Friday, October 29, 2021

Re: Dear Editors of Jewish Press. You Trust the CDC ? Do you Trust Bill Gates Foundation? Additional life saving news for your audience. We Will Be Held Accountable in Heaven for Suppressing Testimony and Life and Death Information. Posted on


Thank you Janet for your letter!

I still have not received a response from any of the editors to my letter nor to yours.

Here is additional documentation that the Jewish Media should be aware of and be sharing with the public. If we don't we will have to answer to a Heavenly Court.

Updated Oct 31, 2021. Summary  of 5 hour Beis Din Meeting as received on whatsapp. I have yet not checked that the summary is accurate. Link to an 8 hour Beis Din meeting follows (may be the same meeting not sure):
This week there was a hearing in a gathering of rabbonim in Brooklyn that had over 5 hours of testimonies from medical experts, scientists, and yidden who were hurt by the new mrna technology. The rabbonim heard detailed information about the effects of the shots using the new mrna technology that is in the so-called Covid vaccines. 

For those that have difficulty with the Hebrew I will loosely translate their conclusions

1) It is absolutely forbidden to administer this shot to children to whom there is no danger from Corona. Also to young men and unmarried women, even if it means that they cannot come to E"Y for sem or yeshiva. Anyone who can be "mocheh" (oppose it vocally) should and should do whatever he can to prevent them taking the shot.

2) Alot of damage was caused to pregnant women as a result of the shot. Some say that it is because of the antibodies that  fight the protein called Syncytin-1; Some say it is from SM102  and some say it is from the micro blood clots caused by the shot. Therefore pregnant women should not take it. And as long as the shot is a threat to the kedusha of Am Yisrael it should not be taken. (my note: There are many, many, many reports of women not being tahor for months as a result of taking the shot).

3) Regarding the elderly - there needs to be more research on thi (and it is very hard to research since alot is covered up) From the understanding of the rabbonim there are many "breakthrough" cases of Corona and there appears to be an equal amount of vaxed and unvaxed who come down with the virus. And there are many dangers to the elderly from the shot. The rabbonim heard of many cases of elderly people who passed away within a short period after getting the shot. And therefore, it is preferable to "shev ve'al ta'aseh" (do not take the shot), especially since there are other ways to treat the virus.

And from speaking with an attorney who deals with these matters, the rabbonim  found out that there are many lies regarding numbers of people who have died after the shot. For example, a person who dies within 14 days of receiving a shot is considered "unvaccinated" (so this clearly skews the numbers) and this needs alot of research to find out more.

4) They heard expert testimony from medical professionals that it is dangerous for pregnant women to be around people who have had the shot because of "shedding" which causes the spike protein (from the shot) to "shed" from one person to the next. They use this process with animals, where they administer an mrna vaccine to a few and it spreads to the others. For now, we don't know how much of a concern this is with humans and therefore, the Beis Din recommends that vaxed people, within two weeks of the shot should avoid being around pregnant women.

5) And because of the issur of putting a stumbling block in  front of a blind person, it is forbidden to encourage people to take the mrna shot with words, monetary incentives or any other action.

And all the above are just the the bitter results that are already obvious. But the experts warn about the future.

Rav Yoel Moshe Friedman, Rav Toras Chaim Ribnitz and nasi of Yeshivas Divrei Menachem Monsey

Rav Shlomo Alexander Pollack, Rav Chelek Halevi Lakewood

Rav Doniel Yonasan Green, Magid Shiur Crown Heights

Beis Din Meeting on Corona Vaccine October 26
8 hours of expert testimony 

Rumble — 0:00:00 DVM, PhD Geert Vanden Bossche

0:29:31 Dr. Peter McCullough

0:48:00 Dr. Robert Malone

1:50:47 Attorney Tomas Renz

2:42:06 Dr. Jane Ruby

3:10:00 Dr. Christiane Northrup

3:29:00 Dr. Michael Yeadon

4:34:00 Dr. Janci Lindsay

5:09:45 Dr. Richard Urso

5:40:00 Dr. Jessica Rose

6:07:53 Testimony: Adverse Reactions

Robert W Malone, MD @RWMaloneMD
Apparently the testimony to the Hasidic Rabbinical court in New York City was useful, and a decision has been rendered.
SARS-CoV-2 vaccination is absolutely forbidden in children, and cautioned for adults.
I will post the hebrew and english versions when available.
9:26 PM 2021-10-28 Twitter Web App
898 Retweets and comments 2,178

Esther Black
 She seems sincere. Are others noticing these issues? Since the vaccination rate is so prevalent Im surprised nobody is talking about this openly.

