Sunday, January 01, 2012

Blood Libels against Jewish Youth in Judea and Samaria? Are they "Terrorists" or merely trying to stand up for what is right according to Torah and protect their homes.


Esteemed Rabbanim, Media person, Chaver Knesset and fellow Activist:, amv"sh

These big bullies come with their clubs and riot gear, fully protected and terrorize Jewish families who love the land with their heart and soul in the middle of the night, usually around 3:00AM and throw out the families from their homes and demolish the homes with bulldozers. Or they come to someone's home at 3:00am and bangs on the door really loudly and  wakes everyone up and demands to interrogate and then arrests the 15 year old Yeshiva kid for his acts of  "terror" against the Arabs, without substance, or even worse arrests him/her for alerting others as per the police who are on their way to destroy their homes.  The police have free rein to act forcefully against these "right wing activists". Surely this is an effective way to intimidate any would be demonstrators that might be so bold as to puncture the tires of the "well meaning" messenger of the Government of Israel (GOI)  doing their job, following orders,  to demolish Jewish homes.  

These young boys and girls are  considered to be "terrorists" by influential  high ranking officials in the military.Everyone is falling over their feet to be the first ones to condemn their "acts of violence" against a "merciful" army. The soldiers in the army who are demolishing the homes of these youths are considered honorable loyal soldiers to the State of Israel following orders and worthy of promotion. The soldiers who refuse to demolish Jewish homes are reprimanded and perhaps discharged as dishonorable or court martial-ed for disobeying orders. Feh

And how will these youngsters be treated in jail?  Do they have any rights?  After all the police have the green light to act forcefully against these  "dangerous" teenagers, who dare to  try their hardest to defend their rights to their Biblical homeland.   

Where is the voice and action of Rabbanim?  The Rabbanim refuse to say what is Emes and True.  They choose Silence.  How come?

Perhaps Rabbanim themselves are afraid of being intimidated, blackmailed and or targeted by evil forces.

Perhaps it is  because the Rabbanim have been bribed and it is merely a matter of greed and lust of power that blinds them and forces them to act  against their better judgement to sit by passively and not testify to the world as per who  the Land of Israel truly belongs to. This passivity allows the UN to "educate" the world as it wishes, to broadcast lies, distortions and rumors that go unrefuted.  

Or perhaps these Rabbanim really believe that since Moshiach hasn't yet revealed himself,these Fatah/Hamas, Hitler loving Arabs should rule in Judea and Samaria and have their own Palestinian State/ We must subjugate ourselves to the Goyim and not in any way provoke them or act in a way that will enrage them.  Nothing more enrages them than putting a claim on Har Habayit, Hebron and Kever Yosef. 

These proud young teenagers, kids see a Chillul Hashem and they refuse to be still even at the risk of danger of their very lives and reputation. Here is what is going through their mind: "You want to call me a terrorist???? Call me what you want.  But there is a G-d in Heaven that knows what is in my heart and He knows the truth.  Arrest me?  I have Mesirat Nefesh?  I am willing to do whatever it takes to counter this Chillul Hashem!  Rabbanim, at least you taught me well!  Unfortunately you don't have the guts to fight for the ideals you have instilled in me.  I don't have weapons, but I will fight with my body if necessary and with my prayers.  Money and Power?  That doesn't stop me.  I don't have any that I can lose!"

Shame on the Rabbanim for letting the young children, boys and girls, fight this battle alone, as a result of  DEAFENING silence. 

Dear Rav shlita, 

Look deep into your heart and soul.  Are you silent because you are no longer naive and are terrified.  You know what the evil forces are capable of doing.  Perhaps it is greed or lust for power? Is it just laziness and inertia?  Is your  silence bought  in return for tuition subsidies or wonderful government programs or does it pay for your salary.  Will it pay for the electric bill or the electric bill for your institution? Just remember that I am paying for it. My home, my livelihood my shalom bayis, my hilltop community in Judea and Samaria is paying for all of this.  It is blood money.  Will any good come from it for you or for anyone else?  Ultimately, if I fall, it empowers our enemies and will weaken you as well.  Your lives will then be in the front line and not mine. But for you to see this you must be far sighted.

What other explanation do you have for this DEAFENING SILENCE??????  Did I miss anything?

