Tuesday, February 05, 2019

Re: Letter to Nationalist Activists campaigning for Political Candidates in Israel who Support Annexing Judea and Samaria and Jewish Sovereignty. .


Mishne Avot 1:17
משנה אבות א יז
לא המדרש הוא העיקר, אלא המעשה
Action, not words is most important.

Therefore, beware of empty promises of politicians who promote Sovereignty.

The true litmus test to find Israeli Politicians who really support Sovereignty in Judea and Samaria will condemn the Jewish Terrorist Law of 1994 targeting Kahana groups...  and will call to task those  politicians who continue to  defend the operations and funding of the Jewish Division of Shabak!

Expose those politicians who in the past have publicly rushed to condemn Jewish Terror with premature judgement before an investigation even began!

I know politically this limits us and isn't practical but the truth must be told and shared. 

The Truth Shall Set us Free!

Hopefully,  public awareness will also elicit some apologies from these politicians.  

Most importantly however,  it will Beezrat Hashem, exert public pressure to release  Settler youth still held in prison under harsh conditions or held under house arrest under harsh terms while credible evidence still has not surfaced that they are terrorists ... Beezrat Hashem... May their good name be cleared, smeared by Trumped up charges and false evidence once and for all.  

The other goal is to defund the Jewish Division of Shabak so that this operation ceases to exist and  by so doing, will finally put an end the torment, anguish and destruction of the lives of many innocent Settler victims, future Youth targets, including  innocent family members of the informers, moles planted among the Settlers, the Shabak agents themselves.

By connecting the dots as does Regavim with illegal Arab building throughout Judea and Samaria, the Galil and the Negev, it seems to me Settler Youth are being used and have been used regularly for years as political pawns in order to advance the 2 State Solution narrative. 

This is shocking to those who would never believe Israel is capable of such evil. Frame our own?????  

Yes sadly.   By connecting the dots, many have come to the conclusion that in order for the 2 State Solution to be implemented a narrative is needed that will demonize Jewish Settlers as being  terrorists.  How else will Israel justify to itself the expulsion of Jews from non recognized settlements basically enforcing apartheid and forbid Jews to settle on their ancestral homeland. This is something the Trump Administration working so hard to come up with a Peace Plan should think about!

Even finding one Jewish Terrorist will suffice to feed the narrative. 

The money, manpower, time and resources that have been invested to find Jewish Terrorists is quite remarkable!

Recently, this false narrative helped to justify the expulsion of 2 caravans in Amona  where 300 kids came to protest.  Tear gas, stun grenades and hostile military force using violent aggression against Settler youth. Absent was an outcry of injustice! This horrific scenario barely made the news.

In comparison,  Illegal Arab and Beduin building is multiplying and thriving undeterred winning in the courts etc.

Where were these same politicians, who are so quick to advocate for Jewish Sovereignty in return for your vote?

Are they still supporting Shabak's methods of finding Jewish terrorists?... supposedly not discriminating between a "Jewish Terrorist" and "Arab  youth" but indeed, doing exactly that...  Settler Youth are treated as if they are terrorist stone throwers while Arab Terrorist youth stone throwers are  treated with kids gloves.  Arab terrorist  stone throwers are totally unafraid, undeterred to continue their rock throwing on a daily basis traumatizing travelers everyday on the roads of Judea and Samaria averaging over 40 terror attacks a week!

The root of the conflict seems to be a theological one.

Rabbi Meir Kahane never promoted killing innocent Arabs as we have been led to believe.  He promoted religious Zionism based on Torah. He spoke of a Jewish State and against a Democratic State that theoretically can vote Jews and Democracy out of office. He promoted transferring  Arabs that did not accept Jewish Sovereignty in the Land of Israel, to 22 surrounding Muslim countries. He said there is only 1 Jewish State and we must ensure that it remains so. He said that Non Jews who do support Jewish Sovereignty and a Jewish State should be granted full civil rights and full protection under the law and the right to live in the Land peacefully among Jews. However, they should not be given voting rights ( sounds similar to voting rights of citizens of Puerto Rico who can vote in local not National elections).

This is not apartheid of which Kahane was accused of promoting.  

Apartheid in fact exists in Arab villages where no Jews are allowed and where no Jew or even IDF soldier would dare to venture for fear of their lives.

Rabbi Meir Kahane spoke of Israel's right of Self Defense and that Arabs must be afraid that Israel will not hesitate to exercise their right of Self Defense.

Kahane never advocated murdering innocent people, Jew or non Jew!

Time to unite Mattot Arim, the Sovereignty Movement of WIG as in the past,  and Regavim on behalf of the Settler Youth and speak against premature condemnations of Settler Youth as perpetrators of Jewish Terror. Stop public  judgement against Settler Youth with the guilt verdict, slandering them as terrorists before they even have a trial. The name and reputation  of Settler Youth has been  smeared  by influential politicians and influential leaders, religious as well, with blood libels that these kids murder Arabs, women and children (Duma).

Find politicians who condemn the disproportionate bias in the investigation  against Settler Youth.  Find politicians who denounce the Jewish Terrorist narrative starting with  the narrative that demonizes Rabbi Meir Kahane's affiliate organizations as being designated Terrorist organizations.

This was a political ploy,  a narrative that was carefully crafted when Rabbi Meir Kahane was gaining political ground and support. It has been told over so many times that practically everyone now accepts it as a given!  It is a lie, carefully born and nurtured by Jewish Division of Shabak with the backing of  dangerous influential forces in the G.O. I., in the Military, in the Dept of Justice, by the President, in the Knesset and the Prime Ministers office.

It's root seems to be based on a fear of a religious State based on Torah.. 


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