Thursday, November 30, 2017

Fwd: Blackmail of Israel Defense Minister & the Fate of Amona,Bet Elul, Ofra and Elazar... with more to come from Center For Near East Policy Research


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: david bedein <>
Date: Thu, Nov 30, 2017 at 3:02 AM
Subject: Blackmail of Israel Defense Minister & the Fate of Amona,Bet Elul, Ofra and Elazar... with more to come.
To: Center for Near East Policy Research <>

Date: Thu, Nov 30, 2017 
Subject: Blackmail of Israel Defense Minister & the Fate of Amona,Bet Elul, Ofra and Elazar... with more to come.

​The mystery involving the arbitrary destruction of  Jewish homes in Amona, Bet Elul, Ofra and Elazar 
​remains the complicity of the current Minister of Defense, a resident of Nokdim, who carried out these home demolitions.

​The residents of these homes could have been fined for housing infractions, especially in the ca​se of the Netiv HaAvot neighborhood. 

In Israel, there is no sanction against ​the government for not carrying out controversial orders of the Israel High Court of Justice. 

It is no secret that the Israel High Court of Justice has ordered the destruction of thousands of ​homes owned  by Arabs and Bedoiuins, yet these demolitions rarely occur.  
The head of the Supreme Court made no secret of the fact that she loathed the Jewish communities in Judea and Samaria, and was not willing to reconsider her decision to order the demolition of an entire neighborhood because of a one meter housing infraction.​

​Yet the current defense minist​er carried out the wishes of the High Court of Justice to the tee. 


Consider the following scenario. 

22 leading members of Yisrael Beiteinu, a political party which operates under the tight control of the 
current defense minister, have been indicted on serious charges of corruption. 

A senior member of Yisrael Beiteinu , a protege of the current Defense minister, who served as a minister in the government of Israel, was indeed convicted of charges and now serves time in prison.   

For some reason, the current defense minister emerged unscathed from the rash of scandals that theaten to decimate his political party. 


A senior official in the Israel Ministry of Defense, who asked for anonymity, asserts that on the day that the current defense minister assumed his position last year, he was called in by senior officers in COGAT, the Israel Civil Administration, which operates all policies in Judea and Samaria. 

These senior officers informed the current defense minister that they had assembled a criminal file on him, and that if he dared to violate the directives of COGAT, they would be turn their file over to the authorities.
Therefore, the current Defense Minister did not rock the boat, as he watched while 22 of his political cronies get indicted and he saw to it that the Netiv Avot neighborhood was demolished. 

David Bedein
Israel Resource News Agency
Center for Near East Policy Research
Beit Agron
Jerusalem 94581 Israel

Twitter: @DavidBedein
Skype: david.bedein2

My Comments:

I am posting this very important email from David Bedein. It was not fully edited so I corrected a few spelling and syntax errors.   I will update an edited version when it becomes available, but I thought the content was too important to wait. 

These are serious allegations against the Israeli Defense Minister. The source is anonymous.  In America, one is innocent until proven guilty.  When it came to Elor Azariah this same Defense Minister came to rash conclusions prematurely thus depriving the soldier of a fair military trial.  He probably gets what he deserves.  Today's post on Arutz7 putting the IDF in a bad light probably came to wake up the people that the Defense Minister is incompetent.

כתבה בערוץ 7: 'Why did it take the army an hour and a half to save my son?'

The sheer enormity of the injustice perpetrated against these G-d fearing Jews points directly to the Defense Minister and the Israeli Supreme Court.  This is merely an attempt to understand WHY. .  


To: David Bedein, amvsh

Yasher Koach on your investigative reporting. If as you allege, this is the backdrop of the recent demolitions, this information explains the craziness. 

These demolitions were totally pointless and absurd!

Let Truth and Justice prevail. 

This kind of scenario happens when there is no Fear of G-d. 

My counsel to the Defense Minister:.. Better to suffer in this world than face the wrath in a Heavenly Court. 

If these allegations are accurate, the Defense Minister now has to personally answer to a Heavenly Court not only why he and his subordinates were corrupt but also why these homes were needlessly demolished. He among others, like the Israeli Supreme Court are  accountable..  Yesh Din VeYesh Dayan...There is Law and there is a Judge (the Almighty) and I don't envy them.

For their own Tikkun, correction, they must now acknowledge that these orders to demolish Jewish homes in a cruel, heartless and pointless manner, were immoral.  The will need to work extra hard to undo the terrible destruction and havoc....

Let me suggest as follows: How about authorizing and approving the rebuilding of these homes far better than before, find the funding to pay for it, and pay for the trauma, pain and suffering of these families.  Perhaps until all is in place invite them into your own home while you and your family find another place to live....

Or alternatively,  personally experience what it feels like to have everything you worked for and believe in destroyed...

My hopes and prayers are...

  • for a Defense Minister  that will defend and  protect Jewish homes rather than empower those who call us Occupiers, 
  • for COGAT to be purged to be replaced by a PRO Judea and Samaria and Yehudi Authority rather than an organization that favors the Palestinian Authority..


Robin Ticker

Activist emails sent to my list  are L'Ilui Nishmat Yisrael ben David Aryeh ob"m (Izzy - Kaplan) and Howard Chaim Grief great activists and lovers of Eretz Yisroel, Am Yisroel and the Torah. Yehi Zichronum Baruch.  May their memories serve as a blessing. 

Most of these emails are posted on

Personal emails to individuals will not be posted to my blog. 

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