Friday, October 22, 2021

Re: David Rubin... Brought to you by Pfizer.


אל המקום אשר...

Dear Editors of Jewish Media,

Please watch

David Rubin. "Brought to you by Pfizer."

Jewish, faith based and Conservative media are being bought to push the vaccine... not only secular leftist media. 

There is no real debate happening in your papers... but please correct me if I am mistaken. :(

 I have been seeing lots of ads in your papers to vaccinate but there is barely any information and articles why not to vaccinate and on alternative treatment. They probably dont have the budget to purchase ads.

Big pharma money is coming down the pyramid to Jewish media, Jewish Institutions, Jewish orgs as well as Conservative platforms and neutral platforms and lots of religious and faith based platforms.

It is no secret that there is no accountability by Big Pharma for adverse reactions to the vaccine.  

We as G-d fearing individuals will be held accountable for assisting in pushing the vaccine that may harm those who took and not pushing a fair debate so that people make informed decisions.

Whatsapp, Telegram and social media are basically the only platform to share the anti vax side. 

Often videos highlighting adverse reactions of the vaccine posted on family, friends and neighbor chats  cause great anxiety in those who trust in Big Pharma narrative.

Anti Vax posts  result in angry exchanges. Common are threats to block those posting anti vax posts or alternatve treatment to Covid 19 posts in family, block and friend chats.

Respected doctors and professionals  are not being heard by those who need to hear it the most.

Suppression of any anti vax debate from chats is the norm thereby burying information people should be aware of ...while shooting the messenger in the process  :(

What I don't hear CAN hurt me. 

We know history repeats itself...

Millions of Jews went into the gas showers willingly.

"Arbeit Macht Frei" was their slogan :(

Today the message is Vaccinate makes you free...

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