Tuesday, January 26, 2021

Jonathan Cahn: Prophetic message to Joe Biden and how it relates to Prosperity and Shemittah...


אל המקום אשר...

Jonathan Cahn: Prophetic message to Joe Biden

My comments:
We find ourselves in a precarious situation due to our collective failure to stand up for G-dliness.

 We are now under a G-dless "party" that is masquerading as an American Party.  The Democratic party of 2020 should have been deligitimized because their platform rejects G-d's laws..  the 7 Noahide laws. This ruling party is treasonous on many levels.  

Will we now collectively G-d forbid reap the bitter fruits of allowing evil to take over?

The way to escape becoming enslaved is reminding ourselves Ein Od Milvado, which means There is NoOne other than G-d Alone. G-d is King and He reigns alone as do His Laws.

He is All powerful that can defeat evil. 

The Jewish Nation is the Kingdom of Priests for all Nations.  We must do our part and call out evil even when evil seems to hold the reigns.

May Hashem empower G-d Fearing Leaders to lead our people and set an example to the world. 

May G-d give us clarity and wisdom to know the best way to proceed..  

Evil decrees are turning from bad to worse... Let us not lose hope nor get discouraged but rather learn from the story of the Israelites enslaved in Egypt. Surely this is G-d's path toward our freedom and salvation. 

Let's always stay positive and know that salvation comes in the twinkling of an eye.


November 23, 2020
Two Ways of Getting G-d on Our Side to Fight The Evil

November 11, 2020
Op Ed: American Sovereignty Parallels Israel Sovereignty. Measure for measure. Poetic Justice?

October 01, 2020
Talking points to Agudah, OU, Rabbanim and Jewish Community Leaders regarding Leaving and Delegitimizing the Democrat Party and Speaking Up for Our Biblical Ancestral Homeland the Land of Israel

September 07, 2014
Federal Reserve Failing. Very Troubling Symptoms:Predicting Economic Collapse within 6 months: by Jim Rickards. Jonathan Cahn linking Yeshayahu 9:10 to 9/11. Shemitah

Fwded from a friend...
I just got a phone call from a friend in Israel who works for Rabbi Shalom Arush. *Today is January 20th, the day Hashem placed over us a new president.*  We know that at least since Elul we have been in the "9 months". We don’t know exactly which month we are in, but one message was *“Just make it to Purim!”* and another date was *Pesach.* *Amalek has taken over.*

In the Secret Scroll of Rebbe Nachman, we see that all the signs leading up to the time for Mashiach to come — have passed. In the name of Rabbi Levi Yitzchok of Berditchev (who was a comtemporary of Rebbe Nachman), he states that since all the signs have passed —  *Mashiach can come any time, even right now!* 

One reason that Hashem has taken away President Trump from power is because we were not crying out enough for the Geulah/Redemption, for Mashiach to come, and doing Teshuvah. We were leaning back and floating along in the comfort of having a pro-Israel president who fought for what is good and just.  We were not spending enough time in hitbodudut, talking to Hashem, we were not practicing Emunah (having faith in God for everything), we were not appreciating what we have, we were not saying "Thank You Hashem" for everything — good and the seemingly “bad".

A Kabbalist in Israel (I’m not to share who, so I promptly forgot his name) said that on the day that Biden was “confirmed” to be the next president, he saw that just before Mashiach comes or is revealed — *anyone in the Galut who has been longing and yearning to move to the Holy Land of Israel,* will have the *assistance of the angels* to get there. (We do not know exactly _how_ but this was what he saw.) And anyone who has not been yearning and doing whatever they are able to prepare, may not have the protection. And those in Israel who really don’t care about being in Israel and didn’t long for the Geulah, will be transported out.

What you want and pray for spiritually, you will get. It is written in Shamayim that you HAVE it, as if you are there IN Eretz Israel. Everything depends on merit…have emunah and tell Hashem “Thank You” for ALL situations in your life.

*So prepare yourselves!*

She said that I could and should share this with others.

Dr. Simone Gold - a courageous Doctor speaking about Covid-19

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