Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Har Habayit - Har Nof Massacre Human Sacrifices - Korban Pesach in our days.. Time to reconsider....put an end to Human Sacrifices....Please Hashem....


I started to write this post on Asara BeTeves.  The walls of Jerusalem were breached.  The Jews still however had the opportunity to repent and  prevent the destruction of the Temple....

 Is there someway to promote Israel's Sovereignty over Har Habayit and prevent tragedy in the future? .
Israel is A Nation of Priests and a Holy Nation.

At the moment the Jewish People have divided into 2 camps.  

  • A Nation of Priests 
  • A Holy Nation
The secular Israeli prides himself as being the universal Jew. The Jew who is a light onto the Nations. Like a priest. Tikkun Olam.

The Ultra Orthodox Jew will focus on being a Holy Nation. Kadosh.  For that one needs to be separate and insular so as not to assimilate and lose the aspect of holiness.

Both sides have merit. The key is to unite the concept of being A Nation of Priests and with being a Holy Nation.  That unity is a true representation of Torah.

The Arabs understand that Har Habayit is the holiest site for the Jewish People and if we claim Har Habayit as we should, their power and strength against us would have to diminish and dissipate. They understand this only too well. .. Yet we refrain since we are told Jewish presence on Har Habayit 'inflames' Muslim sensitivities....Hamas spokesman Sami Abu Zuhri said in a statement.   "The operation in Jerusalem is a response to the murder of the martyr Yusuf Ramuni and to the series of crimes by the occupier at Al-Aqsa and Hamas calls to continue these operations," 

The Satan is strongest when Har Habayit is even brought up.

The massacre at Har Nof came in the midst of a Har Habayit controversy. On one hand there was Yehuda Glick who miraculously survived an attack and then the Kedoshim of Har Nof who did not. 

BeDamyaich Chayii does not refer to human sacrifice.  Case in point is Akeid'at Yitzchok.

Woodcliff Lake, NJ - Agudah Convention: Novominsker Rebbe Slams Those Who Go To Har Habayis

The Novominsker, who is the head of the Agudah's Moetzes Gedolei Hatorah, advised anyone to is seeking to become closer to the shechina to do so in their own shuls, instead of going to Har Habayis.

The massacre followed Rav Perlow's address at the Agudah Convention.

Netanyahu came out against any change of status quo of Temple Mount

Netanyahu: No change in Temple Mount status quo
Statement comes after Jordan warns peace treaty could be in danger if new policy emerges regarding Jewish prayers at holy site
BY JTA October 28, 2014,

'Netanyahu to meet Jordan king again for Temple Mount talks'
Jordanian MP says PM expected in Amman for 2nd meeting in days to cement agreement on deescalating situation in Jerusalem

Israeli chief rabbi tells Jews to stay away from Temple Mount
November 7, 2014. Yitzhak Yosef, Israel's chief Sephardic rabbi, made the call during the funeral Friday of Shalom Ba'adani, 17 who died that morning in hospital from wounds he sustained on Wednesday when a Palestinian terrorist hit him and 12 others with his car.This is the place to call on the esteemed public to stop this incitement, from here a call is heard, forbidding any Jews from going up to the Temple Mount. From here a call is heard to stop this so that the blood of the People of Israel may stop being spilled," Yosef said.
Members of the Jewish Home party criticized Yosef for calling to Jews to stay away from the Temple Mount and disputed his assertion that it led to bloodshed.
Naftali Bennett, the party's leader and Israel's economy minister, wrote on Facebook: "Honorable Chief Rabbi, Jewish blood was spilled because Arabs murdered them."
Orit Struck, a lawmaker for the party, called the rabbi's remarks "unfortunate," The Jerusalem Post reported. "I protest the blaming of Jews for the incitement and murder committed by Arab terrorists," she said.

If the blood of Jews were spilled because of Jews going up to Temple Mount wouldn't it have been Yehuda Glick who died and not the Kesohim of Har Nof?

Today (Asara B'Tevet) I listened to Rabbi Maimon Elbaz give an audio-visual presentation on Karbanot. at Agudath Yisroel of Madison in Brooklyn.  He mentioned that Yaakov needed to get the Bechora blessing in order to own the animals to bring the Korbanot. One can not bring Karbanot on an animal that one does not own.  The thought came to me that we can not bring Karbanot on Har Habayit unless we take control of Har Habayit. By refusing to take control of Har HaBayit is is an insult to the gift Hashem has given us of Karbanot.  Karbonot is a way to be mechaper without the loss of human life....Interestingly enough, Rabbi Elbaz mentioned that he was scheduled to deliver his audio visual presentation about Korbanot at a Satmar shul.  Moshiach must be on its way....

