Monday, November 17, 2014

Netanyahu, Actions speak louder than words! Here are some good suggestions how to stop the terror! Netanyahu Slams Abbas.


This seems obvious but we would need to brace ourselves for backlash:

Fundamentally Freund: A Palestinian pogrom in Jerusalem

Denounce the 2 State Solution and so called "Peace Process"!

Following the massacre in Har Nof, Netanyahu seriously needs to denounce the 2 State Solution and the "Peace Process" which has escalated terror.  Since this terror attack was incited by Abbas, and perpetrated by Israeli Arabs, there needs to be serious reevaluation and disconnect from the PA a terrorist authority and oversight as per who is allowed residency let alone citizenship into Israel. Forget world opinion for now. 

It’s Time to Annex the Temple Mount By Daniel Perez November 19, 2014

Havanehama writes: Stop hiring Arabs: 

One of the terrorists in the Har Nof attack this morning worked in the grocery store next to the shul. 
The terrorist who shot Yehuda Glick worked as a waiter in the Begin Center where he shot Glick. . 
Anyone who hires Arabs is bringing terrorists into the heart of the neighborhood and is responsible for the consequences.
Stop hiring Arabs!!!! They are a danger to the population. Anyone who hires Arabs is bringing murderers into their communities and should be held accountable.  
As the government convenes to consider steps to stop future terror, they are all avoiding the most glaring and obvious step. STOP HIRING ARABS!!!
This view may be politically incorrect, but anything that makes sense these days is politically incorrect.
All store owners, be aware of the consequences of your actions. All building contractors, all restaurants, you share the blame. 
Hire Jews who are desperate for jobs!!! Saving money or saving Jewish lives? 
Stop bringing murderers into your communities!!!  Please forward to Hebrew email lists ...... 

This approach seems to make sense considering what is in todays news aside from the massacre:
Arab Egged bus drivers in Jerusalem strike after suicide
Delays reported in the capital, expected to continue through Tuesday, bus company says.   The Times of Israel.
Maybe Egged should fire these Arab busdrivers.  Why are the Arab drivers striking, disrupting commute of Israeli's and there is absolutely no evidence whatsoever that settlers had anything to do with the murder/suicide? of this busdriver?  Someone is inciting them obviously and they stupidly are willing to risk their jobs. Frankly,  I think they are not to be trusted.  Let Egged fire them and  hire some Jewish busdrivers to take their place.

Fwd: Car Terrorism: Steve Flatow What to do about Car Terrorism. UN- and EU-funded Al-Quds University honors murderer who killed 2 and injured 13 by running them over.

 Israel must declare settlements are legal and build accordingly
By Ted Belman Nov. 14, 2014

Serious Jerusalem Terror Massacre - Kahane Must be Legalized  

The Jewish State Bill is a step in the right direction. It should not be watered down..  Also, all residents of Israel should take a pledge of allegiance to Jewish Sovereignty.  Throw out the textbooks that incite hatred and violence against Israel.  Expel any resident that espouses hate and venom who has a history of violence.  There are plenty of Arab/Muslim countries where he will feel more comfortable.  

Have oversight over the mosques which espouse the hatred of radical fundamental Islam.  

Have oversight over UN schools, Arab hospitals etc. who provide a safe haven for weapons and terrorists. Have accountability over the concrete that is produced to make sure it is not going toward terror tunnels or the like.

Why do our communities have to be in danger? When we show we mean business many who want to destroy Israel will leave on their own volition.  They will no longer have a safe haven.  

Terrorist with terror on their hands should never be released. Consider the death penalty in response to a terror attack.  


Netanyahu Slams Abbas for Letter of Support to Family of Yehuda Glick's Shooter
NOVEMBER 2, 2014

Netanyahu accuses Abbas of violating pledge to calm tensions in Jerusalem

I love Netanyahu's comments!  He is spokesman par excellence. 

This Jewish State bill sounds terrific! Almost too good to be true! 

