Thursday, May 28, 2015

Very nice to have Celebrate Israel Festival but why did they have to make it the exact time and date as the Israel Day Concert?


If you haven't realized there are 2 major competing events after the Israel Day Parade.

The Israel Day Concert and the Israel Day Festival.

The Israel Day concert was amazing Last year.  Maybe a drop too good for some people's tastes. 
Why for heavens sake did UJA and JCRC and IAC  have to schedule an Israel day Festival the exact same time as the Concert? 

It reminds me of a girl who was very jealous of another popular girls birthday party.  She was rich and had lots of money so she decided to schedule another party precisely at the exact same time cause she didn't like the fact that this other girl was getting all the attention. 

To all the sponsors, artists, performers etc.  of this Festival...

Probably you had no idea that this festival was competing with the best, most Pro Israel, Pro Judea and Samaria, Pro United Jerusalem event ever....

... Or maybe you did...  

You know very well that the Israel Day Concert is not merely just any concert.  It is a  Concert with a Message!  There is free admission. Actually, there is no price tag high enough to reflect it's true value.   It is a work of love and carries an important message.   

The Message being that Jews are proud to say that Israel has a rightful claim to 

  • Har Habayit,  
  • East Jerusalem, 
  • a United Jerusalem 
  • Judea and Samaria
  • All of  the territories above, Temple Mount,  Hebron, Shchem, etc were captured fairly in 1967  War after Israel was attacked on all fronts by her enemies who wished to destroy her and cast her into the sea!  No apologies necessary! 

This Message fills the void when Israel is falsely accused of being the illegal Occupiers of "Palestinian Land" by the EU, Obama, the United Nations etc.  In fact, the term "occupation" conjures up some kind of affiliation with "Nazi Occupation" a truly evil occupation when precisely the opposite it true. 

Rejecting those who desire Israel's destruction is moral, necessary and just. 

So to the sponsors of the Israel Festival....I hope that next year, instead of sponsoring this festival, especially when it is competing with the Concert,  you move your sponsorship to the Israel Day Concert and help spread the  message of truth rather than detract from it.  Let UJA, JCRC and IAC know that they should schedule their festival on a different day and rather join and promote the concert.  This in turn will strengthen and  unite the people of Israel rather than divide them.  

The concept of healthy competition does not apply here. Perhaps you will understand better with an analogy.  

A leg can not compete with the heart for life support.  It is the heart that gives life to the leg.  If one weakens the heart they only serve to weaken the leg as well. 

UJA (and JCRC by extension, who would not have a sustainable budget without UJA funding, or so they  think),  have failed to embrace the message of the Concert which in actuality is to benefit not only Israel but the entire world.  They instead see the Concert as a competitor rather than as a life supporter.

UJA,  (JCRC by extension because they need UJA money), has chosen the NIF over Israel's real,  true friends. This doesn't make any sense unless we conclude that indeed they are infiltrated with those who do not have Israel's best interest in mind.  These individuals must be weeded out and rejected.

JCC Watch has reported:

  • UJA-Federation Exposed: $6 Million Sent to New Israel Fund Via Wholly-Owned Subsidiary May 27, 2015

This bad element within UJA is the only plausible explanation for why they funded a very expensive festival which potentially will draw crowds away from the Concert. 

To the Media that received good money to publicize this festival:

I realize it takes money to run a newspaper or radio program. 

Many of you probably recognized that this festival would take away from the concert and felt bad about it.

My advice to you would be to charge the Festival people good money for their paid advertising and for their paid coverage of their Festival.  

However, when it comes to reporting on both events, be very generous with coverage on the Concert and it will be a zchus for the Israel Festival people to help fund and  spread the message a United Jerusalem and our rights to Judea and Samaria.  

If UJA and JCRC or IAC are unhappy with your positive coverage of the Concert, you can tell them that next year if they decide to compete with the Israel Day Concert with an Israel Festival they can choose a different paper to advertise in or else pay the full price.

To other good hearted but naive groups who have sponsored the festival (and  possibly also the concert),..

...  no one doubts your good will to experience and share Israel Culture, secular and religious, 

Probably you find it hard to understand why it is a problem to feature two kinds of events simultaneously catering to different palettes...

...that reasoning works so long as the body (the nation as a whole) is nourished primarily with heart healthy foods. When you choose however to substitute good healthy nourishment with junk food or food that contains empty calories, or unhealthy additives not to mention killers, foods that triggers heart disease,... It's just not sustainable for the heart, the life of the body.

Money shouldn't buy everything.  Surely not a Love of the Land of Israel, the Promised Land,  our Biblical Homeland! 


Robin Ticker

Activist emails sent to my list  are L'Ilui Nishmat Yisrael ben David Aryeh ob"m (Izzy - Kaplan) and Howard Chaim Grief great activists and lovers of Eretz Yisroel, Am Yisroel and the Torah. Yehi Zichronum Baruch.  May their memories serve as a blessing. 

Most of these emails are posted on 

Personal emails to individuals will not be posted to my blog. 

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