Monday, July 07, 2014

Re: Arab teen murdered by Jews. Comments by Robin Ticker Fwd: Anarchy by Shalom Pollack of Honenu


This is all conjecture as I really don't have all the facts and I am only responding to what I read and my own life experiences. 

It still is really hard to believe that 6 Jewish boys committed such a crime for no good reason. I am for now accepting the fact that this crime was indeed committed by Jewish teens as news reports have indicated.

 Israeli society must be introspective and analyse what led to this.senseless, cruel and inhumane murder.  The education, occupation and recreation of these Jewish boys need to be examined.  There is nothing in Torah that would justify something like this.  I don't get the impression that these boys are typical settler youth.  Perhaps they are influenced by extreme Arab culture that justifies burning of humans and this deviant and criminal mindset permeated their psyches..

If these kids were minors, we seriously need to see if proper limits and guidelines were in place for these kids when they acted out in the past,  Were detected issues,  addressed or alternatively,simply let to lie under the radar?  Chances are, had they been addressed professionally and responsibly,   this tragedy never would have happened.  

I don't think that the government's failure to protect Judea and Samaria from terrorists was the primary motivating factor of this crime. 

 I would like to add however that the government is truly at fault with 44 attempted kidnappings prior and no proper precautions put in place to properly protect the residents of Judea and Samaria from acts of terror and kidnappings. 

One can agree that this gruesome criminal act of burning an Arab teen is perhaps in response to the government's failure to protect its citizens from evil.  Evil can assert itself  in various fashions.

One example of Evil is rewarding terrorists for terror and releasing them to society.

 I believe in this case evil is manifested as a mindset and culture that is evil and societies' ignoring or perhaps looking the other way and refusal to seriously acknowledge a problem exists or rationalizing it's not serious when it is, or passing the buck and collectively failing to address evil in an effective manner. Let me explain. I am basing my assumptions on the conclusions of Soccer Thugs Burned a Palestinian Boy Alive in Jerusalem By Liel Leibovitz A close-knit gang of Beitar Jerusalem fans known as ‘La Familia’ ignites the Middle East

My gut feeling is that these kids were troubled teens with emotional deficiencies from before this incident, and were under observation as per news reports but their issues were not adequately addressed and things got out of hand and  tragedy struck. Were they under the influence of alcohol or drugs for example?

I've noticed that this is not a unique scenario.  Often society chooses to look the other way hoping kids especially teens, will miraculously straighten themselves out. They don't limit their access to alcohol, cigarettes or drugs.  Society tends to marginalize them and ostracize them rather than to help them address their issues with healthy dose of discipline and education when necessary. Other kids will be told to stay away from them and their bad influences. Sometimes kids manage to straighten out on their own, more often issues which are never addressed have repercussions lasting a lifetime that effects future relationships.  These same issues often continue to the next generation and if not addressed are played out even worse with the next generation. As a result family members suffer terribly and have to live with unhealthy dysfunctional spouses, parents, children and siblings unable to address the matter on their own. It can play out with incidences of domestic violence. The recent murder of 2 children by their father ages 14 and 10 demonstrates how things can escalate years down the road. Another example is the murderer of Leiby Kletzky.  Was there no indicators that he was unstable and dangerous before the tragedy occurred? Howard Greenberg, the defense attorney who clutched Aron's hand during the brief court proceeding noted that his client had untreated mental illness and came from a family with a history of schizophrenia. Maybe they were descendants of Holocaust survivors affected by the Holocaust generations later.  Unfortunately,  it takes a tragedy of great proportions to finally address the matter by society. Then it's too late.  Lives are lost. And that's when society will learn from the tragedy and institute reforms so that such a situation never happens again. Unfortunately, that's the best case scenario after the tragedy.  Alternatively, society can choose to merely memorialize the victims and then continue as usual blaming G-d for the tragedy without taking any responsibility or reason to address the direct cause.  They might even give inspiring lectures about Emunah and Bitachon and accepting G-d's decrees when all along it was negligence on the part of society to address evil that brought on the tragedy and not a simple a happenstance decree of G-d.

While kids need to grow and work things out in their own way, we can not afford to wait too long once ills of society and/or of an individual, is identified as pathological and evil. It must be addressed before much harm is done to hurt oneself or hurt others and society. It is the responsibility of the community and their government to be more proactive to protect society. 

Condemning the kids alone is not fair.  In fairness, society is to share in shouldering responsibility for not educating, mentoring and addressing evil before tragedy struck..

We are all collectively to blame and no one including myself is exempt or guilt free.

It's something all those who were so quick to condemn these kids who perpetrated the crime should be thinking about.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Shalom Pollack <>
Date: Mon, Jul 7, 2014 at 3:15 PM
Subject: Anarchy

As  I write  these  lines,  over  a million and  a half  Israelis are told  they should be ready at any moment to take  cover as scores of missiles  are slamming into  southern Israel at this  moment  from Hamastan / Gaza;( the  same place we brutally cleared of thousands of Jews and  handed over to our  worst enemies which was  supposed to bring peace)
Hamas  has issued terms for a cease fire including the release (again) of hundreds of Hamas terrorists

Flash: Now  it is  reported that sirens  are heard in  Jerusalem and we await the  decision of Hamas to fire  away or not...

Recently  Arabs brutally  murdered  three young  Jewish boys, killed  an off  duty police officer as he drove his family to a Pesach seder, and butchered a Jewish girl - all in the last weeks. No Jewish riots. Arabs continue to move  freely  and enjoy the  benefits  of the Jewish state.

For  a very long time, Israelis  have witnessed with  great perplexity and frustration as they are increasingly unsafe in their own country
Israel's Arabs began wide scale rioting all over the country in response to the Israeli army dragnet seeking the  killers of the three boys.   Israeli Arabs  celebrated the news of their death including Arab  students  studying in Israeli universities.

Israeli Arab politicians refused to label the killers  as terrorists.

Israelis are continually told  by the Left media and intellectuals in academia that we are not  at  war. There are no enemies. We  have  a "situation' and we dare not loose our moral high ground.
Of course we really do have an enemy, a very determined one. Most normal Jews in Israel know this but are made to feel something is wrong with them if they want to engage the  enemy as  one does in a real war  

When government does not protect its citizens  anarchy reigns.

In conditions of anarchy the worst comes out in some people. Fear, anger and , frustration rule.,.  Six Jewish boys lost it and  killed an Arab.,a tragedy for  all involved
 This can be laid at the feet of those who have  continually refused  to do their job and lead and protect.


Robin Ticker
Activist emails sent to my list  are L'Ilui Nishmat Yisrael ben David Aryeh ob"m (Izzy - Kaplan) and Howard Chaim Grief great activists and lovers of Eretz Yisroel, Am Yisroel and the Torah. Yehi Zichronum Baruch.  May their memories serve as a blessing.

Most of these emails are posted on

Personal emails to individuals will not be posted to my blog. 

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