Thursday, August 17, 2017

Shemittah Rediscovered OP Ed: On Charlottesville and Condemning Trump on his Immediate Failure to Condemn the Neo Nazis and White Supremacists


Updated September 3, 2017
Charlottesville False Narrative Crushed by DHS Warning

Updated August 28, 2017 with an article by Thomas Lifson

 There is already plenty of evidence that the clash between violent left wingers and right wingers in Charlottesville was eminently preventable, and may even have been a set-up. The media/left cabal took advantage of the violence to smear President Trump and conservatives as Nazis, so it would be awfully embarrassing if it turned out that responsibility for the violence lay with police following orders from above to “stand down” and channel the two groups into a clash. Governor Terry McAuliffe, purportedly a presidential aspirant, has a lot to answer for.  

Read more: 
...That’s why it is disturbing that a Democrat -- a Barack Obama appointee -- has been appointed to run the inquiry. 

I and others would like to see a thorough investigation on why the Police disregarded a very real threat to to the Synagogue and this investigation should not be conducted by an Obama appointee who was biased towards the Mulsim Brotherhood and a nuclear Iran!

There seems to be a disturbing trend nationwide on how police are afraid and/or have been instructed by a higher authority not to respond to serious provocation.  Their inaction to respond, and rather to appease,  endangers the public and those who are peaceful protesters.  Why give Neo Nazis and dangerous Antifa anarchists freedom to speak and then an opportunity to act on their ideology without any fear of Police presence? 

Where The Hell Are The Police In Berkeley? by Ben Shapiro August 28, 2017


Dear Trump Condemners, 

I think the left is hypersensitive about Trump's rhetoric, totally ignoring the anti Trump rhetoric.  Perhaps if they look at themselves in the mirror, they themselves are guilty of what they are accusing Trump of.  Angry people often project their own biases on others.    If they call Trump a racist it is because they are guilty of racism...   A faulty perception is not based on an objective reality but on a personal perception of one's own reality. 

I sincerely believe that Trump is a person who hates Neo Nazis and White Supremacy... no different than you and I.  I believe he knows fully well that the Holocaust was evil and that what the Nazis did and stand for is evil.   

Anti Trump pundits are accusing Trump of equating the Neo Nazis and White Supremacists with peaceful Anti Neo Nazis protesters giving the public the wrong impression that they are possibly both to blame and equally guilty.  

Actually Trump is lumping the evil Neo Nazis with violent Antifa, (Anti fascists) Anti Neo Nazis. As I see it, Trump is equating all Supremacists be it White Supremacists,  Black Supremacists, and Islamic Supremacists as evil. 

Suni Muslims fighting for ISIS and Shiite Muslims fighting for a nuclear Iran are on opposite sides. Does that make one more Kosher than the other?

I also agree with  Ivanka and Jared his daughter and son in law that he should have immediately condemned the Neo Nazis and the White Supremacists calling them by name.   In fact I agree with the Algemeiner article that Trump should now encourage an investigation as per why the police did not protect the shul in Charlottesville adequately and why the Neo Nazis had a permit to protest while parading with guns.  This error in judgement clearly had extremely scary and threatening implications to the local Jewish Synagogue.  One can conjecture that had the police somehow reigned in this violent and hateful Neo Nazi group for their provocative behavior, perhaps this other tragedy, the car ramming, would never had occurred. 

Let us respectfully encourage President Trump to demand investigation and prosecution of those accountable for lack of general security before we criticize his delayed condemnation of this White Supremacist group. Surely the President wants to prove to all that he is sincere in his desire to fight such evil and let the findings and subsequent actions taken against a lapse in proper security, prevent another Charlottesville in the future!

Leading Rabbi [Rabbi Shmuel Herzfeld] Urges Attorney General to Investigate Lack of Police Protection for Charlottesville Synagogue During Far-Right Protest

Nazis were terribly dangerous in the 1940s. They partnered with the Mufti of Jerusalem, the forerunner to the PLO.  They built gas chamber factories for mass murder. They were on the side of evil,  the side of Amalek... 

Today, the Muslim Brotherhood and Iran are far more dangerous than neo Nazi's. They have the wherewithal and technology for global destruction. Do White Supremacists have nuclear bomb capability or weapons of mass destruction at their disposal?  I don't want to minimize their evil but compared to ISIS and IRAN these guys are a piece of cake.  Are all of Trump's bashers condemning ISIS and IRAN with such passion and self righteousness as they are condemning Trump for having not condemned the Neo Nazi's and the White Supremacists fast enough. 

I smell an ulterior motive. 

Trump was silent for a day or two in his condemnation of  the Neo Nazis and the White Supremacists. Maybe he felt indebted to individuals who he felt were not Neo Nazi's nor White Supremacist but merely peaceful protesters and did not want to lump them together.

