hundreds of thousands of caring Jews in America who listen to Agudath Yisroel of America and Moetzet Gedolei Hatorah, and read the Yated and Hamodia and follow their cue.  The Moetzet Gedolei Hatorah can mobilize their chasidim and baale batim and yeshivish younga leit asking them to express yearning and to speak out for our entitlement of Eretz Yisroel. They have the network and the databases.  You have the email lists. 

And if the Ger Rebbe refuses to see that there is a problem with the ongoing Peace talks and ignores that the facts are being established on the ground at an alarming rate to actualize the establishment of a Palestinian State, then Aish has the responsibility to its 260,000 subscribers to speak up.  The Ger Rebbe and Rav Shteinman will then have to agree publicly which they obviously believe privately because to disagree would be an annulment of our Torah.

if you have any questions or suggestions, email to:
One Western Wall Plaza
PO Box 14149
Jerusalem 91141

Tel - 972-2-628-5666
Fax - 972-2-627-3172

© 2008

Restoring the House of Prayer - תכון בית תפילתי Please sign petition for Temple Mount.


Dear fellow activists, amv"sh

Happy Chanukah!

As you know the miracle of Chanukah is celebrated because of the re dedication of the Temple by the pure jug of oil with the seal of the Kohen Gadol, the high priest. Maybe we can show how relevant the miracle of Chanukah is by showing our yearning for the Temple in its glory as a House of Prayer and not simply as a tourist attraction.  Robin

Message from Yosef Rabin

Restoring the House of Prayer - תכון בית תפילתי
Help us reach 10,000 signatures by the end of Chanukah!

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