Thursday, March 15, 2018

Hearing for Duma Suspects. Justice for Elisha Odess! Losing Faith in the Israeli Judicial System - for Good reason! Evil Judges who Pervert Justice. What next? The Death Penalty on innocent Hilltop Youth chas Veshalom?????


Today, March 15, 2018  at the scheduled hearing of Elisha Odess we will see if this circus of a court continues. Our hopes and prayers are that it will be stopped in its tracks, amends made and that these boys are finally freed, and those responsible for criminality are held accountable!

In addition, it is time to end the designation of such Jews as members of a Jewish Terrorist Organization . It is time to defund the Jewish Division of the Shabak which has engaged in blood libels against Jewish youth in order to manufacture a "Jewish terrorist!"  for the use of our enemies to find equivalency and justify the "armed struggle" of the Palestinian People. 

Thank you Raanan Isseroff for raising this absurd possibility....

Sounds far fetched but a call for the death penalty for these hilltop youth is now a real possibility.They don't seem to stop at anything. 

Israel Police, ISA, Shabak, Knesset and Israel Judicial system corroborated against Netanyahu the Prime Minister. This is the process:  Gag order, false allegations, fabricating evidence, slander and libel in the media with the goal of indicting Netanyahu, finding him guilty, powerless and behind bars. 

There are many parallels with this modus operandi used against the hilltop youth. . These same forces have marginalized this group, and succeeded to designate these kids as Jewish terrorists.  Those somehow affiliated with Rabbi Meir Kahana ob"m and his grandson Meir Ettinger who believe in an an ideology which insists on adhering to only a Torah Court based on our Jewish oral and written tradition fall into this group.  Such designation is sufficient for a gag order and to be branded  worldwide as belonging to a Jewish terrorist organization  They are then convicted on mainstream media with a guilty verdict without habeas corpus, without a fair hearing without a fair trial both by Rabbis and by government officials based on false allegations. They are slandered and  libeled in the secular and Jewish media, presented as fact,  as being the perpetrators of an act of terror,  setting arson to an Arab house in the center of the village Duma, scrawling graffiti and causing the death of an Arab family, including a baby. 

To provide evidence, these joint efforts corroborated and  fabricated a plot with various allegations and then employed torture methods to obtain confessions to crimes that these kids never committed. Some of the youth are minors.  They were held under administrative detention. They were and continue to be denied human and civil rights.  They are detained for lengthy periods of time without access to a lawyer, and during this time period they are tortured.  They and their lawyers are denied access to evidence against them to help in their defense and are denied access of evidence that might prove that the crime was perpetrated by someone else. 

One minor by the name of Elisha Odess attempted suicide. 

So what  is the next step for them if they are not set free?The death penalty G-d forbid? 


During the debate in the Knesset, opposition lawmakers asked more than once if the law applies to Jewish terrorists, and both Ilatov and Netanyahu answered yes. 

Though Shas voted in favor of the legislation being advanced by Yisrael Beytenu, Shas's late spiritual leader Rabbi Ovadia Yosef opposed instituting the death penalty. But his main concern was not the lives of the terrorists. He argued in a taped lecture that can be found on YouTube that since the court system in Israel is run by evil judges who pervert justice, he feared that Jews would be given death sentences for killing gentiles.

Minister Lieberman refers to the drama in File 4000 - "I expect the President of the Supreme Court to immediately suspend Judge Poznansky-Katz. We must not let the public lose faith in the judicial system. "

The same should hold true for all those who betrayed these kids by allowing false allegations and false evidence thereby seriously tainting the Judicial system.  

Duma Suspects Trial -  Elisha Odess, Amiram ben Uliel in the News. 


Robin Ticker

Activist emails sent to my list  are L'Ilui Nishmat Yisrael ben David Aryeh ob"m (Izzy - Kaplan) and Howard Chaim Grief great activists and lovers of Eretz Yisroel, Am Yisroel and the Torah. Yehi Zichronum Baruch.  May their memories serve as a blessing. 

Most of these emails are posted on

Personal emails to individuals will not be posted to my blog. 

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