Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Naftali Bennett vs Zehava Gal-On


Dear Knesset Ministers amv"sh

Bli Ayin Hara!

I am now in Israel after not having been here for several years.  I am amazed at the unbelievable progress this country has made in just a few years.  Israel should be proud of her accomplishments!

  • The light rail of Jerusalem makes the New York Subway and bus transportation system pale in comparison.
  • How many trains in 22 Arab countries and modern western countries for that matter have automated station announcements and digital route displays in 3 Languages as does the light rail. (Hebrew, Arabic and English).
  •  The mall in Beit Shemesh is dazzling compared to the mall in Brooklyn.  I didn't get to the malls in Jerusalem yet. 
  • The food is plentiful and delicious and the supermarkets are filled with every kind of produce imaginable. The restaurants here are unbelievable.  It's nonstop eating and thanking Hashem for the wonderful Land and the delicious food!
  • Jerusalem  - the old and the new at its very best  (today I saw the excavations of Ir David where we walked way down into the the valley to the Gihon Spring.) Ancient Hebrew script writings were unearthed, carved in Bullae, (clay seal impressions), that bear the names of peoples who lived in the 1st Temple period and are mentioned in the Bible.
And the world calls Israel the Occupiers?

Why in earth shouldn't Jews  in Israel live under Palestinian Authority?  Please check out this link.

Naftali Bennett, who just came back from Poland with other Knesset members, sees matters clearly. He said that the Arabs want to kill us and we know that because we've been there.  (let me add that PMW http://www.palwatch.org/ can convince you as well.  No need even to travel to Poland but it does help to drive the point home to see the actual crematoria site).

I and others are very happy Naftali Bennett is raising these points and does so in spite of expected and  typical, delegitimization, defamation of character, baseless name calling by the likes of people on the left who have an agenda and who don't want to know or hear facts. Case in point.  Zehava Gal-On of Meretz.

On Facebook she sarcastically puts down Netanyahu for allowing Bennett  freedom of expression, as  "spineless" and labels Bennett himself as "not worthy of being a minister, a class delinquent, hysterical, one who curses, government trasher, spitting out violent and repulsive statements, compared to Hezbollah".  

Rather an impressive and comprehensive list of sarcasm and putdowns  in one sentence.  One can conclude that Zehava recommends that Netanyahu act more like a dictator and tyrant, and advises him to fire ministers who disagree with government policy no matter how suicidal. That apparently is her idea of a "strong" leader with a spine. 

Perhaps she is not worthy of being a minister? 

Why doesn't Zehava Gal-On actually address any of Bennetts points instead of merely spewing hateful putdowns and name calling? 

Meretz leader Zehava Gal-On responded to Bennett's speech by saying he was not worthy of being a minister, and that Netanyahu should fire him.
"Can it be that Netanyahu decided to escape and hide in Davos?" she wrote on Facebook. "He definitely left his spine there, otherwise it is not clear how he lets Naftali Bennett, in the role of class delinquent, rave hysterically, curse, trash the government and spit out violent and repulsive statements that are more suited to a Hezbollah spokesman than an Israeli minister.

Let me add the following.  Maybe the Arabs who wish us dead are simply G-d's messengers. When Jews do not appreciate G-ds Promise and Gift to the Jewish people, the Land of Israel,  we risk being at the receiving end of curses rather than the receiving end of blessings chas veshalom.

Ministers who are proud to claim our Jewish Heritage must be commended! 

Here are some quotes attributed to Bennett from the same Jerusalem Post link. I would advise you read the link in its entirety.

Jews cannot live under Palestinian sovereignty for the simple reason that if they do they will be killed, he said.

Not only did Bennett not back down from criticisms he sounded Monday against
Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu's suggestion that the settlements may
remain under Palestinian sovereignty in a future agreement, but he ratcheted
up his criticism.

"It will not happen, and cannot happen," Bennett said of the idea. "You know
why Jews can't live under Palestinian sovereignty? Why? Because they will
kill them. How do I know, because it happened."

Bennett said it happened in 1929 in Hebron, when the ancient Jewish
community there was butchered by their Arab neighbors, and it happened again
in 2000 when two reservists made a wrong turn and were lynched after being
taken to the Palestinian Authority police station in Ramallah.

Everyone knows, he said, that if an Arab wanders into to Herzliya he will
leave safely, but that if a Jew gets lost and ends up in Jenin he will be

"We all came here to the land of Israel in the name of Zionism," he
declared. "The essence of Zionism is sovereignty. If there is no sovereignty
there is no Zionism."

He said that placing Jews under foreign rule would be a Zionistic U-turn.

"We tried it in Europe, and it did not really work," he said, just an hour
after getting back from what he said was his first trip to Poland and
Auschwitz as part of a Knesset delegation.

In my opinion  -  Intolerable Acts of the 13 Colonies (taxation w/o representation) were way less problematic than Intolerable Acts in Judea and Samaria (threat of being killed) yet they justified the American Revolution. Think about it!

I suppose that many leftists would have nice choice words to say about me and my opinion and I dare them to address the facts rather than taking the route of those who have no case and resort to name calling.   


Robin Ticker
Activist emails sent to my list  are L'Ilui Nishmat Yisrael ben David Aryeh ob"m (Izzy - Kaplan) and Howard Chaim Grief great activists and lovers of Eretz Yisroel, Am Yisroel and the Torah. Yehi Zichronum Baruch.  May their memories serve as a blessing.

Most of these emails are posted on Shemittahrediscovered.blogspot.com

Personal emails to individuals will not be posted to my blog. 

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