R&B Medical War Crimes #10 - Tamar Yonah interview with Chananya Weissman

Moshe Feiglin interviews Dr. Zelenko
פייגלין מארח – ד"ר זלנקו, האיש שניצח את המגפה | פרק #26
 Its 1:30 hours approx. Please watch till end  and report it especially for the vaccinated. He provides a way to protect yourself from your  own immune system from overreacting severely in case you are exposed to a future similar viral infection. Lets hope Dr. Zelenko is completely wrong and he himself said he hopes people will make fun of him for scaring people unnecessarily,  but please educate yourselves. If this wasn't about life and death I would not be posting this. Shabbat Shalom UmeVorach

Dandelion Tea May Block Spike Protein On Syncitin 1, Prevent Miscarriage
Post Modified: Sep 24, 2021 ·

On Tue, Oct 26, 2021, 1:14 AM J. R. Y. <> wrote:

To All Concerned,

Mrs. Ticker BCC'd me on this email. She is right on point! 


Discussion of different views, has been the tenet of Judaism, with righteous students spending countless hours just debating the use of a single letter.  

The avoidance of healthy vigorous debate on the vaccination has been glaringly absent in the mainstream media.  We as a people, are so small in number. An issue such as this global push for the vaccine, with published serious side effects including death demands honest and thorough investigative action and reporting. The death of a single Jew impacts us all. Looking at the larger global impact on humanity it is imperative.  Given the powerful who are pushing the vaccinations and multiple boosters across the entire planet, it will take great moral integrity and courage to do so.


Mrs. Ticker has provided many excellent resources, all providing valuable information.  

I look forward to seeing her letter and your response published in your paper.  Publishing her letter in its entirety shows your honesty. Your respectful comments will demonstrate your integrity. 


I leave you with these thoughts:


"Who is wise? One who learns from every man… Who is strong? One who overpowers his inclinations… Who is rich? One who is satisfied with his lot… Who is honorable? One who honors his fellows." - Ben Zoma, Ethics of the Fathers, 4:1


"There may be times when we are powerless to prevent injustice, but there must never be a time when we fail to protest."Elie Wiesel 



Janet Young

On Oct 25, 2021, at 12:47 AM, Robin Ticker <> wrote:


אל המקום אשר...

Dear Editors of Jewish Media

Please publish and respond to this and my previous open letter to the Editors posted on my blog.

Friday, October 22, 2021
Re: David Rubin... Brought to you by Pfizer.

Fauci, CDC, NIH, FDA, the White House are all Nogea badavar and are stake holders.

Who exactly funds the CDC

Can you see why there is a conflict of interest?

Fyi Please do your due diligence and research.

Here are some links to help you get started...

Senate Committee on State affairs. No accountability of Big Pharma

Dr. Richard Fleming

Dr. Peter McCullough

Dr. Vladimir Zelenko

Dr. Fauci on efficacy

Public Health England

A Dr. trained in Mayo clinic and runs the largest independent testing laboratory in Idaho sees a drop in CD8 cells to fight viruses in the vaccinated

Amish Herd Immunity

Story on Keeping Drug companies Honest

Isn't is suspicious that the words about how safe this vaccine is identical from media to media?

Bill Gates Digital Immunity Proof


From Dr. Zelenko:
I am a conspiracy realist. 

Vanguard and Black Rock are stake holders in all industry, media, academia, and politics. 

Vanguard and Black Rock invest in each other through something called circular ownership. 

Thus, consider Vanguard and Black Rock as a monopoly that owns everything. 

With due diligence you will discover that the major stake holders of this monopoly are

-Rothschild family
-Du Pont family
-Rockefeller family
-Carnegie family
-Orsini Family
-American Bush family
-British Royal family

They use the following foundations to ferment chaos around the world 

Bill and Melinda Gates foundation 
Soros Open Society foundation 
Clinton foundation 

These foundations are instrumental for geopolitical destabilization. 

Chaos is good for business and power acquisition. 

Only a divinely inspired force can overcome this Goliath. 

The world will be redeemed by acts of goodness and kindness. 

We need collective divine consciousness in order to merit divine intervention. 

The owners of the vanguard/black rock monopoly are a manifestation of the primordial serpent.  

I am VERY optimistic about an upcoming redemptive event that will rebalance our dark world. 

Fasten your seatbelts and enjoy the ride. 

Vladimir Zev Zelenko MDy

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