Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Troubling Trend in the White House? Time for the American Jewish Leaders to Visit Hebron! New Anti Israel Appointees and Ousted Pro Israel Strategists and Trump Loyalists


Updated: August 27, 2017

Updated: August 28, 2017
Updated: September 13, 2017

Bible 001: Biblical Claim to the Land of Israel.  Ammunition for Trump's inner circle of Jewish Advisers

more ammunition....The Canaan Falsehood - Melanie Phillips

Some of the biggest betrayals to the Jewish People happened when a right wing nationalist gov't was in power.  Case in point: Menachem Begin and Camp David, Ariel Sharon and Gush Katif Expulsion.  We can't just assume that because we have right wing Jewish Nationalist advisers to President Trump, things will go the way we expect.   Recently we are witness to a very disturbing trend coming from the White House and we need to voice our deep concerns before it is too late.

Here are some links that are worrisome and indicate that not all is well for Israel coming from the White House.

Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Fwd: Caroline Glick and Dry Bones Returning Iraqi Jewish Archives, the Treasures to the Looters who Stole it. What is the State Dept doing with Jewish religious property?????

How to Get Out of the Iran Nuclear Deal
by John R. Bolton

August 28, 2017
I offer the paper now as a public service, since staff changes at the White House have made presenting it to President Trump impossible. Although he was once kind enough to tell me "come in and see me any time," those days are now over.
If the president is never to see this option, so be it. But let it never be said that the option didn't exist.
Abrogating the Iran Deal: The Way Forwardhttps://www.gatestoneinstitute.org/10910/exit-iran-nuclear-deal

AUGUST 27, 2017
Name-Calling Critics Fail to Refute ZOA’s Concerns About McMaster by Morton A. Klein, Elizabeth Berney and Daniel Mandel

Here is a potentially positive development: However, only if the Trump Administration stops pushing for a 2 State Solution with nullifies G-d's Covenant with the Nation of Israel and for the detriment of humanity!

AUGUST 27, 2017 
Report: Kushner Asks Abbas to Hold off on Anti-Israel Diplomatic Initiatives to Give Trump Administration Time to Formulate Peace Plan

“Palestinians” to Give US Ultimatum on “Peace Process”

By Pamela Geller - on August 27, 2017

New US Mideast Director Implied Moral Equivalency between Palestinian Terror and Israel

Ousted Bannon: Mahmoud Abbas is a terrorist, I'd never meet with him - David Rosenberg

Caroline Glick on McMaster Purge of Trump Loyalists

Amb. Friedman.. Please Seriously Listen to ZOA Concerns and Opposition to McMaster/Tillerson Policies and Actions

Did Jared Kushner discourage the Embassy Move to Jerusalem?
Report: Bannon pushed for US embassy move Jerusalem, blocked by Kushner  August 21, 2017

Did David Friedman and Jason Greenblatt pressure Israel to remove the metal detectors in Temple Mount to ease the tension?  http://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/1.803066

The Temple Mount Affair: What Has Changed? - Brig.-Gen. (res.) Yossi Kuperwasser

Meanwhile King Abdullah II of Jordan seems to be making peace with Abbas condemning Israel in spite of being dependent on Israel.

There is nothing the enemy likes better than infighting!.  If there are differences  among Trump's inner circle and loyalists it should be conducted no differently than the arguments between Hillel and Shamai, the great sages and their followers who disagreed but nevertheless loved and respected one another. 

The Talmud is comprised of differing approaches and Talmudic Scholars spend their time trying to get to the very root of the matter to understand where the two sides diverge and differ

It seems to me that Jared Kushner, David Friedman and Jason Greenblatt seem to take the Hillel approach. The kinder approach. 

We have been in exile for over 2,000 years.  Many believe that we are living in Messianic Times.  Maybe Shamai's stricter approach is the necessary approach to fight evil such as ISIS, IRAN, Fatah and Hamas.  

A Machlokes (Conflict, disagreement) LeShem Shamayim (for the sake of Heaven).  

These and those: two conflicting opinions can both be valid. And some conflicting views cannot exist without the other

Beraisa DeR' Yishmael - Introduction to Sifra
Torah Methodology #13 – Shnei k'suvim hamach'chishim zeh es zeh…
When there are 2 opposing passages that seem contradictory, along comes a passage that reconciles them.

The idea that the Halacha will be in accordance with Beis Shamai in the time of Moshiach comes from the Arizal. It is quoted in his name by Mikdash Melech to Zohar Parshas Bereishis 17b and in Likkutey Torah (Rabbi Shnuer Zalman of Liadi) Parshas Korach 54c. The Arizal interprets the Mishna in Pirkey Avos (5:19) that an argument for the sake of heaven such as that of Hillel and Shamai will endure; although now the Halacha is like Beis Hillel, the argument will endure as later the Halacha will be like Beis Shamai. An alternate source is Tosfos Chadashim at the beginning of Avos who brings this in the name of the Gaon of Nikolsburg.
There are two general explanations brought:
1) Mikdash Melech: Hillel represents kindness and Shammai severity (hence the rulings of Beis Hillel are almost always more lenient). When Moshaich comes the advantage of the severity will be revealed and therefore the halacha will be in accordance with Beis Shamai. [Based on this reason some say that this is only in cases where Bais Shamai are stricter].
2) Tosfos Chadashim: Bais Shmai comes from such a high level this present world is incapable of withstanding and only when Moshiach comes will we be able to follow their opinion. [It seems based on this reason we will follow all Beis Shamai's rulings, not only the stricter ones.]
The Lubavitcher Rebbe explains at length in his Kuntres "Torah Chadosha Me'Iti Teztzei" how the fact that the Halacha will change in accordance with Beis Shamai is consistant with the immutable nature of the Torah.   

Dear Jared Kushner, Amb. Friedman and Jason Greenblatt...

Visiting victims of terror and sending condolences and tweets of outrage following terror attacks is very nice but please do not confuse ceremony with substance.  Surely you have better things to do with your time than pay condolence calls....How about like visiting the Cave of the Patriarchs in Hebron as did Caleb ben Yefuneh for inner strength and fortitude to stand strong in the face of  UNESCO and Public Opinion outrage against Israel's determination to assert Sovereignty and defend her claim to our Biblical Homeland!

Kushner visits family of officer murdered in Jerusalem attack

Trump Dispatches Personal Envoys on Condolence Call for Shabbat Massacre Victims


Robin Ticker

Activist emails sent to my list  are L'Ilui Nishmat Yisrael ben David Aryeh ob"m (Izzy - Kaplan) and Howard Chaim Grief great activists and lovers of Eretz Yisroel, Am Yisroel and the Torah. Yehi Zichronum Baruch.  May their memories serve as a blessing. 

Most of these emails are posted on Shemittahrediscovered.blogspot.com

Personal emails to individuals will not be posted to my blog. 

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