Sunday, June 15, 2014

Fwd: Three boys abducted _ A Nation responds

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From: Shalom Pollack <>
Date: Sun, Jun 15, 2014 at 11:49 AM
Subject: Three boys abducted _ A Nation responds

It happened  again. The  Arabs  promised  they would,  after their last great coup as Israel released thousands of terrorists for one kidnapped soldier - and they did. As I write these  words, three innocent Jewish  boys are undergoing unspeakable terror at the  hands of our cruelest enemies  Their  families  -  can  we imagine?

We heard  the  news just hours before the Shabbat on Friday afternoon
Before that  shocking  bulletin, the media was  busy with  the  ever increasingly popular annual  "Gay Parade"  in Tel Aviv. The  excited  media sounded as if they were there in the middle of the - what shall we call it...? Hundreds of thousands jamming down town Tel Aviv. The major streets were closed to traffic to enable..their free and  expressive statement  of ...  what shall we say...? 
As they were making certain that  the first Hebrew city, deserved it's growing  reputation as one of the hottest "Gay  tourism"  (Yes,  the Miistry  of Tourism is very pleased)  sites in the  world, news came in about the three boys.

I wondered if the very gay party makers, paused for  a moment. Perhaps they were upset with the party poopers who should have not been in those occupied territories in the first place. Why can't they  just let their Israel get on with  being a "normal" place like all others.. The  common profile of the  Gay partiers usually includes a desire to disconnect with any link to the Land promised to us by God and to the  rest of  what He  has to say. Coincidence I suppose.

I Just wondered.  I also  wondered if there just may some link between the  two events taking place  just about forty  miles   ..and  a world   away...

An Israeli soldier  doing his military service with the army radio station: "Galei  Tzahal"( where Left wing celebrities  find soft jobs for their children in the IDF) posted a complaint on Face Book, "Why do these kids have to hitch hike in "those places"(Jews should not dare  travel in certain places!) late  at night and rely on God  to  protect them. If they do  so, then let God protect them now an not force an entire country to stop what its doing and mount  a search..!"

"Mmmm..what  shall  we make of this? Notice ,the anger aimed at the victim, his brothers(?). and not at  the Arab kidnappers. What can one expect  from the Arabs.? Maybe they were justified in some way. After all those settlers and their God preoccupation, are not  regular Israelis but  a mutant body that we "normal" Israelis  thought we  were rid of and  must deal with  too.They make problems for every one!. Again , the common profile. 

We begin to connect some dots.

On the same day as thousands of Jews in Israel and beyond, were steeped in thought and prayer over our three young brothers, some other Israelis (they would  prefer the term Israeli  over Jew..) were deeply concerned about  a  dire threat to society. Israeli Leftists joined their Arab brothers in the Israeli - Arab village of Furadis , south of Haifa. They demonstrated their solidarity and outrage at graffiti scrawled on one of the  walls of the village.  Jews  were suspected of  the act and this war  against "hate crimes" is the latest Crusade of the Left media and "elites" against  nationalist Jews in Israel.

So far, not one has been found guilty  after dozens of arrests. In some instances, it was later found to be an inside  Arab job.  

In any event, that Shabbat  found some Israelis in Furadis doing the "enlightened" thing and other Jews in synagogue doing the Jewish thing. 

By the way, the police and security forces have promised to, and in fact have, devoted huge resources to cracking the "hate crimes" (graffiti) against Arabs.and so when the boys were abducted and one of them got off a phone call to the police, they were too busy to respond immediately. It took eight  hours before they acted. After all, it was not a hate crime that was reported.

The same police chief, Aronovich, (Israel Beitenu party) who makes  grand appearances when graffiti is found on a mosque, never visits the sites of a torched or desecrated synagogues  - in our Jewish state. That is never called  a hate crime  by the media or by the police and is ignored by the media. 

And so  we pray for our boys and for our beloved country. May He  have mercy upon us all.


Robin Ticker
Activist emails sent to my list  are L'Ilui Nishmat Yisrael ben David Aryeh ob"m (Izzy - Kaplan) and Howard Chaim Grief great activists and lovers of Eretz Yisroel, Am Yisroel and the Torah. Yehi Zichronum Baruch.  May their memories serve as a blessing.

Most of these emails are posted on

Personal emails to individuals will not be posted to my blog. 

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