Friday, April 20, 2012

Ulpana and Migron. Yasher Koach for MK's for standing firm and willing to bring down gov't. If it was your house slated for demolition wouldn't you want others to help? Dear fellow lovers of Eretz Yisroel. WE NEED YOUR HELP - SIGN GLOBAL PETITION to


Dear Ministers: Eli Yishai, Avigdor Liberman, Bogy Yaelon, Yuval Steinitz, Gidon Saar, Gilad Erdan and Yisrael Katz,  

                             and: Cabinet Secretary Zvi Hauser and Knesset and Coalition chairmen  Ruby Rivlin and Zeev Elkin,

Yasher Kochachem on standing strong for Eretz Yisroel.  May Hashem give you the strength to stand by your convictions and prove your love for Eretz Yisroel and love for the Jewish people!  Please visit Hebron to give you added Chizuk . Hashem Oz LeAmo Yiten!  May we get our strength for the One Above with the Zechut Avot who are the foundation of the Jewish People and the roots that anchor us down in our Jewish Faith.  Shabbat Shalom UmeVorach!  Sincerely, Robin Ticker

Government's Fate Rests on Samaria Town

The government will stand or fall depending on what it does in Beit El, ministers tell Netanyahu. Less than two weeks to go.
By Maayana Miskin
First Publish: 4/20/2012, 9:21 AM

Ulpana Neighborhood, Beit El
Ulpana Neighborhood, Beit El
Flash 90

The government will stand or fall in the next two weeks depending on what happens in the Israeli community of Beit El, north of Jerusalem. Ministers have informed Netanyahu that if the Ulpana neighborhood of Beit El is destroyed, his coalition will follow.

The warning came during a cabinet meeting in which the timetable for Judea and Samaria demolitions was revealed. Ulpana is scheduled to be demolished on May 1, the Givat Assaf community several weeks later, and Migron on August 1.

Ministers told Netanyahu that the timetable is irrelevant, because if the May 1 destruction of Ulpana were to go through, the government will not be around for the other two.

Pictures of the destruction will remind the public of the destruction of Gush Katif, they warned. The demolition of Jewish communities in Gaza has been generally recognized as a bad idea, particularly as thousands of residents of the towns have not yet been resettled nearly seven years later and the terrorist ocket barrages from the destroyed communities have been unrelenting.

Several ministers from Netanyahu's own Likud party have warned that they will not wait for May 1, but rather, will force a stop to demolition plans through legislation. A law is in the works that would ensure that homeowners can remain on their property if a claim to the land is made several years after purchase. The law would provide claimants with monetary compensation in place of the original property, as is the practice in other countries.

It would affect thousands of Jewish families in Judea and Samaria who bought homes many years ago on abandoned land with government help, far from any Arab community, who are now facing sudden lawsuits by Palestinian Authority residents, claiming the land on which these homes are built. Some of the land was purchased and either the owner was afraid for his life and therefore did not go through legal channels or the owner was fraudulent, taking advantage of the similarity of Arab names and language barriers.

The Supreme Court has tended to side with PA plaintiffs in such cases even without proof of ownership.

MK Ya'akov "Ketzaleh" Katz praised the bill. "The government should immediately legislate laws to solve large-scale communal problems," he said. "The courts are not above the people, and cannot cancel just laws that aim to save the nation from absurd decrees."

On Sunday, members of the Likud Central Committee, along with MKs and ministers from the party, will hold an emergency meeting in the Ulpena neighborhood to discuss the issue and declare their strategy for the days ahead.

Dear Lovers of Am Yisroel, Eretz Yisroel and the Torah, amv"sh  

Please forward and publicize what is happening in Ulpana and in Migron and write to the Chavrei Knesset to give them encouragement to stand firm and not cave into Netanyahus and Barak's decrees even at the risk of their jobs.  Please sign Petition below and do what you can to help fellow Jews keep their homes in Eretz Yisroel and not get expelled like what happened in Gush Katif!  Otherwise we will have to ask ourselves did we not prevent their pain having full knowledge of what was about to happen to them??????

Yasher Koach to all those who are helping.  Please read the following from David HaIvri of the Shomron Liason Office:

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Shomron Liaison Office <>
Date: Fri, Apr 20, 2012 at 9:55 AM
To: Ticker Robin <>


Dear all you great people,

A really lovely group of Jews in Australia has put a lot of effort into working out ways to help us in Migron.  Our situation is much to complicated at the moment to type out on an erev Shabbat.  However, suffice it to say that as far as we're concerned here, there is no agreement with the government and we will not willfully go along with the destruction Jewish homes in the Land of Israel.  That's the short version.

The following is a list of links to a petition that this group has put together.  MK Eldad has agreed to present the outcome of the petition to Bibi, personally.  As of Erev Shvií Shel Pesach, it had exactly 613 signatures.  I don't know how many it has at the moment.  Please pass this on:


The link for the petition in English:

The link for the petition in Hebrewהעצומה בעברית-:

The link for the petition in Spanish:

The link for the petition in Italian:

The link for the petition in French:

The link for the petition in German:

The link for the petition in Russian:

Click here for printable petition. Please print sign up others and mail to:

The Shomron Liaison Office PO Box 184, Reveva, DN Lev HaShomron, 44839, Israel 

Hit here to donate online to support our efforts

Read: Save Migron by Nurit Greenger

Read: Classic Zionism in Migron by David Ha'ivri,7340,L-4187971,00.html

Excellent article by: 
Michael Freund: When Jews fight back Earlier this week, the IDF went viral, but for all the wrong reasons. After Lt.- Col. Shalom Eisner struck a pro-Palestinian Danish protester in the face with his rifle on Saturday, an edited video of the incident was quickly uploaded to the Internet, garnering worldwide attention and condemnation,  Click on link for entire article.....
But at the end of the day, one thing should be patently clear: when we come under attack, Jews – like anyone else – have the right and the duty to fight back. And that is what we shall do.


Robin Ticker
Activist emails sent to my list  are L'Ilui Nishmat Yisrael ben David Aryeh ob"m (Izzy - Kaplan)  a great activist and lover of Eretz Yisroel, Am Yisroel and the Torah. Yehi Zichrono Baruch.

Most of these emails are posted on 

Personal emails to individuals will not be posted to my blog. 

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