Friday, May 30, 2014

Ma'ale Rechavam! Pls Watch again. English Subtitles pls? Singing and Dancing on Har Habayit, Yibaneh Hamikdash, Yom Yerushalyim was when by Shmuel Sackett, The Price of Oslo by Moshe Feiglin


Please watch again, 

  • What happened in Ma'ale Rechavam on the day Adam and Genya were expelled with cruelty from their home and their home demolished.
 מה שקרה ביום הגירוש במעלה רחבעם- האוהל של אדם וג׳ניה

Let us keep on showing this video with English, French, Russian, Spanish etc. subtitles so that people finally get it and so we can stop further expulsions.  

Let us ask ourselves.  Why in heavens name did the gov't of Israel throw these people out of a home that was built with such love. How often can we find such open love between husband and wife, love of the land, a sense of pride and accomplishment in building with ones own hand where there was nothing there but desert and barren land. What a work of love.   A farm.  Children, Goats and chickens, Trees and plants in the desert, eggs and milk. Who knows what else.   A tent.  What an amazing role model these people are for us and our children!!! A family that lives with peace with their Arab neighbors. No trouble whatsoever.  Occasionally they sit and drink a cup of coffee together.  And we callously destroyed it all?  For what reason? Each time the excuse changes.  Just so that the piece of Land should be free of Jews????? Are we insane?  How can't we see the beauty of this home? It is just so painful to see young men given orders to physically tear little children away from their mother and seeing their father carried away, shackled in handcuffs like a violent criminal and then bear witness of destruction of hours and hours of a labor of love.  Who are the victims?  Not just the family that lived here.  True they lost all their possessions.  They have no home.  Years of labor destroyed within minutes.  They know that the life they led was good and how they lived their life was right and they have no regrets. They will rebuild. 

What about those they came to throw them out? What will be with these young soldiers? How will they think of themselves after they go home?  How will they face their wives? How will they face their kids? How will they look in the mirror and face themselves.  How will they be able to go into their kids bedrooms and tuck their child   knowing that there is a family who once had a very happy home and he helped destroy it for no reason.    I think I feel more sorry for these soldiers then for the family they just expelled. How can they justify their actions.  The wound in the soldiers heart will fester and his human soul will cry for the senseless pain he inflicted upon those who are innocent. 

  • Unreported 'price-tag' actions By YISRAEL MEDAD, ELI POLLAK

05/28/2014. The one-sidedness of the media is fuel in the hands of those who believe that their violent deeds can lead to anything good. Over 48 hours (May 23-24), there were no less than 69 stone-throwing and fire-bombing attacks against Jews in Judea and Samaria (Yesha)

  • Yom Yerushalayim was WHEN? By Shmuel Sackett

This special day marks the modern miracle called "The Six Day War" in which many areas of our holy land were liberated and returned to their  rightful owners. Places like Hebron, Shechem, Bet El, Kever Rachel, Shilo, the Jordan Valley and all of the Golan Heights were taken away from the enemies of Hashem and returned to the Tribes of Israel. As a matter of fact, if you write down the name of every place in Israel mentioned in the Bible, an astonishing 93% of them were redeemed during that miraculous war! I hope you absorbed what I just wrote: 93% of the places mentioned in TaNaCH, the places we read about in the weekly parsha and haftora, the places where our greatest prophets and leaders are resting, the places where historic battles took place and where promises were made by Hashem to our people – 93% of these very places were imprisoned and held captive. Yet on this great day, they were liberated and set free!! What a miracle!! What an awesome privilege to live and experience this before our eyes!!  read more....

  • The Price of Oslo – 933 Billion Shekels and Counting, by Moshe Feiglin Jewish Leadership faction of Likud is shocked to find that failed 'peace' attempt cost twice as much as previously thought.  The failed attempt at regional peacemaking known as the Oslo Process has cost the state of Israel over 900 billion shekels – more than $250 billion – since 1993, and the costs keeps rising, according to a study by the Likud party's Jewish Leadership faction, which is headed by MK Moshe Feiglin (Likud-Beytenu). By comparison, the total state budget for 2014 has been set at about 400 billion shekels, or about $115 billion.

Robin Ticker
Activist emails sent to my list  are L'Ilui Nishmat Yisrael ben David Aryeh ob"m (Izzy - Kaplan) and Howard Chaim Grief great activists and lovers of Eretz Yisroel, Am Yisroel and the Torah. Yehi Zichronum Baruch.  May their memories serve as a blessing.

Most of these emails are posted on 

Personal emails to individuals will not be posted to my blog. 

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