These posts might be of interest to you where the Halachic Discussion of Korban Pesach in today's time is addressed.

The late Lubavitcher rebbe took an intermediate position. While never advocating to bring the korban Pesach, he was concerned that in case an actual obligation did exist nowadays, one who did not bring this sacrifice would be liable for karet for failure to bring the korban Pesach in its appointed time. Thus, he initially advocated that Jews leave Jerusalem on the 14th of Nissan (and again on the 14th of Iyyar), although he later concluded that this was not required.

Finally after 2000 years Hashem has given us a gift.  Israel captured Har Habayit in the 67 War.  Yet Moshe Dayan gave it away to the Waqf.  Isn't this a slap in the face.  The Lubavitcher Rebbe seemed to think so.  G-d gives us a gift and we say "No Thank You"?  Hashem gave us some time to get used to the idea.  Anavim Anavim...... But now we need to take a stand. It's us or the Arabs. They understand the significance of Har Habayit.  They are waking us up. They are driving us to take a stand.

Our prayers as we know them today were established by our wise sages to take the place of the Avoda on Har Habayit, the Temple Service.  If we have the proper Kavana, mindset when we pray, there is no way to leave Har Habayit out of the picture.  Every portion of the Tefilla is intimately connected with Har HaBayit, Ki Mizion Tezei Torah UDvar Hashem Miyerushalyim. From Zion comes forth Torah.... After completing the Shemoneh Esreh don't we recite Sheyebaneh Beit Hamikdash that he Temple should be rebuilt and may our service be pleasing....  If we really want to get closer to Hashem and the Shechina, the only way to do it is through our focus on Har HaBayit.  Praying in our shuls alone isn't enough seems to be the msg of Har Nof massacre. Hashem wants to see our authentic yearning and practical steps showing our desire to bring back the Beit HaMikdash BimHera Beyameinu Amein.

Har Habayit under the Sovereignty of Israel is a Universal message. It is not merely a religious message.   Torah is Universal.

 Religion has gotten a bad rap as being a totalitarian society. The Arabs have hijacked the religious message and has made religion into a dirty word. 

 The secular are afraid that they will be coerced to keep religion like being under the Taliban... We'll have to wear long sleeves and long skirts etc....All superficial manifestation of the Torah that is actually a misrepresentation of authentic Torah. 

Torah is a universal religion.  G-d is a benevolent King for all of Humanity.  Israel is the Chosen People to teach G-d's word to the Nations of the World.  Is Israel up to the task.  The Righteous Noahides believe so..... 

Look at the Isaiah Wall, Turning swords into plowshares... 

listen to recordings...

.  Ki Beit Beit Tefillah, Yikareh Lechol HaAmim. 

Just google "Isaiah 56:7" and see how Universal Temple Mount is!

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Paul Eidelberg <>
Date: Thu, Jan 1, 2015 at 12:02 PM
Subject: The Temple Mount

The Temple Mount

Prof. Paul Eidelberg

1.  We need to publicize the idea that Jewish control of Israel's holiest site, the Temple Mount (the Har HaBayit) on which stood the Beit HaMikdash, is a precondition of uncontested Jewish control of an undivided Jerusalem and the vivid restoration of Jewish national honor as well as the sanctification of God's Name.  Once Jews maintain unequivocal control of the Temple Mount, a serious movement can be initiated among Christian in the United States to move the American embassy to Jerusalem – which would produce a salutary shock wave across the world.

2.  Conversely, so long as the Muslim Authority (the Wakf) controls and desecrates the Temple Mount, the nations will despise Israel and kowtow to the Arab-Islamic world.  Muslim desecration of the Temple Mount not only exposes Jewish weakness, but increases Muslim arrogance and incites Islamic violence everywhere.

3.  Jewish spiritual revival of the Temple Mount would not only be the pinnacle of a Jewish restoration of Jerusalem; it would also inflict a lethal blow on the ambitions of Muslims, who regard Jerusalem is the key to their global ambitions.