But.... I am worried about that but....Will the changes Netanyahu pushes undermine the very essence of the bill? 
The prime minister vowed to push the bill forward, but said it must undergo many changes.
"In the end, we will make it clear that Israel is the Jewish nation-state, while promising equal rights to all its citizens," he added. "

Right now, following a wave of violence in East Jerusalem, Temple Mount, random acts of terror spreading all over the country, the Prime MInister is losing support.  He needs to show that he hears the voice of the people.  However, in the past the Prime Minister has responded to situations as the above, with eloquent and powerful statements, music to our ears but then suddenly veers off course by actions that undermine what he just stated.  Proclaiming his support for a 2 State Solution for example, misses his target completely bowing  to political pressures from the US and EU.

Sunday, June 08, 2014 Fwd: Netanyahu Strong but still some unclarified messages

Netanyahu needs to acknowledge that the Promised Land is G-d's Promise to the seed of Abraham Isaac and Jacob.  Jews are indigenous People to the Land of Israel, whose borders are delineated in the Torah.  According to the Torah,  Temple Mount, Hebron and Shchem  are the most holy of places and Judea and Samaria constitute the Biblical heartland of Israel.  For a more thorough discussion please read, Parshat Matot-Masei - The Biblical Borders of the Land of Israel by Menachem Liebtag  Here is a beautiful video about Israel that will bring tears to your eyes: The Words Of Our Prophets Come To Life.

The notion of a Palestinian people is merely an invention.

They are simply Arab,  They do not have ancestral lineage but rather come from many different places while Jews of today are direct descendants of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and the 12 Tribes, the sons of Israel another name for Jacob, and/or righteous converts.  

The Jewish Nation is not racist since we have allowed all races to enter our Land and become part of our people.  We have righteous converts from all over as well as many non Jewish residents, Arab and Christian, etc.  who are proud to be living Israel under Israel Sovereignty..  

We are democratic so long as democracy doesn't undermine our Jewish Heritage  and/or our existence.

Even democratic countries like the USA demands that it's citizens pledge allegiance and do not tolerate or condone residents benefiting from America's graciousness to in any way act to harm America.  Surely it is ridiculous to allow those residing in America to educate their children that America is the enemy and sanction or glorify those who attempt to destroy America.  It would be suicidal. 

Even in America, the model of democracy has the concept non equal rights, of having territories which support human rights and local gov't but unequal Federal voting rights.  For example in unincorporated territories of Puerto Rico, Guam and the Philippines.

 "Meretz leader Zehava Gal-On said that Netanyahu's support for the bill, which she called "a crime against democracy" shows he thinks that a Jewish State is an extreme nationalist one in which racism is backed by the law."

My comments to Zahava Gal-On: This is typical of leftist propaganda, to attack via name calling without addressing the facts.  The Bill is not a crime against Democracy!  Quite the opposite.  In Gaza they "democratically" voted for a totalitarian gov't, the antithesis of Democracy as they voted in Hamas.  Surely they will do the same in Judea and Samaria if permitted. Is that her goal? A Hamas State in Judea and Samaria overlooking Tel Aviv and Ben Gurion?

A Jewish State Bill is a vote for Democracy,  but not blind Democracy leading to Hamas. 

Not surprisingly Gal-On resorts to name calling as do liberal leftists and call those that disagree with them "extreme" and "racist". 

Actually it is the likes of Hamas, Hizbollah, Abbas and Nasrallah not to mention the Muslim Brotherhood and their alliances with ISIS and/or Iran who are extreme and racist!

 That is precisely what this Jewish State Bill wishes to prevent!


Robin Ticker
Activist emails sent to my list  are L'Ilui Nishmat Yisrael ben David Aryeh ob"m (Izzy - Kaplan) and Howard Chaim Grief great activists and lovers of Eretz Yisroel, Am Yisroel and the Torah. Yehi Zichronum Baruch.  May their memories serve as a blessing.

Most of these emails are posted on

Personal emails to individuals will not be posted to my blog. 

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