Monday, April 23, 2012

In Todays World Efron HaChiti would be sentenced to death for selling Maarat HaMachpela to Abraham. Petitions. in support of Col. Eisner and against expulsion from Migron and Ulpana, remembering Yamit


Dear Ministers: Eli Yishai, Avigdor Liberman, Bogy Yaelon, Yuval Steinitz, Gidon Saar, Gilad Erdan and Yisrael Katz,  

                             and: Cabinet Secretary Zvi Hauser and Knesset and Coalition chairmen  Ruby Rivlin and Zeev Elkin,

Once again Yasher Koach for standing strong for Yehuda Shomron and Eretz Yisroel Hashleima.  Please continue to gather strength from Hebron and create an alternative to present Likud coalition! 

Imagine in the time of Avrohom Avinu had there been a law among Bnei Cheith against selling property to Abraham the Ivri and such a crime for the Chait seller would be the death penalty.  In today's world, Abraham would not have been able to make the purchase of Maarat HaMachpela in front of all the children of Chaith but would have had no choice but to purchase quietly from Efron.   Even if 400 silver shekel, using acceptable currency of merchants, would have exchanged hands and the transaction recorded, I imagine Efron would be afraid for his life and if questioned would declare the documents forged.  As a result, a leftist court would have annulled the purchase of the Maarat Hamachpela and instead would have accepted the false and forced testimony of Efron that the transaction was forged.  After all, what sane Arab dare sell to an Ivri  knowing the fatal consequences.

Perhaps for this reason,  G-d made sure that the transaction between Abraham and Efron happened in front of all the people of Chait, publicly not secretly, in order to teach us that in the future it must be done in a public way where there could no question or denial that the purchase took place and that the purchase was valid. All documents would be examined and forgeries exposed so that no buyer is deceived.

The problem today clearly lies in an Arab law that calls for the death penalty of an Arab seller of property to a Jewish buyer. This law is inherently immoral, antisemitic, anti Israel, anti Arab and anti democratic that is left unchallenged and sanctioned by Sovereign Israel.  The Gov't of Israel, with Barak calling the shots, empowers those that enforce this immoral law and even worse will use the lies generated to justify further immoral laws invented by the leftist Israeli supreme court.  

Israel must prosecute those Arabs who torture or murder innocent Arabs who merely sell property to a Jew. 

The lives of Arab sellers are in terrible danger.  Jews are denied ownership of  properties rightfully purchased when Arabs out of fear for their lives deny the authenticity of the transaction. To add insult to injury the leftist Israeli Supreme Court orders the destruction of Jewish homes on such properties  and in a cruel manner, without warning, sends armies of soldiers dressed in black, armed in full riot gear, looking to terrorize a bunch of settlers, kids and their parents,  wake up the families with  little kids, late into the night or wee hours in the morning and throws the entire family out of their homes with nowhere to go.  

These intolerable acts are done in the name of enforcing "rule of law".  Pretty outrageous! Are we then to remain silent and continue to allow this insane scenario to happen to the next house in Hebron? 

There is surely a way to rectify this political lawfare used by Arabs sanctioned by Israel. 

Let me suggest the following legislation:

All purchases and transactions by Jews from Arabs should be in a public place for all to see and hear. A new law must be legislated to protect the Arab seller to the fullest, honor the Arab seller and hold accountable and call for the death penalty for anyone found guilty of murdering an Arab seller of property to a Jewish buyer, or being an accomplice of such a crime.  In addition, their families will have their homes taken from them without compensation, and the ownership will be transferred to others.  The families will be thrown out of their homes, expelled, just like they tried to do to Jews. Surely such a law would be a deterrent for Arabs to punish, torture and murder fellow Arabs who sell to Jews.   

Arabs who sell to Jews should be honored and rewarded with subsidies for travel and moving expenses  to the destination of their choice.

Surely you have read about.

Court Orders Another Hevron Expulsion

Six more Jewish families in Hevron face expulsion after a court accepted Arab claims the purchase of their building was a forgery.

