Sunday, April 17, 2016

Lichvod MGH Moetzet Gedolei Hatorah How can We Remain Silent?????? Re: Draconian Administrative Detention Incarceration and Torture by Shabak on Jewish Hilltop Youth!


Lichvod HaRabbonim Shlita

We have all been diligent with learning the Halachot of Shmiras HaLashon about when it is appropriate to speak and when it is not. 

Here is a situation where it is criminal not to speak out forcefully against the Draconian practices of Shabak apparently acting in a "legal" fashion, who are incarcerating and torturing and endangering the physical, emotional and spiritual lives of innocent righteous Jewish Youth without any charges brought against them and without a fair trial violating their basic human and civil rights.  

Please write public letters of outrage to Netanyahu!!!!  As a leader in the religious community with a large following,  your letter will carry great impact!  Surely this is true in a Heavenly Court and with Siata Dishmaya also in the Israeli Court System. The Israeli Court System apparently needs to be seriously investigated and closely examined and reviewed by an outside and independent source other than itself to investigate,  how this is happening!!!. 

 Not protesting, not writing letters,  will send the message that the Israeli Courts can continue to act in a lawless and fascist manner without consequences... and that too will be noted in a Heavenly Court.  We collectively will be held liable in a Heavenly Court. 

Maybe when the GOI (Government of Israel) sees that nobody cares it emboldens them.  Since last week when this letter to you was written, very new disturbing reports have surfaced which substantiate and validate the urgency of this matter to please take action and not be passive!


A Jewish minor who was picked up by Shabak for interrogations a few days ago, without seeing an attorney or his family, was rushed to hospital Friday afternoon from the Shabak facility. He is suffering from urgent medical complications.
His family has issued a statement saying, "Now the suspicion that he was being tortured has become a certainty. We call on anyone who can do anything to help. It is a matter of life and death. They took from us a healthy child and now he is being rushed to hospital."
The Shabak informed the family that their child was being rushed to a medical center but interrogators refused to permit his parents to meet or accompany him.
Attorney Adi Keidar of legal aid society Honenu whose appeal to let the minor be accompanied by a parent was rejected, said that "the contempt for the right of people under interrogation has gone up a notch to a contempt for their state of health. We view very seriously the fact that despite the medical complications the intensive interrogation persists as does the refusal to permit family or an attorney to see him."
David Israel
ISA Interrogation: Violence, Humiliation, Shabbat Violation
Thursday, April 14, 2016, 22:11 After 10 days of interrogation in ISA facilities, one of the five detainees in a current case, Shenior Dana, met for the first time with an attorney. Dana revealed to Honenu Attorney Aharon Roza what he had experienced and painted a grim picture of violated rights, humiliation, brutality and trampled religious rights. 
Dana told Roza that the interrogations were carried out during most of the hours of the day and the night, severely depriving him of sleep for days on end. During interrogations his arms were handcuffed behind his back for many hours, causing pain, and from time to time he was subjected to actual physical violence, sometimes as if it was accidental. 
The interrogators also denied the detainees their religious needs and purposefully offended their religious sensibilities. Dana stated that during Shabbat, for many hours, loud music was played in the interrogation rooms, the interrogators smoked very close to him and from time to time offered him a smoke. Additionally all week long he was refused time to pray. 

Dana reported that during interrogations the ISA interrogators humiliated him and threatened him, saying that they have various ways and methods to injure him and his relatives. 

Honenu Attorney Aharon Roza responded to what he heard from Dana: "Today, in a discussion I was permitted to have with the detainee Shenior Dana, after he had been barred from meeting with me for almost 10 days, I was horrified to hear that in the framework of the ISA investigation, and in the framework of interrogation methods which someone delusional thinks are legitimate, a religious man was taken for interrogation on Shabbat, a telephone playing extremely loud music was placed in front of his face, cigarettes were lit in front of him, and he was offered a smoke. There are no words to describe the goings-on other than embarrassment and disgrace." 

On Thursday, April 15, the Petah Tikva Magistrate Court extended Dana's remand by four days, until Monday, April 18, at which time he will be brought with the other detainees to a court deliberation. 

The four other detainees in the case have not been allowed to meet with an attorney, some of them for over 10 days. This situation necessitated special authorization from the Central District Court, which authorized the order prohibiting the detainees from meeting with an attorney for an additional four days.
Please forward to friends, social media and contact Israeli government officials 

Robin Ticker

Israel Advocacy Calendar (
Activist emails sent to my list  are L'Ilui Nishmat Yisrael ben David Aryeh ob"m (Izzy - Kaplan) and Howard Chaim Grief great activists and lovers of Eretz Yisroel, Am Yisroel and the Torah. Yehi Zichronum Baruch.  May their memories serve as a blessing. 

Most of these emails are posted on

Personal emails to individuals will not be posted to my blog. 

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