Sunday, June 29, 2014

Leading Rabbi: War, Not Music Concerts, Will Save Kidnapped Boys. He Who is Compassionate to the Cruel will Ultimately Become Cruel to the Compassionate.


Dear Prime Minister Netanyahu and Members of the Knesset amv"sh

 "He Who is Compassionate to the Cruel Will Ultimately Become Cruel to the Compassionate" Contemporary Lessons from an Ancient Midrash by Eliav Shochetman This paper was published as ACPR's Policy Paper No. 124 (2001).  

The Rosh Yeshiva of the Beit El Yeshiva, Rabbi Zalman Melamed, urged the public to set up a protest in front of the Defense Ministry in Tel Aviv Sunday to call for a tougher crackdown against Hamas. 

Leading Rabbi: War, Not Music Concerts, Will Save Kidnapped Boys

Leading religious-Zionist rabbi says solidarity event won't help find kidnapped boys, urges protests for tougher IDF crackdown on Hamas.

I believe that Rabbi  Zalman Malamed is on the mark

What incentive currently exists for the Hamas kidnappers to free the abducted kids?  The IDF has a full scale operation in progress and weapons and hidden tunnels have been uncovered. The names of the abductors have been released. The boys still have not been found.  Is this approach tough enough? 

Will merely, rounding up terrorists and throwing them into Israeli Jail scare them? Quite the opposite. In Finance the Flames  Edwin Black conclusively documents how millions of American taxpayer dollars are funding the salaries of specific terrorists sitting in Israeli prisons, salaries that are among the best paid jobs in the Palestinian Authority, and are calculated to increase with the level of mass murder and destruction!!!

 Besides receiving a salary, terrorist earn degrees while in jail.  The prisoners say they have found ways of earning degrees. Issa Karake, the Palestinian minister for prisoners affairs, said the inmates were now "secretly studying" in coordination with Palestinian universities in the West Bank and Gaza.

"Education is one of the basic rights for the prisoners and when the Israelis reject this right we have to find ways to give our people the proper education they need," he said. "With education, prisoners feel they are human beings. They feel hope for their life, they benefit from the endless time in jail, they turn something negative into something positive."
Barghouti, the uprising leader, earned a doctorate from an Egyptian university in 2010, making him eligible to teach university-level courses in prison.
Barghouti was jailed 12 years ago and is serving five life terms after being convicted of involvement in the killings of four Israelis and a Greek monk. 
Terrorists and families of terrorist do not fear for their lives nor do they live in constant terror of being beheaded and dismembered.  Images of Daniel Pearl and the Fogel family are constantly on our minds. Poetic justice demands that this should be reversed and it should be on the terrorists minds......
In the past terrorists have been released and received a hero's welcome.  In Palestinian society, prisoners held by Israel are revered as heroes and freedom fighters. Those released are welcomed home with posters, parades and large feasts.

Let us call for harsher measures.  Stopping electricity to the Gaza Strip along with stopping the salaries of terrorists would send a clear message that there are some real consequences for terror activities and kidnapping.

Dear Irgun Chazak in Kew Garden Hills, Queens, NY (and fellow activists) amv"sh

Yasher Koach on organizing a Press Conference and Protest Rally and raising awareness about the Kidnapped boys. Heartfelt Tefilla is of course our greatest weapon and this needs to be coupled with Hishtadlus as well.  Let us take our cue from the thesis by Eliav Shochetman linked above and from Rabbi Melamed when delivering the message. Kol Tuv.


Robin Ticker
Activist emails sent to my list  are L'Ilui Nishmat Yisrael ben David Aryeh ob"m (Izzy - Kaplan) and Howard Chaim Grief great activists and lovers of Eretz Yisroel, Am Yisroel and the Torah. Yehi Zichronum Baruch.  May their memories serve as a blessing.

Most of these emails are posted on

Personal emails to individuals will not be posted to my blog. 

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