Also read about how PA tricks

Hevron: Desperate Jews Played by PA Tricksters

PA conmen in Hevron have taken advantage of the desperate shortage of housing in the local Jewish community to make a profi

Now after watching the demolition of 3 homes in Migron where hundreds of Macho Israeli Defense Ministry border policeman under Israel Civil Administration in full riot gear orchestrate destruction of homes of Jews who love Israel and serve in the IDF, please read about how the IDF deal with real anarchists, 

ISM Exposed: How the ISM Sucker-Punched the IDF Again

Op-Ed: J'Accuse: Lt. Colonel Eisner and Alfred Dreyfus

Shalom, Shavu'a Tov, Chodesh (Iyar) Tov,
  Petition to reinstate Lt. Col. Eisner
To: PM Benjamin Netanyahu; DM Ehud Barak; IDF CoS Benny Gantz
We demand that you reinstate Lt. Col. Shalom Eisner immediately to his former position and rank.
Lt Col Eisner should be commended for executing his difficult mission and should not have been dismissed

Please Sign This Petitionand then Forward This Email to Everyone on Your Email, Facebook & Twitter Lists!!! Thank you so much!

About Migron:

Founded in 1999 in Samaria-Shomron with the approval of the government of Israel, Migron is a community of 50 families with more than 300 Jewish souls. It is now scheduled for destruction.

Peace Now searched for and found some Arabs to claim that they owned the land, despite having no proof of ownership. In addition to using their standard approach of harassing Israelis and Israel's legal system, Peace Now went to the High Court of Israel and made the claim to the land on behalf of the Arabs. The Court then ordered that the community of Migron be evacuated on August 1, 2012. 
Friends of Israel around the world, who are greatly concerned about Israel's legal right to the land, created the "Global Petition to Save Migron and Prevent Any Second Gush Katif from Occurring."
The petition will be submitted to Knesset (Israeli Parliament) Member, Dr. Arieh Eldad on July 1, 2012. Dr. Eldad will then present the petition and signatures to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

Here is a tour of Migron:

Anda video from Sept. 5, 2011, showing the eviction from, and demolition of, three homes in Migron:

Again, please help prevent further evictions and destruction by signing the PETITION and forwarding this email to everyone!