When he did finally condemn, he made a distinction and condemned the Neo Nazis and White Supremacist while defending the peaceful protesters right to protest the removal of the Robert E. Lee statue... and I feel it was completely authentic. But we can agree to disagree.. 

The liberal and leftist media will find endless reasons to be critical of Trump and his rhetoric.  I would somehow respect their objectivity if I saw that they gave Trump credit when it was deserved and condemn the hateful rhetoric against Trump as well. . When Congressman House Majority Whip Steve Scalise was shot and wounded at baseball practice in Virginia, Trump did not take advantage of the situation to condemn all the hateful rhetoric against the Republicans and the hateful rhetoric against Trump personally. 

It is quite probable that toxic rhetoric influenced this gunman and thereby endangered the lives of our Congressmen. Trump used the opportunity to unify the Nation,  This seemed to have worked for a few days. It brought much praise from those who were grateful that he did not exact revenge on those whose hateful rhetoric puts his own life, Donald Trump, the President of the USA,  and the life of dedicated American public servants in mortal danger.  

However, why did they just praise his restraint but didn't  come out and call for some accountability and condemn the hateful anti Trump rhetoric of the liberal and leftist media?

I have not seen the liberal and leftist media condemn hateful rhetoric coming from comedians who show images of Trump's beheaded head and then whine when Barron, Trump's son and Melania, Trump's wife are horrified.  I did not hear condemnations of the offensive Shakespeare in the Park rendition of a beheaded Trump as being in bad taste.. not to mention terribly disrespectful  

Trump was totally correct to say that there was hatred among both groups.  I suspect that evil elements of these groups, be it those in Black lives Matters who advocate for black supremacy or those who advocate for Islamic Supremacy and the Neo Nazis who advocate for White Supremacy share much in common.....
They are anti G-d, void of universal morality, not to mention racist, bigots and  hate anyone who is not them. 

I have no doubt that there are some decent individuals among the Black Lives Matter group.  They are not all Jew haters and Anti-semites. However problematic rhetoric in their camp should be condemned!

Black Lives Matters protesters are often affiliated with groups trying to undermine police.  They often play the victim's card of police aggression to the fullest thereby making law enforcement impotent.  Police then are unable to do their jobs properly to protect society from an unruly and dangerous riotous mob.  Peaceful protesters of both sides are then at risk.  Police are now often afraid that they will be accused of police brutality so they let potentially dangerous situations escalate. They fail to enforce security especially on those who will accuse them of  "police brutality"!  

On the other hand, police have been super vigilant against peaceful protesters against the  Klinghoffer Opera at the Met making sure that they are dutifully corralled in their protest sections. They have been super vigilant of Jews protesting the Iran Deal herding them in barricades. They have used their police presence to a fault to limit the  parade spectators on Fifth Ave at the Israel Day Parade with barricades galore sending spectators off to 6th Ave or Park Ave because it is impossible to walk down the sidewalks of 5th Avenue to get from street to street. Pro Israel parade participants and spectators are herded like sheep at intersections such as 72nd street and Fifth Avenue. (Surely the concentration of Jews at any intersection is in itself a security risk).  I get the feeling that their efforts are more to intimidate and show police presence then to actually protect the crowd.  There were long lines of security checks and metal detectors at the Israel Day Concert in the Park  entrance so that the crowds trickled in slowly patiently waiting to be frisked, metal detectors et all, and interrogated, coming late and missing parts of the amazing Pro Israel, Pro Judea and Samaria concert because of the intense security we all had to undergo....

Yet when Pamele Geller held a protest against Linda Sarsour, a pro Sharia, pro Jihad advocate, scheduled to speak at a Commencement exercise at CUNY, they allowed hostile protesters in very close proximity to Pamele Geller's podium, and in very close proximity to those in support of Pamele Geller, knowing fully well she and her supporters are a target.    Surely they were aware of the attempts on her life in the past! Police negligently allowed a flammable and volatile situation where passions ran high. Things could have easily become inflamed at a moments notice.  The Neturei Karta protesters were sent across the street with no issue.  They don't threaten the police. They respect Police.  

From my understanding the Police were prevented from doing their job because of political and legal intervention.  From the protest signs at Pamela Geller's protest against pro Jihad Linda Sarsour it was clear that those that advocated for Linda Sarsour, were  seasoned protesters against "police brutality". 

It makes sense for evil to team up with those who protest police activity.   This  works to weaken police activity against them, thereby protecting them while placing the public in grave danger.  It is the same strategy that NGO's use to discredit the IDF so that soldiers will be afraid to confront terrorists as they might be later accused and prosecuted for unwarranted aggression against innocent Palestinians.  Lawfare! 

