Thursday, May 29, 2014

Mida Keneged Mida. Measure for Measure. Coincidence? Judean Settlers demonized, their homes destroyed and Judea and Samaria building freeze, Record Level of Anti_Semitism against Israel. American Veterans Scandal. Who is responsible for immoral orders?


Ben-Dror Yemini of Ynet Op-ed:

"Why is Israel judged by a different standard?",7340,L-4523523,00.html

The industry of lies in action : A video segment showing a crying Palestinian child makes 'progressive' journalists write that Israelis are Nazis; a bonfire near an orchard turns into a pogrom against Palestinians. May 25, 2014 (Thank you David Bedein for sending)

"Why is Israel judged by a different standard?"

I think I have the answer! But first force yourself to watch this video!

If you thought the other videos  of Ma'ale Rechavam were horrible, I added another one (the first in the link) filmed by Shoshie Greenfield about Adam and Genya which is even more disturbing than the others posted... Force yourself to watch it so that you will fight the evil and stop it from repeating itself....

Pain and Sorrow. Raw Footage of the Destruction of homes in Ma"ale Rehavam. The Dati Leumi Camp is Silent. 

In Judaism there is a concept of Mida Keneged Mida.  Measure for Measure. As a person acts towards his fellow man, so to speak, G-D acts towards him ...

"Price Tag" revenge is a nasty way to preempt and distort the concept of Mida Keneged Mida, measure for measure.  Price Tag accusations are often fabricated lies, unsubstantiated,  go on the offensive to incriminate the victim so the victim has no chance to defend themselves and receive true justice. 

The Dati Leumi Camp, the Nationalist camp,  the global family so to speak of Ma'ale Rechavam is silent, and the settlers at Ma'ale Rechavam and Yeshiva Od Yosef Chai have no one to defend them.  Just a bunch of individuals like myself.  Everyone else is worried about their livelihood for good reason.  (side note: Here is where Shemittah makes a difference.  ) So the best and the finest that Israel have to offer, living in Ma'ale Rechavam,  become a target and scapegoat.  

Since Ma'ale Rechavam was destroyed by the Israeli government, will Hashem exact Mida Kineged Mida in the future Chas Veshalom, upon homes and communities in Hebron and the Shomron who did not come to their aid and was silent and then against Israel itself the perpetrators of this immoral act and then against America for pressuring Israel to commit this offense against their very own?  

Judea and Samaria is presently under a housing freeze. Wednesday, May 28, 2014 Housing Minister Ariel: Words versus Facts on the Ground. Whom are we to believe? Housing Minister Uri Ariel or the regional heads of Judea and Samaria? They are being threatened with further demolitions unless the Levy Report is implemented.  

At this very moment, Israel is clearly suffering, measure for measure, with increased antisemitism. See the YNET Op-Ed above. The following is typical of the way the world views Israel.  "Israel is an oppressive state and should face criminal charges in the world court" and "The "settlements" are illegal and an obstacle to peace"  Just ask the kids at the UNRWA camp.  They will tell you that they will return to their stolen villages of Haifa, Yaffa and Acre. If you haven't already, please make sure to watch Camp Jihad!

Netanyahu blames 'Unceasing Incitement' for Record Level of Anti-Semitism Among Palestinians A no brainer on this one. When we demolish homes in Judea and Samaria we weaken our claim to the Land and strengthen the "occupation" charge against Israel. 

And what is happening in America?

Obama Administration is in the news for abandoning their veterans!

VA Scandal Spreading – Secret Waiting Lists Also Used At Florida Hospital
Posted on 20 May, 2014 by Rick Wells
Rather than take responsibility, Obama Administrationof course blames others for Veteran Medical scandal

Deja Vu!!!  Time to finally implement the Levy Report and annex Judea and Samaria and apply Jewish Sovereignty.

Please take a few minutes to watch this video from 2012 by Women in Green and "coincidentally" the Benghazi scandal erupted.  Coincidence?  I don't think so.  If we go happenstance(Kerry) so too Hashem will go happenstance(Kerry).

Thursday, November 01, 2012
Judea and Benghazi. Israel fails to protect her Patriots in Judea and aids the Palestinians. Please watch the amazing Women in Green youtube from 2011 . 

Now in 2014,  Instead of Susia in South Hebron Hills, it's Ma'ale ReChavam, Gush Etzion.  Instead of the bravist and finest America has to offer in Benghazi it's the Veterans in Medical Hospitals who are abandoned.  America twists Israel's arms to abandon their finest so they too abandon their own bravest and finest!  Another Obama scandal in the making. 

November 2012, 

There is a Coverup that we wish to expose. Father of one of the Americans, Charles Woods,  who was murdered in Benghazi, Libya  explained that he never calls talk shows, but was upset over news he had heard and just decided to call the Lars Larson Show.  He talked about his son, Tyrone Woods, who voluntarily sacrificed his life and was killed along with Ambassador Chris Stevens and two other Americans who were trying to save the life of the Ambassador.

 "It's not a matter of honoring him or being mad." he said.  "Something fishy is happening. We need to make sure this doesn't happen again." Tyrone Woods, risked his life to rescue Chris Stevens. ...."The truth needs to be out so that something like this doesn't happen again. Someone had to say "Don't rescue him.  We need to know who gave the command don't rescue him". We need to know who gave the orders not to protect the military there because the military wanted to. "

And there are many of us who want to know "Who gave the orders to destroy Ma'ale Rechavam?"  and what will we do so that this does not happen again to more settlements in our Biblical Homeland in Judea and Samaria?

Robin Ticker
Activist emails sent to my list  are L'Ilui Nishmat Yisrael ben David Aryeh ob"m (Izzy - Kaplan) and Howard Chaim Grief great activists and lovers of Eretz Yisroel, Am Yisroel and the Torah. Yehi Zichronum Baruch.  May their memories serve as a blessing.

Most of these emails are posted on 

Personal emails to individuals will not be posted to my blog. 

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