 Arlene Kuschner writes about pending destruction of Givat Ha'Ulpana of Beit El:
The red line I am referring to is with regard to the scheduled government (or more precisely the Defense Ministry/Civil Administration) demolition of the Ulpana neighborhood (Givat Ha'Ulpana) of Beit El by the end of this month.
Credit: Haaretz
The neighborhood is comprised of 15 buildings, but we are speaking here of a total of five buildings that are scheduled for destruction imminently.  Those buildings house 30 families, encompassing more than 150 children.
That red line has been crossed numerous times, as far as I can see -- as with the expulsion of people from Beit Hamachpela. But this particular situation is so blatantly wrong that a number of the members of the government and members of the Knesset, including numerous Likud people, are seriously up in arms and predicting the demise of the coalition.  And Defense Minister Ehud Barak is being identified as the problem -- although it must always be asked to what degree Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu gives a tacit nod to Barak's decisions.  
This is the running theme:  For more than 30 years it has been explicit Israeli policy not to build on land privately owned by Palestinian Arabs.  In several instances Jewish communities in Judea and Samaria have been built on land that was not privately owned (by Palestinian Arabs who have come forth) or that had been abandoned for decades.  It must be understood that we are speaking of land that has been under the administrative control of Israel only since 1967, so there are no deeds in Israel offices dating way back on this land; the situation is far more complex, and there is a legal status for abandoned land.
Almost always there is tacit government approval for this building -- as various ministries provide assistance.  (Here I am not speaking of "outposts" with three caravans.) The Ministry of Building signs off on the construction; roads are paved; mortgages are granted; etc. But what is sometimes lacking is the official sign-off of the Defense Minister -- who, as the situation stands, is an inordinately powerful person. 
Then, years after the building has been done and Jews have taken up residence, if there is a challenge either by left-wing NGOs or Palestinian Arabs (who often lack documentation), and that challenge ends up in the courts -- the government does not defend the right of Jews to have built on that land and offer to retroactively supply all necessary documents. Rather, there is a pulling back: A declaration of sorts that, well, if there is such a challenge, then by all means, the community must be dismantled.  There has come to be, in fact, a tendency to acknowledge even undocumented land as "Palestinian" once there is a challenge.  (And, in point of fact, sometimes when Arabs come forth with their claims they do not have legitimate documentation as to ownership.)
This dovetails well with the orientation of what has been a very left-wing court, but it is not simply a matter of court decisions.  It's a question of a government inclination to run to do demolitions. And it represents a shift in government policy over the years. At one point settling the land was encouraged, today, this is much less the case -- which goes to the heart of the Zionist venture. 
What I am hearing from representatives of the Beit El community and the Binyamin regional council to which Beit El belongs is at variance with the story put being out by many media sources:
Beit El is built on land that is recognized as State land -- it had been abandoned land that was held by the army for security reasons, with its status becoming State land.  Some 15 years ago it was recognized that expansion was going to be necessary and Beit El began buying land from Arabs in preparation for that expansion, which began more than 10 years ago.  This applies to the Ulpana neighborhood.  The land on which it was situated was bought from Arabs legally in 2000, but registration was never completed because it would have put the Arab sellers at risk (there is a death penalty in the PA for selling land to Jews). 
Seven years later, a pro-Palestinian NGO (possibly Yesh Din) brought forth a cousin of the Arab who had sold the land; he registered a claim that it was really his.  This claim made its way to the High Court, which in fact does not check documentation but establishes "principles."  Contrary to what has been Barak's position on this -- that it's a question of law, so that there is no choice but to demolish the neighborhood -- what I'm being told is that the Court was prepared to take its cue from the government position.  In point of fact, the Civil Administration, having little patience for procedures, pushed the issue to this point. (Please follow this below to see the evidence of this.)
Among those who have spoken about what's going on with Ulpana is Minister of Security Affairs and Deputy Prime Minister Moshe (Bogie) Ya'alon (Likud):
The Defense Minister, he said yesterday, "is unfortunately carrying out [a] private political agenda [separate] from the government" and "the demolition of the Ulpana neighborhood and Givat Assaf (about which more at another point) would demand the dissolution of the government – the coalition would collapse...Normative people are suddenly being confronted with questions [on the legal status of their community after being] "told all along that they would not be forced out of their homes."
Education Minister Gideon Sa'ar (Likud) reflected a similar sentiment at a Shabbat function yesterday, when he asked:
"Is there no reasonable solution that does not include the expulsion of Jews? The perception that peace entails the expulsion of Jews from their homes has been tested recently in Gush Katif. We've seen the results of that.

"There is an extraordinary obsession with the destruction of settler homes in the West Bank."

A day earlier, on Friday, Transportation Minister Yisrael Katz (Likud) visited residents of the Ulpana neighborhood, and said:
"If Barak works against the government's position, the Prime Minister must fire him. He took the Ministry of Defense and turned it into a political tool at the expense of the Jewish residents. There are other ways to gather votes.

"I came here to express a clear position that the houses should not be destroyed...There is no doubt that when the government gave its answer to the Supreme Court it did not consider all the consequences of that decision...It is necessary to update the government's position regarding the Ulpana neighborhood."

Katz is working towards establishing a ministerial committee to assume the responsibility the Defense Minister now has.

Environmental Protection Minister Gilad Erdan has also been on board with criticism that Barak's decisions are politically motivated.

(It should be noted that Barak, who broke away from the Labor party and started the Independence Party, is having trouble because that party is not showing the minimum cut-off in polls that would be required in an election for a presence in the Knesset.  Catering to the left would possibly enhance his standing in this regard.)

Others in Likud opposed to the demolition of this neighborhood include Finance Minister Yuval Steinitz, Knesset Speaker Ruby Rivlin, Coalition head Ze'ev Elkin.  And this is hardly a fully comprehensive list. 


Daniel Hershkowitz, Minister of Science and head of HaBayit Hayehudi and Avigdor Lieberman, Foreign Minister and head of Yisrael Beitenu, have also suggested that the Ulpana issue could have real effects on the coalition in which they participate.