When it comes to reigning in anarchists, any police activity to limit their activity could be seen as confrontational and a provocation. Police deal with violent anti police groups with kids gloves so as not to enrage them. However peaceful protesting Jews are not a threat to police so the police can be tough with them. 

It was the anti Trump media that lumped those out there to create anarchy and havoc with those who were peaceful protesters. The anti Trump media decided that the Right Neo Nazi's side was violent while the Left Antifa side was not. 

A Video of a Guy with a Trump hat and Israeli flag at "Free Speech Rally" in Boston proves the Antifa side can be quite hostile!

Since Trump is a candidate on the Right this condemnation now makes some sense.

Facts seem to indicate that in Charlottesville, both sides had those who were potentially violent as well as those who were protesting peacefullyNeither side was totally guiltless. Trump was right to note the distinction.  The key is to isolate and stop those who are potentially violent from both sides.  ....  Trump was in no way lessening his condemnation of  the Neo Nazi's and White Supremacists by pointing out that some on the Antifa side were also potentially violent.  Trump was saying.... don't lump everyone in the right wing group as Neo Nazis and everyone on the anti Neo Nazis group as peaceful. 

One can choose however to misinterpret his statement and to be critical  that Trump is being easy on the Nazis. 

The ones to blame in my opinion are those who gave a permit to the Neo Nazi's and White Supremacists to hold this rally.  I question the right of Neo Nazis to be given a platform in the first place in the name of Freedom of Speech!

For this you have to question liberals like Alan Dershowitz, the "experts" in the field, who protect Neo Nazi's rights of Freedom of Speech  and the rights of the Muslim Brotherhood operatives pushing  BDS rights deceptively under the guise of Freedom of Speech to brainwash clueless college kids and food coops while successfully suppressing everyone else's freedom of speech.

Does Donald Trump gain anything by supporting Neo Nazis and White Supremacists as many suggest?  

I don't believe there are so many neo Nazis and White Supremacists in this country that would have made any difference to Donald Trump's election campaign. He is not beholden to them even though that is what the leftists want you to believe. But what do I know? Surely giving them a platform and giving them a permit to speak seems stupid and empowers their hateful agenda.  Why isn't anyone bringing this point up?  If Donald Trump and his administration limits their rights to express their hate, by not allowing the issuing permits to them in the future, this will weaken them better than any condemnation! Will the Trump condemners then condemn him for violating the freedom of speech of Neo Nazi's and White Supremacists?

If you do not trust Trump, and in your heart believe he supports Nazis and white Supremacists or think he depends on them and needs their vote, then this bias against his very character will then be reason to assume that his delay in condemnation was because he was trying to protect the Neo Nazis and White Supremacists. You probably think that he condemned them only when he was pushed to the wall to do so. 

This Lashon Hara,  Slander, evil talk,  saying that he supports Neo Nazis and White Supremacists actually helps creates a situation that you are trying to prevent.  If one calls someone a robber when he is not but may have a weakness, it makes it very hard, almost impossible for the person to undo the perception and in fact may precipitate a very negative reaction as if to say....  If you think I am that bad, I'll prove to you how bad I can really be... 

Unless Trump is a true Nazi Sympathizer, which most agree he is not, it is unhelpful to call him one.  

Obama on the other hand,  in my opinion is a true Muslim Brotherhood supporter who empowered them, a pro nuclear Iran sympathizer who enabled them. Therefore it is important to continue to call him on it, undo his policies and not assume that he is irrelevant now that he is out of office.  

There are good reasons to believe he is operating a shadow gov't. 

Hillary Clinton and the Clinton Foundation are corrupt to the core, accepting outrageous sums of monies bought off by evil regimes and agendas. Trump would be wise to investigate and prosecute them. Otherwise they will continue to infiltrate his ranks to undermine his administration.
To bind their kings with chains and their nobles with fetters of iron.
חלֶאְסֹּ֣ר מַלְכֵיהֶ֣ם בְּזִקִּ֑ים וְ֜נִכְבְּדֵיהֶ֗ם
 בְּכַבְלֵ֥י בַרְזֶֽל:
9To execute upon them a written judgment; that will be splendor to all His pious ones. Hallelujah!טלַֽעֲשׂ֬וֹת בָּהֶ֨ם | מִשְׁפָּ֬ט כָּת֗וּב הָדָ֣ר ה֖וּא לְכָל־חֲ֜סִידָ֗יו הַֽלְלוּיָֽ-הּ:

Robin Ticker

Activist emails sent to my list  are L'Ilui Nishmat Yisrael ben David Aryeh ob"m (Izzy - Kaplan) and Howard Chaim Grief great activists and lovers of Eretz Yisroel, Am Yisroel and the Torah. Yehi Zichronum Baruch.  May their memories serve as a blessing. 

Most of these emails are posted on

Personal emails to individuals will not be posted to my blog. 

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