Monday, February 04, 2019

Rabbi Ariel does not support release of boy accused of terrorism - Israel National News. My comments


Arutz7 has put out some excellent articles in defense of Settler Youth but this headline is very misleading and does not do justice to the Settlers position. 

This headline suggests to the reader that Rav  Ariel is thinking this Jewish SETTLER boy might have thrown the stone at innocent Arabs. In the article Rabbi Ariel addressed the Halachic discussion whether  one is permitted to murder innocent Arabs according to the Torah.

If this boy actually "committed" this act of terror he should be tried and brought to justice and not be released but holds the boy deserves proper defense.

The headline misleadingly reads that the Rabbi does not support the release of boy accused of Terrorism leaving the reader to conclude it's because the Jewish boy (and probably other boys)  are guilty of terrorism.

I would hope that Rav Ariel does not believe this kid is guilty of throwing rocks but isn't signing a letter to release him since he believes in due process and that the suspect would be vindicated with a fair trial and a competent lawyer

This Arutz7 headline plays into Fake News Narrative and Slander on Settler Youth that they are Jewish Terrorists.

Rav Ariel should have clarified that it is highly unlikely this boy threw the rock.  He could have also raised awareness that there is disproportional bias in the political system that targets Settler Youth and paints them as Jewish Terrorists.

This article by its headline is  therefore feeding fake news.  

This boy and his family are not defending themselves on the justification of whether murdering innocent Arabs are permitted.

They claim this boy didn't throw the rock.

 I am sure that both this boy and his family agree with Rav Ariel that there is no justification according to the Torah to throw rocks at innocent random  cars neither Jew or non Jew during the week even more so on Shabbat.  

The only justification in the Torah for an individual to take the law into his own hands would be self defense or if you are a Goel HaDam  targeting a known criminal. (I am not a Rav so please concur or dispute if this is not so)

He could also raise awareness that the government has been negligent in protecting Jews and non Jews on the roads of Judea and Samaria as daily terror attacks happen  and are documented, yet stone throwers are left unpunished...that is unless a Jew is suspect or in the opinion of many, framed and then he/she is treated as a terrorist as in the Duma trial, with no rights, waiting years for a trial, tortured, traumatized, slandered, libel etc. Only to come up empty handed of credible evidence.

Please send Rav Ariel this post on the disproportional bias against Settler Youth and that one does not need a lawyer to connect the dots.

Our community does not have infinite funds to pay for lawyers like  Arab terrorists have, coming from European Union etc.  If big money came through I would suspect the source and suspect the lawyer. 

 We cannot compete on this level but rather must address the underlying root of what probably is just one more blood libel against Settler Youth since the evidence in the Duma trial against Amiram been Uliel and Elisha Odess just got thrown out.. after 3 and a half years!

Disporpotional Bias. A Political Agenda Against Jewish Settlers. Sarah Sanders Blasts FBI for Its Biased Handling of Roger Stone vs. Hillary Clinton – Freedom News Report. Let's Blast Shabak. Why is Tzvi Nerya's STONE scrutinized while thousands of stones thrown by Arabs aren't?


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