MK Danny Danon (Likud) has observed that, "Only left-wing governments would oppose this neighborhood. This is test that Likud must not fail...rejection of the Migron agreement and evacuation of Beit Hamachpela in Hevron were attacks on our communities in Judea and Samaria. The threat to destroy the Ulpana neighborhood is a red line for the nationalist camp - we will not allow this evacuation."

Well, I certainly hope the nationalist camp does not allow that evacuation.  The question is how it will be stopped.  The most encouraging sign is that the prime minister is nervous enough about his coalition right now so that he has convened a task force to find a solution that avoids the demolition of the neighborhood.


Various responses of Barak are worth noting here.  First, he remarked snidely, that, "Ya'alon is probably suffering from severe 'Feiglinism' which is not good for the State, its security, its future or the public. We hope this phenomenon is not contagious."  Moshe Feiglin is a right-wing nationalist activist in Likud.  Obviously -- ludicrously -- Barak was attempting to paint Ya'alon as a far-right nut case. But in the opinion of this writer, there is no contest between the Feiglin position and the Barak position with regard to what is good for the State and its future.


Then Barak took another tack, which indicates that he is uneasy, or that Netanyahu has communicated unease to him. I ask that you follow this closely, because it puts to lie to so much that had come before:

Attempting to propose a compromise at this morning's Cabinet meeting, Barak suggested that perhaps the Ulpana residents could move from their current location to an alternative location in Beit El:

"We found 22 dunams of land in the town which could, under certain circumstances and after plans are approved, be used to build alternative homes for residents of the neighborhood..."


And then...then he said (emphasis added):

"...the question of ownership of the land is still being adjudicated. If it turns out that the land is owned by Palestinianswe would have no choice other than to abandon it or purchase it."

And I say, Stop the presses!  The same Barak who piously declared that honoring the court ruling was a matter of rule of law, which is essential to a democracy, now admits that it has not been determined yet if Arabs own the land? And that if it turns out (a most unlikely eventuality) that Arabs do own it, it might possibly be bought? 
Then, why the hell the rush to push out the residents of Ulpana within a week's time?  The answer is that Barak gave a pledge to the court to do so.  The Civil Administration didn't ask for more time to explore the issues, and didn't tell the court that it wanted to re-visit Ulpana's legal status.  It caved, as I described above.  Says Barak:
"This is not about a ruling but a pledge made by the government last year, that neighborhoods and buildings on private land be evicted."  (Emphasis added) 
And here the determination that this land is private has not yet been made definitively.  But the court ruling followed the pledge.
As to Barak's proposal that the residents be moved, they responded that they are not chess pieces, to be moved about as Barak wishes.
Tonight there was a major demonstration in Beit El, attended by a number of MKs and people from all over the country.  Declared MK Tzipi Hotovely (Likud) -- one of several people who spoke -- "We will win!" 
Now we must wait to see what transpires.
Please note two additional facts about the neighborhood here, which make it all the more unconscionable that it should be demolished:
The neighborhood was erected in memory of Ita Tzur, mother of 7, who, with her 12-year old son Ephraim, was killed -- in the presence of her small daughters -- by Palestinian terrorists.
One of the young homeowners slated for eviction is Yedidya (Didi) Dikstein, who was 16 when both his parents and his 9-year old brother were killed by terrorists.  
More to follow as this story unfolds.
© Arlene KushnerThis material is produced by Arlene Kushner, functioning as an independent journalist. Permission is granted for it to be reproduced only with proper attribution.

See my website at  Contact Arlene
Freund - Yamit: The Original Sin Of Expulsion  Michael Freund:  This month marks a heartrending anniversary, one with ruinous consequences that continue to plague the Jewish state. It was thirty years ago, in April 1982, that uniformed soldiers pledged to defend Israel and its citizens were given the order to uproot and destroy the Jewish community of Yamit in northern Sinai.


Robin Ticker
Activist emails sent to my list  are L'Ilui Nishmat Yisrael ben David Aryeh ob"m (Izzy - Kaplan)  a great activist and lover of Eretz Yisroel, Am Yisroel and the Torah. Yehi Zichrono Baruch.

Most of these emails are posted on 

Personal emails to individuals will not be posted to my blog. 

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