4. The Wakf has long been violating the Law of Antiquities and the Law of Planning. The Muslims are erasing all historical evidence of Jewish presence on the Temple Mount.  The Netanyahu Government knows this and has cravenly said they have no intention of interfering.  

5. Of course, exclusive Jewish control of the Temple Mount is inseparable to Israel's control of Judea and Samaria.  (See below, point 14.)

6. To show that the Temple Mount is the key to the world-historical function of the Jewish people prescribed in the Tenach, I shall now quote various passages from Joshua Berman's book, The Temple

7.  The Temple, he writes, represents "the spiritual center of the country.  Here, at the site where God's presence is most manifest, the representatives of the Jewish people execute commandments and rites that symbolize the service of the nation as a whole."

8. It should also be noted that any non-Jew, so long as he adheres to the Seven Noahide Laws of Universal Morality, can bring certain "sacrifices" to the Temple, which acknowledges God's sovereignty over mankind.

9. The Temple – "a house for God's Name" – symbolizes "a public declaration of God's sovereignty. The ambition of declaring God's sovereignty in the world, which was initiated by Abraham, is the calling of the Jewish people."   

10. Berman goes on to say:  "God's acclaim in the world is a direct function of how Israel is perceived [by the nations]."  Israel must become a great country.  "A great country should possess political stability at home and should be at peace with its neighbors.  It should possess a strong economy and should be home to a culture that boasts strong [moral and intellectual] virtues."  Israel did not become such a nation until the reign of King David, and it was left to his son Solomon to build the (first) Temple.  All nations then flocked to Jerusalem, which was recognized not only as the City of Peace but the City of Truth.

11. "The function of the Temple as a symbol for God's acclaim in the world reaches its apex with the visit of the queen of Sheba to Solomon's court" – Solomon, the wisest of kings.  Ponder, therefore, these verses of Isaiah 2:1-3:  "And many nations will go and cry, 'Let us go up the to mountain of God's house, to the house of the Lord of Jacob, and we will learn from His ways and walk in His paths, for out of Zion goes forth the Torah and the word of God from Jerusalem.'"
12. Now let us consider Rabbi Chaim Richman's essay, "A Third Jewish Temple" (May 18, 2000), where he says: "People assume those who are interested in the Temple are radical elements opposed to peace."  Alluding to the era of King Solomon, Rabbi Richman points out that the Temple Mount represents "the hallmark of the greatest era known to man.... This place has been sanctified by God from the beginning of time.... Here Jacob laid his head. Here Abraham tried to sacrifice Isaac.... Of the 613 commandments in the Torah, 113 of them depend on the existence of a Jewish Temple. We have not received a cancellation order for any of the commandments issued at Mount Sinai."

       13.  Public opinion must therefore be educated about the Temple, about its significance in Judaism.  Obviously, the Netanyahu Government, steeped in timidity and intellectual stagnation, will not do this.  This Government doesn't really represent the Jewish people.  At least 25% of Israel's Jewish population is religious, and at least 50% is traditional. The Jewish people were not consulted when, Netanyahu, without Knesset or public discussion, endorsed the creation of a Palestinian state in Judea and Samaria, Israel's heartland.   There is no reason to believe, therefore, that this orator with a golden tongue and clay feet will stand firm on the issue of Jerusalem and the Har HaBayit

       14. Hence, a Jerusalem Movement involving a network of cells across the nation should be initiated by Jewish youth and venerable rabbis. Their proclaimed purpose is to preserve the integrity of Jerusalem and the Temple Mount now being sullied by Muslims. Weekly demonstrations will be necessary. Eminent speakers should be called upon to denounce Netanyahu's policy of moral equivalence regarding Jewish and Muslim claims to the Holy Land – an insult to Jewish intelligence, as well as to countless Christians who are grateful for Jewish sovereignty over Jerusalem, knowing that by this alone will they be welcomed in the Holy City.☼


Robin Ticker
Activist emails sent to my list  are L'Ilui Nishmat Yisrael ben David Aryeh ob"m (Izzy - Kaplan) and Howard Chaim Grief great activists and lovers of Eretz Yisroel, Am Yisroel and the Torah. Yehi Zichronum Baruch.  May their memories serve as a blessing.

Most of these emails are posted on

Personal emails to individuals will not be posted to my blog. 

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