Let me encourage you.  Think out of the box.  You do realize that if you unite, your are a force that the government of Israel can not reckon with .  If Rabbanei Har Hebron unites with Rabbanei Eizor Shchem and all the Hesder Yeshivot unite with Nachal Chareidi and instruct their soldiers to disobey immoral orders to demolish Jewish homes, the government will not be able to implement these evil decrees. The best and finest are in Hesder Yeshivot and Nachal Chareidi! Stand strong and you won't lose your Parnassa.  G-d will provide and there will be plenty to eat. If Rav Eliashiv gives testimony as per the Covenant between G-d and the Nation of Israel and delineates the boundaries specified in Parshat Masei as well as  a psak against demolition of Jewish Homes that would add hundreds of thousands of Jews to support our entitlement to Judea and Samaria.  Rabbanei Yesha, please instruct all the National camp to do Panim el Panim with Rav Eliashiv and his communities and ask him to testify on behalf of your properties and homes.  If one is asked to testify and one refuses aren't they chayav bidei Shamayim? The world testifies against Jewish rights to the Land and that Jews are occupiers in Judea and Samaria.  What is the Torah position? 

Please, think, how can we correct this grievous sin to our Creator, to our Youth and to your fellow Jew?

In fact, protest all unchecked bullying of kids. 

When bullies who call themselves Torah Jews harass and intimidate 8 year old girls day in and day out in Beit Shemesh and the Police allow them to do so unchecked, it makes one wonder what the Police is doing to protect these young girls from a bunch of scary looking men who are spitting at them and calling them names.  Surely the only explanation is that the Police are afraid of confronting these bullies.  So these little girls and their parents have to deal with them in the best way they can.  

Being merciful to the cruel translates in being cruel to the merciful. I haven't heard much disgust from Rabbanim for such imposters of Torah.

Another example of misplaced compassion. Publicize your Torah position as per how to deal with Arab terror who are convicted mass murderers: 

Arab terrorists murder and decapitate members of a Jewish family. The perpetrators are caught.  they are given many life sentences but remain in jail.  Now further kidnappings of soldiers are planned so as to be able to negotiate the release the terrorists.  Sometimes terrorists, via negotiation  go free only to pledge continued attacks against Jews.  

Maybe if these terrorists get the death sentence they deserve, there would be no need  for the Arabs to kidnap more Israeli soldiers in order to be able to negotiate the release of these terrorists.  The released terrorists  live near Jewish settlements and their very presence strikes fear in the hearts of settlers not knowing when they will strike and who their target will be.   Surely we'd be better off if they were dead and we were not threatened. 

But who do we and the gov't of Israel condemn and practically label as terrorists????? The Jewish Youth of Judea and Samaria  who love the Land of Israel who have the guts to break the Silence of Truth with their actions.

Please speak out against the Chillul Hashem on Har Habayit where the Waqf is in charge and football games desecrate the site of our Holy Temple and a Jewish mother of 5 children gets arrested for saying Hallel. Even if a Rav holds that that Jews should refrain from going on Har Habayit because they might err and go where it is forbidden to go, surely the Rav will recognize that there are other halachic opinions regarding this matter and Eilu, VeEilu Divrei Elikim Chayim.  Should an Arab be in charge and see to it that this mother gets arrested?

Sent from Women in Green:
A free hand against Jews

Here is Women in Green's reaction to yesterday's announcement that PM
Netanyahu has given a green light to the police to act forcefully
against right wing activists and even accuse of "spying" those who
have observed and reported movements by destruction forces on their
way to destroy outposts.

Arab Knesset members who collaborate with the enemy and pass on secret
and sensitive information to the enemy walk freely and even get a
salary from the State.

Jewish youth, whose only crime is the love of the Land and the People
of Israel, are now being accused of "spying".

Prime Minister Netanyahu! Pull yourself together! Don't let the media
drag you after their provocations. All the media is interested in is
bringing down the national camp.

We call upon the national camp, and its Rabbis and leaders, to come
out in defense of these youth, the only group severely persecuted in
Israel, representing the most loyal and devoted public to the Land and
the people of Israel.

And yes, we must and will continue with our total opposition to the
destruction of outposts and communities, which includes observation of
the destruction forces.

Alo Naaleh Ki Yarashnu Ota!

Let us go up and inherit the Land.


Robin Ticker
Activist emails sent to my list  are L'Ilui Nishmat Yisrael ben David Aryeh ob"m (Izzy - Kaplan)  a great activist and lover of Eretz Yisroel, Am Yisroel and the Torah. Yehi Zichrono Baruch.

Most of these emails are posted on

Personal emails to individuals will not be posted to my blog. 

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